COSCO Shifter 135kg Multi Function Folding Handcart and Hand Truck (Blue)

For over 75 years, COSCO Home and Office Products continues to be the company that comes to mind when the balance of form and function is paramount. COSCO is the trusted expert who improves and simplifies everyday life, offering step stools, ladders, hand trucks, folding furniture, and outdoor furniture for all your home needs. We are proud to say that our vision lives at the intersection of trusted utility and innovative design. Smart. By Design.
COSCO Shifter Hand Truck and Cart
A Multi-Position, Heavy-Duty Transporter
Move oversized items of all shapes around the home or office with the COSCO Shifter Hand Truck. Whether you’re moving boxes or unloading the car, this lightweight hand truck does all the heavy lifting. Its multi-position design transforms the Shifter into a two-wheel upright hand truck or a four-wheel cart in seconds without the use of pins or tools. When the job is finished, simply fold up this versatile work horse for easy transport and storage.
- Use as a 2-wheel upright hand truck or a 4-wheel cart
- Folds flat for transport and storage
- Durable steel frame with 135 kg weight capacity in 4-wheel cart mode
- Quick conversion with no pins or tools required
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2-Wheel Upright Hand TruckLeverage and transport heavy boxes and appliances across large distances with ease. | Flat Folding StorageThe Shifter allows the for easy transport and storage thanks to a unique and innovative fold-flat design. | 4-Wheel Cart / DollyStack and transport large items with no hassles or back strain. |

Simple, Tool-Free Transformation
The Shifter’s transformation is nearly effortless. With the simple pull of a handle, this compact tool becomes a versatile 2-wheel truck or 4-wheel dolly without any tool or pin usage. After the work is done, this cart folds flat as easily as it opened up for convenient storage.
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COSCO 3-in-1 Aluminium Hand Truck | COSCO Shifter 2-in-1 Hand Truck | |
Maximum Weight Capacity as 4-wheel Cart | 450 kg | 135 kg |
Aluminium Construction | ✓ | |
Flat-Free Tires | ✓ | ✓ |
Folds Flat for Storage | ✓ | |
Available in 3 Colours | ✓ | |
Quick Conversion with No Pins or Tools | ✓ | ✓ |
Steel Construction | ✓ | |
360 kg Weight Capacity as Two-Wheel Hand Truck | ✓ |
Weight: | 6.8 kg |
Size: | 42x35x125cm |
Dimensions: | 43 x 33 x 126 cm; 6.8 Kilograms |
Model: | 12222BG1UE |
Colour: | Blue |
Manufacture: | COSCO |
Colour: | Blue |
Size: | 42x35x125cm |
E’ un ottimo aiuto. Robusto, molto ben costruito, versatile. Non leggero, almeno per me, (7 kg) ma questo ne conferma la robustezza. I meccanismi per aprirlo e poi trasformarlo sono discretamente intuitivi e sicuramente ben ingegnerizzati, Unico neo le uniche istruzioni sono degli adesivi posti sui tubi con immagini piccole e difficili da leggere.
Purchased this 2 years ago and still very happy with my purchase. Used it to move my daughter in and out of dorm rooms and apartments. I have a bad back, and was able to haul 2 containers at a time with no problem. Just bungee cord them in place and go. Used it for boxes, sterilite containers, a larger size mini fridge and more. I keep it on my back porch with a container bungeed in place and use it to bring in groceries. It has been a real back saver. Very sturdy and easy to convert from cart to dolly. Folds up nicely so doesn’t take too much room when stored or hauling stuff in the car. Highly recommend.
I’m really happy because I’ve bought this. When I don’t use it, it uses in the closed state almost no place. When I need it, I can move almost any kind of heavy stuff with it.
The only problem with it, the wheels. Because it’s plastique, it starts demolishing if you drive with it on a rocky street. Besides that, it’s sooooo noisy in closed areas (closed garage, hall, etc, especially if on the floor there are tiles).
