Dewalt DCL043-XJ XR Cordless LED Spotlight, 18V, 30cm x 20cm x 20cm, Black/Yellow [Energy Class A+]

Weight: 380 g
Size: 30cm x 20cm x 20cm
Dimensions: 30 x 20 x 20 cm; 380 Grams
Model: DCL043-XJ
Part: DCL043-GB
Colour: Black/Yellow
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: Alkaline
Manufacture: AmazonUk/3K3AF
Colour: Black/Yellow
Quantity: 1
Size: 30cm x 20cm x 20cm

88 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Je suis bluff par ce projecteur!
    J’ai pas mal hsit avec le modle “max” qui est plus puissant mais aussi bien plus cher. Et quid de son autonomie…

    Je l’utilise avec une batterie 5mAh et a claire trs trs fort! On dirait un phare de voiture en pleine nuit, impressionnant.
    Le faisceau central est assez serr mais le reste du faisceau est suffisamment large pour couvrir de la distance quand on veut clairer loin.
    Je posterai quelques photos supplmentaires en utilisation pour mieux se rendre compte.
    C’est juste impressionnant!
    Je suis agrablement surpris, et surtout par son autonomie!
    Je n’ai que des 5mAh et je ne suis mme pas la moiti depuis que je l’ai reue, et je m’en suis dj pas mal servi!
    Bref, du trs bon!
    Je dirais que c’est un excellent rapport qualit/efficacit/prix quand on est dj quip en Dewalt.

    Je recommande sans hsiter!

    Vraiment puissante et longue autonomie! 👍

  2. Tara Lamont-Djite says:


    Ha un doppio fascio luminoso estremamente profondo, le batterie sono inesauribili.

  3. ConstanceElmore says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant wee torch
    So good to be able to use drill battery and not have ti worry about it going off
    Definitely recommend

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Does not come with batter, i have two types with my other Dewalt tools, the small 18 v and the 5ah, torch or battery life does vary but brightness still superb, would recommend this to anyone.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Awesome battery life with a 5amp battery, amazing light power for when you want to light up the dark.

  6. EliVonStieglitz says:


    Trs puissante voir trop elle mriterait d’clairer plus large or la c’est une longue porte idal pour l’extrieur mais en intrieur le faisceau n’est pas assez large et la lumire n’claire pas sur une zone large sinon qualit de fabrication top niveau porte je dirais 150m sans problme

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I just like it ,good the head swivels and I can use my extra dewalt battery instead of it just sitting on the shelf waiting to used saves buying one

  8. ShutUpandRun says:

     United Kingdom

    A very sturdy and bright torch. It would be perfect if the lamp could swivel left and right as well as only being able to move up and down.

  9. Renee Hartwick says:


    Sieh robust aus
    Leider ohne Tasche oder Koffer ein Schutz fr die Linse wre toll
    Sonst eine tolle Lampe

  10. Anonymous says:


    Una vera bomba. Ha solo due modalit di luce. La pi intensa esagerata, l’altra comunque buona.
    Con la batteria ben carica dura parecchie ore. Quando inizia a scaricarsi passa automaticamente al fascio di luce meno intenso, poi inizia a spegnersi… quelli sono gli avvisi. Ma la lampada illumina bene, snodabile e posizionabile, ed ha un buon grip. Per chi si lamenta del fatto che la batteria balla un po’, normale. Quelle batterie hanno una slitta con una tolleranza di movimento, necessaria perch vengono montate su apparecchi che vibrano quali trapani, levigatrici, etc. E’ normale che la batteria si muova, altrimenti si romperebbe. DI sicuro non perde il contatto e l’utensile funziona sempre.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Lampe led surprenante pour l’clairage. Trs forte luminosit. 2 intensits diffrentes.
    Un vrai phare avec un faisceau blanc. Je suis possesseur de plusieurs lampes led de marque rputes
    entre autres LED LENSER, NITECORE et VARTA. Donc je peux vous assurer que mon avis
    est bien fond. Sans hsiter vous ne serez pas du.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Potente y verstil, adems de ser muy manejable.
    Lo nico, que la caja vino sin ningn precinto, por lo que me da a pensar que es usado, aunque funciona muy bien.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Ich hab es als Geschenk fr einen Freund gekauft und war richtig erstaunt wie hell dieser Strahler ist. Ich bin mega begeistert!! Und mehr als zufrieden. Super Strahler, leuchtet echt hell und total stabil. Man wird nicht enttusch

