Fabric Resistance Bands, Exercise Booty Bands, 3 Set Workout Bands for Women


Dimensions: 72 x 8 x 3 cm; 360 Grams
Brand: RenoJ
Colour: Pink
Pack Quantity: 3
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: Renoj
Colour: Pink
Quantity: 3
Reference: switch

130 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Absolutely love these!! when I do stretches / workouts these really help especially with the different resistance levels.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United States

    The best workout bands I’ve ever had! I can feel the resistance and my muscles burning would absolutely recommend and buy again!

  3. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Been using these for a couple of weeks now. Seems to be holding up well. I really like that the set comes with a few different resistance levels, so I can progress without having to buy new bands individually.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Lassen sich, im Gegensatz zu Gummibndern nicht weit genug dehnen. da ich eine schmale statur habe, rutschen sie mir runter, wenn ich aufrecht entspanmt dastehe.
    das gute ist, sie rollen nicht auf, wenn bungen gemacht werden. dafr werben sie auch. sie knnen genutzt werden, aber ich bevorzuge nach wie vor die elastischen gummiteile, sie ich fr weniger geld bekommen.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United States

    There so nice a like the type of material, the colors and it’s durable, i highly recommend i

  6. billy2004 says:

     United States

    We bought other bands before these she was not happy with them and they did not last very long. She wanted to try these so that’s what she’s doing. They are used when she can’t make it to the gym. She likes them better then the others.
    As far as how good they work, she could be the model in the ad for them.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United States

    These bands are perfect. I use them at the gym almost every workout. They are sturdy and fold easily for carrying. I picked the heavy band and it’s perfect.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Pros: Durable after 1 month of use. Does not slip. Great for people recovering from low back surgery. Many levels of difficulty bands. The highest level band is actually very difficult. Lowest level is perfect resistance.

    Cons: None. Buy it.

  9. Anonymous says:


    3 fache Strke zur unterschiedlichen Nutzung. Macht sich gut. Riecht erst sehr nach Gummi. VErnimmt sich aber. Tolles Training mglich. Fr den Preis okay

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Exactly what I was looking for excellent pieces to go along with my exercising routine.

  11. John Brader says:

     United States

    These really kick up my leg days at the gym. I never use the lightest weight one. Only the middle and heavy. They’re useful for a variety of weight lifting like squats and hip movements. Durable.

  12. MarieBirtles says:

     United States

    There nice and I feel the burn when I use them. I’ve never owned a set before but they work well. They had a little bit of a smell but after a day outside of the packaging it went away

  13. Kara Kamenec says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThere seemed to be some mixed reviews but I am delighted with them.

    Packaged very well
    Comes with individual bags for each band
    Each band clearly labelled ‘Light’ , ‘Medium’ & ‘High’ in the stitching ( won’t confuse them )
    Comes with a black netted storage bag
    Has a booklet with care instructions
    Booklet also has some movement suggestions listed as ‘Action Guide’

    Have just opened and tried each band, I can feel the resistance increase between each band.

    I am very happy with this purchase. Will make training at home alot easier.

    Impressed !

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Sheet excellence. Really happy. The price is perfect and the quality is exceptional. Packaging is quality!

  15. Megan Griffiths says:

     United States

    I bought these to assist with my push-up journey, because I am trying to do legit pushups eventually. They really work wonders. I am able to keep proper form, with just enough assist to train and strengthen my muscles

  16. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I got these in hopes of using them to strengthen my legs and they work wonders. They’re super thick and don’t get stretched out after multiple uses, they even have a nonslip grip on the inside so they don’t slide down your legs! I absolutely love these!

  17. SelinaMilne says:

     United States

    So irritating having bands that roll up on you mid workout! These actually don’t, and if they’re slipping down my legs it’s because my legs weren’t the correct distance apart (for my body at least) and keeps me Positioned properly. No rolls up. They’re also much more resistant than others I’ve purchased in the past which I love! With the heavy weight band I can get a real leg burning warmup going within the first 10 side steps!

