Blue Microphones Logitech Yeti USB Microphone for Recording and Streaming on PC and Mac, Game Streaming, Skype Calls, Youtube Streaming, Plug and Play, Slate

  1. yeti

    Blue’s Legendary Broadcast-Quality Sound

    Makes the professional difference for recording, streaming and building your audience.

  2. yeti

    Custom Three-Capsule Array

    Produces clear, powerful, broadcast-quality sound for YouTube, game streaming, podcasting, conference calls and music.

  3. yeti

    Onboard Audio Controls

    Studio controls for headphone volume, pattern selection, instant mute, and microphone gain put you in charge of every level of the recording and streaming process.

  4. yeti

    Unique Positionable Design

    Adjust and pivot the microphone in relation to the sound source to optimize your sound quality.

  1. yeti

    Blue VO!CE Broadcast Vocal Effects

    Craft the perfect broadcast vocal sound and entertain your audience with enhanced effects, advanced modulation and HD audio samples.

  2. yeti

    Four Pickup Patterns

    Cardioid, omni, bidirectional, and stereo pickup patterns offer incredible flexibility, allowing you to record in ways that would normally require multiple microphones.

  3. yeti

    No-Latency Monitoring

    Monitor your voice in real time mixed with the sound from your computer to make sure your streams sound great.

  4. yeti

    Plug ‘n Play on Mac and PC

    Instantly start recording and streaming on Mac or PC.

  1. yeti

    Four Patterns for Ultimate Versatility

    Four distinct pickup patterns allow you to record and stream in ways that would normally require multiple microphones.

  2. yeti

    Cardioid Mode

    Perfect for podcasting, game streaming, YouTube productions,cardioid mode captures sound sources that are directly in front of the microphone delivering a rich, full-bodied sound.

  3. yeti

    Omni Mode

    Omnidirectional mode picks up sound all around the microphone. Great for conference calls and captures the feeling of “being there.”

  4. yeti

    Bidirectional Mode

    Bidirectional mode picks up sound from both the front and rear of the microphone, but not the sides. Ideal for two-person podcasts.

  5. yeti

    Stereo Mode

    Stereo mode picks up sound from left to right in front of the microphone. Great for recording music or a 3-person podcast.

  1. yeti
  2. yeti

    Accessorise Your Creative Space

    Transform your desktop into a broadcast studio with the Compass broadcast boom arm and Radius III shockmount, or get them all together with Yeticaster.

  3. yeti

    Compass Premium Broadcast Boom Arm

    Tired of squeaky, flimsy scissor booms? We are too! Compass features a broadcast studio-grade design with enclosed aluminium construction, internal springs, and hidden-channel cable management.

  4. yeti

    Radius III Custom Shockmount

    Radius III is a vintage-style suspension mount designed to isolate Yeti and Yeti Pro USB microphones from noise, shock and ambient vibration.

  5. yeti


    Yeticaster delivers the ultimate broadcast studio setup to your desktop. You have everything you need for professional podcasting.

Comparison Chart


Snowball iCE




Yeti Nano




Yeti Pro

1 Condenser 2 Condensers 2 Condensers 3 Condensers 3 Condensers
Cardioid Cardioid, Omni Cardioid, Omni Cardioid,Omni, Bi-directional Cardioid, Omni, Bi-directional
Bit Depth/Sample Rate
16-bit/44kHz 16-bit/48kHz 24-bit/48kHz 16-bit/48kHz 24-bit/192kHz
Gain Control
-10dB PAD Via desktop app Yes Yes
Headphone Output
Headphone Volume

Weight: 1.45 kg
Dimensions: 12.45 x 11.94 x 29.46 cm; 1.45 Kilograms
Model: 988-000098
Colour: Slate
Colour: Slate

162 Responses

  1. SergioVelasquez says:


    Me encanta el diseo, pens que en negro no me gustara pero me encant. Adems obviamente de sus capacidades como micro en general. Tienes varias opciones de grabacin de audio. Produzco vdeos y voz en off y es magnfico. Obviamente hay que producirlo y mejorarlo como cualquier audio, pero relacin calidad precio ha sido fantstica.
    Muy recomendado.

