BitFenix Dawn TG EATX/ATX PC Gaming Case, ARGB/RGB Asus AURA SYNC MSI Mystic Light Gigabyte RGB Fusion 2.0 Asrock Polychrome, 3 Sides Tempered Glass With Car Window Security Films, Water Cooling Ready

Fresh like the break of dawn, BitFenix presents the one and only innovative design, Dawn TG. The Illumination shines through the glass is like a breeze of sunlight blows into your window in the break of dawn.The scientific patterns are the codes concentrate the light.The aesthetics of Dawn TG aims to bring the art of pc builds to the new era of renaissance.

The ARGB Illumination Design and the Pre-installed Spectre ARGB Fan At The Rear Are Compatible With AURA SYNC, Mystic Light, RGB Fusion 2.0 and Poloychrome SYNC

3 Side Tempered Glass Armed with Car Window Security Films from Automotive Industry

| | | |
Thermal Capabilities | Upgrade Capabilities | Upgrade Capabilities | Smooth Cable Management Route Behind Motherboard Tray |
Weight: | 9.9 kg |
Dimensions: | 45.6 x 22 x 48.5 cm; 9.9 Kilograms |
Brand: | BITFENIX |
Model: | BFC-DAW-500-KKGSK-RP |
Colour: | Black |
Manufacture: | BITFENIX |
Colour: | Black |
Hatte etwas Bammel dass er bei mir nicht heile ankommt, da die Seiten und die Front aus Glas bestehen aber alles tutti, probs an DHL
Der tower macht einen soliden ”cleanen” Eindruck. Das einzige was ich auszusetzen habe sind die Lfter die nicht so leistungsstark sind wie erhofft.
Das Licht bekommt auch sehr gut sofern es einigermaen dunkel im Raum ist.
Sehr zu empfehlen.
There’s a lot to love about this case and very few things to complain about. The ease of building, lots of cable management opportunities. The only gripe isn’t about the product but the instructions for how to use the argb front panel. I’m usually armoury crate to control the front panel as well as my fans. The one confusing thing about the instructions is IF YOURE GOING TO USE YOUR MOTHERBOARD 5V ARGB HEADER THE INCLUDED CONTROLLER DOES NOT NEED TO BE PLUGGED IN. Honestly I just straight up removed the controller from my case. Just plug the 3 prong 5v header directly into your motherboard or ARGB hub. Once I figured this out I fell in love with the case again. 71c 2060 super while mining. 61c 1900x. Cpu cooler is the dark rock pro so I imagine basically anything will fit in here.
This case is well built. nice smoked tempered safety glass panels. LED lighting effects look great. No front bays for optical drives but most drivers and software are available online. Just pick up an external optical drive if you have many disks or old software titles. Great case to build your custom rig. Cable management is wonderful and plenty of room for large GPUs and space and size options for cooling fans. The 3 removable and washable air filters are a nice feature for keeping the dust out. The rear case fan is RGB addressable as is the front/side lighting if you have a MOBO that supports this feature. The included front fans are quiet and black in color. The power, reset, mic, headphone, and 3 USB ports are located on the top of the case. One of the USB ports is a C type. I would purchase this case again for another build.
Il case, si vede fin dallo sballaggio, ben costruito e con materiali di ottima qualit. L’estetica qualcosa di superlativo e la progettazione permette di montare la propria build in relativamente poco tempo. Ci sarebbe giusto da fare un appunto sul montaggio degli hard disk in quanto la slitta risulta scomoda e, cosa che mi ha fatto un po’ penare, non permette di utilizzare i classici cavi sata a 90 che di solito vengono forniti a corredo delle motherboard’s costringendomi, dunque, a procurarmi dei cavi sata dritti. Inoltre scomodo anche il frame che permette di alloggiare un hard disk sulla parte frontale. Hard disk che comunque ho dovuto rimuovere dopo qualche giorno a causa del rumore prodotto. E’ vero che c’ da considerare che oramai i vari case sono progettati principalmente per essere utilizzati con i pi veloci e silenziosi ssd ma, per chi utilizza ancora i meccanici per lo storage dati, questa una grossa pecca. Il rumore del disco, infatti era prodotto per le vibrazioni della testina e sono rimasto molto stupito nel constatare che gli ingegneri della Bitfenix, non abbiano previsto un sistema di smorzatura delle vibrazioni sulla slitta che a contatto con la lamiera del telaio inferiore (bastavano 4 gommini tanto per intenderci). Nonostante tutto non posso che consigliare questo case in quanto, a parte qualche “svista” come quella sopra descritta, costruito veramente bene; i filtri antipolvere e i vari sostegni lo rendono veramente una chicca. Lo spazio inoltre distribuito veramente bene e permette un ottimo airflow anche in assenza di impianto a liquido o AIO. Esteticamente poi i vari effetti di luce (comandabili anche dal un apposito pulsante nel caso la motherboard fosse sprovvista di controller per i led) sono veramente belli e personalizzabili; le ventole, anch’esse argb, sono silenziose e di qualit. Veramente un bel prodotto
