Garmin DriveSmart 65 MT-S 6.95 Inch Sat Nav with Edge to Edge Display, Map Updates for UK, Ireland and Full Europe, Live Traffic, Bluetooth Hands-free Calling, Voice Commands and Smart Features, Black

Garmin drivesmart 55Garmin drivesmart 55 - road trip companionvoice activated navigation - voice commandwi-fi connectionAccess real time features such as photolive traffic camerasNavigate easily to airports and shopping centres with the direct access featureDriver alerts include speed camera warnings, sharp curves, railroad crossings and moreGarmin Real Directions

Driver Alerts: Know Your Surroundings

To encourage safer driving and increase situational awareness, driver alerts warn you of upcoming sharp curves, speed changes, railroad crossings and more.

Maps Made Simple

The simple and easy-to-see maps show 3-D buildings and terrain, making it easier than ever to navigate where you need to go.

Garmin Real Directions

Easy-to-understand, spoken turn-by-turn directions guide like a friend, using street names, store names and recognisable landmarks (e.g., ‘Turn right after the red building’).

Dimensions: 9.9 x 1.9 x 24 cm; 240 Grams
Model: 010-02038-12
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included)
Manufacture: Garmin
Dimensions: 9.9 x 1.9 x 24 cm; 240 Grams

156 Responses

  1. SusannaJEZ says:

     United Kingdom

    Not cheap but worth the money. Used it in UK so far, but the amount of time it saved and the petrol, because it did not get lost, already made the price worth. Clean, easy to follow screen, fast response to re-route.

  2. Verlene80M says:

     United Kingdom

    Not cheap but worth the money. Used it in UK so far, but the amount of time it saved and the petrol, because it did not get lost, already made the price worth. Clean, easy to follow screen, fast response to re-route.

  3. WillardChristis says:

     United Kingdom

    Really pleased with it. Well made and a pleasure to use. Even i managed to tune my phone into it and the clarity is superb.

  4. skibum says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersNavis habe ich schon seit Jahrzehnten- das letzte ein Navigon Live seit ber Jahren. Leider gibt es fr das Navigon keine Updates mehr.
    Darum habe und wegen des greren Bildschirms habe ich mit das Garmin Drivesmart 65 gegnnt, das derzeit mit einem Rabatt von ber 20 Euro bei Amazon fr knapp 170 Euro angeboten wurde.

    Lieferung am nchsten Tag und gleich eingerichtet. Anstelle der angekndigten 3 Stunden, signalisierte Garmin Express nach rund 40 Minuten, dass die Arbeit erledigt ist. Super.
    Das Navi mit der Endbezeichnung -S- hat nach Auskunft des Garmin Supports (2-mal bemht ohne Wartezeiten!) das gleiche Glasdisplay wie das Modell -D-.
    Verbindungen wie Bluetooth zum Handy und WLAN zu meiner Box waren ohne Probleme und schnell eingerichtet, Auf dem Handy habe ich die APP SmartLife.

    Der erste Eindruck:
    Super Bildschirm, Ansagen sind deutlich, rechtzeitig und teilweise mehrfach, Verkehrsfunk und Blitzeranzeige ohne Beanstandung, Telefonieren vom Navi bers Handy klappte auf Anhieb, Mitteilungen vom Handy werden auf dem Navi angezeigt.
    Das Garmin 65 ist sehr schnell, sowohl beim Start als auch bei der Routenberechnung.

    Nicht so gefallen haben mir die akustischen Warnmeldungen bei der Geschwindigkeitsbeschrnkung- hier habe ich innerorts oder auerorts nur die Wahl zwischen AUS oder STNDIG oder 5KM zu schnell. Das war bei meinem Navigon besser abgestuft. Als Hinweiston dient bei Garmin nur ein Glockenton fr alle Gefahrenhinweise. Bei Navigon war das die Ansage “Achtung” bzw, “Achtung Gefahrenstelle” bei Blitzern.

    Noch drei Hinweise:
    Meine Brodithalterung vom Navigon passte auch nach dem Entfernen zweier kleiner Laschen an der Brodithalterung perfekt fr das Garmin 65.
    Mein festverlegtes Kabel von Navigon in meinem PKW funktionierte zwar auch mit dem Garmin 65; aber es lieferte keine Verkehrsmeldungen.
    Solange das Gert keinen GPS Empfang hat, springt es nach einem Neustart immer in die Grundeinstellung zurck. Das ist nach dem ersten Probelauf im PKW vorbei.

    Ich bereue nicht den Wechsel vom 5 Zoll zum 7 Zoll Navi, zumal jetzt auch alle Updates fr mich kostenfrei sind.

  5. Los Angeles Times says:

     United Kingdom

    A lovely big screen, the voice commands work well, overall it’s better than any in-car satnav I’ve ever used. Really good produc

  6. IsisCSGubhm says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFound this very accurate even when finding a holiday cottage in the middle of nowhere on private roads. Traffic feature when linked to a mobile phone was superb, warning of a queue ahead that was just building, routed us around the problem then found us a lovely pub for lunch! Has some great features.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent razor sharp HD screen, very responsive and the usual great Garmin directions and DAB traffic.

  8. YettaTemple says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersZuerst mal fiel es schwer, wieder ein neues Navi auszusuchen. Inzwischen sind Handys fast genausogut und zwischen den einzelnen Herstellern sind die Unterschiede nicht mehr so gro. Aber schliesslich fiel meine Wahl auf das DriveSmart 65 ohne Alexa. Deshalb, weil ich meine wenigen SmartHome-Gerte nicht von unterwegs bedienen muss. Und wenn, geht das bers Handy 😉

    Mein vorheriges Navi war ebenfalls ein Garmin, mit dem ich insgesamt ziemlich zufrieden war. Schlussendlich fiel deshalb auch meine Wahl auf das 65er. Besitzt zwar keine integrierte SIM Karte wie einige Gerte von TomTom, aber bers Handy klappt das. Dazu spter mehr. ICh will mich hier nicht so lang auslassen, das liest sonst keiner.

    Die Installation ging relativ einfach von der Hand. Koppeln mit Handy via Bluetooth einfach. Die Aktualisierung der Karten ging erstmal nicht ber WLAN, weil sich das Gert partout nicht mit dem Netzwerk verbinden wollte. Also per Kabel und App am PC aktualisiert, was schnell passiert war. Bei den Vorgngern dauerte das wesentlich lnger. Seltsamerweise liess sich das Gert dann spter per WLAN verbinden.

    Die Halterung frs Auto ist schlechter als die bisherige. Dort wurde das Kabel in der Halterung eingesteckt und das Handy einfach magnetisch mit der Halterung verbunden. Jetz ist das Kabel am Gert und es muss eine Klammer gedrckt werden um es abzunehmen. Umstndlich. Hier spart man Kosten zulasten der Handhabung. Schade.

    Die Sprachsteuerung war schon im Vorgnger gut, hier ist sie aber noch besser. Die Mikrofone scheinen besser platziert und empfindlicher zu sein. Kommandos werden zu 99% beim ersten Mal erkannt. Ein echter Fortschritt. Auch die hndische Bedienung ist besser geworden, das Display reagiert schnell und przise.
    Ganz schwach ist die Mglichkeit, Fehler in den Karten zu melden. Es muss hier ber die Website ein Formular ausgefllt werden. Gehts noch? Falsche Geschwindigkeitshinweise konnte man bei Navigon (wurde von Garmin bernommen) mit einem Klick aufs Symbol ndern. Diese Infos wurden beim Update weitergeleitet. Hier Fehlanzeige.

    Die Navigation funktioniert sehr gut. In Verbindung mit dem Handy erhlt das DriveSmart Live-Verkehrsdaten und meldet Staus rechtzeitig, so dass diese umfahren knnen. Sehr gut ist auch die Mglichkeit fr verschiedene Lnder festzulegen, ob Mautstrassen genutzt werden sollen. So kann man z.B. Schweiz zulassen und sterreich ausschliessen oder nachfragen lassen. Sehr gut! Verbesserung zum Vorgnger. Hat man das Handy brigens nicht gekoppelt, luft der Verkehrsdienst ber DAB. Das geht in Ordnung.

    Den Geschwindigkeitsalarm kann man nun auf 5 km/h ndern, so dass nicht bei einem km zu viel eine Alarm ertnt. Fr Innerorts und Ausserorts getrennt, was auch gut ist. Radarwarnung nutze ich nicht, funktioniert aber zufriedenstellend. Feste Blitzer sind relativ aktuell, mobile nicht. Aber wie gesagt, nutze ich nicht.
    Mit Foursquare ist auch noch etwas hinzugekommen, was ich schtze. Das Suchen nach Restaurants, etc. wird verbessert, weil Nutzerwertungen dazu kommen. Leider muss man dazu ein Konto bei Foursquare anlegen. Lohnt sich aber finde ich.

