Dovendo portare il segnale da un ampli AV ad un videoproiettore per una distanza di circa 10 metri questo prodotto e` stata la soluzione perfetta
Premetto che ho provato diversi cavi hdmi, descritti come di altissima qualit, con il risultato di non avere segnale o di perderlo in continuazione
Ovviamente sto parlando di segnale 4K HDR 4:4:4, perch per il 1080p gi avevo il cavo predisposto (ma non compatibile 4k)
Funziona perfettamente stendendo sia un cat5.e o un cat 6, necessita di alimentare il solo trasmettitore ed il gioco e` fatto
Qualita perfetta, aggancia il segnale all`istante nessuna impostazione. All`atto pratico e` veramente come avere un cavo 4K
Due sole note dolenti :
Il prezzo, non che costi uno sproposito ma non e` nemmeno economico
Il calore, non tanto del trasmettitore quanto del ricevitore
Io ho risolto accoppiando il ricevitore con un dissipatore in alluminio, pasta termica e un paio di fascette
Ora e` solo tiepido ma per sicurezza ho messo questo impianto sotto interruttore e lo accendo secondo necessita
Lo consiglio a chiunque necessiti di risolvere il problema della distanza sui cavi HDMI o abbia necessita di passare il cavo di segnale nelle canaline (cosa molto difficile con HDMI)
I was looking for a product to replace a previous solution from StarTech which did perform well for video, but required 2x Cat5E to deliver ‘acceptable’ video to my office from a PC in the garage. This unit does better and with only one Cat5e cable.
When comparing the similar devices before buying this, I was a little worried that this would not be a high quality unit, given the price, and if it failed then I could always buy another one, or go for something else.
Boy was I ever wrong. This thing is amazing!
I specifically wanted a product that would deliver 4:4:4 chroma-subsampling, basically so that there are no video compression artifacts ( fuzziness, or colour bleeding ) in the video at my desk. I also wanted support for 4k60. What I get is perfectly crystal clear HDR content and gaming.
I was really impressed with this pair of units, they actually quite happily run are 4k75 on my current hardware over approximately 40m of Cat5E, though your mileage may vary. I’m using a screen resolution of 2560×1080, so not quite 4k, which probably means the resolution headroom is allowing the slightly higher refresh rate.
The computer I use as a video source is a dual-boot linux and windows machine and I have never had any issues with switching between environments. It just keeps working.
I’ve never used the IR or RS232 features, but I will say that the receiver unit is small and light enough that I have it fixed to the wall under my desk with 2 command strips and it has not fallen off yet.
The power delivery over Cat5 is a bonus as it means I don’t have an extra power supply or cable to cable-manage under my desk. There is a socket on the receiver device, i guess this is in case its ever needed, but I’ve never needed to give it any extra power. On the topic of power, the power supply that comes in the box has a little nut on the plug so it can be fixed into the transmitter so that it does not fall out, which has been really handy in the initial few days while getting it all fixed to the wall in the garage.
The one thing I did notice when I first plugged all this in is that the transmitter gets very warm, almost warmer than I would want it to get, but it’s not been a problem and performance has been rock solid for almost a year now.
I use this in a setup with a ezcoo kvm switch so that I can flip the monitor and keyboard on my desk between the PC in the garage and a laptop on the side of my desk, it’s a good setup and works very well. I’m very happy with it and would recommend ezcoo products. They are excellent value for money and perform at least as well as one would expect, probably better.
Upgraded to 4k projector and previous extenders were only 1080p. Seem to do the job fine, but don’t plug in and expect instant results (as I did). It does take a few minutes for the devices to start working each time you power on the media sources/projector.
This is being used to feed PS5/Blu-Ray/Freesat via a Yamaha AV Receiver. For anyone with a Yamaha receiver, if HDR is not working, you have to go into the Advanced Settings on your receiver and change HDMI Mode from 2 to 1 (check the manual on how to do this). I also had to set the switch on the extender to 4k rather than the default Copy for everything to work properly.
I use this extender to connect my PC from another room, with 4k+HDR being a must-have for me. The cable has to be rather long (~30m), so I decided to go overkill with its category: it’s a CAT8 all the way through, including connectors and keystones in the walls.
In the end, it works perfectly (with 4k60 4:2:0 and HDR), but the way there was quite frustrating, because even the slightest movement of the ethernet cables causes the screen to go black or white dots the other reviewer mentioned to appear. But with the included mounts, the extender sits securely in its place.
Both ends of the device do get very hot, so you can add a simple extender-switch to keep it off when not in use (the connector size is 5.5mm x 2.1mm).
I haven’t tested the IR/RS232 capabilities.
