G.F. 80005524 Sunny Solar Premium Complete shower set, ready to use, lime, 10 m hose

Sunny Style Premium
The outdoor shower that uses the sun’s rays to produce hot water naturally and free of charge.

The Sunny Style premium sun shower is available in blue, grey, lime and fuchsia.

Product features
- Mixer of hot and cold water, to adjust the desired temperature
- Height adjustable from 1.40 to 2.10 m
- Detachable and adjustable hand shower
- Inlet pressure regulator with safety valve
- Plug and Play kit complete with 3/4″ tap connector, 2 Soft Touch fittings and 10 m of hose
Sunny Style Premium
The sun shower in premium version
Summer is the season of the sea, of the swimming pool, of the moments to the open air, of the baths of sun in the garden or on the terrace of house, to obtain an optimal tan.
Sunny Style Premium is a real summer cuddle: thanks to the practical built-in mixer it allows you to take a hot shower with an adjustable temperature, after every outdoor activity.
Sunny is suitable for any outdoor environment: from the garden, to the terrace, to the swimming pool.
- Made in Italy
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Obtain the desired temperatureThanks to Sunny Style you can also relax outdoors under a nice jet of hot water.The practical mixer allows you to adjust the temperature of the water to obtain the desired degree. Frozen showers are a thing of the past. | Take it wherever you wantThe Sunny Style Premium shower is versatile because it is easy to carry, light and easy to handle. Suitable for any outdoor environment, from the pool to the garden, from the terrace to the holidays. It is ideal for lovers of campers and camping or simply for those who do not like the residue of sand on the body returning from the beach. | Use it with anyone you wantThe premium version of the Sunny Style shower comes with a practical detachable hand shower that makes it easy for everyone to use. The outdoor moments will be even more enjoyable, pleasant and affordable for young and old. | Adjust it as you likeWith Sunny Style Premium, not only is the water temperature adjustable. You can also adjust the hand shower’s adjustability and the height of the bar, from 1.40m to 2.10m, for optimal comfort. Choose the style that suits you and the cold showers will no longer be your problem. |

How the Sunny Style shower works
The Sunny Style shower uses solar energy in a natural way, without electricity or fuel connections.
Exposed for about two hours to the sun, thanks to the process of heating the water contained in the base / tank, the Sunny Style shower provides numerous hot showers, with adjustable temperature thanks to the practical built-in mixer, which mixes hot water from the tank and cold water from the mains connected, to obtain the desired temperature.
The base/reservoir, developed horizontally, offers better exposure to sunlight, compared to models with vertical development: this translates into greater thermal efficiency and higher speed in the heating phases during the day. Easy to transport, once filled it is stable and safe, also thanks to the inlet pressure regulator with safety valve.
Dimensions: | 56 x 56 x 200 cm; 7.53 Kilograms |
Model: | GF87005524 |
Manufacture: | GF GARDEN |
Ho collegato la doccia al pozzo che eroga acqua ghiacciata, essendo profondo oltre 50 metri. Grazie al sistema di riscaldamento solare dopo qualche minuto l’acqua diventa bollente ma possibile godersi una doccia tiepida utilizzando il miscelatore. Ottimo acquisto.
Avevo acquistato questo prodotto per l’ottimo prezzo trovato in offerta. Tutto arrivato nel tempo di consegna previsto ed in ottimo stato. Tutto funziona alla perfezione, consiglio l’acquisto a chiunque interessi questo genere di prodotto.
Non c’ niente di meglio di una doccia calda a costo zero quando si esce dall’acqua e non solo. Una nota di merito alla seriet del venditore anche nel post-vendita. Consigliatissimi
Anfrage an Hersteller: Habe die Dusche im vorigen Sommer benutzt- ohne Probleme. ber den Winter hat sie frostfrei im Keller gestanden. Bei dem Anschlu spitzt aus dem Korpus Wasser heraus, kann sie deshalb nicht benutzten. Bitte um bersendung einer neuen Dusche oder eines neuen Korpus, da nach meiner Meinung ein Garantieanspruch besteht.
Mit freundlichen Gren
Dr. Claus Wesslau
Avec un peu de vent l’eau va partout et aprs un usage la poire est remplie de calcaire. Sans la poire de douche c’est TOP. Attention que l’eau soit pas trop chaude, j’aimerai qu’elle soit mme plus fraiche au plus bas.
Je recommande, mais enlever la poire de douche.
La doccia si presenta facile da montare, le istruzioni sono chiare e semplici; il funzionamento coerente con quanto descritto, non ha un getto particolarmente potente ma fa il suo. Non posso dare un giudizio sulla resistenza perch attiva da poco (c.ca 1 mese), ma per ora non ha dato nessun tipo di problema
L’eau chaude produite peut tre suffisante pour UNE bonne douche d’extrieur bien agrable.
Le tuyau est assez long et permet de placer la douche o on veut.
Pour le rglage, il faut se faire la main et pour bien y arriver et avoir un bon jet, il faut ouvrir fond le robinet l o on branche le tuyau d’alimentation.
Doccia facile da montare, pratica per utilizzo esterno in assenza di una doccia “vera”. Io la uso in una casetta in pietra in montagna ad un’altitudine di circa 700 mt slm dove manca la doccia e l’acqua calda. La doccia la faccio a fine giornata, prima di cena, quando il sole basso e non scalda pi tanto ma l’acqua della doccia la trovo ancora tiepida e va benissimo. Suggerisco tranquillamente l’acquisto di questo prodotto che, nel dettaglio, quello con il doccino con il tubo flessibile molto pratico e non quello con il doccino fisso.
Da sie leicht umzustellen ist war sie unser Favorit. Wir wurden nicht enttuscht. Leider haben wir sehr kalkhaltiges Wasser und wir mssen die Lcher oft ausstechen, dafr kann der Brausekopf allerdings nichts. Die Temperatur lsst sich sehr gut einstellen. Die Verarbeitung ist top.
in effetti se rimane al sole l’acqua calda. il vero banco di prova la durata. diciamo che eroga acqua calda (all’inizio veramente calda, poi piano piano diminuisce di temperatura) per 2-3 minuti. per farsi doccia veloce va bene
utilisation de la douche solaire sunny garden pratique , prend peu de place , esthtique correct mais dbit au niveau de la pomme de douche un peu faible.
J’ai t satisfaite du retour produit : facilit de retour mis disposition et rapidit pour renvois du matriel changer.
attention au controle qualit du produit fait par le fabriquant pour viter les retours aux clients meme si les modalits sont trs bien , satisfaction du client au premier achat est trs important!
Auf was man nach der Saison auf jeden Fall achten sollte, ist das nicht nur die Wasserzufuhr gekappt werden muss, sondern auch sich kein Wasser mehr im System befindet. Da sonst bei Frost, Schaden entstehen kann. Wer das beachtet hat lange Freude an dieser Solardusche. Wrde sie jederzeit wieder kaufe
Livraison rapide et vendeur l’coute (mme si j’ai moyennement apprci le fait que, une pice tant dfectueuse, le vendeur a d’abord voulu assumer que j’tais en tort).
Il y avait une pice mal prmonte et le constructeur a immdiatement envoy la pice litigieuse.
Le produit donne bien, semble raisonnablement solide.