ECO-WORTHY 120 Watts Foldable Solar Panel Charger Kit for Portable Generator Power Station Camper RV Hiking Laptop Tablet iPhonewith Charge Controller DC Outpu
Les panneaux solaires sont arrivs dans leur emballage dj ouvert. Pas de film de protection sur les panneaux. Bizarre. Est ce du reconditionn? Bref
Le format est parfait. Cela ne prend pas de place repli et l’ensemble semble assez qualitatif. Il y a deux supports qui se dplient pour poser le panneau. C’est vraiment pratique. Le cble est suffisamment long.
Je l’utilise pour recharger ma bluetti et cela fonctionne nickel. Cela charge 110w en moyenne quand les conditions sont bonnes. Je suis satisfait de ces panneaux. Reste voir la longvit.
Ho spettato a fare la recensione un bel po e ho usato il pannello devo dire che mi ha stupito per la sua funzionalit veramente ottima funziona molto bene unica nota il tessuto dopo l’esposizione al sole prolungata si scolorisce ma non fa niente la resa del pannello ottima sono molto soddisfatto complimenti per il buon prodotto proposto.
Das Solarpanel funktioniert ganz gut. Man kann sogar direkt an das Panel ein Notebook anschlieen zum Laden, ohne Laderegler, funktioniert super!
Der Laderegler zum Laden von 12v Batterien ist nicht so gut. Man kann nichts einstellen, wie z. B. die Ladeschluss Spannung. Er ldt nur bis 13,5V dann ist Schluss. So wird die Batterie nicht richtig voll gelade
Pas russi avoir plus de 105W en ne passant pas par le boitier mais en prise direct vers le port de charge de ma batterie. Pas sr que le panneau soit resistant sous la pluie donc il sera necessaire de le replier.
Parfaitement conforme la fiche du produit, aprs 1 an d’utilisation il fonctionne parfaitement !
Le seul hic c’est le cblage, pas trs vident de rechercher et trouver des adaptateurs. (Le vendeur ne donnant pas de rponse aux questions )
Ho provato a caricare il cellulare al pieno sole tramite la porta usb ma al 90% della ricarica si e fermato e non riusciva a caricarlo al 100% non so perch?
Ausser,dass ich es extra anderen Produkten vorgezogen habe weil das Bild suggerierte es htte eine stabile Art aufgestellt zu werden( ist leider zu labbrig,Panel fllt um,) ist es wirklich gut und arbeitet auch ohne Sonne mit Licht fleiig,bereue die Anschaffung nich
Rendimiento de 55 Wts reales, buena apariencia y grosor del material textil y diversas puntas de adaptador cc. para asegurarse su uso en la mayoria de modelos de generadores solares… Excelente calidad/precio, producto redondo.
Dieses Panel ist wirklich super. In der Abendsonne bekomme ich noch 30 Watt heraus. Fr alle die den zweiten Haltefuss suchen, er ist in der Tasche auf der Rckseite versteckt 😉
Wir sind sehr zufrieden und nutzen das Panel zur Zeit gut. Unser 100-Watt-Accu ist bei Sonne total in 6-7 Stunden voll. Wir richten das Panel immer mal neu aus, damit das Licht im perfekten Winkel einfllt. Ansonsten dauert es etwas lnger. Wrden wir wieder kaufen.
Ich habe mir dieses Modul fr meine kleine Jackery Powerstation mit 200 Watt gekauft. Ich wollte ein leichtes Panel frs Camping, das man auch mal im Lastenrad mitnehmen kann. Leistung sollte nicht unter 40 Watt sein.
Dieses Eco-Worthy Panel ist zusammengeklappt sicherlich nicht das Kleinste, aber es ist tatschlich sehr leicht. Integriert in die Schutzhlle, in der wiederum Aufsteller angebracht sind, ist es schnell ausgeklappt, aufgestellt und einsatzbereit.
Ich habe die Jackery Station jetzt 2mal mit dem Panel geladen und fand die Ausbeute von 51 Watt bei fast optimaler Ausrichtung (wolkenfreier Himmel) sehr gut. Ist das Panel nicht so optimal ausgerichtet bringt es aber auch noch genug Leistung – finde ich (hatte so im Schnitt 30 – 43 Watt bei fast wolkenfreiem Himmel). Schoben sich mal Wolken vor die Sonne war von 8 – 24 Watt alles dabei.
Ich bin kein Profi und kann das Panel nur nach meinen Ansprchen bemessen, und mit meinem Solarpanel von EcoFlow vergleichen (110 Watt, deutlich schwerer – klar, weil 4 Solarmodule – aber vergleichbar was die Ausbeute angeht) und kann nur sagen, ich bin sehr zufrieden.
Highly recommended. In sunny day manage to change my battery generator with nearly the same wattage like house sockets. I don’t know if is waterproof but in general very happy with my purchase.
Bought this solar panel to power my swarey 155w battery station. Seems to work very well so far, not had full sun coverage yet but works even in overcast conditions. Handy control panel to charge my van and added USB port. Hopefully get full power in the sun next week on my first trip away
Questo pannello solare oltre ad avere un ottimo prezzo un oggetto preziosissimo sul camper. Assolve benissimo alle sue funzioni. Si ricarica velocemente ed molto maneggevole. Sono veramente soddisfatto. L’imballo fatto molto bene.
I bought this for use with my Poweroak AC50 as the Poweroak panels were unavailable. The Ecoworthy panel comes with a set of adapters one of which allows you to plug the panel directly into the AC50 without needing the charge controller that comes with the panel. As an added bonus it was about half the price of the Poweroak 120W panel.
Ottimo pannello. Lo utilizzo per caricare un accumulatore da 240wAh.
Occorre solo essere consapevoli che senza la batteria da 12V non possibile caricare i device direttamente tramite il controller (regolatore di carica).
So far I be able to to receive 90 Watts in the uk winter sunshine. On my eco flow river pro. Hoping for a 100 watts in the full summer. All connections supplied. And built well.
Well packaged plug and play will supply some energy even on cloudy days in full sunshine work has described although recommend two for higher capacity batteries I bought two because the price was reasonable and my portable power station is 750wh and I wanted the ability to charge all year and has quickly has possible.
Ich habe es ohne den Regler an meiner Powerstation Poweroak 500Wh der einen Mppt Regler beinhaltet angeschlossen und 95W und in guten Tagen 105W der Sonne entnommen!
Div. Anschlsse liegen bei!
Die Verarbeitung des Solarpanels ist sehr gut. Die Funktion ist einwandfrei. Bei Sonnenschein Heute am 22. Dezember konnte ich einen Ladestrom von 2,2 Ampere bei 13,5V messen. Das ist absolut ausreichend fr meine Anwendungen.
