AKAI Professional MPK Mini Play – 25-Note Piano Style Keyboard and USB MIDI Controller With A Built in Speaker, Drum Pads and 128 Instrument Sounds

Weight: 745 g
Dimensions: 4.65 x 17.27 x 31.22 cm; 745 Grams
Model: MPKMiniPlay

125 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Mon fils souhaitait tout prix obtenir cet appareil, aprs avoir vu des tutos sur internet. Je lui ai donc command pour son anniversaire.
    J’aurais d malheureusement creuser le sujet avant de passer commande.

    Pour les non-initis, il est important de savoir que ce clavier n’est pas prvu pour fonctionner seul.
    Son utilisation ncessite le raccordement un PC et l’installation d’un logiciel de mixage ddi (trs gourmands en ressources), dans le but d’affecter des sonorits aux diffrentes touches.
    Autant dire me mon pc portable de l’poque (processeur I3 intel) n’arrivait pas suivre…

    Malgr de nombreuses recherches sur internet, je n’ai pu rsoudre un problme. En effet, les octaves ne respectent pas l’ordre des touches. Donc impossible de jouer une mlodie comme sur un synth.
    J’ai donc trouv que l’apprentissage et l’utilisation de ce genre de matriel sont assez fastidieux. J’ai persist quelques semaines, mais mon fils s’en est dsintress au bout de quelques jours.

    Un conseil, achetez uniquement si vous possdez un pc assez costaud (une carte son me parait indispensable).

    En ce qui concerne le passage de la commande et la livraison, tout c’est bien droul.
    A l’installation, le produit ncessite une connexion sur le site AKAI, pour enregistrement et tlchargement du logiciel de base. L aussi, rien redire. Tout la procdure est claire et simple mettre en uvre.

    En rsum, c’est un trs bon produit (avis bas sur les tutos vido), mais convient des utilisateurs initis et dtenteur d’un bon PC.

  2. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Achet pour piloter un MPC Live en mobilit, je me suis dit que ses sons intgrs et ses Hp taient un plus … erreur ! Inutilisable sans casque car le volume sur Hp est plus que faible et les sons plus que moyens …
    En rsum, cela reste un bon clavier de commande mais le “Play” n’est que mauvais gadget par rapport un Mini MK2 et ne justifie pas les 25 de plus.

  3. LinwoodQ36 says:


    I really appreciate the idea of MIDI keyboard that can be used as a standalone instrument for playing music so for example I can give it to my kids or play myself without connecting it to anything. In practice it does not work like this: the volume is too low (terrible kids pianos that cost 15 are louder than this; although it is better with headphones) and the quality of the on-board sames is too bad (really bad – think of a noname soundcard from 1995) to enjoy playing it standalone. For any useful play you have to connect it to a computer or other device so you end up with MPK mini but with less pads.

  4. Andy Zahn says:

     United Kingdom

    Wonderful little device full of lots of possibilities. The built in speaker is a bit weedy, but its great with headphones. Hoping my toddler grows to appreciate it more as he grows up. He loves it already.

  5. Charles Singletary Jr. says:


    La tastiera una ottima tastiera, sicuramente al livello delle precedenti. E’ ovvio che il fatto che abbia dei suoni integrati la rende pi comoda di quelle che non li hanno, ma anche ovvio che la variet e la qualit dei suoni integrati non pu essere paragonata alla incredibile variet di effetti che si possono estrarre dai programmi per PC. Ho letto molte recenzioni nelle quali effetti ed audio integrato sono descritti come inefficaci e penanzzanti, mi permetto di criticare questo punto di vista. La tastiera costruita per essere interfacciata al PC come tutte le altre, con la differenza che, in pi, se sei sul tram o sul treno, puoi ripassare un pezzo, imparare un nuovo passaggio.Non servono per suonare in pubblico. Il suono che esce dall’altoparantino simile a quello di un giocattolo.Ma se viene collegata ad un amplificatore, ad un mixer o meglio ad un PC ovvio che siamo sui livelli digitali T utto ci con una piccola differenza di prezzo. Dal mio punto di vista ne vale la pena. I tasti pur se piccoli consentono una buona sensibilit al tatto e suoni progressivi e sensibili al tocco. Quello che per pi interessante l’incredibile range di suoni ed effetti forniti con il software e la possibilit di registrare, elaborare, sovraincidere, loppare e creare grazie alla mole di effetti forniti ed alle possibilt di espansione. Dato il prezzo abbordabile, personalmente la consiglio anche a che vuole dare un occhiata a questo modo di creare musica, a mio avviso non pi rinuciabile. Anche solo per rivedere e rielaborare vecchi brani gi suonati o registati. La tastiera un grande aiuto per il controllo e l’inserimento degli effetti ed anche un divertimento per suonare in live con il tuo gruppo.

    Non confondre la qualità efficace con le possibilità aggiuntive

  6. Anonymous says:


    Tout tait cool mais je trouvais que les speakers intgr ne sonnaient pas asser fort et bien pour se prix la donc j’ai retourn.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Molto comodo il sistema che la fa funzionare anche a batterie ed il suo altoparlante esterno ma per usare tutte le potenzialit bisogna necessariamente utilizzarla collegato al computer. In definitiva sono soddisfatto di questo prodotto e lo consiglierei

  8. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ottimo principianti, gli ho dato 4 stelle poich il software complicato da usare.

  9. AlejandReiss says:

     United Kingdom

    Now this is probably one of the best musical instruments that I have purchased. I love the stand alone keyboard feature which lets you play up to 128 different styles of instruments. The output is quiet, but connect to a amp and it really sounds brilliant. It comes with MPC beats software which is quite complex but allows playing with rythyms, backing etc. The internal sounds selector knob should have been larger as it is one of the most used controls in my world. I love the fact that you can change the octaves up and down each to 4 levels. It is also battery powered when using as stand alone keyboard, and I would have preferred to see a PSU input, but uses USB power when connected to laptop. Overall brill.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United States

    The only problem I have, is you need an audio interface to actually record to you laptop. Other than that it’s grea

  11. EugeneChiodo says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis little keyboard is the one you want if you’re going to buy one of the mpk mini units. Even though its not a synth, the preloaded sounds on the unit are wonderful and show up on a lot of my music. Little keyboard with some really useable tones. A great traveler or unit for sitting beside the mpc. Great entry level unit that I feel still has a place in my studio even after getting some legit midi synths.

  12. Anonymous says:

     Japan 🇯🇵

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersThe keys feels great! I used it as a midi controller in the video, so the piano sound you heard is from my laptop. There’s 128 built in sample sounds, but there are not that great.

