Fosi Audio BT30D Bluetooth 5.0 Stereo Audio Receiver Amplifier 2.1 Channel Mini Hi-Fi Class D Integrated Amp 50 Watt x2+100 Watt for Passive Speakers/Subwoofer Powered Subwoofe

Leading Hi-Fi Amplifier Brand

Our Story
Fosi Audio was founded with a simple goal: Build products that sound great and make people want to listen to music every day. We design, develop, and sales many Hi-Fi audio products on the market. We pursue your perfect music journey. Enjoy Hi-Fi music with Fosi Audio audio products NOW!
Product Parameters:
2.1 CH Bluetooth Stereo Amp
- Power Adapter: 24V/4.5A
- DC Input Range: 12-24V
- THD: ≤ 0.04%, SNR: ≥ 98dB
- Frequency Range: 20Hz – 20kHz (±1 dB)
- Input Sensitivity: ≤ 280mV;
- Terminating Impedance: 2 – 8 Ohm
- MAX Power Output: 50W x 2+100W
- Input Mode: Bluetooth and RCA
- Bluetooth Transmission Distance: Up to 50 Ft
- Package Include: BT3D Amp, Power Supply, User Manual
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Add powerful home theater quality sound performance to your desktop with compact amplifier style. | Deliver clear, accurate sound that’s loaded with Subwoofer volume and frequency control | The upgraded DC outlet with a built-in power protection circuit, safe for use. |
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The Fosi Audio BT30D Bluetooth Stereo Amplifier Receiver is the perfect solution for all of your audio needs! | Bluetooth 5.0 wireless audio streaming along with RCA jack to directly connect & stream audio from external devices. | Fosi Audio BT30D amp comes with the energy-efficient and stable 24V/4.5A power supply can get efficient output power. |
Dimensions: | 26.11 x 18.49 x 5.89 cm; 930 Grams |
Model: | BT30D |
Manufacture: | Fosi Audio |
Origin: | China |
Le son est superbe, des basses puissantes et des aigues bien nettes. C’est juste parfait ! je l’utilise dans une petite pice de 20m2.
Buon compromesso tra qualit e prezzo, suono pulito con buon controllo dei toni, bello da vedere anche se piccolo ed essenziale.
I purchased this unit to use with my bookshelf speakers and passive sub and it delivered big time. Great for a small room and perfect for what I needed. Great value for a amp and amazingly small! This is the future.
Perfect all way round. I now love working from home because of the quality of the music I get from this little tiny beast. Zero regrets.
This amp has a very clean sound and fit my needs to power a couple of sealed enclosure speakers I was given. At 50 watts, it doesn’t produce the high volume levels one might desire for full-throttle rock albums (in part because of the speakers), but it almost does and is excellent for a system you might use while entertaining. Bluetooth works really well, re-connecting while I was about 60 feet away and outside, but suffered just a bit at 30 feet if the wrong kind of object (refrigerator) was in the way.
Sounds great super easy to set up. I have it with a vinyl player. Bit of a shame it doesn’t have headphone socket but I knew that before I bought it. Don’t know why the review scores ask you to score remote control but I assumed that was Bluetooth connection…which is great no problems at all.
La scatola aveva il sigillo aperto e questo mi ha innervosito parecchio ma al suo interno era tutto in ordine. Il bluethoot si dimostrato ottimo e non mi ha dato nessun problema, le connessioni sono molto vicine tra loro ma sono ben accessibili. Non ho nessun fruscio a differenza di quanto ho letto in alcune recensioni e il suono strabiliante. La potenza inferiore di quella dichiarata ma per una TV ottima. Quando ho collegato il subwoofer sono rimasto a bocca aperta, bassi incredibili, ben equilibrati e senza tremolii o risonanze varie. Il suono pulito!! Unico difetto, se vogliamo proprio cercarlo, i piedini di gomma sono attaccati con lo sputo e si staccano a guardarli. Per ora sono ampiamente soddisfatto….
Excelente relacin precio/calidad
Lo compr para instalar en mi espacio de home office y result perfecto.
Conectado a parlantes Polk gama media y a un subwoofer, el sonido es ms que satisfactorio y super mis expectativas.
La entrada RCA y por Bluetooth funcionan sin problemas. Muy fcil de instalar y manejar.
Completamente recomendable.
I was looking for something to replace my amp for Djing. I was so surprised by how good this little amp is. It works exactly what I needed, something for Left and Right speakers as well as an active sub input. It also comes with BlueTooth.
Nice little amp, quite nicely built and fairly weighty for its size, does exactly what I need it to, could have done with being a touch cheaper though given the lack of remote controls, however so far so good.
Works great for my poor sounding laptop, slight annoying buss from speakers when laptop goes so sleep.
Have to manually pair after sleep mode.
Funciona adecuadamente, quiz quede un poco dbil en cuanto al volumen aportado, ante todo con altavoces medianos-grandes. Con pequeos supongo ir mejor en capacidad de volumen.
This is truly and outstanding little amp for the price: Small size; decent fidelity audio; low noise; analog inputs and outputs, runs cool all day at 90% volume; high-quality volume, bass, treble, and subwoofer (potentiometer) controls – this is critical unless you don’t mind getting frustrated after a few months; and a reasonable price. I can’t say enough good things about this amp. However, the one thing I did not really care for is the banana jacks on the back for L & R audio out. Generally, bananas are only used for high wattage systems where you do not want current-limiting elements of the design to affect peak output responses. I would have preferred standard RCA connectors since this is not a high-power amp. Fortunately, the did use RCA for the audio in jacks.
Perfect for powering small speakers: I drive a pair of refurbished JBL Control 1s and a Yamaha subwoofer with it. Really nice for low to medium volume groovin!
