Garmin DriveSmart 65 MT-S 6.95 Inch Sat Nav with Edge to Edge Display, Map Updates for UK, Ireland and Full Europe, Live Traffic, Bluetooth Hands-free Calling, Voice Commands and Smart Features, Black
Driver Alerts: Know Your Surroundings
To encourage safer driving and increase situational awareness, driver alerts warn you of upcoming sharp curves, speed changes, railroad crossings and more.
Maps Made Simple
The simple and easy-to-see maps show 3-D buildings and terrain, making it easier than ever to navigate where you need to go.
Garmin Real Directions
Easy-to-understand, spoken turn-by-turn directions guide like a friend, using street names, store names and recognisable landmarks (e.g., ‘Turn right after the red building’).
Dimensions: | 9.9 x 1.9 x 24 cm; 240 Grams |
Model: | 010-02038-12 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Garmin |
Dimensions: | 9.9 x 1.9 x 24 cm; 240 Grams |
Ammettere che sia un navigatore di eccellenza penso sia obbligatorio
Schermo quasi da 7 pollici davvero enorme bello spiegato
Il sistema operativo ottimo difficilmente potr impuntarsi
Il livello costruttivo?avrei fatto di pi
Presenti plastiche ma di qualit
Conclusioni secondo le mie impressioni ottimo lo consiglio provare per credere
Navigatore d’eccellenza inserendo anche internet pu fare gli aggiornamenti ogni qualvolta si ritiene di aggiornarlo
Hallo Amazon, ein schnes kleines Navi, kann ich weiter empfehlen.
dieses Navi schickte mich unlogische Wege die deutlich zu weit waren. Wenn ich mit dem Handy google benutze oder das alte TomTom sind die Fahrten logischer. Wenn ich bei dem Garmin statt schnellste die krzeste Route eingebe dann wird man durch den Wald gefhrt. Die Menfhrung ist zudem auch sehr schwierig und fr jemanden der nicht Tglich das Gert nutzt zu kopliziert. Mein altes Garmin Nvi 2699 LMT-D war da deutlich zuverlssiger auer das da die Spracherkennung (Sprachbefehle) etwas schlechter funktionierten.
je met 4 toile car ds qu’il y y’a un peu de soleil sa reflte sur l’cran et on ne voit plus trs bien il aurait pu prvoir une petite casquette sur le dessus prix viter a sinon dans l’ensemble grand cran tactile rpond bien ainsi que la prcision et la rponse vocale
Da das ltere Navi (durch krassen Missbrauch durch die Besitzerin) langsam den Geist aufgegeben hat musste ein Ersatz her. Das es wieder ein Garmin und mit EU Kartenabdeckung werden sollte war klar, entsprechend wurde es das Garmin DriveSmart 65 MT-D EU.
Der deutlich grere Bildschirm ist eine echte Bereicherung.
Wer die Garmin-Oberflche kennt wird sich schnell zurechtfinden, neu lernen ist aber auch nicht schwer.
Zur Sicherheit wurde der Screen direkt nach dem Auspacken mit einem entsprechenden (matten) Schutzglas versehen. Zustzlich wurde eine entsprechende MicroSD-Speicherkarte eingesetzt.
Die Karten knnen ber eine Garmin Software am PC ber USB aktualisiert werden. Was mich auch zu dem Punkt bringt, der mir nicht gut gefllt, den Garmin darf (zumindest laut der mir vorliegenden EULA) die Updates einstellen, wenn das Gert nicht regelmig aktualisiert wird, oder der Speicher nicht ausreicht. In wie weit das dann tatschlich durchgesetzt wird ist unbekannt (das alte Navi lsst sich mit monate- bis jahrelangen Pausen bis heute aktualisieren) unschn finde ich den Absatz trotzdem.
Davon abgesehen hat mich das Gert noch nie in die Irre gefhrt und wir sind sehr zufrieden damit.
lo he probado y va muy bien, todava tengo que hacerme a l pero el producto es genial, precioso, preciso, elegante, con una pantalla muy muy generosa, muy configurable, producto de sobrasaliente y vendedor totalmente recomendable
Leider war das erste Gert defekt, problemloser Umtausch, das zweite Gert funktioniert super!
