COSCO Shifter 135kg Multi Function Folding Handcart and Hand Truck (Blue)

For over 75 years, COSCO Home and Office Products continues to be the company that comes to mind when the balance of form and function is paramount. COSCO is the trusted expert who improves and simplifies everyday life, offering step stools, ladders, hand trucks, folding furniture, and outdoor furniture for all your home needs. We are proud to say that our vision lives at the intersection of trusted utility and innovative design. Smart. By Design.
COSCO Shifter Hand Truck and Cart
A Multi-Position, Heavy-Duty Transporter
Move oversized items of all shapes around the home or office with the COSCO Shifter Hand Truck. Whether you’re moving boxes or unloading the car, this lightweight hand truck does all the heavy lifting. Its multi-position design transforms the Shifter into a two-wheel upright hand truck or a four-wheel cart in seconds without the use of pins or tools. When the job is finished, simply fold up this versatile work horse for easy transport and storage.
- Use as a 2-wheel upright hand truck or a 4-wheel cart
- Folds flat for transport and storage
- Durable steel frame with 135 kg weight capacity in 4-wheel cart mode
- Quick conversion with no pins or tools required
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2-Wheel Upright Hand TruckLeverage and transport heavy boxes and appliances across large distances with ease. | Flat Folding StorageThe Shifter allows the for easy transport and storage thanks to a unique and innovative fold-flat design. | 4-Wheel Cart / DollyStack and transport large items with no hassles or back strain. |

Simple, Tool-Free Transformation
The Shifter’s transformation is nearly effortless. With the simple pull of a handle, this compact tool becomes a versatile 2-wheel truck or 4-wheel dolly without any tool or pin usage. After the work is done, this cart folds flat as easily as it opened up for convenient storage.
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COSCO 3-in-1 Aluminium Hand Truck | COSCO Shifter 2-in-1 Hand Truck | |
Maximum Weight Capacity as 4-wheel Cart | 450 kg | 135 kg |
Aluminium Construction | ✓ | |
Flat-Free Tires | ✓ | ✓ |
Folds Flat for Storage | ✓ | |
Available in 3 Colours | ✓ | |
Quick Conversion with No Pins or Tools | ✓ | ✓ |
Steel Construction | ✓ | |
360 kg Weight Capacity as Two-Wheel Hand Truck | ✓ |
Weight: | 6.8 kg |
Size: | 42x35x125cm |
Dimensions: | 43 x 33 x 126 cm; 6.8 Kilograms |
Model: | 12222BG1UE |
Colour: | Blue |
Manufacture: | COSCO |
Colour: | Blue |
Size: | 42x35x125cm |
I moved almost all my fornitures using this shifter. It is very versatile and especially strong. I can really recommend it. A lot of value for money. Excellent product. Bravo !
Das Teil hat 2 Personen ersetzt und keine Ahnung wie viele mehr Schritte gespart.
Algo ms pesada y grande que las normales de aluminio y ms cara, pero no se puede ni comparar: resistente, verstil y soporta pesos importantes. Solo tiene un defecto: la bandeja que soporta el peso cuando la tienes en vertical es pequea, est pensada para objetos pequeos y pesados.
So far, so good. My only complaint is that it doesn’t have an extendable handle for tall people when in cart mode.
Bought this to help with moving items up and down the apartment. It’s super compact and convenient, but the folding snaps really quickly, so either hold it so it goes down slower or be nimble.
I was able to transport 3 tires at a time (on rim) to and from my car to apartment pretty easily!
L’originalit de ce chariot est de pouvoir l’utiliser dans 2 positions diffrentes, la position de transport allonge est tres pratique.
Le seul bemol du produit c’est pour l’ouverture (le dplier) apres plus d’un an d’utilisation, il faut toujours un peu forcer. La maniabilit est correcte.
Au niveau du plateau en position allonge, il y a des trous, ce qui est gnant lorsqu’on y dpose des sacs, pour les boites/cartons c’est parfait.
