Bamboosang X7 Book & Document Scanner, 15MP High Definition Portable Document Camera, Auto-Flatten & Deskew, Capture Size A3, Multi-Language OCR, USB, SDK & Twain for Office and Education Presentatio

*Note: *The software is not compatible with Apple Mac OS* . If there is no CD-ROM drive on your laptop, please go to our website to download the software of the scanner.

The top of the scanner is equipped with nine HD LED lights, these are the perfect light source when scanning in the dark.
Set an interval timer thanks to its integrated shutter button to automatically scan one page at a time.
The Bamboosang scanner will revolutionize your scanning experience by bringing simple, intelligent and fast scanning performance to your home or office. The continuous scanning through the timer settings will vastly improve the efficiency with which you scan your books or magazines!
Weight: | 1.79 kg |
Dimensions: | 44.8 x 14.5 x 11.5 cm; 1.79 Kilograms |
Brand: | Bamboosang |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Bamboosang |
My mother has got into family history which means we have lots of ‘old’ documents to record, none of which are helpfully A4 in size. So I bought this camera to do the scanning of old birth/marrige/death certificates.
The image quality is fantastic. I’ve had several documents where I couldn’t quite make out the writing on paper but have been able to zoom in on the scanned image to get a larger and clearer view of the text.
The software is excellent, making it very easy to scan in large batches of documents and organise them into groups. It definitely takes time to explore the software capabilities in order to get the most out of it, but you can rapidly get up to speed for basic scanning.
Only down side is the mat that you put your pictures on to scan them. As other people have noted, this comes folded in the box rather than rolled, so it features a crease down the middle. This stops you laying your documents flat. I’ve tried many things to get this crease out but have ended up buying a piece of black-out curtain instead.
Would highly recommend, despite the mat.
Der Scanner ist sowohl in der Bedienung als auch wegen der Ergebnisse als sehr gute Alternative zu wesentlich teureren Gerten anzusehen.
Je l’ai utilis pour scanner un grand nombre de documents pour mes tudes. C’est un bon outil, mais il faut ensuite reprendre le document Word produit pour rectifier certaines erreurs plutt mineures (voir parfois rptitives) sur certains mots et accentuations, et cela prend un du temps. Il faut aussi apprendre bien positionner les livres pour russir les photos, et parfois cela ne russit pas du 1er jet, il faut alors prendre plusieurs prises de vues jusqu’ ce que l’on ait enfin un document le plus visible possible avec le moins d’erreurs de lecture corriger ensuite. Donc un bon outil qu’il faut apprendre utiliser, mais qui ncessite ensuite un certain temps pour rectifier les erreurs de lectures la marge, mais je pense que c’est vrai pour tous les appareils de ce type dans cette gamme de prix. Donc plutt satisfait de mon achat, avec les rserves et le complment de travail ncessaire pour avoir un rendu parfait. Par contre, pour un rendu en Pdf, cela marche beaucoup mieux, mais ce n’est pas le but premier pour cet achat en ce qui me concerne.
Ich arbeite mittlerweile oft im Homeoffice und hatte immer das Problem analoge Dokumente mit anderen zu teilen. Durch diesen Scanner ist das Problem weg und bin voll zufrieden
Sehr gute Qualitt des Scans, insbesondere bei Dokumenten und Bchern mit gebogenen Seiten.
Sehr gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis im Vergleich zu hnlichen Modellen auf dem Markt.
Sehr benutzerfreundliche und einfach zu installierende Software.
Sehr gute Handhabung und Transportabilitt durch klappbare und tragbare Bauweise.
Sehr gute Ausstattung mit leistungsstarker Kamera, A3-Scanngre und integriertem LED-Licht.
Nicht kompatibel mit Mac OS, nur mit Windows 8 oder hher.