DESIGNERS: Congratulations, this is a very nice design.
This thing sounds incredible. One of the things I love about it is that it is absolutely quiet when not playing. The Bluetooth is rock solid and operation is tres simple. I especially love the dedicated high quality controls. First class job.
Compact unit, nice and solid. Bluetooth connection reliable, no glitches. With the subwoofer attached there’s plenty of volume for a house.
The sound and build quality of this little box is amazing! Easy to use with either line in or Bluetooth, I used a Milwaukee battery adaptor to power it and works flawlessly and now it’s Portable!!
Ich habe den Verstrker gekauft, um Lautsprecher an einem Flachbildschirm TV zu betreiben. Die Originalen Lautsprecher an den Fernsehern sind ja leider das Hinterletzte, aber technisch ist das wohl nicht besser zu machen. Allerdings – auch wenn man die Lautsprecher selbst baut, unter 800 bis 900 Euro bekommt man auch hier nichts ordentliches.
Jetzt ist das Genuschel verschwunden und auch Musiksendungen machen wieder richtig Spa. Der Verstrker tut was er soll und es ist erstaunlich, was aus der kleinen Kiste alles herauskommt.
There is a lot to like about this unit. The form factor is small, making it versatile for placement, and the power it can put out is impressive for both the unit size and wattage range. However, the receiver cannot handle full volume. With the volume all the way up, anything that pegs the needle volume-wise causes the receiver to cut out for a few seconds, likely as some kind of fail safe. I only knocked off 1 star because I would literally damage my hearing if I listened to the unit at full volume (read over 110 dB on my meter)
Superbe ampli marche trs bien, pas de parasite l’alimentation a t visionne amliorer, un peu lger a se comprend les plaques sans aluminium la puissance raisonnable jusqu’ 30 mtres carrs avec des bons enceinte bien sr, c’est un ampli trs robuste je recommande !
I honestly didn’t know what to expect. Never heard of the brand before. But I recently found an ancient pair of Pioneer 3-way speakers that my parents bought for me back when I was a teenager in the early 90’s. They were stored in a box, in pretty good physical condition.
I wanted to see if they’d still work, but I didn’t have an amplifier at home. So I decided to get this little amp a shot. I had my doubts, but it worked better than expected.
The power may not be ground shaking, but it’s more than enough for desk use (HUGE speakers for a desk, I know… may have to move them later). But it sounds good, even without a subwoofer (I’m sure I have one stored in a box, will update if I find it).
Anyway, very pleased with the sound….
Sorprende su tamao y su potencia. Los controles funcionan con suavidad y la separacin de frecuencias para el subwoofer es perfecta.
Amplificatore davvero ben fatto e molto musicale. Sto pilotando due Magnat Studio, ed ho collegato all’uscita sub preamplificata un subwoofer attivo Yamaha. Tutto perfetto, il bluetooth si connette immediatamente e non ci sono fruscii ne disturbi, a qualsiasi volume. Molto bello anche a vedersi.
Nothing to dislike . The unit is small & very easy to connect blue tooth . Money well spent (Scotsman) sound quality
Motsvarade mina frvntningar med rge. Anvnder den som frstrkare till mitt keyboard/ synt samt fr att streama spotify frn Pc till mina hgtalare (via bluetooth). Imponerande prestanda i ett smidigt format!
The device is super awesome . I upgraded from the older model I bought less than a year ago which had no BT or SubW connection options but great quality still. This newest model is excellent and the sound quality is superior. It took me 5 minutes to set it up. The addition of subwoofer connection made a huge difference to the output quality. I love the little devil and I give it the thumb .
Ich schreibe selten Rezensionen. Aber in seltenen Fllen der bermigen Begeisterung fhle ich mich gezwungen eine Bewertung zu schreiben.
Was Fosi hier auf dem Markt gebracht hat verdient Respekt.
Alles an dem kleinen ist berragend.
Im direkten Vergleich mit sehr teuren Gerten stellt man erschreckend fest das der kleine Fosi die gleiche Brillanz und Klangauflsung aufweist. Mit welcher Dynamik er die Lautsprecher befeuert ist unglaublich.
Ich habe einen Aktiven Subwoofer am Sub Out angeschlossen.
Er lsst sich mit den vorhandenen Reglern so fein einstellen wie es oftmals nichtmal bei den ganz teuren Gerten mglich ist.
Die Bluetooth Verbindung ist fr den Preis einfach unvorstellbar gut. Es gibt keinerlei Einbrche oder Strgerusche auch wenn ich am anderen Ende des Zimmers bin (8-10 Meter)
Fosi hat hier etwas bemerkenswertes auf den Markt gebracht was Anerkennung verdient. Jeder der Skeptisch ist kann mir glauben – kauft ihn! Ihr werdet begeistert sein. In meinen Augen wre auch ein deutlich hherer Preis angemessen und ich wrde ihn fr diese Leistung gerne bezahlen.
Vielen Dank Fosi!
I have 2 satellite speakers & a sub-woofer for my PC. This gives me strong & clean sound. I’m a bass player, so I like to be able to turn up the bass. It looks good too. Just the right amount of what I want. There may be more expensive units that do more. For under $100, this is great. I haven’t used the Bluetooth connection yet.
Lovely little device. Quality build and easy to install. Worked as expected. Definitely recommend this.
Ich war auf der Suche nach einem passiven 2.1 System, da ich meinen alten Auto-Subwoofer nicht verschenken wollte.
Die hier angebotenen Gerte liegen beim Thema Leistung immer recht nah zusammen. Da ich von Fosi schon das ein oder andere Gert besitze, habe ich mich letztendlich fr diesen Verstrker entschieden.
Betrieben werden 2 Lautsprecher Eigenbau mit je ca 300W. Der Sub von Blaupunkt hat ca 700W.
