CEESC Large Cat Flap (Outer Size 11″ x 9.8″), 4 Way Locking Large Cat Flap Door for Interior Exterior Doors, Weatherproof Pet Door for Cats & Doggie with Circumference < 24.8" (White)

CEESC Cat door

Weight: 540 g
Dimensions: 28 x 24.9 x 5.5 cm; 539.77 Grams
Brand: CEESC
Model: 694090891145
Colour: White
Colour: White

96 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Had it 4 like 2 weeks. He have to get use to it but he’s getting it.

  2. mtbgreg1 says:

     France 🇫🇷

    ous les chats ne savent pas ouvrir une chatire ( le m!en par exemple !!!!!!)

  3. Anonymous says:


    for cats in the shop. freedom to come and go.

  4. Keenan6184 says:

     United States

    Very easy door for cats to use and it can be locked either for non entry or exit.

  5. Josh Miller says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    One thing I didn’t like was one of the screws were mangled but they had other screws in the kit that worked well. My cats use it with no problem. It’s a very clean look and easy to install.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Our Chubby Kitters can fit thru this with ease. We love it and they enjoy the simple in and out access .

  7. BrockYazzie says:


    Schnelle Lieferung. Sehr einfache und Schnelle Montage. Die Katzen hatten gut begriffen und schnell

  8. Anonymous says:

     United States

    We use this on an inside door so I’m not sure how it would do exposed to the elements but overall works great for us!

  9. Sleeping Unbeauty says:

     United States

    Cats like the transparent flap. Also, the door, between house and garage, keeps litter box smells out of the house.

  10. Anonymous says:


    comoda e spaziosa, anche se i miei gatti preferirebbero avere un portiere che gli aprisse il basculante: nobili gatti campagnoli! Comunque il prodotto valido

  11. Blair4022rugcjj says:

     United States

    Nice looking door! My cats are eyeing it suspiciously, but I’m sure they will figure it out.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Magnet was too powerful for the smaller cats to use

  13. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Took the kitten heads about a day to figure out it could be opened. Nice door.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Pratique pour mon vieux chat qui a mal au dos et qui prfre ne pas se baisser pour passer la chatire !

  15. VirginiaPbu says:


    Trotz berdachung bei Sturm ffnet sich die Klappe. Die Montage war etwas schwierig

  16. Anonymous says:


    La puerta es tal como se describe y las medidas exactas. Fcil de montar y mis gatos ya la estn usando. En mi caso la hemos puesto en un muro y hemos hecho el tunel con madera. Queda genial. Le doy 4 estrellas hasta ver durabilidad, si va bien en un tiempo, subira valoracin.

    La puerta está muy bien y es tal como se describe.

  17. LashondPerivola says:

     United States

    Easy to install (I used 3/4 plywood and installed it in a window and put a cat tree by the window.) and cat adapted to using it quickly. Unfortunately, the cat catches mice and brings live ones in the house.

  18. Anonymous says:


    que dire de plus : excellent produit, facile poser (porte extrieur PVC), la taille est top, mon chat a mis trs peu de temps l’utiliser, la grande taille y tant peut tre pour quelque chose.
    Reste attendre de voir la dure des piles …

  19. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Works like it’s supposed to and it’s the perfect size for my chunky kitty. I’m not sure about it being weatherproof because mine is installed into a door that leads to the laundry room where his cat box is.

    Works like it’s supposed to and it’s the perfect size for my chunky kitty. I’m not sure about it being weatherproof because mine is installed into a door that leads to the laundry room where his cat box is.

  20. Anonymous says:


    Unsere Katzen haben leichte Probleme sie zu ffnen, da der Magnet am Verschluss total stark ist. Mittlerweile haben sie sich dran gewhnt aber schnell kommen sie da nicht durch. Und ziemlich laut ist es dann auch, wenn die Klappe wieder an den Magneten kracht.