    [ACTUALIZACIN] Lo cierto es que he tenido que devolverlo las 2 veces que lo compr porque a los 6 meses aproximadamente me dejaba de funcionar. Algo sper raro y es una pena porque me encantaba…

  2. BIKTahliagwg says:


    Muy buen micrfono, al menos para mi huso, para hacer directos en Twitch o Youtube es ideal, si quieres a traves de programas externos puedes mejorar el audio pero esto es ya opcional.
    El micrfono nada mas sacarlo de la caja te das cuenta de la calidad, es grande, robusto, pesado, es enchufarlo y a funcionar, no requiere que sepas nada para que funcione a la primera. Dispone de varias configuraciones dependiendo del huso, para un podcast o para un directo hay que poner una u otra. La ganancia que tiene el micro es increible, teniendo que vigilar mucho esta opcin para evitar captar demasiados ruidos.
    Puedes hablar a una distancia prudente que aun asi capta la voz perfectamente.
    Dos consejos, el primero es que le pongis un filtro pop o capuchon para mejorar las “p” y el segundo, no entiendo como, pero depende el color el micrfono se dispara de precio, siendo el rojo el mas barato, cuando todos son el mismo, tener esto en cuenta ya que el micro es el mismo pero os podeis ahorrar unos cuantos euros, por no decir que incluso bastantes.
    Si quereis un buen micro para directos al menos en mi caso, este es ideal.

    Gran microfono

  3. Anonymous says:


    La marca Blue Yeti presta grandes servicios a quienes graben videos, podcasts o cualquier contenido audiovisual.
    Su sensibilidad capta cualquier ruido de fondo, por lo que aconsejo que su uso tenga lugar en un lugar tranquilo y silencioso, y si est insonorizado, mucho mejor.
    Lo recomiendo para principiantes y gente de nivel intermedio en Youtube o en el Podcasting.
    Este micro es para toda la vida si lo mimas.
    Est genial en cuanto a precio, me parece justo.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPROS: Calidad de sonido
    Regulador de volumen
    Regulador de sensibilidad
    Toma de entrada para escuchar lo que hablas
    Configuraciones de captacin de sonido
    Botn de silenciar

    CONTRAS: Encontrar un brazo que sea compatible y que no te cueste un rin.
    Precio (si lo encuentras por menos de 100 euros adelante cmpralo.)

    Comentario adicional: La calidad de sonido es brutal y es resistente como pocos.

    Recomiendo la compra: S

  5. MellisaAlfaro says:


    I miglior investimento mai fatto. Facile da usare,qualit professionale con una resa di registrazione audio perfetta. Assolutamente consigliato

  6. Anonymous says:


    Tolles Produkt mit guter Qualitt sowohl in Sachen Verarbeitung als auch To

  7. Hillary says:


    Il Blue Yeti ormai da anni riconosciuto come il miglior microfono USB da streaming o per podcast. Collegato e subito la qualit audio migliorato. In pi la possibilit di sentire in cuffia direttamente dal microfono aiuta a capire come regolarlo se necessario via software. Incredibile e solido. consigliatissimo

  8. JosieWaters says:


    Devo anticipare di aver comprato il prodotto in un periodo di sconto in cui era sceso a 100, partendo quindi dicendo che il rapporto qualit-prezzo ottimo. Il microfono a tantissime potenzialit ma bisogna saperle utilizzare. Il ritardo della propria voce nelle cuffie, che si possono attaccare tranquillamente al microfono, quasi zero (ottimo), unica pecca: le casse interne del microfono tendono a dare pi audio sulla cuffia destra che sulla sinistra.

  9. JulissaClune says:


    Es ms grande y pesado de lo que imaginaba. Me cuesta un poco diferenciar el resultado del sonido grabado con cada opcin porque en las instrucciones no lo explica muy bien, pero bien. Un aspecto de excelente calidad.

  10. ArlethaEarsman says:


    Ho deciso di acquistare questo microfono per inaugurare il mio canale da Youtuber e devo dire che, una volta trovato il giusto settaggio ha un suono di qualit eccezionale e forse anche troppo per l’uso che mi sono ripromesso di fare, ma meglio cos. Gi dal peso e dalle dimensioni si capisce che uno strumento professionale. Arrivato in confezione perfetta nei tempi stabiliti.

  11. SashaWadezoq says:

     United Kingdom

    As a gamer, I use voice chats a lot and im so glad I saved up for this microphone. It sounds great, it works perfectly and even though the size is a little large once I got used to it being on my desk I hardly notice it now unless I move it for some reason. 😀 Great buy.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was my third microphone attempt for desktop video recording (for youtube etc). Works great. And works better with an inexpensive foam cover (as an extra).

  13. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersHo acquistato Blue Yeti proprio per la sua fama e la sua qualit ormai accertata nello streaming. Ho scelto la versione in colorazione Ardesia che dona un tocco serio e professionale al mio studio.

    L’audio registrato pulito e nitido. Lo uso spesso in modalit “cardioid” perch normalmente sono da solo durante le registrazioni. Uso invece la modalit “bidirectional” quando devo fare interviste.

    I materiali sono ottimi, danno l’impressione di essere particolarmente resistenti. La base solida ed assorbe le vibrazioni grazie alla gommatura inferiore. La struttura permette diverse regolazioni del microfono che inoltre possiede un attacco a “vite” per il montaggio su asta.