Der Verstrker ist dementsprechend sicher etwas zu schwach auf der Brust.
ABER… das Teil macht einen mega job!!
Kurz an den Reglern eingestellt, per Bluetooth mit dem Handy verbunden und los geht’s.
Klar, wir reden hier nicht von high-end aber was dieses Gert fr um die 100 Euro bietet ist TOP!!
Keine Verbindungsabbrche, wird nicht hei, sehr guter Klang, was will man mehr?!
+ natrlich toller Amazon Versand.
5 Sterne!
I needed a small amp that had an RCA line input, subwoofer line out jack and built in bluetooth receiver. The separate controls for bass, treble, subwoofer level and variable crossover were a bonus. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much based on the low price but it almost equals the performance of my Tangent BLT Ampster for about 1/3 the price. The build quality is not on par with the Tangent but it will only get limited use on weekends so it should last a long time. Removed 1 star because no remote control.
I have this set up in my workshop sounds brilliant would be nice if it had a remote control
Easy to use and install, hooked up a pair of Klipsch r-51m speakers, much better than my previous audio engine hd6 speakers. So much clearer and more detail, barely move the volume knob and already a great listening volume, great combo for desktop audio, will source a sub in the near future, would definitely recommend this amp!!
Everything is very good, except for a barely audible static noise. Its so silent you have to put your ear 10cm away from the speaker to even hear it. Then why even mention it? Well the problem is this static noise becomes quite loud once you turn the treble knob up. Nonetheless I gave 5 stars because I don’t turn the treble up anyways. Note that this does not happen when you increase the overall volume or the bass. All in all I am satisfied with my purchase, just thought I might mention this because for someone else the treble could be more important than for me. Have a good one!
I had been reading about Class D amplifiers, supposedly the wave of the future in audio. So I purchased the Fosi Audio BT30D for my home office. My older system and basis for comparison includes a Yamaha receiver and a pair of (original) Advent speakers and I am still quite happy with this system.
I paired the BT30D with Dayton Audio B652 Bookshelf Speakers ($65a pair) and a Yamaha 8″ Subwoofer ($150) and I am amazed by the quality of sound from this $305 system. The first thing I noticed was how crisp the sound was. The total harmonic distortion spec is 0.04% from 20 HZ to 20 kHz +/- 1dB. Compare with the Yamaha R-N303 Stereo Receiver ($300) spec of 0.2% THD from 40 Hz to 20 kHz (actually pretty good). So, using the BT30D, I am hearing sharper detail than with my older system.
Even without the subwoofer the BT30D and Dayton Audio speakers would be a dynamite and satisfying combination in a college dorm room or small apartment at a total of $155! The Dayton speakers have enough bass (down to 70 Hz) for most non-classical program material.
For the money and what was trying to accomplish (garage stereo) for when doing whatever in garage it’s absolutely perfect. Hooked up to a car subwoofer(removed from old car) and two bookshelf speakers. To adjust frequency of sub from bookshelf for under 100 bucks, perfect IMO. Sounds pretty good too. Recommended. Only thing I’d add to it, is get banana clips for speaker wires to make a cleaner install. Other than thatabsolutely no complaints.
J’utilise sur un kit de sono semi-mobile selon les saisons, les voyages et les activits sur le patio.
J’ai eu des problmes de coupures de signal Bluetooth. Si il y des interferences autour du smartphone. (mouvements) .
C’est essayer une antenne plus grande : Ce ft pire. Je dois placer l’ampli dans un espace dgag.
I’m using it with a pair of Wharfedale D310 (ASIN: B08W7DMXDB) bookshelf speakers (8 Ohm) and a passive Sony subwoofer (4 Ohm, originally part of a home theater sound system) that I got for free at the local recycling center. The subwoofer was basically the reason I chose this 2.1 amp. The speakers and the amp are on my computer desk, and the sub is on the floor. The room is 12 m, and for listening to music I have the volume on my laptop set to about 80%, and the volume knob on the amp is set to 10 o’clock (so, less than half). I rarely put the volume knob past 12 o’clock.
I’ve seen some mentions on audio forums that these amps need a higher current rating power supply to realize their full potential (e.g. a 24V 8-10A power supply if you can find one, or a cheap and good quality safe option is a second-hand 19-20V laptop power supply rated for 150+ watts, e.g. a 20W 170V power supply from a Thinkpad W530 can be found on eBay for 15-20 EUR, it would need it’s power connector changed). People also generally recommend an active subwoofer (has it’s own power supply and amplifier), in which case it makes sense to buy a 2.0 amplifier. In my case, using the bundled power supply, the amp drives the two speakers and the passive sub very well, I tested it at much higher volume and sub volume that I would ever actually use, and it was working fine. Maybe in a large room or with different speakers / bigger sub it could be not enough juice, but in my case it feels like there’s plenty in reserve. According to my energy cost meter, the amp’s power supply uses just 2-5 W of power during my actual use. Only when testing with bass-heavy music at high volume and sub volume, the power consumption exceeded 50 W (which is still just half of what the bundled supply is rated for). I didn’t dare to increase the volume even further because it already felt like the room was shaking.
– Computer to amp via jack to RCA cable from Ugreen (ASIN: B07MNY7LS3)
– Amp to speakers and subwoofer: 2×2,5mm KabelDirekt speaker cable (ASIN: B01C79XV5W) terminated with KabelDirekt banana plugs (ASIN: B078PJTKZD). The banana plugs are not required, bare wire can be used, but in my opinion the banana plugs connections look more neat on my desktop. For my setup, I used 6 plugs on the amp side and 4 plugs on the speaker side – my passive subwoofer accepts only bare wire.