Very strong and helpful to move house. Moved heavy items with easy
De entrada se ve slido y con buenos materiales, en el primer uso cumpli con mis espectativas
Lo llevo en el coche y siempre para el traslado de la herramienta lo us prcticamente todos los das,y me he quedado sorprendido de lo fcil que es para desplegar y recoger. He colocado hasta una caldera y varias cajas de herramientas y aguanta muyy bien el pes.
Al sacarlos de la caja no encontr de inmediato cmo darle forma de carrito, pero una vez que encontr los botones, todo se volvi sencillo. Lo he usado como carro y diablico para transportar objetos menores que 50 kilos y lo hace bien.
En modo diablico no tiene una superficie inferior amplia, y no es posible transportar objetos con bases grandes aunque no sean pesados, pues se salen de la base del diablo.
En modo carrito es muy sencillo llevar objetos ms amplios, aunque tambin estn limitados por el espacio entre la barra de arrastre y la base de las ruedas.
De cualquier manera parece ser muy fuerte y resistente, a pesar de que no sea muy verstil en tanto a los tamaos de los objetos a cargar.
This is think can be stored easily and I was really glad to have it when I needed it. This is obviously not heavy duty but this is far from being piece of garbage. I mean I have moved from my apartment with this and I pack a lot on this tiny thing. It didn’t break so no complaint. Good product.
Fcil de montar y plegar, resistente y con una movilidad bastante buena, me queda un peln alta cuando la uso a 2 ruedas pero no es algo que me impida maniobrar con ella, casi que cuando tenga que llevar algo relativamente alto me sea por esa parte ms cmoda, plegada cabe en cualquier sitio, me ha gustado mucho.
Me encanto, facil de manejar y guardar, aunque un poco pequeo
It doesn’t feel overly sturdy or anything, but it has the right balance between compactness and strength still. It fits easily in my sedan’s trunk, which I like a lot. One thing I’m not a fan of is the gaps found in the base, which make it hard to carry certain items.
Moved a lot of heavy and large items with ease! Shipping blankets recommended if moving fine furniture though there were no scratches on my pieces, more luck than good management. Quality construction and easy to open and close. Good value as I doubt some of the less expensive alternatives would be as robust.
I have back pain so every time that I went for the shopping the worst part was carrying all those heavy bags even to my car. Now it’s the fun part. One the best items that I purchased. You can easily fold it or make it two or four wheel. Not 100% sturdy but don’t forget that it’s foldable so,make sense.
I purchased this for an office move. We moved a huge amount of items. We had an office full of furniture and used this cart to move tables, desks, cabinets, book cases and file cabinets. We moved so many boxes, I couldn’t even count. The cart was great. Held up through it all with no issues. I wish the handle lifted up higher, though. That would be my only complaint. I’m not tall, but it seemed like it was too short. People taller than me used it and didn’t complain, though. Everyone that used it said it was awesome! Several people used it and all had good things to say. Fit fine in my car trunk and back seat when folded up or even partially folded. I would recommend.
It works on flat but stair. I was trying to move a fridge from second floor to basement, but it seems going to break the angle bottom, so I stop and change another dolly which can afford 600 lbs to do that. It’s valuable and easy to use, so even it can’t move the fridge, I will still keep it.
fantastico, facile da usare e veramente pratico. Lo uso tutti i giorni per lavoro e ci carico su l’impossibile. Hanno ceduto le rotelline piroettanti ma per colpa mia, troppo peso sopra. Per il resto davvero efficiente e leggero al trasporto. Da tenere sempre in macchina o furgone per trasportare di tutto.
This solved all my needs. It holds quite a bit of weight easily and is easy to maneuver around doorways and over height differences in the floor. I’d say this would not work on full stairs…I do go over 2 steps with ease though. I have definitely pinched my finger 5 or 6 times when releasing one of the locks but it’s not really bad. I have to move 40 lb bags around and it’s a been a total breeze now. It weighs so little and folds up easily so I can put it in my trunk no problem. The wheels are sturdy and I’ve had no issues with it…we love it for light yard work too! When the grass is short and the ground is dry it moves great even under weight. So it really has a ton of uses! We really love this one!
