Andonstar AD206 Black 200X Digital Microscope 7 Inches LCD Display 1080P Digital Magnifier with Metal Stand for Circuit Board Repair Soldering Tools

What’s in the package?
Metal standÃ1
IR remoteÃ1
Power adapterÃ1
Switch cableÃ1
Lens cover Ã1ï¼Already assembled to the lensï¼
UV filterÃ1ï¼Already assembled to the lensï¼
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | |
Screen Size | 7 inch | 7 inch | 7 inch | 5 inch | 7 inch | 10.1 inch |
Magnification | 200X | 200X | 260X | 200X | 270X | 300X |
HDMI support | â | â | ||||
Measurement software | â | |||||
Measurement software | â |
Dimensions: | 32.2 x 21.8 x 10.8 centimetres |
Brand: | Andonstar |
Model: | AD206-Black |
Part: | AD206-Black |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | 1 CR2 batteries required. (included) |
Colour: | Black |
Dimensions: | 32.2 x 21.8 x 10.8 centimetres |
The screen is large and everything is pretty straightforward to use. Video seems to compress the image quality but I didnt really need to use it for that. Worked very well to help resolder some surface mounted LEDs
The system assembles easily and uses a USB connection for power. That by itself is nice without having to deal with long and thick power cords. Most of the controls are very intuitive, with light switching and brightness easily adjusted.
The remote control operation is awesome and prevents the microscope from moving during use. Color correction and zoom are the best features of the RC. The included 32GB SD card is a nice addition for recording while in use. HDMI connection to a larger monitor or TV is well-performing if you want to see even larger.
Unfortunately, the downloadable measuring app is limited to Windows operating system. Would have been nice to have a Mac version available as well.
I have several uses for this amazingly flexible and high-performing system.
First, as an avid metal detectorist and hobby treasure hunter, this microscope is awesome for really seeing deep into coins and other small items that I find while hunting.
I also collect stamps and can easily evaluate them on condition using this system.
I am a very experienced and active gardener as well, and use this microscope for examining leaves and buds that have potential issues to determine what may be causing their demise…like diseases, and nutrient deficiencies as seen in the veins and color of leaves and stems.
Finally, I use this for a plethora of other reasons, including electronic soldering, and precise repairs of some small items.
All in all, I rate this Digital Microscope at a high. Four Stars, and only because the downloadable app is limited to Microsoft WIndows, and the stability of the scope while being handled during use could be a bit better. Nonetheless…I can honestly give it a recommendation for all but the most critical use.
Happy Viewing!
The image quality, although looks GREAT on screen, when you save to jpeg, it’s pretty grainy and cropped.
So, if you’re using for research only…GREAT!
If you are using for Fine Art…..not good, unless there is a way to tweak the controls.
Es un buen producto para el costo, permite ver microorganismos, clulas con una buena definicin, adems puedes observar lo que tienes en la muestra en la pantalla de un televisor o computador. Sirve para una clase Ciencias, obviamente hay muchos productos mejores, pero por el precio es muy bueno, con el plus de tener la funcin de estereoscopio. Me gust.
For background, I am an engineering professional with pretty keen curiosities and often exacting standards. Beyond a handful of handheld “microscope” magnifiers in the 30-120x range, I had long been missing the capabilities this unit provides. I will be satisfied by this for some time for my personal use (microscopy is not a part of my professional life at this stage).
Generally, each part is generally a well-designed balance of quality and cost. Connoisseurs of microscopy may find the approach too casual. But that’s exactly what I appreciate: I can explore so much more of the world without an investment in overpriced, heavy traditional apparatus. The picture and optical quality are excellent. I don’t have to strain my eye staring into a tiny hole! The display has many useful features–SD card memory, recording and static photos right from the screen, even WiFi?! (I haven’t explored that one yet) The lens assembly has openings for two additional lenses… I’m curious to see what can be fitted.