  14. Anonymous says:


    Top Lampe. sehr hell. Sehr lange Einsatzdauer mit 5Ah Akku

  15. Joseph Kaminski says:


    Nulla a che vedere con le torce comuni.
    Molto potente con Fascio di luce ampio e di lunga gittata.
    Ma il suo potenziale massimo si sfrutta SOLAMENTE in spazi ampi o all aperto.
    Corpo molto robusto Come da tradizione marchio Dewalt.
    IP67 schizzi e pioggia.
    Consigliato per chi utilizza la torcia in luoghi aperti in quanto nelle stanze o rimesse bisogna puntare il faro alla soffitta per avere un riflesso di luce omogeneo,sconsiglio per uso interno.

  16. Anonymous says:



    petit retour d’exprience aprs usage de cette lampe :
    – niveau clairage c’est top, 2 niveaux de luminosit qui claire trs bien (attention aux yeux)
    – avec une batterie 5ah j’en suis plus de 4 heures d’autonomie et il reste encore 2 barres d’aprs le tmoin
    – trs solide et peut tre transporte partout

    Je cherchais un projecteur fiable et efficace, tant dj quip en Dewalt cette lampe est tout simplement un must have.

  17. Anonymous says:


    Cette torche puissante permet de profiter des batteries 18V ou flexvolt. Trs lumineuse, plusieurs puissances sont disponibles et aussi plusieurs positionnements de la lampe, munie aussi d’un crochet de suspension. J’espre que les LED auront une trs longue longvit, confirmer.

  18. TeresitBaine says:


    Lampe visible solide car elle t expdie sans autre protection que son modeste carton d’origine Dewalt , donc ce dernier m’a t livr compltement caboss,ce qui prouve la solidit de cette lampe Dewalt arrive intacte…

  19. Anonymous says:


    Torcia veramente pratica, la batteria fa da base di appoggio, testa girevole, comoda da impugnare e molto potente. Per me non un attrezzo di lavoro ma avendo gi un avvitatore DeWalt utile anche per non lasciare la batteria inutilizzata per troppo tempo

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It`s very bright and it lights up my garden at night and to get around to do things in the evening

  21. Fraser Simpson says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic torch which fits in well with erect of the range

  22. JillianHorning says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice and bright, don’t like the double click to change from full beam to half beam or if u want to turn it off u have to double click i

  23. Anonymous says:


    Fa veramente molta luce ed ha 2 livelli di illuminazione. Non costa poco.

  24. John Peters II says:


    Je ne m’en passe plus.
    Elle est gniale, puissante, orientable, compatible avec toute les batteries dewal

  25. Noor says:

     United Kingdom

    Great value for money
    Amazing torch
    So powerful long range

  26. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo prodotto, maneggevole, comodo e fa una bella luce potente!

  27. Anonymous says:


    Habe mir den LED Strahler bestellt da ich schon das SeWalt Ackusystem nutze. Meistens nutze ich nur einen kleinen leichten 2,0 Ah Dann ist das Gesamtgewicht sehr gut zu hndeln, auch nach 2 Stunden Dauergebrauch hat der Acku noch 2 Balken Restkapazitt angezeigt. Die Lampe hat 2 Leuchtstrken mit der ersten starken kann man mind. 200 – 300 m weit alles gut aber eher punktuell ausleuchten. Die zweite kleinere Stufe ist dann als “normale” Taschenlampe von der Lichtausbeute zu nutzen. Gesamturteil sehr empfehlenswert.