Es el tpico funcionamiento del Garmin de toda la vida, no han evolucionado nada en estos ltimos diez aos.
Hab das Garmin fr meine Mutter bestellt (84 Jahre), Sie konnte es nach wenigen Erklrungen intuitiv selbst bedienen. Sie war auch schon im Ausland (Schweiz und Italien) damit unterwegs und hat viel Freude mit dem Teil, was wiederum mich sehr freut, weil ich weniger mit “Kannst du fr mich mal . . . ” angesprochen werde. 🙂 Super Navigation, Interface und Erweiterungen. Klare Empfehlung von mir !
Fr die Sprachsteuerung einfach auf App im Interface Tippen und mit den Worten “OK Garmin” die Sprachsteuerung beginnen. Alle Sprechbefehle werden auf dem Display angezeigt. Kinderleicht.
Als erstes mchte ich mich bei der Firma aus Dresden bedanken die dieses Produkt verschickt hat, der Liefertermin war auf Mitte August angesetzt. Mit einer hflichen Mail mit der bitte da wir in den Urlaub fahren mchten, wurde das Navi noch am selben Tag verschickt. Super Kundenservice!
Diese ganzen schlechten Bewertungen ber das Gert sind fr mich Jammern auf hohen Niveau und auch Desinteresse sich mit dem Navi zu beschftigen. Dabei wird man nach der Inbetriebnahme, Schritt fr Schritt durch das Men gefhrt!
Die Inbetriebnahme fhrt ihr bitte von daheim aus, und nicht im Auto!
Man wird nach der Landessprache gefragt danach verbindet ihr euer Navi mit dem W-Lan Router!
Danach ladet ihr euch die Driver-App auf euer Handy, dies wird auch alles beschrieben!!!
Keine Angst die App ist nur dafr da, um euer Navi auf den neusten Stand zu halten und wenn ihr mchtet, Anrufe entgegen zu nehmen (ja das geht auch!)
Ihr verbindet nun via Code das Handy mit Bluetooth mit eurem Navi, da das Navi sw euer Handy ja im heimischen W-Lan sind, startet ihr das Kartenupdate und aktualisiert auch die Software. Da steht dann was von 3 Stunden oder 4, dies ist aber NICHT der fall, die Geschichte ist in 30min erledigt und das Navi auf dem neusten Stand!
Danach beschftigt ihr euch mal eine halbe Stunde und schaut euch die Einstellungen an, dort kann alles mgliche auf eure Bedrfnisse angepasst werden! Einfach genial! Dort htte auch derjenige mit der ein Sternebewertung der das Gert zurckgeschickt hat weil es jedesmal piepst wenn er die Geschwindigkeit berschreitet, die Einstellung gefunden das man DIESES nmlich AUS stellen kann, innerorts sw auch auerorts! Wer jedoch das Punktekonto in Flensburg voll hat sollte diese Einstellung an lassen 😀
Und sollte es mal so sein das das Navi mal eine Strae nicht kennt, dann ist das ebenso!
Hinter der Software sitzen auch nur Menschen, und man selber muss natrlich auch immer wieder mal ein Update der Karte machen. Aber hey, es ist ja auch nicht so das in Deutschland nicht wenig gebaut wird!
Und wer sich daran strt, der soll sich doch bitte ein Navi was nur halb so gro ist fr Fernfahrer/LKW bestellen, die kosten dann aber auch weit ber 300 Euro! (mal davon abgesehen das Navi hat Karten fr ganz Europa!)…fr den Preis, ich bitte euch!
Ihr bekommt hier fr 156Euro ein hochwertiges gert mit flssig laufenden Touchscreen wie ein Handy (das hat mich am meisten berrascht). Das so gut wie randlose Display ist entspiegelt so das auch der Beifahrer von der Seite aus mit schauen kann!! (sehr wichtig) Wenn man sich etwas Zeit nimmt kann man ber Einstellungen das Gert an sich anpassen! USB Ladekabel ist auch mit dabei. Auerdem warnt es vor festinstallierten Blitzern, es zeigt Tankstellen, Restaurants, Rasthfe, Geldautomaten, Sehenswrdigkeiten, Parkpltze etc. an..(je nach dem wie man die Filter konfiguriert).
