Fosi Audio TB10A – 2 Channel Stereo Audio Amplifier Receiver, Mini Hi-Fi Class D Integrated TPA3116 Amp for Speakers 100W x 2, with Bass and Treble Control (with 24V UK Power Supply)

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2.0 Channel Simple Powerful Stereo Amplifier
Product Parameters:
- Power Adapter: 24V/4.5A
- DC Input Range: 12-24V
- Terminating Impedance: 2 Ohm – 8 Ohm
- MAX Power Output: 100W x 2
- THD ⤠0.04%
- Frequency Range: 20Hz – 20kHz (±1 dB)
- SNR ⥠98dB
- Input Sensitivity ⤠280mV
- Input Mode: RCA
- 2 Channel Power Amplifier Series: BT10A, BT20A, TB10A, V1.0G, TDA7498E, HD-A1, BT20C;
- 2.1 Channel Power Amplifier Series: BT30A, TB20A, BT30C;
- DAC Series: Q4, Q5, Q5 Pro, Q7; DAC Amp: DA2120A;
- Subwoofer Amplifier Series: TP-01, TP-02, TP-03, M02, M03;
- Phono Preamp: Box X2; Tube Preamp: P1;
- Tube Headphone Amplifier: T20, P2;
- Passive Bookshelf Speakers: DK560, DK560-N.
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Extraordinary Clarity Hi-Fi SoundEnjoy Hi-Fi music with next-generation stereo amp for unrivaled sound quality. Improved channel balance, lower noise floor, and overall A purer sound. Reduced distortion and increased dynamic range. Clean and potent power output. | Advanced Audio ArchitectureThe High-Performance Texas Instruments TPA3116D2 Chip presents music with rousing highs and deep lows. Even at high volumes, thereâs less than 0.04% harmonic distortion resulting in remarkable clarity. | Irresistible FinishFosi Audio TB10A curved edges and sleek controls accentuate its unibody design. With truly useful features, and thoughtfully designed premium enclosures. A new generation: exquisite design, improved operation. |
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Drive passive speakersPerfect if you prefer separate passive speakers and preamps for your audio setup. 100 watt per channel power output can drive most home passive speakers to create astonishing Sound. Easy to fit your audio system with RCA input. | Upgraded DC OutletThe old version or other brand amplifiers sparks flying when power supply plugin, it’s unsafe. With a built-in power protection circuit, there are no sparks flying when you plug the power adapter into the amplifier. Safe for use! | 24V/4.5A Power SupplyUnlike other amplifiers come with a cheap 12V power supply. Fosi Audio TB10A equip with the energy-efficient and stable power supply which got authoritative certification by many security tests, can get an astonishing sound. |
Dimensions: | 10.8 x 9 x 3.5 cm; 860 Grams |
Model: | TB10A |
Manufacture: | Fosi Audio |
Origin: | China |
Easy to use, easy to set up. Nothing I really can say bad. It fits the bill, performs flawlessly and has really surprising sound for its size. I wish it had a push button on / off instead of the toggle, but it causes no problem.
Muy buen ampli, a destacar que las conexines de los cables por detras no dependen de ultilizar la pieza terminal sino que puedestambien pelar el cable y apretarlo con la rosca y listo.
genau der richtige Verstrker fr meinen cd-player und 30 Jahre alte Studioboxen. Fr den Preis ein fantastischer Klang. Mein analoger Verstrker von NAD hatte nach 3 Jahren den Geist aufgegeben und die ganzen Anschlsse und eine Fernbedienung brauche ich nicht.
I put this in my 2 car garage with a simple CD player and 2- 30 year old realistic bookshelf speakers, works fine and as loud as I like to get.
Mit 2 x100Watt Highend Boxen am PC, einfach genial.
Leistung: hervorragend vom TB10A
Great sound, very good value! Only slightly bad thing is that the rear speaker connections are made from plastic, metal ones would be even better. Overall 4,5+/5
Ich htte es nicht erwartet, aber das Teil funktioniert berraschend gut. Der Klang ist (an groen Jamo Standboxen) erstaunlich klar. Auch von der Lautstrke her mehr als genug Reserven (fr normale Wohnsituationen). Dabei sehr klein und handlich. Selbst die zustzliche Mglichkeit die Hhen und Tiefen zu beeinfluen funktioniert sehr gut.
