ASTRO Gaming A40 TR Wired Gaming Headset + MixAmp Pro TR, Astro Audio V2, Dolby Audio, Swappable Mic, Game/Voice Balance Control, for PS5, PS4, PC, Mac – Black/Blue

Weight: | 363 g |
Dimensions: | 13.7 x 8 x 3.8 cm; 363 Grams |
Model: | 939-001661 |
Colour: | Black/Blue |
Colour: | Black/Blue |
Semplicemente perfette
Cio stiamo parlando delle astro le cuffie a mio parere migliori sul mercato in tutto per tutto
Das mikro ist top und der Sound ist auch sehr gut. Ist etwas zu teuer.
Cuffie molto comode anche dopo svariate ore di utilizzo, perfette per giocare soprattutto competitive, dove si riescono a distinguere in maniera eccezionale direzioni di passi e spari. Gli alti e i medi sono eccezionali ma i bassi lasciano un po’ a desiderare rispetto alle altre frequenze. Chiaramente il discorso del filo molto soggettivo e comprandole si gi consapevoli che non si avr la comodit di una cuffia wireless. In sostanza a parer mio sono delle cuffie eccezionali ma solo ed esclusivamente per il gaming competitivo ma sicuramente per utilizzi pi generici ci sono altre alternative molto pi valide.
Me haca falta unos cascos para jugar al Call of Duty Warzone y la verdad es que el sonido es bestial, se escucha todos los pasos, saltos, recargando las armas de los enemigos, pero eso s, debis tener el mixamp sino no compris los cascos, porque la ventaja viene con el mixamp.
Everything about this headset is incredible except for the
The mix-amp seriously obliterates the quality of the mic to the point where my buddies in discord told me to either fix it or switch back to my 15 quid headset you’d find at your average call centre. I am currently waiting for an adapter that will hopefully let me throw the mix-amp in the bin.
Still must admit it’s one of the most comfortable and enjoyable headsets I’ve had on my head, even if I have to use a separate headset for my mic input in order to save my mates from enduring the mic quality.
Die Kopfhrer sind top! Sehr schnelle Lieferung! Shop ist zu empfehlen!
Astro, un nome una garanzia! Spettacolari funzionano benissimo e grazie al mixamp puoi modificare a tuo piacimento l’equalizzazione dei suoni. Consigliatissime.
Ho provato tanti prodotti di varie marche, come fedelt audio sono accettabili, ma per il gaming il mixamp da una marcia netta in pi! Si percepisce bene la provenienza dei passi e anche la distanza si percepisce bene. Per le console non c’ niente di superiore, uguale forse si. Il tutto condito da una cuffia over ear lgger comoda, e col fatto che sono semiaperte hanno una spazialit davvero ottima. Tutto il pacchetto ha un prezzo onesto. Unico neo, essendo semiaperte se giochi in famiglia ed hai figli piccoli o aspirapolvere accesa, non capisci pi niente.
Ottimo audio… niente da dire… ma la plastica si svernicia subito
Ottime cuffie, strutturalmente sono spettacolari l’audio molto definito anche dopo lunghe sessioni di gioco sembra quasi di non averle da quanto sono comode
Best headset I’ve bought. I know they are expensive but we’ll worth the cash.
Absolut das beste Headset fr Gamer das ich bis jetzt jemals hatte! Kann es nur jedem ans Herz legen der die Schritte der Gegner hren will
I would recommend getting the mix amp with these to really maximise the quality of the sound — you can purchase the headset on its own, but I would advise against this if you don’t already have the amp. It obviously adds to the cost, but it’s very much worth it.
The amp is intuitive to use, and allows for quick adjustments on the sounds volume, surround sound, and equalizer presets. You can also use the Astro command centre application to make further adjustments on the equalizer presets. You can even download custom presets, and there’s a great library of presets available for most games.
I can’t remark on the microphone quality, as I use a standalone mic, but feedback from my warzone buddies who use the mic are very happy with it, the quality of it, and I never have any issue hearing them calling out to be revived.
I did however make the mistake of being too excited to read the instructions when setting these up, so I’ll save you an issue I ran into when not reading the manual. I use these on my PC, which has an optical port on the back. However, if you’re using these with your PC, you should not connect the optical cable, and instead just connect it with the USB. When you connect the optical cable, you’re unable to select the Astro Pro Game sound setting in your PC, and the sound quality without this is just not the same. So save yourself the hassle, and only connect the USB to the PC.
If you’re on the fence about getting these, – they are rather expensive :/ , – don’t be. I’m glad I invested in these, and I would highly recommend.
Ich habe mir das headset gekauft da ich mit meinem alten nicht mehr zufrieden war. Erstens dachte ich das ich mir noch ein modmic bestellen wrde, dah ich keine gute Audioqualitt erwartet hatte. Jedoch hat mich das Mikrofon nicht fr ein Headset mehr als berzeugt. Sie sitzen perfekt auf meinem Kopf, keine Beschwerden.
Ero scettico data la moltitudine di recensioni negative o non proprio positive presenti in rete. Mi sono convinto ad acquistare con Amazon vista la possibilit di reso che la compagnia offre…e…mi sono dovuto ricredere. Usavo delle Sony Platinum per PS4 con suono vss3d e pensavo non avrei migliorato di molto la mia esperienza di gioco, beh…se giocate a Warzone o similari…solo praticamente da avere per forza.
Materiali top, personalizzazione dell’audio totale, ma dovete imparare ad usare il mixamp e far varie prove, dovete avere pazienza e voglia di informarvi.
Acquisti promosso nonostante il prezzo obiettivamente per i pi proibitivo
Amazing headset bro..but honestly you can’t hear the steps in game if its above you or underneeth you lets say in a building at warzone for example…I also play with the equalizer a few times and try to fix the sound from youtube but still confusing…I will recomend this headset but not for shooting games.
Es la mejor compra en perifericos de audio para ps4 que e hecho.
Son muy cmodos incluso usando gafas,el micro apenas capta sonido ambiente,el sonido es brutal y gracias al MixAmpro Tr la experiencia auditiva se multiplica por 1000.