  18. GingerJ78dqjv says:


    Ich trainiere relativ regelmig und war es satt dass meine gummi bnder immer gerissen sind. Habe mir diese Alternative bestellt und bin super zufrieden. Rutscht nicht und erfllt absolut seinen Zweck. Fr die meisten bungen ist mir das hrteste band sogar ein wenig zu stark, aber das ist ja bei jedem unterschiedlich. Ich kanns fr den Preis absolut empfehlen.

  19. SFLNorbert says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Originally I had the rubber bands. They’d roll up and down my legs while working out. These bands were a game changer. They have way better resistance and durability. If you are full figured, especially try these bands to get the max workout.

  20. UgojaIngraham says:


    Gute Untersttzung fr Sportbungen! Durch die verschiedenen Strken zu jeder bung einsetzbar. Sehr gute zustzliche Muskelarbeit!

  21. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I like them but they’re not adjustable and I feel they’re a bit big. However they are very durable and I do like them very much.

  22. Marian2797 says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    These are the most comfortable, durable and easy to clean bands I’ve ever used! The pressure is distributed on the legs so you don’t get that cutting in feeling of normal elastic bands and the inside has a grippy seam that keeps the band staying put even when standing upright. I am very pleased

    These are the most comfortable, durable and easy to clean bands I've ever used! The pressure is distributed on the legs so you don't get that cutting in feeling of normal elastic bands and the inside has a grippy seam that keeps the band staying put even when standing upright. I am very pleased

  23. Anonymous says:


    Sind sehr angenehm und verrutschen nicht beim trainieren. Fr das Geld gerne wiede

  24. basavraj.t says:


    These bands are wonderful! I have tried many different brands, from top yoga brands and really expensive training companies. These Wetter half the price of most on the market but 100x better. Quality is amazing and the cookies are cute too!

  25. ShirleyKillian says:

     United States

    These are so much easier than the rubber ones. They stay in place and are comfortable. They come in 3 different resistant strengths and even have a mesh bag to keep them in. A must have if you’re thick and have big legs!

    These are so much easier than the rubber ones. They stay in place and are comfortable. They come in 3 different resistant strengths and even have a mesh bag to keep them in. A must have if you’re thick and have big legs!

  26. KandiConforti says:

     United States

    I used these for the first time last week and I felt the burn! They are great for the price. I’ve seen similar bands priced much higher and wanted to give these a shot before splurging and am happy I did. I read some reviews for buying about them stretching out with use but I have not had that issue yet. I’m happy with the purchase.

  27. Justin Koreis says:


    Ich verwende die Bnder fr meine tgliche Gymnastik und sie sind dafr optimal geeignet.

  28. Maryann Tomovich Jacobsen MS RD says:


    I like they are different levels of resistance, they are sturdy and they don’t slide up and/or down.

  29. Darlene6371 says:

     United Kingdom

    he thickness stops it bunching up and is therefore comfortable to use. Great product. The density of the high quality means it is durable and therefore good value for money

  30. Benjamin5951 says:

     United Kingdom

    Have used a short while but so far so good.

  31. RaeR00kgrlsvxvl says:


    Ich bin sehr positiv ber den Widerstand dieser Bnder berrascht.
    Die Verarbeitung ist wirklich hochwertig, leiern nicht aus und rutschen nicht!
    Zudem finde ich die Farben sehr ansprechend und es ist schn dass ein Meshscken mitgelierfert wird fr die Aufbewahrung der Bnder.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I was tired of using the rubber bands that would snap or roll up during workouts. These bands are wide and they stay in place. Due to the design, they are also faster to put on and take off. They come with a mesh bag for storage. I have been using them for at least a month and am very happy with my purchase.

  33. Anonymous says:


    Bnder sind Top verarbeitet und gut verpackt.
    Die gute Inennverpackung hat die Bnder von den Auenschden die durch den Zusteller entstanden sind, geschtzt. Meine Frau ist sehr zufriede

  34. Dan Grabham says:


    Die Bnder bieten den herkmmlichen Gummibndern gegenber einen groen Vorteil: sie rollen sich nicht ein und kleben nicht unangenehm an der Haut.
    Die drei verschiedenen Strken sind optimal fr unterschiedliche Beanspruchung der einzelnen Muskelgruppen.