Wer also einen kleinen Verstrker mit durchaus ausreichender Leistung sucht (z.B. als zustzliche Endstufe fr PreOuts) ist hier richtig.
Excellent, affordable little 2-Channel amplifier. Perfect for small-to-medium rooms. Great for setups where space is limited. Simple, classic design & controls. Powers a small pair of Pioneer bookshelf speakers with clarity and ease. Definitely recommend!
gi il terzo amplificatore che prendo di questa marca,con blutooth e con canale dedicato per sub,in configurazione diversa,questo acquistato mi serviva per potenziare il canale posteriore del mio impianto home,non avevo dubbi sulla resa di questo ampli digitale..sono 30 anni che mastico hi-fi e molti audiofili snobbano i classe D ma hanno molti vantaggi piu che difetti..dimensioni compatte,resa alta rispetto ad un tradizionale in classe A,non scaldano,sono molto economici e fanno il loro sporco lavoro.
Soddisfatto..avrei in progetto un subwoofer con un ampli
Fosi Audio dedicato per sub ma tempo al tempo.
Sehr gute ssse kleine verstker , ich benutze das fr meine Basshaker Vibration Lautsprecher unter meine Couch, funktioniert wunderbar sehr gute Qualitt bin sehr zufrieden.
The unit is the best power amp for its size and rated power I’ve ever used. Simple analog bass, treble and volume controls with a high quality case. The power supply alone is worth $25.
Hooking it up was easy. The first RCA cable I used created a loud hum then I switched it to a shorter cable and now its mint! Clear signal…sounds great! Durable materials!
Wer einen hochwerigen Leistungsverstrker erwartet ist bei dem Teil falsch.
Die Leistungsangaben sind mit Vorsicht zu genieen, aber um 2 einfache Boxen anzusteuern ohne
Anspruch auf HIFI Qualitt ist gut bedient.
Beim abschalten ber den Versterker eigenen Schalter ist auch alles ok, wenn jedoch der Strom abgeschaltet
wird gibt es unvermeidlich ein lautes Knack Gerusch und wenn man es etwas lauter mal haben
hat man mit dem Teil auch seine Schwierigkeiten.
Aber man darf den Preis nicht vergessen und fr bestimmte Flle eine brauchbare Lsung
Excellent quality. it is easy to connect and very good quality, much much better than other brands, its worth with that price.
I wanted a simple amp for my record player at my office. This was perfect. I highly recommend this product. If your looking for an easy convenient amp without all the bulk.
Superb little amp, great sound quality and quite powerful, drives my whafedale diamonds a treat. Use it for monitor speakers or plug my fone or tv into it.
Das Mini Verstrker hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Er ist gut verarbeitet und hat echt Power. Allerdings hat ein in der Nhe betriebenes DAB+ Radio pltzlich keinerlei Empfang mehr, sobald der Verstrker eingeschaltet ist. Deshalb geht er zurck. Schade, sollte sich der Hersteller mal mit beschftigen.
Macht, was es soll. Hab da zwei etwas grere Boxen angeschlossen. Installation war einfach, Sound ist gut.
Ich habe den Mini bestellt, weil ich ein paar Sony Boxen brig habe, welche recht lange an einer Mini-Stereoanlage ihren Dienst taten. Die Anlage ist nun defekt, die Boxen noch gut in Schuss, mit diesem Verstrkerchen drfen sie nun am PC den Ton liefern. Auch wenn in der Bedienungsanleitung geschrieben steht, … bis 8 Ohm, sie kommen in meinem Fall auch mit einer 16 Ohm Last klar.
Sono molto soddifatto, di piccole dimensioni, potente il giusto. L’ho accoppiato a due boston da scaffale, ho creato proprio quello che cercavo, il collegamento rca permette di collegarlo a qualsiasi sorgente sonora con un cavo adattatore. I collegamenti con le casse accettano sia cavo spellato che banane, io ho preferito il cavo spellato in quanto non ho intenzione di fare cambi frequenti di diffusori. Acquisto consigliato per un impianto semplice da scrivania che suona bene.