Lo dicho me parecen espectaculares
Dopo aver provato diverse tipologie di cuffie per gaming con queste ho trovato quello che cercavo.
Il mix amp, se configurato bene soprattutto nei giochi FPS, veramente performante e si pu abbinare a qualsiasi cuffia con attacco jack
Il software molto semplice da utilizzare e ti permette di creare il setting giusto per ogni situazione.
Le cuffie sono molto comode e non danno alcun fastidio neanche dopo diverse ore di gioco; microfono di qualit
Consegna Amazon puntuale
Costano care ma sono il top e da top si comportano:superlative
Best gaming headset on the market bar none. Comfortable crisp surround sound and very stylish
Cercavo una cuffia gaming performante per mio figlio, e dopo molte ricerche ho trovato un prodotto giusto. Certo il prezzo elevato ma la qualit audio eccezionale. figlio contentissimo!
Cuffie di ottima fattura e confortevoli anche dopo numerose ore di gioco.
Per il funzionamento del doppio canale audio, occorre collegare ip mix amp sia alla PlayStation tramite usb, che alla TV tramite fibra ottica, altrimenti il controllo volume chat/gioco non funziona.
L’unico difetto che non ho ancora capito da cosa sia dovuto, che ogni tanto perdo totalmente il suono (gioco+chat) per qualche secondo e poi riprende.
Non voto 5 per questo motivo.
I have been hounding my son for a review of these for months. I know that he loves them and uses them daily, but he is not great at putting his thoughts into words. I finally pinned him down today and got the following:
“Very comfortable, flexible head band so it is not tight or painful on the ears at all. Long cord, easy mute switch and sound control. The dials are very simplistic and easy to apply and use”. After months of chasing him, I have resigned myself to the fact that I’m not going to get much more out of him. While not a gamer myself, I have used them while he is playing, just to get a sense of them and was blown away by the richness of the sound and how directional it is – far superior to using the sound form the television itself. We differed a bit on the price – I felt they were unjustifiably expensive despite the quality, while he assured me that the price was reasonable (not sure he’d feel the same if he was paying for them himself, but there you go…). IN any event, there is no denying the incredible quality of these. If you are an active gamer, I have been assured you will find them totally worth the substantial price tag.
Im unteren Budget berzeugte mich das Logitech G Pro x durch seinen ausgewogenen Klang. Das KLIM Puma hat auch einen guten Klang, fr meinen Geschmack jedoch etwas zu bass-lastig. Zudem ist der Tragekomofort beim G Pro besser. Allerdings gab das G Pro bei mir nach 5 Monaten den Geist auf. Somit suchte ich nach Alternativen im oberen Preissegment.
Um es kurz zu machen – alle drei Highend-Headsets haben einen guten, ausbalancierten Klang und einen guten Tragekomfort.
Beim Mikrofon gebe ich dem Arctis Pro die Bestnote, gefolgt vom Astro A40.
Meine Entscheidung viel am Ende durch die Amps sowie die Software. Das einzige Setting, mit dem ich in der Lage war, Voice Audio und Game Audio whrend eines Spiels zu kalibierren, bietete das A40. Weder beim Razer noch beim SteelSeries war dies mglich.
Die Amps lieferten alle einen guten Sound. Allerdings versagen alle drei beim 7.1 Surround Sound. Vielleicht liegt das auch an meinen Ansprchen, aber mit dem Astro A40 kann ich im Stereo-Betrieb wesentlich besser die Richtung eines Gerusches ermitteln als bei aktiviertem 7.1.
Ich kann das A40 weiterempfehlen, allerdings nur wenn ihr einen guten Deal bekommt. Fr 279 Euro ist die Headset-Amp Kombo einfach zu teuer. Bei rund 200 Euro habt ihr ein guten Preisleistungsverhltnis – einfach ab und zu mal bei den Warehouse-Deals nachschauen 😉
Outstanding build quality, very comfortable to wear and brilliant sound quality. The Mix Amp is a doddle to use and looks very cool on my desktop. People may flinch at the price but you get what you pay for, a high end gaming headset that you won’t regret shelling out for. A huge step up from my Turtle Beach stealth 700’s.
Gioca che uno spettacolo! Molto soddisfatto dell’acquisto, soprattutto rispetto alle cuffie precedenti (che costavano la met). Purtroppo non e’ un prodotto economico, ma la qualit c’.
los cascos son muy cmodos pero falla el sonido en cuanto a calidad en cuanto te sales de los juegos.
I’ve had lots of headsets down the years but these are the gold standard. The mixamp is the game-changer when it comes to these; the ability to customise and fine-tune your audio really elevates these above other headsets. I’ve had everything from Turtle Beaches to Trittons and without doubt these are the best i’ve ever had. If you’ve got the money and you spend a fair amount of time gaming, these are something that will enhance your experience ten-fold.
The box and the headphones are beautiful. My Hubby is a big gamer and he buys all high end for his PC . He said these are the best headphones he has ever used and the sound is amazing. Easy to set up and use plus they are comfy to wear.
Ottime, le cuffie migliori in circolazione a mio parere. Nulla di negativo. Suono perfetto, regolabile a piacimento, profili preimpostati molto consigliati. Il prezzo l’unica parte un p negativa in quanto parecchio alto per ne vale davvero la pena, rispetto a tutte le altre cuffie c’ un salto di qualit veramente alto.
Ottime cuffie con una qualit sonora straordinaria.
Il prezzo le valgono tutte
As a former Turtle Beach owner, I am impressed by the comfort and sound quality compared to my old Elite Atlas.
I understand these aren’t cheap at all, but from my experience so far I can happily say this was definitely worth all the money I paid.
Le uso per il gaming..(Warzone)sono eccezionali..avevo altre cuffie di marca ma non sono minimamente paragonabili..bellissime,leggere,suono perfetto!!!