  13. Anonymous says:


    El producto es muy bueno y lleg rpido, solo me qued la duda del depsito que se incluy en el monto final, no supe cmo solicitarlo o no s si es automtico.

  14. Iyah says:

     United States

    pads dont match the defautlt layout. havent figured out the mapping but i found where the pads are being pressed, so i just set the sounds there and it works

  15. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Probably great, returned it bc my ex is now my ex

  16. JeniferRobledo says:


    Questo prodotto mi stato consigliato da altri miei colleghi musicisti che lo utilizzano per scopi lavorativi. Uno degli aspetti migliori che insieme alla testiera viene consegnato un free account che consente l’accesso a un programma di music editor. Io la utilizzo come tastiera Midi affiancata a Garage Band e la considero perfetta per lo scopo. La consiglio ad occhi chiusi.

    Prodotto completo

  17. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Trs bon produit malgr un son trs mdiocre via ses hauts parleurs intgrs, c’est la seule chose qui ne semble pas tre de qualit, a ressemble plus aux hauts parleurs de restauration rapide…. sinon le produit est bien fini, les pads ractifs, un pc est ncessaire pour profiter rellement de ce clavier…

  18. Roland Hutchinson says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Very intuitive for beginners but still a powerhouse for a pro

  19. BraydenTulloch says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    It’s pretty sick. Toooonnnns to learn though, so be ready for that.

  20. QXNIsabell says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersCette version propose une prise casque audio l’arrire ce qui n’est pas le cas d’autres , soyez vigilant.
    Cet article peut tre utiliser sans ordinateur comme une clavier pour mlomane , sur 3 piles ou une source Usb (bien placer le commutateur sur l’option d’alimentation qui convient).
    Une fois install en quelques seconde, il vous faudra vous connecter avec mail et compte peu importe le nom… pour rcuprer deux programmes mpc beats qui est une sorte de Hub pour d’autres modules , donc 1 module mais aussi un utilitaire qui dite les mp3 et wav trs bien j’en voulais un.
    Une fois sur le programme Mpc Beats vous avez un squenceur il faudra ou pas install des programmes gratuit ou a payer pour avoir des kits dans le programme en lien avec le Akai.
    Il faut quand mme une base de musique et d’aisance pour ces logiciels de musique ce n’est pas la port de tout le monde croyez moi. Il y a plein de choses qu’il faut apprendre ou pas vous de voir mais il y a bcp de trucs, on arrive a se faire plaisir surtout si vous avez dej fait cela ce qui est mon cas, sinon bien faudra apprendre , se renseigner, idem pour moi mme si j’ai dej fait cela titre perso et cration de musiques.
    Donc le produit est bien , il y avait un autre 60… mais lui fait aussi clavier maitre et donc peu le coupler un autre uniquement en prise Jack pas de midi, sauf sur PC ‘ via usb ‘

  21. TomasMcMaster says:


    My son loves this thing! He is a beginner but enjoys playing around and making beats. Nice and light, easy to carry around.

  22. ora-exacta says:

     United States

    The internal speaker could be a wee-bit louder. For beginners you should make mention of laptop or desktop computer interface.

  23. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersCool interface for making beats. I recommend this version as you can play with it right out of the box without the need of a computer. Internal speaker is very small and quiet so you need to hook it up to an external speaker or amp to really hear the great sounds. Tons of built in sounds and an adequate amount of drum kits already loaded into this unit. Works right away with Garage Band.
    There is no built in looper so you will need to buy one or use your DAW to accomplish this effect. Overall a simple unit to start music recording. Lots of YouTube tutorials available. Able to use batteries but they get drained quickly. USB power available.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    If you have no experience with music software or music production avoid this product. As a standalone battery powered instrument I do like this, I found the onboard sounds to be great as a starting point, but when you start trying to hook this up to a DAW you really start hitting problems.
    This is an AKAI product, part of their professional range, and yet when we tried to hook it up to the MPC Beats software its recommended for it became an absolute nightmare. There is no setting for MPK Mini Play and no official setup tutorials. You have to use the setup for the other MPK Mini which is a slightly different unit.
    It is not just plug and play. This cost me a few hours on Youtube and the Akai forum.
    Eventually I’ve managed to route the audio through Ableton for audio looping, or I can tweak the midi mapping in Ableton as well, but I have years of experience with that. If you were someone who picked this up for a kid who had no music production experience I can only imagine the frustrating hours you spent.
    I would have just go the MPK Mini on its own had I known more.

  25. LillianaSVST says:


    Vraiment un regale ce petit piano ,

    Pour le moment je ne l’ai qu’exclusivement utilis en extrieur avec des pile // amplifier sur une enceinte portatif
    enfin un petit instrument que se range parfaitement dans le sac avec lequel tu peux rellement travailler /t amuser
    Personelleme,nt , je l’utilise au taff a mes heures perdu et j’apprecis vraiment l’autonomie du produit , quil sois indpandant de tout logiciel c’est vraiment une gros plus

    Par contre il aurai t tellement appreciable d’avoir un looper intgr decus … et sa c’est vachement domage , du coup le fun est limit quand on est pas connect en midi , le must aurai etait d’avoir une connectique bluetooth aussi ainis que de quoi inserer notre prope vbanque de son … ENFIN BREF

    sa reste pour sur tres jouiisif , quand on a pas l’habitude c’est un peut la galere la prise en main mais vraiment c’est un regale !

  26. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI got this to replace a prior brand from Amazon and wanted to see how it works in my audio studio gear. I like the fact you can use it on it’s own without being tied down to the tablet or PC. But you have the option to still use it with PC is required using Audio Interface connected via USB and this unit as well.

    MPC Beats DAW
    Waveform DAW
    Built-in Speaker
    Volume Control
    USB/BAT switch ( requires 3 AA (best to use rechargeable)
    Built-in 128 Rhythms Tones and 10 Drums Machine Kit
    Midi Player
    Midi Controller (requires a PC or iPad)

    None so fa

    Fun to play with 128 Rhythms Tones and 10 Drums Machine Ki

  27. Randall21D says:

     United States

    Love it! People complaint that sounds are too cheap but they are actually quite ideal to get a 80s sound. I love it.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I don’t think this was a horrible controller and could probably work well for a lot of people, but it did not work for me unfortunately. My main issues with it were that the keys were too small and the buttons were very stiff and hard to depress. If the keys were a little larger and had more give, it might have worked out better. Andrew Huang did a review of this controller on his YouTube channel, which I totally recommend if you’d like to see it in action.

