8Bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth Controller for Switch, PC, macOS, Android, Steam & Raspberry Pi (Black Edition)


Dimensions: 15.4 x 6.5 x 10.1 cm; 226.8 Grams
Model: 6922621501701
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included)
Origin: China

139 Responses

  1. DebI63sutepyuzt says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this to use for Mario kart and prefer it to the original switch controller! Bonus is you can use it on PC! 5 Stars!

  2. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Im playing Guardian Tales and Genshin on iPad Pro with this and its working fine
    Its too bad it cant customize buttons for ipad OS

  3. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo prodotto con app si possono regolare la sensibilit dei joi con.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Action is great on mostly buttons, after extremely long gaming sessions you fingers may hurt and get this sort of feeling like your grinding them down to the bone (because the buttons can hurt after a really long time). Absolutely no drift to report. One thing about the PRO+, you gotta remove the f****** sticker in the battery compartment if you do any mods are replace say the joysticks, you will also need an extremely obscure screwdriver known as a hexagonal torx screwdriver (I forget the size but it’s small, I think an I-6 torx screwdriver). Also fair warning, you must remove the L2/R2 buttons when opening the controller assembly, when putting them back on they may not be the same after (my L2 keeps falling off), and despite my best efforts with the hot glue gun and some deoxit fader (not recommended), its ok but I decided to leave the L2 button off because I can’t get quite the same action. Be careful it using a hot glue gun to glue s*** back on etc lol. Overall, best controller on the market (accelerometer, button action, joysticks, grip/feeling, sex appeal, it’s all there), the only problem (and understandably) is you can’t connect to PS2/Xbox without special adapter. Very happy, I have both the PRO+ and the PRO 2.

  5. Donna59Uhwywze says:

     United Kingdom

    You will very swiftly forget this is a third party controller, this has the premium feel and features of a high quality first party controller, with the lower price tag. My only problem is I prefer the asymmetric joystick layout of xbox/ switch pro controllers, however aside from that it is an amazing controller. An added bonus is that this works on a multitude of platforms, and you can transition between each one flawlessly.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Preis-Leistung ist Top. Lsst sich ganz einfach verbinden und updaten. Dazu kommt noch das man die Tasten selber belegen und programmieren kann. Haptisch gut verarbeitet und liegt gut in der Hand. Der Preis ist auch der Hammer!

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Works great and feels great too. Its made from very high quality materials and it’s very responsive and universal, works very well on switch, pc and mac. I have a Nintendo switch Pro controller that costs twice as much and doesn’t feel as premium as this. Highly recommended. Perhaps the only negative is that despite being a Taiwan brand it isn’t made in Taiwan.

  8. Jen Wike says:


    Great design and features. Works well on Switch and PC. Only drawbacks I’ve encountered are that it can’t be used to wake the Switch from sleep, and the Bluetooth connection has sometimes been unreliable on my PC. Hopefully this gets resolved with a firmware update, but in the meantime I mainly use it in wired mode on PC.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    If you need a controller that’s comfy, well made and works, this is the best.
    Make sure Bluetooth is what you need and, if you console doesn’t have Bluetooth, get a decent receiver too

  10. LatoshaDQK says:

     United States

    PS style controller that works and integrates seamlessly! 5 stars! No warning on battery level though, just a head’s up. Battery lasts about 20 hours and I have a usb-c at chair reach so no problem.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Einfach ein klasse Controller. Hab ihn mir hauptschlich fr PC geholt, weil ich nicht gern die XBOX-Controllerform hab. Funktioniert einwandfrei, die Software ist leicht zu bedienen und man kann sehr viel anpassen. Auf Switch (was ursprnglich gar nicht geplant war) luft er auch super und ist zu meinem Hauptcontroller geworden.

    Einziger Mangel ist, dass einem die Daumen auf den Joysticks leicht wegrutschen.

  12. Eric Evarts says:

     United Kingdom

    I had been using a popular off-brand Xbox style controller with a 2.4Ghz USB dongle with my gaming PC, and most games kept crashing to desktop after a few minutes, and I thought a component like the graphics card was to blame, which was very disappointing for a gaming PC. After a while I noticed games that used mouse and keyboard didn’t crash, so I suspected the controller was to blame and bought this one. I was right! This controller has given me my gaming PC back!

    It pairs flawlessly via Bluetooth to Windows, MacOS, iOS, Apple TV, Oculus Quest, Raspberry Pi, with no noticeable latency. Switching between paired devices is easy thanks to the physical 4-way switch. It has a good weight and It feels solid, almost like it’s cut from a solid piece of plastic. The overall build quality feels very premium, actually better than any console controllers I’ve used (though doesn’t have touch or motion sensors).

    The option to charge the battery pack via USB or remove it and use AA batteries means you don’t have to worry about battery degradation. The extra assignable buttons underneath are very useful, I have them set to quick save and quick load when playing emulators.

    If you have a good gaming PC, don’t cheap out on the controller and ruin the experience, this is definitely worth the price, I bought another one for my brother’s birthday.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This is the third 8Bitdo controller I have purchased. I will continue to purchase these as they are always great.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Beh, che dire
    Una meraviglia! Lo collego ovunque! Al mac, all’ipad, iphone ecc anzi, anche con il chromecast e la fire stick! Si collega subito e senza problemi!

  15. EwanFrederick says:


    Bin mit meinem Kauf zu vollsten Zgen zufrieden.
    Der Controller liegt gut in der Hand, hat eine angenehme Bedienung und einen sehr breiten Funktionsumfang.
    Spiele damit an meinem Computer, aber auch am Smartphone. Eines der besten Controller die ich bisher hatte!

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought mostly to play Apple Arcade games and Grid Autosport on my iPad 9th Gen. I have a PS4 with a couple of DualShocks which are a bit beaten up. They work great with the iPad as they are MFI certified, but they are a pain to sync back up to the ps4 so I decided to get a dedicated controller for the iPad.

