Citizen Men's Quartz Watch with Blue Dial Analogue Display and Stainless Steel Bracelet BM7251-53L

Eco-Drive: The Watch that Never Needs a Battery
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Powered by LightEco-Drive is designed to convert both natural and artificial light into energy to power watches. This means that you do not require any battery replacement, charging or winding to maintain constant operation. | Easy to ChargeNo matter the quality of the light, Eco-Drive watches can charge from any natural or artificial light-source. This means that even in dim light your watch will keep on charging, making Eco-Drive practical and easy to use. | Keeps Running in the DarkFeaturing a lithium-ion cell which stores energy converted from light within the watch. Complete with low energy warning and power save mode, when fully charged Eco-Drive watches can run for up to 7 years even in the dark. | Kind to the PlanetEco-Drive watches never need a battery change, which can leach chemicals and pollute landfills. Since 1976, Citizen has kept an estimated over 75 million batteries out of landfill sites. Over 96% of Citizen’s range has our award winning Eco-Drive technology. |
About Citizen
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5 + 1 Year GuaranteeCompete with an industry leading 5 year guarantee with an extended 1 year through our watch registration programme, you can purchase a Citizen watch safe in the knowledge that you are buying quality from a brand who stand behind their product. | Watch Brand of the YearCitizen was proud to receive Watch Brand of the Year 2016 at the UK Jewellery Awards 2016, for the second consecutive year. With our continued focus on product design, technological development and customer service we are constantly working to improve everything we do. | Leaders in TechnologyWith a long list of World’s Firsts, Citizen is a global leader in advanced technology. Our ground-breaking Eco-Drive technology is uniquely powered by any natural or artificial light source. Over 96% of Citizen’s range has this award winning Eco-Drive technology. |
Dimensions: | 4.09 x 0.99 x 4.09 cm; 133 Grams |
Model: | BM7251-53L |
Manufacture: | Citizen Watch |
Origin: | Japan |
Uhr ist wirklich hochwertig und sieht gut aus. Citizen ist schon eine tolle Marke, langlebig und qualitativ auf sehr gutem Niveau. Meines Erachtens gibt es selbst unter den hochpreisigen Marken wenig besseres…
This is a nice, well built watch which keeps accurate time. It has a good robust bracelet , which should last the lifetime of the watch.
Two minor quibbles. The date window is tiny, and the luminosity of the hands is poor. On balance, worth the discounted price.
Excellent product with next day delivery. Superb value for money and extremely comfortable to wear. The link adjustment is moderately easy and videos can be found online as to how to perform this. A pin pusher tool makes to job much easier as the pins are reasonably difficult to remove. Make sure to remove the pin in the correct direction (indicated by the arrows on the bracelet).
I bought a Citizen watch 17 years ago, and always wanted another Citizen to replace it.
This is a great watch for day to day use. Nice sized dial and easy to read.
Excellent value.
Cette montre m’a plu de suite, le cadran est bien grand mais pas trs pais. Elle a l’air solide et est agrable porter. Le seul bmole est le datier difficile lire.
Belle montre commande avec un cadran bleu.
Quand je l’ai observ les premires fois la lumire du jour, je la voyais noire. J’ai donc contact le vendeur qui me soutenait qu’elle tait bleue.
N’tant pas convaincue j’ai pris des photos pour les montrer mes proches qui ne voyaient pas de bleu non plus…
J’ai insist auprs du vendeur qui lui maintenait qu’elle tait bleue mais que je pouvais la renvoyer si elle ne me plaisait pas.
J’ai donc laiss pass la nuit et j’ai de nouveau regard la lumire du jour, toujours noire…. :(.
Donc voulant vrifier les n sous le cadran j’ai d allum une lampe puissante LED.
L miracle elle tait bleue.
Alors pour les personnes qui auraient les mmes doutes que moi, voil la petite histoire. Elle est bleue sous certains angles et noires sous d’autres.
– Sehr schne Uhr.
– Sie sieht edel und elegant aus und durch das nicht so bliche Armband hat sie noch etwas besonderes.
– Das Blech der Schliee ist angenehm und wirkt besser als hnlich-preisige Modelle (auch andere Hersteller, wie zB Seiko).