  29. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersIn questa recensione vorrei cercare di raccontare la mia esperienza ed esserti utile nella scelta visto che anch’io ho cercato di capire di pi leggendo le altre recensioni.

    MPK Mini Play della AKAI un controller, pertanto, non lecito attendersi che i timbri inclusi possono essere all’altezza di quelli di un sintetizzatore da 1.000 euro. Tuttavia, devo dire che alcuni suoni non sono poi cos male. E’ comunque qualcosa in pi.

    Su questo fronte occorre essere chiari: altri prodotti simili, compresi gli altri MPK della AKAI, non includono un set di suoni o di ritmi, come pure non sono dotati di uno speaker. Come ho letto in alcune recensioni, ed vero, la qualit dello speaker piuttosto bassa ma… sinceramente non mi aspettavo nulla di diverso, perch le dimensioni dello speaker sono ben visibili dalle immagini: diciamo che lo potete immaginare come l’audio del vostro cellulare in vivavoce. Non adatto per accompagnare una chitarra al parco 😉

    La domanda che vi dovete fare : la comodit di poter utilizzare il mio controller in modo indipendente dal pc o dal Mac, il fatto di avere a disposizione 128 timbri e diverse batterie, pu essere comodo per la mia attivit creativa? Per me lo era e una spesa di 10 in pi rispetto agli altri modelli non era poi cos preoccupante.

    Funziona anche solo con tre batterie senza alcun altro collegamento: questo pu essere utile per prendere appunti musicali al volo. Diversamente, lo potete collegare con il cavo in dotazione ad una normale porta USB.

    Il display piacevole ma non necessario; a me fa piacere averlo, inoltre, segnala il timbro in uso e le variazioni compiute con i filtri o la velocit impressa a pad e tastiera.

    Potete settare anche i vostri suoni preferiti: cosa ancora pi interessante, potete modificarli senza ausilio di computer e daw direttamente dalla tastiera con il vostro umile spikerino e memorizzarli per poi richiamarli a piacimento (con i pad). Questo mi piaciuto e mi ha colpito favorevolmente.

    Peccato non avere un registratore interno: naturalmente impossibile accontentare tutti noi anche perch le dimensioni del prodotto sono ridotte (c’ chi vorrebbe il Bluetooth, c’ chi vorrebbe degli speaker un po’ migliori, etc.).

    La tastiera non il massimo ma nella media rispetto ai prodotti simili dell’identica fascia: io riesco a lavorarci abbastanza bene. Ho provato anche a pestare pesantemente i tasti singolarmente o con accordi: la tastiera piuttosto gommosa, non piacevolissima, ma nulla di diverso da quello che ci si pu attendere da questo tipo di prodotto. Per intanto non ho rotto i tasti, ma credo che occorra stare attenti nella fase di rilascio a non strattonarli con i polpastrelli con delle dita non molto sottili: infatti i tasti sono ridotti.

    Ho trovato iPad per la batteria abbastanza duri, ma, se vogliamo guardare l’aspetto positivo, possiamo picchiare molto forte e arricchire l’espressivit delle percussioni: lo strumento in grado di capire l’intensit.

    L’arpeggiatore interno abbastanza scarso, ma credo che questo ci interessi relativamente in quanto il controller lo utilizziamo con un software. Anche il sistema di tap per controllare la velocit dell’arpeggiatore non precisissimo. Ripeto, per me non era essenziale, ma ho provato ad utilizzarlo per creare una linea di basso e in questo pu essere utile a pensare un pezzo senza pretese. Non un synth.

    Effettivamente, come ho detto in altre recensioni, invece vero che il tasto full level non svolge bene il suo lavoro. Direi che comunque anche questo aspetto trascurabile.

    Per quanto concerne i software in dotazione e la compatibilit con pc, oppure come nel mio caso con Macintosh, devo dire che non ho trovato le difficolt che avevo letto su altri commenti. Infatti, il controller comandava correttamente GarageBand, ed ho potuto scaricare sul mio MacBook Air con S.O. Catalina uno dei software messi a disposizione, e pi precisamente Hybrid 3. Anche cos il software funziona correttamente.

    Forse, potrete trovare qualche difficolt in pi a settare le “manopole”, ma per me questo non un problema.

    Ho testato il prodotto con uno speaker per cellulare e l’audio decisamente migliore, ma per qualche accordo durante la creazione di una canzone sufficiente anche il piccolo speaker (ripeto, di bassa qualit ma anche vero che gli altri non ce l’hanno).
    Per completare questa recensione ho provato a collegare il controller alle casse di un pianoforte digitale e ad un amplificatore per basso elettrico: i suoni interni risultavano abbastanza bene e non ho notato particolari fruscii o ronzii. In caso di emergenza si pu fare, ma non lo auguro a nessuno perch evidentemente non il suo ruolo 🙂

    Ovviamente, il prodotto non pensato per sostituire un sintetizzatore ad un concerto oppure per suonare delle parti di Schopin.

    Personalmente sono abbastanza soddisfatto ed il rapporto qualit prezzo, confrontato con prodotti della medesima fascia, abbastanza soddisfacente.

    Un caro saluto a tutti e buona musica !!!

  30. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    fonctionne bien avec pile ou branchement et a c’est supe

  31. LuzAlbrecht says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Battery powered didn’t work despite troubleshooting and using new AA batteries. It worked once I used super alkaline batteries.

  32. The Manual Staff says:

     United States

    Got this as a gift for my son for his birthday. He loves it now that he figured it out.

  33. Anonymous says:


    Works well son is happy with it perfect for beginners

  34. JeanettDXPX says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI traded an MPK mini 2 for this. The Play doesn’t have bluetooth, but it does have built in sounds and a little speaker. The sounds are only okay, and the speaker is only loud enough to be useful in a quiet room, but I find it very useful. I can use it to work out or practice little melodies without my computer, then I can attach the usb when I need to use it as a controller.

    The pads are useful, the screen is nice. I wish it had a little midi sequencer built in so I could tap out a drum beat, then play along to it. But as is, it’s a nice little combination of features for the size and price. Pretty good on battery life, too.

  35. AdalbertoQuinon says:


    Super pour exprimenter et produire de la musique.
    Malheureusement j’ai pas eu une assistance top de l’entreprise et c’est cela qui explique ma note.

  36. BridgetLok says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This is great fun and there is a lot to play around with, also super portable and did I mention fun. The speaker is pretty quiet so that is one thing to consider, but for playing around or composing in a quiet room it is very satisfactory.