    The quality of this 8bitdo controller is unbelievable! It feels very sturdy and dare I say it, even better quality than first party controllers from major console manufacturers. And it’s way cheaper. The buttons, analog sticks, dpad, back buttons and triggers are absolutely top notch! Connecting to the iPad was simple enough (even though it’s not officially compatible with iPadOS/iOS)

    My biggest worry was input lag. I am so happy to confirm that there is none! Whatsoever! No tweaking required, it just WORKS!

    I also have a Nintendo switch and this every bit as good as the pro controller at around half the price!

    I opted for the black colour and it is super sleek.

    There isn’t much Info out there about how well this plays with iPadOS and iOS but please have no doubts that it works great!

  17. Anonymous says:


    Es simplemente el mejor control… tiene, para m, la mejor configuracin de botones (estilo PS), la calidad de los materiales es muy buena y la actualizacin en el mtodo de emparejamiento es mucho mejor que en la versin anterior (que tambin tengo y sigue funcionando)

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The build quality is equal to the offical switch controller, the functions are very customiseable to suit your play needs through the use of an app to rearrange button functions for your needs and is straightforward to set up too.

  19. "digital games discounts" - Google News says:

     United States

    Perfect D-Pad, surprising for a third-party controller. Very broad compatibility, and once you’ve connected it to a device it’s very easy to re-connect it. Light and comfortable to hold.

  20. VanceTorrez says:


    got this for emulation on PC. It’s great. Got that good PS controller feel with a great d-pad and buttons. Not fond of the back triggers, I leave the deactivated as Im only playing things pre PS2/Xbox. Worth the purchase to up your game play experience.

  21. Anonymous says:


    Great seller, solde to me at a good price and came quick. The controller is the best controller pretty much works with everything without any hassle, highly recommend it.

  22. LucioCartwright says:


    I bought it for my wife, but I ended up also using it for nvidia games.
    Small issue with latest software (battery issues with nintendo switch), but a quick update solved it.

  23. Anonymous says:


    Permite un modo mas facil de configuracion, ideal para multiconsolas con adaptador bluetooth compatible, diseo elegante y comodidad de uso

  24. Anonymous says:


    Le produit arrive dans une boite bien finie tout en carton rigide et la manette est sous un petit crin de plastique.
    Globalement je suis satisfait de cette manette de jeu car elle me permet de jouer sur PC / Android et Nintendo Switch.
    Les palettes l’arrire de la manette sont un grand plus pour configurer certains raccourcis pour certains jeux. C’est trs facile faire. Pour ma part je suis pass par l’appli android qui ncessite juste d’activer le GPS pour configurer la manette.
    Il est possible de configurer 3 profils par plateforme (donc si vous passez par 3 plateformes diffrentes, a en fait 9).
    Je n’ai eu qu’un seul soucis avec cette manette et je pense que le problme est d la partie hardware. En effet au bout de quelques utilisations lorsque j’appuyais sur la touche “Haut” du D-Pad cela m’activait la touche “Bas” en mme temps. Aprs plusieurs essais et resets, il s’avre que c’tait un dfaut de conception (je pense). Bref, la manette a t remplace sans dlais par Amazon.

    Je recommande vivement si vous voulez une manette confortable et que vous n’tes pas l’aise avec les manettes “pro” nintendo classique ou les manettes Xbox.
    Le style se rapproche largement des manettes PS4.

  25. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIch war auf der Suche nach einem Controller, mit dem ich am PC per Emulator Retro Spiele spielen kann. Dabei spiele ich hauptschlich Super Mario World (SMW) Hacks (Kaizo), weswegen mir die Qualitt des Steuerkreuz besonders wichtig ist.

    Der Pro 2 ist bekanntermaen das Nachfolgemodell des beliebten SN30 Pro+. Worin die Modelle sich unterscheiden findet man ausreichend bei google und youtube beschrieben.

    Anbei meine persnlichen Beweggrnde warum ich mich letztlich fr den Pro 2 entschieden habe, ohne vollends begeistert zu sein.

    ### Erster Akt: Pro 2 ###
    Ich habe mir zuerst den Pro 2 bestellt und zwei Tage getestet. Soweit war der Eindruck gut und ich war zufrieden. Was mich aber gestrt hat und woran ich mich nicht so recht gewhnen konnte, waren die neuen “Paddles” an der Rckseite des Controllers. Es passiert mir immernoch regelmig, dass ich die Paddles ausversehen drcke. Da ich diese nicht belegt habe, weil ich sie nicht brauche, war das im Spiel kein Problem. Aber von der Haptik und dem Spielgefhl haben mich die Paddles regelmig irritiert und abgelenkt. So sehr, dass ich mir zum Vergleich das Vorgngermodell SN30 Pro+ bestellt habe, der hat ja die nervigen Paddles nicht und ansonsten sind die sich ja sehr hnlich bis auf ein paar neue Features des Pro 2 (inklusive der Paddles) auf die ich gerne verzichten kann. Right? Spoiler: Wrong!

    Nachtrag: Auerdem habe ich beim Pro 2 leider ein Monatsmodell erwischt, bei dem der rechte Druckpunkt des Steuerkreuz defekt war. Am Anfang ging es noch, aber nach etwas Testen hat es kaum noch reagiert. Also das was in anderen Rezensionen steht, dass 8bitdo ein Qualittscheck-Problem hat, kann ich durchaus besttigen. Auch hier Spoiler: Der zweite war dann tadelos.

    ### Zweiter Akt: SN30 Pro+ ###
    Ich habe mir also dann den SN30 Pro+ bestellt und war im ersten Moment sehr happy. Keine Paddles, hat sich gleich viel besser angefhlt.