  28. Anonymous says:


    Gute Lampe wenn man Dewalt Gerte hat ideal.
    Ist sehr hell in der hohen Stufe und leuchtet gut alles aus. Ich habe mehrere Gerte von Dewalt und war deshalb ein mu weil die Akkus vorhanden sind.

  29. Anonymous says:


    prodotto conforme alla descrizione fascio di luce potente molto concentrato.

  30. Anonymous says:



  31. Manuel Carrillo III says:


    projecteur trs puissant plus de 30 mtres, il y a quatre lampe 3 pour la pleine puissance et une pour mode conomique, et le projecteur est rglable en plusieurs positions.

  32. Dan Avery says:


    La lampada arrivata nella sua scatolina originale, ben confezionata e munita di libricini di istruzioni ed estensione garanzia. Comoda l’impugnatura e potente l’illuminazione che pu essere ridotta al solo led in basso per una maggior durata della batteria. Il peso modico ma ovviamente dipende sopratutto dalla capacit della batteria che ci si monta.
    Il plexiglas a protezione dei led sembra essere un po sottile per un accessorio che dovrebbe vivere nei cantieri.
    Risulta comodissima la lampada poggiata sulla batteria con angolazione 90 (come nella foto), si sostiene da sola in stile faretto.
    IPV54: non ho testato la lampada sotto la pioggia, ma credo che la certificazione dichiarata sia comunque un grosso pro per l acquisto dell’articolo.

  33. JerrodLassiter says:


    Prodotto di ottima qualit costruttiva, per quello per cui l’ho utilizzato mi stato molto utile, molto indicato per lavori all’aperto dove necessita tanta luce o in cantiere, ma anche in casa con un solo led acceso molto pi luminoso che le semplici torce.
    estremamente utile il fatto che si possa orientare in diverse posizioni.
    Consiglio questa torcia anche per chi fa campeggio, se utilizzata con una batteria da 4 o 5 Ah la durata notevole.
    Il prezzo un po’ caro ma spesso la si trova in offerta..

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love this light. Great light over short and long distance. Grea

  35. Julia says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great light pair it with a flex battery and you get about 3 hrs of ligh

  36. EvieMateuwpdptm says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSuper bright. Don’t look at the beam.
    I love the fact that you can stand it on the battery and angle the light anywhere from horizontal to vertical. Perfect when working in dark areas leaving hands free to do what needs to be done.

  37. Anonymous says:


    Encore du DeWalt.. jamais de souci je le recommande sans hsiter ! Puissant et ergonomique, manque pour tre de mode (cliglotant/rouge/puissances diffrentes) pour en faire une lampe de secours mais en travail c’est top !

  38. Anonymous says:


    J avais le petit modle qui fonctionne dj bien mais sa puissance tait limit, celui ci claire 50m sans problme et son autonomie avec une batterie de 5 A est au del de 6h…
    Produit de bonne quali

  39. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDie Lampe wird mit einem 5Ah Akku betrieben. Die Lampe ist in der hchsten Stufe sehr leuchtstark, allerdings ist die Leuchtkegel relativ eng (lsst sich auch nicht verstellen), damit lsst sich sehr gut ein bestimmter Arbeitsbereich ausleuchten, aber weniger gut grere Flchen, daher ein Stern Abzug. Der Stand der Lampe ist im Zusammenspiel mit dem 5Ah Akku gut, die Verstellung des Lampenkopfs (0-90) funktioniert gut.
    Alles im Allem bin ich mit dem Kauf zufrieden.

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Well made, seems as if it’ll last well. Was a tad pricey.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I needed a good hand lamp and although this is an expensive item it has came up to my full expectations from a quality manufacturer.

    I own a lot of Dewalt tools and this is well designed and a quality built, if the price isn’t an problem this is the one to own.