To sum it up, it’s a capable little device that works reliably when installed properly, but it can be tricky if you push it to its limits.
Running HDMI to a ceiling mount projector wasn’t really an option for us.
These work perfectly with 4K using the existing Ethernet cable within the house.
The fact that the receiver is powered over Ethernet from the transmitter is a fantastic bonus, removing the need for a power adapter at that end and keeping it nice and tidy.
5.0 out of 5 stars Works perfectly for 4K projector.
Difficult to know whether it is worth the money as there are much cheaper ones out there. But there were enough horror stories of getting 4k to work over Ethernet that this one seemed to have a better chance of success. I bought this to replace an existing HDMI over Ethernet setup from the days before 4k. Now with a 4k source and a 4k TV at the other end it seemed a shame to have to go back to 1080p to view it. I was just debating whether it was worth 100+ to get 4k through to my 2nd TV, my previous pair of units packed in. So I had to replace them with something and then it was a no brainer to get something 4k compatible. Nice touch that only 1 unit needs to be powered from the wall. The other gets powered over Ethernet. Basically I unplugged the old ones, plugged in the new ones, plugged in a power supply to the wall and it all worked. No settings. There is an EDID switch for 4k/2k/Copy on the sender that I switched to Copy. Both units have a serial port but I have not read up on why I would need to use it.
No obvious flaws in picture quality. Passes Dolby Atmos audio. Seems to do the job just a bit on the pricey side.
hello, I bought a long time ago an ezcoo hdmi extender with only one power supply. I wanted to buy a second power supply to not use the POE. I believe that with the cat 5 cable and the length they are the cause of some anomaly every now and then. Is it possible to buy it from you and, above all, can it be done? let me know. thank you. Joh
Erster Test mit folgendem “Versuchsaufbau”:
Wiedergabe einer UHD-BD 4K mit HDR10 (R.E.D. 2) von einem Panasonic DP-UB424 BluRay-Player per hochwertigem 4K-HDMI-Kabel (3m) zum HDMI-Transmitter. Dann ber ein 40m langes LAN-Kabel (“Ethernet-Kabel — High Speed Fastest Cat7 Flaches Ethernet-Kabel 750 MHz 10 GB” – hier bei AMAZON gekauft), zum HDMI-Receiver. Dessen Ausgang wieder ber ein hochwertiges HDMI-Kabel (3m) auf meinen Panasonic-OLED TV.
Wie im angehngten Bild zu erkennen ist, sind ber das ganze Bild verteilt, kleine weie Flecken (wie funkelnde Sterne) zu sehen, die immer kurz aufblitzen, verschwinden und an anderer Stelle wieder auftauchen. Alles immer im Abstand weniger Millisekunden.
Das liegt ganz klar an der Kabellnge bzw. Qualitt des LAN-Kabels (bei mir 40m – so wie es der Hersteller ja verspricht!). Ich habe unter diesen Bedingungen mal ein, nur 5m langes LAN-Kabel verwendet und damit HDMI-Transmitter und HDMI-Receiver zusammen geschaltet: Keine Lichtblitze mehr bei HDR10. Es liegt also eindeutig am Kabel. Gut, das o.g. Kabel kann auch “nur” 10GB/s. Fr HDR10 sollten es eben doch mind. 18GB sein.
bertrgt man man allerdings ein Standard 4K-Bild (also HDR10 “Aus”) ber die Transmitter/Receiver-Kombination ist es auch mit dem 40m langen 10G-Kabel fehlerfrei. Es geht eben nur mit HDR10 nicht. Bei Full-HD gibt es natrlich berhaupt keine Probleme. Der Hersteller verspricht da sogar bis 70m berbrckbare Entfernung.
Unbedingt erwhnen mchte ich noch, dass sowohl Transmitter, aber insbesondere der Receiver sehr warm/hei werden (~45 C) bei einer Raumtemperatur von derzeit 23 C !.
Wenn hier im Sommer dann mehr als 30 C Raumtemperatur sind, sollte die HDMI-Strecke wohl besser abgeschaltet bleiben. Beide Gehuse sind sehr flach konstruiert (15 mm !) was zwar sehr elegant aussieht, aber eben der Wrementwicklung im Inneren abtrglich ist. Sie haben zwar links und rechts Lftungsschlitze, aber das reicht offensichtlich nicht aus, die entstehende Wrme der Chips nach aussen zu bringen. Es wird KEIN Lfter verwendet !
Toll funktioniert die Stromversorgung per PoE (Power over Ethernet) ber das LAN-Kabel. Vorsichtshalber haben aber Transmitter und Receiver einen gleichwertigen Schraub-Stromanschluss (es wird EIN Netzteil: 24V/0,7A) mitgeliefert. Man kann also auswhlen, wo man das (Schaltnetzteil) anschraubt.