Und es sitzt bombenfest an der Scheibe, so das man damit sogar ins Gelnde fahren kann.
Man hat wirklich Probleme ber das Kugelgelenk das Navi gerade auszurichten, so fest sitzt das Teil!
Was will man mehr, meine Eltern um die 70 Jahre nutzen es und waren damit in Dnemark, Schweden, etc. ohne Probleme.
Teuer hin Teuer her, was ist heutzutage Teuer? Ein Kartenupdate fr meinen 15 Jahre alten Mercedes htte mich ber 200 Euro gekostet. Von daher gebe ich hier eine klare Kaufempfehlung, ein schnes hochwertiges Gert was flssig luft fr einen “schmalen” Taler!
Bin sehr zufrieden. Routenberechnung ist schnell. Leider ist die Spracherkennung nicht gut. Habe 4 mal eine Adresse genannt und habe 4 mal eine andere Adresse bekommen mit der Frage ob ich dies meinte. Ich habe es dann beendet und per Touchscreen eingegeben, das funktioniert gut.
La cosa che ho apprezzato di + il riconoscimento vocale delle istruzioni. Molte recensioni la davano invece come difficile e carente. Basta in realt semplicemente scandire le parole a voce alta e staccate. 9 volte su dieci il riconoscimento corretto e pronto. Funzione alquanto utile specialmente per chi gira in continuazione in citt e non pu certo mettersi a smanettare la tastiera. Per il resto un navigatore abbastanza essenziale a vantaggio della semplicit d’uso, senza troppi fronzoli. La grafica un po differente dal Tom Tom, magari meno accattivante e sofisticata. Sarebbe certamente utile se ingrandisse un po di + gli incroci e le rotatorie. A volte non proprio agevole capire in una frazione di secondo quale svolta fare. Probabilmente il prezzo un po esagerato, ma evidentemente si paga l’affidabilit di un marchio che non dovrebbe lasciare nessuno in mezzo alla strada. Buono il database e soprattutto la velocit di ricerca dei dati memorizzati. Qualche funzione in + non sarebbe guastata anche se non proprio essenziale. Nel complesso una macchina affidabile.
I am someone who has no sense of direction and prior to sat nav technology use to get lost all the time and journeys were difficult and relied upon map reading preparation. So, when sat nav’s were introduced it changed my life for the good. I have had various sat nav’s and my latest was a previous similar model Garmin. I needed a replacement as it started to become unreliable (not stated up all the time and giving error messages), therefore I needed a reliable replacement. Set up was very easy, linking to phone with app and to laptop. Many of the features are very similar to my earlier model and the new ones such as asking about weather, reporting camera’s, adding multi journeys etc are very good additions. Voice recognition is also very good, now you have to say ‘Ok, Garmin’ as opposed to my earlier model which is ‘Voice Command’. Wifi updates is also a great addition, as it was previously a bit of a pain to connect to a laptop with a particular lead which I was constantly losing. Live Traffic works very well and I believe is essential these days to avoid jams. Overall, I cannot be happier and now know that I have a sat nav which I can rely on and which will get me to my destination and back.
The software side of this product is very impressive, especially live traffic updates from a bluetooth phone. Voice commands work well. Nice size, easy to see. Easy to update. I love that you are warned about upcoming speed limits. Didn’t always take the best route but it would get you there., also sometimes suggested going up a one-way street the wrong way or turning right at traffic lights when you could not, this is probably a data set update omission.
The one thing that really annoys me is the method of mounting it and unmounting it from the windscreen, it is really fiddly, surely it could be mounted magnetically or with a better clip system. This gripe aside it is still a very good product and very intuitive to use. Recommended.
I received this Garmin yesterday so waited until today to set it up on my computer and pair it with my smartphone. I then programmed it so I could test it out and I arrived exactly where I wanted to be. This is my second Garmin so thoroughly recommend this updated version especially with a much larger screen.
Come da titolo…per lavoro sono costretto a macinare strada e il primo test con 1300 chilometri in due giorni ha dimostrato la bont dello strumento.
