Gysrevi Camping Tent 3-4 Man Instant Pop Up Tent 2 in 1 Double Layers, Waterproof Windproof Dome Tent with Rainfly, 4 Seasons Family Tent for Hiking Camping Backpacking

Dimensions: | 220 x 220 x 145 cm; 4.42 Kilograms |
Brand: | Gysrevi |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Gysrevi |
Dimensions: | 220 x 220 x 145 cm; 4.42 Kilograms |
Reference: | CP-1 |
Facilissima da montare e da smontare. Perfetta per noi che viaggiamo in moto! L’aria circola molto bene, e se fa caldo molto piacevole. Al di sotto di una certa temperatura risulta invece un po’ fastidiosa e fa subito freddo. Basta per munirsi di qualche coperta o di un buon sacco a pelo..
Per chi non ama la luce, meglio prenderne una pi scura perch rimane comunque abbastanza luminosa, ma per noi non stato un problema.
Per risolvere questi problemi basta comprare un telo da porre sopra di essa che ripari anche nel caso di pioggia. Noi non l’abbiamo testata sotto la pioggia, ma non credo che senza teli aggiuntivi sia in grado di reggere una grande quantit d’acqua.
Ich finde das Zelt super. Es ist super einfach auf- und abgebaut. Man hat viel Platz und kann an beiden Seiten zum lften aufmachen.
Leider ist es am Reisverschluss etwas undicht und lsst bei starken Regen Wasser rein.
Da ich allerhchstens mal frs Wochenende Zelten gehe und meine Sachen im Auto lagern kann, strt das nicht.
Non avrei mai pensato che una tenda si potesse montare in 10 secondi ed invece si pu. Spaziosa pratica impermeabile e mentre gli altri cominciano a smontare le vechhie tende tu l’hai gi riposta nella sua borsa. Ottima idea
Easiest tent ever to assemble and take down. Fits double mattress and has bit of walking space left around. Be mindful it’s not waterproof though!
Abbiamo usato questa tenda per un campeggio estivo. Molto facile da montare e da richiudere. Non sembra indistruttibile ma ha fatto il suo dovere. Nei primi giorni c’ stata pioggia con dei temporali anche molto intensi: tutto sommato ha protetto il contenuto dalla pioggia ma, in alcuni punti, ci sembra a livello delle cuciture alla base (dove ci sono i “gancetti” per i tappetini e chiss dove altro) l’impermeabilit non ottima ed entrata un po’di acqua. Comunque mi sembra abbia un discreto rapporto qualit prezzo.
This small pop up tent has got to be on thr wish list of every festival goer. The set up is so easy. It says 2-3 man, but realistically it’s a two person, at a stretch tent.
The sizing makes it great for a one person solo adventurer or summer festival goers. It is simple, but we’ll made and can certainly withstand the British weather.
Overall, worth it for the speed of set-up alone. 100% recommended.
In vista di una vacanza in campeggio on the road mi serviva una tenda facile da montare e smontare rapidamente (ogni sera un posto diverso). Che dire questa perfetta! Si monta in 1 minuto. La struttura gi montata il suo miglior pregio! Si apre tipo ad ombrello e cos si richiude. Facilissima! La Consiglio vivamente, non so quanto avrebbe retto – visto che il costo non eccessivo – ma ha fatto il suo dovere alla perfezione! Mai pi senza!!
Only just bought this tent so I can go on the occasional trip away. I go with a girl friend and so it’s pink and no blue all the way. Therefore I needed an easy up tent. Boy is this an easy up. It’s a complete game changer. I absolutely love it. I haven’t been away with it yet but have just tested a put up take down in my lounge. Five out of five star For ease of use. I did watch the video on Amazon when I first looked at buying this. It really helped and I’d recommend you do this too.
No putting together or anything. It’s fully assembled and seems well made. It goes up within the minute really. And from take down to zipping up the bag to put away , was definitely no longer than 2.5 minutes. No brainer. An absolute MUST buy.
Got this since I like to go outside and it is very good, easy to attach to the side of a bag. Set up took around 30 minutes for someone experienced, but total set up time depends on your level of experience and weather conditions. Overall it is a good product for a good price
era abbastanza forte con vento e si sono formate delle pozzanghere vicino alle porte anche se erano ben chiuse. Ho asciugato facilmente con un asciugamano ma gli altri con tende diverse dalla mia non hanno avuto questo problema. Si creata umidit. Peccato
Great for assembly. And taking down and packing away . Best tent I’ve had for carrying on my motorcycle.
I would not recommend when raining . Great tent for summer , very good ventilation. Easy setup and packing back
Very easy to put up & take down, great design, taken it to 3 Festivals so far & it’s still in great shape, very good in a storm, water proof & wind proof, survived a terrible storm at this year’s Black Deer festival, only issue is its definitely not for 3 people, it fits me my blow up bed & my rucksack, definitely not a 3 ma
Sooo easy to put up, perfect for 1 person who wants some space. Far too small for 3 people if you have bags or other camping gear to store. Even 2 people would be limited on space so not for a long camping trip but a one nighter or festival it’s ideal. Also wouldn’t be much room for someone tall to get changed inside easily, at a guess 6ft max. Just spent 6 days in it at a festival and it survived some gusty wind and was waterproof in the rain. I did use a generic awning over one door so I could get in and out in the rain without the inside getting wet.