I struggled for ages to find a headset I could use while streaming through my PS4 with my Elgato HD60s+ that would capture both my voice and the chat party too, this headset works perfectly on PC and PS4, it’s comfortable and lightweight too, I sound very clear and the sound is perfect, if you use it with PS4 and PC make sure to have it set to the right settings on the MixAmp or PS4 player will hear ALL your audio if you fail to set it to the PS4 setting. Very happy with my purchase.
Amazon come sempre precisa e corretta . Dovute restituire per acquisto errato . Rimborso veloce . Le cuffie sono di ottima qualit ma un po’ piccole per chi ha orecchie grandi essendo da 40 mm i padiglioni
Spettacolari il mix amp fa il suo dovere peccato per le cuffie perch non isolano a volume basso il soggetto con i suoni esterni
Vengo da cuffie Rig 500 pro hs,ne ho provate tante ma le astro hanno una differenza impressionante grazie al mixamp,senza sono delle normali cuffie,qualit del suono Dolby PERFETTO immersione nel gioco totale (gioco a call of duty).
Prezzo un po’ elevato,ma per chi pu prenderle non se ne pentir di sicuro.
This seemed like the perfect thing for my Gaming mad son to try out who since lockdown has been glued to his Xbox!
The headset and mixer are presented in a smart, exciting looking sturdy box with everything you need to get it up and running. My partner and my son set this up together and have been enjoying it ever since.
The headset it self is snug fitting and fully adjustable and is comfortable for both my young son and my partner and once up and running is straight forward to operate. The mixer makes my son feel very professional and while it’s probably more over the top than he would need, he absolutely loves it and says it makes it easier for him to hear and communicate with his friends while he plays and as you can control the different aspects of the sound levels it does make for a truly immersive experience – every small sound is able to be heard from a twig break to other players creeping up and he feels like he’s getting the best possible gaming experience from this.
Fantastic product, incredible sound quality and clear audio, a perfect gift for any gamer and allows you to create your own perfect mix and experience from your Gaming, a real win!
This is a huge step up from my previous headset and the specs far outweigh my ability as a gamer. The packaging alone screams ‘quality’ and the feel of the headset just makes you wanna lock yourself into a gaming bubble. The A40 in classy black with a tiny of blue sits perfectly on your head and doesn’t hinder movement in any way, nor does it become uncomfortable after a few minutes.
The MixAmp Pro is a beautiful and welcome add on and delivers pro-quality customizable gaming audio in Dolby surround sound. The lengthy cable gives you plenty of room to sit back comfortably in your chair and relax into your game. Incidentally, the headset mic can be switched to either side, so if you prefer it on the left, then put it on the left.
Its no wonder that a lot of pro gamers use this model. It really is top of the heap.
Che dire , cuffie al top .. sicuramente non economiche ma per chi disposto a spendere tale cifra per un headset come questo , non pu che rimanere pi che soddisfatto.
Peccato solo per il cavo jack 3.5 un po’ corto per i miei gusti .. cosa tranquillamente risolvibile con una “prolunga”
Super consigliate
It is designed for the Pro Gen 4 for PS4 & PC.
Mine came in a smart Black/Blue (A good set of colours for a boxing club perhaps) and looks really better than its photographs do.
The real worth of this item is how comfortable it is when you use it for a long while.
Again I found it good and comfortable but I see a few fellow reviewers said this was not the case. So buyer beware.
The finish is really good. This is a unit that is built to last and should stand some hammer. But then again you know your type of usage.
This is a good if not brilliant piece of kit for your gaming sessions.
Thanks for reading.
Be, nulla da dire, sicuramente per il gaming (puro) son ottime cuffie, sicuramente esistono parecchie alternative anche pi valide a livello audio.
Credo che le A40 siano un prodotto commercialmente azzeccato, qualitativamente discreto ed esteticamente appetibili.
Il Mixamp aiuta parecchio a risolvere alcune delle principali problematiche legate all’headset, i driver son di media qualit, ma bilanciati bene tra MixAmp e Software riescono a rendere bene.
Ovviamente ribadisco quanto accennato sopra… Per avere un prodotto gaming valido esistono prodotti migliori, tra cui Logitech (dove per manca un’alternativa al Mixamp – Ho avuto le X Pro con la Creative X3, una bomba) le Sennheiser One ed altre ancora.
Le Astro sono una bella curiosit che si sta pian pianino dimostrando un prodotto sopravvalutato (sia qualit che prezzo) ma comunque piacevole.
Es einer der besten headset fr die Ps4. Ich hatte sie fast alle! Es klappert manchmal bei denn Ohrmuschln bei Kopf bewegen bin noch dran raus finden was es sein kann ansonsten alles perfekt!
Sicuramente delle cuffie di alto livello.
Pagando un prezzo cos alto ci si aspetta una buona qualit. Effettivamente le cuffie presentano una qualit del suono molto buona e potente. Le consiglio per videogiochi ma possano essere carine anche nell’ascolto della musica e nella visione di un film, settando varie impostazioni nel software Astro sembra quasi di essere al cinema! Immersione totale.
Anche la qualit del microfono buona.
Ma la cosa che pi mi ha colpito sono i dettagli della scatola nella quale arrivano le cuffie. Pagando un prezzo cos alto bello ricevere delle attenzioni anche in questo.
Posso consigliarle sicuramente.
A fantastic setup, the sound quality is one point. The ability to so precisely tune the sound is particularly powerful for online gameplay as it allows you to amplify the right noises and tone down the others. Would recommend to all.
* Excellent, punchy sound with Dolby, for immersive 3D gaming experience
* Comfortable headset with generously padded cushions
* Good adjustment range for different sized heads
* Microphone performance is good
* Mixamp gives easy, direct sound level control
* Combined set saves 80 on individual purchase prices.
* No Bluetooth, just cable fed
* Headset is bulky
My first impressions of the headset were of something slightly bling and a bit chunkier than absolutely necessary. This has a bit of an American look to it, and with the overall bulk and silver metal tubes on the sides feels like the Humvee of headphones. Part of the reason for the size is the over-ear cups, which I always prefer to on-ear, as they’re more comfortable for extended wear. These fit my ears fine, but if yours are larger, the pads may chafe slightly at your ear tips. They are supplied as open back phones, but surprisingly can be converted to closed back, by fitting an optional extra sealed cover. Opinions vary as to which is better, sonically, but closed back are quieter for everyone around you, and a requirement for most tournaments.