    Alles in Allem ein gutes Navi, das meine Erwartungen erfllt. Die Gre ist gewhnungsbedrftig. Hatte vorher ein 5″ Gert. Da sind die Unterschiede extrem. Und in kleinen Autos wrde ich die kleienre Version nehmen, da sonst viel von der Scheibe verdeckt wird.
    Leider sind ein paar Schwchen nicht konsequent ausgemerzt worden, was Meldung von Fehlern angeht. Und das Koppeln per WLAN ist nicht intuitiv, auch wenn das bei der INbetriebnahme den Anschein macht.
    Trotzdem ist das Gert fr mich eine Empfehlung wert.

    Hats euch gefallen? Dann bin ich fr eine positive Bewertung dankbar!

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve used various Garmin and Tomtom satnavs for nearly 15 years, and even after just one day with the 65, I can see this is the best unit I’ve used by a mile.
    I use it mainly for work, I’m a delivery driver, and I depend on a good unit.
    Highly recommended

    Best satnav I've used

  10. webteam-tb says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve used various Garmin and Tomtom satnavs for nearly 15 years, and even after just one day with the 65, I can see this is the best unit I’ve used by a mile.
    I use it mainly for work, I’m a delivery driver, and I depend on a good unit.
    Highly recommended

    Best satnav I've used

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is perfect for my needs. I have tried to set maps and more up for 2 years but to no avail. Got ripped off on the process by purchasing a plastic phone holder for 100 from Germany. Should have ignored this option and gone straight to satnav. You live and learn!

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is perfect for my needs. I have tried to set maps and more up for 2 years but to no avail. Got ripped off on the process by purchasing a plastic phone holder for 100 from Germany. Should have ignored this option and gone straight to satnav. You live and learn!

  13. Joanne Dodd says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a garmin on my motorbike for years and love its ease of use and accuracy. So as i was having problems with my old TomTom in the car i thought id get a Garmin this time around. Only time will tell if i have made a good choice, but if its anything like my bike version i will be happy.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a garmin on my motorbike for years and love its ease of use and accuracy. So as i was having problems with my old TomTom in the car i thought id get a Garmin this time around. Only time will tell if i have made a good choice, but if its anything like my bike version i will be happy.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a garmin on my motorbike for years and love its ease of use and accuracy. So as i was having problems with my old TomTom in the car i thought id get a Garmin this time around. Only time will tell if i have made a good choice, but if its anything like my bike version i will be happy.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We do not use voice recognition so i can not give a rating, But this item is very good and we are very pleased with this purchase, we have used/or are familiar with the menus for our other garmin sat/nav which is smaller so we purchased this larger one, and found it better than our other one, the display is very clear gives all the information which you can customise it from the menus to your taste, and to us it is very easy to use, it is all about getting into the menus (from the settings page) and not thinking that all sat/navs are the same, or have the same menus, take it in your house and set up your favorites at your leisure save them, then when you need to go it’s there and click off you go. It works for us, very pleased with this purchase.

  17. CherieDescoteau says:

     United Kingdom

    Grest product. My last one was 6yrs ago. This is now far superior model. Highly recommend.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this to replace my old Garmin that was out of date and this is a fabulous product. Very easy to use and a huge improvement from the older model. Really clear instructions and display. You will see the cheaper Sat-navs don’t have postcode recognition which makes them almost obsolete. This has very quick and simple input and very accurate results.

  19. VioletteZsm says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this to replace my old Garmin that was out of date and this is a fabulous product. Very easy to use and a huge improvement from the older model. Really clear instructions and display. You will see the cheaper Sat-navs don’t have postcode recognition which makes them almost obsolete. This has very quick and simple input and very accurate results.

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Fast and easy to used,good raod map ,I love the satellite map.

  21. James K. Willcox says:

     United Kingdom

    Let’s get the negatives out of the way….
    This was horrendous to set up. It’s a pain, and I consider myself very advanced when it comes to tech of all kinds. Getting it to Bluetooth with your phone is a nightmare. Installing, uninstalling and ‘Forget This Device’ presses. The app which you need is pointless. It doesn’t really do anything independently other than allows you to pretype your destination in the app and send it to your sat nav ready for when you get in the car. Pointless really because you’ve got to type a destination somewhere, be that in the app or sat nav itself. The app is sending your info like contacts and calendars and alerts direct to the sat nav so it IS working but it’s something you install and then leave and never touch. Once you’re connected and the sat nav is set up it drops Bluetooth connection every minute or two despite the sat nav being on my lap a couple of feet away from the phone. It’s stupid. Reconnecting should be as simple as pressing Connect but no it has to fail at that too. I was livid!

    THEN came an update last night which seems to have brought my blood pressure down and prevented me from taking a hammer to it. I have now got both me and the wife set up on it and switching between different users is as easy as clicking the Bluetooth icon at the top of the main screen.

    If you’re an iPhone user then you can use your voice or fingers to say Hey Garmin then Phone and then who you want to call. You can accept calls too. The volume is reasonable too when in a noisy car with air con on full blast today.

    You cannot however send text messages. You’d have to use Siri for that, so keep Siri turned on on your phone and simple say Hey Siri send text message to …(person).

    You can read texts though. In fact you can get calendar alerts and social media alerts emails and more. Personally I hate the idea of my sat nav going off and distracting me with alerts all the time. It’s not safe. So you can turn off all kinds of specific alerts. For example you can keep text messages active but deactivate emails and Facebook alerts etc.

    The sat nav screen is great. It’s seven inches wide and super thin like a plasma telly! You can get all kinds of info on this sat nav from tripadvisor feedback right into where is best to park and how much it costs. It’ll tell you petrol prices locally which is great. The voice tells you the street you’re on and turning into rather than simply saying Turn Right etc. And you can view live traffic webcams too. For example if I’m taking a route via the m62 I can scroll through all the m62 cams from Liverpool to Yorkshire and view what the traffic is like there and then. Very nifty! Live weather is also useful and traffic updates too. Everything is included.

    Oh… when we got this yesterday the screen was dim. So dim you can’t see more than 5% of text. It says to turn up the volume you had to do it with the software on your laptop. This software kept failing to install. Anyway after the update it fixed everything.

    I was about to send this back because the set up process was unbearable. My advice is get the update downloaded first which takes 2-3 hours and then do all the setting up afterwards with your phones. It also comes with a flat battery so you can’t do anything until it’s had around 20 mins of charging plugged into your laptop for example.

    So if you can bear the painful set up procedure then you’ll love this. But if you want a sat nav that you can plug in and hey presto you’ve got it all working then this ain’t for you.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Let’s get the negatives out of the way….
    This was horrendous to set up. It’s a pain, and I consider myself very advanced when it comes to tech of all kinds. Getting it to Bluetooth with your phone is a nightmare. Installing, uninstalling and ‘Forget This Device’ presses. The app which you need is pointless. It doesn’t really do anything independently other than allows you to pretype your destination in the app and send it to your sat nav ready for when you get in the car. Pointless really because you’ve got to type a destination somewhere, be that in the app or sat nav itself. The app is sending your info like contacts and calendars and alerts direct to the sat nav so it IS working but it’s something you install and then leave and never touch. Once you’re connected and the sat nav is set up it drops Bluetooth connection every minute or two despite the sat nav being on my lap a couple of feet away from the phone. It’s stupid. Reconnecting should be as simple as pressing Connect but no it has to fail at that too. I was livid!

    THEN came an update last night which seems to have brought my blood pressure down and prevented me from taking a hammer to it. I have now got both me and the wife set up on it and switching between different users is as easy as clicking the Bluetooth icon at the top of the main screen.

    If you’re an iPhone user then you can use your voice or fingers to say Hey Garmin then Phone and then who you want to call. You can accept calls too. The volume is reasonable too when in a noisy car with air con on full blast today.

    You cannot however send text messages. You’d have to use Siri for that, so keep Siri turned on on your phone and simple say Hey Siri send text message to …(person).

    You can read texts though. In fact you can get calendar alerts and social media alerts emails and more. Personally I hate the idea of my sat nav going off and distracting me with alerts all the time. It’s not safe. So you can turn off all kinds of specific alerts. For example you can keep text messages active but deactivate emails and Facebook alerts etc.