    Leider musste ich bald feststellen, dass es neben den offensichtlichen Unterschieden zwischen den beiden Modellen noch einen wichtigen Unterschied gibt, der nicht direkt ersichtlich ist: Der Pro 2 hat ein verbessertes Steuerkreuz. Ich hatte bald bemerkt, dass entgegen dem Pro 2 das SN30 Pro+ Steuerkreuz das Problem hatte, dass es einen recht schwachen Druckpunkt-Widerstand hat und man deswegen schneller unbeabsichtigte Eingaben macht. Konkret: Wenn ich nach rechts halte, kippt das Steuerkreuz auch schnell nach unten ab. Auerdem reibt das Steuerkreuz manchmal am Innengehuse. Beides kann man auch in manch anderen Rezensionen lesen.

    ### Dritter Akt: Doch der Pro 2 ###
    Ich hatte also am Ende unterm Strich die Wahl: Pro 2 mit besserem Steuerkreuz aber nervigen Paddles. Oder SN30 Pro+ ohne nervige Paddles, dafr aber mit schlechterem Steuerkreuz.

    Ich habe mich am Ende fr den Pro 2 entschieden, weil das Steuerkreuz dann natrlich doch viel wichtiger ist. Und ich habe immernoch die Hoffnung, dass ich mich noch an die Paddles gewhnen werde. Und wenn nicht, werden die Dinger halt mit Sekundenkleber fixiert.

    Ich schreibe fr gewhnlich keine Rezensionen, aber da ich selbst wei, wie schwierig der Vergleich und die Bewertung der beiden Controller von Auen ist, dachte ich, ich teile meine praktischen Test-Erfahrungen.

    Mein Fazit:
    Pro 2 bekommt 4 von 5 Sternen
    SN30 Pro+ bekommt 3 von 5 Sterne

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is by far the best controller I have had. I use it with the switch, Android tablet and PC games… It can be confusing with the X/Y position if you are not used, but eventually it gets easier. These 8BitDo guys are definitely into something here. I’ll definitely buy another one if they release another version or maybe another one of the same. It is really that good.

  27. Anonymous says:


    Je joue sur ma tablette Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite 8,9″ mes mulateurs. Elle est une merveille.

  28. MauriceGottlieb says:

     United Kingdom

    Started playing Minecraft (quite a few years late to the party) and chose Android as my platform. The on screen controls are okay, but not great.
    This controller, however – what an improvement!
    Needs to be on the “X” setting to work correctly (took a while of my character only looking straight up when using setting “A”, to figure that out)
    Responsive. Layout is intuitive. Controller feels solid without being heavy. Fantastic purchase.

  29. Natashya KitchenPuppies says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a superb controller. I got it for playing retro games on PC and Switch and it works beautifully for both cases. It feels just as good as the Nintendo Switch Online SNES controller to me, with a superb D-pad and buttons (and it has a home button, which the NSO SNES controller sadly lacks).

    I wasn’t sure if I’d use the advanced features like button remapping, but I very quickly found a use for remapping when playing F-Zero where you need to use the L and R buttons very frequently. Swapping the controls so that the triggers are used for L and R instead of the shoulder buttons made it significantly more comfortable to play. Remapping is easy in the well-done phone app, and it has the great feature that the controller can connect to the phone app while still being wirelessly connected to the console, so you can reconfigure and try things out very easily. You can save three different profiles on the controller and it’s trivial to switch between them and see which profile you’re using with a dedicated button and LEDs.

    The controller also works perfectly on PC, where it works as an XInput controller so that it’s compatible with anything that can use an Xbox controller. Switching modes, pairing over Bluetooth, and plugging in to use the controller wired all works just as well as you could hope for.

    Overall, I’m very impressed indeed, and I think this will be my go-to controller for any game that primarily uses a D-pad.

  30. BerryKesteven says:


    Trs satisfait. Manette de qualit, confortable et facile d’utilisation.
    Je recommande

  31. MartyPereira says:


    Good buttons
    Precise, tight D-pad
    Long battery life
    Battery pack interchangeable with regular batteries for more versatility
    Feels solid
    Multiple profiles

    Sometimes hard to set-up and sync
    Unclear instructions manual
    Need to use google to understand how to use most of its features
    For some games or hand positions the handles can feel weird
    Still don’t know how the turbo function works (have to google that for example)
    No easy way to quickly program the back buttons (as far as I know, have to google that too)

    Basically a perfect controller for the Switch. Miles better than the Switch Pro. Also better than Joy Cons. Needs a better instructions manual and/or website to complement its features.

    Someone could make it a point to only use this controller as their main controller and know it inside out, and I’m sure they won’t be disappointed.

  32. Jenn says:

     United States

    If you’re looking for a third-party jack-of-all-trades controller with some pretty advanced customization options then look no further, this controller covers ALL bases – Android; Apple; PC and Nintendo Switch – and does so very well and for a very reasonable price. This is my new “take everywhere” controller.

  33. Catherine Winters says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Quality controller that I now use with nes, snes, switch, and psx, separated adapters necessary.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have tested it on Android and Windows and it works great.
    I did a small test of the macros with an emulator, it did set l1 as Macro instead than the back button, but it is probably an issue with the emulator, I will test it better later with Street fighter from Steam.
    Very good building quality and trigger sensitivity from the default settings

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have two of these controllers for gaming on my switch, PC and on my firetv stick and they work on each of them pretty much flawlessly.


    There are so many good things about this controller but the key things are:

    – the ergonomics are fantastic. Feels great in the hand and the textured back should mean no slips!

    – the buttons feel responsive and no missed inputs so far.

    – the switch on the back of the controller allows me to flick between the switch, android and windows profiles meaning that I don’t need to re-pair the controller every time I move between consoles.

    – the downloadable software/app (8bitdo Ultimate Software) is a game changer. It contains features usually reserved for the most expensive ‘elite level’ controllers. The ability to re-map buttons (and save up to three different configurations on each console profile) means that I can play games on the switch and the PC using the same inputs. You can also create macros and assign these to the back buttons (meaning you can pull off special moves at the touch of a button) and you can also customise deadzones on the sticks, the ranges of the triggers and the intensity of the vibration.

    – no issues using 2 of the same controller on PC, fire TV or switch. I have had an issue with other brands of controller where inputs on one controller have registered on both. No such problems here!