Das Produkt ist durchaus empfehlenswert, man kann 4K HDMI ber groe Strecken (OHNE ber Glasfaser zu gehen) relativ problemlos bertragen. Einzig das verwendete LAN-Kabel muss dabei (bei 40m maximaler Lnge fr 4K) von EXZELLENTER Qualitt sein und bei HDR10 mindestens 18GB/s durchleiten knnen.
Kann 4K über 40m aber nicht unbedingt mit HDR10 (LAN-Kabel abhängig) !
Tried many cheaper options for HDMI Cat 5 extenders which failed to work reliably. This product worked flawlessly first time with a significant increase in HD quality and sound. Worth the extra money.
I am using a 16.5 meter cat 7 cable to connect the units, transmitting output from Tivo cable box. The signal transmission appears to have no delay and provides a good picture on the receiver screen. There has been occasional signal loss for a couple of seconds. The provided manual is very poor and unfortunately support does not answer emails. I just hope the system continues to operate without problem.
Replaced my wyrestorm unit that was struggling with 4k – since the replacement my sky Q box has not shifted from 4k so does the job perfectly. Super easy to set up also! Gets a little warm though… But so does the wyrestorm!
Hier bietet euch die Marke EZCOO einen wirklich guten HDMI-Extender zu einem Preis von 109,99 EUR (Stand: Juli 2021) an. Sowohl der Transmitter als auch der Receiver sind sehr gut verarbeitet. Gleiches gilt auch fr die Zubehr-Teile
– Leicht zu installieren
– Untersttzt CAT5/CAT6/CAT7 Netzwerk-Kabel
– bertragung von 4K/60Hz ber eine Distanz von bis zu 40 Metern
– Bidirektionaler PoE HDMI Extender
– 600MHz Bandbreite (maximal)
– 6Gbit/s Baudrate
– Gerte werden bei lngerer Verwendung sehr warm
– IR-Steuerung funktioniert hin und wieder nicht einwandfrei
Fazit: Fr einen Preis von 109,99 EUR (Stand: Juli 2021) bekommt ihr hier einen sehr gut verarbeiteten und qualitativ hochwertigen HDMI-Extender, welcher eine hervorragende bertragungsqualitt liefert. Ich finde hier keinerlei Punkte zur Beanstandung. Das Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis stimmt, die Bild- und Tonqualitt welche am Receiver ankommt, hngt natrlich auch von der am Transmitter angeschlossenen Quelle ab. Aber bei einer hochwertigen Bild- und Tonquelle wird auch ber eine groe Distanz eine Top-Qualitt bertragen. Ich bin absolut begeistert von diesem HDMI-Extender und kann ihn daher auch wirklich jedem empfehlen. Ein wirklich tolles Produkt, welches zwar nicht ganz gnstig ist, aber dafr eine echt gute Qualitt liefert.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie meine Rezension gelesen haben.
Wenn Ihnen meine Rezension gefallen hat und diese hilfreich oder ntzlich fr Sie war, wrde ich mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie dies zeigen und auf den Button “Ntzlich” klicken.
Dieser HDMI Extender hat einiges auf, oder eher in seinem Kasten.
Es ermglicht einem ein HDMI Signal ber ein Cat5/6 Kabel zu schicken, dabei wird die Reichweite erhht.
In diesem Fall wird mehr als nur ein HDMI Signal bertragen, dieser Extender baut eine Bidirektionale (Zwei Wege) Verbindung auf und erlaubt es IR Signale und RS232 Signale zu bertragen.
Auerdem bentigt nur ein Gert eine Spannungsversorgung, da das andere ber PoE (Power over Ethernet) versorgt wird.
Videosignale werden bis zu 4K60Hz untersttzt (Die kompletten untersttzen Signale bitte aus der Artikelbeschreibung entnehmen.)
Das EDID kann auf 4K 2K oder auf Copy gestellt werden, dann wird das EDID aus dem angeschlossenen Gert ausgelesen und bernommen.
Die Beiden Gert sind Ultra Flach und sehr klein.
Der Preis mag vllt abschrecken aber die beiden Kstchen sind ihr Geld wert.
+ 4K over Ethernet
+ Bidirektional
+ PoE
+ Positiv
o Neutral
– Negativ
Neben dem wohl offensichtlich hufigsten Einsatzzweck eines solchen HDMI over Ethernet-Extender, nmlich das Bild von berwachungskameras ber groe Distanz zu bertragen, eignet sich der Extender ebenso hervorragend fr meine Heimkino-Belange.