Tuve un problemita con el USB del convertidor de la placa e iba a proceder a devolverlo pero contact con l vendedor y le expliqu lo que me pasaba y me contest enseguida y de ha portado genial, la verdad es que da gusto cuando te tratan tan bien y se preocupan en ayudarte, muchas gracias al vendedor, como he dicho un 10.
Ich habe dieses 60W klappbare Solarpanel ursprnglich fr meine BEAUDENS LiFePo4 Tragbare Power Station bestellt. Dort hat das das Solarpanel auch gute Dienste geleistet … aber ich konnte den “Ertrag” nicht beziffern oder messen. Meine neue BLUETTI EB55 Powerstation 700W/537Wh LiFePo4 zeigt die Ladeleistung ziemlich genau an . In den Bildern oben ist der Ertrag bei bewlktem Himmel, senkrecht! am Balkongelnder sdseitig aufgehngt, am 17.12.2021 Lokal Time 10:30 ( St. Plten, sterreich ) ausgewiesen. 10 Min spter hatte ich 45 Watt nach wie vor tw bewlkt ect. Ich denke man bekommt wirklich anstndig Leistung fr das gezahlte Geld.
Ich habe das Solarpanel momentan in der Sonne Spaniens im Dauereinsatz
Da der Hersteller selber sagt es soll nicht im Regen stehen, finde ich es leicht problematisch, da man sich nun mehr kmmern muss als gewollt.
Ich hatte es schon im Regen stehen, noch funktioniert es zum Glck!
Ich habe nicht den mitgelieferten Computer benutzt ich schliee es direkt an meine powerstation an. Dort habe ich ladeleistungen um die 85kw
Fr den Preis vllig in Ordnung.
Mir fehlen an meiner solar Tasche leider die Fe und die Aufhnge Mglichkeit..komisch
I bought this as a little project to build a diy mobile power station using an AGM battery. The key was keeping it as low cost as possible so this kit fit in perfect.
You get all the leads needed to charge a battery along with a cheap but very usable charge controller.
What I like about this charge controller is you can plug a USB into the charge controller so its great to charge phones and power banks from the battery. The solar panel often isn’t enough to charge appliances on their own as you often get a fault appearing at low voltage.
This is sold as a 120 w solar panel but thus figure is taken from the max amount of amps and voltage the panel should be able to reach. The power for this panel is indicated as being a maximum voltage: 18V and a maximum current: 6.67A which will add up to 119w of energy.
Most 12v battery systems will require between 12 and 14v to charge so if you had a system like mine where you have a 12v AGM battery that requires 14v to charge the most you will get is 92w of power. That’s if you are receiving the max amps of 6.67a. Realistically charging at 14v the most you are going to get is between 2 and 5amps which will give you between 28 watts and 70 watts.
I’m living in Ireland and on a really sunny summers day I was able to reach 5amps and on a clear sunny winters day between 2 and 3 amps peak time.
My AGM battery requires a high voltage to charge just a little over 14v which the charge controller can handle no problem. Its one of the highest settings for a battery so depending on the battery you have your watt generated will change.
With this panel from my personal use the max you will get is about 70 or 80 amps of energy on a really good summers day at peak times.
Would I buy it again knowing this? Yes I would. The panels are very well made. Solar charge controller is cheap but for the power this panel generates its more than enough.
Cumple sobradamente con su cometido. Viene en doble placa solar que se pliega y cierra como una cartera con asa para agarrar. Puede ir enchufado directamente a la batera de carga a travs del cable de 3 metros que incorpora. Recomiendo su compra.
Bien conu et complet, facile pour le transport.
Dans le colis, il y a en plus un contrleur de charge avec fiche pour recharger une batterie.
La cble du panneau solaire est conu pour recharger un gnrateur Beaudens. Super !
Only got it out to test for an hour or so. Simple to use, lightweight, folds up nice and neat, takes up minimal space when packed away, plenty of cable.
Numerous options for setting up with our Mazda Bongo
In good light in August in the UK, roughly placing the panel at approximately the right angle, I was getting 80W into my Jackery 500 solar generator, which is just as much as the wall plug manages. My fridge only takes about 35W when on so this panel would happily run the fridge and top up the battery in good light.
Sadly, after just a few uses the nylon material around the panel has started to come apart and I don’t think this will last the distance because of this. Also, it has no weather proofing at all so you can’t leave it out in light rain which really is an inconvenience in the UK. Even in poor light this panel was producing 15W, more than enough to fast charge a phone or two.
I’ve just bought a massive 120W aluminium framed panel so I can leave it outside in rain and shine for the tent batteries to charge. This folding one is best used in a car window or slightly under cover of rain in the UK or anywhere in a nice dry country!
One thing I did notice is that after the first few hours in the sun the black nylon material breaks down easily and flakes white surface bits. It’s a great panel for the money.
Consegna velocissima. Ordinato il 1 agosto e consegnato il 4. Tester il prodotto nelle prossime settimane ma, dalle prime prove fatte, sembra funzionare tutto e bene. Consigliato l’acquisto.
Shopping and Product Reviews Articles from says:
Fr mich ist das Solarmodul ein Preis-Leistungssieger mit einem sehr guten freundlichen Service, der trotz Sprachbarriere einwandfrei funktioniert.
Als absoluter Laie ist es total einfach zu benutzen, da alles schon angeschlossen ist. Man muss eigentlich nur den Solarregler an die Batterie anklemmen und das andere Kabel mit dem Kabel vom Modul zusammen stecken. Wer eine Powerstation mit bereits eingebautem Solarregler hat, fr den sind diverse Adapterstecker fr die Eingnge verschiedener Powerstations vorhanden. Das Modul kann liegend, stehend oder hngend benutzt werden, bei Wind USS es stehend ggfs. mittig noch etwas abgestrzt werden.
Sicherlich erhlt man keinen MPPT-Regler, aber der einfache tut auch seinen Dienst nur halt langsamer,aber man kann seine USB-Gerte gleich mitladen, ansonsten muss man halt einen teuren MPPT Regler kaufen. Bei anderen Herstellern/Verkufern ist im Grundpaket aber meistens nicht mal ein Solarregler dabei.
Hier gibt es das Plug-and-Play-Rundum-Sorglos-Paket zum kleinen Preis fr alle, die es einfach und gnstig mchten.
Ich nutze das Modul im Minicamper und dafr ist es einwandfrei. Natrlich sollte das Solarmodul immer in der Sonne liegen, bei Teilschatten verliert es an Leistung, da meine Zusatzbatterie nicht fest verbaut ist, sondern nur fr die Khlbox und Handy da ist, ist es ggfs. kein Problem, dass Modul auch etwas weiter entfernt vom Fahrzeug zu platzieren und die Khlbox derweil ber die Autobatterie laufen zu lassen.
