AlloyGator Pink Alloy Wheel Protectors | Rim Protectors | Wheel Protectors | Wheel Protection | Alloy Wheel Protection | Fits 12â24 Inch Wheel Diameter | 14 Colours Available

How Do AlloyGators Work?
Made from a super tough nylon composite, AlloyGators are designed to become a fully integrated part of your car’s wheels by sitting directly between your tyre and alloy. This creates a robust barrier against road hazards like kerbs and potholes and helps prevent alloy wheel scratches and scuffs.

How Are AlloyGator Wheel Protectors Secured To A Wheel?
AlloyGators attach to the wheel using our patented locking technology ensuring a secure fit 360 degrees around the circumference of the wheel. The stainless steel clips included in every pack are used to grip to the rear of the alloy wheel giving additional robust security. This means that AlloyGators have a much longer life span than other wheel protection products enabling contact with the kerb time and time again without the need to be changed in most cases, unlike other products in the market.

How Easy Are AlloyGators To Install?
Using the correct tools AlloyGators are relatively easy to install and come with a comprehensive step by step guide to take you through installation. We have a range of instructional video tutorials available on our website to assist. We always recommend reading the instructions and viewing our fitting videos prior to installation. Upon delivery, should you feel unable to complete the fitting, you can organize installation via our nationwide trade network through the Find a Fitter page on our website.

Weight: | 1.04 kg |
Dimensions: | 43.4 x 39.9 x 5.9 cm; 1.04 Kilograms |
Brand: | AlloyGator |
Manufacture: | AlloyGator Ltd |
Reference: | K4PNKEXC |
wow what a difference they make to the car
Bought for husbands birthday he is well impressed
J’aurais du les installer avant c’est fastidieux surtout sur des runflat 245 35 18 mme en tapant au maillet comme un forcene sa du mal a rentr.
Bien entendu ne faite pas ca la roue sur la voiture sauf si vous voulez avoir un defaut de para.
En tout cas c’est vraiment la galre mes le rsultat et parfait, et aucune perte de pression dj 1,5mois que c’est pos
Fitted to 19s on a transporter with load rated tyres. No problem at all. Protects the rims from nasty scrapes. Replacements are available individually if needed. Expensive, but not as expensive as a refurbed wheel.
Nouveau propritaire d’une Tesla Model 3 avec jantes Alu 19 pouces, j’ai donc investi dans ces protections
Aprs avoir regarder un tuto d’une dizaine de minutes pour leur installation, je me suis mis au travail en me disant que l’histoire serait rgle en une petite heure errrrreeur !!!
Maillet trop lger, protections pas assez mouille 1h30 plus tard et une belle tendinite au rendez vous .. j’ai enfin russi installer UNE SEULE PROTECTION UN ENFER !!! Mais aprs avoir souffert et commis des erreurs l’installation de cette premire protection autant vous dire que je me suis beaucoup mieux prpar l’installation des suivantes qui finalement auront t installes en environ 15 minutes chacune
Alors pour ne pas commettre les mmes erreurs que celle j’ai commise lors de l’installation de ma premire protection :
– s’quiper d’un cric
– s’quiper d’un maillet le plus lourd possible commencer avec un maillet trop lger vous cotera une belle tendinite, croyez en mon exprience.
– le dmontage de la roue n’est pas obligatoire mais c’est plus pratique pour taper dessus,
– bien bien bien mettre un produit gras sur toute la protection sans compter perso un liquide vaisselle fait l’affaire.
Pour l’installation, lorsque on est bien quip, a passe beaucoup mieux :
– on monte la voiture sur le cric (ou on la dmonte)
– on dgonfle la roue au max
– on insre la protection et on tape comme un acharn avec le maillet tout en suivant bien le sens d’insertion.
– on attendra d’avoir bien insr toute la protection avant d’ajuster la coupe de cette dernire. .
– on mettra une pointe de colle sur la languette dbordante ainsi que sur le cache de finition.
Mais j’insiste, il vous faudra vous armer de patience et d’un maillet le plus lourd possible pour vous faciliter l’installation.
