EMARTH Telescope for Kids Beginners Adult, 70mm Astronomical Refractor Telescope with Adjustable Tripod & & Finder Scope- Portable Travel Telescope Perfect for Kids Children Teens

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Magnification | 16x,40x | 40X- 1000X |
Lens Coatings | Multi-coated | Multi-coated |
Prism Material | BaK4 | BaK4 |
Assembled Weight | 3.8 lbs | 2.7 lbs |
Weight: | 1.3 Kilograms |
Size: | 70mm |
Dimensions: | 44 x 18 x 15 centimetres |
Brand: | Emarth |
Model: | EMARTH |
Part: | EMARTH |
Colour: | DARK BLUE |
Colour: | DARK BLUE |
Dimensions: | 44 x 18 x 15 centimetres |
Size: | 70mm |
I have bought for grandson Xmas but more than sure he.ll love i
Lets get one thing straight first of all – this is a toy.
If you go in with that expectation, it’s really quite good. The optics are more than acceptable, it collects enough light and has enough magnification to get a very good view of the moon. You’re not going to be able to tell planets from stars without spending a fair bit more money though.
The weak point, even as a toy, is the tripod and head. It’s wobbly and not very precise making it very difficult to aim (I have to aim it for my 7 year old daughter), and rather easy to knock out of alignment once it is aimed.
All in all, I’m happy enough with it for what it is, but I think if my daughter’s interest in astronomy remains, she’ll quickly need something better.
Bought this for my grandson aged 10. He really loves it and says that he can see craters on the moon clearly.
Voted ‘the best present’ by the recipient (7 yr old) – still a lot to learn to but enjoying the journey.
Bought this for my 4 year old as she’s obsessed with all things space. She loves it and we have really enjoyed trying it out together. Really pleased
Bought for my grandson . For the price an excellent starter for him .My son says it was really precise. My grandson aged 5 is delighted with it. To date he hasn’t found the man!!
So much fun kids and teenagers. My son crazy about Astronomy and this will keep him busy
Hard to focus so need a big object to practice on.
Purchased for nephew for his birthday
He loves it been watching the autumn moon with it
He’s 7 I thought he might be a bit young as read reviews and people older have it but he’s good with expensive gifts and looks after things more so when he enjoys using them he couldn’t wait for it to be assembled and start using it great value for money too.
Included was solar system poster too
The finder scope, which ever way you assemble it, the view is upside down. Not the best thing for a beginner to cope with. But everything else is fine
Great for children got for our DD (8) she loves it. Got a very clear view of the craters on the moon the first day we used i
kids absolutely loved this, easy to assemble and use.
would recommend
I bought this telescope for my 9 year old grandson’s birthday. This is a great telescope for starting off with and although he struggles to view the moon he loves zooming in on the birds and wildlife in the garden.
I bought this telescope for my 9 year old grandson’s birthday. This is a great telescope for starting off with and although he struggles to view the moon he loves zooming in on the birds and wildlife in the garden.
Cadeau pour mon petit fils passionn par la Lune et les toiles , convient aux adultes dbutants je suis vraiment satisfaite
Offert ma fille passionne d’astronomie ge de 9 ans.
Se monte trs rapidement.
Parfait pour dmarrer l’observation des toiles.
Bon rapport qualit prix. Envoi rapide et soign. Je recommande.
Very good well worth the money, grandson has hours of fun with i
My 10 year old daughter is very happy. Easily put together and nice clear images of the moon.
This item was bought for my granddaughter who is 7 yrs old. Her dad had to set it up and focus it for her after that she was up and away. She now knows it is the craters and hills which cause the face of the man in the moon.
Offert pour les 9 ans de mon fils, avec son sac de transport, ce 1er tlescope est au del d’un simple joue
The only thing is the stand is not very strong on its full length, but I can work around this. The other thing I like is it’s very light, I can not wait to take it out in the fields once it gets a little warmer.
I love it just wish the lenses that came with it were a bit better in magnification but we will expand
sorry cant give much information on this at the moment as its a christmas present it did arrive very quickly and was well boxed
Haven’t used it, bought it as a Christmas gift but it looks as described
Bought as a gift fo a 9 year old. He has been very happy with it.
Great telescope for beginners and next level up. Great present for grandsons birthday
We got it as a present for my nephew but I found it hard to use not to mention my nephew. Dissapointed a bit and we haven’t use it often so still learning I guess.
We bought this for my boyfriend who likes stargazing. He usually dismisses products described ‘ideal for children’ but he is over the moon (pun intended!) with it. Easy to use and assemble, lightweight a clear, crisp image. Worth every penny in my opinion.
