Came really fast in fact and no damages to it what so ever I got it for my boyfriends Christmas present and he can’t stop playing this game. He will never come out of his room
After reading reviews I was sceptical but it definitely does work.
If you have the demo downloaded then you’ll need to remove it before being able to using the game. I know many people had trouble loading the disc but once we removed demo it worked perfectly fine and no other purchase was required.
Perfect packaging, no damage, definitely brand new.
It seems OK…. I don’t get to watch the soaps now or have conversations with my other half anymore so I’m assuming it’s a good game. Well worth the money for a quite eve without hearing your boyfriend chat all night about poop. Although why is it he can see a sniper from miles away but he can’t find the butter in the fridge? This game gives men powers you’d never thought you’d see. Go on girls, treat your me
I Personally bought this game because I love playing through the story campaigns most of all, the story is pretty cool for cold war, set in the 80’s which I like most about it, I’ve heard allot of complaints etc about the Xbox one version not running well etc which is rubbish, it plays smoothly all the way through no trouble, graphicly it might be similar to the last modern warfare release but certainly not worse in any way. it takes several hours to complete, it will only be a quick experience if you rush through on easy, play through on Veteran difficulty for a fuller and more realistic gaming experience and it will take allot longer to complete, the game has a good and a bad ending option which I felt was a good idea, the soundtrack is cool with many 80’s songs used through the story. you have your usual multiplayer, the options are very similar to the last modern warfare so if you’ve played that then you will have no trouble jumping straight in. plus you have zombies back better than ever. this is a must pick up if your a big COD fan, if you only want the campaign experience then maybe wait until the price comes down. I play the Xbox one version and have had no problems so far, the game is under constant repair and updates as always anyway to improve. make sure you only buy the Xbox one version if you don’t want to upgrade to series X later as you apparently cant even though it misleading says series X on the case.
It’s okay, the campaign is short but it’s enjoyable. The multiplayer is fun but glitchy. Zombies is actually pretty good, better than BO4. Spiltscreen is broken and kicks you out the game, sometimes even shuts down the console all together. Its not the best COD game its pretty glitched but its fresh, especially if you were bored out of your mind on MW like I was.
As with all the call of duty series excellent game and the return of the zombies mode for hard core bloodbath
Came really fast in fact and no damages to it what so ever I got it for my boyfriends Christmas present and he can’t stop playing this game. He will never come out of his room
If you have the demo downloaded then you’ll need to remove it before being able to using the game. I know many people had trouble loading the disc but once we removed demo it worked perfectly fine and no other purchase was required.
Perfect packaging, no damage, definitely brand new.
I don’t play it and don’t understand it at all! But my son loves it.
I Personally bought this game because I love playing through the story campaigns most of all, the story is pretty cool for cold war, set in the 80’s which I like most about it, I’ve heard allot of complaints etc about the Xbox one version not running well etc which is rubbish, it plays smoothly all the way through no trouble, graphicly it might be similar to the last modern warfare release but certainly not worse in any way. it takes several hours to complete, it will only be a quick experience if you rush through on easy, play through on Veteran difficulty for a fuller and more realistic gaming experience and it will take allot longer to complete, the game has a good and a bad ending option which I felt was a good idea, the soundtrack is cool with many 80’s songs used through the story. you have your usual multiplayer, the options are very similar to the last modern warfare so if you’ve played that then you will have no trouble jumping straight in. plus you have zombies back better than ever. this is a must pick up if your a big COD fan, if you only want the campaign experience then maybe wait until the price comes down. I play the Xbox one version and have had no problems so far, the game is under constant repair and updates as always anyway to improve. make sure you only buy the Xbox one version if you don’t want to upgrade to series X later as you apparently cant even though it misleading says series X on the case.
Bought for my grandson for Christmas. He must be pleased with it as he is always on it!
Really enjoyed the campaign levels and multi player options.
Graphics and sound are excellent.
Would recommend if your looking for a bit of escapism
While the game as always delivers it was disappointing that it took nearly a day and a half to install the game and then download a huge update.
It’s okay, the campaign is short but it’s enjoyable. The multiplayer is fun but glitchy. Zombies is actually pretty good, better than BO4. Spiltscreen is broken and kicks you out the game, sometimes even shuts down the console all together. Its not the best COD game its pretty glitched but its fresh, especially if you were bored out of your mind on MW like I was.
Typical COD game though …. nothing really new.
Completed campaign mode in 2 days.