    Sul microfono, oltre alle regolazioni di volume e impostazione delle 4 modalit di utilizzo (stereo, omnidirezionale, cardioide e bidirezionale), c’ un comodo tasto “mute” che permette di interrompere l’acquisizione audio con un semplice click.

    Il collegamento al PC stato semplicissimo. Il dispositivo viene riconosciuto da Windows 10, MacOS e Linux al primo collegamento ed successivamente possibile selezionarlo come fonte in ingresso da qualsiasi software di acquisizione audio.

    Sulla parte inferiore del microfono si trova un ingresso cuffie (jack 3.55mm) che consente di ascoltare quanto si sta registrando senza dover utilizzare necessariamente il pc. Ritengo questa funzionalit estremamente comoda proprio perch mi permette di isolarmi e concentrarmi su quanto sto registrando.

    Sempre in basso c’ il connettore MicroUSB (forse sarebbe stato ideale un typeC) che risulta essere di ostacolo e rischia di piegarsi quando vogliamo inclinare di pi il microfono.

    Non presente una protezione anti-pop che ho dovuto acquistare a parte.

    In definitiva sono felicissimo dell’acquisto. Consiglio vivamente il dispositivo per coloro che vogliono acquisire audio in maniera semi-professionale con un elevato impatto sulla qualit del suono rispetto ad un qualsiasi altro microfono della stessa fascia.

    Eccellente per i miei podcas

  14. Anonymous says:


    Me encanta este microfono. Pretendo usarlo para trabajos de locucin y podcast y adems del buen sonido es precioso estticamente. Pesa mucho y es grande si buscas algo manejable. Pero a mi me merece la pena. Lo compr en oferta.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Had trouble using it on discord but works on everything else

  16. Geoffrey Morrison says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Easy to setup, my gamer buddies can really tell the difference in quality of my voice now. Really would recommend this product to others.

  17. The Ravenous Reader says:


    Lo nico malo del producto es el cable original que se parte con nada.

  18. VicenteOhman says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    eplaced it after another yeti mic I bought got accidentally ruined by water I spilled. Nice to see the build quality stands tall even after 3 years and the same model

  19. Anonymous says:


    I use this to narrate my books. Excellent microphone. Dictation has improved. Highly recommend.

  20. RevaQRTwpjot says:


    Este micrfono es muy til porque simplemente enchufndolo al ordenador no necesita amplificador ni ninguna otra cosa. El sonido se oye muy bien, muy claro, y si le pones un pop filter todava mejor. Buena compra. especialmente porque lo encontr muy bien de precio.

  21. JustinaBroderic says:


    Muy buen micrfono, totalmente configurable y con una calidad de sonido increble.

  22. Katie Scott says:


    Un microfono che qualcosa di incredibile,suono perfetto, corposo come piaceva a me.

  23. FE Online says:


    Love this product, although it is a condenser microphone so it will pick up every noise in the room so its very important that you have a proper setup and use a pop filter of some sort and make sure your not in an echoey room. With the right setup you can use this microphone to its fullest potential of doing voice overs, streaming, music etc..

  24. DorisPeaklhsiq says:


    Llevo muchos micrfonos ya y Blue nunca falla. Necesitaba un micro nuevo que se quedara fijo en el escritorio, y al comprar el brazo Blue Compass me recomendaron este Blue Yeti. Varios patrones de sonido, controles fsicos de ganancia y volumen, monitorizacion… es perfecto para lo que lo necesito: vdeos de YouTube y podcasting. Muy contento

  25. NilaGorecki says:

     United Kingdom

    Perfect for podcast recording. Works straight out of the box.

  26. Texas Tales says:

     United Kingdom

    Sensitive microphone that has good recording reproduction.Robustly made with solid stand.Worth the money,top quality should be on your shortlist if you are in the market for a microphone.Impressive.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Had for a few months now, well happy with purchase, works well as you would expect for this brand

  28. Carrie Mihalcik says:


    Me encanta, practico, bonito y con una calidad de sonido brutal!!

  29. Anonymous says:


    It is a good mic, the only reason I am giving it 4 stars is because it may not work in some setups since the stand is so big. The other reason is that the cord is not the most durable, but everything else is great!

  30. Anonymous says:


    This is a very sensitive microphone. I use this for video calls and streaming, without a mixer it picks up everything (sounds from fairly far away, fans, young, etc). Quality is great. Buy this when it’s on sale.

  31. ManuelLahey says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    El microfono funciona a la perfeccin y la calidad del sonido es increble, lo utilizo bastante para mi web y los videos salen genial. Si recomiendo comprar un anti-pop.

  32. Anonymous says:


    Sin duda es uno de los mejores micrfonos, tanto para podcasting como YouTube, lo recomiendo mucho.