  42. Anonymous says:


    Die Lampe erfllt alle meine Erwartungen die erste Stufe leuchtet sehr hell und weit und die zweite ist ideal fr arbeiten im Nahbereich.
    Top Qualitt wie man es bei dewalt gewohnt is

  43. KaleyClift says:

     United Kingdom

    Sturdy with really strong light. I’m very happy with it.

  44. Layan Odeh,Christopher Jasper,Charlotte Ryan says:

     United Kingdom

    A brilliant torch that’s as powerful as a car headlight, it’s quite heavy to carry when walking the dog (I have a 4AH battery).
    It’s expensive but I think it’s worth it.

  45. AvisRutledge says:

     United Kingdom

    Super bright on full power good beam pattern. Battery life is good on a 5 amp battery well happy

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The first one that was sent was faulty but was sorted very quickly and without question the second one arrived very quickly and works brillia

  47. Anonymous says:


    Luce molto potente per essere una torcia, due opzioni di illuminazione un led oppure tre, magari dalle immagini non si riesce a percepire ma abbastanza grande.

  48. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our Usershabitu utiliser des lampes torches LED PRO de part mon travail, je voulais un spotlight pour la maison et pour le jardin et les loisirs. Je ne suis pas du, il clair trs trs loin et les 1000 lumens sont bien rels, pas comme toutes ces lampes Chinoises qui annoncent des rsultats mensongs …

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very handy torch with a multitude of uses . So flexible it makes it available to use in a few different positions. Very good light and can adjust light to suit hands free

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A most excellent product from Dewalt as usual, bright leds really do put out the light. As well as a work light I intend it for some night walks. I can see the fish in my pond!

  51. Anonymous says:



  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great, just the job. Really bright. Two brightness levels. Adjustable angle.

  53. Anonymous says:



  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    What else is there to say but it’s as very bright , sturdy and a good balance for carrying.

  55. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersTypisch Dewalt ist die Verarbeitung sehr robust.
    Das Licht ist sehr hell und hat eine gute Reichweite.
    Einziger Kritikpunkt: ber einen gummierten Taster schaltet man den Strahler ein.
    Beim nchsten drcken wird die kleine LED-Leistung aktiviert und erst bei weiterer Bettigung abgeschaltet.
    Zum Ausschalten sind dadurch immer 2 Bettigungen erforderlich.

  56. FrancesOldfield says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s dewalt, what can I say. Extremely well made and very powerful. The only slight niggle would be that I wish they had gone for another brightness level in the middle of the 2 provided.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersTop quality as expected from DeWalt. Expensive for a torch but in my opinion, definitely with it. I use a spare battery from a drill which works fine with no need for a large high amp one. Both beams excellent, the high power one (three separate LED) very powerful and projects a very bright beam an awfully long distance. I actually use the lower power one to work with. Very flexible unit. The supplier provided excellent service with the item arriving very quickly.

  58. Anonymous says:


    Chre, mais produit efficace, avec les batteries 5AH pas de soucis d’autonomie !

  59. Anonymous says:


    Ottima luce di profondit , leggero e bello da vedere , la modalit luce normale leggermente sotto le aspettative

  60. SiennaAizworr says:

     United Kingdom

    Torch is by far the best iv bought it super bright even on the low setting

    Only downside is it is a little heavy in comparison to the makita led ligh

  61. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our Usersse avete altri attrezzi della stessa marca potete usare la stessa batteria, mio marito da quando gliela ho presa (festa del pap) la usa per qualsiasi cosa, ha un fascio molto potente e regolabile, in fin dei conti non neanche pesante, e si pu appendere, snodare, appoggiare, ecc… prima gli avevo regalato altre pilette led anche molto luminose ma vedo che ora usa sempre questa

  62. DSEMadelin says:

     United Kingdom

    Powerful beam and option to switch to a less harsh light useful

  63. HEATHER @ runfastermommy says:


    Sehr gute Leuchtkraft und Verarbeitung, whre schn wenn man den Leuchtkegel verstellen knnte aber das wurde ja auch nicht so verkauft deswegen 5 Sterne

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI bought this to use as a site light to light up work areas. The light given off is strong, but, as I found out very focussed so not so good for lighting up a larger work area. That said, it throws out a lot of light and for working on a localised area, even in darkness it works well as a spot light.