This is a basic unit with only treble and bass controls… suggest you get one with a balance control. It has enough power for bookshelf speakers like the Polk T15’s. Sound is a bit on the high side on the Polk speakers, but bass does come through well. At most, I have only needed to turn it up half way volume. That would be about 35 watts per channel. of sound volume as far as I can estimate it. I have turned it up full volume and it did not distort the sound at all.
Used along with pre amp on a turntable with book-shelf speakers. Works great. Good sound for my purpose, takes up very little space.
Funktioniert wie gewnscht.
Leider konnte ich nichts zum Thema “brcken der Ausgnge” finden. Als Laie htte ich mir hier eine eindeutige Info gewnscht.
Para su tamao y su precio me parece muy buena opcin.
Uit dit kleine bakje komt goed en groots geluid. De regeling van bass & treble zijn prima. Het toestel is stil en wordt ook niet warm. Ik zou dit zo durven inbouwen in een holle wand, naast de inbouwspeakers.
Non volevo spendere tanto per un’amplificatore per collegarci il mio vecchissimo lettore CD e il giradischi DUAL. OTTIMO e facile
Usato in bi-amplificazione passiva sui soli tweeter di un paio di piccole Wharfedale Diamond 9.1 accoppiato tramite uscite pre ai finali interni di uno streaming player Naim Uniti Qute2, risulta pressoch sprecato, tanta l’incredibile qualit e vigore esibiti da questo minuscolo oggetto avviato ad operare soltanto ad una porzione,
importante ma limitata, della gamma di frequenze.
In una accurata prova di pilotaggio come finale unico dell’intera gamma sullo stesso impianto, si dimostrato senza esitazione alcuna all’altezza della infinitamente pi blasonata e costosa amplificazione affiancata.
Equilibrato, pulito, potente e indistorto, si dimostrato poter sonorizzare con insospettata disinvoltura un ambiente di medie dimensioni.
Una stima onesta e prudente in base alla mia pluridecennale esperienza in tema sulla possibile reale potenza erogata dall’apparecchio, al di la di quella decisamente discutibile dichiarata dal produttore (100 W RMS per canale su 4 Ohm), potrebbe attestarsi intorno ai 25/30 Watt effettivi buoni, puliti e indistorti.
Sono cos soddisfatto del prodotto che valuter pi avanti l’aquisto di un altro apparecchio simile, basato sempre sullo stesso chip (TPA 3116), da sperimentare (visto il prezzo incredibile) su altre catene audio presenti nella mia abitazione, magari per impieghi pi sfruttabili e impegnativi.
Ottimo per realizzare due casse da studio con dei vecchi altoparlanti di impianti HiFi. Io ho collegato le Sony 80w 6ohm e si sentono molto bene grazie alla regolazione degli alti e bassi
Speist 2 Teufel 500S Theater.
Kein Grundrauschen o. ., ausreichend Power, kompaktes Gert.
I got this to hook up to my wife’s keyboard as the built in speakers are not great. We had some nice speakers from our old stereo system and we used those and the amp and now the keyboard sounds like a grand piano. No hum no problems. Works with my little boom box too. Just plugging the unit into the earphone jack in either the keyboard or boom box works great.
Compact (though don’t forget an external power brick, it is even a bit bigger then the amp itself), has bass/treble controls. Enough power for 2 x 40 W @ 8 Ohm speakers.
This little amp has plenty of head room and range for a desktop pc/stereo. I have it hooked up to a pair of larger Elac bookshelf speakers, they sound crisp and clear with the right amount of bass and tone. They can get pretty loud without clipping and still sounds clear when quiet, the range is quite good. The only downside I can see is that this is not tube/valve based amplifier, otherwise there isn’t a reason to not pick this amp for a small to medium sized home stereo system. Hard to find something this quality at this price.
Ersetzt wurde ein HAISER HSR 120-Aktivsystem mit Blutooth, welches einen furchtbaren “Klang” hatte. Zwei Jahre habe ich mich darber gergert.
Jetzt habe ich genau das, was ich wollte, einen kleinen Verstrker mit Passivboxen. Der Umstieg hat sich fr mich mehr als gelohnt.