    – removeable battery pack (and you can use AA batteries in a pinch).


    These are really nitpicky:

    – no HD rumble on Nintendo Switch (not that I notice the difference).

    – no nft support (for amiibos).

    – it won’t wake the Nintendo Switch from sleep so you have to physically press the button.

    All in all, I don’t think I could have picked a better controller for my use purposes. The alternative would have been a switch pro controller (which can apparently have issues with both PC and Android) or a Xbox one controller (which would not work with my Nintendo Switch) both of these controllers are much more expensive and neither are as customisable. Plus each have their own set of issues.

  36. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Controller is exactly as advertised. I have had no drift yet. Latency has not been a problem. Button remapping is fantastic

  37. Lucy Bellerby says:

     United States 🇺🇸


    It feels like a love child of the original SNES controller and a PS3 controller.

    MUST BUY!!!!!!

  38. Anonymous says:


    The macroing on the controller can’t be setup for every situation, can’t macro the use of the d-pad or the right joystick. The back buttons cannot be set as an additional button, only as the four face buttons or triggers. For my personal use it’s perfect, because I mostly use it for PC games and retro games. Super easy to setup and use with the Nintendo switch as well.

  39. SusannaKindel says:


    Manette utilise dans le cadre du retrogaming uniquement.
    Probablement la meilleure manette que j’ai pu tester. Tout y est, y compris les vibrations et gachettes analogiques. Reconnue immdiatement sous Linux (Batocera) et mappage trs ais, mme en bluetooth.
    Boutons et croix parfaits. Rien redire.
    Un poil cher mais la qualit est au rendez-vous.

  40. Global Manufacturers says:


    Ich bin von dem Controller mehr als begeistert, ich liebe ihn! Er erinnert an eine Kombination aus SNES und PS1 Controller. Er ist richtig gut verarbeitet, Funktioniert einwandfrei. Mich persnlich strt es jetzt nicht, das ich mit dem Controller die Switch nicht aus dem Ruhemodus wecken kann.

  41. Steve Withers says:

     United Kingdom

    The 4 mode switch is especially useful, as it allows me to keep the device “paired” to my pc, switch, phone and macbook at the same time.

    Wish the button remapping worked without a cable, though.

  42. merobbie33 says:


    Easy to pair, easy to setup the programmable buttons, highly recommend i

  43. Anonymous says:


    I love how it feels like an snes controller but with added comfort. But it’s even better now with the button customization with layout and sensitivity. Great produc

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this focusing on the D-Pad and it’s position, primarily for retro gaming.

    Much better in this regard than the Xbox Series X controller I had been using.

    Has different selectable modes for use with Xbox, PC, Android and Nintendo switch.

    Fantastic quality, mappable buttons and great rumble feature, likely make this the best Bluetooth controller available!

  45. hermelindamaltby says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Does everything I need it to do.
    I use it for Forza, dark souls, and everything inbetween that M&KB doesn’t work well for.


  46. FerminLawless says:

     United States

    Great controller for a great price. I use it mostly with my PC but goes great with my Switch as well.

  47. Alejandra58L says:


    This controller is very comfortable to hold, and syncs well with both my M1 Mac and Switch. Thr bluetooth hasn’t given me any issues. My only issue is a personal gripe – the left thumbstick is in a much lower position compared to on the switch pro controller, which has forced me to limit my use with it, as a blister is beginning to form.

  48. jeanelle says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersOvviamente non per me ma per il mio piccolo hacker-gamer-pro!!!
    E pare che sia entusiastain pi a quanto detto da lui, l’oggetto non pi disponibile, quindi andato a ruba

  49. Ginna says:

     Japan 🇯🇵

    After an extensive online research, I decided to get this controller as my PS3 controller no longer works after I upgraded to Mac OS Monterey. Excellent handling and flawless design. Happy as a clam.

  50. Suzannah says:

     United States

    I am stunned. This thing is a beast, hefty, sturdy, beatiful. The triggers are perfect. The bumpers are a nice clicky, feel just like the super nintendo. The thumb sticks, wow, I didn’t expect them to be better then an official Nintendo Pro Controller. Hands down would buy a dozen if needed more than one.

  51. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersConosco ormai da tempo i prodotti 8bitdo, appena sono riuscito a trovarlo disponibile ho ordinato anche questo controller.
    Il Pro 2 la versione aggiornata dell’ SN30 Pro+, con il quale condivide il design e a grossomodo il peso.
    Rispetto alla precedente iterazione va ad apportare delle modifiche che mi hanno convinto all’upgrade:
    – controller switch dispositivo “ridisegnato”; nella parte posteriore del controller presente un interruttore con 4 posizioni (iOS/macOS, Nintendo Switch, Android, PC). Rispetto alla precedente combinazione di tasti da attivare per cambiare modalit “mooolto” pi comodo.
    – presenza di due ulteriori pulsanti sul retro del controller… essendo un giocatore di PC atipico (uso solo il controller) avere pi tasti da configurare disponibili un bel vantaggio.

    Rimangono inoltre i vantanggi di poter usare sia la batteria integrata (si carica con una type C) sia una coppia di pile stilo (AA).
    presente inoltre un software per la configurazione completa del controller, macro ecc.

    Essendo abituato al pad Xbox considero per l’ergonomia uno step indietro, per questo do 4 stelle.
    Ad ogni modo vi consiglio l’acquisto.

  52. GlennBidwill says:

     United States

    Well finally decided to try this controller out. Had it sitting up for several months now. Straight out the box & paired it w/my Switch Lite. Been playing Metroid Dread lately, at the final boss also, & it feels just as intuitive & comfortable as the Switch Lite its self. Great subtle tactical grip w/great feedback motions. Not bad & pretty solid feel. Plenty of options to configure as needed for multiple uses. Plan to order a couple more to pass along as gifts…

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I use this for stadia and works perfectly. I haven’t used another controller with my phone before but this seems great and I have 0 complaints. Bought the stand too so my phone sits on it with ease.