Facilit di utilizzo: massima. Anche senza alcuna istruzione intuito e veloce da settare.
Riconoscimento vocale: comandi perfetti, ogni tanto si inceppa con qualche indirizzo ma in linea di massima buono.
Precisione: ottima, margine d’errore di pochi metri.
Aiuto alla guida: quando interfacciato con lo smartphone assolutamente perfetto. Segnala ogni cantiere e rallentamento o incidente in tempo reale. Notifiche sia testuali che audio.
In poche parole, difficile chiedere di pi.
You can only update this satnav via p c. This is Not good, its a big drawback.
You can only update this satnav via p c. This is Not good, its a big drawback.
You can only update this satnav via p c. This is Not good, its a big drawback.
Quite easy, though time consuming, to set up and use.
I have to check the settings because it appears that it won’t show lanes at junctions. If this is the case then I would reduce my rating to 2 stars. It would be unthinkable that this detail would be missing from a satnav of this price and quality.
Quite easy, though time consuming, to set up and use.
I have to check the settings because it appears that it won’t show lanes at junctions. If this is the case then I would reduce my rating to 2 stars. It would be unthinkable that this detail would be missing from a satnav of this price and quality.
Quite easy, though time consuming, to set up and use.
I have to check the settings because it appears that it won’t show lanes at junctions. If this is the case then I would reduce my rating to 2 stars. It would be unthinkable that this detail would be missing from a satnav of this price and quality.
I made the BIG mistake a few months ago of buying cheaper Sat Nav, purely because it had a 7inch screen……N****l was the name…….suffice to say it is now in the bin.
So far this Sat Nav is faultless…….. although the voice recognition when finding a “new” address is a be frustrating but to be honest the number of times I am going to need a voice activated service whilst driving are few and far between. When using voice recognition to find a previously driven to location it all works perfectly.
The screen is crisp and bright and the directions given and precise and so far very acurate.
Maybe it is because I am hearing and seeing something I was always use to with my previous Garmin but I am glad I bite the bullet and paid out a few extra bucks and got what I consider a great piece of kit.
I have only had the device a week so cannot really comment on long distance driving, but I will say that I have not encountered any of the rebooting issues that have been mention in other reviows
I made the BIG mistake a few months ago of buying cheaper Sat Nav, purely because it had a 7inch screen……N****l was the name…….suffice to say it is now in the bin.
So far this Sat Nav is faultless…….. although the voice recognition when finding a “new” address is a be frustrating but to be honest the number of times I am going to need a voice activated service whilst driving are few and far between. When using voice recognition to find a previously driven to location it all works perfectly.
The screen is crisp and bright and the directions given and precise and so far very acurate.
Maybe it is because I am hearing and seeing something I was always use to with my previous Garmin but I am glad I bite the bullet and paid out a few extra bucks and got what I consider a great piece of kit.
I have only had the device a week so cannot really comment on long distance driving, but I will say that I have not encountered any of the rebooting issues that have been mention in other reviows
I made the BIG mistake a few months ago of buying cheaper Sat Nav, purely because it had a 7inch screen……N****l was the name…….suffice to say it is now in the bin.
So far this Sat Nav is faultless…….. although the voice recognition when finding a “new” address is a be frustrating but to be honest the number of times I am going to need a voice activated service whilst driving are few and far between. When using voice recognition to find a previously driven to location it all works perfectly.
The screen is crisp and bright and the directions given and precise and so far very acurate.
Maybe it is because I am hearing and seeing something I was always use to with my previous Garmin but I am glad I bite the bullet and paid out a few extra bucks and got what I consider a great piece of kit.