Muy buena inversin, no pesa, fcil de transportar, resistente, fcil de plegar, lo uso mas en horizontal y es muy ligero. Como diablito la base es angosta pero para costales esta bien.
Pleased I brought this, I have serious back issues and this is great for use in the home when I am trying to move things or attempting to DIY or delivery’s. Very nice size for internal use , good steering on castors so I don’t crash and chip my paintwork. Very good product.
It was a little smaller than I anticipated, however it did the job I wanted it for. And no doubt will come in useful in the future. Lightweight and folds flat for storage.
Ha sido sumamente til, bastante resistente y fcil de usar… Tiene capacidad limitada pero suficiente para mis actividades… La nica recomendacin es la altura cuando se ocupa como carro de 4 ruedas, yo mido 1.84 y me queda muy abajo, fuera de eso, todo excelente.
Esta hecho con buenos materiales de fabricacin solo que si se batalla un poco en plegarlo.
Fantastic piece of kit very versatile and easy to use and strong , highly recommend
Have used this dolly countless times. Although I’ve found it difficult to change positions, it is very easy to manoeuvre around. Would highly recommend it.
Sehr gute Qualitt, leicht zu bedienen, Funktionalitt ist ausgezeichnet. Gut durchdachtes Produkt, etwas groer und schwerer als Plastiktrollies, aber es gibt kein Problem mehr mit dem Wocheneinkauf von der Tiefgarage in den ersten Stock ohne den Weg dreimal machen zu mssen! Und die Sackkarre funktioniert genauso gut! In meinen Augen ein sehr zu empfehlendes Produkt, wenn man auf der Suche nach einem “Handwagen” ist.
Had to move and the stress level went sky high. But, with the help of this little hand truck I saved my back from months of pain. It’s not gonna do the job by itself but just allowing you to do less trips to and form the truck to the door and still is a big improvement. It’s not as good as a standard size especially when you use it on 2 wheels, but I mostly used it on 4, for stability, and like I said, it saves you a few good trips which makes a difference when you do in the order of hundreds of trips. It was exhausting with it, but I wouldn’t have made it without it.
Est excelente No cre darle tanto uso y hasta por los garrafones de agua me lo llevo xD
Funciona bien, pero es una lata estarlo guardando ya que ocupa ms espacio del que parece en fotos
Only complain is that I wish the handle was a tab higher when on 4 wheel.
This cart folds flat and is probably about 3 or 4 inches high when folded, so it doesn’t take up room when you are trying to haul other things. It folds and unfolds easily, although you have to watch your fingers when you fold it because the wheels snap shut. It is not a heavy duty hand cart, but I moved a 5 drawer metal file cabinet (empty) without a problem. I used it mainly as a dolly and stacked banker boxes 3 high by 2 deep, which is about the size of the dolly with the lip up on the front and the handles on the back. It is very handy and I will probably continue to use it just to get items from the vehicle in the parking garage to the apartment instead of making multiple trips. It is that easy to handle and get in and out. Glad I bought this instead of something more heavy duty for my purposes.
Well built, not the easiest to operate but does the job well.
My only question s – how did I survive without it?
I’ve been using this for a while now moving heavy boxes, the body itself feels durable.
The tiny wheel in the back feels fragile, but it’s probably just me.
If you are folding this you got to watch your fingers because they can get caught.
Unfolding it is very easy.
This is very nice to have, to carry heavy groceries, to heavy boxes ( I have stacked about 3 medium sized boxes ) no problem at all.
The handle is pretty low as well, but it doesn’t bother me much
This is something I thing every apt renter should have. Makes transporting groceries and moving boxes so much easier…provided you have an elevator! I used every feature and it works like a charm. I did take the advice of other reviews and purchased more heavy duty front wheels from Lowes (I got the locking ones-lock sometimes makes maneuvering a little challenging; this is not a problem with the original wheels though) which for the most part work great. Main issue are the instructions are not straightforward. I struggled to open in the beginning but learned you really have to pull hard on the handle…but watch where your fingers are. As other reviewers have said, if you’re not careful, I can see how one can get their fingers jammed by the large wheels that spring open. All in all, happy with the purchase and was a good buy.
