EVER ADVANCED Camping Chairs for Adults Heavy People 150kg Folding Chair Outdoor Luxury Big High Back with Arms, Cup Holder and Side Pockets Fishing Chairs Padded Portable for Garden, Picnic, Travel

EVER ADVANCED Oversized Folding Chair
Built wide and sturdy for your stability and comfort. This easy-folding quad chair is ideal for camping, picnic, fishing, sport even or anywhere you need to have a seat. For your drink on a sunny day, there’s a cup holder built into the armrest. The chair folds compactly into an included carry bag for easy storage and transport.
- Open size: 88*60*109cm
- Weight capacity: up to 150kg
- Material: 600 D Polyester
- Cup holder for keeping water bottles and beverages
- Accessory pockets for storing magazines
- Adjustable armrest for comfort
- Fully padded polyster seat
- Full lumber back for comfortably sitting
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BRANDEA is devoted to bring the best camping chair to our customers. We are the chair expert! | CUP HOLDERDeep cup holder for keeping beverages and water bottles; Special leaking hole design for keeping the cup holder clean. | PADDEDOur chairs are crafted using foam padding and breathable mesh for comfort. | HIGH BACKThe high-back design ( height: 67.3cm ) allows your neck muscles to relax completely. |

Carry Bag
- Portable strip is easy to carry while going outside for any outdoor activities
- With carry bag for easy storage and transport
- Sturdy drawstring bag for carrying or stowing
Color | Black / Blue |
Material | 100% polyester and powder-coated steel frame Ï17 MM |
Size | 88 x 60 x 109.2 cm |
Pack size | 21.6 x 21.6 x 104.1 cm |
Weight | 3.9 kg |
Max load | 150 kg/ 330 lbs |
Package contains | 1 x Folding Chair, 1 x Carry bag |

Weight: | 3.9 Kilograms |
Dimensions: | 60 x 88 x 109 cm; 3.74 Kilograms |
Model: | EU-FC750-99806H-BLK |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | HF |
Age: | Teen,Adult |
Colour: | Black |
Der stuhm ist wunderbar auch fr beleibte Menschen geeignet und bequem
… aber leider reien die Schrauben, welche die Armlehne fixieren nach 2-3Tagen sitzen aus. Ansonsten stabiler ausgefhrt wie herkmmliche Campingsessel – trotzdem erwarte ich keine beraus lange Lebensdauer.
Rckwirkend htte ich mich gerne fr einen “Fischersessel” oder hnliches entschieden – die sind leider kaum auf Amazon erhltlich.
Un fauteuil trs confortable et pratique avec son porte gobelet et la pochette pour livres
Gut verpackt. Sehr stabil und sttzt gut den Kopf. Angenehm und entspannend zu sitzen. Perfek
Wanted a comfortable light weight chair and that’s what I got. Perfect for what I wanted.
Bought the chair for my husband, he loved it. It’s roomy and sturdy. Also easy to fold.
Das Packma ist leider ziemlich gro fr Radreisen deshalb nicht zu empfehlen. Die Qualitt ist aber sehr gut.
Der Stuhl ist sehr bequem. Lsst sich schnell und einfach aufbauen. Er nimmt nicht viel Platz weg und ist sehr leicht. Super Qualitt.
Die Sthle sind sehr bequem und machen einen sehr guten ersten Eindruck. wir haben diese frs Festival am primeday gekauft fr gutes Geld. Wir freuen uns schon drauf diese einzuweihe
Everything about this chair is great. It’s sturdy, comfortable and designed well. Why only 4 stars? Because it is also heavy especially if you have to tote it a distance.
Hab leider die falsche Farbe erhalten.
Aber blau geht auch !!
Trs bon article
Maniable,lger,un petit plus pour le gobelet et mme un filet pour ranger livre ou portable
Vraiment trs trs satisfaite
recommander sans modratio
…denn ich habe lange gesucht um einen echt bequemen und stabilen und zudem leicht zu transportierenden Campingstuhl zu finden und der Stuhl ist es, sehr bequem, sehr stabil und leicht zu transportieren, habe hier ein Foto reingesetzt, damit ihr seht, dass der Stuhl in Gre in etwa einem ganz normalen Liegestuhl entspricht, genauso bequemen ist und in einer Tragetasche zu verstauen ist und mit einer Handbewegung aufgebaut ist.
Tolles Produkt!
Es lsst sich uerst angenehm in dem Stuhl sitzen. Man hat ncicht das Gefhl, dass sich die Sizflche beim sitzen verschiebt und beim aufstehen bleibt der Stuhl auch stehen.