I have only had the device a week so cannot really comment on long distance driving, but I will say that I have not encountered any of the rebooting issues that have been mention in other reviows
Funcionalidad y precisin. Soy conductor profesional desde hace ms de 30 ,aos llevo utilizando navegadores desde que existen ,siempre utilic TomTom porque en su momento era lo mejor y luego he seguido cambiando de modelos ya de forma rutinaria. En los ltimos aos no me ha gustado nada la poltica ni la filosofa que estaba aplicando tontom. Me he visto obligado a tener que cambiar de navegador he comprado dos tomtom en Amazon que me han atendido siempre muy bien y me han aceptado la devolucin sin ningn tipo de problema decir que el funcionamiento de TomTom es psimo no valen absolutamente casi para nada nicamente en su favor dira que gestiona un poco mejor el tema de trfico con respecto a Garmin. Yo despus de mltiples problemas con TomTom en el ltimo navegador que tuve que lo he devuelto tambin ,he cambiado a Garmin y estoy tremendamente fascinado De su rapidez y buen funcionamientoes ,una pena que no lo hubiera descubierto antes.
La respuesta por parte de Amazon siempre fue muy buena y me atendieron muy bien. un saludo.
Beautifully bright and clear display. Very quick to lock on to satellites and be ready for navigation. I have only had it for a short time and haven’t yet had the opportunity to test some of the more obscure features. Basic setup was simple, just work through the menu items and make appropriate choices. For many users no changes will be required and no set up will be necessary. On the down side, it is a Garmin so perhaps not so intuitive for someone steeped in Microsoft and using a Garmin for the first time.
Also, being Garmin, the user manual Is a bit lacking. For example, it explains how to customise trip data but completely fails to mention that the trip data items when following a route are different from the trip data when simply viewing the map. To customise the en route version I found it necessary to run a dummy route using the gps simulator. Easy enough but it should be in the manual. There may be a better way that I have not discovered!
A plus for some users is that it is compatible with Basecamp so routes can be planned on a PC and downloaded.
Wish list items: – Garmin should make available a hardwire kit and a matching live mounting bracket to get rid of the abominable cigarette lighter power plug and trailing wire.
All in all I like it!
Product works fairly well, but like my previous Garmins, sometimes instructions to change lanes or turn off a road have happened very late. Screen resolution is a big improvement on my last Garmin satnav, and the voice recognition and hands free works much better than before.
One big disappointment is the bracket cradle mount attachment that connects the satnav to the windshield mount holder doesn’t seem to fit very well, and keeps falling off the back of the satnav when putting away when no longer in use.
Excellent device if you lost in the world no worries it will take you home safe . Only thing the voice recognition has to be improved a bit as the mic range is a bit shorter in my experience. Otherwise fantastic device.
Excellent device if you lost in the world no worries it will take you home safe . Only thing the voice recognition has to be improved a bit as the mic range is a bit shorter in my experience. Otherwise fantastic device.
First the positives: It works well and efficiently as we would expect from Garmin. I’ve not yet tried it on a really long journey, but it calculates routes rapidly and recalculates after wrong turns, traffic problems etc. with little delay. The screen is large and very clear and the unit is easy to use.
However, I find the Amazon description misleading. I ordered the drivesmart 65 MT-S in order to have traffic information via both smartphone and radio and since the model included RTI, the description, along with Garmin’s user’s manual led me to believe the supplied power cable would incorporate the aerial. The video included the phrase “Stauvermeidung dank Garmin Traffic ganz ohne Smartphone”. However, the 65 MT-S does not include the correct cable and this must be bought extra! Amazon help was of no help at all over this, but Garmin made it clear when I contacted them and in fact the descriptions on their site make the specifications much clearer. Two other little niggles: If you set the language to English you cannot use spoken instructions to find places e.g. in Luxembourg (only possible if language is set to French or German). Also, you need a fairly recent version of Android in order to install the Garmin Drive app.
Absolutely brilliant, easy to use and great to avoid traffic jams.
Absolutely brilliant, easy to use and great to avoid traffic jams.
Utilisateur Garmin depuis longtemps, je suis pleinement satisfait de l’usage et du fonctionnement de ce produit.
Par contre, Amazon devrait former ses employs la comprhension de choses simples.
La facture initiale comporte 2 articles.
Avec une seconde facture pour le troisime article de la commande.
Je souhaite une facture pour ce GPS uniquement.
20 mn de chat, on me dit que tout est compris et que je vais recevoir la facture demande…
Et je reois la facture initiale comportant toujours les deux articles !!!
Sentiment lassant d’avoir affaire des incomptents !
Sinon a va bien merci.. Et vous ?