Je nach Power-Bank bzw. Speichermedium erhht sich auch die Leistung die eingespeist wird. So meine Beobachtung mit zwei verschiedenen Energiespeichern. Einfach zum Handhaben und dank der Adapter, die mitgeliefert wurden, an quasi alle mglichen Gerte anschliebar. Wrde dieses Produkt jederzeit wieder kaufen.
This is a great product. Works straight out the bag. I use it to top up charge my Camping battery/charger. Comes with a handy integrated carry bag and stand and all you need to connect it up including power regulator/meter. It bright sunlight was getting 40/50 watts really made a difference when using my camping cooler. No downside for the price.
Bought to charge leisure battery on our motor home, works well even in shade. Full instructions included but there was no protective film on item so that caused a bit of confusion. Doesn’t stand well, but easily propped up as very lightweight.
This panel worked perfectly and has basically everything that I needed to use straight away.
I used this panel with an allpowers 372wh solar battery and plugs straight in using the included cable, on an overcast day I got around 12 watts and was more than expected, and on the camping trip I took it to I got up to 62 watts and recharged my battery twice, I also took along the charge controller included and managed to charge my car battery enough to start my car after it had died within the day.
Das Solarpanel wurde bisher nur kurz getest und hat dabei gut funktioniert. Der Ladestrom wurde nicht gemessen. Damit das Panel noch stabiler steht wren 2 zustzliche Sttzen nicht verkehrt.
I bought this to charge up the Beaudens solar generator. It has worked well for a year. The wire connection into the MC4 solar connectors were exposed and consequently looked poor. Recently part of it came out and I have fixed it but really it needs a new part. There’s been no reply from the vendors.
Je suis satisfait du produit qui correspond l’usage que je voulais en faire. Cependant, comme pour tous les panneaux photovoltaques, la puissance, dans ce cas 120W, n’est jamais obtenu. Il s’agit en fait de la tension des panneaux vide en plein soleil (21.6V) multipli par le courant en charge (5,6A) soit 120W dans le cas de mes mesures. Une puissance “crte”. Mais en ralit, il faut multiplier la tension en charge par le courant en charge, soit 13,1V x 5.6A soit 72Watt. J’ai obtenu pour l’instant 80 watt maximum. Donc pour obtenir 500Wh, il faut un peu plus de 6 heures en plein soleil. C’est ralisable. Mais alors pourquoi ne pas le dire dans la publicit, plutt que de donner des informations irrelles ? J’ai crit, via Amazon, deux fois la socit ECO-Worthy, qui m’a rpondu dans la journe. Trs bien. Sinon le produit est sympa, pliable, peu encombrant. Le rgulateur est du type gestion de charge PWM. Pour ce type de panneau c’est suffisant bien qu’une technologie MPPT ferait gagner des Wh. Dplacer le panneau rgulirement en fonction du soleil est tout aussi bien. Finalement je suis satisfait et il rechargera, un peu, la batterie stationnaire de mon van lorsque je n’aurai pas accs au rseau 220v dans la journe.
Bought this for a specific purpose which isn’t what you’d normally buy it for but the solar panel works extremely well and powers several devices whilst charging batteries fairly quickly
Frsta intrycket av produkten r att det r kvalitet, med undantaget fr PWM-regulatorn som medfljer. Den knns vldigt plastig. Jag har en Victron Smart MPPT regulator som kommer anvndas s har inte testat medfljande regulator.
Gjort tester med “open circuit” och kan konstatera, enligt fljande utrkning,
5.06 ampere vid 23.5 volt, ppen krets / open circuit — power W = volts V * current A = 118w
Testerna utfrdes i eftermiddagssol, runt kl 15.30 i mitten av Mars.
A very useful foldable solar panel system complete with a charge controller and cables. It packs up reasonably small and will charge a battery and let you use the USB sockets on the charge controller. A useful piece of gear to have if you are camping as it packs up nicely and takes up little room.
So far very good 4 only because it has a PWR controller but loads of charge options
Around 1″ – 25mm thick folded and fits my van windscreen perfect when ope
I’ve only used it a couple of times to top up my leisure batteries but it did a great job. Very handy to be able to angle the panels directly to assist my fixed roof top panels. Even with a decent solar set up on your campervan roof, I highly recommend getting one of these to help in the winter months when the sun is lower.
I live full time in my van and needed something to charge my Poweroak up while static off grid. This worked perfectly, easy to set up, lightweight and the size is perfect for fitting into my van. Happily give this 5***** !!!!
Es un cacharro enorme, pensaba que no seria tanto por las fotos.
Es enorme, pesado, y aunque se puede transportar como si fuera una maleta, no viene con nada para poder inclinarlo como se muestra en las fotos.
Las instrucciones son contradictorias.
Happy with the price, delivered on time and packaged really well. I quickly tested the panels on an overcast day and got enough charge direct from the panels to slowly charge my phone. Looking forward to testing it on a sunny day.
I bought this to go with the POWEROAK Portable Power Generator 500Wh which is excellent so if they work well together, on a sunny day, I will update this review but so far I’m happy!
Response to my questions from XXK support was second to none. Thank you!
Just got this, haven’t tried it or anything but I wanted to add that the tape that seals it writes “void” after it’s opened. Randomest thing about it, I know, but I thought that was very cool!
Bought these to top up my leisure battery in our campervan.
Pros – lightweight and fold down neatly to fit behind the seat.
Great value and they charge even in partial sun and through the front window (I lay them on the dash to get the morning sun.
Very easy to set up
Cons – the lead from the panels to the controller is so short you can’t get the panels out of the van so I had to extend it.
The controller itself uses a lot more energy than I realised so needs disconnecting when panels aren’t in use. Probably would benefit from a MPPT controller in future.
It comes with crocodile clips which is fine if you are charging a second battery but I had to replace with rings so it could be more permanently wired in.
They are not waterproof so you can’t leave them outside overnight to catch the early rays.
Utilizzo questo pannello (dichiarato da 120W di picco) nella baita in montagna per:
1) caricare una batteria LiFePo4 marca Beaudens da 384 Wh (senza regolatore di carica, ne ha uno integrato MPPT), abbastanza veloce e riesce a caricare senza problemi in media il 40% – 60% della batteria (in condizioni di soleggiamento non ottimali), il regolatore accetta massimo 45W in ingresso, ho sovradimensionato il pannello per sfruttarlo anche in condizioni di cielo nuvoloso (capita spesso in montagna);
2) caricare una batteria da trattore se necessario (con il regolatore di carica e morsetti che arrivano con il pannello);
3) caricare dispositivi USB direttamente dal regolatore di carica.