So sollte eigentlich jeder Campingstuhl verarbeitet sein. Leider erhlt man heutzutage viel schlechte Ware – dies war hier absolut nicht der Fall.
weterer Pluspunkt: Die Kopfsttze ist angenehm hoch. Der Stuhl ust dadurch zwar beim Transport lnger als vergleichbare PRodukte – die Kopsttze beitet aber wesentlichen Komfort-Mehrwert!
zum Verkufer:
Das Logo war auf meinem Stuhl etwas zu weit links gedruckt – dies lies den Stuhl (wesentlich optisch) ein wenig “schepp” wirken (Was er absolut nciht war).
Bei einem solches Top Produkt sollte dies normalerweise nicht passieren. Als ich den Verkufer damit konfrontierte bot mir dieser unverzglich einen kleinen Rabatt auf den Stuhl an. Dies war in meinen Augen sehr kulant und professionell. Im Hinblick auf die Umwelt wollte ich das Modell nmlich nicht austauschen. Selbst an einem Feiertag habe ich Rckmeldung vom Verkufer bekommen. Absolut zu loben.
Der Stuhl ist sehr bequem, lsst sich schnell zusammenklappen und lsst sich gut verstauen. Es hat mir sehr gut gefallen, ich mchte mehr bestellen!
Tolles Teil – schnell geliefert – gut verpackt und super leicht im Handling. Bisherige negative Rezenssionen kann ich nicht teilen. Keine abhngenden Fden, offene Nhte, herausquellendes Inlay oder hnliches. Bei beiden Klappsthlen ist alles in bester Ordnung. Der Becherhalter knnte etwas tiefer sein und die Sitzhhe wrde fr mich auch 3cm mehr vertrgagen. in die Nackensttze knnte man einen Bgel einarbeiten, dann wre sie auch stabil. Fr mich genau das was ich erwartet habe.
Facile dplier/replier. Assise large, dos bien maintenu, chaise confortable. Sac de transport pratique, toutefois porter l’paule sur quelques km, la charge est relativement lourde… ce qui est, je l’espre, un signe de solidit.
Pour la terrasse de jardin, le pique nique ou le camping. Un peu encombrant mais confortable et pratique utiliser.
Der Stuhl Full Baba sehr gro stabil sehr einfach zum Tragen einfach alles was ein Campingstuhl braucht 10/10 Sterne
Er erfllt alles, was ich erhofft habe.
Mein Mann ist etwas schwerer und der Stuhl entspricht seinen Erwartungen voll
Great chair and comfortable use it when I’m doing craft fairs
Tried a few different ones and there is no question that this was the most comfortable and best looking option.
Good value for the price. We needed new chairs for parades and kid sporting events.
I am so happy with my recent purchase. This chair is so comfortable! It’s wide, has a high back so you can rest your head and most importantly it feels strong. Highly recommend.
This was bought as a birthday gift for an elderly lady who likes to sit on her deck and read. She found it very suitable for that purpose, with good arm rests, a high back that supports the head, a place for a drink and pockets to keep her books in. She also plans to take it to her grandchildren’s sporting events. The only down side is that it is a little hard to fold neatly and place back into the storage bag.
Une foie plie prend plus de place que chaise de camping du dcathlon mais le rapport confort/encombrement vaut vraiment le coup !!
I bought a previous version of this chair (blue) last year because of the high back. I am guilty of frequently nodding off at the campfire, and the high back keeps me relatively comfortable and without my neck flopping around. A little slouch (I’m 5’9″), nice padded chair, warm fire, full belly…..ZZzzzzz. This chair is very similar to the last one, sturdy, folds easy, and easily fits into the stuff sack provided. As my old camp chairs slowly wear out (dirt, holes from flying embers, etc), I will be buying more of these.
Haben den Stuhl beim Camping in Tschechien als Ersatz fr einen defekten anderen Campingfaltstuhl bestellt. Der Stuhl selbst macht einen guten Eindruck und sitzt sich bequem. Die Sitzflche ist leicht gepolstert, was viele andere Sthle nicht bieten. Der Stuhl bietet viel Platz auch fr grere bzw. etwas massivere Menschen. Wenn man sich mit dem Kopf zurcklehnt, kann man von der Neigung her wunderbar nachts Sterne gucken.
Dennoch drei kleine Mankos gegenber Sthlen dieser Preisklasse von den bekannten Campingausstattern: Die Aufbewahrungstasche ist leider aus uerst dnnem Material gefertigt und eine Naht war beim ersten Stuhl, den wir bestellt haben, bereits gerissen. Haben daraufhin die alte, hochwertigere Tasche von unserem Vorgngerstuhl benutzt. Die seitliche Tasche besteht leider nur aus einem Fach mit durchlssigem Material. Wir waren in dieser Preisklasse bisher kleine Organizertaschen mit 2 bis 3 Fchern gewohnt. Und der Stuhl hat in den Armlehnen auch nur eine Getrnkehalterung. Die dafr aber thermoisoliert.