The mixamp is the real game-changer for me. Instead of the usual annoying fiddle with sub menus or drop down tabs or whetever, I can simply turn a dial, both for volume, and for voice/game sound balance. It simplifies your life tremendously, and adds quite a bit to game enjoyment I find.
I’ve tried these both on PC and MAC, and had no problems. I would point out that when setting up it’s important to set your default mic and sound output to these headphones, otherwise you might not hear anything when you plug them in.
On their own I’d be awarding the headphones four stars, because of the lack of Bluetooth. But in this kit form with the addition of the excellent mixamp I think they’re a definite 5. I can live with the cable, but I would not want to lose the analogue dial control for the sound. It’s a great feature.
In the box.
The headphones, mixer console, leads, instructions and detachable boom mic.
Set up.
You can use these straight out of the box without the mixer as a wired pair of gaming headphones. With the mixer box wired between the headset and computer you get full customisation options.
Build quality.
They are superbly made and can take mod kits. They look the business and are built to last. They are very strong and fully adjustable for comfort.
They are really good to wear even for very long periods of gaming or music. The ear pads are soft and the band well padded. You can change the ear pads via mod kits at extra cost. The ones supplied are nice and soft.
On games these are really good but seem dependant on the quality of the sound chip or card, understandably. The mix box enhances the sound and you can save customisations for different games depending on the box or computer used. On our gaming laptop (HP) the sound was very good with plenty of detail. On the Xbox the sound was equally as good. Using it with the PC which has a very high-end Turtle Beach sound card these became amazing. We heard things that we could not on the other systems. The sound space was much wider and the bass tighter. The 3D quality of games was very evident on this system with sounds coming from every direction, even above and below which was quite a revelation. These can really rock with the right equipment. We compared them to many other sets we have and these really are very good for the money. A big investment but if you want the best sound you will be rewarded. They definitely respond better with high end systems. We even tried them to listen to concerts with and they were as good as my Bose Bluetooth headphones which cost about the same, in fact I would say these had a slight edge in the bass department — not bad for a gaming set!
Well made with a great sound but they need a good source to really open up. They are even great with music sources so can double for that as well. A big investment but well worth it for the sound you will get in my opinion.
I have tried many other headphones, both gaming and audiophile and these are certainly among the best in quality.
Even during extended playing sessions, the comfort was great as each cup is heavily padded with comfy foam and covering.
Would really recommend.
Build Quality 5/5
All components are very strong and solidly constructed, I doubt if any of them will break. I gave the plastic a good squeeze and it didn’t budge at all. They feel like something which was built in the USA rather than Japan if that makes sense, more materials have been used then are strictly necessary and everything is big.
Environment 3/5
The packaging provided is too big and bulky for the product. They have created a large display cabinet for them, which is very impressive but you won’t be storing them in the box so what’s the point? All the cardboard and plastic looks recyclable though which I like, there’s just too much of it.
Design 5/5
I like the design overall. The great thing about USB headphones is that you don’t have to keep unplugging them when you want to use your speakers. Having the controls in front of you is also a lot easier than trying to adjust controls you can’t see. The magnetic cups for the ear pads are also very easy to use. The sliders for the headphones have lines on them so you can adjust them to a particular setting, and as you do the cable length will change inside them. The microphone and ear pads can also be removed and changed if needed. All these features are well thought out. The design is a bit too showy for my taste as it looks like it belongs in a sci-fi film.
Mix Amp 4/5
The “mix amp” is used for adjusting volume and also the balance between game sounds and voice communication. It also has 4 preset equalizer settings and a dolby source button. The dolby source button lets you switch between standard and passthrough for voice. At first this feature didn’t seem to be working and when the dolby mode was active any sounds would sound very echoey but it seems ok now. It’s a bit big overall for what it does, but the buttons on it are really nice.
Connections – PC
PC connection requires a USB micro cable (any cable works). You also need the special 3.5mm phono cable which comes in the box. One end of it is also larger than the other and it has an inline mute switch. No other cable will work but this one and if it breaks you will have to buy a special A40 cable as a replacement.
Connections – PS4
The connections are the same for PS4 except you will need to use the digital optical out.
Headphones 3/5
They are very comfortable and soft but they quickly become too hot to use. I can’t leave them on for longer than 30 minutes. Not that they cause a lot of sweat, just a lot of heat. I think it’s the materials chosen which seem to cause a buildup of microscopic friction. The ear cups are only just big enough and do seem to cause an abrasive effect on my ears as well. Adjusting them is simple but is easiest when you’re not wearing them.
The headphones can be tilted forwards until they both face forwards, and the ear pads also move independently for maximum ergonomics. But they do not fold up like more portable headphones and perhaps that is the point with them.
Sound Quality 5/5
The quality of the headphones for music is exceptional, it’s easily some of the best I’ve ever heard. I like the choice to use wired which is definitely better for sound quality. The clarity is amazing and I hear new sounds in music I’ve not noticed before. The bass is not too strong but that is more to my taste.
PS4 Usage ?/?
I couldn’t test with my PS4 as it doesn’t have an optical digital output. Make sure you check this before purchasing.
The headphones are very high quality and well designed, but the heat and discomfort they produced on my ears made them unbearable to use. I have quite sensitive skin so if you aren’t like me then you might not have this problem. It’s difficult for me to give a star rating as a result.
My son was over the moon to get these, he allowed me to open the box up before he scurried off with them to try them out. They are really nicely packaged and I was impressed with the quality of the headset, they look great too. I tried them on and found them to be really comfortable. I have hardly seen them since as they seem to be attached to my gamer mad son most of the time. I did prise them off him so that I could try them on with sound and I was very impressed by the sound quality, it was clear and really very impressive. My son tells me that these are much, much better than his previous gaming headset which I had thought were really good and hard to beat, but they have been discarded for these. If you have the money to spend on a great gaming headset then I would definitely recommend these, they really are very impressive.