  21. DarrylCaire says:

     United States

    I needed to hire a handyman to cut the hole in the door. I don’t have the tools or expertise or experience to do that, but he did and it was worth hiring someone to install the door. It’s perfect in every way: size, function, locks, transparency…perfect.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I got the large as my kitty is a little too big for the smaller size so he can now Co e with ease

    Love our new cat flap now my kitty can come and go with ease

  23. BrentKater says:

     United States

    You can spend alot on a cat door. This one does a great job for a lot less. My cats took no time to learn how to use it and go in/out ALL the time. My weather stripping peeled off so a strong wind can blow it open. Other than that I would rebuy or recommend it.

  24. Nick Hastings says:

     United States

    Best cat/pet door I’ve installed yet. The magnet holds door from drafts will take cats a bit of getting used to but will save on heat loss. I have one on a wooden foot locker to keep the dog out of cat food too. I may replace another door (that is not deep enough with one of these. The well fitted plastic collar protects them from getting their feet trapped.

    Best cat/pet door I've installed yet. The magnet holds door from drafts will take cats a bit of getting used to but will save on heat loss. I have one on a wooden foot locker to keep the dog out of cat food too. I may replace another door (that is not deep enough with one of these. The well fitted plastic collar protects them from getting their feet trapped.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    The lock doesnt work keeps locking my cat out its cheap plastic it fell apart once it got cold it broke had to take the lock of so he could get in an out an he still gets locked out its cheaply made an not worth 5 dollars never mind 40.00

  26. Anonymous says:


    Je l’ai mise la porte qui mne au garage , mes 12 chats ont peur si je laisse la porte comme elle devrait tre donc je n’ai pas d’autre choix que sur la photo , autrement trs bien surtout pour mes maine coon. Cordialement Mme richardo

    Bonjour 1 peut plus d'explication serait très bie

  27. Sara Hassan says:


    La puerta fue fcil de instalar, mis gatitas no tardaron en aprender a usarla pero la funcion de bloqueo puede fallar si se desprende una de las tiras que hace que cierre. Los gatos al ser tan curiosos pueden arrancarlo y eso me pas, mis gatas vieron esa tira con pelitos y la jalaron. Sigue funcionando pero solo bloquea un lado.

  28. MelbaChase says:

     United States

    Very easy to install. Only problem is the weather stripping came off one side within a few days is installing.

  29. Max Slater-Robins says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to lock,abit of skill putting in upvc doo

  30. Garland26M says:

     United States

    Nice wide outside rim covers small errors made when we cut through the 11/2 in door.

  31. themiracletechcrew says:


    Achete pour une porte intrieure, sur mes 4 chats , un est en surpoids , donc la taille est idale.
    J’aurais t incapable de l’installer moi mme, il faut tre quip pour la dcoupe de la porte! mais c’est le cas pour toutes les chatires.
    Je l’ai depuis plus de 2 mois et pour l’instant elle rsiste bien aux assauts intempestifs des 2 jeunots qui ont une histoire de massacreurs de chatires….

  32. MikelGarner says:


    It would be great if they made this for the width of a wall not just a door.

  33. Anonymous says:


    Chatire trs facile installer. Trs pratique, bien tanche, le modle M est de bonne taille. Coupe bien des courants d’air.

  34. Anonymous says:


    Notre charte, Maya, qui fait ses bons 7 kgs, est nettement plus l’aise avec cette chatire XL ! Celle d’avant tait vraiment plus adapte ! Donc, pas de regrets et franchement la qualit est l. Mon mari l’a pos en quelques minutes sans rencontrer de difficults particulires. Je recommande si vous souhaitez une chatire de bon rapport qualit prix !

  35. Anonymous says:


    Super schnell angebracht. Gro genug fr dickere Katzen. Unser Katze hat es schnell verstanden. Immer wieder gerne

  36. LashondBladen says:


    Die Schrauben sind absoluter Schmutz, diese Rissen ab beim Hereindrehen in Plexiglas. Schraubenkpfe direkt rund, beim rausziehen verbogen sie sich, klassischer Fall von Chinesium.
    Aber mit den eigenen Spax dann direkt reingeschraubt und ansonsten macht die Klappe einen sehr guten Eindruck und auch die Abdeckkppchen fr die Schraubenkpfe runden die Optik super ab.