Trotzdem, definitiver Kauftipp, wenn der Lieblingscampingausstatter gerade nicht konsultiert werden kann.
These were bought for my neighbours day camper. They are well pleased
Sedia robusta, dimensioni notevoli. Lo schienale, permette per la sua altezza, di appoggiare la testa e riposare. Unico appunto ma trascurabile se lo schienale.fosse.dotato di pi imbottitura all’altezza della testa sarebbe perfetta.
Der Stuhl ist zwar teurer als andere Festival-Sthle, aber die Qualitt und Haltbarkeit ist wirklich gut. Werde den Stuhl die nchsten 3-4 Festivals wieder verwenden.
-It’s crazy comfortable
-The back of the chair comes up high enough to give you head support! It kind of sinks back a little bit so it’s perfect for stargazing or possibly falling asleep in the chair. Beware of comfort overload.
-It’s low enough to the ground that it’s great for short people! My legs touch the ground! But also, it still works for tall people. Yay!
It’s a bit bigger than your average cheapy Coleman chair but if you have the space it’s completely worth it. Hope this review helps!
mein erster guter campingstuhl und muss sagen wirklich komplett berzeugt
stabil bequem und gut zu transportieren durch die tragetasche
I needed a chair I could be comfortable in with head and neck support so tried this. It is great. Spent a whole evening at a family bbq celebration and no issues afterwards. I have neck & shoulder issues amongst other things and this chair really helped support me. Easy to get in and out of as well. Putting it back in its bag was fun but sure I will get the knack eventually.
Easy to put up and fold away
Very sturdy and made such a difference for my husband on the beach
Loved these, bought two. They are sturdy, fit for purpose. Storage and cup holder well designed. Sat on it all day yesterday at a family party and it was comfy and went back in its bag easily. I would recommend.
Best chair I have ever owned, im about 6’2 and chairs usually begin to irritate the side of my legs due to them being so narrow. this one is pretty wide and its so padded you dont feel that bar off to the side. So good I didn’t let anyone use it, only try it, while camping xD
kann ich sehr empfehlen, besonders angenehm ist die hohe Rckenlehne
Oversize so much more comfortable for 6’1″ 2– lb guy. The added neck rest is why I got it and I’m glad I did
Produit de qualit, pas lourd, les toiles sont doubles et matelasses avec une sorte de coussinet pour la nuque. Le fauteuil est large et confortable. Le porte gobelet est isotherme.Ce produit est vraiment super !!!!
We were in the market for a high back chair and this fit the bill. The bonus was that these chairs were the most comfortable ones we have ever owned! Not difficult but it does take a bit more patience to fold and place the chair into the bag due to its size. Our only suggestion is a bit more sturdier carrying bag.
Very comfortable, sturdy and well made. Easy to fold and set up. Of high quality as well!
Needed a bigger, sturdier chair that wasn’t over priced. This chair is that and more! Very good quality, thick sturdy material, and comfortable.
Entrega puntual y correcta. La silla se abre y cierra con facilidad. Es ligera y cmoda.
La silla es cmoda y tiene un bonito respaldo alto para proporcionar un apoyo adecuado mientras est sentado.
This chair is very comfortable, easy to fold and seems very sturdy.
Very pleased with this chair comfortable feel safe sitting in it, very easy to pack away. Really very pleased with this chair.
Really comfortable and sturdy, used on the beach, i am a big man and they were perfec
Sehr guter Campingstuhl , vorallem fr seine Gre und Gewichtsangabe sehr leicht.
The chair was asy to open and close. Everyone in the family, from big/tall adults to little youngsters mentioned how yhe comfortably of the chair, especially the back support.
This chair is extremely sturdy and appears to be well-built.
This chair is well made, very sturdy and has a nice bag for traveling.
High back that is great for head and neck! And the chair is very large and comfy! Worth every penny
Encombrant , lourd ,donc faut pas penser faire des kilomtres pied avec l paule. Mais une fois dplie( et c est tres simple faire ainsi qu a la replier )on voit qu on a faire de la qualit et c est rassurant. Ce qui explique le poids.
Was a little worried as these were quite expensive.. but I now see why. Great chair, sturdy and very comfortable.Would recommend
Love the high back, also the side pocket for holding small items like cellphone.
Excellent service and delivery. Very comfortable. Easy to carry. Very happy. Would recommend.
Very happy with the chairs and a very prompt delivery service also
I bought this chair for my husband for his birthday. He was very pleased with it.
We are grandparents and use it for our grandsons baseball games. It’s easy to carry
And Your not sitting in one of those low beach chairs which is hard to get up.