Non ho ancora utilizzato la connessione per laptop oppure il collegamento di carichi al regolatore di carica, vi far sapere.
Ho optato per un pannello pieghevole, piuttosto che per un pannello flessibile o rigido, cos posso spostare il pannello alla bisogna orientandolo verso il sole con l’angolo migliore. Il peso importante, relativamente leggero rispetto alle dimensioni del pannello, tuttavia lo spostamento agevole grazie alla maniglia. Ci sono anche dei moschettoni per fissare il pannello a cime/cavi/occhielli (es. su un’imbarcazione o per appendere il pannello).
Utili i supporti posteriori, tuttavia se ce ne fossero stati due in pi sarebbe stato meglio (utilizzo un altro supporto al centro per mantenere tutti e 4 i pannelli con la stessa inclinazione).
Ci sono connettori MC4 per estendere eventualmente il collegamento (cosa che probabilmente far). I cavi in dotazione hanno una sezione di 0,75 mm se non erro.
Articolo consigliato!
Ritengo questo pannello molto versatile e utile per il mio utilizzo su di un fuoristrada camperizzato.
Il pannello riesce a mantenermi in carica una batteria a scarica profonda da 80 Ah che utilizzo per servizi, ho optato questa soluzione, piuttosto che un pannello flessibile sul tetto della maggiolina poich in questo modo posso spostare il pannello al sole quando trovo un posto ombraggiato per lil mio toyota.
Trovo molto utile i due supporti cuciti sulla stoffa che permettono di tenere il pannello alla giusta inclinazione quanto a terra piuttosto che appeso da qualche parte. I connettori mc4 di uscita al pannello permettono di allungare con una prolunga il cavo verso il regolatore qualora servisse.
Il regolatore non certo un mppt ma fa il suo dovere.
Muy bueno, es resistente, de rendimiento solo lo he probado directo al generador solar pero no de la forma correcta/optimizada con lo que me he quedado siempre sobre unos 60w constantes en cualquier tarde soleada y sin tener el panel inclinado.
Trae su propio regulador pero no es tipo mppt, trae bastantes cables y adaptadores creo que viene muy completo y por ahora parece muy resistente.
Editado – 2/09/2020 el modelo nuevo y que actualmente envan es an mejor, ms resistente, trae patas plegables y 4 puntos de anclaje para ganchos para colgarlo. Lo han mejorado bastante y tambin funciona mejor y produce ms energa. Muy muy contento y el servicio al cliente es de 5* sin duda alguna
J’utilise ce produit pour recharger ma gnratrice De 12 V 55AH et une autre batterie de 12 V 44AH, avec je dois dire succs ! Une journe d’ensoleillement me permet de recharger ma gnratrice 100 %.
Al momento stato utilizzato solo per prova agganciandolo alla batteria della macchina tramite i morsetti. Verso le 16.00 (periodo estivo) dava una carica di circa 6Ah aprendolo e posizionandolo sul tetto. Lo ritengo un buon prodotto e gli avrei dato le 5 stelle se avessero previsto una forma di piedestallo o lingua per tenerlo alzato in diagonale e se avessero aggiunto, oltre il cavo con i coccodrilli, anche un cavo con la spina accendisigari, molto pi veloce da usare che non aprire il cofano e collegarlo alla batteria ( bisogna avere in macchina una presa accendisigari non sotto chiave). Poco ingombrante e non pesante
Molto comodo; chiuso occupa lo spazio di un notebook e si ha a disposizione fino a 120W (teoricamente 10A)
Il massimo finora visto stato 7A solo quando sotto carico. Sistema di ricarica intelligente, riduce la corrente a batteria carica. Mancherebbero solo sei/otto occhielli ai lati per poterlo fissare per il resto un gran bell’oggetto.
Lo uso in barca e finora sono molto soddisfatto
I got this solar panel to replace a very old and heavy one I had previously. I use it on my Motorhome to keep my 3 leisure batteries topped up and it’s great for the job. It’s also lightweight and folds up in seconds into its suitcase. Very pleased with it.
Llevaba tiempo buscando algo as y 120w es mucho y carga muy rpido (comparado con otros que he tenido), adems es pliega y se hace maletn as que muy prctico. Varias conexiones, as que genial, enchufo mi powerbank de 50.000 mha y lo carga muy rpido! Lo nico es que no se puede colgar fcilmente de una pared… pero bueno, buscar un sistema.
After a long internet research I came upon this very light and flexible, high-quality solar folding panel kit.
I must say I love it! I use it only to charge my new IBM Laptop, a T490. I bought an adapter to USB-C here on Amazon for 4,69 Euro and it works fine! So when the sun fully shines on the panel (please avoid any small shadow like from a leaf or so, even on one panel, it will decrease the power significantly as it has an effect on all four panels) the panel delivers about 100 Watt or more (here in June in Germany) and that is more than enough to constantly power the laptop. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes or so before the laptop recognizes the power flowing in. When the sun does not shine, it is still enough power to charge the laptop (obviously with closed lid). Sometimes, it is necessary to swithc the laptop off and just let it charge with closed lid. I can recommend using this for a laptop but only for people who are technically interested, as sometimes you need a bit of patience.
It is certainly a high-quaility device, good value for money. I have been using it for three weeks now. As I constantly work outside in the garden, I have now charged my laptop for three weeks using only the solar panel. And I use my laptop 8 hours a day. Very cool, but certainly not for everyone, you need a bit of technical experience and patience! So in short, very much recommended for technically interested people with experience with electronics. And patience if there are clouds out there…..
Panel is high quality etfe coated, with numerous bus bars between the cells. Each panel is extremely thin and I was impressed the overall thickness when folded up was so small.
On full sun at medium strength in already achieving 87watts and anticipate it could generate upto 95 watts, so I’m very happy with that.
Mc4 adapter cable was broken on delivery which was very disappointing but who worthy discounted me 🙂
Room for improvement on the terminal connectors to the charge controller, Mc4 terminals not tightened enough and battery cable had only soldered wire tips, no terminal connectors. But the main value is the solar panel not the cables
FYI, charge controller doesn’t turn on when connected to solar generator, only when connected direct to a battery. This is normal, just took me a while to figure ou
pnktliche Lieferung, und macht genau das was es soll. Ich habe es krzlich ausprobiert (unter erschwerten Bedingungen: Klteeinwirkung und sichtbar bewlkter Himmel) und wollte dass es mein Laptop bepowert (testweise ohne Akku), was es auch tat fr ne Weile.
Einige Personen hatten hier noch Probleme mit den Krokoklemmen gehabt, dazu kann ich leider nichts sagen, weil ich diese nicht verwende.
So warum also keine 5 sterne, sondern nur 4?