  33. Anonymous says:


    Muy buen producto. Funciona a la primera en PC y Mac. El sonido es claro y brillante. Sus mltiples configuraciones permite su uso para sonorizar vdeos, entrevistas, grabaciones de instrumentos acsticos, y otros.

  34. Simon Duke says:


    Ya est todo dicho en otras reviews. Micrfono con calidad y claridad en la voz

  35. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    The audio quality is fantastic. My only issue is that with discord’s settings the quality is decreased as to conform with discord’s limits rather than use its full potential!

  36. VirginiaPbu says:

     United Kingdom

    On this newer version of the yeti the volume and gain dials seem to be a little loose, but it’s still a great mic.

  37. Jay333 says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good mic, many features and I personally think looks very nice in black

  38. [email protected] Jeff Fox says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I love this Mic!!! I use it to when practicing my Justin Bieber routines in my bathroom mirror screaming YAAAAAS GIRLLLL! My humps, My lovely lady lumps!!!

  39. SandraCastles says:

     United States

    I use it for a variety of reasons and always get asked why I sound so clear and how I do it. Great microphone!

  40. FerminRGKep says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    With an Apple computer, just plug it in and it works perfectly. GReat sound quality for Youtube videos and or podcasts. Lots of colors to choose from.

  41. RafaelaKaczmare says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent quality once you have a mess around with your Settings.. Recommend you Buy a pop filter too though..

  42. cramos70 says:

     United Kingdom

    Perfect sound quality, nice and light, works fine for my university recordings and streaming.

  43. Anonymous says:


    Microfono stupendo funziona benissimo sia su pc che su ps4, il volume regolabile utilissimo.

  44. Anonymous says:


    No depecciona. Tal y como indica las caractersticas. Super sensible. My buena calidad

  45. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This arrived quickly. It was well packaged. The microphone has great sound and is more adorable than other options. Works great.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this for my boyfriend for Christmas and he uses it daily. Loves all of the different features. When talking to his friends online they could all immediately tell the difference. Well worth the money for his happiness 🙂

  47. CarmeloHartwick says:


    No defrauda, es muy buen micrfono, asla bien el ruido ambiente pero si quieres que grabe sonidos casi imperceptibles tambin lo hace .
    Tiene 4 modos de grabacin y botones para controlar el volumen de grabacin y de los auriculares. tambin tiene un botn de mute.
    Viene con un cable para conectarlo al ordenador, ya que se alimenta de l para encenderse. Y en el micrfono tambin se pueden conectar los cascos para orte al mismo tiempo que grabas. Yo grabo con audacity y va bastante bien.
    Es un seor micrfono, grandote y pesa bastante, se puede desenganchar de la base o soporte.
    Lo que no me gusta es que la pintura del soporte se ralla con facilidad porque cuando le puse un filtroanti pop el mismo agarre del filtro me rall la pintura del micro y eso que lo puse con cuidado.

    Lo uso para podcats y audio de vdeos, lo recomiendo, me lo volvera a comprar una y otra vez.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I finally had lead of Customer Service for Blue contact me regarding this issue. My mic was finally replaced and I am happy now. I hope that the CS in Blue can shape out to be more like their leadership.

    Great mic! Terrible support. My mic stopped working after the first year and they are not responsive to my warranty inquiries. Doesn’t reply to any (half dozen) emails I’ve sent them, or the support tickets I’ve created. Been waiting over two months!!!

    Great mic! Warranty? Unhapppy with support turned around to be great!

  49. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This is such a fantastic mic. Easy to hook up to computer. You need to adjust it s bit otherwise you pick up all the sounds around you. Crystal clear. Thrilled with this purchase.

  50. Lorrine3745 says:


    Acquistato come deal su amazon warehouse, arrivato un p in ritardo, ma assolutamente paragonabile al nuovo.
    Il blue yeti un microfono ottimo, un p ingombrante ma permette di registrare tracciati audio di grande qualit.

  51. Anonymous says:


    Ce n’est pas un micro de studio et il n’a pas vocation l’tre, nanmoins, la qualit est au rendez-vous.
    Le micro est lourd mais semble vraiment solide.
    Les diffrents modes sont vraiment sympas.
    Lorsque vous parlez des amis, ils remarquent directement la qualit de votre micro.

    Couplez ce micro Voicemeeter et le rendu sera encore mieux.

    Attention, si vous utilisez ce micro sur Windows, il est probable qu’il y ait un bruit de fond, pour rgler ce souci, il suffit simplement de baisser le son du micro dans les paramtres Windows et d’augmenter le gain sur le micro.

  52. Anonymous says:


    Servizio amazon: perfetto come sempre.