    Ich nutze sie sowohl Zuhause als auch im Studio beim Krafttraining.

    Durch die verschiedenen Strken ist fr jeden ein Band dabei. Preis-Leistungsverhltnis: Top! Ganz klare Kaufempfehlung!

    Leider ist sehr viel Verpackungsmll bei der Sendung – das knnte gendert werden.

    Positiv zu erwhnen ist das Sckchen, welches dabei ist, um die Bnder zusammen in der Sporttasche oder der Schublade zu verstauen.
    Sie sind sehr hochwertig verarbeitet und schneiden nicht ein. Durch die Anti-Rutsch-Beschichtung bleiben sie bei allen bungen dort, wo sie sein sollen.

  35. PWZBeatris says:


    Die Bnder kamen innerhalb 2 Tage bei mir Zuhause an. Sehr gute Verarbeitung. Die Unterschiede von light bis Medium sehr gut umgesetzt! Perfekt frs Workout. Preisleistung auch sehr gut!
    An sich ein tolles Produk

  36. shopblogs01 says:


    Habe die Bnder hauptschlich bestellt, um meinem Po warmzumachen, vor dem Beintraining und weil meine anderen Bnder rutschen. Diese Bnder rutschen 0 auch bei sehr glatten Leggings,was mir sehr wichtig war. Jedoch sind die Bnder fr Anfnger komplett ungeeignet, weil schon die leichteste Version extrem stramm ist. Mich persnlich strt dies nicht, da ich ja schon lnger Krafttraining mit Gewichten betreibe und diese fr mich ideal sind. Jedoch wrde ich die Bnder keinem empfehlen, der bisher nur Homeworkouts gemacht hat und ohne Gewichte trainiert hat und die Beine noch nicht krftig genug sind. Weil diese wirklich, im Vergleich zu anderen Bndern,extrem stramm sind! Selbst ich kann nur die leichteste Version verwenden. Fr Menschen die aber keine Gewichte verwenden wollen, um den Po hart zu trainieren, sind diese Perfekt. Weil diese wie gesagt extrem stramm sind. Da sprt man den Po perfekt, sodass man befrchten muss ,dieser platzt gleich auf.

  37. JavierKillian says:


    Die Bnde helfen mir einen guten booty zubekommen im Homeworkou

  38. Anonymous says:


    Gutes Produkt, Qualitt ist Bombe und rutschen echt nicht! Das Problem das ich allerdings habe, ist, dass die Bnder zu grou sind, damit sie auch wirklich wie gewollt spannen, mssen meine Beine sehr auseinander sein, sonst halten sie halt nicht oben. Auch ist das strkste Band unmglich zu benutzen, es lsst sich quasi nicht ausdehnen, wei deshalb noch nicht was ich damit anfangen soll

  39. OliviaTkkffuxxh says:

     United Kingdom

    I thought these would not be Great quality, but they are. Highly recommended.

  40. LienV30dylv says:


    Erfllen ihren Zweck, sehen dazu noch gut aus und verrutschen nicht. Einziger Nachteil ist der viele Verpackungsmll und der krasse Geruch nach Chemie!

  41. Chris Smith says:

     United Kingdom

    No slipping or curling. Really provides a good grip for lower body workout and each band has different weight variations. I ordered this for a friend. Your lower body will be on FIRE!

    Great Resistant Band!

  42. Zoey Chong says:


    Ich finde die kleinste Strke wirklich sehr leicht aber das ist natrlich ein persnliches Empfinden. Ansonsten bin ich sehr Zufrieden. Die Qualitt ist auch gut.

  43. Anonymous says:


    The fabric is of good quality, really nice to do your workout with these bands.

  44. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHabe schon mehrere Bnder ausprobiert und bin zum ersten Mal zufrieden.