Autre Point positif c’est qu’il est vraiment tres compact lorsqu’il est repli.
Vraiment pas du de mon achat, trs utile pour dmnagement et transport de choses lourdes au quotidien.
This is such a nice product, I had to write a review
It’s actually not heavy (that was my first concern)
Folds with ease and flat, the tires turn or fold in.
It’s like futuristic looking.
Love it.
Che dire? Carrello comodissimo, arrivato in tempi record. Ottimo sia nella configurazione a due ruote che a quattro ruote. Versatile e semplicissimo in apertura ed in chiusura. Unico rammarico? Non averlo scoperto e comprato prima. Non mi esprimo sulla resistenza al carico. Io carico non piu’ di 25-30 kg alla volta, non sarei oggetivo. Ma posso assicurarvi che sulla base della resistenza puo’ caricare parecchio di piu’. Suggeritissimo!!!
Just moved, and this is the single best purchase I’ve made in quite some time. This saw some very heavy use, and was an absolute back saver! I am so glad I purchased this. It’s pretty easy to fold and operate. The durability and maneuverability is quite good as well, the only weakness I can see is the smaller wheels can sometimes get a little jammed up, but this only happens when under very, very heavy loadperhaps overloaded. But this aside, I would definitely recommend to anyone! Save your back and buy this product!!
Il costo non basso giustifica la alta qualit del prodotto.
Ein Multi Funktion Handwagen und Sackkarre mit guter Qualitt und trotzdem sehr leicht.
Meine Frau liebt ihn.
Robert aus Rasta
Muy resistente, aguantador, fcil de armar y de guardar. Es muy verstil y prctico en cualquiera de sus dos formas de uso. Lo compr para mudarme y en definitiva super mis expectativas y me ahorr mucho tiempo, dinero y esfuerzo. Vale la pena cada peso invertido.
hard to open up. needs numbers on gadget in order.
Ce chariot ne prend vraiment pas de place quand il est pli, et peut se stocker verticalement derrire un sige sans bouger. On le dploie d’une seule main, et on obtient un chariot facile tirer (beaucoup plus qu’ pousser), maniable, qui va passer des seuils et tient de manire stable des charges pesantes. En position diable, on a un outil stable et qui permet un portage agrable, mais avec une table support un peu petite pour des utilisations intensives, en particulier pour dplacer de l’lectromnager.
Le pliage une fois le dplacement effectu se fait facilement avec le bouton fold. Le tout est conu de manire trs robuste.
Je recommande, c’est un excellent produit.
prezzo/qualit ok. Il pezzo di ferro in fondo che si infila sotto i pacchi, potrebbe essere pi lungo. Anche le ruote potrebbero essere un attimo migliori.
I love the quality and sturdiness of this cart. Pleasantly surprised. Easy to fold and very portable. It has some weight to it but very manageable. Should last a long time.
I used it to carry my winter tires, packages. Very useful, reliable. I will keep it in my trunk and I will use it every time when I will have to carry groceries or other things. Happy with my purchase.
I keep this in the trunk of my car together with some sturdy folding grocery boxes for when I have a bigger than normal grocery run. I live in a condo and this makes it easier to bring all the shopping up from the basement garage in one trip. Unfolds and refolds easily, and doesn’t take up too much space in the trunk. Very sturdy and well made.
Careful your fingers around the wheels when closing up.
It snaps closed and caught my fingers in the wheels
For me it’s not and easy open or close.
Directions aren’t clear
But I like the way it’s compact for storing in my van
It’s very sturdy
I have a catering company and it holds the heavy boxes and rolls smoothly. I wish the back wheels were larger they get caught in the elevator
This little trolly works great, carries a heavy load like a champ. Caution finger placement when closing the device as fingers can get caught when the wheels snap into the storage position.
Got it to move into my new place, wow! it made the move so much easier. Will definitely be a must have for Costco trips, and moving anything significant, trips to the lake, I’m not hauling loads of boxes anymore. Would recommend for anyone moving, or who has to haul Costco or grocery loads, we use it for everything now.