So happy with this tent.
Was exactly what I was after and for a fraction on the price.
The whole tent is so easy to use good quality and if I need to buy another one I’ll definitely be purchasing again from these guys.
Arrived 3 days early.
Thank you very much!
Gysrevi camping tent
This 2 in 1 tent is amazing. It is an inner pop up tent with outer tent cover that can be used on its own as a sunshade canopy. It is a two man tent that takes seconds to put up. Mesh windows with hooks and storage pouches. Comes with storage bag. Really amazing value and great quality. Sturdy and stylish looking.
Geliefert wird das Set in einem schlichten braunen Produktkarton.
Im Lieferumfang enthalten sind…
– Zelt
– 4x Zeltseile
– 16x Zeltngel
– 2x Zeltstoffe als Fuabtreter
– Baldachin
– Netztuch
– Anleitung
– Transporttasche
Das Zelt lsst sich fr seine Gre von 2,20 m x 2,20 m x 1.45 m (BxTxH) recht kompakt zusammen falten. Das Sidebag zum Transport hat dabei eine sehr angenehme Gre. Das Transportgewicht hlt sich fr ein so groes Zelt auch in Grenzen.
Das Zeltmaterial hat keine bermssige aber ausreichende Dicke.
Zwar knnen dort vom Volumen her 4 Personen unterkommen. Aber dass ist dann schon recht eng. Zwei bis drei Personen ist da eher praktikabel.
Einzig der Reiverschluss an der Transporttasche ist zu bemngeln, da eine Seite sehr schwehrgngig ist.
All’inizio non riuscivo a capire come aprirla perch non si abbassavano i bastoni in alto, poi ce l’ho fatta. Cos ho aperto e chiuso pi volte la tenda, solo un problema di ammorbidire un po’ le plastiche dei bastoni. Davvero in pochissimo tempo si apre e chiude! Fantastica! E l’ingombro da chiusa minimo, solo un borsone. Interno spazioso. Molto bella!
Das Zelt kommt in einer Platzsparenden Tasche ( ungefhr 77cm lang, 20cm breit und 23cm hoch) bei einem Zuhause an.
Die Tasche ist mit einen stabilen Reiverschluss und zwei Schnappverschlssen zum stabilen Transport versehen.
Die Tasche ist auch Wasserdicht.
Das Zelt und die restlichen Teile sind allesamt gut verarbeitet und sehr stabil.
Die Zeltstange ist aus stabilen Fiberglas und das Zelt aus Polyester mit Wasserdichter Beschichtung.
Geliefert wird insgesamt:
-Kuppelzelt , 14x Heringe, 4x Seile 2x Fumatte, 1x Zeltkappe ,1x Oberes Netztuch, 1x Tasche fr Zubehr, 1x Zeltaufbewahrungstasche
Ein Handbuch (bebildert und auf deutsch)
Der Aufbau ist gut in der bebilderten Aufbauanleitung beschrieben und man kann sich auf per QR Code ein Video von Aufbau auf YouTube ansehen.
Der Aufbau ist aber wirklich lcherlich einfach.
In 10 Sekunden hat man das Zelt stehen.
Einfach den Mittelkranz anheben und arretieren.
Danach kommt das befestigen des Zeltes mit Erdheringen und Seilen, dies dauert natrlich etwas lnger.
Das Zelt ist wirklich stabil, etwas flexibel und ist insgesamt von guter Qualitt.
Absolut Wasser und Winddicht.
Es ist wirklich an vieles gedacht worden.
Innen sind Taschen zur Aufbewahrung von Smartphones usw., eine ffnung fr ein Stromkabel und an der Decke kann man eine Mobile Lampe anhngen.
Das Zelt lsst sich auch gut belften mit den zwei groen ffnungen.
Es sind auch Fliegegitter vor den ffnungen, so hat man zwar Luft aber keine Insekten im Zelt
Auf Wunsch kann man das Zelt auch einfach aushngen und hat nur eine Kuppel als Sonnenschutz, auch super fr den Strand .
Die Personenanzahl ist ja meist etwas grozgig berechnet bei Zelten.
Ich wrde sagen 2 erwachsene knnen mit ausreichend Platz drinnen liegen, eventuell noch mit einen Kind.
Mit 3 Personen wre es mir persnlich schon zu eng.
Das beste:
Nachdem Abbau, der auch relativ schnell von statten ging, habe ich alles wieder in die Zelttasche bekommen, klasse
Sowas schont die Nerven und dem Camping Ausflug steht nichts im Wege
Tolles Zelt, super schnell aufgebaut, gute Qualitt und auch problemlos wieder abbaubar.