En general es perfecto solo agregara algunas asas o alguna barra para sujetar el gancho de las cuerdas ya que los tubos son gruesos y no entren los ganchos comunes.
Biught these for my team. Saftey concerns with lifting. Compact for travel.
High quality metal and some plastic bits in the right places. Sturdy and love the way it folds flat so I can take it in the car or store it easily. Easy to unfold once you have done it a few times. It does not climb stairs with heavy items but I didn’t require that. Very happy with my purchase.
Muy recomendable y robusto, se ve bien, el nico detalle es que si est un poco pesado, pero est excelente
Un carrello dal peso contenuto che pu trasformarsi da aiuto per spostamento scatole o cassette in un carrello da traino.
Utile per quando fai un trasloco ma, trasformato in carrellino, anche quando, di ritorno dal supermercato, ti devi scarrozzare un tot di prodotti; il bello che sta nel baule della macchina e con un gancio che ti puoi fare tu puoi appenderlo al muro in garage e/o in cantina. Molto utile
Tra l’altro arrivato con una puntualit “teutonica”.
These sack trucks are light to carry, yet sturdy, easy to use either as a trolley or sack trucks. Makes moving garden pots, compost, paving slabs etc easy with no excessive strength required. Compact when folded. Would recommend.
Una maravilla y muy muy resistente.
Quizas podria traer algun tipo de panel para cuando se utiliza en modo de carro con cuatro ruedas para que la superficie de apoyo sea mas homogenea.
Alguna vez se me ha resistido la palanca que cambia las posiciones, seguiremos probando a ver si es problema mio o del carro.
Por ahora, el mejor que he tenido.
No es muy ligero, pero al doblarse ocupa muy poco espacio, por lo que es muy fcil de guardar.
buen matetial, se siente muy estable, solo la base cuando se usa vertical es pequea
Me gusto, super resistente, super facil de doblar y guardar. Me ayuda amover las cosas de peso que tengo en casa.
his is a dolly and a flat bed all in one that works, that holds at least 150 pounds (my first experience) easily and securely, is easy to pull apart and close down, and comes in the box in one piece- and there is no assembly required!!! a dream for the woman who needs to haul and mive heavy everythings herself:)
iene las caractersticas como menciona la pagina, y cumpli nuestras expectativas, es muy practico y resistente, se los recomiendo ampliamente.
Muy practico pero las llantas pequeas de doblan fcil con el peso, deberan de hacerlas ms grandes
Great cart! I was looking for something to use to cart all of our holiday decorations to the shed; there’s usually about 15 boxes of decorations & lugging them down the steps & across rough ground to the shed was always a pain. This cart made the job soooo much easier! I used it so The long part was sticking out & was able to stack 3-4 Rubbermaid boxes on it at a time. I also bought a set of bungee cords through Amazon to keep the boxes secured while I wheeled them over the rough ground (we have many roots exposed from our tree that makes it very difficult to walk over them let alone carrying multiple boxes). This cart handled the rough ground & made the job much easier. I also now have a hand truck for when I need one instead of borrowing from our neighbor, plus this folds up for easy storage. Very highly recommend this item!!
Exelente carrito, de gran utilidad, cmodo y fcil de usar y guardar. lo recomiendo al 100% llego muy rapido y sin problema alguno
Fantstico artculo para mover artculos dentro o fuera de casa – no es para uso comercial
Es un excelente equipo construido con buenos materiales. Muy til para cargar cosas pesadas.
Se compacta maravillosamente para ocupar poco espacio
Buen diablito, excelente calidad y buena relacin costo beneficio. El servicio de amazon a tiempo. Pude cargar una bateria musical perfectamente.
Brilliant product. Really saves time and effort. Because it’s a 2 in 1 unit I can transport all the gear needed for the job in hand. Great quality produc
very pleased good product helped with moving a god send
We moved recently and we saved so much money doing most of the packing and the cart would put stuff in its place……It’s wonderful!!
Very happy needed to move heavy item’s to garage I used it as a sack truck and in trolley form excellent when folded it takes no room up worth every Penney. 5 stars.
