ESSLNB Telescope 70070 Telescopes for Astronomy Adult with Smartphone Adapter Adjustable Stainless Steel Tripod Erect-Image Red Dot Finder Scope Barlow Lens Moon Filte

Red Dot Finder Scope
Metal Moon Filter
| Constellation Diagram+ 3X Barlow Lens
| Smartphone Adapter
Dimensions: | 75.3 x 26 x 17.6 centimetres |
Brand: | ESSLNB |
Model: | ESSLNB |
Part: | ESSLNB |
Colour: | 70070 Telescope |
Colour: | 70070 Telescope |
Dimensions: | 75.3 x 26 x 17.6 centimetres |
Light weight good feel getting used to using .. Good eye pieces etc .. no alignment as such to do … Maybe the tripod could be a bit more heavier feels quite light . For price paid great quality . Think I’ll be purchasing essnlb items in future
Haven’t used it in the dark yet but set it up and played around with it and it’s a great little gadget for beginners my son loves i
I was pleased with this for just over 60. The tripod is a bit rickety and and it’s rather plasticky but it’s very clear with the 25mm eyepiece.
Well worth the money high quality and have really enjoyed my new hobby ! If you buy this telescope you won’t be disappointed
The plastic protection of the lens came inverted (picture) on the body of the telescope to facilitate transportation (thanks to the seller tip), and removing it and placing it the right way was the only difficulty encountered when assembling the equipment. Mounting the accessories is very easy. Using the telescope is simple but stabilizing it requires some patience and practice (which comes with experience), the right position and location. The view is good, allowing good pictures (so far I’ve only seen the moon). I’m waiting for the clear sky and warm nights of spring/summer to go for the planets. A carry-on bag would come in handy for traveling. Good value for money.
il bambino che lo ha ricevuto rimasto entusiasta…. e anche i genitori 🙂
But for a family member as a gift brilliant telescope very happy he is a beginner and he found it easier to use good price to cheapest one I could find with good reviews
Ray Heato
This was a good set if kit for the money, everything felt and looked like reasonable quality.. its good that a variety of lenses and the moon filter were included.. others I looked didn’t have these. The only small let down was the laser sight.. it is so far off centre it couldn’t even pin point the moon!
Lunette que j’utilise en complment de mon tlescope.
Trs pratique en voyage
This was a birthday present for my niece, excellent quality item, my niece was over the moon with it (no pun intended) in all honesty despite being only 7 years old, my niece seemed to have no problems putting it together faster than I could read the instructions. Well worth the money and does everything it says it does in the product description!
My husband is very pleased with this telescope. It was easy enough for him to set up
Present to my son who was very happy with it.
#Not Bad. Can able to view terrestrial subjects, spying on neighbours and the good thing is only able to observe Moon Clearly.
**Stars, Galaxies and Planetary Observations are impossible because of lower aperture of 70mm we can’t able to zoom more on celestial objects. In order to observe those planetary and celestial objects at least we need a telescope with 200mm Aperture. As seen in the pictures you can’t watch Saturn may be like a star . Good Luck Guys.
For Planetary and Celestial Observations go for telescopes with 200mm(A)/1000mm(F.L) or
250mm(A)/1200mm(F.L) or
250mm(A) /1500mm (F. L)
Where A = Aperture & F. L = Focal Length
#Pas mal. Peut tre capable de voir des sujets terrestres, espionner les voisins et la bonne chose est seulement de pouvoir observer la Lune clairement.
** Les toiles, les galaxies et les observations plantaires sont impossibles en raison de l’ouverture infrieure de 70 mm, nous ne pouvons pas zoomer davantage sur les objets clestes. Pour observer ces objets plantaires et clestes, nous avons au moins besoin d’un tlescope avec une ouverture de 200 mm. Comme on le voit sur les photos, vous ne pouvez pas regarder Saturne peut tre comme une toile . Bonne chance les gars.
Pour les observations plantaires et clestes, optez pour des tlescopes de 200 mm (A) / 1000 mm (F.L) ou
250mm(A)/1200mm(F.L) ou
250mm(A) /1500mm (F. L)
o A = Ouverture & F. L = Distance focale
There’s nothing much to dislike about this it’s a good beginner’s telescope
Qualite un peu mediocre, notice de montage un point fantaisiste.
bon produit amateur comme moi,
noter grande longueur de la lunette monte +90cm.