Deshalb klare Empfehlung, 5 Sterne
We have just had a practice putting it up in the garden, and wowsers, this is the simplest tent I have ever used (even more so than pop up tents). It was up in seconds, literally. The tent pegs don’t look the greatest, and I wouldn’t expect them to last (our garden is on clay soil, so the pegs were okay, but on stoney soil may be an issue with bending).
There is a decent amount of headroom; I am 6ft 1, and found I could crouch fairly comfortably. Lying down, I could just about lie straight-out, but would be an issue if I was any taller. The issue I have with the size, is that it is listed as a 4 person tent, but you could just about get 4 people in, but you would have to be very okay with a lack of personal space, also as there is no porch, there would be no space for backpacks etc. Talking of backpacks, the manufacturer states this is suitable for backpacking, but it is not, far too bulky and heavy
The tent comes with a little door mat, which will be useful on a dryish day, but not that useful on a wet camping trip as there is no porch. There is an internal pocket for torch, phone, wallet etc. And there is also shelve that can be put up, however, it then renders the ceiling hook (for a light or fan) unusable. Compared to pop up tents, this was super easy to put back down, and pack up.
Whilst I have listed a few negatives, I am keeping in mind that at the time of review this Gysrevi tent is listed at 89.99, and whilst I have commented on a few negatives, I think the positives outweigh them especially considering the price. For festival goers, or those who want to drive to a campsite, but don’t want to spend too much money, this could be a good starter tent.
so the 1st thing to do is unzip it and look at the goods.
The product is of decent quality, it felt like it would be a big job and i was sceptical of the quick erect time. However i was able to pitch a tent pretty quickly.
Once i got it secured into position i was able to get myself inside and also have another come in behind me; There was still plenty of room, So space for one more could be had. 4 people would be abit of a stretch but it might be doable.
I noticed that there was an electrical port, which came in handy for toys/gadgets i needed during this time away and i was glad there was places i could put them, like right next to the exhaust port.
It did get abit wet during this time but it was no problem at all with the protection provided.
This really did make spending time outdoors quite enjoyable.
Once finished the tidy up was abit of a pain but when i got the hang of it it was quick and easy.
Zipped it back up and away we went.
This is a 3-4 man Instant pop up tent.
This tent is waterproof and windproof.
It’s not too heavy to carry either and was so easy to pack away.
Wow how easy is this to put up!
Less than a few minutes and it set up.
This is honestly the easiest tent to set up.
Its sturdy and spacious and can easily fit four adults in this.
Die Qualitt berzeugt und auch die Optik begeistert. Ich finde das Zelt also rundum gelungen.
2-in-1 Camping Tent – The double Layers instant pop-up tent includes a detachable outer tent and an inner tent. For the whole unit, it can be used as a waterproof camping tent. For the single outer tent, it can be used as a sun shade, canopy etc.
Easy Set Up/Take down Tent – With automatic hydraulic system, Gysrevi tent can be set up by 1 person within 10 seconds. Pre-attached poles make the installation easy and efficient, friendly for beginners and casual campers.
now putting it away was a different story, you need to pull out the pole to unclip and with all tents its a pain to put back in the bag.
But dowt let that put you off.
What an incredible design, this tent assembles in what feels like seconds and the design is so good that it will withstand quite severe weather! I have had other pop up tents that I have ended up throwing away after only one or two uses but this one has been used a few times already in some pretty bad weather and it is still solid as a rock.
The height is another thing that is worth buying it for as you get some good head clearance which means you are able to get dressed/changed with ease instead of finding yourself wriggling about on the floor in a normal tent.
Easy to assemble, sturdy and easy to pack away. All in one decent camping tent that is also perfect for festivals.
The storage pockets are a nice touch and the electrical cord port is very welcome. What’s also good is that the outer tent detaches to give you a brilliant sun shade which you could use on site or even in your own garden. There is much to appreciate about this tent, it looks fantastic and is amazing value for money.
Easy to put together
Nice colour
Very well made
The tent self erects and takes seconds; saves time and hassle of putting tent poles together.
High quality material; the outer material feels adequate to protect from rain and other elements. It also has ventilation through the tent to increase the flow of fresh air, so even on a hot day it doesn’t feel muggy inside.
The tent is very spacious, it’s more of a 3 man tent (adults) – 4 at a push though without being uncomfortable.
Based on my experience with this product, I highly recommend it because of how easy it is to erect and the overall quality – it’s very good value for money and this is reflected in the build quality overall!
I just love this type of tent and this one has to be one of best ive tested so far.
Not sure what makes it four seasons but it’s fantastic very well made super easy to set up quick to put away with a little practise.
It features 2 doors and each door has a half way bug net built-in allowing for plenty of ventilation, privacy and keeping the bugs out there is also plenty of ventilation in the roof and the tent itself can be removed from the frame.
The only issue I have is with the tent pegs there rubbish and will need replacing ASAP.
There is plenty of room inside and for what you get it’s relatively lightweight and this is one of the few tents I’ve come across that actually has a a power lead pocket allowing you to run a power cable into the tent.