Zum Verstrker: Einfacher Ein/Aus-Schalter, Potis fr Lautstrke, Hhen und Tiefen. Und er sollte auf den Schreibtisch passen. Habe mir auch groe Verstrker angesehen, aber der Platzbedarf hat mich abgeschreckt. Ich wollte aber am PC ordentlichen Klang. Da kam dieser kleine Verstrker genau richtig. Aber ich war verdammt misstrauisch, vor allem wegen der Gre. Doch wenn man richtig berlegt, sind in vielen brauchbaren Aktivsystemen ja auch solche kleinen Verstrker drin. Und er ist auch nur so klein, weil das Netzteil ausgelagert wurde, denn wre das separate Netzteil eingebaut, wre er mindestens doppelt so gro. Das ist fr mich schon etwas rgerlich, denn es liegt wieder was unter dem Tisch.
Bei mir treibt er zwei gleichzeitig neu angeschaffte Dali Oberon 1 an, das Ergebnis ist ein Traum. Das drfte aber in erster Linie den Boxen zuzuschreiben sein. Er hat mit den Boxen keinerlei Probleme. Die Haptik ist ok, die Potis laufen ordentlich. Natrlich ist alles recht klein, aber geht noch. Jetzt muss er natrlich noch lange halten…
Quello che mi ha stupito di pi sono le ridotte dimensioni in rapporto alla potenza. Ho acquistato questo prodotto perch cercavo qualcosa di piccolo da poter mettere sulla scrivania di mio figlio gi occupata da computer, mixer, lampada, ecc… Volevo pilotare due casse un po’ datate in modo che, quando avesse suonato la chitarra, potesse sentire e far sentire anche ad altri il suono proveniente dal mixer. Fino ad ora infatti utilizzava esclusivamente le cuffie. Devo dire che il suono potente anche se non eccessivamente definito, soprattutto negli alti. Ovviamente molto varia in funzione dei diffusori utilizzati. Comunque, in rapporto al prezzo ed alle ridotte dimensioni, sono molto soddisfatto. Anche i materiali utilizzati e la realizzazione in generale sono all’altezza delle aspettative.
Prodotto fatto bene, molto solido.
Suono molto equilibrato e dettagliato con predominanza frequenze medie ed alte. Suona bene.
Utilizzato per collegare delle casse passive al Pc. Eccellente . Ben realizzato e funziona alla grande. Ottimo rapporto prezzo quali
I wanted to replace my old PC speakers but I couldn’t find anything I liked at a reasonable price. Since I had an extra pair of good surround speakers, I looked for an amp to drive them when I ran across the Fosi TB10A. Hookup was easy with plain speaker wire and a 3.5mm plug to RCA plug cable. In minutes I had the best sounding PC system ever. The TB10A is beautifully made and the sound is great. Perfect for DIYers.
Amp works well. One thing that is annoying is when you turn on and off there is loud pop or pops in speakers, no matter where volume control is set or input level.
This tiny little amp has some oomph. Couldn’t be happier with the size or the price point. If you don’t need EQ and only need to power one set of speakers that you don’t plan on blowing the roof off with, this is a good choice.
Installation was easy once I figured out how to connect the cable leads. The instructions could have been a lot clearer.
There is a minor typo at the bottom of page 4 of my copy of the instructions. “Bass Switch ‘ should be “Bass Control” .
I like the box it came in. I plan to do something useful with the box.
This is a very affordable very small amplifier. The sound is unremarkable but serviceable. It’s ideal if you have some older speakers and simply want a way to use them. It’s extremely small and fits in tiny spaces on desks or in bedrooms. Don’t expect too much from the sound quality and you will be satisfied. If you want hifi sound this will leave you underwhelmed.
I route my PC’s audio to a Pro-ject USB Box then to a Pro-ject Head Box. The Head Box drives my headphones, but what about audio over speakers? I needed a small, simple stereo amp and this Fosi amplifier is just the thing. The Head Box line out runs to the line in of the Fosi, which is connected to my left and right Micca bookshelf speakers. The Fosi is exactly what I needed and I’m very pleased with this little amp. And Fosi stands behind their products with great customer service.