Mit einem normal ausgestatteten Wohnzimmer, und einem Selfmade-Heimkino im Keller, war die Bildbertragung vom Kabel-Receiver, sollte im Keller doch einmal das normale TV-Programm laufen, immer eine richtige Zumutung.
Ein 15m-HDMI-Kabel quer durchs Wohnzimmer, den Treppenabgang hinunter und dann freischwingend an den Beamer zu stecken, hatte schon etwas Abenteuerliches und sah, gelinde gesagt, bescheiden aus.
Jetzt, zur Fuball-EM, kam der Extender gerade richtig, war zumindest mal ein Cat.5e-Kabel unter Putz nach unten gelegt. Die Bildbertragung funktioniert einwandfrei, wenn auch ich nur vom FullHD-Signal sprechen kann, da 4K bei uns noch keinen Einzug gehalten hat.
Das Dolby-Digital-Signal wird ebenfalls problemlos bertrage und die beiden Extender machen schlicht “was sie sollen”
Wofr braucht man dieses Gert ? Ich kenne bereits berwachungskameras, die ber PoE (Power over Ethernet) diese Technik nutzen, mit der sich die Kameras ber das LAN-Kabel mit Strom versorgen lassen. Um auch in der Wohnung im Idealfall bereits vorhanden Ressourcen zu nutzen, das (doppelte) Verlegen von weiteren HDMI-Kabeln o. Leitungen zu vermeiden und somit vor allem letztlich Zeit und Geld zu sparen, kommt der HDMI Extender ins Spiel. Denn je nach Art und Umfang des Equipments entlastet dieses Gerte-Doppel entsprechend das Budget und kostet selber nicht die Welt. Trotz Apple Airplay & Co. ist nmlich eine physische Verbindung letztlich immer noch die beste Sache, vor allem raumbergreifend
Anwendungsbeispiel: Falls man typischerweise sein Heimkino nicht im Wohnzimmer, sondern im Keller oder einem andern Raum betreibt, reicht es aus, die HDMI-Signale (Bild u. Ton) ber den HDMI-Extender einzuspeisen. Von diesem wird das Ganze dann lediglich ber ein geeignetes Cat-Kabel an den Receiver weitergeleitet, um ber ein dort angeschlossenes HDMI-Kabel die HDMI-Signale verlustfrei an das TV-Gert/ den Beamer zu fhren. Soweit die Theorie.
Auch in der Praxis entpuppt sich das System fr meine Zwecke bislang als zuverlssig. Hochauflsende 1.080p-Signale und selbst knackiges 4K nebst HDR bereiten bislang keine Probleme, wobei auch die mehrkanaligen Tonsignale (lippensynchron) ankommen. Kein Ruckeln, keine Aussetzer, soll soll es sein !
Ob nun vom Blu-Ray-Player, der Konsole, dem PC etc die Signale sauber weitergeleitet bzw. empfangen werden, hngt aber auch von den gewissen Faktoren ab. Bei etwaigen Problemen, sollte man die HDMI-Kabel ggf. austauschen, hierbei haben sich gnstige Strippen nicht als schlecht erwiesen. Wie leistungsstark ist die DSl-Leitung (hier: 50 Mbit/s), sind zeitgleich mehrere Personen im Haushalt im Netz ? Sofern das System ber Powerline-Adapter betrieben wird, also dem Internet ber die Steckdose”, knnte auch hier eine Strquelle ausgemacht werden Aber derartige Probleme mssen nicht auftreten, auf einen Versuch darf man es ruhig ankommen lassen.
Aktuelles Fazit: Sinnvolle Alternative, um mehrere gerate in einem anderen Raum mit HDMI-Signalen versorgen zu knnen. Nicht nur die Leistung desSystems ist berzeugend, auch optisch knnen die kleine Gerte, die einwandfrei verarbeitet sind, sich sehen lassen. Mangels Langzeiterfahrungen gibt es hier aktuelle vier Sterne.
Super einfache Installation.
Server, gaming Rechner und Konsole mit einem kvm switch 8 port HDMI der Firma ezcoo und diesem Produkt einfach im Serverschrank verbaut.
Volle 4K bertragung aller Komponenten.
ber die rs232 Schnitstelle wird der extender und KVM Switch gesteuert.
Super fr selbst gebaute KVM Installationen.
This extender is the only one that works! I’ve tried at least 4 types, including a HDBase-T that cost twice as much, to try extend the 4K UHD out of my Sky Q over a single CAT5e which is about 30m and goes through 2 face plates. It works faultlessly and even extends the Sky Q IR. Having power only at one end is a bonus, receiver does get a bit warm, but I hope these units last a long time, if they do then they can’t be bettered.