Eigentlich nur aus 3 Grnden:
1. Der Laderegler zeigt bei mir leider keinerlei Spannungen an (scheint aber ansonsten intakt zu sein)
2. Es gibt noch ein paar Modelle die noch etwas effizienter sind und im Prinzip fast dasselbe kosten (aber wo nicht)
3. es ist regenanfllig, also Regen meiden!
Nichtsdestotrotz hat sich fr mich diese kleine Investition schonmal gelohnt und warte derzeit sehnschtig nach nem richtig sonnigen Tag um das mal unter Optimalbedingungen zu testen 🙂
Arrived fast, high quality materials. I did not read the manual and had a problem. Sent an email and got a reply very fast from seller. Everything was in the Common Questions section. Perhaps will buy a second one to double harvest.
The only thing missing is a kind of ‘eye holes’ to attach with a hook or a rope.
Well built, lightweight and easy to use. Used it on a recent camping trip to power a portable leisure battery. Kept it topped up to 100% for the duration of the 4 day camp!would highly recommend.
In August our priest brought this solar panel in a small village in Congo to empower with energy and light the little catholic church.
I did only a small modification in the power adapter because the provided universal computer adapter had many connector but not the needed one. However very easy to readapt ;-).
A new battery 12V 75AH was bought from there and filled with acid.
Then, let’s go charging computer and mobile phone.
In the evening everybody happy to have loaded enough energy to keep lights on.
Ich hab die Tasche seit ein paar Tagen und sie dieses Wochenende zum ersten Mal getestet. Die Tasche und Solarpanele wirken eigentlich ganz hochwertig. Befestigungs sen und ausklappbare Standfe wr nice gewesen.
Den Laderegler hab ich gegen einen Victron Mppt 75/15 ausgetauscht. Damit bekam ich letztens an einem Sonnigen Sommertag maximal 84W aus dem Panel.
Meistens war es aber zwischen 65 und 75 Watt.
Preis-Leistung wrde ich als gut einstufen! Hoffentlich hlt sie noch Lange. 🙂
Firstly it is a very nice compact unit and will take up little room in your van. However the first thing you will notice is that they are pretty mean with the cabling to your battery approx. a metre long. I think I will purchase new crocodile clips and make a new cable to give me more scope in positioning it. Some form of hooks would’ve been nice to hang off the side of the motorhome like a curtain.
Now, I’m no electrician, but I connected it up on an overcast day, and it generated a small charge that raised my voltage read out on my battery by half a volt. I tried it out today, 27/06/19 glorious hot sunny day, and it was belting out 14V into my battery as read with a megger tester on the battery terminals themselves. Then I put a load on my leisure battery, TV, aerial booster and heating circulatory fan, and this reading lowered to approx. 12.2V remaining constant, so I guess it was a status quo, the panel was matching the load. When I have more info I will update this review, but so far I’m fairly pleased, the cable won’t cost much to create.
XXK have resolved my issue and I now have revised my review to 5 stars, this is a very practical solar solution for many who have limited space. It is a fine product
FOLLOW UP. Since my review, I hadn’t the need to use it, having always been on hook up sites. But because of lock down, my vehicle battery failed to start the engine, I got it charged and started, but now I had the dilemma that it would go flat again. So I finally got round to extending the cables from the solar charger to the battery crocodile clips approx. 2.5m of twin cable, allowing me to drape it across my windscreen, running the cable round and in through the drivers door and directly connected to the battery. It is working brilliantly, my battery is being constantly topped up and I know when the time comes I know it will start with ease.
Received yesterday and all components seem well made. Tried it briefly in the garden in cloudy conditions and output seems good. Going away in the campervan this weekend so will get plenty of use and will do a proper review.
Les panneaux solaires sont arrivs dans leur emballage dj ouvert. Pas de film de protection sur les panneaux. Bizarre. Est ce du reconditionn? Bref
Le format est parfait. Cela ne prend pas de place repli et l’ensemble semble assez qualitatif. Il y a deux supports qui se dplient pour poser le panneau. C’est vraiment pratique. Le cble est suffisamment long.
Je l’utilise pour recharger ma bluetti et cela fonctionne nickel. Cela charge 110w en moyenne quand les conditions sont bonnes. Je suis satisfait de ces panneaux. Reste voir la longvit.
Ho spettato a fare la recensione un bel po e ho usato il pannello devo dire che mi ha stupito per la sua funzionalit veramente ottima funziona molto bene unica nota il tessuto dopo l’esposizione al sole prolungata si scolorisce ma non fa niente la resa del pannello ottima sono molto soddisfatto complimenti per il buon prodotto proposto.
Der Laderegler zum Laden von 12v Batterien ist nicht so gut. Man kann nichts einstellen, wie z. B. die Ladeschluss Spannung. Er ldt nur bis 13,5V dann ist Schluss. So wird die Batterie nicht richtig voll gelade
Pas russi avoir plus de 105W en ne passant pas par le boitier mais en prise direct vers le port de charge de ma batterie. Pas sr que le panneau soit resistant sous la pluie donc il sera necessaire de le replier.
Parfaitement conforme la fiche du produit, aprs 1 an d’utilisation il fonctionne parfaitement !
Le seul hic c’est le cblage, pas trs vident de rechercher et trouver des adaptateurs. (Le vendeur ne donnant pas de rponse aux questions )
Leads are a bit short.had to get them extended.but works well
Ausser,dass ich es extra anderen Produkten vorgezogen habe weil das Bild suggerierte es htte eine stabile Art aufgestellt zu werden( ist leider zu labbrig,Panel fllt um,) ist es wirklich gut und arbeitet auch ohne Sonne mit Licht fleiig,bereue die Anschaffung nich
Dieses Panel ist wirklich super. In der Abendsonne bekomme ich noch 30 Watt heraus. Fr alle die den zweiten Haltefuss suchen, er ist in der Tasche auf der Rckseite versteckt 😉
Wir sind sehr zufrieden und nutzen das Panel zur Zeit gut. Unser 100-Watt-Accu ist bei Sonne total in 6-7 Stunden voll. Wir richten das Panel immer mal neu aus, damit das Licht im perfekten Winkel einfllt. Ansonsten dauert es etwas lnger. Wrden wir wieder kaufen.
Dieses Eco-Worthy Panel ist zusammengeklappt sicherlich nicht das Kleinste, aber es ist tatschlich sehr leicht. Integriert in die Schutzhlle, in der wiederum Aufsteller angebracht sind, ist es schnell ausgeklappt, aufgestellt und einsatzbereit.
Ich habe die Jackery Station jetzt 2mal mit dem Panel geladen und fand die Ausbeute von 51 Watt bei fast optimaler Ausrichtung (wolkenfreier Himmel) sehr gut. Ist das Panel nicht so optimal ausgerichtet bringt es aber auch noch genug Leistung – finde ich (hatte so im Schnitt 30 – 43 Watt bei fast wolkenfreiem Himmel). Schoben sich mal Wolken vor die Sonne war von 8 – 24 Watt alles dabei.