The amp has two knobs to adjust sub’s volume and frequency. The frequency adjusted the upper limit of the range of the frequencies that will be output to the sub. It’s not a sharp cut-off but a gradual curve. Note that this setting doesn’t affect output to main speakers, those always receive the full frequency range. The knobs are not graduated and they don’t have any detents either. So setup is simply made until it sounds good. I have the sub vol at 10 to 12 o’clock depending on what I’m listening to, and sub frequency at 12 to 15 o’clock.
Furthermore, there are treble and bass knobs. These are also not graduated, and there are no detents for the center position. According to a test I read, the “neutral” position is close to center but not exactly on center. I have those knobs more or less on center. Turning the bass knob up will also increase the sub’s volume.
The volume knob is bigger, action is nice and smooth. Mine is at 10 to 12 o’clock. Turning the master volume up will also increase the sub’s volume.
The Bluetooth connection works well, sound quality is good. The device doesn’t support aptX, at least my Android phone didn’t offer an option to use aptX, which it did when connecting to our Edifier R1700BTs speakers in the living room. With the Edifier speakers, I am not able to tell any difference with or without aptX, so for me it doesn’t really matter. Generally, I’m using a wired connection to my laptop, anyway. I didn’t test the Bluetooth range, but I assume that since the amp has an external antenna, range has to be good. Like my portable Bluetooth speaker, this amp doesn’t ask for any PIN code when connecting, so in theory anyone in range can connect to the amp and play some music. I guess this can be a problem in theory, although in practice I have so far never had a case like that in my life. Still, I think it would cost the manufacturer very little to improve this, e.g. adding a “pair” button to the amp, or a PIN code for pairing.
By default, the amp uses the wired RCA inputs, in that case the LED near the power switch is red. If a Bluetooth device connects, the LED turns blue, and the RCA inputs are ignored. The Bluetooth device can then play sounds to the amp.
Some further observations:
– When there is no sound playing from the source, there is no audible noise / hum from the speakers, even with the volume knob maxed out. The amp’s and my laptop’s power supplies are connected to the same surge protector from Brennenstuhl.
– When any of the knobs are adjusted, there are no crackling sounds at all
– When the amp is turned off, the sounds stops immediately, with no “pop” from the speakers or the subwoofer
– When the amp is turned on, it takes about a second until the sound starts working
– If a Bluetooth device is connected, and the amp is turned off and on again, Bluetooth doesn’t reconnect automatically to the last used device. You must manually connect the Bluetooth device every time you need it. Personally I like this – for example, with my portable Bluetooth speaker, sometimes I turn it on, intending to use it with my phone, but it auto-connects to my laptop, or my wife’s laptop, and then I have to go to the laptop’s Bluetooth settings to disconnect it, this is more annoying.
Sound is good and the subwoofer part of the amp works well. I can adjust the subwoofer sound to match the music. I do not have to go to the subwoofer to adjust. Powered subwoofers is adjusted at the subwoofer. I like the sound.
Received in good time – Just wired it up to my PC and passive sub woofer – Base and treble work great and sub woofer works perfectly.
Best sound I’ve ever experienced from my desktop.
This thing connects to Bluetooth immediately and sounds awesome, I use it to power 4 Meyer mid highs and 2 surface mounted 8 inch speakers as subs.
The amp runs well even during high heat of the summer, I have it mounted in a gazebo tent and it’s exposed to moisture and heat all day…so far no issues.
Great deal and the sub levels and frequency crossover are super helpful to tune.
These little bluetooth compatible stereo is awesome! I have it with PBS 8″ bookshelf speakers and a custom built slot port 8″ jlw83v3 8″ subwoofer paired with fossi audios 200 watt subwoofer amp powering a 12″ pioneer in a slot ported box. That combination hammers. I can hear it from across the street. I love these little amps!!!!
Hooked the amp up to 2, 12″ 2 way speakers and one 15″ (100 oz. magnet, SPL 98DB) speaker for the subwoofer output. Ran signal from ipod using the headphone jack and rca plugs. There was minimal hiss when no signal was present. Turning the volume up too fast caused the volume to cut out out on all speakers. The more the amp was played the less this happened. Switched to bluetooth input from ipod and the signal was clearer and hiss was reduced significantly. Clarity from all speakers was great. Could not believe the sound from the 15″ speaker, full and low. Could hear the lows (thump) in another room without being able to distinguish the song. Very pleased with output of the amp for the size. As I played it more the ability to turn the amp up and not have it cut it diminished. Being able to to adjust the output of the left and right speakers with the sub out is a great feature for a obtaining a balanced sound no matter what speakers you are using. For its size this amp puts out a lot of sound. The more efficient your speakers are the easier it will be to get them loud at a lower amp volume. I have not used the passive sub out yet, so I cannot give it a rating.
For its size and price this amp is a great value. Hope it lasts a long time.
I bought this to use on my computer and replace the huge Onkyo 7.1 receiver I was using that took up a ton of space and produced a lot of heat. I was only using 2 channels and going to a passive sub so I thought I would try this. I have it connected to a set of Boston Acoustics full tower speakers and wired the sub output to an 8ohm Dual Voicecoil Sub putting a 4ohm load on the Amp. Amazingly it sounds every bit as good as the larger and higher power Onkyo. Bass and Treble adjustments work as they should and the volume is linear and easy turn. Connecting to Bluetooth is easy and sounds as good as a wired connection. I can’t rate this high enough given the price point.
The only drawback to this unit is the binding posts on the back are not a standard distance apart so a one piece banana clip does not fit. A single banana clip fits just fine. This is hard to complain about as to have a normal banana clip fit they would have to increase the size of the chassis. Great job Fosi audio.