    Per quanto riguarda il prodotto, qualsiasi cosa voi vogliate fare, beh questo microfono pu farla! Ottima qualit audio, potrebbe lavorare anche senza filtro pop, anche se ne consiglio l’acquisto perch rende questo prodotto ancora pi eccellente.

    Design minimal, solido (non plastica ma metallico) e funzionale. Considerate ovviamente l’ingombro che ha, un bel bambino! Inoltre cercate di non collocarlo in angoli troppo chiusi, rischiate che rovini leggermente (veramente quasi impercettibile) la qualit audio.

    Personalmente lo utilizzo per fare podcast e registrare video su YouTube e non ho mai trovato un microfono migliore neanche tra colleghi. Consigliato, consigliato, consigliato!

  53. LenoraIKHkagryx says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Great product great quality very impress so far so good .

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great microphone. Really good quality. Heavy so its not easily knocked over. Son loves it for gaming and streaming

  55. Jeff S. Bartlett says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersUna sola parola: Fantastico!

    Comprato per registrare cose al pc o video in cui devo parlare, questo microfono non presenta a mio avviso difetti!

    All’interno della confezione troviamo il microfono, un cavo di collegamento usb to mini-usb e un manuale di istruzioni veramente semplice e intuitivo! La confezione molto bella a livello di packaging e anche il microfono veramente protetto molto molto bene.

    Il microfono alto circa 30 cm compresa di base, mentre il cavo dato in dotazione circa 3m.
    Il corpo centrale presenta 4 ‘pulsanti’ che ci permettono di mutare la registrazione, di regolare il volume delle cuffie che colleghiamo nel caso volessimo risentirci in live, possiamo regolare il guadagno del microfono per regolarlo in base a quanto distanti siamo e in ultima possiamo scegliere quali tra le 4 modalit usare.
    Le modalit sono 4: cardiode, stereo, bidirezionale e multidirezionale, ognuna da usare per occasioni diverse.

    Il corpo centrale in metallo come anche la base, strutturalmente solido e resistente.

    La qualit del suono registrato senza dubbio di qualit, senza troppi rumori di fondo o fastidi. Dipende sempre da dove registrate, sia chiaro!

    Detto questo mi sento di consigliarvelo assolutamente per la qualit audio!

    Unica pecca forse il costo ma a questo prezzo non troviano niente di cos professionale e semplice da installare, anche perch, non avendo una scheda audio dove poter collegare il jack, il cavo usb salva molte persone!

    In assoluto il migliore.

  56. CortneyWhittle says:

     United Kingdom

    My son uses this mic for streaming and talking with his friends. The sound quality is better by miles than any other mic in its price range. I would highly recommend this product.

  57. News says:


    Ottima fattura, bello da vedere e si sente in maniera incredibile.
    Nessun problema di collegamento con Apple. Basta inserire la USB che GarageBand lo riconosce

  58. Anonymous says:


    Beh, che dire? La recensione per un prodotto di tale qualit non serve neanche, perfetto e l’audio davvero meraviglioso! Lo uso per registrazione video e gaming

  59. MikelWaynfje says:


    Il microfono contiene al suo interno tre capsule a condenzazione che lo rendono adatto alla registrazione audio di podcast, interviste, e per la registrazione di strumenti musicali. il cavo che permette di collegarlo direttamente al pc/mac e di tipo USB, ed di una misura abbastanza lunga da poter permettere un agevole utilizzo, in oltre permette di regolare il volume tramite un apposita ghiera, di tenere il dispositivo in stand by “cio in pausa” utilizzando un semplicissimo tasto posto frontalmente, e dotato di luce Led colorata. Nella parte posteriore del Blue Yeti si trova una valvola dedicata al guadagno del audio “Gain” ed una per la selezione del Pattern che permette di ottimizzare la qualit della registrazione in base alle proprie esigenze.

    Blue Yeti USB Microphone è un ottimo microfono a condensatore robusto e ben costruito.

  60. Anonymous says:


    Me ha encantado desde el primer momento, y no falla
    Blue yeti siempre hace muy buenos productos, y este micro es lo mejor para quien quiera empezar, o vaya a cambiarse de micro.
    Se puede adaptar en pie de tijera de neewer, aunque hay que comprar otra pieza para adaptarlo.
    Pero por lo otro, es una maravilla de producto.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Today was the day i became a man. As i grabbed the huge black shaft and moved it right next to my face. I began to say the magical words ” Whats going on guys welcome to my Channel” AND THAT WAS IT! I received 3 new followers in 8 minutes. My crush from high school text me back (Wh**e) and life was finally complete. No longer shall i let my patchy beard define who i am. For i am a Content Creator and i use the Blue Yeti.