Die klappbaren Sackkarren weisen meistens eine gewisse Instabilitt auf. Nicht so diese. Sehr praktisch im Aufbau und in der Funktionalitt, gut hndelbar. Kann ich nur empfehlen.
Es una herramienta bastante til para el transporte de carga de peso considerable (sin llegar a ser industrial, ya que esta enfocado al hogar). Sin embrago, en la configuracin de 2 ruedas, la plataforma inferior es demasiado angosta para poder cargar con ms cosas. Igualmente, en la configuracin de 4 ruedas, es un poco laborioso acomodar diferentes tipos (forma) de carga. Si solo se usa para transportar cajas con forma “uniforme” es excelente
I would give this five stars but it can snap your fingers if you aren’t careful. It’s just what I was looking for. I keep it in the car and it’s great for taking groceries and boxes into the house.
It’s easier to say who this isn’t for – Someone who is moving large items since the surface area is somewhat small. Someone who needs to go on rougher surfaces since the wheels aren’t very capable. Someone who is 6’+ tall since the handle isn’t very high when it’s in cart mode. Other than that, it’s great.
its a great thing to have in the car or in the house. i bought few month ago and i already used it at least 50 times. each time i use it, i say i am glad i bought it.
It is closer to a non-folding hand truck than others I have used. In cart mode the handle is a little short, but usable. In hand truck mode it moves loads quite easily.
When folding it up, the main wheels are spring-loaded and when on the ground they don’t fold, but as soon as you lift the hand truck up the wheels slam into place. if your hand is at the bottom they will slap your fingers painfully. I did not suffer any permanent damage.
Great product invaluable during house move but be careful of your fingers when folding up the wheels, (no problem once you realise how it works).
Like the others said, it’s hard too fold. You must press on the buttons constantly too fold it up. The wheels are small. But I managed too put two bins of groceries without an issue.
Parfait en toute circonstance.
Achet dans le cadre de travaux pour dplacer des matriaux (carrelage, gravats, etc …) mais finalement, il est tellement pratique (facile plier/dplier et facile de passer de charriot diable et vice versa) je l’utilise mme pour rcuprer des colis lourds ou encombrants l’entre de ma rsidence, ou des courses.
Je conseille d’acheter des sangles lastiques en plus pour maintenir en place les gros sacs/cartons.
Une fois pli, il ne prend pas de place donc on peut aussi bien l’accrocher au mur dans un atelier, le glisser sous un meuble dans une pice vivre, ou le laisser dans le coffre d’une voiture.
Funny story about how i came to try one of these. I was helping a friend move and found that our method was not very efficient. I went online to find a store that sold dollies and just then a guy came into the building with one of these. We asked and he kindly lent it to us for the day. We returned it and gave him two bottles of wine. The next day i bought one of these myself.
I’m a mail carrier and this dolly is a back saver. I use it everyday and when I completely fold to put it back inside the truck, I have to be careful that my fingers don’t get pinched when the big wheels turn sideways into their fold position. On the other side of the dolly, there are two plastic hooks that trap the flat metal plate when I fold the dolly and it really secures it in place. Because the dolly is new, the plastic hooks are still tight so it takes a few extra seconds to release the plate.
Great tool for my moving. But there are two minor issues with the product. My first issue was not having brakes. And the second more serious issue was the snapping action when wheels go back in their places when I fold the unit back after using. Because depends on where you are holding, it can pinch my finger that is holding the opposite side of the cart. Happened a few times. But overall function and light weight helped me greatly. Good product.
Il carrello di ottima fattura ed robusto. Da chiuso occupa pochissimo spazio e l’apertura decisamente facile. L’unica osservazione che quando predisposto come carrello orizzontale obbliga l’utente a piegarsi leggermente per poterlo spingere perch il manico risulta leggermente corto e non stata prevista la possibilit di adattarlo all’altezza della persona. In ogni caso, l’acquisto consigliato.