Excelente producto, practico para llevarlo a cualquier lado, materiales de excelente calidad, los nicos puntos negativos es que en el modo diablo (vertical) la plataforma es muy pequea y las llantas tambin lo cul hace ms difcil subir escaleras u obstculos en terrenos difciles.
Folds very small and very strong. Great item
Both a trolley and a cart.
Fue muy practico y el costo me gusto. No es muy pesado y se dobla perfectamente. El material es muy resistente. Vale la pena en oferta.
yo que la uso mas en modo carro, me a sido de bastante ayuda, vale la pena la compra, facil de doblar y transportar, uso rudo no se ve para nada fragil
Excelente altura para se manipulada por un hombre promedio de 1.70 m de altura, materiales muy resistentes y fcil de cambiar de posicin.
A solid and well built product. Easy to use, and easy to store. I Very happy with my purchase.
This is a quality very strong sack truck easy to put up but sadley no instruction leafle
Muy fcil de usar, ligero, muy verstil, se hace plataforma y diablillo a la vez de manera muy sencilla. una maravilla.
Perfect assessory for apartment dwellers, who on occassion have a load of stuff to move. Sturdy, flexible and stores flat for convenience.
Very handy and easy to use. it is light, and i always carry it in my trunk.
I use it to take the garbage downstairs as well as storage items and it’s perfect.! Easy to switch between different positions.
Es practico en el hogar, fcil de llevar en maleta a la espalda o transportar en auto dando un buen servicio, su precio de oferta bien lo vale!!!
Great little dolly. Works for everything my dad needs. Sturdy and well built, great product. Recommend for anyone.
Es una herramienta degran ayuda y la verdad ya tena tiempo buscando un diablito con estas caractersticas plegable y de una capacidad de carga muy aceptable!!.y del precio ni se diga!!
Es muy verstil, resistente y prctico. Lo uso para llevar de una sola vez todas las compras del sper (pidiendo que las pongan en cajas en lugar de bolsas). Tambin lo uso para transportar herramientas pesadas e incluso muebles pequeos. Muy satisfecho con la compra.
So far so good. I recently bought this to help me out while my shoulder recovers from surgery. What a life saver. It is so much easier to set up and change positions than I had expected. Easy to roll on all four wheels like a wagon. Then quick and easy to convert to two wheeled dolly. Directions for folding and converting are on the product so no need to hunt them down should you forget.
One other great thing about this is that it easily folds, somewhat lightweight to carry, and can be easily stored away. It also makes this very convenient to keep in the car and help “carry” your packages for you.
I have already gotten a lot of use out of this and plan to use it a lot more. It has impressed my neighbors as well as family. Im thinking this will make a great Christmas present so Im going to purchase another one.
Me gusto mucho para cargar cosas pesadas es ligero sobre todo para damas, es muy poco pesado y podemos cargarlo y manejarlo mas fcilmente que un diablito normal.
Ligero, resistente, buen precio y buena calidad. El soporte para las cosas me parece es muy corto, por eso le quit una estrella.
The cart is great, exactly as I wanted, easy to fold. Only not happy with the shipping as it was delayed by one week without any notice.
Very handy! Bought two to use for work (carting things to fairs and vendor events). So much better having a flat area than other dollies that you kind of have to kick up to move. It is somewhat low, which is okay for my height, but may be an inconvenience for someone say 5’6″ or taller. Still not a problem in my opinion if using for a short distance. I took note of other reviews before purchasing and definitely considered the comments about the wheels catching your fingers. Yes, this thing shuts so fast, so DO NOT have your hands anywhere near. My technique is to fold down the tray part, push the fold button to turn the handle down, and as you start picking it up the wheels will close ON THEIR OWN. Too easy once you are mindful of that and tell anyone else who uses or borrows it too! Everyone on my job who has used them keep asking where I bought them, so definitely an asset for us!
I read the reviews about fingers getting caught and thought it was just silly people not knowing what they were doing. Well, sorry I had that thought because they are right! The larger wheels fold in and out, and it makes it very compact.