  54. JessikaMaldonad says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIch habe mir den Controller geholt, da ich fr mehrere Systeme einen brauchte und so sparen wollte. Nun stellt sich heraus das der Controller einer der besten ist, die ich je hatte. Er ist sehr handlich, das Design sollten alte Hasen kennen. Es ist eine Mischung aus einem SNES und einem PS1 Controller. Auf der Rckseite ist ein schalter um zwischen Systemen zu wechseln. Bisher habe ich mit dem Controller auf folgenden Systemen problemlos gespielt: Windows, Mac, iPad Pro, Android. Auf der Switch gabe es von ber 100 Spielstunden keine Probleme, gestern gab es ein paar komische Hnger. Diese Hnger waren aber sehr Pltzlich da und ich bin auch nicht sicher ob es nicht meine Schuld war. Deshalb rechne ich dem Controller die Hnger nicht an. Wenn sich herausstellt das sich die Probleme hufen aktualisiere ich meine Rezension.

  55. AdelineNeustadt says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s one of the best if not the best controller i have ever used and that’s an understatement.
    I have yet to try it with my Switch, but pairs up with my PC effortlessly and works right away with all the games I have tried so far trough Steam and Xbox Games Pass on PC. It feels great in hands, very comfortable and nice to the touch as plastic which the controller is made of feels high quality. Buttons are nice and responsive, analogue sticks are also a joy to use and triggers also function as they should. It’s also quite light so my hands don’t get tired while gaming for long periods of time.
    It also comes with a rechargeable/replaceable battery which is a very welcome thing, considering that Xbox Wireless Controller comes with AA batteries out of the box, and play and charge kit has to be bought separately for another 19.99.

  56. JadeTipping says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersVorwort:
    Nach 3 Monaten intensiver Nutzung (gespielt wurde verkabelt und per Bluetooth u.A. Kampfspiele, RPGS, Adventures, Rennspiele, Nintendo Switch Emulator am PC, 3DS Emulator, Wii U Emulator, MAME uvm. , CronusMax Makro Device, PC, PS3, PS4, PSTV, Android) bin ich durchaus zufrieden mit dem Gert. Komme vom PS4 Controller und hab Jahrzehnte auf Sony Controller gesetzt, da ich Kampfspiel Enthusiast bin ist mir das D-Pad (Steuerkreuz) immer besonders wichtig ist. Leider hatte ich bei Sony immer das Pech, dass sich nach einigen Tagen intensiver Nutzung langsam ein Defekt angekndigt hat, was mich im Laufe der Zeit mit ein Paar Dutzend Controller zurck lie.

    Seit einige Wochen nutze ich jetzt den 8BitDo Pro2, tglich. Durch seine super Verarbeitung fhlt er sich sehr gut in der Hand (groe Hnde) an, Buttons und Pads sind im Gegensatz zum DualShock4 etwas hher gesetzt, drcken sich aber richtig gut. Das D-Pad ist nicht mechanisch, sondern nutzt Membrane zur Signalbertragung, solides Steuerkreuz, gute – przise Drckbarkeit, Input Lag (BT) merkt man nicht, 8bitdo UltimateSoftware ist ehr zweckmig als optimal, erfllt diesen Zweck aber ohne Probleme. Fr Makros nutze ich lieber meinen CronusMax. Die Verbindung per Bluetooth mit dem CronusMax ist sehr sehr schlecht – wenn man das Glck hat und eine Verbindung eingerichtet bekommt – dann sind Games durch den 2 Sekunden Input Lag unspielbar. Da hilft die Direktverbindung mit Kabel und CronusMax zum Gert der Wahl. Die GYRO Funktion ist zumindest auf den Nintendo Switch und Wii U Emulatoren nur mit Drittsoftware mglich. Sony Systeme funktionieren von Haus aus nicht. Da ich viel Zeit mit dem Controller verbringe und mich eigentlich nichts strt sehe ich von einer Abwertung ab. Werde mir noch 2 zulegen. 5/5 Sehr zu empfehlen!

  57. StevenCGAX says:


    Hele fijne dpad en knoppen, schakelaar om van device te wissele

  58. StephanieDocker says:


    Good grip, clicky buttons and highly customizable. Can be used across different platforms. The D-pad is fantastic. It’s too bad it can’t wake up the Switch…

  59. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usersprobado en NSW y PC y funcionando perfectamente, muy poca latencia. La calidad se nota al tacto. Cosas que me gustaron:
    – tiene un relieve sutil en el agarre que es agradable y le da acabado de calidad.
    – cmodo de sostener, aunque al principio dud de su ergonoma.
    – cruceta buensima
    – batera que dura un montn
    – peso justo y preciso
    – aunque es compatible con muchos sistemas y dispositivos (incluyendo iOS/Apple) lo compr principalmente para la Switch y una vez se sincroniza se conecta enseguida las prximas veces.
    – muchos botones y opciones de personalizacin usando la app UltimateSoftware de 8BitDo.
    – la esttica ‘blackout matte’ es preciosa y me sorprendi gratamente en un mando retro.
    ahora es de mis controles favoritos!

    Calidad multidispositivos

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This made a good controller for my switch/gaming needs.

    Connects easily and lasts long. I’m very happy with this purchase.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I freaking love this controller! I play smash bros ultimate competitively in locals and this controller can handle a beating. Only problem is every once in a while it’ll “lagout”. Basically where for maybe 5 to 10 seconds all inputs are delayed by 2ish seconds. Super strange and random but It has lost me a little money in games. But its so rare that I’ve still use this controller as my main.

  62. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEL dispositivo funciona correctamente, materiales de buena calidad, facil de emparejar con un PC.

