Behringer CRAVE Analog Semi-Modular Synthesizer with 3340 VCO, Classic Ladder Filter, 32-Step Sequencer and 16-Voice Poly Chai

Weight: 1.1 kg
Dimensions: 38 x 14 x 9 cm; 1.1 Kilograms
Model: CRAVE
Colour: Acid Yellow
Colour: Acid Yellow

20 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have used behringer for years as a professional sound engineer.. I always said they sholud make a synth or sampler and now they are I am blown away, we are in a golden age of affordable music tech. The potential of this thing is incredible, its solid metal with wood sides, the pots are very high grade, If someone told me this was 1000 (without the behringer label) I could imagine that being true. Its classy, very warm and punchy sound great for bass lines, and the modulation potential seems fascinating I cannot wait to get into that! Just need another synth, but you can do stufff without any extra synth i think.. I ordered some patch cables! Behringer I love you guys

  2. Axel Metz says:


    Per chi alle prime armi un Synth interessante.
    Ha dei suoni abbastanza pastosi e profondi, se poi ci si associa un reverb e delay diventa ancora pi interessante.
    Nota cattiva la gestione dell’arpeggiatore i cui tasti sono di qualit scadente e non creano buon feeling, consiglio quindi di suonarla associata ad una tastiera midi

    Suoni piuttosto corposi

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My 9 year old son loves this. Combining his musical and scientific skills. He makes great sounds on it. Im building a VCO to plug into the extra input. I wasn’t sure at first but this has proved to be a great introduction to “scientific music”.

  4. CaroleChristoph says:


    Uno strumento molto versatile e ben costruito.Suona davvero bene e permette di ottenere sonorit molto interessanti.
    Il sequencer facile da programmare ma con il suo editor per pc/mac Synthtribe si scrivono le sequenze direttamente su una comodissima interfaccia che permette di inserire accenti,velocity e altri parametri.Personalmente Behringer per me ha fatto centro!
    Con un po’ di inventiva si possono anche ottenere dei bassline tipo TB.

  5. LilianaFarquhar says:

     United Kingdom

    Not as smooth as the Moog 32, but sounds very close. Affordable alternative if you’re on a budget. Pair it with the Neutron, you have a monster!

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A great way to start playing with modular synths. Sop many option including a arpeggiator and a sequencer. Even has a button based keyboard, but is far more fun if you add a midi keyboard too. Oh and its worth buying a few extra patch cables (think it comes with 6)

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love the size and versatility of this synth with IO for everything its suits my purpose well

  8. Sascha says:

     United Kingdom

    Definitely value for money and good addition for home studio

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    For a simple to use yet powerful analog synth, you won’t get better for the price!

  10. eithneloveslipstick says:

     United Kingdom

    Although I have played around with modular synthesis on my pc, this was my first hardware purchase (albeit semi-modular). This little box has blown me away. Out of the box it is capable of producing some clean fat sounds, but the real fun begins when you start playing with the patch cables and routing it all through a nice reverb/delay. The unit itself is very well built and sturdy, my only gripe are the awful keys/step sequencer buttons. They feel cheap and produce a horrible click, but if you are going to be playing with a midi keyboard, this really doesn’t matter.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love the hardware but manual is lacking, go to YouTube if you really want to learn the synth.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Wonderful little synth. Great value for money. Good mark for Behringer!

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Value for money is excellent, the included manual isn’t very good but online tutorials are on YouTube.

  14. Katie Collins says:


    Ce crave a t une trs bonne surprise! Pour un simple synth monophonique 1 oscillateur, je ne m’attendais pas une telle varit de sons possibles. Et en plus il est trs simple d’emploi. Bref, une excellent introduction pour ceux qui souhaiteraient s’initier aux semi-modulaires.

  15. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersUn synthtiseur analogique avec squenceur allant jusqu’ 32 pas, 64 emplacements de mmoire.
    Outre les invitables contrles (forme d’onde, enveloppe, filtre, LFO), ce synthtiseur offre 2 arguments de poids. Tout d’abord son oscillateur, unique, certes, mais trs performant (le mme qui nourrissait le lgendaire Memorymoog, le Jupiter 5, certaines versions du Prophet 5 ou plus rcemment le Neutron de chez Behringer).
    L’autre argument, et son intrt principal, est l’approche modulaire. De quoi tancher sa soif de bidouillage la recherche de sonorits bien prcises, ou tout simplement originales et inattendues.

    Attention cependant, l’approche est plutt difficile, et la documentation fournie est vraiment beaucoup trop lgre. Il faudra chercher de l’aide sur des forums ou regarder des tutoriels (la plupart anglophones).