  37. Kelly Hodgkins says:

     United States

    This product is amazing. Works stand alone or thru ext speaker or thru laptop etc with pro tools and velvet, mini grand, and hybrid 3. Not to mention MCP beats software.

  38. Beatric08M says:


    il prodotto e buono anzi direi ottimo x principianti le casse interne hanno il volume u p bassino e bisogna pigare forte x sentire il suono meglio collegarle a delle casse i 128 suoni interni gi installati sono buoni la tastiera e i pad e joystick e meglio non dargli colpi io la qualit non e eccelsa comunque tutto sommato una buona tastierina midi x iniziare

  39. Anonymous says:


    Esta muy correcto,las teclas no son malas para nada estn bien , incluso en sensibilidad,los pasa lo mejor que he visto… la sensacin general es muy buena.La portabilidad es impresionante.En general lo recomiendo,sin duda,si lo utilizas para ir y venir,sobretodo porque puedes practicar sin enchufar al ordenador y con cascos,el altavoz solo sirve de gua.Estoy encantado…como Home estudio no es el mejor,pero para llevrtelo en la mochila es el mejor.Puedes ulizarlo en cualquier daw.

  40. MicaelaSMTU says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usersmy first midi controller cost $32 and worked fine. But I wanted pads instead of keys. The only added feature for getting the “Play” version is the built in speaker. But it is NOT worth the extra $50 over the standard MkII. The speaker is tinny and tiny. worse then a toy.
    i was unhappy with the “included” software because i had to install proprietary licensing software in order to use it. A basic grand piano patch and I have to fully enroll in a third party software and install it to my hard drive. Not cool.
    as far as build quality, I haven’t had any complaints. I general go easy with it but i have giant ape hands so most stuff breaks with me.
    It synced up to my Logic Pro X easily enough and I was making beats and playing notes.
    the overall experience, to me, justifies going past $32 for a midi controller. I “feel” less like an musical imposter and that changes all songwriting.
    I guess being able to goof around (and use headphones with it) is worth it.

  41. Anonymous says:


    It’s so compact it fits anywhere in my workspace, and allows be to be spontaneously creative anytime, anywhere. I don’t know how I didn’t have this sooner in my life!

  42. Blair Marnell says:


    Buon prodotto soprattutto in relazione al prezzo. Leggero e robusto. Buona dotazione di suoni interni. Peccato per il volume e la qualit delle casse interne, viene pubblicizzato il fatto di poterla usare ovunque, peccato che il volume massimo pari al ronzio di una zanzara. Inoltre, presa per utilizzare con virtual dj ma purtroppo da quanto letto su vari forum probabilmente non funziona, o cmq bisogna impostarla da zero…

  43. Anonymous says:


    Plays on batteries. Ya, the built in speaker sounds tinny. Hook up headphone or an amp/speaker and you are good to go. Great with Spire recording.

  44. Anonymous says:


    This keyboard is the perfect keyboard! I highly recommend this to any producer. Wide selection of sounds too!

  45. Anonymous says:


    Idal pour contrler diffrents instruments partir de n’importe qui logiciel audio, facile d’utilisation, pdagogique et agrable pour la ralisation d’esquisses.

  46. Anonymous says:


    Bought this for my son who wanted to get into creating music online. This was great entry level keyboard. He says it was easy to learn how to use and felt it was well made and well suited for his needs. I’m sure as he gets more into creating his own music he will outgrow this keyboard but for now it’s a great beginner keyboard.

  47. Rik Henderson says:

     United States

    I have the original MPK Mini. This is amazing for sitting in the porch and doing a live show. Reminder: internal sounds to not translate to your DAW. The keyboard will control garage band no problem OR use the internal sounds to put on a live show. Also will not loop your drum beats so be prepared to drum and key simultaneously. Use a loop device or be prepared to shell out another $399 for that feature.

  48. Anne says:


    This was a gift for my hubby. He was very happy with his new toy.

  49. Anonymous says:


    Ich nutze dieses Gert in Verbindung mit einem iMac 2011 und Logic Pro X.
    Die Einrichtung ist, wie man es sich erhofft, sehr simpel. Anschlieen, fertig.
    ber den Tiefgang der Einstellungen lsst sich streiten. Man kann das Gert ber Batterien mit Energie versorgen, oder ber USB.
    Der Klang ber die integrierten Lautsprecher ist arg blechern. ber Kopfhrer hingegen ist alles klasse.

    Lediglich htte ich mir gewnscht, dass es eine Art Aufnahme-Funktion gibt, mit der man unterwegs etwas aufnehmen kann, um dann zuhause dies auf den PC bertragen zu knnen.
    In der Preisklasse (ca. 100) kann man aber echt nicht meckern.

    Die Drum-Pads werden unter Logic Pro X bei jedem Instrument erkannt und spielen die recht tiefen Tne.
    Wenn ich in Logic Pro X ein Drum-Set als Instrumental auswhle, werden auch nur bestimmte Sets ber die Drumpads bedient.
    Zumindest dann, wenn man keine Einstellungen vornimmt.
    Bis ich dieses Problem” gelst habe, musste ich etwas tiefer in die Software rein und ein paar Einstellungen verndern. Aber dann hat alles tadellos funktioniert.

    Schade nur, dass Logic die Bedienung eines Sustain-Pedals” nicht bernimmt, welches an diesem Gert angeschlossen ist.
    Aber auch das ist, vermute ich, nur Einstellungssache. Hab mich bisher nicht mit beschftigt, da man die Tne nachher manuell verlngern/krzen kann.

  50. IndiraMaudsley says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis is a nice little General Midi Plus keyboard. What I mean by PLUS is that sounds can be run thru a filter, attack and decay are on the unit as well as reverb, chorus, bass and treble. Drives ALL of the synth apps on my IPad easily with a simple camera adapter.
    BUT the keyboard is horrible. The spring resistance is way too high. I watched a lot of reviews on YT and most users say “I’m not a keyboardist so…..”. So it works for adding music to they’re DAWs. I am a keyboardist and have 10 other synths and none of them, even my AKAI Miniak are as “sproingy” as this. So, if your a beginner DO NOT judge how you play by this thing.
    Back to the positive: the sounds are really nice, the arpeggiator is great and being able to tweak every sound is amazing for a keyboard at this price.

  51. Byron Hurd says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBuscaba un controlador midi que fuera barato (menos de 100), pequeo y verstil para mi mini estudio: con teclado y parches. Este le consegu por unos 85 en Amazon Warehouse, y tal y como se puede ver en las fotos, est impoluto.