    The sat nav screen is great. It’s seven inches wide and super thin like a plasma telly! You can get all kinds of info on this sat nav from tripadvisor feedback right into where is best to park and how much it costs. It’ll tell you petrol prices locally which is great. The voice tells you the street you’re on and turning into rather than simply saying Turn Right etc. And you can view live traffic webcams too. For example if I’m taking a route via the m62 I can scroll through all the m62 cams from Liverpool to Yorkshire and view what the traffic is like there and then. Very nifty! Live weather is also useful and traffic updates too. Everything is included.

    Oh… when we got this yesterday the screen was dim. So dim you can’t see more than 5% of text. It says to turn up the volume you had to do it with the software on your laptop. This software kept failing to install. Anyway after the update it fixed everything.

    I was about to send this back because the set up process was unbearable. My advice is get the update downloaded first which takes 2-3 hours and then do all the setting up afterwards with your phones. It also comes with a flat battery so you can’t do anything until it’s had around 20 mins of charging plugged into your laptop for example.

    So if you can bear the painful set up procedure then you’ll love this. But if you want a sat nav that you can plug in and hey presto you’ve got it all working then this ain’t for you.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Let’s get the negatives out of the way….
    This was horrendous to set up. It’s a pain, and I consider myself very advanced when it comes to tech of all kinds. Getting it to Bluetooth with your phone is a nightmare. Installing, uninstalling and ‘Forget This Device’ presses. The app which you need is pointless. It doesn’t really do anything independently other than allows you to pretype your destination in the app and send it to your sat nav ready for when you get in the car. Pointless really because you’ve got to type a destination somewhere, be that in the app or sat nav itself. The app is sending your info like contacts and calendars and alerts direct to the sat nav so it IS working but it’s something you install and then leave and never touch. Once you’re connected and the sat nav is set up it drops Bluetooth connection every minute or two despite the sat nav being on my lap a couple of feet away from the phone. It’s stupid. Reconnecting should be as simple as pressing Connect but no it has to fail at that too. I was livid!

    THEN came an update last night which seems to have brought my blood pressure down and prevented me from taking a hammer to it. I have now got both me and the wife set up on it and switching between different users is as easy as clicking the Bluetooth icon at the top of the main screen.

    If you’re an iPhone user then you can use your voice or fingers to say Hey Garmin then Phone and then who you want to call. You can accept calls too. The volume is reasonable too when in a noisy car with air con on full blast today.

    You cannot however send text messages. You’d have to use Siri for that, so keep Siri turned on on your phone and simple say Hey Siri send text message to …(person).

    You can read texts though. In fact you can get calendar alerts and social media alerts emails and more. Personally I hate the idea of my sat nav going off and distracting me with alerts all the time. It’s not safe. So you can turn off all kinds of specific alerts. For example you can keep text messages active but deactivate emails and Facebook alerts etc.

    The sat nav screen is great. It’s seven inches wide and super thin like a plasma telly! You can get all kinds of info on this sat nav from tripadvisor feedback right into where is best to park and how much it costs. It’ll tell you petrol prices locally which is great. The voice tells you the street you’re on and turning into rather than simply saying Turn Right etc. And you can view live traffic webcams too. For example if I’m taking a route via the m62 I can scroll through all the m62 cams from Liverpool to Yorkshire and view what the traffic is like there and then. Very nifty! Live weather is also useful and traffic updates too. Everything is included.

    Oh… when we got this yesterday the screen was dim. So dim you can’t see more than 5% of text. It says to turn up the volume you had to do it with the software on your laptop. This software kept failing to install. Anyway after the update it fixed everything.

    I was about to send this back because the set up process was unbearable. My advice is get the update downloaded first which takes 2-3 hours and then do all the setting up afterwards with your phones. It also comes with a flat battery so you can’t do anything until it’s had around 20 mins of charging plugged into your laptop for example.

    So if you can bear the painful set up procedure then you’ll love this. But if you want a sat nav that you can plug in and hey presto you’ve got it all working then this ain’t for you.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This Garmin is far superior to the last model I had. My only ctiticism is I can’t find a way to save a ‘where am I’ location in favourites.

  25. Abdullah Saad says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Was using nuvi 2699 which had function issues after 6 years. Perfect replacement!

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Super clear screen. I had an old Garmin so the main items are similar. Easy to use. Good clear, pleasant voice. Motorway instructions are super and even film of traffic lanes given. But on my way home ‘she’ insists on telling me to turn right on the Southport Rd from Ormskirk to southport instead of bearing right. Two other mistakes on the straight run eastbank St to Lord street but she insists on telling me to turn off the roundabout onto a nonexistent road : third, she calls Priory Mews ‘the unpaved road’. So it makes me wonder just how good it will be when I really need her and don’t know the way.

  27. Mo Harber-Lamond says:

     United Kingdom

    What a brilliant sat nav from Garmin big bright display, voice function perfect, map detail perfect wireless back up no need to remove it from the car perfect well worth the money

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to set up and use. Directions given in great detail in a timely fashion makes driving and following them very easy and safe.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI have used a Garmin Sat nav for many years this is the latest the third in fact, all my cars have built in sat nav some with route inbetween the speed rev counter, all very nice but a glance to the Garmin stuck to the screen eyes stay on the road the lane change appear on the right , most important the actual speed one is traveling at is displayed as is the permitted speed, the graphics clear. when approaching lane changes I regularly do this passing Toulouse Madrid among others, its very clear early warnings all good. arrival times adjust to traffic conditions ahead .
    can’t recommend it enough !

  30. PearlineSargood says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersWir sind in Sachen “Auto-Navigation” umgestiegen, vom groen niederlndischen Konkurrenten zum US-Anbieter mit Schweizer Wurzeln. In der Frage der eigentlichen Navigationsleistung schenken sich die beiden wenig, zumindest dann, wenn man die groen Navis zum Vergleich heranzieht. In der Vergangenheit haben wir hier jedoch geknausert und sind bei den mittelpreisigen Gerten nicht zufrieden gewesen. Das kleine TomTom braucht gut 2 Minuten zum Erfassen der Route. Und wenn es eben die groen Bildschirme sein sollen, ist das hier in Rede stehende Garmin DriveSmart 65 ein echtes Sonderangebot. Die Installation der App auf dem Handy (optional) funktioniert auch nach mehreren Anlufen nicht, sptestens bei der Besttigung der Lizenzvereinbarung ist Feierabend. Das eigentlich Navi ist gut 4 Stunden mit dem Update der Karten beschftigt, soll das aber zuknftig im WLAN schneller erledigen. Die grafische Darstellung ist der der TomTom’s eindeutig berlegen. Dazu gibt es eine deutlich wertigere Haptik inklusive Glasfront. Die serienmige Befestigung ist ausreichend, wobei das Navi stehen und nicht hngen sollte. Das mitgekaufte “Kissen” ist eher eine Notlsung: Wer hat gerne ein Pfund Bleikugeln auf dem Armaturenbrett liegen? Bleibt also abzuwarten, wie sich das Garmin auf Dauer und in heiklen Situationen bewhrt (Nebenstraen in der Eifel hat das TomTom regelmig falsch erkannt, ein Glck, dass unser Wagen einen Unterfahrschutz hat).
    Nachtrag August 2022: Nach nunmehr zwei Jahren im Dienst hat uns das DriveSmart 65 vollkommen berzeugt. Es wird weder haptisch geschont (landet schon mal fr eine Woche ungeschtzt im Handschuhfach) noch hat es etwas von seiner Geschwindigkeit und Zuverlssigkeit eingebt. Volle Punkte!

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    As every one of the garmin Satnav’s I have purchased faultless I think I have at this moment got 5 including the latest one

  32. Becky says:

     United Kingdom

    First time I’ve ever bought a sat nav. Bought this for the camper van ready for when we can get out again!! Tried it out in the car, really easy to set up & use. Does what it says on the tin. Downloaded the app onto my phone & any messages that come through pop up on the side of the screen. Highly recommend this item for ease of use & the large screen which is crystal clear.

  33. The Single Gal and The Housewife says:

     United Kingdom

    First time I’ve ever bought a sat nav. Bought this for the camper van ready for when we can get out again!! Tried it out in the car, really easy to set up & use. Does what it says on the tin. Downloaded the app onto my phone & any messages that come through pop up on the side of the screen. Highly recommend this item for ease of use & the large screen which is crystal clear.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    First time I’ve ever bought a sat nav. Bought this for the camper van ready for when we can get out again!! Tried it out in the car, really easy to set up & use. Does what it says on the tin. Downloaded the app onto my phone & any messages that come through pop up on the side of the screen. Highly recommend this item for ease of use & the large screen which is crystal clear.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve had many tom-tom devices over the years and by and large they have served well, although
    the life span seems to be only 4/5 years!