  63. Anonymous says:


    Apres plusieur heures de jeux je peux dire plusieur trucs
    Pour PC c’est juste terriblement bien, je prefere celle la a n’importe qu’elle autre manette que j’ai pu teste que ca sois les razer xbox etc celle la a une croix mais qu’elle belle croix.
    J’ai pu y claquer des heure de Hades, Assassin creed et bien d’autre et elle montre pas de signe de fatigue contrairement a une autre qui perdais ces lettres lol.
    L’input lag? bah je le sens pas en vrai sur Street fighter j’ai pas l’impression qu’il y en ais plus qu’une manette xbox.
    Sinon que dire que tous ca s’applique aussi switch j’ai pu jouer tranquillement a Overwatch sans soucis avec 🙂

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This controller does almost everything, and does it very well. Best D-pad on the market, customizable to a ridiculous degree, rumble, precise motion control. If this could wake the switch from sleep it would be an instant 5 stars. Toss in amiibo functionality and it would be unbeatable. The D-pad quality and placement make up for the shortcomings, though, earning this controller the very top spot on my list of switch controllers.

  65. David Sarasohn The Oregonian says:


    Best features are multi-device connectivity, solid design, clever battery compartment, button remapping. – Due to limitations in iOS, currently you need to add the device through Settings>Accessibility>SwitchControl>Switches>BluetoothDevices.
    – The battery compartment has a rechargeable battery pack that can be removed to fit 2AA batteries if it later dies or you forgot to charge which is really handy.
    – Device switching is done by a physical switch on underside of controller with 4 different device profiles.
    – Biggest con: the start and select buttons in the centre are rubbery with slow release and feel like it’s a matter of time before they get stuck. Luckily I don’t use them that much and literally all the other buttons and switches are great.
    – Black version has tiny labels for the solid black ABXY buttons, but I didn’t really need them. I think the other colour schemes have have transparent buttons with normal sized ABXY printed underneath?

  66. Lyndsey Winship says:

     United Kingdom

    I ordered this controller from the UK because it was completely sold out in the US. The popularity of this product speaks to its quality. This controller retains all of the strengths of earlier iterations and adds macros and easier syncing to different formats. I can’t recommend it enough, especially for playing Switch games in docked mode.

  67. GwenSennitt says:


    Der Controller liegt sehr gut in der Hand und hat eine super kompatiblitt mit allen Spielen und Emulatoren, die ich bisher ausprobiert habe. Hauptschlich benutze ich den Controller am PC, aber auch an der Switch. Bei anderen Controllern, wie dem Dualshock 4 braucht man am PC teilweise Zusatzsoftware, oder Inputkonfigurationen innerhalb von Steam, aber hier geht alles direkt.
    Der Controller hat eine eigene Software, mit der man 3 Tastenbelegungspfofile + 1 Standardprofil, sowie die Empfindlichkeit der Analogsticks & Trigger einstellen kann. Theoretisch kann man noch Macros einstellen, aber das habe ich bisher nicht genutzt. Hauptgrund fr den Kauf waren die Tasten auf der Rckseite fr mich. Diese sind auf jeden der Face-Buttons + Triggern und D-Pad belegbar.
    Fr den Preis ist der Controller unschlagbar.
    Eine alternative fr mich wre der XBOX One Elite Controller, aber der kostet einfach mehr das dreifache.

  68. Ellen Christian says:

     United Kingdom

    It fells great when using it, it’s very easy to use in all different consoles/pc (it synchronizes quickly), has good quality materials.

  69. James Hercher says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersBest controller I’ve ever used.
    I’ve used every type of controller from the original cheetah joysticks in the 80’s to modern pads of today and I can honestly say this is one of the best I’ve ever used.
    The app that lets you change every aspect of the way this works is easy to use and one of the things that makes this pad the best ever.
    The sticks feel great and have absolutely zero dead zone, this is one of the things you can adjust with the app and the buttons feel amazing. The bumper buttons on the bottom can be used for loads of things. You can use them to clone any other button or make macro’s for any sequence of button presses you can think of.
    The battery lasts for about 20 hours per charge and you can take out the battery pack and use AA’s if you get stuck which is an awesome feature.
    You can use it on loads of systems just by changing the switch under the pad, no more stupid pressing buttons while holding start!
    The connection is rock solid this time round too, I have the SN30 pro which I love but the connection on that one sucked.
    I got the phone holder bracket for the pad too. It is a great little addition so you can game on your phone.
    If your looking for a new pad buy this, you will not be disappointed.

  70. SusannahStultz says:


    Parfaite……au dbut. La manette est vraiment superbe, la prise en main est bonne et les palettes trs pratiques. l’application mobile fonctionne trs bien, a condition d’activer la golocalisation avec le Bluetooth. Malheureusement cela n’a pas dur. Du jour au lendemain, elle se dconnectait continuellement de la switch, impossible d’utiliser la manette, malgr la mise jour de la manette et de la console, pourtant aucun problme sur PC. Au final trs du, j’ai fait une demande de retour.
    Edit : Bon, je modifie ce commentaire, et la note, car j’ai rachet cette manette, cette bizarre mais j’avais beaucoup aim sa prise en main et sa polyvalence, du coup elle me manquait. La manette que j’ai reue fonctionne parfaitement mme sur Switch. J’tais, vraisemblablement, tomb sur un modle dfectueux. Je remonte la note 5 toiles, car c’est vraiment une superbe manette, trs fonctionnelle.

  71. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersWir haben den Controller als Zweitcontroller fr die Switch bestellt.
    Wenn man mal verstanden hat wie man den Controller koppelt, funktioniert er wirklich gut. Ich finde er liegt gut in der Hand, die Ergonomie und die Druckpunkte der Tasten, sowie die Sticks sind richtig gut.
    Man kann ihn auch mit anderen Gerten koppeln, zum Beispiel beim Spielen von Emulationen auf einem Raspberry Pi oder einem PC. Dies habe ich bisher noch nicht ausprobiert.

    Aber ich habe mit 8bitdo bereits gute Erfahrungen gemacht und besitze einen lteren 8bido Controller im SNES Design.
    Dieser funktionierte immer tadellos mit SNES Emulationen und lies sich nach einem Update und einiger Recherche im Internet sogar ebenfalls mit der Switch koppeln um die Klassiker des SNES bei Nintendo online zu spielen.
    Vom Layout wollte ich also einen hnlichen Controller, der allerdings alle Tasten und auch Sticks hat und war froh als der Peo 2 auf den Markt kam.
    Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Controller.