    Baraj varias opciones, vi varios videos. En algunos de ellos se dice que la calidad de los materiales de este producto deja que desear en comparacin con controladores de otras marcas a precio similar, adems de que en este modelo concreto (mini play) los sonidos incorporados son de chiste.

    Quiz todo lo malo dicho sobre este controlador sea cierto (hasta cierto punto), pero su ligereza, el tamao compacto y su versatilidad (apegiador, full level key, note repeat, sonidos incorporados) le hace una opcin muy a tener en cuenta.

    La calidad del material es aceptable para un estudio casero y los sonidos incorporados son INFINITAMENTE mejores que el de los controladores que no incorporan absolutamente ninguno…;-) Tampoco hay obligacin de usarlos, es un controlador midi muy capaz por s mismo, pero conectado a unos auriculares o altavoces puede hacerte pasar un buen rato y practicar. Si adems tienes un looper las posibilidades son infinitas sin tener que estar conectado a un ordenador.

    Por ltimo, y aunque siempre sea algo subjetivo, a nivel esttico para m es el ms chulo en este rango de precios y tamao.

    Versatilidad y funcionalidad

  52. jackeylee123 says:


    Vu le prix propos, j’avais quelques a priori mais j’ai t agrablement surpris. Il fonctionne trs bien, le logiciel gratuit est top ! A voir sur la dure mais depuis quelques semaines, aucun problme rencontr. Aprs, ce n’est pas le top du top mais vu le prix, on n’est pas du.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    It comes with good daw and software for a good price I’m definitely getting their most expensive they have with the bigger screen plus I owned a cme xkey Bluetooth one n this one for being $60 cheaper it has better features plus more software and it come with on board synthesizer what more can I ask.

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fairly basic, not all that robust and instructions supplied are minimal. However, for the the price it is excellent. Plug into your laptop and off you go. With imagination you will be able to generate professional standard tracks. Instruction videos available on the internet.

  55. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIt’s kind of the best toy keyboard i could have, without wanting to rip it apart and modify it. Can work on some chords while i’m going to bed, and also use it as a midi controller in the studio here and there, if/when needed.

  56. EpifaniIbsch says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI love this product! It’s fun and very easy to use. I haven’t used any of the software it comes with, so I can’t comment on that. I got this initially because it’s not midi-dependent to play, though it has midi. I knew the speaker wasn’t very loud based on past reviews, but you can still just turn it on and play around. If you want volume or quality sound, just plug in the headphones or a speaker/amp and it sounds great. So easy to take it on the go and play anywhere!

  57. FredricEdmonson says:


    vom Preis her top.
    handlich und einfach zu bedienen.
    Allerdings ein Manko, dass der Sound zu leise ist und man es definitiv an einen Lautsprecher anschlieen muss. Von daher nicht unbedingt fr unterwegs geeignet.
    Ansonsten macht es aber Freude mit den vielen unterschiedlichen Sounds und Effekten seiner Kreativitt freien Lauf zu lassen.

  58. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I use this constantly in the studio; very playable, has all the features that you need in a highly portable unit. You do need to hit the octave buttons to continue up or down the scale, but it’s easy, and that’s standard for 25-key keyboard.

  59. Elizabeth Henges says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This is a great little keyboard. Has almost all the sounds I would need for my purposes. I’m mainly a guitar player. Been dabbling with keys. I’m not crazy about the mini keys, but you get used to them. Don’t need an iPad or a laptop – this has great built-in sounds. I run the headphone out into a DI box and then into my mixer. Sounds great!!

  60. The BonBon Rose Girls says:


    J’ai achete’ ce clavier pour le besoin d’ajouter de sons ou de petit arpeggio a mes esecutions avec autres claviers. Si tu sorte le sons dans un mixer (plutot que son speaker) tu ecouterrai un tres bon qualite’ de sons, avec la possibilite de donner beacoup d’effect et de le sauvegarder. La son library est tres riche (presque 100). Et aussi le function “arpeggiator” n’est pas mal pour un clavier avec un cout vraiment tres bas. Pour moi c’est perfect comme clavier ajoute’ dans mon set up

  61. Anonymous says:


    Difficile installer pour les dbutants, cela reste trs pratique de pouvoir jouer sans qu’il soit connec

  62. Lizette64T says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI bought this for myself to use for when travelling, and it works best with a laptop computer nearby. It has a variety of different instruments and I have yet to figure out all the features of this keyboard! If you are starting out with piano, I would recommend a real (grand, electric, or stand up piano) one, but this is great for intermediates to practice. The USB MIDI is also really high quality and has little input lag. I have made a few track tunes with the oscillate feature and I have to say, i’m impressed. This edition has somewhat small, sensitive and firm keys that take a little bit of getting used to. The drum pad is excellent, and by far, my friends’ favourite feature. Yes, this does have a headphone jack (makes up for the speakers being somewhat quiet)!

    Overall, This product is well made, and mobile enough for me to have bought the case for it. Works best with a computer and headphones, but is great for playing on long road trips! If you are on the fence about this like I was, try it out.

  63. MurielHerington says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersWe purchased this as a Christmas gift for our 4 1/2 year old son. It is perfect for beginners and will be even better as he grows up. It is user friendly enough so he can play around with the different sounds and use it as a stand alone synth. He also loves to hook his headphones to it. My only complaint is that the speaker doesn’t allow for a higher volume. It is very quiet.

  64. JeniferRobledo says:


    Le clavier fonctionne trs bien que se soit avec les sons intgrs ou directement sur un ordinateur.
    Je l’utilise sur GarageBand avec un micro que j’ai achet part, trs bien pour composer des petites musiques.
    1 seul point ngatif : la notice n’explique pas tout, il faut regarder des vidos sur YouTube pour tout comprendre.

  65. MapleCheel says:


    Lautstrke etwas schwach.Ich benutze zum Synthesizer zu betreiben um Musik kreieren zum test .
    Fr unterwegs noch nicht probiert da gebe keine Sterne.Hat keine drum Auto Begleitung.Und haltte
    keine Halte Taste fr Auto rythme.

  66. Anonymous says:


    Rispondo subito a chi si lamenta delle prestazioni: con 100 euro non potete ottenere di pi! Rapporto qualit prezzo perfetto, molto consigliato se cercate qualcosa di “casual”, si trovano controller migliori, il punto di forza la possibilit di usarlo con lo speaker, magari avete un’idea in testa e volete suonarla al volo, questo perfetto!