    This time I felt like a change and purchased the Garmin DriveSmart 65 MT-D 6.95.
    Doing a little pre purchase homework the Garmin offers very similar advantages to the tom-tom but appears to be better value, Lovely big clear screen, which is a higher res to the tom-tom effort, good clear instructions etc and i’m really enjoying using it.
    The only occasional downer is that speech recognition does tend to let it down slightly, also there is no protective case or even a lint cloth to occasionally wipe the screen.
    Great shame as the rest of the package is excellent!

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Nice product. With the large display, no issues with clarity

  37. LaurenceCabena says:

     United Kingdom

    Garmin is the easiest sat nav to set up, it has the clearest instructions and the graphics make the map detail simple to see at a glance.

  38. Glenna35Btryy says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Excellent all round, got this as a replacement for the very top of the range Tom Tom, and this is much bette

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Faulty in car charging lead. Other than that, does what it’s meant to. Bought for use on blood runs.

  40. DeliaSpofforth says:

     United Kingdom

    Faulty in car charging lead. Other than that, does what it’s meant to. Bought for use on blood runs.

  41. [email protected] Courtney Morrison says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great product the only downside for me is it would be better with a USB connection rather than the cigarette for connecto

  42. KennithF02 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is my third garmin sat nav in 18 years this one is the best of all fab

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Honestly I like it
    It will alter another root if needed and gets you to your destination fine.
    At the moment hence the road closers on the A14 etc due to the new road layouts the Garmin I find wanted to take me on roads that were closed but its hardly the Garmins fault if the info that it downloads is not up to date so I do recommend as it has on some signs especially on the A14 “NEW ROAD LAYOUT IGNORE YOUR SATNAV FOLLOW THE SIGNS”

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The speaker is not very loud if you use it to take incoming calls. Using it in Spain, I found it did not find a few streets.

  45. MaricelAnderson says:

     United Kingdom

    The speaker is not very loud if you use it to take incoming calls. Using it in Spain, I found it did not find a few streets.

  46. ConstanceElmore says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Love this sat nav.. Easy to use clear screen.. Would buy agai

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Large clear display.
    Easy to set up (update) and use.
    Very good on motorways, tells you the junction number, how far away and which lane to be in.
    Voice clear, though with a radio on could be a little louder.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Gets you where you need to go,clear and added information easy to read and understand

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Works well, easy to set up with plenty of options to suit your own style of driving.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the best Sat Nav I have ever used. I have always had Tom-tom devices in the past so was very reluctant to try a Garmin product but the quality is no comparison. This device most importantly has a Capacitive Touchscreen that accurately works and never lets you down unlike Resistive screens which can be very poor.
    It’s a big screen which may be a bit off putting for some people as it would look too big to place on the windscreen but I’ve mounted it to the left of my instrument panel and it sits just fine.
    Very reliable and so much better than any other sat nav I have had or tried. Highly recommended.
    Will never buy a Tom tom again, very happy converted customer, this Garmin sat nav is the best.

  51. Russell Holly says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the best Sat Nav I have ever used. I have always had Tom-tom devices in the past so was very reluctant to try a Garmin product but the quality is no comparison. This device most importantly has a Capacitive Touchscreen that accurately works and never lets you down unlike Resistive screens which can be very poor.
    It’s a big screen which may be a bit off putting for some people as it would look too big to place on the windscreen but I’ve mounted it to the left of my instrument panel and it sits just fine.
    Very reliable and so much better than any other sat nav I have had or tried. Highly recommended.
    Will never buy a Tom tom again, very happy converted customer, this Garmin sat nav is the best.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the best Sat Nav I have ever used. I have always had Tom-tom devices in the past so was very reluctant to try a Garmin product but the quality is no comparison. This device most importantly has a Capacitive Touchscreen that accurately works and never lets you down unlike Resistive screens which can be very poor.
    It’s a big screen which may be a bit off putting for some people as it would look too big to place on the windscreen but I’ve mounted it to the left of my instrument panel and it sits just fine.
    Very reliable and so much better than any other sat nav I have had or tried. Highly recommended.
    Will never buy a Tom tom again, very happy converted customer, this Garmin sat nav is the best.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLove the big screen. Was able to easily transfer over my favourites using Garmin Express. Though, you lose all your chosen icons to a generic heart icon which is a pain. Especially, if you’ve carefully collated your favourites over time with various coloured icons to be easily reconisable and with this device you’re stuck with all green icons.
    On the plus side it supports Eircodes which is excellent.
    It can connect to your wifi making it very simple to get updates.
    For the life of me I can’t see the point of the app, it doesn’t really do anything.
    Otherwise, it’s a Garmin with a standard Garmin interface and it does the job. Though, on the 1st day of use it struggled twice to connect to the satelllites which my old one rarely did.
    Still, recommended.

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Not bad at all, nice clear screen although a wee bit laggy at times.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Very intuative. Easy set up. Excellent unit. Live traffic a bonus. Excellent first impression. Easily big enough screen for my estate car.

  56. SheldonHunsicke says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat navigator, generally works fine.
    Especially, I like that the names of the places that you pass are on top and in relatively large letters that you can clearly see without a strain, unlike as in another good navigator Tom Tom that the letters are very small and you need to come very close to the screen to be able to read it which is very difficult when driving.
    However, I had difficulty finding one address in Orkney near Stromness and several ones in Iceland.
    It needs more data for those two places.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat navigator, generally works fine.
    Especially, I like that the names of the places that you pass are on top and in relatively large letters that you can clearly see without a strain, unlike as in another good navigator Tom Tom that the letters are very small and you need to come very close to the screen to be able to read it which is very difficult when driving.
    However, I had difficulty finding one address in Orkney near Stromness and several ones in Iceland.
    It needs more data for those two places.

  58. PamelaRahman says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersVorweg sei erwhnt, dass ich schon seit vielen Jahren ein Zumo 550 von Garmin nutze und mich dieses nie enttuscht hat. Tourenplanung am PC mit Garmin Basecamp-Software und anschlieender bertragung von Routen und POIs auf das Zumo 550 funktioniert vllig problemlos. Ebenfalls ohne Probleme luft mit dem Zumo Garmin Express fr Karten- und Software-Updates ber den PC. Ein Wechsel reizte mich nur wegen des greren Displays und dem greren Speicher mit Erweiterungsmglichkeit mit SD-Karte. Die Erweiterung mit SD-Karte gibt es zwar auch am Zumo, aber dieses kann dort keine Kartendaten speichern. Somit muss ich zur Karteninstallation einen Kartenausschnitt von Europa whlen. Fr ganz Europa reicht der Speicher des Zumo schon lnger nicht mehr.

    Nun zum DriveSmart 65 und hier sieht es leider anders aus. Es wird vom PC erkannt und als Gert im Explorer korrekt angezeigt. Den automatischen Start von Express lste es nicht aus, konnte aber nach hndischem Start der Software gefunden und angemeldet werden. Anschlieend werden diverse Software- und ein Karten-Updates angezeigt. Nach Auswahl von “Alle installieren” arbeitete Garmin Express dann einige Zeit um dann mit der Meldung “Bei der Installation des Updates ist ein Fehler aufgetreten” abzubrechen (siehe Bild). Trotz mehrerer Versuche mit Vorschlgen zur Fehlerbehebung von der Garmin-Seite bleibt es bei diesem Ergebnis. Auch Versuche die Updates einzeln zu installieren enden auf die gleiche Weise. Beim ersten Navi war die Installation aller Updates per WLAN erfolgreich, aber das nderte nichts an den Fehlern im Zusammenspiel mit dem PC. Mit diesem Navi habe ich mir die stundenlange Wartezeit nicht mehr angetan.

    Ebenso ergeht es einem mit Garmin BaseCamp. Auf dieser Software kann man Routen vorplanen und im Bedarfsfall mit Adressen und POIs an das angeschlossene Navi bertragen. DriveSmart 65 wird erkannt und vorhandene Tracks knnen ausgelesen und auf dem PC gespeichert werden. Mchte man aber vorbereitete Routen und Adressen bertragen, erhlt man nach einiger Wartezeit die Meldung ” Bei der Kommunikation mit Garmin DriveSmart 65 ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Das Senden der folgenden Dateien hat zu einem Fehler gefhrt: gpx/temp.gpx” (siehe Bild). Damit endet jeder Versuch einer bertragung vorhandener Daten.

    Das DriveSmart 65 wie das Zumo 550 am PC zu nutzen ist somit unmglich und die fast 200 im Zumo hinterlegten Adressen msste ich demzufolge komplett von Hand eingeben. Da dies fr mich keine wirkliche Option darstellt, versuchte ich per Mail und Telefon den Garmin-Support zu erreichen. Per Mail keinerlei Reaktion und man erhlt nicht einmal eine Eingangsbesttigung. Auch nicht bei Einsendung ber das Kontaktformular auf der Garmin-Seite. Also Rcksprache mit Amazon und Einsendung zur Reparatur.