  37. YvonneDellinger says:


    Die Katzenklappe lie sich gut einbauen und wird von den Katzen regelmig genutzt.

  38. Hiking Mama says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThe lock feature on this broke almost immediately and it’s hard to remember which is one way and both ways, etc. The flap broke off after about 2 months. The company sent us a new one, no questions asked, which I thought was amazing customer service!! Buuuut….then the new one broke off too after another couple of months. So now we have to move a basket back and forth to block it and keep the weather out. Super annoying. I wouldn’t buy this again.

  39. Anonymous says:


    Très utile pour nous

  40. EmilioO36chv says:


    Très utile pour nous

  41. TobiasZ23uh says:


    Très utile pour nous

  42. Jen Stockburger says:


    Très utile pour nous

  43. Anonymous says:


    Très utile pour nous

  44. Emilio93Vv says:

     United States

    Good price and not terribly hard to install IF you have the correct tools on hand. The magnet keeps the door from swinging too much but took my 4 month old kittens a little while to figure out.

  45. Tempie says:


    Really good product and easy to assemble. May have to remove magnet for the door to swing readily because the cats don’t push hard enough. I would recommend this product. Good seller!

  46. Anonymous says:



    N’tant pas familier la langue anglaise, il serait bon qu’une notice en franais(obligatoire?)soit jointe.
    Je pense quand mme me dbrouiller grace au traducteur google.

  47. AntonioK77 says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAlso. Ich habe die klappe etwas anders montiert. Da ich keine andere mglichkeit hatte.
    Erklrung: Ich habe durch eine 50cm dicke Fassade ein Loch gebrochen. Einen tunnel aus OSB Platten gebaut. Und die klappe direkt auf eine OSB Platte geschraubt. Und die OSB Platte an der Aussenfassade befestigt. (Siehe Bilder, ist leider noch nicht ganz fertig)

    Jetzt zur Klappe. Ich habe mich extra fr die klappe entschieden weil sie sehr gro ist und meine Maine Coon Katzen bestimmt nie durch kleine ffnung gehen wrden.
    Die gre finde ich daher super. Auch die montage fand ich recht einfach. (Ich geh jetzt nur von der Klappe aus. Nicht von den brech- und zu-Arbeiten 😀 . )

    Was mich etwas strt ist, dass die Klappe ziemlich schwerfllig zu ffnen ist. (Meine katzen sind noch in der bungsphase und die miezen mssen schon ziemlich viel kraft aufwenden um die Klappe aufzumachen. Deswegen versucht auch die eine meiner Katzen immer wieder die Klappe mit den Pfoten zu ffnen. Was nicht funktioniert und fr sie sehr frustrierend ist.

    Der andere Nachteil an der Klappe, sie ist beim ffnen und schlieen ziemlich laut. Fr schreckhafte katzen also nicht geeignet.
    Meine katze hat sich anfangs so erschreckt das sie einen groen bogen drum gemacht hat. Mit viel leckerlis funktioniert es jetzt wieder einigermaen. (Gerusch hrt man auch in dem Video)

    Noch ein Punkt zur wetterfestigkeit.
    Mein Tunnel ist komplett isoliert (glaswolle, bauschaum, und wird jetzt noch verputzt) was mich positiv berrascht hat war die wrmedichtigkeit. Also ich muss sagen die Klappe lsst nur wenig Klte in die Wohnung (derzeit -6 auentemperatur und Schnee).

    Grundsätzlich zufrieden, aber einige Punktabzuüge

  48. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Pretty easy to install and works well , the hard plastic door took a while for the cat to get used too.. but overall a good product for the price .