Es bastante fuerte los tubos y los materiales plsticos. An no lo probamos con peso pero se ve bastante resistente.
Chiuso occupa poco spazio. La funzione carrello utile e robusta. La posizione su due ruote (tipo bravetta) mi sembra non abbastanza robusta per trasportare il peso indicato. Le ruote sono in pvc duro quindi abbastanza rumorose. Tutto sommato fa il lavoro per il quale l’ho preso: trasportare oggetti di peso contenuto (30/40kg) nel laboratorio.
Das Ding hat zwar ein ziemliches Gewicht, ist dafr aber sehr stabil. Beim Zusammenklappen muss man schon sehr aufpassen, nicht die Finger einzuklemmen wenn die grossen Rder krokodilsmig zuschnappen. Bei Verwendung als vierrdriger Karren durch die beiden kleinen Rder lenkbar; gibt ein ratterndes Fahrgerusch. Habe 4 schwere Umzugskartons ohne Unfall in den Keller gebracht. Wird noch gute Dienste leisten.
ich habe zwar bei meiner Umzugsaktion einen Lagerschaden ( leises Knacken ab ca. 10 Kg) produziert, aber Treppe (25 Stufen) runter und groe Gewichte (bis ca.50 Kg), Kraft und Konzentration lassen nach……trotzdem, bei dem Preis und die Mglichkeit zum Wgelchen umzubauen, top.
Ich finde allzu oft wird zu Unrecht mit einem Pkt. abqualifiziert, hier mchte ich lediglich gegenwirken.
Ich werde den Hersteller kontaktieren und mir einen Satz Rder kaufen gg. Bezahlung natrlich.
Danke, tsch.
Es de mejor material del que se aprecia en las fotos, me gust mucho, el nico pero que le encuentro es que como diablo, la base es muy pequea, como carrito no le encuentro ningn pero, sper fcil de usar, no se requiere instructivo para llegar o desplegar se hace por intuici
Funciona como diablillo aunque con una base pequea, pero si usas cable elstico para sujetarlo funciona bien, como plataforma, tampoco ofrece una superficie uniforme donde colocarlo, el precio es alto, pero vale la pena por el peso que soporta y la facilidad de plegarlo. Calidad buena.
He transportado una nevera sin problemas. Tiene dos posiciones.
Tiene un botn para pasar de una a otra posicin.
La carretilla parece consistente. La parte baja parece endeble, pero hasta ahora ha llevado cargas sin problema.
Al plegarse la llevo en el maletero del coche.
everything is great, I’m using it daily
the only thing that I found that could be better is its first step in the unfolding process
Positives: Sturdy, easy to use, easy to fold and unfold.
Negatives: The small wheels are the wheels that does the steering. If it is pulled on an uneven surface, it can go off in directions or get stuck in cracks. They are also very noisy!!
It’s good, and I would buy again. Just watch out when folding down to store it. I think the “natural” way is to lift the base as you collapse the handle (this would make more sense if I had a picture to describe what I’m meaning). The point is, when the wheels snap into place when folding down to store it, you will easily injure your fingers.
Se pliega bien y se despliega no muy bien.
No trae instrucciones claras.
Es pesado, para nada ligero como dicen por aqui.
Es muy manejable, las ruedas van muy bien.
I’ve been using this for some months now and I like it very much. This is a must for anyone. It’s very solid and practical. When folded it doesn’t take much space. I could not live without it now. The only minor drawback is that you must be very and I mean VERY careful where you place your fingers when folding it back. the biggest wheels they fold like damn fast and with considerable power. I pinched one or two fingers a couple of times and that hurts like 15 on a scale of 10. Seriously!
Es muy til, ya que lo puedes usar como diablo tradicional o patn, solo que no debes sobrecargarlo con mas de 15 kg las ruedas no lo aguantan y no hay refacciones
I am an old woman and after having it for only 2 days I don’t know how I lived without it !