Utilizzato come finale di potenza, quindi con un segnale audio decente in ingresso, fa il suo lavoro egregiamente abbinato ad una coppia di diffusori Numan Octavox.
I finally figured out that if you want good sound from a computer you need an amp and speakers. None of the computer speakers I bought had the sound I was looking for. I bought a Maverick DAC with a headphone input, ran the computer audio out to that, then audio out from the Maverick DAC to the Fosi amp. I’m using non powered Edifier speakers mounted on the wall. Very impressive sound. Leaps and bounds over any computer sound system I’ve used. This amp packs a good punch in a small package, perfect for a desk top., and it’s nice to have the bass and treble control on it.
-Enough wattage for budget bookshelf speaker setup
-Solid build quality (dials are tight, finish is right).
-The bass and treble settings do not offer much in terms of control. It is mostly all or nothing.
I used this to boost my Itut-420 bluetooth turntable to a couple don’t bookshelf speakers. I got rid of my big bulky vintage cabinet stereo to save some space. This is PERFECT. Gives me the freedom of YTM and Spotify. Allows me to fine tune the EQ on my phone. Gives the speakers the extra push the turntable just couldn’t quite do. I’d love to try one of their bluetooth amps with a little higher power. Maybe one day.
What a great little amplifier.
Now when I sell a pair of speakers, I take this little guy with me, so the buyer can hear the speakers working.
And they are just as impressed as I am.
The only thing it’s missing is a balance knob. But the the money, it can’t be beat.
Bin sehr berrascht von dem Teil, mein Sohn und ich bauten eine Aktivlautsprecherbox, hatten mehrere kleine Verstrker zur Auswahl. Der Fosi ist mit Abstand der Beste. Kommt fast an die Heimanlage (Luxman 2x 120 Watt) hin. Haltbarkeit gab ich zwar auch 5 Sterne kann ich aber noch nichts sagen. Wir muten es leider tauschen, wir brauchten mit Bluetooth
Needed an amp to drive two polk atrium 6 outdoor speakers. Used a echo dot for the preamp and hooked up to this little (slightly bigger than a pack of cigarettes) but powerful amp. Sound quality was great, Loud and the built-in bass treble controls help to fine tune.
I just turn the volume to about 75% and then use alexa to control listening volume.
It all fit in 50 cal ammo can screwed to the wall on the patio. Boom Waterproof and incognito outdoor sound.
Purchased 2, did exactly what I wanted them to do. Worked great for 4 months.
One failed after 4 months.
Through Amazon, I reported this problem. Within 12 hours had a response from Fosi. Provided some information and pictures. The next day a replacement was shipped to me.
The customer service rep I was working with was great and provided me shipping info to be able to track the replacement.
The new amplifier is working well.
I used this with a pre-amp output on my Onkyo stereo in order to get a second zone. I was able to use the volume control on this device to match the two volumes one my two different zones. This way, they both have roughly the same setting for the same level of sound. I plugged it in, and it worked the first time. The sound quality is good, and the equalizer control helped to make the sound a bit better.
Excellent amp !good bang for the $ i 1st bought the fossi 160 watt amp and sent it back .this little dude is twice as clean .it has 2 texas instrument chips in it ,thats the key,ive owned a lepi 220ti which has 1 chip ,this amp blows it away,just wish it had a straight threw switch (direct) on it like the lepi.buying another. 1 ,they dont make the t i chips anymore .dam shame its the key to super ultra clean sound
This thing gets plenty loud enough to power my front yard outdoor speakers. I have a Sonos Connect that I use for the audio feed. On the amp I have all three controls (Bass, Treble, Volume) at 12 noon (~50%) and use the volume slider on the Sonos app to adjust the volume. At “max” volume it’s still loud enough to bother the neighbors even with the unit at 50%! Great buy, if you just need a single audio input and single stereo pair of speakers you can’t go wrong with this little dude!
I replaced my PYLE amp with this FOSI amp to power my Polk Atrium 5 outdoor speakers and the difference is night and day. The FOSI amp is simply built better and it shows not only with its performance but also with the construction. The simplicity is great with controls for treble, bass and volume alone which is all I needed. Pair this with a good Bluetooth long range receiver (I have the 1mii B06 pro) and you are good to go.