I connected the Fosi Audio BT30 to my Elac BS123 speakers (rated for 50-70watts) and it sounds fantastic. Even at 20% volume it is already loud. At first I had my doubts about this product. but so far i’ve got zero complaints. I’ve personally not listened to the bluetooth functionality since I only use the RCA output but connecting to bluetooth was very easy and fast. All in all a very good buy. Definitely a recommended product for a small powerfull amp.
I bought another little amp half a year ago and I thought it was very good…. until I ordered this one. The bass is much more than that one and the treble sounds cleaner and crispier. Connecting my Samsung phone Bluetooth is a breeze. I feel the power may not be true 200W (all channels together) but it is more than I need. The package and the user’s manual are a bit too simple but it is OK – all Chinese native branded products are similar. If the casing comes with brushing metal style it will be even better. Overall, happy with this product.
I initially had a problem getting a signal to the sub when wired to the mac. Signal was fine over bluetooth. Working with Carlos at tech support, we determined my cable was bad. Once that was replaced it works great with both connection methods.
I especially like the way it connects to bluetooth sources. No passwords. Just select and play. Anyone can turn on the switch in the office and play what they want from their phone.
Sound quality and output power seem superior to the SMSL and the power supply doesn’t spark when you plug it in! (SMSL issue) I don’t miss the remote control since it’s right next to the computer keyboard and my phone is the remote when playing from that source.
Great product, great price. Good support. I highly recommend you consider the BT30D as a no frills, get it done, audiophile quality amp.
Endlich. Fosi hat’s als einziger verstanden. Nix Plastik, nix kompliziert, nix teuer aber guter Klang, gute Leistung. Endlich finden meine alten guten passiven Boxen wieder Verwendung. Sogar meinen guten aber kaputten aktiver Sub kann ich mit diesem Verstrker fahren und wie! .. mehr wie Zimmerlautstrke! Extrem kleine Bauform fr diese Leistung. Schn und wertig gemacht. Blauzahn funkt auch super. Fernbedienung braucht man nicht.
Einziges Verbesserungspotential: Ein Auto-Power Off wre super!
Nel complesso non mi sembra male. I materiali al tatto restituiscono una buona sensazione. Il suono brillante e pulito.
Il volume mi lascia qualche dubbio per per quello che serve a me va benissimo.
I was a little skeptical about this amp and was willing to try it because if I didn’t like it I could return it. I do NOT want to return it. I have it hooked up to my Klipsch 650 all weather speakers and it is plenty loud for the porch and makes the speakers sing!!! Next step will be to hook up a sub but according to the manual it is not necessary to have the sub connected if you don’t have one. Connection to Bluetooth is pretty simple and pretty reliable from my iPad. I have the amp inside the house and my tablet outside with me about 25 feet away. The box itself feels smooth and sturdy and the knobs turn smoothly. Nothing about it feels cheap. I’m in love!!
I got this unit in early April to put on my deck outside with an old set of speakers versus buying new wireless portable bluetooth units. I’m running a set of 30 yr old 2nd hand Acoustic Research AR102s and a 20+ year old Centrios 8″ passive sub. I am pushing Pandora from my iPhone 12 or other source via BT. I am amazed at what the combo is doing – great full spacious clear sound at any volume for any genre I’ve put to it. Can’t believe my good fortune for getting such a great rig for so little $$; years ago sound like this would have been only from very high (RMS) power big $$ sets – and now I’m enjoying outside on my deck from 24VDC power supplied unit… wow.
The caveat is that the first unit I bought, and fell in love with, has in my opinion a much stronger output. It’s really loud and punchy! The other 2 units are still good but just don’t hit like the first. I’ve done A,B, and C side-by-side comparisons to confirm this. I’m not sure if Fosi detuned the output a bit but it’s noticeable. Just my observation…. hope the review helps!
IL prodotto arrivato nei tempi previsti, ero un p indeciso all’acquisto per la qualit dell’ascolto! quando lho provato con sistema 2.1 non ho avuto pi dubbi, se dovrei acquistarne un’altro lo farei ad occhi chiusi.
Rumore di fondo inesistente a come diceva qualcuno, il prodotto e validissimo.
I’ve moved from nobsound as this amp has so much better bluetooth
isponde a pieno alle mie aspettative.
consegnato subito, imballo perfetto, semplice nell’utilizzo.
collegato ad un subwoofer passivo e ad un paio di casse Indiana Line la resa ottima, con una buona spazialit.
se devo trovare una mancanza, avrei gradito anche la possibilit di bilanciamento tra i canali, che invece non presente. nessuno perfetto.
un ottimo acquisto con poca spesa. lo consiglio.
Great little amp. I paired it with Klipsch R 41m’s and it can shake the room when pushed no distortions that I can hear, pretty amazing. It does have some static noise coming out if you crank up the dial with highs but its only audible when you dont play anything; when music is on you cant hear it. I cant say anything about the sub output since I dont have a sub. The bluetooth connection works great. Great value for money no regrets whatsoever.
Installed this in my shop to stream music from my phone to a pair of 3 way in-wall speakers. Lots of power, decent sound and very compact – so much so that I recessed it a wall so only the controls protrude. Bluetooth is very stable and connects instantly. Hard to beat at this price
Impressive for the size but definitely not a replacement for a good stereo. I’ve only tried bluetooth (connects very well and stable) … I haven’t experienced the “hissing” some have reported. Gets a little harsh on top end at higher volumes and I do need to have the volume cranked up to drive 87 db speakers in a smaller outdoor space. Output on sub is impressive. Overall I would recommend if your expectations are reasonable for such a small device.
Consegna in tempi rapidissimi complimenti!
Il prodotto bello alla vista ed al tatto ed ispira qualit (a parte i morsetti ..)