  72. Anonymous says:


    Excelente calidad, instantneamente me puedo cambiar de dispositivo solo moviendo el slider que tiene. Personalizacin prcticamente libre de todos los botones y palancas. Los llaveros funcionan sin retraso. Muy fcil de programar todo en la app de Android. Las palancas tienen muy buen rango de movimiento. Mi nico deseo sobre este control es que ojal tambin funcionara con play station, an sin ser el caso, entrega mucho ms de lo que yo esperaba incluso sabiendo todo lo que haca.

  73. MinnChica says:

     United Kingdom

    I am used to a ps4 controller, but it is starting to show its age and is clear that it isn’t designed for PC (what I play on). This controller is more comfortable than the ps4 controller and has a longer battery life with the option to use AA batteries, USB c charging and customisation of buttons, such as analogue stick and trigger activation zones, and remapping buttons. Solid 9.5/10

  74. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    8Bitdo just doesn’t miss

    This controller has never drifted, its comfortable, can connect to just about everything, and is super customizable.

    The charge on this controller lasts for hours and hours, and I use it just about every day.

    The app can customize not just the rear paddles, but every button on the controller.

    Can easily switch between inputs so you never have to remember a pairing pattern.

    I cant put it down, use it everyday

  75. Victoria Barker says:

     United States

    What can I say except 8Bitdo just knows how to make primo controllers. With its easy pairing, feel good handling and structure along with button layout that are programmable (those awesome extra back buttons) and quick switch feature there really isn’t any negatives I can speak of. Pair with the rechargeable battery that if it decides to die on you from a very long gaming session but need more juice it’s an easy switching the battery pack for a pair of AA batteries to substitute. If you want a controller that works great with your phone/tablet, Switch or PC this is a must buy.

  76. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I absolutely love the old school SNES design of this remote. It’s super comfortable and feels solid. None of that cheap plasticy loose at the seams kind of garbage. I’ve been playing on a dualshock remote since the ps1 came out and this remote is vastly superior to all versions of that remote. Do yourself a favor and buy this remote!

  77. KimberlySeal says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLa conexin por bluethoot funciona muy bien, una vez emparejado ya lo reconoce rapido.Tiene una aplicacion para configurarlo, se pueden cambiar funcionamiento de los joysticks, sensibilidad de los gatillos y mapeado de botones incluyendo los pedales de abajo. El dpad tambien me gusto, no se siente blando y el movimiento es preciso, en juegos 2D se aprecia mucho. Los unicos problemas que me dio es que despues de que un dia se me resbalo del regazo y empezo a fallar la pila recargable, aun funciona con AA, tambien se me hace muy poco el tiempo en el que se pone en suspension.

  78. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThese work awesomely ! Arrived a day earlier !
    The only thing I was quite irritated with is the “hidden” fees of amazon. The total price only shows at payment page. And even though I’ve changed to currency to NZD, I’ve just realised I was charged in AUD from my bank invoice. Which is total bull. Didn ‘t save as much as I thought I would. Just a couple of bucks compared to Mighty Ape.
    That being said, These are of high quality and is just as advertised.
    Word of advice though, I bought this to play Genshin Impact, and was mortified to find that fhe game doesn’t support controllers on android. And so I spent a whole day figuring out how to make it work, trying different 3rd party apps. And finally landed on one that works : Mantis Gamepad. Highly recommend. Works like a charm, and it ‘s free. Unless you wanna use your controllers for different games and need some sophisticated settings, then you can choose to pay for pro. But for me, I only play Genshin. Takes some getting used to since I’ve been playing it on my tablet since it launched, but I finally won ‘t get sore wrists now.

    Best controllers at this price point. High quality. Exquisite design. comfy hold

  79. LaverneG68 says:

     United Kingdom

    One of the best conrollers ive used with the switch. Its a must if you play 2d games as the d-pad is in the perfect position (imo). The app is also a bonus

  80. XavierLawless says:

     United Kingdom

    Have used this for a few hours on the Switch (got it to replace another non-nintendo branded wireless controller that I bought before). The differences are stellar. I’ve not played the Switch much recently as the experience using the old controller wasn’t great and it put me off playing. As soon as I unboxed this controller and held it, it felt comfortable and high quality for such a good price. Played ACNH, Burnout Paradise and PacMan 99 for a few hours this evening and I am so happy I decided to get this!
    The Hold function is great for ACNH for any repetitive, mundane tasks. Haven’t played with the Macros yet but no doubt will explore that over the next few weeks!
    Love the fact you can customise pretty much everything using an iOS app too and the fact I can also connect it to other devices to use as a controller.

  81. Jessica Dolcourt says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    When playing a game that requires rhythm presses to make combos against enemies, I noticed my combos would fail and that during menus the A would press when touch lightly. Other than that it does the job.

  82. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Probably the best third party controller you can buy.

    The price is on par with that of a first party controller, along with the build quality.

    The battery life lasts long enough for me to scratch my head to remember the last time I had to charge it.

    The thumbsticks are similar to the thumbsticks found on the dualshock 4 in regards to feeling.

    The controller itself is comfortable to hold.

    I strongly recommend this to anyone in the market for a multi-purpose controller.

  83. JoycelyTodd says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEl control lleg muy rpido con importacin y aunque la caja lleg un poco daada el control est ok. Quera un control 8bitdo para usarlo con el Xiaomi Mi Box S y emular varias plataformas de juego, el cintrol se conecta muy bien por bluetooth y sin lag a Mi Box y puedo jugar hasta Playstation y el control responde de lujo, seguro ser uno de mis favoritos.

    Control de alta calidad!