  49. Gina Guadeloupe says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    The size is perfect and the product is sturdy but my cats did not like how hard it was to get in out so I took the lock part off which made the door swing easier, now they use it but defeats the purpose of having a lock.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Locking mechanism works well. I took the magnets on the flap out because they are too strong. I installed it in drywall. Would buy again!

    Locking mechanism works well. I took the magnets on the flap out because they are too strong. I installed it in drywall. Would buy again!

  51. ClaudiaYDI says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Door was easy to install and works great. The only downfall is the magnet lock feature. its strong… which depending on where you have the door could be a good thing. This was for indoors though and our cats werent able to push it open themselves so we removed the lock completely, and now it works great for them.

  52. BettePrentice says:


    epond mes attentes qualit prix toutefois “la bande joint” de la trappe se dcolle tes facileme

  53. Anonymous says:


    An no la he instalado pero parece robusta y es grande. Perfecta para mi gran gato

  54. Amber17Xra says:

     United States

    This door works good for what we needed it for. The only issue was our kitty had some troubles pushing open the door due to the magnet. I removed the magnet and it still shuts perfectly without spilling in too much cold air. She seems to like it better now.

  55. Anonymous says:


    Suite un prcdent achat de chattire, qui s’est rvle trop petite mme pour le plus fin de nos chats , celle-ci convient trs bien condition de la poser pas trop haute… / livraison en Hub locker : trs facile ! /

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was a size upgrade in the hopes my small dog would start using it, she will with encouragment but we’re still training her.

  57. RoniVTUgmfbjtze says:

     United States

    Product installs easily but.
    1.) One of the locks occasionally slips sideways and locks the door shut unintentionally.
    2.) I had to re-glue the fuzzy strip on the side of the door that makes it “weatherproof”. It came off and made the door difficult for my little doxies to open.
    Would I purchase this againuuum, yeah, probably.

  58. Anonymous says:


    Facile installer mme si une notice sera utile !
    Des petites pices spcifiques sont fournies mais leur utilit n’est pas indique.
    Le systme de blocage est assez dur manipuler (d’o le retrait d’une toile).

    J’en ai achet deux et mes 5 chats les utilisent quotidiennement.

  59. Anonymous says:


    Beau produit, mais la porte battante “semble” fragile… voir l’usage.

    S’agissant de la notice d’installation, en anglais, prendre un dictionnaire bilingue pour comprendre.

  60. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Used on interior door , no locking required . Filed off small tabs on lock to make free swinging , however the magnets hold the door in place well and requires a fairly firm push to open. Both cats can use , but may still try to remove a magnet to make it swing more freely …

  61. View Archive → says:


    per il mio gatto, qualche problema con la guarnizione contro gli spifferi a volte blocca il movimento dello sportello, mentre hai primi utilizzi la calamita ho dovuto incollarla uscita dalla sua sede.

  62. Jacob Silver says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLa he instalado este sbado en una puerta de aluminio, lo he hecho con radial y no con sierra de calar. A pesar de las dificultades que implica hacerlo as, una vez hecho el hueco ha encajado perfectamente y el marco que trae disimula los fallos que he tenido. Imagino que con sierra de calar hubiera sido ms fcil hacer el hueco.
    Queda bien en la puerta y no desentona de ella.
    Otra cosa es que los gatos la usen y entren por otro lado.
    Aparentemente no la veo frgil.
    Desconozco si tiene repuesto la puerta oscilante en caso de rotura.
    La recomiendo.

    Ojo, le he quitado una estrella. El motivo es que el burlete cepillo que est alrededor de la puerta oscilante, se despega por la parte inferior que es la que roza con el lomo de los gatos; esto provoca que se desprenda dicho burlete y atasca la puerta en un sentido de desplazamiento impidiendo que los gatos entren o salgan. Lo he pegado con loctite y espero que dure, si no lo hace, tendr que quitar el burlete por la parte inferior. Por lo dems no cambio nada de lo expuesto, es ms, creo que es una buena gatera a muy buen precio.