Ich bin kein Profi und kann das Panel nur nach meinen Ansprchen bemessen, und mit meinem Solarpanel von EcoFlow vergleichen (110 Watt, deutlich schwerer – klar, weil 4 Solarmodule – aber vergleichbar was die Ausbeute angeht) und kann nur sagen, ich bin sehr zufrieden.
Within 5 minutes out in my garden testing. Brilliant volt reading and charging my phone. Already for camping hols
Highly recommended. In sunny day manage to change my battery generator with nearly the same wattage like house sockets. I don’t know if is waterproof but in general very happy with my purchase.
Funziona molto bene . Leggero ed efficiente mantiene le promesse . Ottima la dotazione
Very efficient charges a 12v car battery which I use for my amateur radio equipment.
Bought this solar panel to power my swarey 155w battery station. Seems to work very well so far, not had full sun coverage yet but works even in overcast conditions. Handy control panel to charge my van and added USB port. Hopefully get full power in the sun next week on my first trip away
Questo pannello solare oltre ad avere un ottimo prezzo un oggetto preziosissimo sul camper. Assolve benissimo alle sue funzioni. Si ricarica velocemente ed molto maneggevole. Sono veramente soddisfatto. L’imballo fatto molto bene.
I bought this for use with my Poweroak AC50 as the Poweroak panels were unavailable. The Ecoworthy panel comes with a set of adapters one of which allows you to plug the panel directly into the AC50 without needing the charge controller that comes with the panel. As an added bonus it was about half the price of the Poweroak 120W panel.
Occorre solo essere consapevoli che senza la batteria da 12V non possibile caricare i device direttamente tramite il controller (regolatore di carica).
So far I be able to to receive 90 Watts in the uk winter sunshine. On my eco flow river pro. Hoping for a 100 watts in the full summer. All connections supplied. And built well.
Well packaged plug and play will supply some energy even on cloudy days in full sunshine work has described although recommend two for higher capacity batteries I bought two because the price was reasonable and my portable power station is 750wh and I wanted the ability to charge all year and has quickly has possible.
Ich habe es ohne den Regler an meiner Powerstation Poweroak 500Wh der einen Mppt Regler beinhaltet angeschlossen und 95W und in guten Tagen 105W der Sonne entnommen!
Div. Anschlsse liegen bei!
Die Verarbeitung des Solarpanels ist sehr gut. Die Funktion ist einwandfrei. Bei Sonnenschein Heute am 22. Dezember konnte ich einen Ladestrom von 2,2 Ampere bei 13,5V messen. Das ist absolut ausreichend fr meine Anwendungen.
Ich lade damit meine agm Batterie vom Schlauch boot, somit sind die Batterien nie am Limit. Und beim angeln oder campen ist immer Strom dabei.
Ich habe das Solarpanel momentan in der Sonne Spaniens im Dauereinsatz
Da der Hersteller selber sagt es soll nicht im Regen stehen, finde ich es leicht problematisch, da man sich nun mehr kmmern muss als gewollt.
Ich hatte es schon im Regen stehen, noch funktioniert es zum Glck!
Ich habe nicht den mitgelieferten Computer benutzt ich schliee es direkt an meine powerstation an. Dort habe ich ladeleistungen um die 85kw
Fr den Preis vllig in Ordnung.
Mir fehlen an meiner solar Tasche leider die Fe und die Aufhnge Mglichkeit..komisch
You get all the leads needed to charge a battery along with a cheap but very usable charge controller.
What I like about this charge controller is you can plug a USB into the charge controller so its great to charge phones and power banks from the battery. The solar panel often isn’t enough to charge appliances on their own as you often get a fault appearing at low voltage.
This is sold as a 120 w solar panel but thus figure is taken from the max amount of amps and voltage the panel should be able to reach. The power for this panel is indicated as being a maximum voltage: 18V and a maximum current: 6.67A which will add up to 119w of energy.
Most 12v battery systems will require between 12 and 14v to charge so if you had a system like mine where you have a 12v AGM battery that requires 14v to charge the most you will get is 92w of power. That’s if you are receiving the max amps of 6.67a. Realistically charging at 14v the most you are going to get is between 2 and 5amps which will give you between 28 watts and 70 watts.
I’m living in Ireland and on a really sunny summers day I was able to reach 5amps and on a clear sunny winters day between 2 and 3 amps peak time.
My AGM battery requires a high voltage to charge just a little over 14v which the charge controller can handle no problem. Its one of the highest settings for a battery so depending on the battery you have your watt generated will change.
With this panel from my personal use the max you will get is about 70 or 80 amps of energy on a really good summers day at peak times.
Would I buy it again knowing this? Yes I would. The panels are very well made. Solar charge controller is cheap but for the power this panel generates its more than enough.
Bien conu et complet, facile pour le transport.
Dans le colis, il y a en plus un contrleur de charge avec fiche pour recharger une batterie.
La cble du panneau solaire est conu pour recharger un gnrateur Beaudens. Super !
Only got it out to test for an hour or so. Simple to use, lightweight, folds up nice and neat, takes up minimal space when packed away, plenty of cable.
Numerous options for setting up with our Mazda Bongo
We use this to keep out M/home batts topped up and they top up in no time at all.
Easy to use (we use them behind the windscreen) good quality and it folds back down nicely
This product is great it actually does what it says on the box and more.
Sadly, after just a few uses the nylon material around the panel has started to come apart and I don’t think this will last the distance because of this. Also, it has no weather proofing at all so you can’t leave it out in light rain which really is an inconvenience in the UK. Even in poor light this panel was producing 15W, more than enough to fast charge a phone or two.
I’ve just bought a massive 120W aluminium framed panel so I can leave it outside in rain and shine for the tent batteries to charge. This folding one is best used in a car window or slightly under cover of rain in the UK or anywhere in a nice dry country!
One thing I did notice is that after the first few hours in the sun the black nylon material breaks down easily and flakes white surface bits. It’s a great panel for the money.
Consegna velocissima. Ordinato il 1 agosto e consegnato il 4. Tester il prodotto nelle prossime settimane ma, dalle prime prove fatte, sembra funzionare tutto e bene. Consigliato l’acquisto.
Alles wie beschrieben. Verarbeitung ist etwas zweitklassig, aber ich will auch nicht damit in den Krieg ziehen.
Fr mich ist das Solarmodul ein Preis-Leistungssieger mit einem sehr guten freundlichen Service, der trotz Sprachbarriere einwandfrei funktioniert.