    Folgende Aspekte fhren zu meiner Bewertung:

    – breites Band, sodass sich im Vergleich zu andere (Gummi-)bndern nichts aufrollt
    – im Vergleich zu anderen Bndern lsst dieses dich auch bei schnellem bungswechsel gut umpositionieren (z.B. wenn man YouTube Fitness Videos praktiziert)
    – dadurch, dass es kein Gummi ist, schneidet nichts in die Haut oder klemmt etwas ein
    – die Bnder sind robust, auch wenn man sie stark dehnt und langlebig, auch bei mehrmaligen Gebrauch in der Woche
    – die unterschiedliche Strke ist perfekt zum steigern des Schwierigkeitsgrads
    – das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis ist absolut in Ordnung

    Kann ich uneingeschrnkt empfehlen.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Lovely material. Does not roll up whilst in use like plastic ones tend to do. The resistance levels are spot on. The colours are encouraging too!

  46. demaytri says:

     United Kingdom

    Very Good and strong. Very effective and nice wee case to store them too. Brilliant wee purchase

  47. AddieBlankenshi says:


    Tolle Qualitt wrde ich jederzeit wieder kaufen! Kann absolut mit den teuren Marken mithalten!

  48. JessiePrins says:

     United Kingdom

    Delivery was good, arrived undamaged. Came with a light weight bag to keep them in. The fabric is heavy duty and theres a rubbery silicon layer on the inside to prevent it slipping. All in all a pretty good product.

    Really nice.

  49. Peter Butler says:

     United Kingdom

    Got for my weight lifting to help offer some resistance while squatting, the colours are bright and easy to I dentify as your own from other gym equipment. The resistances are very different do.you don’t feel there’s any over lap in that regard.

  50. EzequieWeissmul says:


    Die Bnder sind sehr gut verarbeitet und man merkt auch einen deutlichen Unterschied in den angegebenen hrtegrade

  51. Anonymous says:


    Diese Bnder sind wirklich stark. Ich hatte nicht zu viel erwartet und bin positiv berrascht. Die Bnder kommen in meinem Homegym im Abduktoren-Training zum Einsatz, das schwarze Band ist mir aktuell noch zu stark. Dazu sei gesagt dass ich ber 200kg Kniebeugen mache.
    Von daher klare Empfehlung wenn man schwer trainieren mchte.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    They all feel perfect and are really comfy and easy to get on and they don’t slip down or fold up like the other ones I had. They feel great and look great too.

    Perfect texture and heaviness from all 3 of them

  53. GarlandCapuano says:


    Bin sehr zufrieden mit den Bndern. Sie haben wirklich sehr unterschiedliche Strken, verrutschen beim Training nicht und schneiden auch nicht ein. Ich kann sie jederzeit empfehlen.
    Der anfangs etwas knstliche Geruch verfliegt sehr schnell.

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product bought at last minute for teenage daughter – she loved the product. Great timing delivery perfect and great product well packaged.

  55. AureliaScanlon says:

     United Kingdom

    Great value and well worth the money. Superb for any home workout as well. A must for any gym at home!

  56. Jim Martin says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersDie Bnder riechen neutral. Sie haben angenehme neutrale Farben. Kamen wirklich hochwertig verpackt und ich hab sofort probiert und ich liebe sie! Sie fhlen sich stabil an. Wirken gut verarbeitet. Ein Traum!

  57. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Needed some bands for working out and wanted them to be able to last. This is my initial review. Fabric is tough in such a good way. Not thin and I can tell they won’t slide easily either. The inner bands have like a rubber type double line to keep it from riding. The bands range from light, medium and heavy. Will start with the light one since I am new to bands. So far I am pleased with my purchase will come back to give a review on e I’ve used them a while. Buscaba unas bandas para hacer ejercicios en casa. Busque hasta encontrar ests y la tela es duradera y de buena manera. Me gusta que me durarn por buen tiempo. Estn bien cocidas y son de 3 variedades. Liviana, mediana y pesada. Tienen una doble lnea por dentro con caucho para evitar que se deslizen. Me gusto mucho mi compra. Luego regresar a dar mi opinin despues de haberlas usado.

    They are definitely not flimsy, so worth it!