Suona davvero bene considerando le dimensioni veramente ridotte ma per esaltarne le caratteristiche , occorrono delle casse di qualit .. In verit ha dei limiti soprattutto a regimi medio alti per cui bisogna lavorare con le frequenze toni, casse e sub .
Per mio gusto personale pecca un po’ negli alti mentre nei bassi non ci sono problemi .
Bought this to upgrade my small speaker, flat screen TV sound. It’s driving a couple of Cambridge Audio Minx Min 12 speakers that fit neatly under the TV screen and using an old HiFi speaker on the floor as a sub; nothing special! The input is from the headphone jack on the TV so I can control the volume with the TV remote. It makes a huge difference to the viewing experience and even makes me enjoy the sound quality of the channel identity ‘jingles’ and programme themes. I watched a Harry Potter film yesterday and although it is only playing back in 2.1, it really helped to bring the film alive! And so small… it can hang off the back of the TV and you wouldn’t even know it’s there. Being able to listen via Bluetooth when required is a real bonus and it’s quicker to use than switching on the HiFi, selecting the input source, etc.
Fabulous little power house sounds fantastic but I did have to make a lead for the sub .
Abbinato a due satelliti autocostruito Pirless Vifa passo alto a 200 hz 12 db ed un sub pile uso car si sente divinamente per quello che costa. Si collega velocissimo al bluetooth e volendo trovare un difetto manca la scala del taglio in frequenza per il sub. Trasformatore 24 volt perfetto non fruscia. Silenzio a volume sostenuto nelle pause Bass e Treble a zero. Consigliato.
Grazie tante
Easy to set up and use, a good price and no wires between music source and amp.
Ottimo prodotto,piccolo ma potente e dal suono onesto,collegato a 2 diffusori con woofer da 13 cm e tweeter,pi subwoofer da 25 cm,smuove un bel po’ di aria,con un suono inaspettato,neutro e piuttosto dettagliato.non ho riscontrato quel fruscio di fondo accusato da altri utenti,neppure a volume alto.consigliato a chi vuol assemblare un primo impianto hifi,o da usare con un PC o TV,si toglier delle soddisfazioni.
E` adatto ad essere utilizzato per impianti modesti, sufficienti a riprodurre musica in una piccola stanza, per una postazione da gaming o per il televisore. E` talmente piccolo da stare nel palmo di una mano e nonostante questo, grazie all’utilizzo dello stadio amplificatore TPA3116D2 in classe D offre una qualita` eccellente. Non lo voglio comparare con sistemi dedicati all’alta fedelta`, ma per me e` eccellente siccome offre un ascolto piacevole e, in rapporto al prezzo, non ho dubbi: lo comprerei di nuovo.
Better than I expected.
I have a separate sub woofer and this amp accommodates it. By the way, it has separate outputs for a powered or a passive sub woofer – a nice feature. Aside from that, it has separate volume and frequency knobs for the subwoofer. Another nice feature.
This amp sounds so fine, I couldn’t be any happier.
The sounds coming out of my computer are far more than I ever expected, and this Fosi Audio amp is a large reason why. Very nice to listen to. Part of the reason is that the amp came buneled with the Fosi Tube-P1 pre-amp. Get this if they still offer it. Together, this pair is dynamite!
I consider this an “audiophile” level amp, it is that good.
Highly recommended.
Ho acquistato questo mini amplificatore per un mio progetto e si rivelato, come da titolo, fantastico. Sopra ogni aspettativa, suono pulito e nitido, non potevo chiedere di meglio. Ideale per il tempo libero e per ogni sorta di impiego. Prodotto valido, lo consiglio a tutti gli amanti della musica.
Of course all is not perfect (lets not forget its and 85 quid mini amp) and where this little digital amp falls down is on refinement to the music, it’s a little course and hard in the treble quality and lacks the fluid creamy sound of a good hifi amp so it’s certainly not a substitute for a good hifi amp but as a bedroom setup or for the computer it’s excellent.
I then connected it to my THX soundworks computer speakers and 8 inch passive sub and again it proves excellent with more power and punch than I will ever need, even with the standard power brick it has lots of usable volume.
Bluetooth sounds just OK as you’d expect and the signal is stable BUT the major flaw in this unit is ANYONE ELSE CAN CONNECT AND PLAY MUSIC OVER IT via Bluetooth WITHOUT your permission as it does not have a pair button or ask for a code on your phone, this is really stupid and why I have only given 4 stars.
Ho acquistato questo amplificatore per diffondere la musica dal mio IPhone nel mio studio e devo dire che il prodotto fantastico!…ovviamente molto dipende dalla qualit delle casse, io ho utilizzato un sistema Bose con Subwoofer e satelliti e mi trovo benissimo, la potenza ottima e la connettivit pure. Lo consiglio senz’altro.
Direkt nach dem Einschalten ist es bereit fr das Pairing, was bei uns sowohl mit I-Phone, als auch mit Android sauber funktioniert hat.
Der Schalter arbeitet mechanisch, so da man zum Einschalten eine Master/Slave Schaltung nutzen kann.
Auch der Chinch-Ausgang fr einen Sub-Woofer funktioniert ohne Probleme. Ich habe einen aktiven 2-Kanal Woofer von Magnat dran, der jetzt allerdings nur auf einem Kanal angesteuert wird, was akustisch aber keine Auswirkung hat. Die bergangsfrequenz und auch die Lautstrke des Woofers lassen sich am Verstrker sauber anpassen.
Kann ich empfehlen!
Premetto che non sono un esperto di hifi. Per il prezzo pagato fa quello che promette. L’ho collegato a due casse Magnat 202 e sono soddisfatto dell’impianto, spesa totale 230. Il fruscio che molti lamentano fastidioso solo se si alzano molto i treble, ma sinceramente non vedo l’esigenza di settarlo in quel modo. Per me ok.