  63. MelJacobsen says:


    J’ai install la grande chatire CEESC, il y a 10 jours, mes chats commencent comprendre son fonctionnement et l’utilisent, mais il n’arrivent k franchir que dans un sens car l’autre est trs difficile, mme moi il faut que je fasse un geste plus fort pour quelle s’ouvre. Je me pose la question de savoir s’il est normal qu’il y ait un sens d’ouverture plus difficile que l’autre ? J’ai bien positionn les boutons pour qu’il en soit ainsi. J’ai peur que mes chats ne restent bloqus dans le garage, sans que je puisse les aider, car je vais bientt reprendre le travail, je vois bien que c’est trop difficile faire, pour eux.
    C’est dommage car elle est vraiment tanche au vent et ne fait pas de bruit.
    Dans l’attente de vous lire, merci d’avance.

  64. Lyndsey Winship says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersNeeding a place for my two indoor female cats to have litter box privacy (AND keep any unwanted odors contained), I modified my front hall closet to house their Litter Robot(TM) Litter box and gave them 24*7 access through this easily installed “Extra Large” pet door. They for sure are extra large but I haven’t told them that ! It works perfectly – I even painted a mural on the wall for their enjoyment while using the facilities. Not sure it will be a big selling feature for the house when we go to sell it but until then, we all are loving it !

    Needing a place for my two indoor female cats to have litter box privacy (AND keep any unwanted odors contained), I modified my front hall closet to house their Litter Robot(TM) Litter box and gave them 24*7 access through this easily installed "Extra Large" pet door. They for sure are extra large but I haven't told them that ! It works perfectly - I even painted a mural on the wall for their enjoyment while using the facilities. Not sure it will be a big selling feature for the house when we go to sell it but until then, we all are loving it !

  65. EricaW96cfmquk says:


    ous l’avons pos dans une fentre entre notre garage et l extrieur donc a va mais au niveau d’une porte menant l’intrieur je ne conseille pas forcment car peu isolante… nous avons t oblig de couper quelques poils car sinon elle se refermait mal
    niveau taille parfaite pour notre Main Coon et se pose facileme

  66. Tullens says:


    Bonjour. J’ai bien reu mon colis . Mais je ne suis pas d’accord que le livreur sonne , dpose le coli devant la porte et s’en va . Il peut attendre que nous ouvrions la porte. Tout le monde peut prendre le colis . U que nous sommes en bord de route. C’est pas bien. cd

  67. FelishaKVM says:

     United States

    This product is great. Yes it takes a little handiness to instal. If the locking tabs are not perfectly aligned. Well you didn’t do a good job installing it. If the square you cut is to tight, you will cause it to flex one way and it won’t work right. I know because after I cut my hole I had the same problem. Just cut the hole a little better. Yes. The instructions aren’t the best. But anyone who’s a small bit handy will have no problems with it. I have two cats. And one won’t push it open yet. I’m trying to train her now. I may take the magnet out till she gets the hang of it. Great product. If your hole isn’t SQUARE you will have problems

    This product is great. Yes it takes a little handiness to instal. If the locking tabs are not perfectly aligned. Well you didn’t do a good job installing it. If the square you cut is to tight, you will cause it to flex one way and it won’t work right. I know because after I cut my hole I had the same problem. Just cut the hole a little better. Yes. The instructions aren’t the best. But anyone who’s a small bit handy will have no problems with it. I have two cats. And one won’t push it open yet. I’m trying to train her now. I may take the magnet out till she gets the hang of it. Great product. If your hole isn’t SQUARE you will have problems

  68. Anonymous says:


    Libert d’action d’un chat de jour comme de nuit quelque soit le temps.
    Esthtique agrable.
    Montage ais.
    Notice graphique relativement explicite.
    Blocage de de la trappe par systme magntique simple.
    Visserie fournie.