Assembly was pretty easy and straightforward and I felt the pictorial guide was pretty good. The whole thing is powered by USB–I even ran it off a USB power bank! So mobility becomes an interesting feature
I have only two small complaints. First, there’s a bit of play in the stage adjustment assembly which makes adjustment at the highest magnification difficult. This is nothing a little thought and minor modification on my part won’t mitigate.
The second concerns the bright field (“condenser”) light: it seems very limited in brightness and does not project what I would expect. This may be unique to my unit. The USB plug-in lamps are much brighter. Also, I may not have the correct plastic disc cover for the condenser as described in the documentation: the semi-translucent disc is a bit too opaque to then project up to the stage, and I don’t have a fully transparent disc. (I’m pretty sure I can fix these issues without too much effort.)
Otherwise, the bang for the buck is astronomical, in my opinion. Very easy and very satisfying to use! Definitely worth it. One of my favorite buys.
Ich habe mir dieses Mikroskop zum Lten von SMD-Bauteilen/Leiterplatten gekauft. Mein Budget war knapp, darum habe ich lange mit anderen Gerten verglichen und die Rezensionen gelesen. Schlielich fiel meine Entscheidung fr dieses Mikroskop.
Schon beim Zusammenbau dann die erste Enttuschung: Eine Rndelschraube zur Fixierung der Kamera im Stnder hatte ein “ewiges Gewinde” und lie sich nicht festziehen. Sowas kotzt mich immer an und zeugt von fehlender Qualittsprfung in der Produktion. Zum Glck war nicht das Innengewinde sondern das Gewinde der Rndelschraube defekt. Also aus Papa’s Nachla eine Flgelschraube genommen, reingedreht und pat (siehe Foto).
Mit der defekten Schraube hatte ich dann auch gleich das erste Objekt zur Vergrerung. Es folgten Versuche starker Vergrerung mit einem Microchip (ein Farbsensor-IC im klaren DIP8-Gehuse), eine Taschenlampenglhbirne (Glhfaden) und das Innenleben einer 5mm-LED. – Faszinierend, super scharf, nichts zu beanstanden. Die Schwanenhalslampen sind dabei ein echter Gewinn. Also optisch und elektronisch hat mich das Ding echt berzeugt.
Am nchsten Tag wollte ich dann mal mit SMD-Platinen anfangen. Dabei stellte ich fest, da Sprache, Datum und Uhrzeit-Einstellungen zurckgesetzt waren. Nach einem Augenrollen (“Typisch China”) dann die Klrung durch die englische Bedienungsanleitung: Zur Speicherung der Einstellungen mu das Mikroskop am Bildschirm durch “gedrckt halten” der Ein/Aus Taste ausgeschaltet werden (nicht an der Kabelfernbedienung). OK. Das hat dann geklappt.
Bei den ersten Ltversuchen stellte sich dann heraus, da die Klemmen zur Befestigung des Objekts fr Leiterplatten nur bedingt nutzbar sind, vor allem wenn sie beidseitig bestckt sind. Ich habe die Klemmen demnach wieder weggeschraubt, weil sie mir mehr im Wege sind als dienlich. Der Versuch mit anderen Klemmvorrichtungen oder einem Schraubstckchen unter dem Mikroskop zu arbeiten scheitert schnell an der geringen Hhe des Stnders. Hier mu ich mir vermutlich noch was zurechtbasteln.
Ein weiteres Manko bei Nutzung fr SMD ist die kleine Arbeitsplatte. So habe ich eine 13mm Holzplatte entsprechend ausgesgt um links und rechts mehr Auflageflche zu haben.
Die Infrarot-Fernbedienung ist nicht gerade beste Qualitt. Die Gummitasten fr “Auf/Ab” verwechselt sich manchmal. Aber ich brauche die Fernbedienung nur um Fotos zu schieen oder die Videoaufzeichnung zu steuern.