  62. MamieAhMouy says:


    Era gi da tempo che volevo acquistare questo microfono dopo tutte le recensioni positive. Ed avevano ragione! Questo microfono Blue Yeti veramente un ottimo prodotto dall’audio molto buono e dal funzionamento davvero semplice. Infatti basta semplicemente collegarlo al pc ed il gioco fatto.
    Per ora non ho avuto nessun problema, quindi consiglio.
    Ps. Imballaggio sicuro e consegna puntuale, come sempre dal sistema Amazon.

  63. Anonymous says:


    Better with a mic stand, but overall, great sound quality, sounds professional, great durability

  64. Anonymous says:


    Really good quality. Get compliments on it all the time. The only flaw I’ve found is the paint is chipping a bi

  65. JerilynMichel says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersHallo liebe Amazonler!

    heute rezensiere ich das Blue Yeti USB Mikrofon von Blue Microphones, welches ich zusammen mit einer Tischhalterung und einem dementsprechenden Popp-Filter nutze (auf Anfrage gebe ich gerne die Artikel preis, sind aber hier auch bei “wird hufig zusammen gekauft” aufgelistet).
    Das Mikrophon selber kommt in der normalen Ausfhrung ja mit dem Stand sodass man es als Tischmikrophon benutzen kann, fr mich war das keine befriedigende Lsung, deshalb habe ich es direkt so umgebaut mittels der Halterung und des Popp-Schutzes, dass es mehr auf der Mundhhe ist und man direkt in das Mikro spricht.

    Das wichtigste, was ich ber das Mikrophon gelernt habe, habe ich aus einem YouTube Video, auch dieses Video darf ich hier nicht verlinken, aber es gibt reichlich “Unboxing und Top-Setup” Videos auf YouTube ber das Mikrophon, dort lernt ihr auch “WO” ihr genau in das Mikro reinsprechen solltet, denn das ist ein gar nicht so unwichtiger Punkt um das Mikro auch vollstndig ausreizen zu knnen.

    Auch ist es wichtig die verschiedenen Modi zu kennen, die das Mikro anbietet.
    Fr mich war daher der “Nieren-Modus” der entscheidende, da er den Sound direkt von der Quelle frontal aufnimmt.

    Ich selbst bin super zufrieden mit dem Mikrophon und kann es nur wrmstens empfehlen, man bentigt etwas Zeit um zu lernen wie man das maximale aus dem Teil holt, aber sobald man das geblickt hat hat man ne menge Freude daran!

  66. AndresTimm says:


    Viele Youtube Kanle empfehlen genau dieses Mikrofon. Die Qualitt ist toll und dank USB kann es an jedem Gert problemlos angedockt werden. Eine Installation braucht es nicht, Plug and Play! Verschiedene Modi lassen sich einfach am Gert selbst umschalten.

    Dennoch sollte man sich Original Bilder anschauen, das Mikrofon ist schon Massiv gro. Lsst sich aber auch vom Stnder abmontieren und an eine Angel anbringen, sieht dann aber noch voluminser aus.

    Der Gold Standa

  67. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersJe me suis enfin dcid acheter un nouveau micro et aprs avoir pluch le web, c’tait soit un Bird UM1, soit celui-ci.
    Indice : C’tait pas le Bird !
    J’apprcie les diffrentes fonctionnalits que propose le Blue Yeti et qui possde un confort d’utilisation simple et intuitif plug&play.
    Le son mme sans traitement acoustique est particulirement bon et ne possde que peu/pas de bruit parasite sans aucun rglage pralable.
    Enfin, je le recommanderais dans la mesure ou vous voulais faire plusieurs choses avec, si uniquement pour du gaming, je me tournerais plutt vers des modles moins cher.

  68. Anonymous says:


    Non a caso il microfono preferito da molti streamer. Economico (viste le potenzialit e l’ottima fattura) direi che non ha bisogno di presentazioni.

  69. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHo acquistato questo favoloso microfono a condensatore USB in sostituzione del Samson Meteor. E’ decisamente pi pesante e massiccio, ma la miglior qualit si sente subito.
    La voce risulta profonda e chiara, e con una buona configurazione dei volumi e qualche plugin in fase di registrazione ho ridotto a ZERO i rumori di fondo rendendo le mie dirette e i video su youtube molto professionali!

    Se siete streamer amatoriali o professionisti e cercate un microfono di alta qualit non cercate altrove, comprate senza pensarci due volte il Blue Yeti!

    Volete sentirlo in azione? Seguitemi su, canale AlienGamer_051 (Utilizzo il Blue Yeti nei video da Agosto 2018 in poi)

  70. JmSelector says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This ol boy is great. This is a big microphone but very easy to set up and use out of the box. I do recommend removing the stand it comes with and getting a boom arm.