– Die Armbanddicke ist mit 3,4mm auch sehr schn und passt zum Gehuse der Uhr
– Armband-Stirnseiten sind poliert
Ich finde, dass das Armband etwas matter sein drfte, aber fr den Sommer mit blauem Ziffernblatt echt gut!
Negativ (Was aber nicht zur Abwertung der Produktbewertung fhrt)
Die erste Uhr, die ich erhalten habe…
– war alles andere als neu/ungetragen. Dass man nicht immer Ware bekommt, die zum ersten Mal ausgepackt wird, ist vollkommen ok, aber diese Uhr wurde schon mehrfach getragen. Mal wieder eine Frechheit von Amazon.
– Guckt euch die Bilder mit all den Kratzern an. Das ist nichts, was bei (lngerem) Anprobieren auftritt
– Auerdem fehlt 1 Armbandglied.
Das 2. Modell, das ich erhalten habe
– war nur leicht anders verpackt, aber hatte deutlich mehr Schutzfolien usw dran. Die drfte also defintiv komlett neu sein und hat auch keine Tragespuren.
– Aber …. beim Montieren der Lnette hat wohl einer mist gebaut. Diese hat Kratzer von 9 bis 3 Uhr, welche man bei Tageslicht nicht so sehr sieht, aber unter einer Lampe. Beim flchtigen Blick bersieht man es sicher, aber wenn man die Uhr am Esstisch unter der Lampe auspackt, sieht man es.
Letztendlich wird die Lnette mit der Zeit eh leichte Kratzer bekommen, sodass es vermutlich nicht tragisch ist.
Aber hier kann man mal wieder die Frage stellen, ob das nicht alles B-Ware ist ?!
je recherchais une montre quartz pas trop paisse pour rester discrte sous la manche d’un pull, d’un diamtre raisonnable, quipe d’un verre saphire, tanche et sans souci pour la pile. Et bien cette montre regroupe tout ces caractristiques pour un prix contenu. Elle se fait oublier au poignet et la technologie eco drive devrait me dispenser de tout remplacement de pile pendant pas mal d’annes.
I always like to have the time readily available and so having it on my wrist is the most convenient.
This is my second Citizen watch unfortunately the first was stolen from my hotel room.
I have replaced it with another Citizen watch because of the excellent time keeping of my previous watch and the fact that I didn’t need to wind it up or put in a battery, it was virtually maintenance free. Thank you.
Hace aos tuve un Citizen que me dio servicio durante mucho tiempo, as que al necesitar un reloj nuevo, me decant por ste que, entre otras cosas que ma gustan de l, se recarga por energia fotovoltaica.
The watchi is good for people who like the minimalist look and don’t want unnecessary extra thing, The only issue is the manual that does not explain perfectly how to settle the time and day, other than that, it is a great watch
Next day delivery with Amazon Prime, excellent. A great looking watch not too big but the date is rather small can’t comment on accuracy because it’s only just arrived but very pleased so fa
Bought as a new year present as a work watch for husband, but he loves it so much and doesn’t want to scratch it (he has a manual job) that he won’t wear it for work and is in fact wearing it for best.
So I guess it’s a big thumbs up from the M
Is it waterproof? I wear it all the time, football training in the rain, washing dishes, washing car, fishing and having my hands in the water. It checks all those occasional splash boxes and has never had any issue.
Since buying 18 months ago, it’s kept time perfectly since day one.
The glass is also free of any scratches whatsoever, which I guess is thanks to the sapphire glass.
I’m never short of admiring comments about this watch, it doesn’t get old, it really is a classic style and impresses every day.
The tips of the hour bars glow in the dark amazingly bright, expose the watch face directly to a light source and when the lights go out, wow….its surprising how bright those tiny dots glow, they are really effective. There are so many watches to choose from…..but I would choose this one again, every time. Its a beauty.
Llevo utilizando el reloj todos los das desde que lo recib y sin ningn problema.
El reloj una vez puesto en la mueca, es aun mas elegante.
No necesita sustitucin de pilas al ser solar y por lo tanto ecolgico.
Por lo que estoy muy satisfecho con la compra