I connected the FOSI BT30D Amp to an electronic keyboard (KORG XE20 mounted in a Kohler “Baby Grand” piano case) to improve the sound output. The Amp is powering 2 100 watt 8 ohm Panasonic speakers and a passive sub woofer. The sound is fantastic, much better than the speakers in the keyboard, volume is more than enough, and I now have bass, treble, and sub woofer controls that allow me to set the sound to my liking. Because I purchased it specifically to enhance the sound coming from my keyboard I did not hook it up to bluetooth so I can not comment on this feature.
Currently connected to pair of Micca MB42x and an old Sony 6.5 inch passive subwoofer in my living room. With the subwoofer and tone controls, the BT30D makes the Micca speakers sound great. Very good detail, imaging, and tons of bass. The subwoofer volume and cutoff controls are fantastic to control the bass output from the woofer. The bluetooth connection has been stable and great sounding. This the third and final class D amp I have auditioned and the one I’m keeping.
The amplifier is solidly built and the knobs rotate with satisfactory stiffness and no extraneous noises. It has an on’off switch and an LED indicator to tell you when the unit is switched on.
I noted a previous reviewer mentioned that the LED stayed on, only dimming when the unit was off, and that the LED was too bright. It seems that the good people at Fossi are paying attention and, even better, responding. The LED on my unit goes out when off, and it is satisfactorily dim.
All in all this is a classy unit, both tactilely and aurally and kicks well above its ‘affordable’ price
The Bluetooth is fine, and the connection was quick. It does from time to time drop out, even when my mp3 player is only 2-3 metres away, but in the main its stable. I have notice though, that using my other MP3 player, which is an iPod touch, then I get no drop out. Its very loud when I want it to be, I control volume via the mp3 player.
Good sound for me, but I’m not audio master. It packs a punch for such a small amp, it handles my speakers and sub well.
I would definitely recommend this unit to my family, friends and colleagues.
Packaged nicely, works well, easy to hook up, exactly as described. I have no regrets about my purchase. Only thing I found off is you need to turn off bluetooth on the device that’s paired to disconnect bluetooth and move to the physical input. But because of that it also means you don’t need to hit a button to change to bluetooth and can do from across the room on your phone. Haven’t noticed any audio issues. I have noticed a slight hiss when volume is turned up high with no input but it is barely noticeable and only if you’re paying attention, my computer fans drown the noise out and is no way a turn off from buying it.
*EDIT* Took away a star for the noticeable, sudden, volume reduction it does randomly. You turn it up for a good song and suddenly it’s quieter and the sub output is way more noticeably reduced along with the “fullness” of it. Still a great buy for the price, I think it’s overheating or something and protecting itself, I think I would buy a higher power one if I could do it again but there’s nothing with the options this has in a higher output available. But regardless fantastic build quality and it’s still holding up.
Hasta el momento ha funcionado muy bien con dos bocinas de 8 ohms de 80 watts. Se escucha muy bien.
Great little unit! Perfect for book shelf speakers and a low watted subwoofer. Or it has a line out for a powered sub . For $100 you cannt go wrong , the quality of sound is top notch for those little intel chips . I repurposed my crappy flawed 2.1 paradigm unit with book shelf speakers and subwoofer with this unit and it sounds great!
des haut parleur de trs haut de game (spendor s9 ) la magie as opr j’ai mme regarder mon rega brio avec des questionnements ….
Connecting Bluetooth with my old set of speaker and two subwoofers. I felt like a earthquake. Less than $100 dollars and turn my old set of speakers becoming a modern sound system.
Sounds really clear and has plenty of power to drive my Polk bookshelf speakers. One thing to note is that there is very noticeable background noise by default. I highly recommend turning the treble down to 33%, to mitigate this issue. The system is perfect, otherwise. I would definitely recommend this to a friend.
Update: I purchased an 8A power supply from the Fosi website. Night and day in terms of sound quality improvement.
I have a good pair of bookshelf speakers and the sound quality for stereo right and left is very good, with a flat to somewhat dry response, but very clean. The only reason I gave the BT30D less than 5 stars is the bass. First of all, the Sub Volume knob is subject to the overall Volume knob, not an independent volume circuit, as I had expected. I wired up a passive sub-woofer and the output to the woofer is very minimal even when the bass volume is cranked fully. I will try a powered sub-woofer next to see if I can shape the sound using the powered volume knobs. Second, there is an audible hiss on the passive Sub channel, even when all volume is minimized. Overall, however, the BT30D is worth the price, the cons are the bass which you have to crank. The pros are a clean stereo, even at very high volumes.
This is an amazing little amp. Bought it as a liferaft when I lost a channel on my Hafler DH 200. It is quite listenable, even driving my Maggies. Good bass, uncoloured mids, ok definition in the highs. A pleasant surprise at the price. Not sure if it really puts out the full wattage claimed. Clipped at extreme volume only.
I love this little amp! I’m replacing an Onkyo 5.1 surround amp that finally died. I was never happy with that amplifier’s sound and it had way more functions than I needed for my main floor music listening. The Fosi was super easy to set up and paired with my computer and phone with no problem. I’m using it with a powered base speaker that helps to round out the sound nicely. I found a little Equalizing of the sound on the computer and on the dials of the Fosi got me to a sound I’m now happy with. I find the sound clean and accurate and if the source material is well recorded and produced it’s certainly reflected in the playback of the Fosi. It sounds great. For $100 you can’t go wrong with this little guy.
ant le premier crire un commentaire sur ce produit, je vais tre concret.
Le packaging: Contrairement l’ampli BT30a ou avant, la bote du BT30D est trs beau visuellement et en plus est plus propre vu qu’il est plus en carton marron comme les modles prcdents.