ASTRO have a reputation for high-end headsets. This A40 is made from durable, flexible materials ensuring it will last for years. The A40 is comfortable to wear with no unnecessary pressure points and the cups are covered with soft material, however, some users may have problems adjusting the headset while wearing it. The mic is detachable and can be placed on either cup for convenience. The MixAmp is most suited to streamers. It has some standard inputs on the side and a large volume control. It also allows users to connect several MixAmps together. It has options for game, chat and mic volume while streaming. The most significant problem with this package is the Dolby Surround function. During gameplay all sound effects sound unnatural, although some gamers may prefer this, I would recommend the default stereo presets. This A40 with MixAmp is perfect for streamers. Casual gamers may want to save their pennies.
Ive had a few pairs of these before and have been using them for 7 years with no problems. Theyre truly amazing!
Im very impressed with the new generation version which is even better with design, performance and asthetics.
PROPER WAY to use them is to chanel a analogue 5.1 channel (using a decent sound card with a decent digital to
analogue convertor) to the mix amp via spdif and enable dolby digital on your sound card and on mix amp which gives you true 7.1 digital surround sound for games. Remember to set your sound card, windows and in game to 5.1. Enable dolby digital mix amp and the sound cards software using a spdif cable! and voila! best sound for all games. For music 2 channels is best.
So I personally find the presets on this weird. They don’t make much sense; the night setting sounds the same and the stream setting allows too much background noise in. I prefer to customise my own and not use these personally. There is a tournament mode, but i’ve not got the capabilities to test this fully. Apparently it’s the most aggressive setting for curbing the peaking of shouting on your own mic, and blocking out background noise.
A word on the Dolby Surround Sound – it’s emulated, because of course they are a stereo headset and not a 7 speaker setup. For me as a sound nerd this is noticeable. It’s made marginally better by using an optical cable in but I wouldn’t buy these solely based on the DSS.
This PC/PS4 version is cooler coded to the PS4, which is a great addition if you’re interested. They’ve got the match spot on, with that futuristic design. The details are interchangeable (you can buy custom ones from the Astro website) but for me, it’s the sleekness of the ergonomic design that does it. The input ports are on the bottom of the earphone cup, in line and logical, and the mixamp is slick with the headphone input only on the front, PS4/PC labelled LED’s to know which setting you’ve got, and a simple and easy set of ports on the back. It’s like an Apple design but without the annoying pretentiousness.
There is a daisy chain port if you’re playing or streaming alongside someone else in the room, and they also have an A40. It’s a micro USB input port.
The size adjustment on these is perfect, being an almost hydraulic push up and down motion which fixes in to the exact position no problem. What’s also great about these, is that they are comfortable when wearing glasses. I always have the problem with headphones of this not being the case. They are wider than most and don’t have much give in the horizontal stretch, but this works out for me.
Overall, I like them a lot. The Mix-amp and software for me is the best bit. t’s fluent, it works, it’s got both an easy physical and digital interface. You can buy it separately if you already have a go-to headset you like, and it will work like any normal 3.5mm jack input.
I cant see anyone being disappointed with these . These are our first set of decent headphones and we are blown away with the quality
“The A40’s sound quality is crystal clear with a huge depth range and very high definition. All sounds can be heard clearly, and the pan of the headphones is perfect. The earphone cups fit nicely around your ears making the sound precise and making them comfortable to wear. The headset also fits nicely around glasses stopping headaches which are seen to be a problem in many other headsets.
The microphone quality is incredibly clear and accurate for a headset mic with zero feedback or extra noise. The mic itself does not obscure view of the screen and it far away from your mouth to be heard by teammates and friends properly and even if it isn’t, there are many settings to have the mic in as it is adjustable. I have had responses from friends saying I sound just like I do in real life and I sound much better than when I used my previous mic.
The mix amp Pro opens so many opportunities and variations as to how and what you hear. For example, there is not just a master volume, there is an option to turn down the in-game volume to only hear teammates and friends and there is an opposing option to turn down friends and teammates just to hear the game. There is also a huge range as to how loudly and quietly you can hear both. Another aspect I was impressed with would be the setting that allows you to change the compression and equalization of what you hear meaning that all the sound is compressed and even to not cause headaches.
The headsets price is well worth it for the quality you will receive. It is a lot more expensive than a lot of my previous headsets but this one is by far the best I have had.
Overall, the Astro A40 and Mix amp pro is an incredible piece of audio and microphone equipment as it is worth the price, easy to use, comfy and great audio and mic quality.”
My husband has tested these as he’s the gamer, not me!
So this review is from him….
Headset + MixAmp Pro TR Controller is a very nice gaming headset, even the packaging is has a certain ‘wow’ factor to it. Upon opening the box, it’s clear that alot of thought was put into the design of this headset, both for style and functionality; it looks great and just feels well made. This headset is a bit heavier than my current Logitech set, but they’re also quite a bit more comfortable. The extra padding on the earcups and headband go a long way toward that added comfort, but I believe the headband adjusters are a huge reason they’re more comfortable; once you get them where you want them, they stay put and the headset seems to simply hug your head. I’ve worn these for hours, and so far I’ve never felt like I needed a rest from them. The sound from this headset is superb, especially with the ability to set up customized EQ settings that can be switched with the press of a button on the mixamp. The headset is also highly customizable. You can place the mic on either side, swap out the earcups, headband, and even swap out the magnetized eartags for customized ones if you like. I have the headset hooked to my PC, and I haven’t used all of the functionality of the mixamp. However, the mixamp, like the headset, seems very well built. It’s heavier than I expected, and the dials offer some resistance when you’re adjusting them, so midgame, you’re not going to accidentally swing the volume too far. Also, as I mentioned earlier, I found the ability to switch between 4 EQ settings by merely pressing a button to be quite useful when gaming. The downloadable software from Astro allows you to change the EQ presets, mic settings, and even create your own settings files that you can save and load. This allows you to easily fine tune the sound to your liking.