  67. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersFor the price and what you get, it’s a good keyboard. Maybe not the best for beginners as you have limited keys And it would be tough to learn on, but for your home studio it’s a nice addition for adding little riffs and laying down bass lines/ synth tracks. You may find yourself using it more often than larger keyboards you already own because of the ease of use and it’s small size. Onboard sounds are a bit basic but there’s a few nice synths sprinkled in there that you may want to utilize, but you’ll most likely be using it with a DAW so obviously you’re not limited to just the onboard synths. Keys are very reactive, not like other cheap keyboards where you have to hammer the keys to get any sound. Nice value.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to set up and use – could use more instructions on how to get the best from the arpeggiator. Nice wee keyboard, I use it on its side as I am an accordion player and it is great for this. Have had it hooked up to Garage Band though have not got all the functions working properly through usb yet, will probably have to footer with the midi settings. Does a good job of letting you hear the online instruments though. Drum pads are good.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I bought this out of impulse but it’s a very good keyboard money, i still have it in the box, i would like my money back hehe

  70. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersLove this product. Makes making music with my laptop so much easier and more fun. Love how portable it is. Only thing is be careful because it’s not super durable. My 1 year old knocked it off my desk onto the carpet while the usb cord was plugged in and the usb socket doesn’t work anymore so I had to buy a new one. So now he has one as a toy and i have one to record with. But since they are so reasonably priced it wasn’t the end of the world and I cant really complain. It’s super cool for the price.

  71. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAs a on the go dj/producer. This great for traveling, love that it has the speaker, though it makes it sound like a dinky toy, but hey, we all know that if you’re using the speaker, it’s for practice use rather than sound quality, so that’s not an issue. Love the built in samples which you can practice with.

  72. Anonymous says:


    Prodotto comodo da trasportare, con suoni interni pi che discreti (con l’aggiunta di qualche effetto a pedale sono perfetti e acquisiscono maggiore professionalit), perfetta come master keyboard associata ad Ableton.
    Spedizione come sempre velocissima con Prime.

  73. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAlors j’ai lu dans un commentaire qu’il etait inutile de prendre ce modele plus cher ( par rapport au MPK mini)
    Et bien je ne suis pas de cet avis deja, il permet d’apprivoiser le clavier, quand les logiciels ne veulent pas s’installer sur mon vieux Windows 7. Et puis lorsque je peut en profiter sur mes linux( portable & pi 3B). Je peux continuer a me faire la main ou chercher des melodies sans rien brancher !! Enfin c’est bien meilleur quand je met juste le casque, effectivement le HP n’est pas bien fort, mais d’un autre cot si l’ampli etait puissant bonjour les piles ! y’a pas de secret.
    Donc c’est un bon petit clavier les touches sont sympas ( un peu petites mais les doigts prennent l’habitude). la reponse est bonne et il possible de modifier tous cela par logiciel sur pc. Les sons de base me semble suffisant, surtout que branch on peu faire ce que l’on veux.
    Je le conseille pour sa qualit et son aspect nomade, aucun regret .

  74. WileySegal says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersLivr avec son cble USB auto aliment mais peut fonctionner sur piles ( non Fournies ).
    Mini HP intgrs mais l’idal est de brancher soit un casque , soit un systme de haut parleurs amplifis , voire une table de mixage . . . La qualit des samples est impressionnante ! ! ! A la diffrence du MK2 celui-ci possde un synthtiseur interne , de nombreux rglages d’effets dont un arpgiateur rglable et un jack 6,35 pour connecter une pdale de sustain . Lors de l’ enregistrement chez Akai vous pouvez tlcharger le programme de gestion de l’appareil et autres. . .
    Sur youtube vous trouverez des dmos , voir koji kobura … Ce petit instrument est gnial aussi bien pour les dbutants que pour les “pros”et permet de dvelopper rapidement des ides musicales .

  75. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBuon prodotto ,ottimo per chi vuole divertirsi,ha un po la cassa debole di volume , per si rimedia con le casse esterne,se avesse avuto il bluethoot sarebbe stata eccellente.
    Divertente,si collega al cellulare android tramite otg e puoi registrare e personalizzare i suoni in live!

  76. TammaraYOKO says:

     United States

    The fact that I can sit down with this, a looper pedal, and some headphones, and make some of the coolest beats I’ve ever done is just amazing. hooking it up to a daw is super easy, and dispite what I have read, I have been able to get the internal sounds to work in my daw as midi without issue

  77. Madhuri Adnal says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersEste teclado es justo lo que quera, lo puedo conectar a mi pedalera de la guitarra o directo a mi computadora, hay que re-mappear los pads para ableton, pero eso se hace sencillo, el software de configuracin no es tan sencillo, pero si lees el instructivo, no hay pierde. Trae sus sonidos internos, entonces no lo necesitas conectar a la compu para usarlo, eso si, la bocina es pequea, solamente para referencia o practicar, pero se puede conectar a una bocina ms grande por auxiliar.

  78. SharronKeesler says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersPour un garon de 11 ans c’est difficile utiliser et tous les tutoriels que j’ai trouv jusqu’ maintenant sont en anglais et il ne comprend pas beaucoup

  79. [email protected] Peter Larson says:


    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersPetit clavier bien sympa pour le voyage . Il a ses limitation clavier plastoc avec des touches mini mais avec une sensitibilit qui le rend jouable et 127 echantillons de sons intgrs. Il tient sur les genoux en avion c’est super drole de pouvoir jouer sans dranger son voisin et improviser , en s’amusant avec une banque de son bien large . La qualit des chantillons n’est pas gniale mais tout a fait correcte. Sa taille est super il entre dans tous les sacs avec son format
    Bien sur on peut l’utiliser comme clavier midi et les pads de drums sont pas mal foutus avec bonne sensibilit galement. Il a 9 sets de batterie (electronique, acoustique , qq percussions; .. ).
    Le gros manque c’est un looper intgr c’est vraiment dommage . On aurait prfrs 20 sons biens fait 127 mais c’est un petit outil bien fun , et surtout aucun quivalent sur le march actuellement. Moi j’aime bien ; mais j’espre que Akai ou autre constructeur fera une version amliore et surtout integrera le looper .

  80. AlejandraBeatty says:


    Great & fun mini synthesizer.