Hace muy poco que los tengo, habr que ver como aguantan el paso del tiempo, pero por ahora les doy un 5.
Buon prodotto, dettagliato e potente, d il meglio di s in gamma media spingendo letteralmente le voci fuori dai diffusori e determinando una discreta spazialit. L’alimentatore da 24 V e 6.5 A eroga corrente a volont favorendo transienti degni di nota. I controlli di tono, che io non utilizzo, sono coerenti e non snaturano il suono eccessivamente. Se non avete necessit di collegare sorgenti diverse, l’ampli ha un solo ingresso RCA, con una spesa irrisoria sapr darvi ottime soddisfazioni, ovviamente consiglio diffusori di livello almeno discreto. Buon ascolto a tutti. Max.
I am giving this product five stars because of it’s value. Will it stack up against a higher end Denon or Sony multi-channel amp? No, but you’re not buying those brands for $70 either. I use it for near field listening and for that it is more than enough, even for critical listening, as long as you are driving decent bookshelf speakers with 90db or above sensitivity.
Why did I never think of getting a tiny amplifier to power my bookshelf size computer desk speakers instead of a big old bulky receiver? This is simple, works perfectly, sounds great (bass & treble control is a must!) and fits easily on a desk. I also used it to power some outdoor speakers with a projector for backyard movies. So glad I finally got this! Grab some banana plugs to connect speaker wire if you haven’t already, they make swapping connections quick & easy.
I was looking to power two outdoor speakers from Aperion Audio and found this product to be fantastic. It’s really important to have base and treble control especially when dealing with an outdoor type environment. I also paired this with a DTS Play-Fi wireless adapter which brought my outdoor audio experience onboard with the rest of my distributed audio. I would highly recommend this product. If I had to complain about something it would be that there is not more inputs or a remote.
I used this amplifier to power bookshelf speakers for my TV. I routed the TV’s digital optical signal through a Neoteck 192kHz Digital to Analog Audio Converter which I connected to this amplifier. The output of the DAC is lower than I would have like. I have to crank up the volume of the amplifier to nearly maximum to compensate. It works, but I wish I had more more amplification. The sound quality is very good.
I use it outdoors in an enclosure. It works great and powers a couple of Definitive Technology speakers. The sound is fantastic with very little hum, The only draw back is the limited number of inputs (1) but for something so small at a great price it is awesome.
This little amp has exceeded all my expectations. I bought it to replace my old Pioneer which finally quit. I am driving a pair of old 8 Ohm Electrovoice speakers, from the days of monaural HiFi, one 12″, one 15″. Clarity is great for acoustic, voice, orchestral things. Power is devastating when you want driving bass. It randomizes the furniture and walks things off shelves. I have not even run it above half power, too uncomfortable to be in the room with it at those levels. Oh and it does not seem to heat up much at all, barely detectable warmth at quarter power which is where I usually run it.
I hooked this up to a turntable and a pair of Bose 251 outdoor speakers that were collecting dust, sounds great and only needs a low volume level to fill the room, and it can crank up to very loud. The amp works perfectly for the purpose. One thing I didn’t think about when amp shopping was a balance control, which I find useful when your position is closer to one speaker, so maybe next time I would look for a model with that.
Questo piccolo amplificatore (sta in una mano) consente di collegare 2 casse con un’estrema facilit, e di collegarlo in input a svariati apparecchi ( io l’ho usato per il pc), Ho collegato due vecchie casse di buona qualit di un vecchio stereo hi-fi, con i classici “fili” privi di connettori, senza disturbi o perdita di segnale. Il suono pulito, anche a volume medio alto. Consigliato per collegare casse per uso domestico, ha una potenza di 100 W x 2 come potenza massima.
First, what I did not like. The ultra-small size makes it difficult to connect the speakers, audio devices, etc. Also, would like to have balance control. But for the price, this tiny powerhouse delivers quite a punch. I received it today, hooked it up (very simple to do) to my Team W-850r tape deck and newly refoamed, 1978-vintage Bose 301’s. What a sound! Clear, clean, no hum or distortion. I had forgotten how good the old Bose bookshelfs sounded.
Also well-written instruction sheet.
Five star all the way.