    As a torch its just amazing, lighting the way at least 60-80 meters in front of you and the joint allows you straighten it for comfortable ergonomics when carrying by your side. On site it stands solidly on the battery and you can direct the beam where you want it.

    Battery life seems great. Using the XR battery packs its compatible with everything else and seems to run for hours on a 5 amp hour battery.

    Overall Im pretty happy with it and would recommend it. Just bear in mind its more of a spot light than a flood light.

  65. JeramyAitken says:


    faretto LED molto potente con durata batterie di svariate ore. Ottimo acquisto sia per uso lavori hobbistici che come lampada di emergenza

  66. Jared DiPane says:


    Da wir bereits einen Akku aufgrund anderer DeWalt-Gerte besitzen stellt der helle Strahler eine sinnvolle Ergnzung dar. Hat sich bereits prima bewhrt.

  67. Anonymous says:


    Ottima torcia anche se avrei preferito un fascio di luce pi ampio tipo faretto ma essendo nello specifico una torcia fa il lavoro per il quale stata progettata bel prodotto di quali

  68. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersTorcia dalla luminosit esagerata! Premendo l’interruttore una volta si accende con un’intensit di 1000 lumens, ripremendo scende a 100 lumens, con la terza pressione si spegne. Utilizzata con una batteria da 5Ah dopo varie ore accesa al massimo la spia della batteria sempre a tre tacche su tre. Per lavori ravvicinati bastano abbondantemente i 100 lumens. A 1000 lumens praticamente un faro, si pu usare per illuminare tranquillamente fino ad una distanza di 150-200 metri. Inoltre il gancio per appenderla e la testa ruotante fino a 90 gradi da orizzontale a verticale permette di puntarla in ogni punto (come lavori a soffitto appoggiandola a terra)

  69. Anonymous says:


    Calidad y potencia totalmente de acuerdo a la gran marca 100% recomendable si buscas un foco para largas distancias

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAnother good product from Dewalt, provides good lighting and flexibility. Very expensive for a simple LED light though.

  71. Anonymous says:


    Baladeur led dlivrant un faisceau large et de bonne puissance

  72. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersUn phare dans la nuit , 8 heures de suite avec la mme batterie.

  73. ClarkBryant says:


    Macht sehr gut hell ist jedoch etwas unhandlich. Das nchste Modell sollte praktischer und kleiner sein. Qualitt ist gewohnt Top.

  74. AshleyClamp says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersVoila ce que j’appel du matriel PRO. qualit remarquable, prise en main excellent, mais attention quand je dis puissant c’est trs puissant. . vous voulez du costaud alors foncez.

  75. LorenTDOHinfklw says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI debated getting the DCL043 for a while. I felt the 70 asking price for a bare unit was a little salty, but since purchase I feel that the asking price is well justified. It is an exceptionally powerful torch. Combined with a 5AH battery it will also last an eternity on a single charge.

  76. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersPerfect torch,I use it with a 4.0mah battery and it simply lasts an age even on the brighter of the 2 settings. Has a useful hanging hook and it can be straightened out as well. If you dont use your cordless drill very often, this can justify the purchase by making use of those batteries. Best buy ive made in some time. I recommend it. The beam goes for quite a distance too.

  77. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersPedazo de foco led, tiene modo de 1000lumens con 3 led o modo 120lumens en modo 1 led.
    Muy potente y muy duradero con la bateria de 5ah .
    12 horas de uso continuado y queda 2 rayitas de bateria.
    No trae ni bateria ni cargador ni maletin, viene en caja de carton.
    Muy recomendable!!!! Dewalt es calidad

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBattery mates slightly loosely and rattles a little. Otherwise great.