Clear and precise easy to set up and use screen clarity even in bright sunny days very clear I’m more than happy with this Garmin sat nav
Clear and precise easy to set up and use screen clarity even in bright sunny days very clear I’m more than happy with this Garmin sat nav
GPS mture, interface didactique, rapide dans ses recalculs d’itinraires, le couplage avec le smartphone apporte rellement un plus en information cartographique et situation de circulation.
La grande taille de l’cran facilite l’utilisation en condition de conduite.
Always buy Garmin sat have as I like the way they can be easily updated. This one was purchased to replace the built-in navigation system on my 2015 Skoda L&K Octavia estate, which cost 59 to have the SD card updated, as there is no WiFi connectivity and not up to date travel information. The built-in navigation system isn’t very clear at road junctions and I ended up in completely the wrong lane and cutting across traffic……too dangerous to rely on in a busy city center.
The windscreen mount is a joke and will break within a few days of use. The supplied usb cable is about 200mm long and not even long enough to plug into a PC and lay flat next to it. Just generally a poor product with poor quality plastics and a cheap as chips feel. Certainly not what they used to be. Chineesium takes over again caused from greed and big profits. Don’t even bother with customer support as I think they have all gone home permanently.
On the plus side this software is about as good as it gets. The interface is easy to navigate even for someone who has an IQ of 20.
Worth buying just for the speed camera warnings and speed limit displays. Handsfree is crystal clear.
Excellent piece of kit brilliantly made excellent respond time it really works I was using TomTom GO premium 6 inch which I paid about 360 pounds it never worked it’s always lagging that one you give it a command and it’s just all you see on the screen was searching kept hanging absolutely cheap quality towards and not a single feature worked not having the main feature which supposed to go take you to the location worked also so if you put the address in app that’s it bye bye why took too long to perform any sort of action you asked and if you are updating it on Wi-Fi oh my god it means you need a whole day never worked I was so much disappointed so I decided to buy this one which was 100 cheap just because I’ve used Garmin before and what a charm absolutely brilliant no complaints whatsoever speed cameras speed alerts the screen is so crisp and nice not burden to your eyes I mean I don’t know what can I say the pictures don’t do the justice to the unit all I can say thank you Garmin
Maps and instructions are so good I’m just so happy with it brillia
Excellent piece of kit brilliantly made excellent respond time it really works I was using TomTom GO premium 6 inch which I paid about 360 pounds it never worked it’s always lagging that one you give it a command and it’s just all you see on the screen was searching kept hanging absolutely cheap quality towards and not a single feature worked not having the main feature which supposed to go take you to the location worked also so if you put the address in app that’s it bye bye why took too long to perform any sort of action you asked and if you are updating it on Wi-Fi oh my god it means you need a whole day never worked I was so much disappointed so I decided to buy this one which was 100 cheap just because I’ve used Garmin before and what a charm absolutely brilliant no complaints whatsoever speed cameras speed alerts the screen is so crisp and nice not burden to your eyes I mean I don’t know what can I say the pictures don’t do the justice to the unit all I can say thank you Garmin
Maps and instructions are so good I’m just so happy with it brillia
Je viens de recevoir ce produit et tous ce passe bien, un petit trajet effectu c’est bien pass bel cran et affichage clair et prcis.
Par contre j’enlve une toile parce que le cble fournis ne sert qu’a charger l’appareil, il n’y as pas de rcepteur info-trafic de livr donc Amazon devrais faire changer le titre parce que c’est clairement dit ! je me suis fais avoir ! Donc on comprend mieux le prix le cble vaut 89 !!!!
I purchased this to replace my TomTom that expired; the touch screen failed. This is not my first Garmin, I have always liked them but found they were fragile, it seems other brands are just as susceptible to a short life.
I digress, this new unit is very impressive with a plethora of features, boots up very quickly, responds instantly. The voice activation actually works which can’t be said for many, I’m sure my TomTom was hard of hearing and maybe from France suffering from Gaelic contraryness!!