Overall, I think this is great headset. The comfort and sound are both greater than the previous headsets I currently have, so I’m fairly confident I’ll be using these going forward. I would recommend these in a heart beat….. So no issues but these don’t come cheap but believe me you won’t be dissatisfied.
Sehr schnes und ein top Headset, ein modkit ist leider fast Pflicht, das finde ich etwas schade aber ansonsten kann ich es nur empfehle
Are well made and very qualitative!
Excellent sound quality and comfortable.
Are lightweight and excellent value for money!
I would definitely recommend it!
The mixer is the thing that sets this apart from normal headphones, you connect it to your PS4, PC or XBOX via USB, optical connection or both and then plug the headphones into the mixer.
Both the PS4 and Xbox One require two connections for the setup to work. For audio to the headset you need to connect your console’s optical audio output to the optical port on the mixer with the included optical cable. Then connect the mixer to a USB port on your console with the included cable to enable the microphone to work.
The left dial on the mixer controls volume and the right controls voice chat and game audio.
The headphones are quite heavy but you can adjust them to get a good fit. The ear pads are memory foam, covered in a soft cloth and very comfortable. You don’t need to connect them to the mixer box as they have a standard jack but it seems a shame to use them any other way.
There’s a fair amount of sound leakage, which may be an issue when using them around other people.
The microphone is removable and can be freely adjusted.
Sound quality is exceptional, especially when playing action games, you can hear every click, hiss, bump, crash or rumble clearly and with just the right mix of bass and treble.
I prefer a wireless connection as cabling can be a bit of a pain but the leads are a good length and I can put up with that due to the impressive sound quality.
This isn’t a cheap option but for dedicated gamers it opens up a world of sounds that you won’t have heard before and you will really notice the difference in quality over cheap and cheerful alternatives.
Definitely worth the money in my opinion.
I asked him what exactly was so great – he went into computer lingo I had no idea what he was on about – I did catch” the sound is amazing” .!!!
There are plenty of reviews here raving about the sound quality, but little about how it all goes together, so I’ll talk about that.
You get two items. The headset itself, and a mixer. The headset has a normal 1/8″ audio plug, so you can use them as ‘ordinary’ headphones for music through your phone, or for use with and Xbox or a Switch. Of course, you don’t get the full surround-sound experience if you do that, but the sound quality is still exceptionally good.
The mixer though, is where the magic happens. You connect this directly to your PC or you PS4 via USB or optical connection, and then plug the headphones into the mixer. The only downside here is the leads all over the place, and the setup is better suited to PC gaming while sitting at a desk. If you are a sofa gamer, you’re going to have to put with leads across the floor. Once you get set up though – wow. The surround sound is fully immersive, and you’ll find yourself wandering around youtube looking for demo videos to try it out. The frequency response is astonishing, from the deepest bass to the faintest trebles. Even in a intense firefight game with explosions and booms and bangs you can still hear the tinkle of cartridge cases falling to the floor with clarity. It’s really that good.
Comfort is great, although these are quite heavy headphones, so you might need to fine tune the adjustments on the headband to get it just right. The earcups are soft and cosy, and are tremendously good at isolating sound. You’ll have minimal sound leakage to the rest of the house, and you won’t get outside noises distracting you.
These are expensive headphones, but they really are good enough to justify the price. Exceptional.
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And it certainly deserves the kudos. The sound quality is very good, the amp works very well. Stereo surround effects are outstanding and immersive. The cable is long enough to allow a comfortable distance from the TV. Unlike others who have complained about the thin padding on top and lack of comfort about the ears, the boy has not cavilled once.
Der absolute Hammer nach meinen ganzen reinfllen bei corsair nubwo uvm. .. ich bin absolut begeistert von klang und Tragekomfort! Gestern bekommen und knappe 10 Stunden mit dem headset gespielt ohne ein nerviges drcken zu spren geiloo !!
Lots of the streamers I follow use and support the Astro brand and now I understand why.
The setup is super easy. The headset is comfortable if slightly heavy. The wired connectivity is not ideal but the cable length is generous and it stores away fine with the detachable cabling. The noise quality, echo cancellation, and the microphone pickup are excellent. The mixamp gives another quality level to the stream and when paired with an Elgato it’s just… beyond amazing now. I found no distortion on the microphone (fizzing/popping when I shout, basically) and the all-round audio for games like PUBG is spot-on giving a complete gaming and streaming experience. 10/10 not using another brand for my streams from now on!
Dopo 5 anni di Sony 2.0, ho deciso di cambiarle, ma non trovavo mai quella caratteristica che volevo ci fosse a tutti i costi presenti sugli headset, ovvero l’audio chat e gioco regolabili indipendentemente, e qua oltre ad aver trovato questa caratteristica, ho trovato delle cuffie di altissima qualit design fatto molto bene, con materiali misto tra plastica robusta e alluminio e padiglioni ruotabili a 180. La comodit delle cuffie fantastica le metti e non ti accorgi di averle addosso anche per 3, 4 ore, i comandi per regolare le cuffie sul mix amp pro sono sempre a portata di mano e posso dirlo una goduria girare le due rotelle in alluminio.
Cuffie molto professionali regolabili anche tramite il PC, collegandoci il mix amp pro, si posso settare tutte le caratteristiche dalle varie frequenze che compongono l’audio, al microfono ovvero sentite il ritorno in cuffia del microfono o la potenza che deve avere.
Niente per me queste cuffie dal punto di vista del gioco non hanno niente che non vanno, sono complete al 100% magari a qualcuno da fastidio il cavo che dev’essere sempre collegato, ma a me non da per nulla fastidio.
Mi raccomando se avete 10 minuti guardate il video dove spiego nel dettaglio le cuffie, componenti come collegarle alla ps4 e al pc(per gli aggiornamenti) e tante informazioni che io al momento della collegamento e funziomento non sapevo, ma che piano piano ho scoperto, detto ci. Ciao a tutti.