  71. Haley8113rfrst says:


    Arrivato in 3 giorni lavorativi con prime, e un bel gioiello fatto molto bene con materiali premium. Il colore Ardesia e davvero carino, anche se forse il Lunar mi sarebbe piaciuto di piu. E un po’ pesante e ingombrante ma fa la sua porca figura sulla scrivania. Non sono un audiofilo ma sinceramente mi aspettavo qualcosa di piu, forse avr una brutta voce…


  72. DaciaBooth says:

     United Kingdom

    Amazing mic for the price, its truly one of the best sounding microphones out there, not to mention its amazing look

  73. LeonardoJzb says:

     United Kingdom

    Me and My partner clubbed together to afford this mic. I’ve heard lots of good reviews, and loads of people seem to be using it. It seems to be the “King” of all the mics. I am in love with the design, its definitely better looking than a lot of its competitors. It has several different features to control where sound is heard on the mic, which is fun to play around with. Because of this feature it is a versatile mic which you can use for lots of different stuff, interviews, podcasts, musical rehearsal etc.

    I havent fiddled around with it quite enough yet, but I can’t help but feel although I like the mic, that you could get just as good with a cheaper microphone.

  74. Christine McKee says:

     United Kingdom

    Just awesome for streaming. Easy to setup with a fantastic sound

  75. JulissaBoyette says:


    pas de blabla, vous le branchez et a marche !!!
    On peut pas faire plus simple ! pas de driver ncessaire ou de programme parasite
    Sobre, lgant, Il est solide, fiable et hyper hyper sensible !!!
    le yeti c’est du costaud !!!
    seul dfaut, attention au cble usb quand vous pivotez le micro.

  76. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    How did I wait so long to purchase this beauty? This mic is absolutely stunning and the sound? Oh wow…. heaven. I’m in love with it. It has even make me be more… artistic :).

  77. Anonymous says:


    Build quality is very good, Huge improvement over any built in mic that I have used before. A little too pricey but you get what you pay for.

  78. Sandra Strait says:


    Gran microfono.
    Es bastante sensible y tiene gran calidad.
    Les recomiendo mucho un pop filter y bajarle el “gain” a lo menos posible. 😉

  79. Anonymous says:


    A lot bigger than I expected. I had read and heard a lot about the Blue line, especially the Yeti, but I never took the time to actually look at the dimensions, even before buying (I’m usually quite meticulous when researching products I intend to or am interested in buying) it. Looks great (decided to go with Slate over Midnight Blue, don’t regret it a bit) and sounds great though, especially for the price (got it for 99$ CAD) on special.

    I was looking for a usb mic for videos/podcasting (as well as other stuff) that didn’t require especiallly great or specific sound (I have another xlr condenser mic for rap, vocals etc. though I stll fool around with this one when I want to drop some bars for fun or test something out) but despite this it still has remarkable quality for a usb mic. The sound is clear and crisp when you need it to be, but it also picks up quite a bit. Make sure you have basic treatment or are in a very silent environment when using it (obvious advice but I still feel like pointing it out because even with the gain wayyyyyy down it still picks up like crazy). I stll have to explore the different options it offers with other people around (omni and bidirectional for instance) but I bought it for a specific purpose and right now it’s definitely fulfilling that need. Just having the other options is a big +. All in all a product I highly recommend and would buy again.

  80. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    So far so good. It is easy to set up and use right away. Podcast city here I am.

  81. DebFischer says:


    Un micrfono de gran calidad y con bastantes opciones. Es gigantesco, por lo que ocupa mucho en la mesa, pero el diseo es bonito y este tamao favorece que le hables a la altura adecuada, y adems se puede colgar de un soporte flotante si queremos tener ms control sobre esto.

    El mo dej de funcionar en modo cardioide a las 5 semanas de tenerlo 🙁 Me tuve que poner en contacto con la casa (en ingls) pero con la factura no hay problema. Lo tuve que enviar a Amsterdam por mensajero (unos 20 que tuve que pagar yo) y cuando lo recibieron me enviaron uno nuevo sin coste. Ahora estoy con el nuevo y espero que no se estropee de nuevo al cabo de unas semanas. Quitando esto (que siempre puede ocupar) el micro es muy bueno y me parece muy recomendable.

  82. Anonymous says:


    he knobs feel a little flimsy but its not a deal breaker. looks great on my desk

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Best microphone, Had a Blue Snowball before and the quality of this mic is a lot better!

  84. ShawneeXJF says:


    No el idneo para ir de viaje, pero s para hacer un podcast en casa. Lo compr por la posibilidad que tiene de captar las conversaciones en torno o la opcin de “entrevista”.
    Si quieres hace un podcast solo, no es necesario este micrfono, hay otros ms baratos que cumplen la funcin.
    Pero si quieres hacer entrevistas o mesas redondas este es el que necesitas.