    Nach drei Wochen habe ich anscheinend ein Austausch-Gert erhalten, denn ich musste mich damit vllig neu anmelden und es waren auch wieder die Garminfolien mit dem Hinweis auf Garmin Express darauf. Das jetzige DriveSmart 65 zeigt beim Anschluss an den PC zu 100% das gleiche Fehlverhalten.
    Zustzlich kann sich dieses Navi aber auch die Standorteinstellungen und Lizenzvereinbahrungen nicht, bzw. nur kurzzeitig merken und startet bei fast jedem Einschalten mit diesen Abfragen und anschlieend mit der langwierigen Satelitensuche von Mnchen aus. Obwohl mehrfach die Position hier vor Ort (Nhe Hamburg) gefunden wurde, wiederholt sich der Vorgang immer wieder.

    Im Ergebnis geht dies Navi nach Rcksprache mit Amazon nun wieder zur Reparatur. Den Service von Garmin habe ich diesmal aufgrund der vorherigen Misserfolge nicht mehr ausprobiert.

    Ansonsten erschien mir die Spracherkennung bei den Tests mit dem ersten DriveSmart gut zu funktionieren. Ob sich die Erkennung mit der Zeit verbessert konnte ich nicht ermitteln, aber das meiste wurde mit der ersten Ansage erkannt. Ungenauigkeiten traten vorwiegend bei lngeren Straennamen auf. Deshalb 3 Sterne fr diese Funktion.

    Der Touchscreen funktioniert ohne Probleme und reagiert schnell auf Eingaben. Dafr auch 5 Sterne.

    Die Grafik und Darstellung sind von der Auflsung sehr gut zu erkennen, so lange das Display von Fremdlicht abgeschottet ist. Am Tag bei Sonne und nachts mit dem Einfluss von Scheinwerfern kommt es auf der spiegelnden Oberflche teilweise zu so starken Reflektionen, dass ein Ablesen der Karte unmglich ist. Hier hilft wahrscheinlich nur ein matter Display-Schutz. Einen solchen Display-Schutz habe ich zwar schon besorgt, habe aufgrund der anderen Mngel aber noch keinen montiert und getestet. Aus Erfahrungen mit anderen Gerten mit spiegelnden Oberflchen (z.B. Handy) sollte sich die Ablesbarkeit aber verbessern lassen. Das Zumo hatte von Werk ein mattes Display und deshalb fr die Erkennbarkeit nur ein Stern.

    Wie die neuerliche “Reparatur” verluft muss ich abwarten und werde die Bewertung dann ergnzen. Aktuell erwarte ich keine angenehme berraschung von Garmin und kann nur den Service von Amazon loben. Trotz der Ausstattung und Erweiterungsmglichkeiten kann ich bislang keine Kaufempfehlung fr das DriveSmart 65 aussprechen.
    Sobald die neuerliche Reparatur abgeschlossen ist, werde ich die Bewertung ergnzen.

    Nachtrag vom 18.04.2020:
    Nach dreimaligem Einsenden ber Amazon habe ich inzwischen ein mehrere Monate einwandfrei funktionierendes Gert und bin damit zufrieden. Der Service von Garmin war aber generell nie fr mich erreichbar und hat bis heute keine einzige Mail beantwortet.

    Im Endeffekt ist es Amazon zu Danken, dass hier die komplette Abwicklung mit Garmin inklusive Versandkosten bernommen wurde. Das htte ich von einem Unternehmen wie Garmin auch auf dem direkten Weg erwartet. Aus diesem Grund auch einen Stern Abzug, was fr einen nicht vorhandenen Service gegenber dem Endkunden eigentlich zu wenig ist. Jedoch steht in der Bewertung das Gert im Vordergrund und dessen Funktionen sind nun ohne Einschrnkungen vorhanden.

    Voraussichtlich werde ich das Navi noch um eine Rckfahrkamerra ergnzen. Erfahrungen damit werde ich dann auch hier hinzufgen.

    Gerät mit Fehlern - Garmin-Support nicht erreichba

  59. Laura Binder says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great device but then for over 200 it should be.
    Traffic reporting is nowhere the standard of Waze

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Dont seem to be able to increase the warnings volume – too quiet. Have set the volume on highest but doesn’t seem to have any effect. Much lower volume than my old 52.

  61. Glory4867rhqfj says:

     United Kingdom

    Dont seem to be able to increase the warnings volume – too quiet. Have set the volume on highest but doesn’t seem to have any effect. Much lower volume than my old 52.

  62. Sasha Vallely says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Absolutely brilliant quick set up and very informative and so user friendly.

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Met my expectations and maps were detailed and up to date

  64. DeloresRBI says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this as it has a very large screen that is easy to see and use.
    Gives accurate information and the suction stays in place.
    I have used various Garmins in the past and this is one on the best.

  65. Sung46Mwniocjv says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this as the previous Garmin satnav became very heat sensitive. sometimes it worked and sometimes the screen just flickered. However ,this is new one is working well and is very quick to find the correct route. I like the slightly better graphics on this model showing more terrain features. The screen is clear and right to the edge of the satnav body. Allows for a bigger screen and less plastic round the edge. Visually more attractive. Connectivity is good to the phone and any calls received are clear and easy to understand. A good buy.

  66. Kimberly Baresel says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this as the previous Garmin satnav became very heat sensitive. sometimes it worked and sometimes the screen just flickered. However ,this is new one is working well and is very quick to find the correct route. I like the slightly better graphics on this model showing more terrain features. The screen is clear and right to the edge of the satnav body. Allows for a bigger screen and less plastic round the edge. Visually more attractive. Connectivity is good to the phone and any calls received are clear and easy to understand. A good buy.

  67. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Best sat nav I have ever use. Very good and up to date.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is an excellent Garmin gps, very pleased with the ease of setting up and use/navigation.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Only had it a short time so only used it 3 or 4 times so far,but it does the job its supposed to do,in comparison to my previous TomTom,i’d say its equal,no better and no worse than TomTom,but i would still recommend it,with lifetime updates etc,will probably last longer than my TomTom(no new updates,hence why i replaced)and a decent price on Amazon,so whats not to like,i had read reviews of this and the new TomTom before buying,and i have to say the Garmin reviews seemed more favourable,as the new TomToms seem to be having teething problems,so all in all,im happy to have changed to Garmin so farp.s i havent used voice recognition as yet,so cant comment on that !

  70. Paul Lilly says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 28 From Our UsersAcquistato per affiancare un vecchio ma valido Garmin Zumo 660 che utilizzo da circa dieci anni sia in moto che in macchina, il Drive Smart 65 EU LMT-D stato una piacevole sorpresa. Premesso che si tratta di due navigatori completamente diversi e non paragonabili, questo mi sta facendo apprezzare in auto una lunga serie di funzionalit di cui non credevo di avere bisogno e che invece, man mano che le scopro, si rivelano molto utili.
    Il display da quasi 7 pollici molto luminoso, ha un’ottima risoluzione e asseconda alla perfezione le doti hardware dell’apparecchio. Quindi sempre fluido e non soffre mai di ritardi o incertezze. Men e sottomen sono chiari e comprensibili, facilitando notevolmente l’uso. Molto comoda la possibilit di connettere il navigatore alla rete wifi per gli aggiornamenti delle mappe e di altro software. Pochi minuti dopo averlo connesso al wifi di casa il Drive Smart si aggiornato con le mappe originali pi recenti (per ora, City Navigator NTU vers. 2020.10). L’aggiornamento, comunque, pu essere effettuato anche tramite l’applicazione Garmin Express connettendolo, per, via USB.
    Abituato da molti anni a pianificare viaggi e percorsi dal PC e inviarli al navigatore, con il Drive Smart sono rimasto inizialmente un po’ spiazzato perch tra i men non trovavo la funzione specifica (“percorsi personalizzati” o qualcosa di simile…) e il manuale (pdf da scaricare dal sito Garmin) non molto chiaro in proposito. Dopo aver smanettato un po’, ho scoperto che i percorsi/viaggi pianificati con l’applicazione da PC Base Camp (non la vecchia Mapsource che non riconosce l’apparecchio) inviati al navigatore si trovano nel men “applicazioni” > “pianifica viaggio” > “viaggi salvati”.
    Il Drive Smart 65 non dotato di custodia e il mio consiglio di acquistare o l’originale Garmin (in tessuto sintetico morbido e imbottito) oppure la Moko rigida specifica per device da 7 pollici. Entrambi si possono acquistare su Amazon.
    In sintesi, ottimo navigatore. Funziona benissimo e senza errori (a patto di utilizzarlo capendone la logica di funzionamento, ma questo vale per tutti i navigatori…). Lo consiglio.