Le contenu: L’intrieur est classique de tout les produits Fosi, polystyrne et le produit en lui mme. Un contenu plutt bien rang.
Le produit (en lui-mme): Le BT30D est vraiment trs joli regarder, sur un meuble, il fait parti du dcor…La seule chose qui m’a un peu choqu, c’est son poids vraiment lger compar au BT30A par exemple alors qu’il embarque plus de technologies.
vrai dire, je pensais mme qu’ l’usine ils ont oubli de mettre les composants.
Le son produit est trs bon avec de bonnes basses et de bons aigus. Il est coupl une paire d’enceintes Bose 201 v Series.
L’appareil chauffe lgrement sans jamais tre excessif. Mais sa coque en aluminium me rassure.
On aime ou on aime pas mais les boutons sont quips de petites dents en plastique ma foi pratique pour manipuler L’appareil contrairement au autres modles de la series BT.
Connectique: Niveau Connectique, pour alimenter les enceintes passives, L’appareil peut prendre 2 enceintes avec des fiches banane (non fourni, faut en prvoir) et un caisson de basse actif.
L’appareil pourra galement prendre en charge un caisson de basse actif ce qui est pas le cas jusqu’ici dans la srie BT (cble RCA mle vers RCA mle prvoir)
Pour l’audio IN via jack vers RCA, le son est trs bon (c’est le meilleur priphrique si vous voulez profitez d’un meilleur son)
L’ampli en lui mme est aliment en 24v ce qui est amplement suffisant pour sa taille.
Le choix du blutooth: Le bluetooth 5.0 gre trs bien, les musiques en haut dfinition passe nickel sans distorsion.
Les +
– Rapport qualit prix excellent
– Trs bon son (de bonnes basses, aigus et mdium
– Beau packaging
– Vendeur fiable et super service client
Les –
– un peu lger
– un pied silicone un peu bancal
Bref, cet ampli est une bombe, allez-y les yeux ferms
It was easy to connect the wires of my 20+ years old passive speakers and my music centre (bad sound) with RCA cables to this amplifier. The system worked immediately. I am not an expert of music or sound, but it seems that my music centre has never made better sound. I am very satisfied. Have not tested subwoofer yet.
Bluetooth works fine, without problems. I can sit at least 5 meters away with a smartphone or laptop and play music files or Youtube.
Tengo Apenas Usndolo Escasos 7 Das. Me Gusta Porque Tiene Buena Calidad de Audio, Muy Buena Separacin De Canales en Estreo, y Ademas Tiene Buena Fidelidad. En Lo Que Respecta A Las Frecuencias Bajas ( Graves ) Para Mi Gusto
Le Falta Ms Respuesta. En Cuanto A Potencia Si Es Un Vil Engao, Pues Honestamente Creo Que Con Trabajo LLegar
a Unos 20 Watts de Potencia. Lo Que Si Es Perfecto Para Trabajar Con Dispositivos ( Celular, Grabadora, TV, o Cualquier PC U Otro Dispositivo Que Cuente Con Un Poco de Volumen, Pues Ya Entre Los Dos Se Complementan Muy Bien Dando Una
Salida de Volumen Muy Decente, Como Para Una Reunion Con No Muchas Personas.
Las he Probado Con Unas Torres Onkyo SFk-201 (150W, 6 Ohms) Suenan Muy Agradables, Pero Definitivamente Le Hace Falta Un Subwoofer Activo, Para Tener Toda La Gama de Frecuencias.
Tambien Las Prob Con Unos Altavoces Cerwin Vega Modelo: E-315 ( 150 W, 6 Ohms ) Para Teatro en Casa. Obteniendo Una Excelente Calidad de Audio Y Una Potencia Muy Adecuada, Pero Cabe Mencionar Que Estos Altavoces Son De Tres Vias y Cuentan Con Un Subwoofer de 15″.
Using this to drive JBL ceiling speakers. 4 full range and one subwoofer. Amplifier has plenty of power for domestic usage. Drives the JBLs really well, level control and subwoofer frequency built into amp makes it perfect for a simple solution. Bluetooth has been reliable, happily connects to LG TV. Very clear sound. Delighted with the purchase.
My JVC mini-rack that cost nearly $1000 in 1993 finally gave up the ghost, so I needed a replacement. I am powering 2 JVC satellite speakers, 2 Realistic home stereo 3-speaker cabinets, and 2 12″ Bazooka subwoofers with this unit. I am running 2 speakers on each channel and I did not bridge the subs. The sound is crisp and the controls are adequate to balance the sound. Cranked to 11, I am not breaking windows or vibrating plates out of the cupboards, but it’s more than enough for home entertainment. The Bluetooth receiver has a long range and the volume is just as good as plugging in directly.
Absolutely amazing little amp. I have paired this amp to a Bose Acoustimass 3 series IV system and connected it to a tv and the sound is phenomenal. Fills the room with either music or action frilling sound from a movie. I would recommend this amp to anyone as it has not failed me yet.
Pros –
Smaller than you would think
This thing has some weight to it and feels nice.
The knobs and switches have a great resistance to them
Audio is clear with no crackling or white noise
Bluetooth set up requires no password and is very easy to set up
(small) Cons:
If you have regular speaker wire its going to be extremely annoying to wire these up given the size of the unit.
toggling between bluetooth and line-in requires you to toggle a switch in the back of the unit. Theres no smart switching based on audio received.
No remote (but really, who uses these things!?). You’ll need to make some time to find your max volume and then adjust your media device accordingly.
Over all i’m very happy with my choice and wouldn’t hesitate to pick one of these up again!
I am very pleased with what I bought. It is a nice small but powerful unit which has improved my audio visual appreciation considerably.
I have not tried the bluetooth but would recommend this produce as a good priced amp.