Sitzt gut auch wenn man Brillentrger ist hat eine ausgezeichnete ton Qualitt….alles top
Xmas present for son and he was thrilled . Not cheap but you get what you pay for and it is excellent quality he uses it for PlayStation and for pc gaming
Prese in sconto per il balck friday a 229, magnifiche sia come comfort che come suono associate al mixamp
Le cuffie sono eccezionali, ottimi materiali ,insomma c’ poco da dire… unica pecca il cavo jek che collega le cuffie al mix pro , lo trovo troppo corto ;mentre il cavo usb e il cavo ottico che collegano il mix alla play4 sono lunghi 3 metri…..
Best gameing headset around. You can tweek the equaliser via a PC to suit your needs.
Cuffie davvero ottime, facilita di configurazione grazie all applicazione.. materiali ottimi e cuffia davvero confortevole anche dopo lunghe sessioni di gioco, mi aspettavo un po di potenza in piu..
Finde es Top aber meine Freunde jammern dass ich zu leise bin…. hab die Chatempfindlichkeit sehr oft eingestellt in der App und auf der PS4 aber entweder man hrt auch das Headset selbst im Chat oder mich zu wenig… aber ansonsten ein Wahnsinn!!! Jederzeit wieder!!
Despues de 3 aos probando cascos para ps4 xfin llego al orgasmo sonoro!!!la personalizacion cn el programa q hay para descargar es bestial!!cambia todo radical y se agradece!!llevo poco cn ellos asi q se q pueden sorprenderme aun mas!!un monumento para astro xfavor!!
se avete un budget su questa cifra prendetele!!
permettono un esperienza migliore per il gaming , rispetto a un headset sui 100-150 si sente proprio la differenza. avevo le razer kraken v2 da 7.1. Il lavoro lo fa tutto il mix amp optional fondamentale. io le ho prese col black friday a 200
Pas du ! Pas facile de choisir un casque pour ps4 ! La je pense en avoir trouv un bon ! Le son est tout simplement super !
tant un joueur calloff j’aime bien couter les diffrentes direction des ennemis !
La pas de soucis on sais d’o ils viennent
Le confort est aussi pas mal aucun soucis pour jouer longtemps sans avoir les oreilles crases et avec le cble qui est assez long on est jamais court de batterie non plus
Je je regrette pas du tout mon acha
El micro es flexible, de mucha calidad y lo recoges sobre la oreja y lo bajas cuando hables, ademas lleva un interruptor para desconectar el chat del audio en caso que quieras hablar o que no te escuchen.
En cuanto al sonido es incrible la calidad, el 7.1 es perfecto y desde el mixamp puedes elegir varios modos de equalizacion asi como controlar el volumen del juego y del audio del chat, el precio puede parecer alto, pero una vez en tus manos te das cuenta de la buena inversion.
En mi caso lo utilizo para jugar online con Ps4, pero dispone de interruptor para jugar tambien en PC.
Altamente recomendado.
Allora le cuffie sono perfette per comodit, potenza (dovuta principalmente al mixer) e microfono che ti permette di impostarlo come vuoi te essendo flessibile.
Se vogliamo proprio fare le pulci direi che l’unica cosa che convince meno sono i due supporti laterali che sembrano in alluminio ma che in realt sono di plastica. Essendo che stiamo pagando per un prodotto da 300 sarebbe stato carino averle per lo meno in alluminio. Comunque ad oggi penso che siano le migliori cuffie da gaming sul mercato
Things to note make sure you can adjust your mixamp before use otherwise mic audio is at full blast and muffles best headset amazing surroudsound i always pick astro even without the mix amp it dosnt compare
Fantastiche cuffie molto comode e avvolgenti, suono eccezzionale. Un po’ costose ma sono tra le migliori cuffie
Para comenzar, el embalaje que trae es de muy buena calidad, incluso con acabados increbles ya desde que tocas la caja (con relieves, colores mate, satinados y brillo).
La calidad de los materiales en los cascos es muy buena, aunque algunos bordes estn demasiado afilados.
La calidad de sonido es muy buena en los cascos, y si compras el kit completo que trae el MixAmp pasa de ser muy buena a ser increble (7.1).
La comodidad es increble, siendo estos los cascos perfectos si tienes las orejas grandes.
El MixAmp te permite una personalizacin de sonido perfecta, pudiendo adaptar los sonidos a cualquier juego (incluye 4 memorias de personalizacin para distintos juegos).
Si vas a comprar los cascos recomiendo muchsimo comprarlos con MixAmp, ya que la diferencia es notable.
**Nota IMPORTANTE: Si vas a comprar los ASTRO con MixAmp para PS4 debes tener en cuenta que para disfrutar del sonido envolvente 7.1 debes conectarlos a la PS4 por cable de audio ptico. En PS4 y PS4 PRO no hay problema, pero la PS4 SLIM no dispone de audio ptico. Este punto no lo cuento como negativo ya que no es problema de los cascos, sino de la consola en s, pero creo que es importante recalcarlo.
El micrfono tiene una calidad de audio espectacular.
PROS: Calidad de audio espectacular, micrfono increble, comodidad muy buena, calidad de los materiales estupenda y personalizacin en cuanto a audio (teniendo el MixAmp) con muy buenos resultados. Puedes conectar los cascos a la PS4 y al PC al mismo tiempo para escuchar las dos cosas.
CONTRAS: El precio puede ser un poco excesivo. No llevan bluetooth integrado.
Mittlerweile wird es an der PS4 Pro verwendet und da funktioniert alles einwandfrei.
An der PS4 Slim sind nicht alle Features gegeben, da der Ton ber einen HDMI – Splitter (Audio) abgenommen wird.
Hi an der PS4 ist der Glasfaseranschlu vorhanden und alles funktioniert wie es soll.
Really good headset. Can hear footsteps miles away for battle royal
C’ poco da dire, le cuffie sono di qualit alta e si sente!
Suono pulito e appagante. Anche la qualit del microfono sembra migliore rispetto a quello presente nella precedente versione. Le persone con cui ho giocato hanno dato feedback positivi della voce. Nessun ritorno o eco.