My biggest hangup is the stand. Its really quite flimsy. We resorted to using a table to sit it on with the legs retracted all the way.
It does take a bit of tweaking to get things aligned, but after that its great as a starter.
We bought a barlow lens to increase the magnification, on the moon its looks great.
Pratique, lger, se monte en quelques minutes…
Simple utiliser, suffisant pour les novices et amateurs.
Compact, on peut l’emmener partout.
Trs bon rapport qualit prix. Acheter pour Nol a mes enfants (4 et 6 ans). On voit trs bien les dtailles de la lune, je pense que c’est un bon tlescope pour commencer, il ne fait pas jouet il est de trs bonne qualit ainsi que ses quipements. Rangement facilit avec la sacoche. Je recommande.
Je Nani achet pour ma fille de 8 ans, un peu lger mais fonctionne merveille. Nous avons pu admirer les toiles et la pleine lune.
Bought has a Christmas gift for my 10 year old granddaughter. She loves it and has been studying the moon! Very easy to use, instructions are clear and easy to understand. An extremely good purchase.
Sympa pour faire dcouvrir les toiles aux enfants.
On est en campagne et on se met sur la terrasse pour regarder le ciel avec.
Il est facile mettre en place et les enfants voient bien dedans.
Un joli cadeau qu’ils apprcient beaucoup.
Brought for my 7 year old nephew for Christmas. Great beginners telescope! I was quite fascinated with it myself. Perfect gift!
We bought this item for our granddaughter as yet we have been unable to see how she copes with it.
Parfait pour le nol de mon fils
Trs bonne qualit
La sacoche est trs pratique
excellent product deserve buy you can detect the new word
It’s compacted so it’s great to talk with you holiday or just out for the day and it can be stored away.
Experiencing the moon and stars with a toddler learning about all the possibilities of space also great bonding and imaginatio
Used it 2 or 3 times, now waiting for a full moon and no cloud cove
Con i miei figli ci siamo divertiti ad osservare la luna, che devo dire si vede molto bene: i crateri si distinguono con chiarezza. Per adesso non sono ancora riuscito ad osservare saturno e giove, ma la vedo dura vista l’instabilit del treppiede e la poca precisione del puntatore.
Un telescopio valido quindi solo per osservare con i propri figli la luna, inutile dilungarsi sui difetti: se volete qualcosa di pi professionale c’ ben altro.
Love this product. Bought it as a gift, wish I kept it for myself. Easy to put together and has a clear view on the lense.
Par contre il vaut mieux utiliser un pied d’appareil photo qui sera beaucoup plus stable, le mode de fixation est standard.
Une fois repli, tout rentre dans la petite sacoche qu’on peut transporter partout en bandoulire.
Le tout est trs lger et est port sans peine par mon fils.
Demain soir, on passe la soire deux dans le jardin regarder la lune …..
Ici on est bien sur un produit plus abouti en matires d’accessoires y compris pour le transport avec une sacoche digne de ce nom. ( Je n’ai pas constat de dfaut de finition particulier.)
Du coup tant plutt nophyte en termes techniques (focale, type de lentille, prisme) je me contenterai d’un ressenti — positif en l’occurrence — et d’aspects pratiquo-pratiques savoir avant tout le rapport qualit-prix : ai-je bien un objet qui remplit sa mission principale savoir agrandir des objets clestes ou mme la nature tout simplement, avec facilit et confort d’utilisation ?
La qualit des matriaux me semble-t-elle correspondre au prix ?
A ces questions je rponds oui, grce notamment des rglages et un montage simples (mme pas besoin de la notice en anglais), d’o ma note maximale que certain(e )s plus experts que moi dans le domaine nuanceront peut-tre avec technique l’appui cette fois.
Pour ma part je pense que pour une initiation c’est trs suffisant pour un budget qui reste abordable et pour avoir mieux il faudra videmment cibler des marques plus prestigieuses, gnralement occidentales ou japonaises.
Il serait peut-tre bon que le vendeur prcise ce qu’il entend par garantie vie , ce paramtre me parat intressant galement.
Idalement j’aurais mis 4,5 car les pieds manquent trs lgrement de stabilit, il faut tre bien prcautionneux pour les rgler et les verrouiller. Les deux petites cartes clestes viennent compenser ce trs lger dsagrment.
Bought as a present for my son who is obsessed with space. Works well. Easy to set up and use. He loves it!
Updat: the seller contacted me and replaced the item free of charge, excellent customer service and. The new telescope and stand work fine.
This product will be a great learning experience for my grand childre
The telescope just do the job. The same as the description.Good for beginners. I bought this for my son as he enjoys science, particularly learning about the outside world!