El producto responde a las especificaciones. Calidad alta para ser un modelo de principiantes. No es un cinco estrellas porque el trpode es algo inestable. En cuanto lo cambie ser perfecto.
What a class act to follow.i with the clear lens I can see the craters on the moon.
I like the design of the telescope and the colour of of it.
What a class act to follow.i with the clear lens I can see the craters on the moon.
I like the design of the telescope and the colour of of it.
Good for taking photos of wildlife and looking at the moo
Good for taking photos of wildlife and looking at the moo
Bought through Amazon. Unable to return as it’s a Christmas gift.
After I written the above review (1*) the seller contacted me via email. They were very apologetic about the error and I told them that the telescope was good and was still giving it as a gift for Christmas, so no time for exchange. They offered me a choice of a new set of binoculars OR a partial refund to cover the adaptor element which was missing. I accepted the partial refund and got message from Amazon that 18 had been refunded.
So nothing wrong with telescope throughout…. the supplier forgot to send the phone adaptor which they have now refunded after a few days. So good customer service too. Upgraded to 4* now.
Telescope looks good but is missing the phone adapter. Paid extra 15 for this and it’s not in the box or even on the picture on the box.
Bought through Amazon. Unable to return as it’s a Christmas gift.
After I written the above review (1*) the seller contacted me via email. They were very apologetic about the error and I told them that the telescope was good and was still giving it as a gift for Christmas, so no time for exchange. They offered me a choice of a new set of binoculars OR a partial refund to cover the adaptor element which was missing. I accepted the partial refund and got message from Amazon that 18 had been refunded.
So nothing wrong with telescope throughout…. the supplier forgot to send the phone adaptor which they have now refunded after a few days. So good customer service too. Upgraded to 4* now.
Tuve un problema con el producto y la empresa me lo resolvi de inmediato . Da gusto tratar con gente as. Muchas gracias .
Recomendable .
Tks to give to me a good feedback. I really appreciate.
For the money cant go wrong so easy to setup looks the job and with a bag to carry it in with three more lenses nothing more to be said 10 out of te
For the money cant go wrong so easy to setup looks the job and with a bag to carry it in with three more lenses nothing more to be said 10 out of te
Birthday present. Set it up and was stargazing within half hour. Complete beginner. Different lens took him some getting used to
Birthday present. Set it up and was stargazing within half hour. Complete beginner. Different lens took him some getting used to
Still learning but these are the points we’re struggling with. When you’ve lined up the moon it’s frustrating when the telescope ‘drops’ a little. Also there was no instructions for the phone attachment, which threw us a little bit. Wonderful Google had the info so I found it easy from there.
Still learning but these are the points we’re struggling with. When you’ve lined up the moon it’s frustrating when the telescope ‘drops’ a little. Also there was no instructions for the phone attachment, which threw us a little bit. Wonderful Google had the info so I found it easy from there.
arrived nice and quick, quite easy to assemble but the spotter scope was a little fiddley otherwise its fine.
arrived nice and quick, quite easy to assemble but the spotter scope was a little fiddley otherwise its fine.
Otherwise fantastic telescope that I wont be asking for a refund for.
UPDATE had to return the telescope, and very disappointed I had to do this, I was hoping to replace the missing bit myself without the hassle of returning but couldn’t so returned today unfortunately…
Otherwise fantastic telescope that I wont be asking for a refund for.
UPDATE had to return the telescope, and very disappointed I had to do this, I was hoping to replace the missing bit myself without the hassle of returning but couldn’t so returned today unfortunately…
Nice telescopes easy to assemble but I was missing 2 thumbscrews for finder scope didn’t send back as cheap enough to buy
Great product, works well, easy to operate. additional magnification easily available..
We had a little problem BUT the supplier straight away sent a replacement part it is now working perfect, they were so very helpful!! It was a pleasure to deal with them !! WELL DONE TO YOU FANTASTIC CUSTOMER SERVICE
What a fun!
It’s for edu toy for my son.
He looked at moon, stars and somewhere far away through it, and enjoyed.
What a fun!
It’s for edu toy for my son.
He looked at moon, stars and somewhere far away through it, and enjoyed.
Christmas present for my little girl. She enjoys looking at the stars . Could’ve done with a carry bag though
Christmas present for my little girl. She enjoys looking at the stars . Could’ve done with a carry bag though
This was a Christmas present for my 6 year old grandson, and with a little help and practice is having great fun looking at the moon stars and other planets.