  79. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEs una herramienta muy prctica. La uso profesionalmente y con la batera de 5 amperios hora me aguanta sobrado todo el da.

  80. JonathonThorn says:


    die kann was, sehr gute leuchtkraft, mit 4ah akku lange laufzeit, top fr outdoor, kleines manko is bissle gro, wrde se wieder kaufe

  81. TomasStiltner says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersObwohl Sau – Teuer – aber ein Licht, das die Nacht zum Tage macht.. Erste Stufe wrde voll reichen, die zweite ist echt der Hammer….

  82. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 24 From Our UsersJ’ai achet un modle de ce DeWalt DCL043-XJ pour clairer en zones sombre.
    C’est un vrai phare de voiture. Difficile croire qu’un appareil si petit puisse clairer si fort.
    – – – – – –
    Les modes d’clairages diffrents :
    Il faut appuyer sur la gchette pour faire dfiler les modes d’clairages de l’appareil :
    1er mode 3 LED, 2me mode 1 led. Une 3me pression permet d’teindre l’appareil.
    Vous avez la possibilit de tenir l’appareil avec la poigne en mode pistolet ou avec le crochet au dessus en mode lanterne.
    Le crochet sert aussi placer l’appareil une vis ou une poigne de porte ou tout autre support.
    – – – – – –
    La batterie (non-fournie):
    Avec la batterie officielle, charge 100%, vous pouvez dpasser les trois heures d’clairage non-stop en mode 3 LED sans soucis. Et puis vous aurez un indicateur de charge l’arrire de la batterie qui s’avre trs utile.
    En mode d’clairage 1 LED vous triplez ce rsultat.
    En batterie faible, l’clairage passe automatiquement 1 led et se met clignoter toutes les 40 secondes pour avertir l’utilisateur.
    – – – – – –
    Accessoires fournis :
    L’clairage et fourni avec un crochet en aluminium viser sur le ct de l’appareil au niveau de sa base.
    Ce crochet permet d’accrocher l’clairage votre pantalon ou ceinture et d’clairer sans gner durant vos dplacement tout en vous laissant les mains libres.
    – – – – – –
    Conseils d’utilisation :
    – Quand on l’utilise pour se dplacer dans le noir, cet clairage fait un trs bon travail pour clairer une large surface.
    – Quand on l’utilise pour des travaux fixes, la technique pour avoir un clairage large c’est de faire rebondir la lumire sur une surface qui diffusera au maximum la lumire (ex: mur blanc, plafond, grand panneau)
    Sinon, si vous clairez directement la zone de travail, la lumire sera trs fortement concentre au centre.
    – Attention ne pas regarder l’clairage directement dans les yeux pour ne pas tre blouis, il en va de soi.
    – Prvoyez deux batterie 4v ou 5v pour les budgets plus larges. L’autonomie de votre appareil sera confortablement assure.
    – – – – – –
    Conclusion :
    Je l’utilise souvent la nuit et ne peut plus m’en sparer.

    Vitaminement vtre,

  83. EvanNexhzp says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good buy with the 4.0 amp hr battery fitted it lasts for hours the only downside is the price, that I found very expensive for what is just a LED torch

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Super power light. great as part of the set. 2 power settings. Serious light.

  85. Telecom Lead says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersVery happy with light, decent light at a distance plus decent light up close on the dim setting.

  86. EpifaniOConnell says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Usershas to be one of the best spotlights around. very well balanced with a 4 or 5 ah battery pack

  87. shoesdirect4you says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersExpensive but worth it. A really good torch. I also have the one beam version which is also very good and also a lot cheaper. This would probably do most people?

  88. BrittnyAustin says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersExcellent product, which compliments the DeWalt product range using the XR batteries.

    I use this as a fire scene lamp, and it is ideal.