The only disappointment is the quality of construction, previous models I have owned had gravitas this unit is completely made of plastic, it feels cheap. I guess the value is in the technology and Apps there is plenty to play with, weather, traffic cameras, speed camera locations, petrol stations with prices, parking in fact it has lots of applications for different scenarios, too many to list….. It even has a feature to find your fav shop….. I typed in Greggs and up they came; handy for emergency sausage rolls.
There is an App for your mobile phone called “DriveSmart 65” which is essential for live updates to get the best out of your device, this is simple to install and only takes a few minutes to link up via Bluetooth. There is also “Garmin Express” a piece of software you download to your PC, this links to your Garmin via a USB cable which works well, vital for software updates. My device downloaded the latest maps it took approx 1 hr with other bits and bobs thrown in.
It’s early days yet but if it performs like previous Garmin units I have owned then I will be more than happy.
I purchased this to replace my TomTom that expired; the touch screen failed. This is not my first Garmin, I have always liked them but found they were fragile, it seems other brands are just as susceptible to a short life.
I digress, this new unit is very impressive with a plethora of features, boots up very quickly, responds instantly. The voice activation actually works which can’t be said for many, I’m sure my TomTom was hard of hearing and maybe from France suffering from Gaelic contraryness!!
The only disappointment is the quality of construction, previous models I have owned had gravitas this unit is completely made of plastic, it feels cheap. I guess the value is in the technology and Apps there is plenty to play with, weather, traffic cameras, speed camera locations, petrol stations with prices, parking in fact it has lots of applications for different scenarios, too many to list….. It even has a feature to find your fav shop….. I typed in Greggs and up they came; handy for emergency sausage rolls.
There is an App for your mobile phone called “DriveSmart 65” which is essential for live updates to get the best out of your device, this is simple to install and only takes a few minutes to link up via Bluetooth. There is also “Garmin Express” a piece of software you download to your PC, this links to your Garmin via a USB cable which works well, vital for software updates. My device downloaded the latest maps it took approx 1 hr with other bits and bobs thrown in.
It’s early days yet but if it performs like previous Garmin units I have owned then I will be more than happy.
I purchased this to replace my TomTom that expired; the touch screen failed. This is not my first Garmin, I have always liked them but found they were fragile, it seems other brands are just as susceptible to a short life.
I digress, this new unit is very impressive with a plethora of features, boots up very quickly, responds instantly. The voice activation actually works which can’t be said for many, I’m sure my TomTom was hard of hearing and maybe from France suffering from Gaelic contraryness!!
The only disappointment is the quality of construction, previous models I have owned had gravitas this unit is completely made of plastic, it feels cheap. I guess the value is in the technology and Apps there is plenty to play with, weather, traffic cameras, speed camera locations, petrol stations with prices, parking in fact it has lots of applications for different scenarios, too many to list….. It even has a feature to find your fav shop….. I typed in Greggs and up they came; handy for emergency sausage rolls.
There is an App for your mobile phone called “DriveSmart 65” which is essential for live updates to get the best out of your device, this is simple to install and only takes a few minutes to link up via Bluetooth. There is also “Garmin Express” a piece of software you download to your PC, this links to your Garmin via a USB cable which works well, vital for software updates. My device downloaded the latest maps it took approx 1 hr with other bits and bobs thrown in.
It’s early days yet but if it performs like previous Garmin units I have owned then I will be more than happy.
Excellent satnav . Well impressed with all the features and simple to set up… great to have speed limit warnings etc. Well recommended.
Excellent satnav . Well impressed with all the features and simple to set up… great to have speed limit warnings etc. Well recommended.
This is a perfectly good satnav bright and clear but if you think you can update it without a computer forget it,it will go so far and bomb you have to use garmin express on a PC
This is a perfectly good satnav bright and clear but if you think you can update it without a computer forget it,it will go so far and bomb you have to use garmin express on a PC
This is a perfectly good satnav bright and clear but if you think you can update it without a computer forget it,it will go so far and bomb you have to use garmin express on a PC
Very happy with the product. Replaced my old Garmin – went from the 4 inch to the 7 inch – much easier to use and easier to set up via WiFi and smart phone.
Very happy with the product. Replaced my old Garmin – went from the 4 inch to the 7 inch – much easier to use and easier to set up via WiFi and smart phone.