Niveau rsultat, soyons honnte. , c’est plus beau sans les protections, mais a reste discret et pas trop choquant si la couleur est bien choisie. Mais par contre aucun doute sur la qualit c’est de la super came et vu la manire dont j’ai frapp dessus sans que a bronche, il est vident que mes bords de jantes seront bien protgs.
Si vous avez trouv mon commentaire intressant, n’hsitez pas cliquer sur UTILE. Merci
The protectors look good and we’re fitted by National Tyre Services on the day l took ownership of my new Vauxhall Grandland car.
Follow fitting instructions and found some YouTube posts easy to fit as long as you use plenty of soap I will have to wait and see how effective the protection is
They have been on the rims for 1 year (off the car Nov to March). They look great and covered up some curb rash. Just take extra care with install making sure they are well seated. Worth the money.
just found out that one has come off my back wheel and don’t now where
There nothing to dislike the product is very good quality and very high standard Packaging.
Quite easy to fit after you do the first. I bought the black ones and they look as if nothing is fitted, they feel really strong.
Not suitable for my car would like to send them back to the address they came from ?
sieht gut aus in 20 Zoll montieren nicht einfach 2 stck vorder reifen sind mir schon rausgefloge
i will recommend it to all people whom like their car and this product will protect your tyre
Not fitted them yet, but comparing prices, great value for money
It is a pleasant feature to the car, as well as good value for money, as refurbing your wheel every time they get curbed is very expensive, I have already scrapped my back wheel, and the alligator took the scrape, and my wheel was left undamaged, it did its job. I am happy with my purchase.
Very good strong protection from wheel damages , highly recommend, installed by my self.
However, they look good when fitted, but having looked at the instructions I reckoned it would take anything from 3-5 hours to do it myself.
I had a look on the Alloygator website and found a trained fitter (Culcheth Tyres) about 6 miles away.
They charged me just 50 and had all 4 fitted in about 30 minutes – Although I had to drop the gators off the day before, for them to be prepped.
Great product. Have been using this product for years. Does the job well. However you used to get five in the box where as now you only get the four. Price has increased considerably over the years and you can only now get the rounded form rather than the angled form which also used to be cheaper. You are now forced to buy the rounded form which must cost the same to produce as the angled form. As mentioned great product does what it says on the tin. Cheaper than wheel repairs. Alloygator please be careful you don’t overpriced these pieces of plastic!
Love this product! Bought for myself back in 2015 for my first car and then bought recently for my wife who’s recently passed her test! Protected the alloys after some heavy curbing whilst she was still learning how to park. Now removed/learnt the art of parking she has crisp alloys for her to continue driving with!
Took a while to fit but overall a good buy.
Easy installation if u follow the video on YouTube…Perfect for my phev and looks stunning.
I would not get any other make of rim protectors these do an absolute fabulous job. They stay on and look good too. Took a while to install them but other than that they are great.
Pas simple installer mais bon produit. Super communication avec le vendeur.
Ma jante a trs lgrement pris, c’est l’Alloygator qui tout mang !
Il m’a fallu en recommander pour le changer, j’ai prfr reprendre un jeu complet mais vous pouvez les acheter l’unit.
Rinstall en 30mn, le plus long c’est de mettre les griffes dans l’Alloygator, et ma jante parat comme neuve. L’Alloygator vient masquer le coup que la jante pris.
Produit trs utile pour prserver ses jantes.
Only thing is no instructions
They did just what it stated on the box !!!
Just prior to my MOT this January I purchased new tyres. Unfortunately the fitter made a right mess of the first wheel and ruined the AlloyGator. He took more care and followed the instructions on how to replace tyres safely as provided by Alloygator and passed to him by me.
I approached Alloygator and told them of my problem.
They have provided a single replacement unit to me, free of charge and supplied the jointing slips as well !!
Now that is what I call after sales custom care and support.
Thank you for your support and service, I shall continue to recommend them to my friends, one of who has already fitted his car with them. He was always “kerbing” his wheels, They still look great.
Sincere and grateful thanks.
C’est la seconde voiture pour laquelle j’ai pos ces protection .