I got one of these to add some music to my lab. It is small and easily fills a 12×12 room with plenty of music. The base response is excellent. I connected an Apple Airpot Express to it so that I can control it remotely. So far no issues. I will update this if anything changes.
If you have issues with sound cutting between left and right channels, static, or cutting out entirely, check:
o 2 of 3 iPhones tested had problems with their adapter. Not the products fault. Always try another source/adapter if you have issues.
o Check the speaker wires, and clip them as short as possible. I needed reading glasses to see some copper strands gone astray.
For the price, this is a great unit. I can’t give it 5 stars, as I could have spent 10X the price for something really nice, so if value were measured, it would get 5 stars.
On edit: Bought two of these, one for my garage and one for my desktop. My desktop amp started cutting out today, and died with a loud bang after not quite 6 months use. Bummer. I liked the sound and functionality. Oh well, let’s see how well the replacement process works. Three stars now.
Update: Fosi sent me new board for the amp and it now works again. YAY, Fosi. Back to five stars.
The amp seems to perform satisfactorily. I hope it lasts longer than the last Chinese-made amp did. I would not have bought Chinese if I had another choice. I like to buy American but had no choice.
The device is being used with a MacMini computer and is satisfactory.
Great product. Scales well at higher volumes and power. The only problem (if it can be considered a problem) is that if you have a thick guage speaker wire the speaker connectors on the back have holes through which the speaker wires need to fit and they only allow a certain range of wire thicknesses. It just so happened that my speaker wires are a little thicker. So I had to strip off a few strands.
It takes a high quality, made in USA product to get a 5 star rating from me. I purchased this amplifier to drive two AuraSound tactile transducers for my Sim Racing Rig. Was very simple to install. I use the out-put from my second sound card to drive the amp. I did purchase these
‘banana plugs’ to make the installation nice and clean. You don’t need them to install but as I said it makes the installation cleaner. The AuraSound 4 Ohm transducers are rated at 50 watts each so use care when adjusting the volume on the amp. I started low and worked my way up and never got near 50% volume. Works very well for my application.
I had an older large amp. in my wood shop for years. Over time – dust filtered into it and it no longer worked correctly. I recently purchased this Fosi 2 Channel Stereo Audio Amplifier Receiver Mini Hi-Fi and the strength and quality of the sound simply blew me away. For as small as it is, its truly amazing. And its a closed up unit, no air vents for dust to settle in – nice design and compact. I’m using it with 4 very small Bose speakers, one in each corner of a 31′ x 42′ shop with 9′ ceilings. I highly recommend this !!
They are inexpensive and they worked well for me.
Hello, for the size – this amp packs a punch! I was surprised of how magnified the sound was coming from my speaker once I hooked it up to this amplifier. The amp is so small that I wasn’t expecting but so much. I was surprised. It is a powerful amp. Now I don’t know much about amps, speakers and the like but I will say I know sound and I like what I hear coming out of my speakers now that I have this amp. I’ll have to read more on this product since it asks about its Bluetooth capability (I didn’t realize that was a feature). I’m happy with this purchase.
It was not as much as I expected. I use it for my tv since I have some shelf speakers that I’ve had for a while that I don’t want to get rid of. You can adjust the volume with the device, but not with the tv. I was thinking that I would be able to turn the speaker volume up and down with my tv remote since it is being output to the device. Oh well. I just kept it. I don’t know why it asks for Bluetooth connectivity since that’s not an option. Get it if you don’t mind getting up to adjust the volume.
This unit has plenty of power for large 8 ohm bookshelf speakers connected to a TV for better hi-fi sound.
It’s all you need. Nice & simple & easy to hook up. It’s small size is great for placing it right under your TV.
I’m just not quite sure about it’s ability to produce high-quality music sound from TV music channels.
But it’s more than adequate. I like it. I might buy another one.
After hooking up this Fosi mini amp. I was shocked to hear how loud and clear the sound was, compared to a previous Pyle mini amp. rated for the same 100 wattage, that was returned due to low volume output and malfunctioning channels. The 24 watt fosi power supply is no doubt part of the volume discrepancy, given Pyle’s insufficient 12 watt, mini amp, power supply. This unit is simple, functional, and provides amazing volume output and sound quality. If using a computer as the audio source, the (user friendly) “Volume Master” Chrome app. will increase the volume output even further. Very pleased with this tiny yet powerful mini amp.
solid construction. all metal. smooth action when turning the knobs. great design. I find it perfect for home use with my laptop and some big old loud speakers.