    What’s great:
    – it is a real entry-level synthesizer that plays in real-time
    – drum pads besides piano keys
    – kids just love playing around with it
    – works as a midi-controller
    – downloadable Akai production software included
    – great value for money

    What could be better:
    – 25 piano keys is slightly narrow
    – some instruments involve audible step e.g. bagpipe up until key A3 sound like different instrument than from key B3 onwards

  81. JaninaRancourt says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 26 From Our Usershis controller is cool.i didn’t download the free software,i have an editor i like just fine(Sony acid).if you connect through the usb to your computer it will work but not with its firmware,it works as a midi controller but thats it.i ran it through my USB interface mixer,i used a 3.5 audio cord for the connection from the mpk mini plays earphone jack to the line in on my mixer and it works great. all in all this gizmo is useful and i like it.it also works well in my editor as a midi board controller .as every one has stated in the negative reviews the speaker does suck but though a mixer or headphones it works just fine.

    his controller is cool.i didn't download the free software,i have an editor i like just fine(Sony acid).if you connect through the usb to your computer it will work but not with its firmware,it works as a midi controller but thats it.i ran it through my USB interface mixer,i used a 3.5 audio cord for the connection from the mpk mini plays earphone jack to the line in on my mixer and it works great. all in all this gizmo is useful and i like it.it also works well in my editor as a midi board controller .as every one has stated in the negative reviews the speaker does suck but though a mixer or headphones it works just fine.

  82. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI have no musical talent but am having a pile of fun with this thing and the software. The keys seem a little stiff , I’m not sure if they are supposed to be like that but the keys do all work and have good sensitivity to velocity. The drum pads are amazing. Would buy again…

  83. MajorKearney says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 51 From Our UsersFor the price of this analog synth, one can’t expect much, right? Not true! I find myself playing this more than any other synth that I own. Just for the pure enjoyment of sitting down, powering up my main keyboard to emulate a B3 and then playing the melody with percussive organ on this little keyboard is so much more than expected. Everyday it seems to draw me into playing more and enjoying music so much more. This keyboard explodes with the joy of music for me.

    For the price of this analog synth, one can't expect much, right? Not true! I find myself playing this more than any other synth that I own. Just for the pure enjoyment of sitting down, powering up my main keyboard to emulate a B3 and then playing the melody with percussive organ on this little keyboard is so much more than expected. Everyday it seems to draw me into playing more and enjoying music so much more. This keyboard explodes with the joy of music for me.

  84. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI already have a big professional synth. But sometimes you are too tired/lazy to play on your workstation. On the other hand, you can grab this mini keyboard with or without your laptop to come up with some synth licks. Having a bunch of onboard sounds/instruments is super nice, because you can take this keyboard with you to any journey, and have some fun time. Still thinking? Just buy it.

  85. NorrisCHXD says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersThe product is mostly great. The size is unbeatable. It’s about 1/4 the volume of a previous Axiom Pro 25 I had. Super portable, super light. I thought the tiny display would be useless but it’s got decently high resolution and actually useful. The built-in sound is actually ok for super basic use (the built-in speaker is not though). Unfortunately it has a headphone out but no line out. Since the whole point of this is to be able to work away from all the software, it’d be nice to just use its own sound and play to monitors. The headphone jack outputs way too little power to plug straight to a mixer or to a monitor or some such. Also Propellerhead Reason 9 can’t make default use of this keyboard. You’ll have to program in the MIDI connections one by one.

  86. Melissa Jones says:

     United States

    Got this for my 9 year old as a birthday present. He likes the effect sounds built in. The speaker isn’t very loud so we hooked it up to a soundbar. I mainly got it though so he can use it with garage band on his iPad. It has some good beginner features as well as more advanced features that he can grow into.

  87. ChaseDegraves says:

     United States

    Received it and initially had a few dead keys. After messing around with ut for awhile they started to work finally. Idk what that was about but other than that its not bad for the price. Definitely fun piece to add to the collection.

  88. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersIch glaub, das AKAI kann nichts, was es nicht kann. Es ist echt ein Wunder-Dingsy. Man muss definitive an den Effkten herumprobieren, da oft ganz andere Ergebnisse bei 0% oder bei 99% herauskommen. Kleine Pfeilchen zeigen immer auf dem Display an, in welche Richtung man zuerst ‘die alte Einstellung der Effekte’ zurckdrehen muss, um dann Vollstoff die neue zuzugeben. ber Headphones/Klinke3.5 -> auf XLR oder Klinke 6.3 kann man in ein Mischpult oder in ein anderen Synth (AUX in) und ich tfftel noch herum, wie man einen g’scheiten Computerzugang zu Audacity oder hnliches bekommt, denn bis jetzt bringen die mitgelieftern Programme von AKAI nix (Schrott oder es muss Gebhr dazu bezahlt werden, damit es berhaupt luft, aber egal, gibt eh’ bessere Programm). Alles in allem ein cooles Gertchen mit 10.000 Mglichkeiten. Sehr empfehlenswert auch fr die, die sich mit Musiktheorie (ber der 437 verschiednene Akkorde in allen 120 Modi) oder mit Songmelodien (Komposition) beschftigen wollen. Mir taugt’s !!!

  89. HellenBPMtz says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThe sounds aren’t bad-an improvement on some of the older cheesy FM sounds such as the Yamaha SHS.
    The velocity keyboard with rather a firm action that I had to get used to. Control of onboard sounds is quite limited and these sounds are quiet through the speaker.
    As far as I can work out the arpeggiator is chord based so don’t expect any one key magic.
    Of the supplied software Propellerheads Reason Lite seems the best-if you like the sounds and approach. I tried Protools but as it doesn’t seem to work with Win10 that was a waste of time. AKAI support helped me out with installing their own software (you have to extract the install file as the package will only work as an upgrade). They suggested I might be better of with either of my existing DAWs – Anvil and Cakewalk and I agree.
    A late addition to the review – a downside I found was that using USB power with the onboard sounds introduces some buzzing that coincides with the adjacent LCD screensaver-using a powerbank or the power socket avoids this.
    A significant upside is that the device shows up in your DAW as both an input device and a GM synth so it is possible to play your midi compositions though it.

  90. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersDer Akai MPK miniplay berzeugt durch seine Gre, die Stromversorgungsunabhngikeit (Batterien) und durch die gute Verarbeitung. Positiv hervorzuheben sind auch die gute Klangqualitt, das gute kleine Display (OLED) und die Bedienungsoberflche, die sicher zu beherrschen ist.
    Natrlich kann man keine Sequenzen auf dem Gert abspeichern, aber dazu ist ja auch die Einbindung als USB/MIDI Keyboard in ein Homecomputer-System vorgesehen.
    Ein ideales kleines Gertchen also, um spielerisch darauf los zu klimpern, musikalisch spontane Ideen umzusetzen. Dabei leisten die 128 eingebauten GSM-Klnge, die Arpreggiatorfunktion und die frei belegbaren Favoritentasten sehr gute Dienste.