Echt toller Tower!
Airflow ist richtig gut, genug Platz, leuchtet richtig nice!
Hab mir ein Video auf Youtube angesehen, und muss sagen das bei den Tower das Preisleistungs-Verhltnis echt das bessere war, als bei allem anderen Anbietern.
Daher 5 Sterne von mi
Tous mes composants sont entrer , le cble management a l’arrire est bien pens, les led a l’avant sont Styler, effet cathdrale je trouve , bitfenix est une bonne marque que je connaissais pas encore , parfait.
his is an amazing full tower case. i used it for my upgrade and it has everything i need. there’s a button on the top next to the power button to change the color of the front panels. there’s slots for anything you may want to put in this case. if you’re worried about airflow, dont be. my pc is a fridge, it usually stays around 45 Celsius. worth every penny
Nice cable management, keeps in sound, rgb looks amazing. Over all really nice case. It feels solid and has surprisingly great air flow. Im using the asus rog strix x570e gaming with amd ryzen 9 3959x
Msi core liquid 360 aio and rtx 2060. It has plenty of room for a 3080/3090 and a custom loop.
This was a solid case to build in other than being beautiful. I certainly commend Bitfenix for doing something different with the lighting on that front and side of the case. The use of the controller makes it easy to connect all of your argb lights as well! Also really loved the cable management cover on the rear of the case certainly a welcome addition considering the back of the case is tempered glass as well. Overall an awesome case with an awesome look and build quality!
I personally built and sell custom PCs and this is ny far one of the best case I have ever had the pleasure of working with! Bitfenix cases have always been easy to work woth but the engineering behind this case is phenomenal. Not only does the manual give you a great indication of the endless possibilities for setting this case up, but everything from filters to RGB lighting have been carefully thought out with this case. And cable management is fantastic with this case as a cover is provided for holding all major wiring harnessing and hiding it away to show off the secondary RGB lit panel on the backside of this case. Excellent job Bitfenix and keep making these easy to work,affordable and beautiful cases!
I’ll start with what I like about the case. The included fans provide nice airflow, and the RGB works well. The case feels like it was constructed very well. I never found any sharp edges or anything to get cut on like some cases have these days. There is enough room to fit in a full-sized graphics card with room to spare.
Here’s what I don’t like. There’s basically only one place to fit a full-size hard drive. There technically is another place, but you would need a smaller laptop-sized hard drive to make it work. If you have more than one full-sized hard drive, don’t buy this case. This was a major bummer for me as I had to exclude one of my hard drives from my new build. Second thing I don’t like, the black design on the front panel has imperfections in it that clearly show up as the RGB light passes through them. Not a huge deal, but annoying. Another thing, the glass panel on the right side of the case had a crack in it. Thankfully this is the side that is facing towards a wall in my case, but this was seriously disappointing.
All in all, this is a decent case. I got unlucky with the defects, but it calls into question the quality control that this product is put through. The crack in the glass was likely just a shipping thing, but the defects on the black front panel decal certainly came from the factory.
The cable management is grate has lots of ports.
It’s just simple a grate case, it’s a little pricey but it has alot grate features.
This was my first computer build and it went way easier than I thought it would. All items worked just like they were supposed to and no problems with the fit of anything……