More: The connectors for speaker wire are very small. I had some deadbolt speaker wire with what I thought were 3mm banana plugs. Way too too big for this amp. I am using the amazon basic speaker wire which I thought was garbage, but after twisting the sh*t out of the ends I got them to fit and am enjoying great quality.
Difficult to rate an amp that works, but is not as loud as expected. This is probably down to the speakers I have reverted to, they may have a much higher impedance than the other ones, but the amp just doesn’t crank out the sounds like a 100W x 2 should do. Even so, it does sound great and looks pretty good. I wish they’d use a nicer off/on switch. That toggle switch is functional but that’s it. I have had it for a week, so will comment on it next year if it is still working. Maybe I’ll work out why it isn’t as loud as expected by then?
This little simple amp blew my mind the moment I had connected it to my Q Acoustics speakers and turned it on and put on some Jeff Beck. The eq definitely helps. Great bass, sounds premium, no fuss, and can go LOUD!
Runs cool (likely long life). I’m replacing a physically larger class-D amp that lasted about five years (NuVo NV-D460) with two of these. First, it saves me about $300. Second, it allows me to boost the bass (definitely an improvement). Third, combined, they are smaller. Fourth, way louder than the NuVo (which means I can run the volume at 25% which only helps product life). Fifth, no need for precise impedance matching (I couldn’t completely understand that with NuVo). Sixth, Warranty is 18 or 24 months. Disadvantages are the need for the external power adapter (Just another item to plug in), plastic caps slip off outputs (are they supposed to?), Uncertainty regarding how to get the 24 month warranty (No mention of it on website only requests shipped with product). If this product lasts at least three years then the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages.
For the size this thing seems like it will crank! At about 4 inches by 5 inches it easily powered two klipsch cabinet speakers and in a small room the sound is more than enough. I had it turned up about only 20-30% and that was all the room could handle. Looking forward to having high quality music in my home office!
As you can see from the pictures, the overall footprint of the device is nice and small, what you can’t tell from the pictures is how great it sounds. Using the roku or amazon dot as an audio source, and powering a pair of Polk Atrium4 outdoor speakers. This amplifier is able to easily power those speakers to provide more than enough volume to fill the sunroom and our backyard, with the volume not even maxed out.
Great Amplifier if you’re looking for small and unobtrusive with a ton of sound!
It’s not high power, but it’s good enough.
One thing I did notice, though, is that if I turn the bass setting past half way the sound cuts out entirely and the power light goes out – I guess it draws too much power/voltage at the loads I use it at. Not a big deal for my application.
One other note is that the power adapter makes a heck of a spark when plugging into to the wall or unit. It doesn’t seem to be shorted or anything though, and works fine once connected. Just a little unsettling.
The Fosi amp looked ridiculous at first, being the size of a couple of decks of cards. But once connected, it’s clear that it has plenty of power to drive the Bose speakers. The bass and treble controls are a nice touch, I used them for a very slight bass boost and that’s it. The amp runs amazingly cool, even when playing loud music for sustained periods of time. I simply leave it “on” all the time so that anyone in the house can choose that AirPlay destination and get music immediately.
This amp is a great deal for what you get, and a good way to make use of older loudspeakers in more modern setups.
Well, I loved it when I first got it. The power of this amp was plenty good for my application, The Bass and Treble controls are great, the sound is excellent, the price is really good for what you get. Even the connectors are good.
After a weeks use the sound started falling out for about a second every few minutes. This went on for a couple of hours, then the power light on the front of the device started flashing on and off repeatedly until I turned it off and disconnected it.
I’m going to send it back for a replacement instead of a refund as I feel this is a quality piece of sound equipment and my problem was a fluke. I will update my review after I get the replacement and see how well things go after that.
********** UPDATE 11/05/2018 **********
After a no-hassle return to Fosi Electronics for a new one I am very pleased with customer service AND the product.