  58. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very happy with these bands and I’m glad i chose to go with these as opposed to the other rubber ones. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the material and the stitching, didn’t expect it to be this good. I usually find with most bands that their resistance isn’t that strong and have to use 2 or 3 at a time however these are perfect even the light one holds very good strength. They came beautifully packaged too which is always a nice feeling. Highly recommend this company

  59. AdalbertoQuinon says:


    Die Bnder sind sehr robust und genau in der richtigen Strke angeordnet bin sehr zufriede

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The bands are amazing I love the packaging. Brilliant quality they look well made and long lasting. The bands don’t move or slip while I workout so I don’t have to worry about adjusting. Couldn’t be happier with this product.


  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    First time I try fabric bands. They are good for lower body workout. Just what i needed

  62. DXUDavidxptyy says:


    Die besten Fitnessbnder die ich je benutzt habe sehen aus genau wie auf dem Bild , sind breit und sehr qualitativ

  63. PatsyWillison says:


    Hatte auch mal welche aus Gummi die sind aber immer wieder hochgerutscht weshalb ich sie nie benutzt habe..diese hier sind einfach top

  64. Sam Moore says:

     United Kingdom

    Really enjoying using these as they are nice and thick and don’t roll down unlike the thinner therabands. Very comfortable.

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I am happy with the bands. They stay on and offer the additional resistance I expected

  66. Emme Hall says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersIf like us, you don’t really like to exercise, then these bands are right up your street. Easy exercise we can do whilst watching TV or listening to music. Resistance exercise that slims rather than build muscle. I suffer with Fibromyalgia, and can manage a few minutes at a time, which is better than nothing. It’s been 6 weeks now and we’ve both noticed an improvement. These really feel like quality, take up no space at all to store. They stink to high heaven when you first open the package (A fishy, rubbery smell) but rest assured, this smell went very quickly. Don’t bother with expensive body building gizmos, give these bands a try.

  67. Anonymous says:


    The material is thick and clothed so it’s much more durable than the thin elastic ones.
    I use them everyday and they haven’t broken.
    You are able to wash them in the washer and dryer as well.
    I am happy with my purchase and definitely recommend everyone to get these!

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These bands are exactly as described, they are superb, strong, don’t twist and perfect for band workouts, much better than the thin rubber bands I have used before, they come with their own little material pouches, are washable and look great too, very well made, recommend without hesitation.

  69. StaciaKang says:


    Everything about it makes it convenient and it is reliable.

  70. Joseph Yaden says:

     United States

    The shipping time was reasonable. It comes in a nice little mesh bag for storage. I love the look of them and how sleek they are! I also love that they’re not silicone/rubber so they don’t roll up when you’re using them. I am surprised at how resistant they are! I workout often and have decent amount of muscle in my legs where I was concerned if these would be a challenge… I find myself using the “light” resistance band more often! I recommend these to anyone who is trying to build their at home workout corner. Really impressed!

  71. HarlanPatnode says:

     United Kingdom

    I love it, it came really quickly and in very good packaging. 3 different colours for 3 different strengths! Great quality! Non slip, I use it all the time in the gym bow on my leg days, it’s makes such a difference in your work outs!

  72. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersIch bin alles in allem sehr zufrieden mit den Bndern. Die Qualitt ist insgesamt sehr gut und da die Bnder relativ breit sind, schneiden sie nicht ein. Man merkt die Widerstandsunterschiede der drei Bnder sehr deutlich, auch das ein Pluspunkt. Aufgrund des Durchmessers sind sie bei mir bei manchen bungen mit kleinerem Bewegungsradius runtergerutscht. Das ist aber keine Kritik, nur zur Information.
    Einzig kritisch sehe ich die Verpackung: Die Bnder kommen einzeln in Plastik verpackt in einer weiteren Plastikverpackung, in einem Karton und dann nochmal im Versandkarton. Da auch eine Tasche zur Aufbewahrung mit dabei ist, wrde ich mir wnschen, dass der Anbieter aus Nachhaltigkeitsgrnden knftig auf mindestens eine der Plastikverpackungen verzichtet.