La qualit dei materiali sono ottime, le cuffie sono morbide e non stringono nonostante le tenga totalmente “aperte”.
La dotazione di cavi adeguata, complessivamente si hanno a disposizione quasi 5 metri di cavi. si pu giocare comodamente sul divano con il mixamp a portata di mano.
Unico neo, potevano mettere un secondo padiglione di scorta all’interno della confezione.
Sono rimasto un Po deluso da queste astro su pc si sentono pi tosto bene ma su Ps4 anke con cavo ottico non si sentono un gran che per il prezzo che ho pagato mi aspettavo molto di pi le razer vanno molto meglio
Al ponrtelos es una sensacin rara y parece que van a ser incmodos. Tras 5 minutos se adaptan y son bastante cmodos. Sonidos como explosiones o disparos se escuchan tremendamente bien por lo que he podido experimentar. Son excelente para los juegos FPS, dira que los n1. Los uso sin el sonido Dolby Sorround ya que produce un sonido robtico sinceramente. El mixamp proporciona mucha comodidad para editar el audio y no es nada extremadamente grande. El micrfono es lamentable… Hacen que quieras comprarte el Mod Kit por 60 euros ms. Le faltan cosas para ser los mejores.
Problme de mon ancien casque :
– une mousse qui ce frite avec le temps (2 ans d’utilisation) et laisse plein de mousse sur mes cheveux bureau ex..
– systme sans fils, malgr le fait d’avoir un cble pour pouvoir jouer malgr que la batterie sois vide beaucoup de dconnexion pc avec l’avertisseur sonore qui nous ennuie a chaque dconnexion et connexion
– une armature rigide ce qui fait que mon casque une fois tomb sur une des oreillette et bien a casse indubitablement
– impossible de changer la batterie facilement
le A40 corrige tous les problme ,
structure solide mais souple
de la vrais mousse !!
une connexion jack malheureusement mais un rendu sonore quivalent a 4 fois la qualit de mon ancien casque.
malgr une apparence sasser massive il est surprennent de lgret !!
une conception et une finition premium dirons nous une qualit sonore si immersive que pendant votre premire session de jeux vous serrez perdu tellement vous aurez de son. un micro TRES prcis et souple. plusieurs model de configuration pour adapter votre casque pour le jeux la musique le Streaming BREF malgr un prix asser lever malgr tout on ressent VRAIMENT la QUALIT de ce casque qui semble simplement parfais.
What i like about this headset is the comfort and build quality.
As for Sound the Astro Mixamp is a must for this headset otherwise it will sound dull and bassy and muddy.
I have personally the Astro A40 and Mixamp Gen 4.
I am also a EQ Preset Creator and have many fans and followers.
Alles genau so was ich von einem teueren Produkt erwarte. Knnte nicht besser sein.
Einer der besten Headsets auf dem Markt!! Hab das Astro mit dem SteelSeries Arctis Pro +GameDAC verglichen. Die Sound- Bandbreite bis zwar grer beim ArctisPro aber dafr ist es nicht so schn Basslastig wie das Astro halt eher ausgeglichen! Den Tragekomfort/ Design finde ich beim Astro besser aber ist beim Arctis jetzt auch sehr gut halt nur nicht meine erste Wahl! Was ich am meisten bemngeln musste beim Arctis ist das sehr empfindliche Micro was man halt beim Astro sehr schn einstellen kann. Beide Headsets fr mich in der Premiumklasse aber wrde mich wohl auch in Zukunft fr das Astro entscheiden!!
La cuffia comoda,ma di casa viene fornita di una equalizzazione piatta e anche cambiando fra i presenti il suono non migliora.
Per rimediare bisogna utilizzare il programma sul pc,scaricabile gratuitamente.
Peccato che io non vicino a dove gioco perci continuare a staccare e riattaccare dopo un po’ stufa
Ho provato a chiedere consiglio su Facebook e fare delle ricerche per avere un preset trovato buono,ma non ho trovato nulla.
Se uno poi,le compre ma non fa strim,sono sodi esagerati,si trova ottimi prodotti a prezzi inferiori.
Per se chi le prende,le usa vicino al pc,oppure con il pc,tanto meglio.
Se si ha gi dimestichezza col programma avvantaggiato e se fa strim,offre molte opportunit di settaggio.
Prodotto alla moda e ben rifinito ma non fa per me,restituito
Als Vergleich dienen Beyerdynamic 880, Aiaiai TMA-2, alte AKGs, Creative H5/7 und die Steelseries Arctis Pro.
Im Vergleich zum vorherigen Mixamp gefllt mir das Design sehr viel besser, klanglich hat sich am mixamp wenig getan, er rauscht etwas weniger und das Dolby Audio klingt etwas anders. Ob besser oder schlechter mchte ich nicht beurteilen, Surround auf Headphones ist so ne Glaubensfrage, es strt zumindest nicht mit Audio Artefakten und bei pve Spielen kann die Soundstage durchaus grer werden. Fr pvp, naja, kann man, muss man aber nicht.
Das Headset an sich klingt aber m.M.n. sehr viel besser als die alte Version und ist in den Hhen sehr schn offen und erlaubt gute Ortung im Multiplayer.
Im Vergleich zu meinen anderen Headphones:
– als Gaming Headset fr mich mit den Creative definitiv die Nummer 1. Sitzt gut, klingt gut!
– im Vergleich zu dem hnlich teuren Arctis Pro um Meilen besser, ich kann dem Arctis zwar nichts wirklich ankreiden aber irgendwie passt es fr mich nicht 100%.
Negativ: wie immer bei Astro sind die Sound Presets aus audiophiler Sicht absoluter Mll, da wird der EQ aufgedreht bis Anschlag damit eventuell irgendwie der Gegner etwas frher zu hren ist, mag ja funktionieren, wenn ich davon aber nach 20 Minuten kaputte Ohren hab, kann das auch nicht Sinn der Sache sein.
Zumindest ist jetzt per default auch ein Profil mit flachem EQ programmiert.
– Mikrofon wie bisher top aber immer noch ohne Auto-mute, muss man am Kabel machen.