  85. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Good microphone with good quality. The different directional settings are pretty useful.

  86. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI love this microphone. I think this is the microphone which I was looking for. I bought this just a few months before and I would say this is the best microphone till date. The sound quality and the built quality is awesome. Even there are four patterns in this microphone, so I can use this for many purposes. At the bottom of this microphone, you’ll find an earphone jack, this jack is so useful because when you’re recording something, you can hear your own voice so you can get what’s your sound pitch is.

  87. SUXAlexand says:


    Sin duda un gran micrfono a muy buen precio (tambin he de decir que yo lo compr durante el Black Friday a 99.99). Tena pensado comprar el snowball (el que se puede poner en omnidireccional ya que es un patrn que necesito) cuando me encontr este por un poco ms por lo que decid compralo y no me arrepiento. Pero he de decir que a su precio normal (entre 150 y 160) si no necesitas los diferentes modos de grabacin y te sirve solo con cardioide, el snowball es una opcin mucho ms barata a tener en cuenta, eso si con una calidad de audio un poco inferior (muy poco inferior).

  88. Jo says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this as a present for my husband. He’s more than happy with it.

  89. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo microfono, essendo non prettamente professionale. Suonando il pianoforte in una normale stanza con mobili soliti e tendaggi tipici per essa, non risente di nessun rimbombo. E’ ben reattivo anche alle suonate ad alta velocit, non si perdono note. Si installa su Pc facilmente e si usa altrettanto facilmente. Vale anche pi del prezzo pagato. CONSIGLIATISSIMO a chi non pretende sale di incisioni.

  90. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Item was as described, price great and arrived when stated. Great experience. Will use this seller again. Thank you!

  91. HarleyKnopf says:


    Me encanta, pero por lo que vale debera estar impecable y tiene pequeos fallos como algunos desconchones en la pintura.. En cuanto a su funcionamiento, todo perfecto.

  92. Ulrich18Bv says:


    Je l’ai achet pour faire de la voix-off sur des vidos YouTube et la qualit est bien mieux que mon ancien micro, mes abonns ont tout de suite remarqu la diffrence et apprcient le changement.
    En plus, il est trs facile utiliser, n’importe apprend en quelques minutes comment tre oprationnel avec ce micro qui vient se brancher en USB sur PC ou Mac.

  93. doughealth7 says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Not much to say, nice build quality, love the color. And for better or worse picks up my voice clearly.

  94. MonroeUAZxasens says:


    Amazon eccellente come il prodotto veramente un microfono che d una profondit e una chiarezza incredibile confermo tutte le 5 stelle precendi.

  95. SuzanneVDI says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Love the mic. Audio is great, shipped promptly. There was some minor scuffing on the paint when it arrived, but it may have been a manufacture defect.

  96. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo microfono, voce calda, cristallina cosi come stato tutti dicono, vero un po pesante ma perfetto per il mio braccio snodabile RODE perche ha bisogno di un microfono che pesa minimo 700 gr.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Don’t get me wrong the audio quality you get from this mic is TREMENDOUS and I love this mic but the main issue is that the mic is very sensitive and can pick up a baby crying across the street if your windows are up. If only Blue Microphones can release an upgrade tot his mic that tries to eliminate sounds behind the mic. If you have a good setup with soundproof foaming then this will not be an issue for you.

  98. AlfredFitzpatri says:

     United States

    I’ve had it and used it for about a week now and it works great! It plugs in and works immediately without any CDs or drivers to download. The base is sturdy and has grips on the bottom to keep it from sliding around and has a quality feel to the entire thing. The microphone has a good pickup range and i don’t have to worry about leaning in when streaming or anything. The swivel works well but if you adjust the angle too often you’ll have to tighten it again but no big deal. Isn’t necessarily cheap but definitely not an unreasonable price for a quality product.

  99. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I bought this when it was $85, best deal that I’ve found for this product.
    Works fantastic and even better with garage band downloaded on Macbook.
    My my son in college uses it all the time to record for fun and for assignment.
    Thinking of buying one for my daughter as well who loves singing, playing the guitar, and recording with both.
    One less star because the name plastic “Blue” keeps on falling out, not putting it back for it’s such a pain
    But other than that, everything else is terrific.

  100. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI couldn’t be happier with this mic! My Dungeons and Dragons group has a member in the military and he is currently far away. This has created problems for us playing. My solution was for him and myself to purchase these mics and to use google hangouts. We had two 10+ hour sessions over the weekend and it worked perfectly. We set it in the middle of the table and played (four of us and then just him on the computer) he was able to hear every member even when we were all speaking. This is excaclty what I wanted out of the mic and am very happy (as is he with his) The only issue I have is that it is very difficult to find a mic boom that says it can be4 used with the yeti.