Fazit: Fr Beobachtungs- und Dokumentationsaufgaben ein super preisgnstiges Gert mit hohen optischen Fhigkeiten! Wer aber unter dem Mikroskop feinmechanische oder elektronische Arbeiten machen will mu ggf. improvisieren, was die Fixierung des Objektes angeht. Ob teurere Gerte hier besser sind wage ich zu bezweifeln.
– sehr gute Vergrerung
– scharfe Abbildung
– guter Monitor
– sehr gute, flexible Ausleuchtung
– Stnder Mechanisch nicht ausgereift
– Stnder etwas zu niedrig (knnte nach oben noch gut 15cm vertragen)
– Klemmvorrichtung fr das Objekt recht einfach
Bought for PCB , small electronics hobby purposes
It looks nice
Metal in places where cheaper ones have plastics
The higher end units in the range are out of reach but this is a good compromise
The picture is clear and brigh
However , I could not get the photo mode to work. You use the ‘mode’ button to select VIDEO / PHOTO or playback. No amount of pressing the RED CAMERA button on the remote or the CAMERA ICON button on the lcd would take a picture.
The answer ? The RED CAMERA button only works in VIDEO mode, to take a snapshot – you need to use the ‘OK’ button, really not intuitive !
In addition the date and time setting ( ie used in the recording ) is forgotten when you disconnect the scope from its USB power. This is poor, almost all consumer electronics will have a small back up battery to remember settings when power is disconnected.
The only difficulty i have so far is taking a picture of the screen image
Arrivato in tempi precisi con adattatore usb sia italiano che americano risoluzione perfetta 1080p base larga per le saldature su componenti in miniatura.
Davvero bello ottimo prodotto forse leggermente migliorabile lasta di regolazione per il resto ottimo
Para el uso que yo le doy, este microscopio tiene las siguientes virtudes:
+ Una buena calidad de imagen que permite apreciar todos los detalles de cualquier moneda.
+ Tiene tres fuentes de luz. Adems de la que trae incorporada en el cuerpo de la lente, tiene otras dos ms, en unos brazos flexibles, que permiten mejorar sustancialmente la claridad de la imagen.
+ El microscopio funciona y toma fotos y videos de manera completamente autnoma, sin necesidad de estar conectado a un ordenador. Las imgenes se almacenan en una tarjeta SD que, posteriormente, podemos llevar a cualquier otro dispositivo.
Tambin tiene algunas caractersticas que podran ser mejoradas:
– Las instrucciones de montaje y de funcionamiento son muy escasas y, adems, vienen exclusivamente en ingls.
– No tiene batera. Mientras funciona, requiere estar conectado a la corriente elctrica.
– La barra metlica del soporte permite acercar o alejar la lente para captar imgenes ms grandes o ms pequeas. En su alejamiento mximo permite captar la imagen completa de una moneda de dos cntimos de euro. Las monedas de mayor tamao, que son casi todas, ya se salen de la pantalla. Esto es un serio inconveniente que se solventara si la barra fuera unos diez centmetros ms larga. Podemos resolver el problema, aunque sea de forma un poco chapucera, si cambiamos el lugar en el que la abrazadera sujeta el cuerpo de la lente. En vez de sujetarlo por el lugar previsto para ello (foto 1), lo sujetamos por su parte inferior (foto 2). De esta manera, podemos llegar a fotografiar hasta las monedas espaolas ms grandes con slo una mnima prdida de su contorno (fotos 3 y 4).
Ignoro si habr algn modelo que tenga la barra del soporte ms larga o que incorpore un zoom que permita captar el contorno completo de las monedas espaolas ms grandes. En cualquier caso, este modelo a m me sirve para lo que lo compr. Es posible que tambin me hubiera podido servir algn otro microscopio de precio inferior, pero hubiera tenido que renunciar a los tres focos de luz, que vienen muy bien, y/o al funcionamiento autnomo (sin necesidad de estar conectado al ordenador o al telfono mvil), que me parece otra caracterstica importante.