  69. Luke Tsai says:


    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersNotre chat adore aller dans la cage d’escalier mais en hiver autant dire que la porte est tout le temps ferm. Il miaulait comme un perdu devant cette porte qui menait directement au couloir glac… On a donc dcid de lui installer cette grande chatire et franchement rien dire ! On ne l’entends pas, elle est aimante ce qui fait qu’elle ne reste jamais bloque, et franchement isolante! On a gagn 2 degrs et 50 d’EDF en hiver, ce qui n’est pas ngligeable !
    Une petite heure pour l’installer (surtout pour couper la brique pltrire sans en coller partout ) et depuis il est ravi ! Il a quand mme mis un peu de temps s’y faire mais en 2j c’tait rgl

  70. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usershis pet door was so easy to install i was amazed! granted, it replaced a smaller one i had previously installed so i only had to widen the hole a bit by two inches length and height each, but i had it installed and ready for my cats to use in 15 minutes, tops. MUCH easier and faster than the previous one and a LOT less bulky. fits the interior door perfectly width-wise, where the older one had to be shimmed to fit. i would definitely recommend this pet door for anyone using it on any door that is the width of a standard interior door. oh yeah, the magnet is just powerful enough to hold it closed but easy for a 4 month old kitten to open. the pet door i have on my outside door, i had to remove the magnet because it was too strong for even my adult cat. i might buy another one of these to replace it…

  71. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    It works great and the only reason I dont give it 5 stars is that one needs to push hard on it to open up.
    Both our pets were used to the cat door in our previous home so I didn’t anticipate any issues. They both struggled to get used to it because it is rather hard to push through when the door was last shut on the other side.
    we had to adjust a bit and the pets needed to try harder…

  72. Anonymous says:


    Die Lieferung war sehr gut und schnell.
    Bei uns wrde die Katzenklappe in eine Metalltr gebaut. Das macht wesentlich intensiveren Aufwand.
    Die Klappe geht sehr geruscharm. Ich hre es nicht mehr. In unserer Metalltr nicht besonders dicht. Haben mit Silikon nachgeholfen.
    Auch an der Klappe selber zieht es noch etwas. Die Borsten an den Seiten knnten dichter sein. Der Winter wird’s zeigen. Unsere Katze ist fast 12 Jahre und geniesst die etwas grere Klappe.

    Ceesc grosse Katzenklappe.

  73. Jason Fitzgerald says:


    Velocissima la consegna…facile il montaggio ma pi che altro il mio barboncino nano di 7 mesi ha imparato subito ad uscire ed entrare con facilit. Sono soddisfatta.

  74. Anonymous says:


    A workable product given its price. It is being used by a 9kg and 5kg Jack Russell dogs. However the air seal on both sides came off rather quickly and required maintenance(double sided taped it back on). It would have been five stars if the seal had lasted longer. The magnetic lock isn’t quite good enough to keep the door down when its a very windy day.

    A workable product given its price. It is being used by a 9kg and 5kg Jack Russell dogs. However the air seal on both sides came off rather quickly and required maintenance(double sided taped it back on). It would have been five stars if the seal had lasted longer. The magnetic lock isn't quite good enough to keep the door down when its a very windy day.

  75. RoxannaEssex says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersTrs facile a installer j’en ai dj pos mais l je doit avouer que c’est bien le plus facile que j’ai pos finition trs soigne bravo pour ce produi

  76. Rika Huang says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersWe needed a solution and this provided a perfect one. My dad started working nights and my mother’s cat is deaf, old, and has dementia. She would constantly want to go in and out of the master bedroom to eat, drink, use her litter box, and just to see if anything had changed. We were housebound and forced to stay silent to make sure we heard her cries before she woke up my dad. So, we decided to get a cat door.
    The door itself was easy to install, it even came with two separate sets of screws to choose from. The locks work great, but we have decided they are unnecessary. At first, I was worried the old cat would hate having to push against the magnetic door, but after just a few hours she has it down to instinct. The house is finally quiet again, no more loud and excessive meowing to open the door! lol It also keeps a significant amount of sound out. I definitely would recommend it.