  71. LesliePelletier says:

     United Kingdom

    Size good .feed back on how to power up instructors manual not pack bit dorting how to use booklets wouldn’t go a miss

  72. CynthiaEsson says:

     United Kingdom

    Good Sat Nav, BUT had the same one before that displayed Text from Mobile!!?? But very pleased with this one

  73. VictorWhittell says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is an upgrade of an older model and have found this very easy and clear to see when in use , a good investment .

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersBeing a bit of a Garmin fan, I have had many GPS’s over the years. The DriveSmart looks good with large screen, voice and touch control. It comes with a cigarette lighter plug which is fine while on the road, however, if you want to take it outside the car to set up a route for example, the battery life is really disappointing, Also had a few issues picking up satellite coverage when in open spaces.

  75. Gavin Lucas says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersBeing a bit of a Garmin fan, I have had many GPS’s over the years. The DriveSmart looks good with large screen, voice and touch control. It comes with a cigarette lighter plug which is fine while on the road, however, if you want to take it outside the car to set up a route for example, the battery life is really disappointing, Also had a few issues picking up satellite coverage when in open spaces.

  76. Lula63Rriph says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersBeing a bit of a Garmin fan, I have had many GPS’s over the years. The DriveSmart looks good with large screen, voice and touch control. It comes with a cigarette lighter plug which is fine while on the road, however, if you want to take it outside the car to set up a route for example, the battery life is really disappointing, Also had a few issues picking up satellite coverage when in open spaces.

  77. RoslynMacGregor says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersBeing a bit of a Garmin fan, I have had many GPS’s over the years. The DriveSmart looks good with large screen, voice and touch control. It comes with a cigarette lighter plug which is fine while on the road, however, if you want to take it outside the car to set up a route for example, the battery life is really disappointing, Also had a few issues picking up satellite coverage when in open spaces.

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersBeing a bit of a Garmin fan, I have had many GPS’s over the years. The DriveSmart looks good with large screen, voice and touch control. It comes with a cigarette lighter plug which is fine while on the road, however, if you want to take it outside the car to set up a route for example, the battery life is really disappointing, Also had a few issues picking up satellite coverage when in open spaces.

  79. RubinjJoseph says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersBeing a bit of a Garmin fan, I have had many GPS’s over the years. The DriveSmart looks good with large screen, voice and touch control. It comes with a cigarette lighter plug which is fine while on the road, however, if you want to take it outside the car to set up a route for example, the battery life is really disappointing, Also had a few issues picking up satellite coverage when in open spaces.

  80. gz4slingerie1 says:

     United Kingdom

    eally like this, great screen size, very easy to set up and use, only used the once so far and my I-Phone 6S easily paired with it which I was a little worried about. On my one journey it identified a delay and suggested an alternative which I took and reduce my 2 hour journey by 20 minutes 🙂

    very happy so far, have not used voice recognition ye

  81. ACWStuartfb says:

     United Kingdom

    eally like this, great screen size, very easy to set up and use, only used the once so far and my I-Phone 6S easily paired with it which I was a little worried about. On my one journey it identified a delay and suggested an alternative which I took and reduce my 2 hour journey by 20 minutes 🙂

    very happy so far, have not used voice recognition ye

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 92 From Our UsersThis Sat Nav is great, as a multi drop driver for previous 8 years I decided to upgrade from my old Garmin, I choose this one because of the large screen, Bluetooth usage and live traffic updates.
    I can’t fault it, the large screen is very easy to type in locations and really clear. The Bluetooth works just as you’d expect for the money, Receive a text it pops up with the message on the left hand side of the screen not disrupting directions at all, phone book is easy to work and really simple to set up.
    The Live traffic updates are great and so far in 1,000 miles plus have been spot on!!!
    If you

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 92 From Our UsersThis Sat Nav is great, as a multi drop driver for previous 8 years I decided to upgrade from my old Garmin, I choose this one because of the large screen, Bluetooth usage and live traffic updates.
    I can’t fault it, the large screen is very easy to type in locations and really clear. The Bluetooth works just as you’d expect for the money, Receive a text it pops up with the message on the left hand side of the screen not disrupting directions at all, phone book is easy to work and really simple to set up.
    The Live traffic updates are great and so far in 1,000 miles plus have been spot on!!!
    If you

  84. EzraMatthew says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 92 From Our UsersThis Sat Nav is great, as a multi drop driver for previous 8 years I decided to upgrade from my old Garmin, I choose this one because of the large screen, Bluetooth usage and live traffic updates.
    I can’t fault it, the large screen is very easy to type in locations and really clear. The Bluetooth works just as you’d expect for the money, Receive a text it pops up with the message on the left hand side of the screen not disrupting directions at all, phone book is easy to work and really simple to set up.
    The Live traffic updates are great and so far in 1,000 miles plus have been spot on!!!
    If you

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 92 From Our UsersThis Sat Nav is great, as a multi drop driver for previous 8 years I decided to upgrade from my old Garmin, I choose this one because of the large screen, Bluetooth usage and live traffic updates.
    I can’t fault it, the large screen is very easy to type in locations and really clear. The Bluetooth works just as you’d expect for the money, Receive a text it pops up with the message on the left hand side of the screen not disrupting directions at all, phone book is easy to work and really simple to set up.
    The Live traffic updates are great and so far in 1,000 miles plus have been spot on!!!
    If you

  86. KateD says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersIch habe mir das Garmin Drivesmart 65 mt-d, trotz dieser leider zutreffenden Anmerkung zum iMac hier, vor ein paar Tagen bei Amazon als Nachfolger fr mein Garmin nvi 3790 gekauft.
    Der Start war etwas holprig, da das Gert nicht sofort von Garmin Express erkannt wurde. Erst nachdem ich gem Anleitung die Erstinbetriebnahme vom iPhone 6S erledigt hatte, wurde auch das neue Garmin Drivesmart 65 MT-D von Garmin Express erkannt und das Betriebsystem als Erstes aktualisiert und danach erfolgte die Aktualisierung des Kartenmaterials. Dauer knapp 30 Minuten dank schnellem Internet.
    Der nchste Schritt war der Start von Garmin BaseCamp in der neusten Version 4.8.3 auf meinem iMac. Die nchste Enttuschung folgte auf dem Fue. Das neue Gert wurde nicht erkannt und es konnten keine Daten zum iMac bertragen werden (wie auch hier schon angegeben).
    Also den Garmin Support in Mnchen angerufen und nach einer kurzen Wartezeit dem Mitarbeiter mein Problem beschrieben. Nach Klrung, was ich alles ausprobiert hatte und mehreren Rcksprachen des Mitarbeiters zur entsprechenden Fachabteilung, kam die Lsung des Problems.
    Der Fehler liegt in der Programmierung der neusten Garmin BaseCam-Version 4.8.3. Diese soll demnchst fehlerbereinigt neu erscheinen.
    Als Soforthilfe wurde mir empfohlen auf eine alte Version zurck zu gehen und diese bis zum Erscheinen der neuen Version zu nutzen. Gemeinsam haben wir am Bildschirm ber mehrere Station (Internetseiten) die alte Version “Macintosh 470” gesucht und gefunden. Nach dem Herunterladen und der Installation (beim ersten Versuch wurde nur die “Version 4.8.3” deinstalliert, beim 2. Versuch wurde die “alte Version 4.7.0” installiert).
    Siehe da – alles funktionierte wie es soll.
    Das wollte ich hier allen Interessenten kundtun, das es einen Weg gibt um das Problem kurzfristig zu lsen. Dauer des Gesprches inclusive Problemlsung mit dem Support in Mnchen knapp 30 Minuten.
    Viele Grsse und viel Spa mit dem Garmin Drivesmart 65 D

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersSo I was just about to pay the garage 700 for one of the built-in car units, I asked if the maps covered Europe? guy said “sorry no maps, if you want maps it’s another 300″ Can it bluetooth to my smartphone? no, it’s a cable. So how come this Garmin has everything included for 200 or so? Guy shrugs. So I got one.

    Yes, nothing short of a magic box! Lovely clear 7” screen, day/night options, voice commands work well, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, pairs wirelessly to smartphone, and best of all loads of options to configure it just the way you want it to do things! And the maps are all included… for ever. Love it.

  88. Prakhar Khanna says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersSo I was just about to pay the garage 700 for one of the built-in car units, I asked if the maps covered Europe? guy said “sorry no maps, if you want maps it’s another 300″ Can it bluetooth to my smartphone? no, it’s a cable. So how come this Garmin has everything included for 200 or so? Guy shrugs. So I got one.