I have already used it to take my trash bags to bins at the end of my street and to move my large 5 gallon water bottles ! This “2 in 1” suite me just fine !
Literally one of the best purchases of my life and paid for itself within days of purchasing.
-easy to maneuver
-super compact when folded flat
-can carry at least 200 lb, have not tested it to the rated 300 lb yet
-it is easy to open and close
-Watch. Your. Fingers. Seriously, watch your fingers! There are stickers all over warning about that, but the wheels snap shut hard and fast when you don’t expect it. A little unsafe but it is what it is, you just have to be careful when closing it.
-For future versions, the manufacturer should make it a little easier to open. Maybe add a button or lever to help bring out the bars because it can be difficult to get the bars up when it is folded flat and there is nothing to grab onto. You basically have to just pull hard.
Overall I love it and highly recommend it.
Muy resistente y practico al momento de plegarlo, ya que no ocupa espacio
got this cart when there was a sale. The cart itself is a little bit heavy which it is reasonable considering the weight that can carry, however, I am worried about the roller since it is a little bit thin. If you read the previous review, you can tell if you carried stuff too heavy and it will lead the roller to break. But since I used this cart only when I’m moving to my new apartment, it did its job!
It may be a bit of hard at the begining when you try to unfold the cart, but when you get more familarized with the process, it will open up smoothly. Overall, I recommend this product if you are carrying stuff for the half of this cart’s capacity.
Stabile Konstruktion, die nicht gleich nachgibt. Fr ebene Wege (Garage zum Haus) gut geeignet. Treppenstufen lassen sich aber kaum berwinden. Die Rollen sind dafr nicht gut geeignet. Dann hakt und klemmt es.
Il carrello nell’insieme ottimo, ma quello che non va bene sono le ruote e gli attacchi delle ruote.
Sono troppo fragili e in poco tempo se si trasportano pesi tra i 70 e 100 kg tendono le ruote ad usurarsi inrimediabilmente e gli attacchi delle ruote a rompersi.
Very nice product.. lokks sturdy, easy to fold and maneuver.
Muy buen producto, lo utilizo del diario, para hacer mis labores, llego a manipular de peso de 70 a 100 kg con uso rudo y sin problemas llevo ms de un ao, y est bien construido, con piezas bien hechas, es sin duda una herramienta de trabajo bastante til, sin embrago si lo utilizaras para mover pequeas cajas, o poco peso, como estaba leyendo en otro comentario no vale la pena comprarlo
pour viter de se casser le dos, de faire trop de voyage entre l’ascenseur et le camion ce chariot est idal, et maintenant il me sert de temps autre pour plein de choses conseiller, il est trs maniable, se plie, et s’accroche au mur si l’on veut, idal pour enlever les courses, les valise etc .. du coffre de la voiture et rend bien des services, et en mme temps on protge son dos !!!!
Love it. It came in handy for some work I did for a friend at his office. Saved me from making multiple trips to and from the car. I also love how it folds so compactly.
The only downside I can see is the small wheels at the front may not last long, especially when using it on rough surfaces like side walks. Those wheels could have been larger and of a higher quality.
I love the look of it, very well put together, comfortable handles, should last a lifetime plus. I don’t use it as much as I thought because I found out I really needed something with sides – like a wagon- duh!! to bring groceries inside from the car. We improvised by using bungees for the bags, but it really excels with cases of water, bulky items, etc. It’s great getting up the steps to go inside the house, going around corners with a secured load, so easy to maneuver. It carried our 2 large cases of water easy, and I also use it to transport our water bottles inside from the garage. It’s a keeper, and I’m happy with my purchase.
Very strong! I moved furnitures using this. The springs are very snappy so just be careful in folding as your fingers might get caught!
Though trolly is amazingly light and easy to use, it’s a little workhorse. I just moved and it easily moved dressers and other heavy items with the greatest of ease. Then folds up to be stored unobtrusively. Very pleased with this product and highly recommend it.