  77. Anonymous says:


    Achet pour remplacer une chatire plus petite pour un grand chat de 7kg et la taille est trs bien. Passage avec aisance malgr sa taille.

    Installe dans une porte intrieure en bois. Dcoupe faite en traant le gabarit avec une des pices d’assemblage. Une fois embot dans la porte, les 2 faces se vissent. 2 tailles de vis sont fournies. (Il manquait une petite vis dans mon lot).

    Connaissant mes chats j’ai coup les poils prsents aux ”serrures” pour limiter la force a fournir. Un aimant est prsent pour garder le battant en place (j’ai du mettre un point de colle pour qu’il reste dans son logement aprs peine 30 ouvertures d’o les toiles en moins).

    Trs peu bruyant.
    A voir dans le temps.

    Taille XL, facile à installer.

  78. Jessica Learish says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI am REALLY happy with this purchase. It replaced a smaller cat door from PetSafe that served well for many years. However we have a fat cat and one is skittish and hasn’t liked using the door, so I ordered this XL one.

    After I enlarged the original opening in the door, I had no problem installing this. I didn’t actually use the instructions because it’s pretty self-explanatory. I just used a pencil to draw the cut lines, used a drill and jigsaw to cut out the hole in the door, and then screwed the frames into the door. Piece of cake.

    I will likely spray over the clear cat door to make it blend in with the big door better. I like that it swings easily and the magnet is not too strong. It spooks the cats if they can’t push it open easily.

  79. GeraldBrowder says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Probably my main issue was my hollow door. I was able to cut the hole, but there was no “paper” as indicated in the instructions. I traced the hole using the insert. Note…trace the outside edge. I didn’t and had to attempt to enlarge the opening. The directions are less than clear, but a friend had installed one and helped with the wood corner pieces we had to use. I haven’t locked it yet to prevent passage. My cat is still getting used to it. All in all, for the price it is attractive and very functional.

  80. GlendaBrill says:


    Gut verarbeitet. Fr kleine, junge Katzen etwas schwegngig. Abhilfe mit etwas WD 40 an den Dichtborsten.

  81. sweet-komal says:


    grande e comoda. il vetro trasparente consente al gatto di guardare fuori . articolo oltre le aspettative.

  82. Anonymous says:


    En remplacement d’une chatiere plus petite, mes matous ont l’air ravis de ne plus avoir se contorsionner pour aller et venir.S’adapte parfaitement sur les portes isoplanes classiques (attention de bien verifier l’epaisseur de votre porte).

  83. Anonymous says:


    La puerta abatible est bien, sin embargo a la hora de instalar, me cost recortar el plstico, que sobra para encajarlo en el hueco de la puerta

  84. MadisonFoy says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersRecomendable, buena calidad precio.
    Tengo un gato de 8 kilos y pasa perfectamente.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United States

    My husband and I recently bought a house that doesn’t have much spare space for kitty litter. We decided to put this kitty door in going out to our garage. My dad had this installed in about 15-20 mins with no complications. We put the door back on, and it was ready to use. My cats had no problems adjusting to it, and it works wonderfully for them! No kitty litter smell inside my new home! The locking system is a tad bit confusing, but we make it work! Overall a good products, and no complaints!! Would recommend this brand to anyone with cats, or small dogs.
    Shipping was fast as well!

  86. Emilie says:


    Facile poser, mais mon chat, qui il faut le dire a grandit pratiquement seul, a du mal ne pas utiliser la porte-fentre.
    Encore un peu de dressage, mais le produit n’est pas en cause. Lui est conforme la description, large (taille XL), avec un tunnel permettant la pose sur une porte paisse.

  87. James Bricknell says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This cat door is great!! I have been using it for over a month now and I’m glad I have it. I installed it on my RV door, this door allows my cats to go out on to my enclosed porch and do their necessesities in the litter boxes, and go out and play with all their toys that are on the porch. I have 3 cats and none of them have any problem getting in and out. When I first installed it, there was a little problem where it would lock itself to where my cats can go out but not back in, It either locked itself or my cats did it, I’m not sure. But it only happened about 3 times when I first got it and it hasnt happened since. But it’s awesome and I love it, you won’t regret it !