  73. KelvinHeller says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAlso ich hab nichts gutes erwartet tatschlich, aber ich muss sagen diese Bnder sind in der Tat besser als keine gummibnder. Ich kann sie nur weiter empfehle

  74. Aussie Golfer says:


    I cannot believe that I bought such a great quality product for such a low price! Phenomenal.

  75. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe schon einige Bands ausprobiert, die sich aber immer einrollten und so Druckstellen hinterlieen.
    Mit diesen Bands ist das ganz anders, sie sind bequem zu tragen, rutschfest und rollen sich nicht ein.

  76. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAlles Bestens zum Fairen Preis + Blitz Versand da gebe ich

  77. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 25 From Our UsersGeruch war nach 20 Minuten neutral, Strken der Bnder sind perfekt, easy war richtig zum einsteigen. Hat mein Training sehr bereichert! Auch die Struktur ist sehr angenehm und der Halt perfekt. Qualitativ sehr hochwertig und Preisleistungsverhltnis bertroffen! Bin total zufrieden.

    Unglaublich Tolle Qualität!!!

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersI spent a little time searching for the right bands and these fitted the bill. Great price and some good reviews. The only negative review I agree with is the smell. If you’re British then you’ll know what I mean when I say “Scampi Fries”. I couldn’t agree with any other negative posts.

    The bands are thick and each has a different tension. Medium to firm will be great for me. Firm feels VERY firm. Non slip and they don’t dig, like rubber ones. Perfect for home and gym. I’m spending more time working at home so these are great for leg work under your desk when you’re on calls. No one knows what I’m doing. I can easily spend 30 mins using the medium band and not realise it. I’m sure they will be great in the gym too. Overall really pleased.


  79. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAs with most people during lockdown, I have started working out! I have tried a number of resistance bands (cheap ones mainly) and bought these as wanted to invest in a decent set and also saw the great reviews. All I can say is I’m very happy. Wears very well, doesn’t roll down my chunky thighs and feels comfortable.

  80. JacquelRagan says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought it to use when am working out good quality bands I love all 3 of them.

  81. Lindsey Carnett says:


    Golden Review Award: 30 From Our UsersGutes Produkt. Hlt wirklich was es verspricht. Aber es gibt es fettes aber. Viel zu viel Plastik Verpackung. Man muss nicht jedes Band einzeln in eine Plastik Tte packen und dann nochmal alle zusammen in eine Plastik Tte. Bitte ndern!

  82. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 39 From Our UsersIch nutze die Fitnessbnder vor allem, um meine Muskeln bei den Homeworkouts mehr zu beanspruchen. Bisher habe ich immer Bnder aus Gummi benutzt. Jedoch rollten sie sich bei jeder Ausfhrung der bungen zusammen, wodurch ein unangenehmer Druck entstand. Diese hingegen bleiben an Ort und stelle. Nichts rutscht oder zwickt. Zustzlich hat man definitiv lnger etwas von den Bnder, da man je nach Fitnessgrad eine andere Strke whlen kann. Fr Anfnger reicht definitiv das leichte bis mittlere Band. Die Bnder sind somit auch eine Investition auf lange Sicht und damit ihr Geld wert.

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThese are great. Amazing for the price. Definitely, Definitely recommend

  84. Knit Purl Gurl says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good material, not rolling down or riding up,very solid and stretch
    Highly recommend
    Enjoy your workou

  85. Anonymous says:

     United States

    PSA…Wash before contact with body! These are great workout bands, I’ve had no problems with them slipping or rolling up and they have good resistance. I always go straight for the heaviest resistance because I’m use to using them, but these are great for everyone. Now about the warning… mine arrived with the most intense smell of chemtrails mixed with dead fish…lol. I already had one out and up my thighs and was working my first squat before my nose was invaded…lol. I immediately removed it but the smell was stuck up my nose already. After removing all of them from their separate packages, I found that they all contained the same smell. I washed mine with Dawn dishwashing soap in COLD water. Don’t use hot, you may comprise the material. Rise and squeeze a few times before adding soap and then rinse well and hang dry. It took almost a full day for mine to dry but they weren’t in front of a fan of any kind. Other than the initial odor of the dye I think these are great, I’ll update after a few weeks if they wear out quickly.