    Le synth est fourni avec son alimentation 12v, et une petite poigne de jacks pour faonner ses patchs.

    Pour le prix (au alentour de 150), si l’aspect modulaire vous intresse, c’est un excellent investissement.

    UPDATE aprs quelques semaines d’utilisation :
    La programmation des squences est plutt peu intuitive, mais avec l’exprience on arrive passer outre. L’utilisation d’un Beatstep Pro, ou tout autre contrleur plus ergonomique que le Crave est trs apprciable, sans tre ncessaire.

    Configurer la synchro/clock relve parfois du hasard. Loin d’tre intuitive elle non plus, il faut parfois redmarrer la machine pour que les modifications soient prises en compte.

    Bref, avec le Crave, il n’y a pas que l’aspect modulaire qui peut vous faire tirer vos cheveux.
    Il reste que vu son prix, et malgr ceci ou cela, c’est une machine de bonne qualit.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good synth for an amazing price. It’s light weight however the knobs and buttons are sturdy. Great sound with fantastic modulation abilities. Sequencer is very easy to use and the arpeggiator is great. Works as a midi output also which is very handy. Another great synth by behringer.

  17. Crusader says:


    Un synth analgico semi modular ,clone del famoso Moog mother 32,es un synth muy verstil ,las linea de bajo que salen de este aparato hacen temblar las pared del piso..
    Patchbay con 18 entradas y 14 salidas para posibilidades de modelado de sonido..midi in e midi thru para controlar el Crave con un teclado esterno..el nico contra el secuencer,lo es muy fcil de aprender..aparte de eso una pasada y vale hasta el ltimo euro.

    Semi modular regalado a esto precio

  18. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersEin sehr geiles analoges Sounddevice aber leider scheint der Produktmanager sich in einem Punkt zugunsten der geringeren Produktionskosten entschieden zu haben: Die “Noten”-Tasten sind nicht smooth sondern hard-clickable….bei Live etwas nervig…hier ist man gezwungen den harten Click-Sound den jeder Tastendruck hervorbringt geistig auszublenden.
    Ansonsten ist das Gert von der Haptik recht wertig gebaut…Deck und Front /Back aus Metal….fhlt sich gut an soweit.
    Die technischen bzw. audiotechnischen Merkmale sind aber der Hauptgrund weshalb man dieses Gert von Behringer kauft.
    Fr den Preis auch voll okay. …aber die click-sounds beim Bedienen der Tasten….nahe dran an den Mikroschaltersound alter Joysticks – nur leider mit hheren Widerstand….bei Klanggerten wie diesen sollten die Sounds nur vom Gert kommen und nicht quasi-mechanisch von dem Bedienen der Tasten. Hierfr htte ich gerne 50 mehr ausgegeben. Ich werde mal sehen wie man das umbauen (modifizieren/tunen) kann. Aber wie gesagt, die Fhigkeiten von dem Gert mchte ich Nicht missen.

  19. LindsayHinder says:


    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersNachdem ich mit drei Versuchen den Neutron endgltig aufgeben musste, lie mich der Gedanke keinen CEM3340 Chip zu haben irgendwie nicht mehr los….

    Per Zufall entdeckte ich die einstimmige Version, reduziert, aber durchaus sehr gut im Internet bewertet und wollte Behringer noch einmal eine Chance geben. Gut so!

    Ausgepackt, angesteckt, zum Leben erweckt! Die Bedienung fhlt sich wertig an, die reduzierte Vielfltigkeit der Pulsformen pusht einen mehr zu probieren, an den Knpfen zu drehen und ber sich hinaus zu wachsen. In nur einer intensiven Session konnte ich den kleinen Kerl besser kennenlernen und freue mich schon auf die Einbindung in meinem anderen modularen analogen Synth!

    Absolute Kaufempfehlung! Fr den Preis einen 3340er Oszillator mit einem Moog artigen Filter, inkl adsr Hllkurve, lfo und Sequenzer…… Und noch modular….. Hammer!!

  20. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersCame in very good time but with confusing tracking. The device itself is essentially just a vehicle for the astounding Curtis CEM3340 VCO chip and a derivative of the Moog ladder filter (I think) and as such works very nicely. It is however the cheapest of the Behringer range so it isn’t an incredibly versatile unit but it has a very nice bassy sound and a great sequencer (32 steps/64 patterns) and real arpeg that can even feed out to other Midi Devices. However the manual is terrible. You mostly have to just stumble over it’s features by luck.