Der Dokumentenscanner ist ein ausgezeichneter Mehrzweck-Scanner mit vielen leistungsstarken Grundfunktionen. Die Qualitt des Scans, insbesondere bei Bchern mit gebogenen Seiten, ist sehr gut. Die Software ist einfach zu installieren und benutzerfreundlich, whrend die klappbare und tragbare Bauweise eine einfache Handhabung und Transportabilitt ermglicht. Auch die Ausstattung mit leistungsstarker Kamera, A3-Scanngre und integriertem LED-Licht berzeugt. Einziger Nachteil ist die fehlende Kompatibilitt mit Mac Insgesamt aber faires Preis Leistungs Verhltnis
Ich habe den Scanner bestellt um Buchseiten einzuscannen. Ich war total berrascht, wie gut die Qualitt der Scans ist. Die Texterkennung ist wirklich sehr genau (nur , und erkennt der Scanner nicht so gut). Ich wrde den Scanner auf jeden Fall wieder kaufen. Die Preis Leistung ist top!
I’m delighted with this purchase. It was really easy to set up and use, and the automatic scan function is brilliant. I thought I would need to put it away after each use, but when folded down, the camera is quite unobtrusive, so I just leave it standing on my desk (to be fair, it’s a big desk). I can just plug it in and quickly scan whatever I want quite easily.
After having a flatbed scanner for years, I made the jump to the Bamboosang X7. What used to take ages is now a simple procedure. My first task was to scan a very old book with a broken spine and tattered edges. The automated features made converting this into a PDF a quick and painfree expereince.
Image quaility is good @ 15M and the additional lighting aids crisp scans.
Installation and setup was extremely easy and well documented. Software was provided via a CD & USB stick in the box and via an online download.
A full color multi language printed manual is provided as well as a hints and tips customer service card.
I bought this to scan in hundreds of documents and it did it quickly and accurately. I’m very impressed with it. Definitely worth the money to declutter your life.
Firstly, I got this at less than 50% off the official website price here thanks to a discount + voucher, so it was a bargain at under 150.
The good – scans very fast, although the automatic scanning when you flip the page was a bit hit and miss, prefer to manually click the USB button after turning the page. I can do about 5-10 page turns per minute with care, although faster is possible if you’re more dexterous so it does not take too long scanning in documents/pamphlet/books. The digital page flattening is not great, but overall I would liken the quality that of the typical book you find on The Internet Archive, so not bad overall.
The big downside with this product is that the software is only available in Windows, would have liked to see a MacOS or Linux version. Another downside is that the resolution of the scanning seems to be about the same quality than the 600 DPI flatbed HP Deskjet 8600 all-in-one scanner I use and I would prefer to use that with the sheet-feeder for more important documents. Finally the colour scanning is also not as good as my mobile phone camera or the flatbed, it looks and feels a little off, though acceptable quality. Monochromatic scanning is more or less good quality though.
We got this document scanner for our work office for scanning old letters, receipts and paper files in to digital copies for storage. We have been using a multifunctional printer currently for this but the quality of the scanning leaves a lot to be desired. This document scanner is much higher quality and does the scanning a lot faster. The process of scanning is simple especially since I use a similar one at home. I have quickly taught the secretarial staff how to use it and they all seem please with how easy it was to use. The scanned documents are very good high definition quality. It is such an improvement to our old method.
We have a few books that needed digitizing so needed something that would make the whole process quick and easy, rather than taking individual pictures and resizing / adjusting etc.
This scanner is really straight forward, i can grab a book, place it under the scanner and with 1 click scan the page and let it’s software adjust it so it’s flattened out and focused in creating a correct image that is nice and eligible.
The scanner itself is really compact, it’s just a stand and camera with a button attached to it but that’s all that’s needed as everything else is adjusted and sent onto my PC in the exact layout it was in on the page. It will even scan and detect words enabling you to copy and paste straight into word or wherever needed saving loads of time if you are trying to digitize that kind of information too.
If you’re looking to do a lot of scanning this is most definitely a huge timesaver, I’ve tried without and would never go back.