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersSo I bought these when they were on offer (12.99) I am so impressed! The packaging was fab, they all come sealed up and with in the packaging there is a material bag to put them all in (pictured above) abs you even get a little workout guide. I haven’t used them yet but I highly doubt I’ll be disappointed- very high quality. (This isn’t sponsored) I genuinely am very happy with my purchase!

    High quality

  87. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Headline says it all.. The bands are…. ‘Good?’. They are extremely durable. They are comfortable and don’t slip at all.


    The only let down with them is that they’re not as elastic as I expected. They will only go so far until there is no more stretch in them. Which I feel limits your motions in workouts designed to be full leg motions. So you can be limited a bit with the workouts you can truly get the most out of with these bands.

    All-in-all though.. pretty good workout bands. 8/10 in my personal opinio

  88. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersSo before I bought these guys I had been working out for years and my goal was to grow a booty.. but I was having a hard time seeing results with just weight training. Someone recommended booty bands to help engage those flute muscles, however most sets of 3 were $49.99 + and I was super skeptical.
    I found these and took a chance on them & boy am I glad I did! I’ve recommended them to so many people
    The pictures I posted are after months of use, I use the medium band the most because that’s the one I find the most activation with but all three are very useful.
    If you take care of your equipment you won’t be sorry, go ahead and buy them

    I use these in my workout videos from time to time.
    IG & TikTok: @madlovless if you wanna see them in actio

    Budget Booty 😂

  89. MilVet says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOrdered for my daughter, she loves them and has been using them for a few months now with great results. Great material, far better than I expected. Really very resilient and I know these will last a long time. Definite value for money with the added bonus of my daughter loving her booty!

  90. Julie Vadnal says:

     United States

    I loved these resistance bands! They three levels of resistance are really great for beginners and those that are more advanced. I personally love to warm up with the medium band and then when I do my exercises I love using the heavy band. I also like that they are different colors and so I know which one is which level and don’t have to read them to find out. They also do not slide down when wearing leggings because they have a sticky material in the inside that allows them to stay up. Super comfortable and so overall I give them 5/5 stars because they are great for the price. Usually bands are 1 for the same price you get 3 here. So overall I am very pleased with this product.

  91. inspiredrd says:

     United States

    I just received my bands a couple of weeks ago and have only used it a handful of times. So this review will be based on a limited time use. I will update the review in the future regarding durability.

    First off, they are very easy to use. Figuring out which band is which isn’t complicated and if you use them often enough you tend to remember the color/weight – not to mention how the tension in the band feels.

    I love these bands, I use them in a variety of exercises and I find they’re easier on the joints than traditional free weights and offer the same results. It takes a little modifying for workouts that aren’t tailored for bands, but you figure it out as you go along.

  92. Anonymous says:

     United States

    It’s not for smaller people like size xs or s my but if your medium to large you are perfect size for these bands and very cute and durable ! You won’t regret it .. my aunt bought them for me but I never recieved mine I bought but on the other hand .. After recieving them at a different adddress they are definitely 5 star for 125 lbs and above .. grateful she bought them for me but I’m in the game for gaining muscle and weight and I need to gain 15 lbs really to be able to actually use them well and get the most out of them overall amazing bands and a great price! They also have good grip if you have the thighs for it ! Really happy with the order she got me !

  93. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I highly reccomend this product. I’ve only been using them for about 2 weeks and I’m still on the light weight band. It has stretched out just a tad but that’s to be expected (and un-noticable by someone not using them every day). I’m happy that it isn’t a trash product! They have NEVER rolled and I find them very comfortable. I’m 5’8″ with about 50lbs to lose lol it holds onto my thighs super well. I enjoy a shorter workout with greater resistance than a longer workout trying to figure out weights and routines. If you’re just starting off, or you’ve been at this awhile, I think these bands would be great for everyone.

    Also, they come with a cloth bag to keep them in, which is super handy. And they come with a small pamphlet to explain 8 or 9 exersices you can do with them.