Als absoluter Laie ist es total einfach zu benutzen, da alles schon angeschlossen ist. Man muss eigentlich nur den Solarregler an die Batterie anklemmen und das andere Kabel mit dem Kabel vom Modul zusammen stecken. Wer eine Powerstation mit bereits eingebautem Solarregler hat, fr den sind diverse Adapterstecker fr die Eingnge verschiedener Powerstations vorhanden. Das Modul kann liegend, stehend oder hngend benutzt werden, bei Wind USS es stehend ggfs. mittig noch etwas abgestrzt werden.
Sicherlich erhlt man keinen MPPT-Regler, aber der einfache tut auch seinen Dienst nur halt langsamer,aber man kann seine USB-Gerte gleich mitladen, ansonsten muss man halt einen teuren MPPT Regler kaufen. Bei anderen Herstellern/Verkufern ist im Grundpaket aber meistens nicht mal ein Solarregler dabei.
Hier gibt es das Plug-and-Play-Rundum-Sorglos-Paket zum kleinen Preis fr alle, die es einfach und gnstig mchten.
Ich nutze das Modul im Minicamper und dafr ist es einwandfrei. Natrlich sollte das Solarmodul immer in der Sonne liegen, bei Teilschatten verliert es an Leistung, da meine Zusatzbatterie nicht fest verbaut ist, sondern nur fr die Khlbox und Handy da ist, ist es ggfs. kein Problem, dass Modul auch etwas weiter entfernt vom Fahrzeug zu platzieren und die Khlbox derweil ber die Autobatterie laufen zu lassen.
Je nach Power-Bank bzw. Speichermedium erhht sich auch die Leistung die eingespeist wird. So meine Beobachtung mit zwei verschiedenen Energiespeichern. Einfach zum Handhaben und dank der Adapter, die mitgeliefert wurden, an quasi alle mglichen Gerte anschliebar. Wrde dieses Produkt jederzeit wieder kaufen.
Great piece of kit for camping/caravanning, simple to use.
Bought to charge leisure battery on our motor home, works well even in shade. Full instructions included but there was no protective film on item so that caused a bit of confusion. Doesn’t stand well, but easily propped up as very lightweight.
Super Verarbeitet, Gute Ladeleistung, Sein Geld wert !
Adapter sind auch dabei (z.b. fr eine Jackery Explorer)
I used this panel with an allpowers 372wh solar battery and plugs straight in using the included cable, on an overcast day I got around 12 watts and was more than expected, and on the camping trip I took it to I got up to 62 watts and recharged my battery twice, I also took along the charge controller included and managed to charge my car battery enough to start my car after it had died within the day.
Je ne l’ai pas encore essay mais je vais l’utiliser d’ici le dbut jui
Das Solarpanel wurde bisher nur kurz getest und hat dabei gut funktioniert. Der Ladestrom wurde nicht gemessen. Damit das Panel noch stabiler steht wren 2 zustzliche Sttzen nicht verkehrt.
Eine super solartasche, bis jetzt habe ich 110w erreicht, bin voll und ganz zufrieden. Nur zu empfehlen. Top.
I bought this to charge up the Beaudens solar generator. It has worked well for a year. The wire connection into the MC4 solar connectors were exposed and consequently looked poor. Recently part of it came out and I have fixed it but really it needs a new part. There’s been no reply from the vendors.
Works really well.
I bought it as a test before buying a fixed solar panel for my van. It works really well and I would happily buy again.
Bought this for a specific purpose which isn’t what you’d normally buy it for but the solar panel works extremely well and powers several devices whilst charging batteries fairly quickly
Gjort tester med “open circuit” och kan konstatera, enligt fljande utrkning,
5.06 ampere vid 23.5 volt, ppen krets / open circuit — power W = volts V * current A = 118w
Testerna utfrdes i eftermiddagssol, runt kl 15.30 i mitten av Mars.
A very useful foldable solar panel system complete with a charge controller and cables. It packs up reasonably small and will charge a battery and let you use the USB sockets on the charge controller. A useful piece of gear to have if you are camping as it packs up nicely and takes up little room.
had a slight hiccup with delivery, but it was ironed out swift enough.
many thanks
So far very good 4 only because it has a PWR controller but loads of charge options
Around 1″ – 25mm thick folded and fits my van windscreen perfect when ope
I’ve only used it a couple of times to top up my leisure batteries but it did a great job. Very handy to be able to angle the panels directly to assist my fixed roof top panels. Even with a decent solar set up on your campervan roof, I highly recommend getting one of these to help in the winter months when the sun is lower.
I live full time in my van and needed something to charge my Poweroak up while static off grid. This worked perfectly, easy to set up, lightweight and the size is perfect for fitting into my van. Happily give this 5***** !!!!
Es un cacharro enorme, pensaba que no seria tanto por las fotos.
Es enorme, pesado, y aunque se puede transportar como si fuera una maleta, no viene con nada para poder inclinarlo como se muestra en las fotos.
Las instrucciones son contradictorias.
I bought this to go with the POWEROAK Portable Power Generator 500Wh which is excellent so if they work well together, on a sunny day, I will update this review but so far I’m happy!
Response to my questions from XXK support was second to none. Thank you!
Just got this, haven’t tried it or anything but I wanted to add that the tape that seals it writes “void” after it’s opened. Randomest thing about it, I know, but I thought that was very cool!
Pros – lightweight and fold down neatly to fit behind the seat.
Great value and they charge even in partial sun and through the front window (I lay them on the dash to get the morning sun.
Very easy to set up
Cons – the lead from the panels to the controller is so short you can’t get the panels out of the van so I had to extend it.
The controller itself uses a lot more energy than I realised so needs disconnecting when panels aren’t in use. Probably would benefit from a MPPT controller in future.
It comes with crocodile clips which is fine if you are charging a second battery but I had to replace with rings so it could be more permanently wired in.
They are not waterproof so you can’t leave them outside overnight to catch the early rays.
1) caricare una batteria LiFePo4 marca Beaudens da 384 Wh (senza regolatore di carica, ne ha uno integrato MPPT), abbastanza veloce e riesce a caricare senza problemi in media il 40% – 60% della batteria (in condizioni di soleggiamento non ottimali), il regolatore accetta massimo 45W in ingresso, ho sovradimensionato il pannello per sfruttarlo anche in condizioni di cielo nuvoloso (capita spesso in montagna);
2) caricare una batteria da trattore se necessario (con il regolatore di carica e morsetti che arrivano con il pannello);
3) caricare dispositivi USB direttamente dal regolatore di carica.
Non ho ancora utilizzato la connessione per laptop oppure il collegamento di carichi al regolatore di carica, vi far sapere.