    Yes, nothing short of a magic box! Lovely clear 7” screen, day/night options, voice commands work well, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, pairs wirelessly to smartphone, and best of all loads of options to configure it just the way you want it to do things! And the maps are all included… for ever. Love it.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersSo I was just about to pay the garage 700 for one of the built-in car units, I asked if the maps covered Europe? guy said “sorry no maps, if you want maps it’s another 300″ Can it bluetooth to my smartphone? no, it’s a cable. So how come this Garmin has everything included for 200 or so? Guy shrugs. So I got one.

    Yes, nothing short of a magic box! Lovely clear 7” screen, day/night options, voice commands work well, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, pairs wirelessly to smartphone, and best of all loads of options to configure it just the way you want it to do things! And the maps are all included… for ever. Love it.

  90. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersSo I was just about to pay the garage 700 for one of the built-in car units, I asked if the maps covered Europe? guy said “sorry no maps, if you want maps it’s another 300″ Can it bluetooth to my smartphone? no, it’s a cable. So how come this Garmin has everything included for 200 or so? Guy shrugs. So I got one.

    Yes, nothing short of a magic box! Lovely clear 7” screen, day/night options, voice commands work well, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, pairs wirelessly to smartphone, and best of all loads of options to configure it just the way you want it to do things! And the maps are all included… for ever. Love it.

  91. RHLDoretha says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersSo I was just about to pay the garage 700 for one of the built-in car units, I asked if the maps covered Europe? guy said “sorry no maps, if you want maps it’s another 300″ Can it bluetooth to my smartphone? no, it’s a cable. So how come this Garmin has everything included for 200 or so? Guy shrugs. So I got one.

    Yes, nothing short of a magic box! Lovely clear 7” screen, day/night options, voice commands work well, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, pairs wirelessly to smartphone, and best of all loads of options to configure it just the way you want it to do things! And the maps are all included… for ever. Love it.

  92. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersSo I was just about to pay the garage 700 for one of the built-in car units, I asked if the maps covered Europe? guy said “sorry no maps, if you want maps it’s another 300″ Can it bluetooth to my smartphone? no, it’s a cable. So how come this Garmin has everything included for 200 or so? Guy shrugs. So I got one.

    Yes, nothing short of a magic box! Lovely clear 7” screen, day/night options, voice commands work well, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, pairs wirelessly to smartphone, and best of all loads of options to configure it just the way you want it to do things! And the maps are all included… for ever. Love it.

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersNOTE: this review has been updated at the bottom of the review.

    I just received the Garmin DriveSmart 65 and am quite impressed with the 7″ display. It is such an improvement over my previous Garmin’s with a 5″ display. The integration with my iPhone XR via the Garmin Drive app seems rock solid. Everything hooked up straight away.

    While I did the initial map updates via the cable to my computer, there is the option to do them wirelessly, but I will save that for another day. The Garmin did hook right up to my internet as soon as I entered the password. My phone hooked up via Bluetooth and passed weather and messages right over to the Garmin. I will not be using this on the road for another 6 weeks, but then will be exercising it with a 3 week road trip.

    UPDATE: I have been using this GPS for the past week in Serbia. What an improvement over my old Garmin Nuvi. The display is very sharp, the voice is easy to understand and the directions that are spoken are precise. Initial and re-calculations are done quickly. The only road we have been on that was not up to date, was one in which the road graders were still finishing up the shoulders. I am using a Garmin Friction Mount that sits on the dashboard and does not move due to its sticky bottom.

  94. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersNOTE: this review has been updated at the bottom of the review.

    I just received the Garmin DriveSmart 65 and am quite impressed with the 7″ display. It is such an improvement over my previous Garmin’s with a 5″ display. The integration with my iPhone XR via the Garmin Drive app seems rock solid. Everything hooked up straight away.

    While I did the initial map updates via the cable to my computer, there is the option to do them wirelessly, but I will save that for another day. The Garmin did hook right up to my internet as soon as I entered the password. My phone hooked up via Bluetooth and passed weather and messages right over to the Garmin. I will not be using this on the road for another 6 weeks, but then will be exercising it with a 3 week road trip.

    UPDATE: I have been using this GPS for the past week in Serbia. What an improvement over my old Garmin Nuvi. The display is very sharp, the voice is easy to understand and the directions that are spoken are precise. Initial and re-calculations are done quickly. The only road we have been on that was not up to date, was one in which the road graders were still finishing up the shoulders. I am using a Garmin Friction Mount that sits on the dashboard and does not move due to its sticky bottom.

  95. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersNOTE: this review has been updated at the bottom of the review.

    I just received the Garmin DriveSmart 65 and am quite impressed with the 7″ display. It is such an improvement over my previous Garmin’s with a 5″ display. The integration with my iPhone XR via the Garmin Drive app seems rock solid. Everything hooked up straight away.

    While I did the initial map updates via the cable to my computer, there is the option to do them wirelessly, but I will save that for another day. The Garmin did hook right up to my internet as soon as I entered the password. My phone hooked up via Bluetooth and passed weather and messages right over to the Garmin. I will not be using this on the road for another 6 weeks, but then will be exercising it with a 3 week road trip.

    UPDATE: I have been using this GPS for the past week in Serbia. What an improvement over my old Garmin Nuvi. The display is very sharp, the voice is easy to understand and the directions that are spoken are precise. Initial and re-calculations are done quickly. The only road we have been on that was not up to date, was one in which the road graders were still finishing up the shoulders. I am using a Garmin Friction Mount that sits on the dashboard and does not move due to its sticky bottom.

  96. FaustinoHandcoc says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersVor wenigen Tagen erwarb ich dieses Gert.
    Positiv ist die tadellose Navigation,der groe Bildschirm macht dabei ein grosses Plus aus,also sehr bersichtlich.Eine Unmenge an Einstellmglichkeiten,welche erst nach lngeren Beschftigen mit dem Gert erst sich offenbaren.
    Sicherlich habe ich direkt beim Kauf dieses Gertes eine passende Speicherkarte mit dazu bestellt und diese direkt eingesteckt im Gert.Verbesserung ist jetzt,da diese in der Rckseite des Gertes eingesteckt wird und man nicht mehr Angst haben mu,da man die Speicherkarte durch eventuelle Berhrung am Gert,versehentlich entfernt,was mir beim Garmin Nvi 2699 schon passiert ist,weil die Karte am unteren Gehuserand absolut schnell mal beim versehentlichen Berhren dieser Stelle,heraus rutschte.Wenn man Glck hatte,fand man sie wieder,wenn nicht…dann neue Speicherkarte besorgen und alles neu installieren.
    Die Software-und Kartenupdates ber WLAN sind zwar gut gemeint,verlieren abier an Sinn,da dazu das Navi unbedingt an eine separate Stromversorgung angeschlossen sein mu,welche einen Ladestrom von mindestens 1 A liefert.Ohne diese externe Stromversorgung erfolgt der Warnhinweis,da update sonst nicht mglich ist.Dazu kommt auch noch, wenn man die Radarsoftware gekauft hat, lsst sich diese sowieso nur ber den PC aktualisieren.
    Die Ersteinrichtung,welche ich direkt ber die Garmin-Express-App am PC durchfhrte,also Karten-und Softwareupdate zusammen,verlief sehr zgig,woran mit Sicherheit auch mein schneller Internetzugang seinen Teil beigetragen hat.
    Schn ist auch,da man endlich wieder die Mglichkeit hat,den Wert der Geschwindigkeitsberschreitung im Gert einzugeben,also eine persnliche Toleranzgrenze,welche in verschiedenen Schritten auswhlbar ist,bevor das Gert einen warnt.
    Gerade das Thema Warnen,ist der Hauptpunkt,was mich doch etwas rgert.Die akustische Warnung ist doch recht leise und auch ein Gesprch mit der Hotline von Garmin,konnte mir keine Verbesserungsmglichkeit nennen,auer dem Weiterreichen dieses Problems zum Hersteller,welcher allerdings in den USA sitzt.Ob und wann da sich etwas ndert,steht allerdings in den Sternen…Allerdings erfolgt zum Warnton eine optische,eigentlich nicht zu bersehende Warnung auf dem Bildschirm.
    Das weiter positive ist,da man das Navi wunderbar als Freisprecheinrichtung nutzen kann,aber auch eingehende Nachrichten,wie Whats App,SMS u.s.w.werden tadellos angezeigt werden.Zustzlich positiv anzumerken sei noch,da die Mglichkeit besteht,sich fr einen Kostenpunkt von 29,95 einen europaweit funktionierenden Radarwarner fr jeweils einem Jahr Gltigkeit mittels Garmin-Express-Software vom PC,herunter zu laden.Dieser sollte aber regelmig aktualisiert werden.Hat mir beim vorhergehenden Navi,auch ein Garmin,Typ Nvi 2699 schon jede Menge Geld eingespart aus meiner privaten Geldbrse
    .Angezeigt werden,basierend der Erfahrungen von anderen Nutzern,auch die mobilen Radarkontrollen,welche fter an den gezeigten Stellen stehen,aber nicht unbedingt auch mssen.Besser Fu vom Gas.Diese Anzeige kann manchmal sogar ber einen lngeren Strassenabschnitt angezeigt werden,je nachdem,wo die “Netten Leute ” sich schon jeweils positioniert hatten und evt. auch haben.
    Das Navi hat brigens einen,das heit eigentlich zwei wunderbare DAB-Verkehrsfunk-Funktionen,welcher absolut schnell und zuverlssig funktionieren.Einmal ber das Orginalanschlukabel und zustzlich,wenn man ein Smartphone koppelt ber die GarminDrive-App,auch zustzlich darber.Besser und schneller und absolut zuverlssiger geht eigentlich nicht.Man merkt selbst nichts davon.So meine Meinung.Habe das Navi so eingestellt,da es automatisch,also ohne nach zu fragen,automatisch die beste und schellste Route,auch bei Staus oder hnlichen Behinderungen nimmt.Klappt tadellos.
    Fnf Sterne htte ich gern gegeben,ja,wenn der warnton bei Gefahrenstellen,doch besser hrbar wren.