  94. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDoes what it is supposed to. Doesn’t ride up or down or bundle up especially during squats. Good quality of material used for the price you pay.

  95. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 366 From Our Usersit’s resistance bands, they work well, build quality is good also, but be cautious of high ratings, they offer $10 for each 5 star review

  96. TonjaCousens says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersWhile shopping before resistance bands I was very hesitant. I had three main focuses: no rolling, comfort, and durability.
    These bands are made with a soft fabric that doesn’t roll, is very comfortable, and thus far has great durability.
    The inside of the band is laced with rubber-like thread and has remained intact without shredding.
    These bands are great for beginner, intermediate, & advanced workouts. It also comes with an exercise chart guide to get you started!
    At this time there are no negative reviews I can give this product. It has certainly exceeded my expectations.
    The one thing I will monitor, is to see if the elasticity weakens over time and how long before that happens.
    If you are looking for a nice resistance band set for a great price, HANDS DOWN! These are for you!

    3 Set Resistance Bands

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersAfter using and snapping rubber resistance bands I needed some material ones that would stand the test of time, not roll down and looked good. I can say that these bands can attest to all of the points I wanted them for. I haven’t used them yet so can’t talk on the stretch yet, but they are made of thick quality fabric and I can tell they won’t roll down. Packaging is great, and you get a little ‘how to card’ with some stretches in to start you off. The only thing I would suggest is a stopper on the tie of the bag to keep it tied tight, other than that, fantastic product!

    Fantastic product!

  98. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThese were a Christmas gift and were a hit with my daughter. She is big into fitness and goes to the gym alot and researched what bands she wanted and chose these. There are 3 levels (the green is light resistance, pink is medium and purple is hard.) She has used the green and pink bands and is impressed that they don’t slide (the material is a thick elastic fabric) and offers her a challenging workout. She’s working towards the purple which offers heavy resistance. She also loves the little mesh bag it comes in to carry them to the gym! She’s had cheaper rubber band type ones, but for the price these are much better. One last thing that may be important, the bands are not adjustable, you cant make them looser or tighter which is great because they stay nice and tight during the workout!

    These were a Christmas gift and were a hit with my daughter. She is big into fitness and goes to the gym alot and researched what bands she wanted and chose these. There are 3 levels (the green is light resistance, pink is medium and purple is hard.) She has used the green and pink bands and is impressed that they don't slide (the material is a thick elastic fabric) and offers her a challenging workout. She's working towards the purple which offers heavy resistance. She also loves the little mesh bag it comes in to carry them to the gym! She's had cheaper rubber band type ones, but for the price these are much better. One last thing that may be important, the bands are not adjustable, you cant make them looser or tighter which is great because they stay nice and tight during the workout!

  99. BarbraCaraballo says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 356 From Our UsersCOVID Home workout. First 4 months, couch potato and eating everything that wasn’t nailed down. For the last month, I’ve been trying to regain my 20+ years workout fitness.
    These bands are great. I’ve tried the elastic ones in the past, and they rolled up. This brand stays flat, has plenty of stretch.
    The package comes in 3 colors, each has a different workout – light, medium, heavy. I am using the light, since I am new to the bands, but will move onto the medium soon.
    I was pleased with this brand after reading some were just simply too challenging to use.
    The bands and YOUTUBE are all you need. Just put in ‘Booty Band Workout’ and you will find a library of videos to sample.
    I keep teasing my husband that I’ll soon look like the instructors in the videos. He rolls his eyes, and tells me he’s proud of me.
    Try them, you’ll love them.

  100. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 127 From Our UsersBefore using these, no matter how much I worked out, I never really had that much definition in my thighs but since using these, I’m actually seeing that line I’ve been waiting to see practically my whole workout life. Not to mention, starting to see a round behind. I love the bright pastel colors that these come in but the best part is they stay up. I have yet to have these even come close of sliding down to slipping while working out. At first they were a bit of a struggle to get on but now, it just feels as though I’m putting on another pair of bottoms. No matter how much I’m stretching or moving, I have yet to see these things tear or shred any sort of elastic. These don’t get in the way of my workout and I really do feel the burn while using these.