Muy contento hasta los momentos va de maravilla. Muy cmoda y verstil de buenos materiales. Me preocupa que no veo que tenga opciones de recambios por si alguna rueda se daa pero no lo tengo claro si se puede o no.
he wheels are wearing out after three years. however I use it everyday for work so would say all and all a good produc
Really awesome product, took almost a month to arrive but don’t care, a lot of times i can’t carry heavy stuff to the car or home anymore. this is a perfect substitute to use daily, save my back that for sure.
This product is nice and is pretty sturdy but there is a lot of plastic, when unfolding and folding there are quite a bit of pinch points and if something gets caught like your fingers it will hurt quite a bit. other than that good product can carry lots of things.
Trs pratique. Se range facilement. Je l’adore en exposition pour trimbaler mes cages et autres ncessaires au montage de mes kiosques.
This is great as a cart. I bought this to move and we went from a 1st floor to a 2nd floor unit in the same complex. We were able to cart boxes and clothes and small tables, etc. Unfortunately, it didn’t work well as a dolly on the stairs for us. The wheels just aren’t big enough to roll up from step to step. It was very useful and we still use it to cart groceries and heavy things from the car to the bottom of the stairs to save time and work, just not great as a dolly.
I needed this product for moving my kids into and out of residence and it worked like a charm. It was neat yet sturdy and versatile. Made the move so much less stressful!
Excelente producto, soy baterista, lo uso para cargar todo mi equipo, sus dos posiciones vuelven muy prctica cualquier carga. Muy resistente. Cmpralo ya! Cada vez sube ms de precio.
I just moved… during covid-19… gross, right? I needed a trolley to help me move all the stuff I couldn’t fit into protected boxes. This made what could have been 3-4 trips into one. Living in a large apartment complex, moving to another apartment… this gadget has been my best buddy. I really only use the cart function, so I can’t speak for the dolly function, but this might be the most useful purchase I have made this year. I would absolutely heed the caution of other folks that mentioned smashing their fingers… I thought they were crazy, but then I decided to collapse the cart with my fingers right where the large wheels collapse, and hooo boy… that took my breath away. I survived, you will too.
Sper prctico, te recomiendo comprar una liga para complementar tu compra ya que el peldao en posicin completamente abierta es muy pequeo y las cosas se pueden resbalar; es fcil de utilizar, mapas posiciones son cmodas y el material se ve muy resistente.
Wow what a great thing. Not too heavy but sturdy. Easy to change. Absolutely love it.
They have been SO handy!! We helped the neighbours move a full sized fridge and have used it many other times including moving our daughter to university and back each year. My father used his to move wood from the wood pile to the stove when he couldn’t lug wood anymore. Very impressed and well worth what we paid.
I like this shifter. Very well made and easy to handle. It helps me a lot during my moving making it easy. Fast delivery too. I was in a rush and I was surprised to see how much packing became easier. I like it.
abbastanza leggero ma allo stesso tempo robusto. Per un utilizzo domestico (ci porto a casa la spesa dal garage) ideale. stato utilissimo anche per portare in casa un pacco pesante ma soprattutto ingombrante, da solo.
Il sistema di apertura, posizionamento e chiusura intuitivo e anche questo robusto
Non prende la quinta stella solo perch il piano di appoggio non esiste: non regolare ed e aperto verso il pavimento quindi non si possono appoggiare piccoli oggetti senza avere ad esempio una tavola che faccia da base
Ottimo carrello, favolosa robustezza. Metodo di trasformazione da quattro ruote e 2 ruote con camminata in verticale veramente maneggevole e praticissimo. Sarebbe stato il top assoluto se anche le ruote grandi fossero state sterzanti quando fosse impostata la modalit di trasporto in orizzontale a quattro ruote. Ma al di la di tutto confermo che come carrello tra i migliori in assoluto che abbia mai provato anche perch si richiude pure su se stesso rendendo facile conservarlo o addirittura riporlo nel portabagagli della macchina