Ho optato per un pannello pieghevole, piuttosto che per un pannello flessibile o rigido, cos posso spostare il pannello alla bisogna orientandolo verso il sole con l’angolo migliore. Il peso importante, relativamente leggero rispetto alle dimensioni del pannello, tuttavia lo spostamento agevole grazie alla maniglia. Ci sono anche dei moschettoni per fissare il pannello a cime/cavi/occhielli (es. su un’imbarcazione o per appendere il pannello).
Utili i supporti posteriori, tuttavia se ce ne fossero stati due in pi sarebbe stato meglio (utilizzo un altro supporto al centro per mantenere tutti e 4 i pannelli con la stessa inclinazione).
Ci sono connettori MC4 per estendere eventualmente il collegamento (cosa che probabilmente far). I cavi in dotazione hanno una sezione di 0,75 mm se non erro.
Articolo consigliato!
Il pannello riesce a mantenermi in carica una batteria a scarica profonda da 80 Ah che utilizzo per servizi, ho optato questa soluzione, piuttosto che un pannello flessibile sul tetto della maggiolina poich in questo modo posso spostare il pannello al sole quando trovo un posto ombraggiato per lil mio toyota.
Trovo molto utile i due supporti cuciti sulla stoffa che permettono di tenere il pannello alla giusta inclinazione quanto a terra piuttosto che appeso da qualche parte. I connettori mc4 di uscita al pannello permettono di allungare con una prolunga il cavo verso il regolatore qualora servisse.
Il regolatore non certo un mppt ma fa il suo dovere.
Trae su propio regulador pero no es tipo mppt, trae bastantes cables y adaptadores creo que viene muy completo y por ahora parece muy resistente.
Editado – 2/09/2020 el modelo nuevo y que actualmente envan es an mejor, ms resistente, trae patas plegables y 4 puntos de anclaje para ganchos para colgarlo. Lo han mejorado bastante y tambin funciona mejor y produce ms energa. Muy muy contento y el servicio al cliente es de 5* sin duda alguna
Molto comodo; chiuso occupa lo spazio di un notebook e si ha a disposizione fino a 120W (teoricamente 10A)
Il massimo finora visto stato 7A solo quando sotto carico. Sistema di ricarica intelligente, riduce la corrente a batteria carica. Mancherebbero solo sei/otto occhielli ai lati per poterlo fissare per il resto un gran bell’oggetto.
Lo uso in barca e finora sono molto soddisfatto
I must say I love it! I use it only to charge my new IBM Laptop, a T490. I bought an adapter to USB-C here on Amazon for 4,69 Euro and it works fine! So when the sun fully shines on the panel (please avoid any small shadow like from a leaf or so, even on one panel, it will decrease the power significantly as it has an effect on all four panels) the panel delivers about 100 Watt or more (here in June in Germany) and that is more than enough to constantly power the laptop. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes or so before the laptop recognizes the power flowing in. When the sun does not shine, it is still enough power to charge the laptop (obviously with closed lid). Sometimes, it is necessary to swithc the laptop off and just let it charge with closed lid. I can recommend using this for a laptop but only for people who are technically interested, as sometimes you need a bit of patience.
It is certainly a high-quaility device, good value for money. I have been using it for three weeks now. As I constantly work outside in the garden, I have now charged my laptop for three weeks using only the solar panel. And I use my laptop 8 hours a day. Very cool, but certainly not for everyone, you need a bit of technical experience and patience! So in short, very much recommended for technically interested people with experience with electronics. And patience if there are clouds out there…..
On full sun at medium strength in already achieving 87watts and anticipate it could generate upto 95 watts, so I’m very happy with that.
Mc4 adapter cable was broken on delivery which was very disappointing but who worthy discounted me 🙂
Room for improvement on the terminal connectors to the charge controller, Mc4 terminals not tightened enough and battery cable had only soldered wire tips, no terminal connectors. But the main value is the solar panel not the cables
FYI, charge controller doesn’t turn on when connected to solar generator, only when connected direct to a battery. This is normal, just took me a while to figure ou
Einige Personen hatten hier noch Probleme mit den Krokoklemmen gehabt, dazu kann ich leider nichts sagen, weil ich diese nicht verwende.
So warum also keine 5 sterne, sondern nur 4?
Eigentlich nur aus 3 Grnden:
1. Der Laderegler zeigt bei mir leider keinerlei Spannungen an (scheint aber ansonsten intakt zu sein)
2. Es gibt noch ein paar Modelle die noch etwas effizienter sind und im Prinzip fast dasselbe kosten (aber wo nicht)
3. es ist regenanfllig, also Regen meiden!
Nichtsdestotrotz hat sich fr mich diese kleine Investition schonmal gelohnt und warte derzeit sehnschtig nach nem richtig sonnigen Tag um das mal unter Optimalbedingungen zu testen 🙂
The only thing missing is a kind of ‘eye holes’ to attach with a hook or a rope.
In August our priest brought this solar panel in a small village in Congo to empower with energy and light the little catholic church.
I did only a small modification in the power adapter because the provided universal computer adapter had many connector but not the needed one. However very easy to readapt ;-).
A new battery 12V 75AH was bought from there and filled with acid.
Then, let’s go charging computer and mobile phone.
In the evening everybody happy to have loaded enough energy to keep lights on.
Thanks a lot
Den Laderegler hab ich gegen einen Victron Mppt 75/15 ausgetauscht. Damit bekam ich letztens an einem Sonnigen Sommertag maximal 84W aus dem Panel.
Meistens war es aber zwischen 65 und 75 Watt.
Preis-Leistung wrde ich als gut einstufen! Hoffentlich hlt sie noch Lange. 🙂
Now, I’m no electrician, but I connected it up on an overcast day, and it generated a small charge that raised my voltage read out on my battery by half a volt. I tried it out today, 27/06/19 glorious hot sunny day, and it was belting out 14V into my battery as read with a megger tester on the battery terminals themselves. Then I put a load on my leisure battery, TV, aerial booster and heating circulatory fan, and this reading lowered to approx. 12.2V remaining constant, so I guess it was a status quo, the panel was matching the load. When I have more info I will update this review, but so far I’m fairly pleased, the cable won’t cost much to create.
XXK have resolved my issue and I now have revised my review to 5 stars, this is a very practical solar solution for many who have limited space. It is a fine product
FOLLOW UP. Since my review, I hadn’t the need to use it, having always been on hook up sites. But because of lock down, my vehicle battery failed to start the engine, I got it charged and started, but now I had the dilemma that it would go flat again. So I finally got round to extending the cables from the solar charger to the battery crocodile clips approx. 2.5m of twin cable, allowing me to drape it across my windscreen, running the cable round and in through the drivers door and directly connected to the battery. It is working brilliantly, my battery is being constantly topped up and I know when the time comes I know it will start with ease.