Elle protge parfaitement contre les bordures de trottoir .
Donc mes jantes sont nickel le petit plus un effet de style .
Dommage qu’il manquais dans mon colis 3 agrafes ! mais bon j’ai dcal et c’est pass
had an incident with a curb. Did a pretty good job at protecting. Bought a new set to replace the one that is damaged.
Le produit est de trs bonne qualit, et le vendeur est trs l’coute de ses clients pour la moindre question o Rclamation, je le conseille viveme
Arrived earlier than expected went on the site and got a guy who was specialised in fitting them makes my wheels stand out and protects them at the same time
A bit fiddly and hard to find someone to install Somerset .. once fitted they look great and protect the tyre.
Had a student hit rock on hill, by side of the road, tyre went flat, alloy gator was dented but rim was perfect.
Definitely recommend
Pour l’installation :
Lever la voiture avec un cric costeau. n’utilisez surtout pas celui fourni avec la voiture. Si vous utilisez celui de la voiture mettez des grosses cales en bois pour soutenir la voiture ou des chandelles.
Dgonfler entirement la roue, mettre un lubrifiant entre la roue et la jante. Moi, j’ai mis du liquide vaisselle pure.
Attention a la valve et a la carrosserie.
Au dbut, tapez doucement pour mettre la protection ensuite ds que vous avez fini de faire le tour de la roue, remettez du lubrifiant et tapez plus fort pour bien insrer la protection et coupez le surplus.
Sinon enlever la roue pour le faire au sol.
Mais j’ai prfr le faire avec la roue en place pour que je puisse tourner la roue au fur et a mesure que je mets la protection.
Surtout ne pas couper avant d’avoir fait le tour complet de la roue.
Lors d’un changement de pneus, on peut le rutiliser il faut juste prvenir l’installateur de la prsence de la protection.
La procdure pour le garagiste est dans la notice d’installation.
Je la garde dans la bote gants.
They look awesome but the fell of my 2 back wheels maybe cuz they are wider 2014 Camaro ss or maybe they can’t handle more than 130 mph
Great product, protects the alloy wheels really well. Quite tough to install but well worth it.
This is best for premium cars and can consider Gold standard in terms of finish and quality for wheel rim protectio
This hasn’t stopped me using them because it would otherwise cost me 200 to replace or refurbish a wheel.
Just wish they didn’t cost as so much otherwise I would have given them a 5 star rating.
outils prvoir : maillet caoutchouc, cutter pour bavurer le plastique, compresseur, scateur fin, eau trs savonneuse
Pour raliser la pose il faut prendre le coup de main ce qui tait mon cas au bout de la 3me roue !
* commencer par placer soigneusement les agrafes livres avec la protection
* dmonter la roue avant la pause : les coups de maillet peuvent fausser la gomtrie du train avant et un coup de maillet maladroit peut toujours arriver
* placer la roue plat sur le sol sur une surface ferme mais non agressive pour la jante : un fin tapis
* utiliser de l’eau trs savonneuse pour que la protection s’insre bien
* engager fermement la protection avec une main dans l’interstice pneu/jante et taper avec le maillet de l’autre main
* inutile de progresser sur le pourtour tant que les parties prcdentes ne sont pas correctement enfonces : il ne doit rester qu’un mm entre la jante et la protection alloygator
* la jonction, prvoir les 3 mm entre les 2 bouts sinon la protection est + longue que la diamtre de la jante et il sera impossible de terminer l’insertion
* fignoler la dcoupe au cutter et s’assurer que la protection n’est pas trop longue au risque de devoir l’extraire par la suite ce qui est trs difficile, elle est bien fixe !
* contrle au bout de 2 jours, pas de perte de pression notable.
La protection masque une partie de la jante : les griffes prexistantes sur les bords sont masques. Avec une protection noire votre pneu paraitra un peu plus large, avec une protection couleur jante ( bien choisir !) votre jante paratra un peu + large.
Aprs avoir longuement tudier le montage, le rsultat est trs bie
Great product for new drivers to protect alloys, as notvtge greatest at parking. Being able to purchase a single gator is great, and I may need another one soon. good price for excellent product.