The support poles could of been a little stronger nice chairs
Sitzkante etwa 39cm, aber der Hintern ist tiefer.
Gestnge dnner mit 136Kg gegenber anderen 150Kg Faltsthlen, dafr 2Kg leichter.
Sitzkante-Druck am Oberschenkel etwas schmaler, nicht schlimm, drckt aber etwas mehr wie andere.
Zum entspannen top.
Negativ fr mich:
Zum sitzen am Campingtisch sitzt man zu tief drin und nicht gerade genug.
5Euro gnstiger wie 150Kg Sthle UND problemloser kostenfreier Rckversand. Supe
The height of the seat is not as high as advertised
Good overall. Very comfortable for sitting upward. Lighter than I was expecting and you can easily wear it cross-body. Has a slight lean back, and can lean your head back (depending on how tall you are, I’m 6’1″). The bottom could be a little more plush, and I wish it had a little more of a lean to it. 5 star for sure if this was the case. Otherwise, it’s one of the best chairs you’ll find.
Very happy with my purchase, chairs are super comfortable and great for bigger people like me. Hard to find a comfortable, sturdy, and portable chair like this one. Will buy again.
bin Leidenschaftlicje camperin und hab einen sitz mit hoher lehne gesucht den man schnell ein und ausrumen kann und klwin genug zusammenfalten.
sogar platz um gemtlich im schneidersitz darin zu sitzen.
die hohe lehne is auch super, sttzt den kopf – stabil wirkt er auch, wird sicher lange halten. also ich bin zufrieden.
Very comfortable and just the right size for pretty much anybody. Bought these for my mom who is 5’6″ tall and it fits her perfectly. I am 5’11” and fits me perfectly too. They seem extra sturdy!
Habe diesen Stuhl verschenkt . Der Beschenkte sagte mir nach einer Woche,
dass der Stuhl sehr komfortabel sein, wie wenn man auf einem Thron sitzen wrde !
Very comfortable chair but hard to open and close. It’s a great value but it’s still kind of hard to open and put back into the carry case that they provided
Pros: Chair easily folds, comfortable to sit in, easy to carry in bag that has a good shoulder strap, chair is stable; doesn’t tip over in the grass.
Cons: Slightly difficult to get back in the bag.
Very happy with this purchase.
Just got back from a 4 day camping trip having used this chair. I love how large and comfy this chair is. I am by no means a large dude, so this chair has some room for me, and it’s great. The cup holder doubles as a coozy which was great because I had forgotten mine for the trip. There’s a small mesh pouch on the right hand side wich I used to store some snacks and flashlight (while deployed, not folded). Overall I enjoyed the chair very much for my camping trip, and that’s saying a lot because it was my only chair outside of a log or the ground that I could sit in for 4 days.
These chairs are very nice. Sturdy and lightweight for their size. A tiny bit of a struggle to get back into the bag but once you have it down it’s easy from there.
Im over 330 lbs and you can easily tell this chair isnt going to fall apart on me any time soon. The thing is sturdy and i have dragged it to several camping sites already. Cleans easy too and using as additional seating in my apartment while we wait for our furniture from the moving company.
Great purchase, no regrets.
A very nice chair for a day at the park. Roomy and quite comfortable. The only thing I find difficult is getting out of it because you sink down and there are no arm supports to push off from. An elderly person may have difficulty. I guess that is the nature of a folding frame chair. I even loop my dog’s leash through a leg so she doesn’t stray and the frame is sturdy enough if she pulls it doesn’t give.
Easy to fold and unfold. But difficult for a septegarian to get out of.
Big chair for seating but light to carry. Bottom sits higher & more sturdy than former chairs. Storage bag ample size to make insertion easy. Happy with purchase.
These chairs are very comfortable, quality of materials and build looks good. extremely happy with this purchase.
Fits my large but quite nicely. Feels very sturdy. Taking it camping in a few weeks and I’ll update after.
Large size with high back for head support option. Padding makes a more comfortable seat. perfect for bring your own chair social distancing events.
Great chairs. Fits my 6’6″ husband great too. I’m shorter than that so I can’t wear a hat with a brim that goes all away around with out affecting the hat. I’m glad I purchased these anyways
This chair is just perfect .. I wanted a sturdy slightly oversized chair for the balcony .. a picnic .. the beach .. the garden . It has ticked all the boxes ..
The chair is as I expected, but what was great was that it arrived 2 days earlier than I expected. Would be nice if there were a little bit of padding in the seat.
Son liked. But I think he was sorry I did not buy the rocking chair one
I’m slender at 112lbs and 5’5, but have no hips/butt so, my butt gets sore sitting on the regular lawn chairs. This one fixed the problem with the next padding. Also, very supportive. It is big enough for a large framed person to sit comfortably in it.