  97. Tony45Cojzpf says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 370 From Our UsersIch habe das Produkt erst seit ein paar Tagen. Es soll bei mir ein TomTom 6200 ersetzen.

    Ich habe das Modell DriveSmart 65 MT-D EU Navi mit dem DAB+ Kabel und kann zustzlich Daten mit der App empfangen.

    Nach dem ersten Starten wollte ich das Gert schon wieder einpacken und zurckschicken, da es jedesmal nach dem Versuch ein Update downzuloaden einen Neustart ausgefhrt hat. Ich konnte dieses Phnomen abstellen, indem ich zuerst das Software-Update einzeln installiert habe. Danach klappte es mit dem Download und Installieren des 8 GB Kartenmaterials. Warum ich hier eine 8GB Europa-Karte downloaden muss und nicht einzelne Lnder auswhlen kann, erschliet sich mir nicht ganz. Wie auch immer die angeblichen 3:30 h Updatezeit waren zum Glck nicht real, nach nicht ganz 30 Minuten waren die 8GB Kartendaten downgeloadet und installiert.
    Danach lies ich das Navi weiterhin am Ladekabel um es aufzuladen. Die Ladeleistung ist nicht sonderlich hoch, kaum abgezogen, meckerte es rum, Akku Schwach. Daraufhin hngte ich es ins Auto, liess es weiter laden.

    Im Auto testete ich denn endlich den DAB+ Live Traffic Dienst, dessen Empfnger wohl im Ladestecker integriert ist. Warum ist der Kram nicht im Gert? So muss man immer diesen dicken Stecker nutzen, bei einigen Fahrzeugen ein Problem. Ich habe ihn verdeckt einbauen knnen. DAB+ Empfang war offensichtlich vorhanden.

    Die Garmin Drive App, die man sich auf seinem Smartphone installieren kann, wird nicht automatisch gestartet, sondern man muss sie manuell im Handy starten (iPhone). Das Handy sollte sich aber via Bluetooth automatisch mit dem Gert verbinden um die Features nutzen zu knnen. Hiermit sollte es mglich sein, z.B. auch Blitzer melden zu knnen. Der Button existiert zumindest. Leider habe ich noch keinen Weg gefunden die Buttons der Navigationsoberflche ndern zu knnen.

    Kommen wir zur Spracherkennung. Habe ich zuerst garnicht in den Einstellungen erkannt. Man findet das bei “Apps”.
    ein “OK Garmin” und schon reagiert das Navi. Ich fahre ein relativ lautes Fahrzeug, einen Ford Tourneo Custom (Transit), und habe problemlos im Fahrbetrieb die Sprachsteuerung nutzen knnen. Die Reaktion ist schnell und das Gert versteht meinem norddeutschen Dialekt auch gut.

    Mir ist bei einer Navi sehr wichtig, das Blitzer, auch wenn es eine Grauzone ist, angezeigt werden. Sowohl stationre als auch gerade gemeldete mobile. Damit muss ich erst einmal Erfahrungen sammeln. Eine leider unspezifische Meldung hatte ich bei einer Fahrt wo lediglich “Mobiler Blitzer” in Rot oben angezeigt wurde, ohne der Hinweis auf eine Position.

    Zur wirklichen Nutzung finde ich Saugnapfnavis absolut blde. Ich hatte bereits bei meinem TomToms (hatte mehre)
    immer eine schraubbare Halterung montiert gehabt. Warum ist nur so ein unsglicher Saugnapf dabei? Musstet ihr wieder einmal ein paar Cent sparen? Wenn ich das richtig sehe bietet Garnicht so etwas garnicht an. Habe aber eine 17mm Kugelhalterung bei einem Mitbewerber gefunden.

    Das Gehuse des Navis ist recht schlank gebaut, verfgt ber eine Garmin typische Ring-Klemmaufnahme. Der Bildschirm ist gut lesbar und wirkt durch die Glasscheibe recht hochwertig. Negativ anzumerken ist, das es keine Befestigung mit Strom/Datenversorgung seitens Garmin gibt. Das Navi ist mit einem vor-sindflutlichen Mini-USB Stecker ausgerstet.
    Wahrscheinlich um alte Hardware daran anschlieen zu knnen.

    Nachtrag / Update August 2019:

    Die Navi funktioniert soweit, auch wenn einige Punkte manchmal nerven.

    – manchmal verbindet sich die Navi selbststndig mit der Drive App des Smartphones, oftmals muss man dies aber manuell machen. Vor ein paar Tagen musste ich nicht mal die Drive App von Hand starten (iOS) und dennoch hatte sich die Navi damit verbunden, lief wohl irgendwie im Hintergrund.
    – mit dem DAB+ Empfnger ohne die Kopplung mit dem Handy sind die Verkehrsmeldung einfach gesagt Mll. Man steht in dicksten Stau, es wird aber nur selten gemeldet. Verbindet man dagegen das Smartphone mit der Drive App, oder es klappt im seltensten Fall automatisch, so sind die Traffic-Daten recht detailiert, aber nicht perfekt. Nicht auf dem Stand von Google oder TomTom.
    – fest installierte Blitzer sind wohl hauptschlich auf der Karte gespeichert und werden unabhngig vom Traffic-System gezeigt.
    – Warnungen vor mobilen Blitzern scheinen nur selten zu klappen. Man kann aber selber mobile Blitzer melden, sofern man mit der Drive App gekoppelt ist. (sonst fehlt ja der Rckkanal da die Navi keine SIM Karte eingebaut hat)
    -Wenn ich im Baustellenparadies Hamburg in Richtung mit unbekannten Ecken navigiere kann ich mich leider nicht auf die Traffic Daten verlassen und lasse meist Google Maps nebenher laufen. Wie oft wollte mich der Garmin durch gesperrte Strassen lotsen.
    -Anders herum werden Gesperrte Strassen oft falsch vom System interpretiert, so eine Baustelle in HH-Moorburg mit Sperrung einer Brckenunterfhrung. Die Navi zeigte mir wochenlang eine offene Strae als gesperrt an, die Verlngerung aber als Frei, obwohl diese gesperrt war. Sowas geht nicht Garmin.
    -Meine BC30 Rckfahrkamera funktioniert noch, auch wenn sei nach wie vor manchmal Verbindungsprobleme hat,
    leider in einer weiterhin miesen Qualitt. Habe ich versumt zurck zu schicken.

    Wenn es etwas neues gibt wird diese Rezension erweitert.

  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our Userscant fauly it very nice unit gives goo directions.Traffic flakey at times but thats garmin for you.overall i prefer this to tomtom.
    the maps nice and detailed in this new version and its fast.

  99. jgalloway says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our Userscant fauly it very nice unit gives goo directions.Traffic flakey at times but thats garmin for you.overall i prefer this to tomtom.
    the maps nice and detailed in this new version and its fast.

  100. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our Userscant fauly it very nice unit gives goo directions.Traffic flakey at times but thats garmin for you.overall i prefer this to tomtom.
    the maps nice and detailed in this new version and its fast.