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really good controller. Bought to replace the first pro which had an A button sticking but so far so good this is better. Plus the D pad is awesome

  85. KarryHurst says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI was sceptical about this as I’ve tried 3rd party controllers in the past. This controller is a perfect addition to the switch. Ergonomic, the analog sticks are the perfect height and the extra buttons on the grip are a great addition for the price. Also connecting to the switch was flawless. Thoroughly recommended! Top class!

  86. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This controller plays anything you can throw at it. I play games downloaded from different sites. Usually i have to switch controllers for different games. Like Dlsite that’s a Japanese site where only knock of PlayStation controllers will operate them. This 8 bit do plays Japanese games with no problem. Steam, epic, ps4, Xbox, switch and even off brand pc sites this is all you need. The 8 bit do has really cut down on my controller traffic cause this is all I use now. I bought anther one of this and stored some of my other controllers. And the best feature no lag during gameplay.

  87. KateFiorini says:


    Works great with Open Emu on mac. Doesn’t work with project 64 though…

  88. Chris Hall says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Had it a few months. It does exactly what I want. all buttons are responsive. feels solid. Shape is like a classic style but updated. The extra buttons on the back feel good.

    This controller is solid, IMO would be a good buy for anyone.

    (picked up black in case there’s some defect with other colors my review wouldn’t apply to)

    Will likely purchase another in the future of another color.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Great controllers, they work and connect to my consoles fine.

    The button mapping software can be used via pc or connect via bluetooth through a phone app. Great to not need to a connecting PC to change.

    Batteries are removal! This is such a nice change, great to know I can change out to batteries and ensure the lifespan of this controller.

    The extra buttons P1 and P2 are easy to reach and add extra value to an already great controller.

    No complaints about the D Pad or the buttons, feel very comfortable and are easy to press.

  90. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Best controller for windows emulators. Worked w dolphin right away, even the vibrate function worked with very little set up. Can’t recall if I even had to button map, I think I set it to x-input and it just configured itself. Connected via bluetooth right away every time I turn the controller on. Fyi, after the first connect: make sure you turn on the controller FIRST, before opening the emulator.

  91. RaulPerrin says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersSuper zufrieden bis jetzt.
    Toll verarbeitet und einfach ber die Software zu programmieren.
    Die Verbindung zur Switch hat sofort funktioniert.
    Klare Kaufempfehlung von mir!

    Sehr gute Qualität!

  92. Michael Sawh says:

     United States

    Excellent controller!

    I’m really impressed with how this controller feels. I am an avid gamer and sometimes spend hours on end on my Nintendo Switch, I found that the regular joycon & grip set up is not the most comfortable and my hands cramp up.

    This controller feels immaculate to hold and fits wonderfully in the hands. It looks and feels sleek. I was debating between this and the pro controller, but this one is way better at a better price point.

    The fact that it doesn’t automatically power on the switch and you have to connect the controller every time is not even a big issue, as it always connects in a few seconds.

    Highly recommend! Buy when this is in stock!

    From a gamer, just buy it.

  93. Rik Henderson says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    might be the best controller ever but I won’t know until I get a USB 4.0 dongle

    I didn’t see it mentioned one way or another so I figured it came with one like literally every other bluetooth device I’ve ever purchased =p

  94. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    i want to like this controller so much, but most recently ive been having an issue where the left trigger stays active even when its not pressed. i wish i could change the sensitivity for the triggers in switch mode but i cannot.

  95. Anonymous says:


    Being the owner of multiple 8bitdo products (N30+RR, SN30, SF30, USB Receiver, and SN30 Pro), when I saw they created a pad with back buttons, I definitely wanted to give it a try. I do not regret it, and will probably buy another in the future. I had skipped the SN30 Pro+, so the Pro 2 is the first I feel of the ergonomic handles they added to the form factor, and it’s pretty comfortable for me.

    The configuration of the controller is also pretty swell, and the ability to have 3 additional profiles (apart from the base “0” profile) for each mode is also very handy.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    It doesn’t have the wakeup feature but you can just press power button on the switch (lol), all you have to do to pair the controller is press the start button on the controller its super easy.
    I like it more than the Xbox One controller (haven’t used the ps4&5 for comparison).
    The PC software for it is great lets you fine tune whatever you want and they even have a firmware updater that lets you choose whatever version you need.

  97. ElsieBrito says:

     United States

    Controller is built really well. Feels good in my hands, not too big not too small. Similar to a PlayStation controller. I like that it charges usb-c and not micro, because micro is terrible and breaks easy. The only reason i give it 4/5 is because it doesn’t have an auto shut off feature. I used it on my ipad to play a game and i stopped. I turned the ipad off and put the controller down thinking it would just shut off after so many minutes of inactivity. Went to use it the next day and it was dead. Maybe they will add this in the future.

  98. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our Users)


    1. x
    2. Bluetooth






    Mac OSiphoneApplePCMaciphone12Android




  99. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIt’s a nice controller and fits comfortably in my hands. The face buttons and triggers feel good to press. Thumb sticks move freely without sticking and click fine. Using the game controller experience is comparable to how first party controllers from MS/Sony feel. The paddles in the grip are a nice extra feature with short travel to actuation and a good click when pressed. A selector on the back of the controller allows it to pair to multiple devices and conveniently switch connections without having to re-pair bluetooth every time. Overall it’s a great controller as good as console controllers, it has nice features, and it’s not as expensive as the Xbox Elite controller.

  100. XTGDonaldax says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI don’t have a MAC, so I couldn’t test it on that. Still, between my PC, android and switch, this is extremely fluid! The response time is good. There’s no delay by any means. I love that I can switch between all my systems without fail. It’s weird that it’s slightly smaller, but noticeably heavier than the PS5 controller.

    If I had any complaints, it would be the button layout. As I’m used to my switch and PS5, how it’s set up is just jarring at times. This isn’t a problem though. Like switching between any game where the jump button is X, and now the jump button is A. I’ll get use to it.

    Overall, it’s a wonderful product, and I’m happy I could get it day one! It’s made playing Monster Hunter Rise a lot easier.

    Great feel