  91. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI ordered this for my son, who loves everything music. He is 16, and this is his new favorite. I love that you can use this without having to attach it to an external speaker, but have the option if wanted. There are so many different sounds possible. I would purchase again.

  92. Aparajita S says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersOffert nol mon fils de 11 ans. Il est ravi. Finition soigne et conforme sa description. Je trouve que la puissance du haut-parleur est faible surtout en mode piano.

  93. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 48 From Our UsersThis hardware is really neat, nice that you can play it away from a computer (you will want to use headphones). Software is horrible on windows, so far I have yet to get the MPC software to work (refuses to activate and generates errors on hardware drivers). Pro Tools first, after few hours got it to start but it wouldn’t see the hardware. I had Mixcraft 8 and it sees the device fine so not sure where the issues are. Just be aware on Windows it may be a hard slog to get any of the software to run.
    I was finally able to get the software installed. Another issue to be aware of in Windows is if you use audio from the graphics card (if you have only one cable between the display and the computer) several of these applications will not output sound but the solution is to add speakers or a headphone to the audio out jack on your system. The software doesn’t recognize the audio from the GPU (usually the protected audio) as a valid output device. I bumped up my rating because overall for the price the hardware is very good, if like me you are just learning the music world this is nice because you can play iy away from the computer.

  94. Anonymous says:


    Excellent rapport qualit prix. Le son qui sort n’est pas fou, mais il fait ce que je lui demande, a savoir “avoir a port un clavier sans avoir ouvrir de vst supplmentaires, pour vrifier une tonalit, une note). La partie USB est trs bonne.

  95. Gregg Keizer says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersBought this to make music production more accessible for my kid. They can just pick it up using the on board battery power (3xAA) and on board weak, but okay speaker, which is great if you’re on your own and there’s no noise around (plus with a kid using it without headphones having it not too loud is a good thing).

    Pads are great quality and responsive. Keys are okay for the price of what this is. In built sounds aren’t mind blowing and I’m sure I heard a lot of them 25 years or so, but are fine for what this is.

    Connected to the pc, this is pretty awesome and easy to move and store.

    Best keyboard ever? No.

    Best portable, built in sound, battery operated keyboard with lots of cool little functions? I’d say yes for the money.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 86 From Our UsersSounds are not bad, essentially General MIDI, minor sound editing capabilities, works fine on batteries, the speaker is tinny and useless as should be expected but if you plug into headphones or a mixer or an amp its pretty decent. No issues with build quality. You can select the drum kit for the pads independently of the keyboard sound. Plugs into a PC no drivers required. DAW integration is basic but fine.
    The hardware is everything the software is not. I’m not the biggest fan of the VIP software, its buggy, slow and riddled with odd design choices (you can only have two master VST directories for instance). It also comes with Reason Lite, no complaints about that but its not the DAW I use. So if you’re buying this because of the “includes VIP, a $100 value” I’d reconsider. The hardware works great.

  97. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersJe l’utilise en dplacement quand une mlodie me vient l’esprit pour enregistrer de suite dans l’iphone avec garageband. Rends bien des services avec tous les sons GM et les kits de batteries pro. Ses dfauts : le son est trs faible, il faut un casque ou une enceinte pour bien en profite

  98. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersPRO:
    – tanti suoni modificabili in otto parametri
    – molto bene la risposta dei pad
    – arpeggiatore completo
    – plasticosa ma ben costruita
    – offre tanto in relazione al costo

    – tasto max power disponibile solo per i pad, non consente di impostare la velocity massima sui tasti
    – speaker interno pessimo e molto gracchiante
    – tastiera di scarsa qualit e rumorosa

  99. Leta Shy says:


    Golden Review Award: 28 From Our UsersDa ich selbst viel Musik mache und immer gerne neue Melodien probiere, wnschte ich mir ein kompaktes Gert, das ich berall einsetzen kann. Mit dem Akai MPK Mini Play habe ich genau das bekommen. Ich bin ziemlich zufrieden damit und verwende es an einem Roland MX-1 mit diversen anderen Gerten. Optisch passt das Teil super in mein Setup – es knnte der kleine Bruder des Roland JD-Xi sein.

    Verarbeitung gut, Bedienung selbsterklrend. Ich betreibe es meist mit einer Powerbank als Stromversorgung, mit der ich normalerweise mein Handy lade. Das ermglicht mir die Verwendung im Freien ohne zustzliche Batterien.

    Die Drumpads machen richtig Spa! Fr mich waren solche Pads totales Neuland und ich hatte sofort Freude daran. Vom Sound her kommen die Samples lange nicht an die meines JD-Xi oder TR-8 heran, aber zum Probieren ist es einfach super. Alle Pads reagieren einwandfrei. Schnell bekommt man ein- oder zweihndige, passable Rhythmen hin.

    Wichtig fr Interessenten:
    Das Gert enthlt keinen integrierten Looper! Zudem ist keine digitale Datenbertragung an den PC mglich.

    – Verarbeitung prima
    – Display gut lesbar
    – vielseitig einsetzbare Sound-Samples
    – Bedienung kinderleicht

    – nur analoge Soundausgabe ber Klinke
    – Samples bersteuern schnell bei zu wilder Kombination der Effekte
    – Pianotasten reagieren mitunter etwas schwergngig, sodass man einzelne Noten auslsst (knnte auch an mir liegen, da ich leichtgngige Tasten gewohnt bin)
    – Halbtontasten mssen sehr tief gedrckt werden
    – Pitch-Hebel knarzt bei Bewegung

    Unterm Strich ein prima Gert mit kleinen Mngeln. Kaufempfehlung!

    vielseitiges Spielzeug

  100. David Katzmaier says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersGreat value entry level midi controller for your studio with the added bonus of a few built in sounds and speaker, speaker sounds a bit tinny but running it on battery means you can use this anywhere, keys are a little firm as are the push buttons, works well with Cubase 9.5, lots of bundled software too check out the card inside thats loose with the manual for download link, will work with any DAW, windows 10 compatible with no drivers required.

    It would have got a 5 star review if it had a sampler or sequencer, a sequencer in particular would have been an amazing feature and would have let this little keyboard wipe up most of the competition especially at this price.

    I wonder how many PPL bought the MPK Mini then saw this ha ha.