Good unit but took ages to update but works superbly
Dieses Navi ist mit Abstand das beste, welches ich je hatte.
Dazu muss ich allerdings gestehen, dass bei mir zuvor zwei low-cost Produkte zum Einsatz kamen. Daher ein Fazit vorab: Gebt Euer Geld nicht fr Billigware aus. Es lohnt sich nicht, Ihr rgert Euch nur.
Das Garmin DriveSmart 65 MT-D Eu hat ein sehr schnes, helles, gut ablesbares Display,
Als geradezu genial empfinde ich die Sprachsteuerung. Es lsst sich nicht nur die Navigation per (gesprochener) Sprache steuern, sondern ebenso einige der wichtigsten Gertefunktionen. Ist schon sehr praktisch, wenn man whrend der Fahrt per Sprachbefehl z.b. die Displayhelligkeit oder die Ansagelautstrke ndern kann — ohne eine Hand vom Lenkrad nehmen zu mssen.
Die Ansagen sind gut verstndlich und kommen sehr genau.
Eine gute Lsung ist es auch, ohne einen PC/Laptop etc. die Updates frs Betriebssystem und die Navigationskarten vornehmen zu knnen. Einfach das WLAN-Kennwort einmal eingeben und der Rest geht wie von selbst. Klar, einen WLAN-Router braucht man.
Die mitgelieferte Saugnapfhalterung habe ich durch eine fr den CD-Schlitz ersetzt. Die hlt immer und fllt nicht wie eine Saugnapfhalterung alle paar Wochen runter. So bleibt die Windschutzscheibe frei und das Navi hat eine schne Position (fast wie ein Einbau-Navi).
Da ich rundum mit dem Garmin-Gert zufrieden bin und die Sache mit der Saugnapfhalterung bei anderen Herstellern genauso ist, gebe ich gerne 5 Sterne.
Ich hatte vorher ein gutes BECKER-Teil und muss zugeben: In den meisten Punkten ist dieses GARMIN-Gert einfach besser. Display-Anzeige klar und toll, gut ablesbar auch bei Sonne. Schnelligkeit = top. Treffsicherheit fr die Ankunftszeit auch in der Stadt = super genau (viel besser als bei Becker). Kartendarstellung gut. Gute Mglichkeiten der Bildschirmaufteilung. Angabe von Verkehrsstrungen = gut. Update-Funktion ganz einfach und funktioniert sehr gut (im Gegensatz zu der Dauerkatastrophe bei Becker). Spracherkennung funktioniert manchmal eher als Unterhaltungsprogramm, aber wenn man den Bogen raus hat, wie man z. B. Adressen ansagen muss, funktioniert es berwiegend recht gut.
Die Kehrseiten:
Die Menfhrungen knnten logischer aufgebaut sein, manche Funktionen sind so umstndlich untergebracht, dass man viel Zeit zum Ausprobieren und Suchen braucht. Die Routenprferenzen “Krzere Zeit”, “Luftlinie” und ” Krzere Strecke” sind nach meiner Auffassung ziemlich dmlich. In der Einstellung “Krzeste Zeit” erhlt man zuweilen abenteuerliche Vorschlge, die einer berprfung nicht standhalten.
Das grte Manko fr mich: GARMIN hat immer noch nicht kapiert, dass man beim Autofahren keinen Augenkrebs gebrauchen kann: Die Routenfhrung wird in PINK angezeigt und lsst sich nicht individuell anpassen (bei Becker konnte man sogar die Farbe selbt mischen!). Ich habe eine einzige Karteneinstellung gefunden, in der die Routenfhrung nicht pink ist (NAVIGON-Profil) und allein das gab fr mich den Ausschlag, dass ich das Gert nicht zurckgeschickt habe.
FAZIT: Das Gert rckt ziemlich nahe an das Urteil “perfekt in dieser Preisklasse” heran, aber natrlich gibt es auch hier noch etwas Verbesserungspotenzial … fr mich in erster Linie die grauenvolle Farbe der Routenfhrung. Da es Navigon und Becker nicht mehr gibt, knnte Garmin ja nun endlich mal auf rot oder orange umstellen.