    This cat door is great!! I have been using it for over a month now and I'm glad I have it. I installed it on my RV door, this door allows my cats to go out on to my enclosed porch and do their necessesities in the litter boxes, and go out and play with all their toys that are on the porch. I have 3 cats and none of them have any problem getting in and out. When I first installed it, there was a little problem where it would lock itself to where my cats can go out but not back in, It either locked itself or my cats did it, I'm not sure. But it only happened about 3 times when I first got it and it hasnt happened since. But it's awesome and I love it, you won't regret it !

  88. IrvingWinstead says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersFacile installer et pratique pour nos deux grands chats main coo


  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Large cat door but my kittens haven’t got the way to use it yet ,but that will come with time

  90. Jake00Rjfjhz says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersMa minette tant un solide chat bien nourri, je cherchais une chatire assez grande pour la porte intrieure d’accs au sous-sol, afin de ne pas laisser cette porte entre-ouverte en permanence. Mission russie: ma minette passe trs largement par la chatire. La qualit semble tre au rendez-vous, mais je n’ai pas pos la porte en plastique transparent car je n’en ai pas l’utilit pour le moment. De par mon exprience, j’ai un simple doute sur mes capacits convaincre ma chatte de pousser la porte pour passer !

  91. BridgetBloomer says:


    Grande c’est vrai, mais le chat en question sur la photo est un chaton !
    Je recommande. Mes deux chats ont tout de suite compris leur intrt !
    Aimant srieux.
    Trs bon rapport qualit/prix.

  92. chestionaredrpciv says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersFor the inner half that contains the locks there is an inner seal or gasket that slides into the frame. This is to keep this air tight and weather resistant. In my pictures, why did they intentionally cut off or leave out two to three inches of this seal? Is this bad quality control, cosst saving measures or by design? It does not make sense for something Amazon is charging around $30 for. It can’t be all just to accommodate expansion due to temperature changes.

    The directions use Engrish and uses the term “wood skin” as a suggestion to use on the inner diameter of the newly cut hole. Their tools required list does not initially call for this. A Google search for “wood skin” points to bark of a tree. Or maybe wood skin is another thing I need to buy from Amazon?

    Missing two to three inches of inner seal/gasket. Bad directions

  93. NFOAbraham says:


    A voir dans le temps je recommande au final a fait grand je trouve. En 1h mes chats a force de les faire dcouvrir la chatire ils ont compris la chose. Pense en effet qu’il faut les duquer pour qu’ils comprennent le principe. Top

  94. ShelbyFairchild says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersChatire de qualit. Produit mont sur une porte isolante qui mne au sous-sol. Le plastique est solide et supporte bien les lgres pressions lors du montage.
    Il y a un lger cran en position ferm ce qui vite que le volet balance lorsque l’on claque la porte, c’est parfait. Il faut juste que minou comprenne qu’il faut pousser un peu pour ouvrir ( apprentissage en cours lol).
    Produit un peu plus cher que les autres mais c’est parfaitement justifi au vu de la qualit.

  95. MelvinHeymann says:


    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersParfait, simple a installer, de grande taille pour mon gros matou (Ragdoll) pos sur une porte de 2.5cm d’paisseur. Les chats n’ont pas encore trouv comment faire mais je suis sre que a ne tardera pas . Plus de tranquillit pour nous et de libert pour eux. Trs bon rapport qualit prix et assez tanche l’air. Ravie de mon achat.

  96. PoppyFontaine says:


    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our Usersmtn les chats s’amusent passer par cette chatire! pour l’tanchit je ne sais pas rpondre…. c’est plac l’intrieur de la maison. facile placer, j’a pris le carton de l’emballage pour la dcoupe du trou de la porte, comme un pochoir…. j’ai respect le placement du pochoir des 2 cots de la porte et en 5 min c’tait fai