But when you are folding it for storage the large wheels are on a spring and release and snap into storage mode and it will snap down on your fingers! Obviously we’re putting our hands in a natural place when folding it up and those wheels will get you good.
Aside from that, it is VERY compact and quite cool. Assuming it holds up well. I had to pull it down a couple of stairs with an air condition on it and it wsa scratching the hell out of the bottom. I am a little concerned if this will hold up to much punishment. So you might want to look for a less complex device that is more rugged if you think you’ll be hauling things down stairs and punishing it .
Very pleased with the cart. Build quality is very good, there is no “slop” between the parts. The action is very smooth when converting from hand truck to cart, to storage. The instructions are a little misleading for the two “clips” that hold the handle. Arrows indicate that these are meant to turn – when in fact they merely “bend” or slip out of the way to release the handle. I intend to use this as a luggage hauler for vacations, and will take the advice of others and replace the small front wheels to some a little “beefier”. I can see how the originals might snap if pushed sharply unto a door threshold etc. Mine will likely never have to hold the weight the cart is designed to hold, but will be used for some long distances, so I want to be sure that the front wheels are adequate. I like how the “foot” of the hand truck, can remain folded up when the unit is in cart mode. It acts as additional support, and one can clip bungee cords to it to secure the load. Overall, a really great product.
Omg omg that’s all I have to say it saved me in so many ways when I had to go to Florida it was me n my 2 kids one I which was three if know how it’s like to travel with a toddler they r so busy so at time I put my carry-on on the dolly n sat my three years old on top of them n I push it through all the checkpoints it was like an extra big hand it’s going to save me another trip to Florida I love it I love it I love it it helped me bring in so many boxes of frigerator it just does what it says it does so if anyone’s looking for that extra hand and traveling when you got multiple carry-ons and toddlers it does the job you have any toddlers in front of you you have no your carry-ons in front of you you have no worries your oldest is next to you they’re in your eyesight it’s just beautiful so I’m giving it but I gave it 5 stars
– I’m shy of 5’4″ and I find the handle to be short when it’s in platform (dolly) position.
– The wheels won’t give you the smoothest ride, so hopefully your path is clear and even or you will be feeling the vibrations and struggling to keep control.
– Lime green. Ew.
– I wish the platform was a more solid surface so things wouldn’t fall through. Moving large boxes is fine, but medium and smaller ones require special care.
– I’m constantly getting my fingers snapped when collapsing the dolly. Ouch! I push the big green button, get out of the way of the handle and try grab a section to lift so the wheels can fold under, but I always manage to get snagged by either the wheels, or a bar!
– Converts between truck and dolly. Yay!
– Compact for easy storage. I like to keep it in my car.
– Good capacity for its weight and size.
Overall, it’s good for general/personal/home/office use. Definitely wouldn’t use it for heavy appliances or things that absolutely can not fall.
This is a very handy device. I’ve been using it 1-3 times a week since I bought it earlier this fall. It’s sturdy and it’s mostly easy to use. It switches easily from upright to the cart position and back again. I have found a few little glitches that keep it from getting 5 stars. The first is that the button that is pushed to make it fold flat from the cart position sometimes sticks. There are times when it pushes easily, times when it takes several tries and requires two thumbs to push it in and there were a few times then I couldn’t do it at all. When the latter happened I put it into the upright position in order to get it into my vehicle. The second issue I have is that the handle should have some telescoping ability for when it’s in cart position in order to make it easier to pull. It’s just a tad short and requires that I, at average height, stoop in order to pull it. All in all, I like it much better than what I’d been using previously and would order it again.
When I opened it up, the 4 wheel configuration was smaller than I thought it would be. It is 14.5″ by 24.5″. I was expecting it to be longer from the product picture.
– Good hand truck height: I’ve used a foldable hand truck before, but it was really short and a pain to work with. This one extends up to my chest (I am 5′ 11″). Don’t have to worry about hunching over when using it as a hand truck
– Decent 4 wheel height: The height could be a couple of inches taller. The handle is about an inch from the edge of my palm, so my fingers can still grab it.
– Color: I usually like lime green, but this is an ugly light lime green. That being said, I didn’t buy this for the color.