Bought this as a gift for my other half. She loves it. Easy to set up, great clear images of the night sky. A very cool starter kit for the price- the phone mount for taking pictures is a really cool extra!
Facile da assemblare,bello una nota negativa e che sarebbe stato utile anche il libretto di utilizzo,che per un principiante come me essenziale
super tlescope pour enfant, mon petit fils est au ange avec cet appareil.
It’s a good quality telescope for beginners! Easy to assemble it and the tripod is telescopic so you can adapt it to different highs. It comes with different lens and a handy star wheel that the children love.
Great entertainment for the whole family.
It’s a good quality telescope for beginners! Easy to assemble it and the tripod is telescopic so you can adapt it to different highs. It comes with different lens and a handy star wheel that the children love.
Great entertainment for the whole family.
Lo prover altrove in ogni caso molto professionale devo dire.
So far so good but it has been cloudy since i bought i
Brilliant item. Easy assembly and hours of enjoyment so far.
Brilliant item. Easy assembly and hours of enjoyment so far.
It’s not stable on you do pictures but in rest it ok
Good value for entry level for adults. My partner is thrilled. He assembled it easily but not sure I could have done
Unfortunately no carrying case so not as portable as he’d hoped.
I bought this for my son inlaw for a xmas present and I gave him to him January as they do not live in uk but he is very happy with it it was easy to set up he told me and loves it and I learnt there is a app called sky view lite and if you point it at the star in the sky it will tell you the name of all the stars and planets came very quick great telescope and he loves it great buy and price
It’s a nice telescope for my son who enjoys using it I just found it a little expensive as cheaper Ones do exactly the same job Nice feature having to put your phone on it as well..
Die Lieferung ging von Amazon reibungslos und sogar schneller als gedacht.
Sorgfltig und sicher verpackt erhielt ich letzte Woche mein erstes Teleskop ein Kindheitstraum.
Der Aufbau war des buchs, gut und schnell (ca. 40 min mit Aufrumarbeiten bedingt der sehr guten Verpackung :)).
Zur Beobachtung leider war es mir geschuldet der aktuellen Wetterlage nur kurz mglich den Nachthimmel zu beobachten. Doch fr gute 45 Minuten habe ich erste wunderschne Sichtungen erleben drfen.
Zur Bedienung verstndlich und nach ein paar kurzen bungen klappte die erst Beobachtung schon sehr gut.
Gesamt ein guter und empfehlenswerter Kauf.
Der Verkufer hat uns bereits gleich zu Beginn, noch vor Lieferung eigenstndig per E Mail eine eigene Anleitung auf deutsch zukommen lassen. Ein dickes Lob an ihn.
Dabei ist eine praktische Aufbewahrungstasche und neben weiterem Zubehr noch eine Sternenkarte.
Durch den Mondfilteraufsatz kann man die Strukturen des Mondes sehr schn erkennen.
Es gibt verschiedene Objektivaufstze, die man je nach Entfernung des zu untersuchenden Objekteds einsetzen kann. Geduld muss man bei diesem speziellen Hobby natrlich mitbringen, jedoch wird man bei idealen Wetterverhltnissen auch mit super Bildern unseres Universums belohnt.
Durch das Suchobjektiv direkt am groen Fernrohr grenzt man den gewnschten Bereich vor der Feinjustierung erstmal gut ein.
Wenn man schon alles passend eingestellt hat, gibt ein mitgelieferter Handyhalter die Mglichkeit, die besonderen Aufnahmen in Form von Bildern und Videos auf dem Smartphone festzuhalten.
Das Teleskop und dessen Zubehr kommt hochwertig und robust rber.
Mein Sohn ist jetzt 8 Jahre alt und mit unserer Hilfe war es ihm mglich, sich vom Mond verzaubern zu lassen 🙂
Tagsber hatten wir ein Zeppelin beobachtet.
Wir wnschen uns demnchst noch Bilder von der ISS Weltraumstation, sobald sie wieder sichtbar ber unseren Garten fliegt.
Ich habe dieses Teleskop meinen Sohn zum 11. Geburtstag geschenkt.
Es war fr ihn kein Problem es selber zusammen zu bauen und auch die Handhabung ist durch die deutsch sprachige Anleitung (bekam ich automatisch per E-Mail) sehr einfach.
Leider war ein Bauteil bereits bei der Lieferung beschdigt, wurde aber sofort und anstandslos ausgetauscht.
Er bentzt es seid 4 Wochen fast tglich.