This product is a little more expensive than the competition but the key is it works. I tried a couple of the cheaper products and I could not get any decent sing along. I am linking a virgin media box via 20m of CAT5 cabling to a HD TV. Sound and picture quality are first rate.
Excellent product, works great with the new virgin 360 mini box. Haven’t had any issues so far. Only down side it take a little longer to load the picture on the tv but worth while. Quality and sound not effect like a previous model I used.
Only just set telly on wall, is run off same HDMI on Cat 6, with main TV via a HDMI slitter also supplied by Amazon. Really good picture, and no lag between both TV’s sound….
Bit of background. Bought a new build property and installed cat6 throughout the house going to my garage and single sat feeds at multiple points. I’ve got freesat on them sat feeds and decided to go get SkyQ. Knowing the new system requires a different setup than Sky+HD I just thought I’d get a HDMI over IP. I’ve had a couple and they didn’t seem to work that well. I searched around to find 1 that had 4k and had proven to work with SkyQ. I so a review on this and they stated it did so i purchased it. On testing this device before I had sky installed I had it connected to my pc to my cabinet then from cabinet to my main tv which is double the length it was purchased for. Which also did 4K. So I new if I was to upgrade to 4K sky in the future it would work. It connected straight away. Poe between both devices. I’m presuming you can power either the transmitter or receiver with the wall plug and will pass to the other device (not tested. Just have it powered on transmitter) I installed it with the SkyQ as the installer was there and it works flawlessly. SkyQ remote is of the Bluetooth variant as it works through my walls (only a halfway between). Speaking to the installer and they don’t supply the IR version anymore but the installer said if it doesn’t work he would drop 1 off from his house which he has 4. Otherwise you’ll have to look at purchasing 1. Based on my setup working with Bluetooth I haven’t tested the IR capability. But can confirm the SkyQ box detects it fine (settings on the HDMI Over IP set to copy). The pictures are how I’ve got it set up. And works as expected. Please note I’ve tested the receiver (not connected to power) on my POE Switch and it doesn’t power it. I’ve not tested it with an external power as I don’t want to risk frying my POE switch. But I would presume you won’t be able to have it run on a switch.
I’ve been struggling to deliver a 4K HDR signal to my projector 15 meters away from my AV equipment. I’ve tried countless HDMI cables, signal boosters and a 4K upsampling AV receiver. I was beginning to think my projector inputs were faulty. No matter what settings I tried, the projector was locked on a 1080p signal and none of the 4K resolutions were available on my Fire TV or my UHD Blu-ray player. Searching on internet forums it appears 4K over HDMI on cable runs exceeding 12 meters is very tricky and it’s luck if you manage to find a hdmi cable that’s able to push that resolution over these distances. When a source can’t detect a 4K capable input it’s defaults to 1080p. After months of frustration I concluded the HDMI cable run was the weak link.
Advised to try a 4K UHD over Ethernet cable system and positive reviews put me to this unit. I’m using an inexpensive 15 meter CAT5E cable (circa 9.99). It’s expensive at 120 (when I purchased anyway) but running cable’s through trunking is a pain to be attempted only once for sanity purposes and I wanted something with good reviews. With this, you get what you pay for. The transmitter is powered, the receiver unit takes it power from the cable. When connected both unit’s display an array of blue LEDs.
Nice touch, it comes with Velcro adhesive pads, which sounds odd but actually is extremely useful when mounting unit securely on say an overhead projector mount – I guess a very common set up for use with this – and how I’m using it.
As you can see from the images, after an agonizing 3 second wait for the input to initialise (my projector has a slight delay whilst it detects the input signal) – it’s delivering 4K into the projector and all the 4K resolution settings are showing up and selectable. I’ve had this projector for over 6 months and this is the first time I’ve managed to get it to display it’s full resolution!!!!
I’ve knocked off one star because it’s 120 so feels pricey really. But I spent the same on a fibre optic HDMI cable that failed to deliver a 4K signal.
This works. If you have my problem described above – buy this. It will fix the problem.
Transmits 4K over 15 meters no problem. Pricey but works well.
I recently upgraded my HD projector with a 4K model which forced me to replace my old HDMI extender as well as this handled only 1080p. I did a lot of investigation before settling on this model. So far, I have been really impressed. Everything just works out of the box and the picture quality of the 4K images coming through into the projector are excellent. Also, I have not experienced any dropouts to date which the old extender was sometimes prone to. Another thing I like over the old extender is that only one end requires power to the mains. The other can be powered using “poe” via the ethernet cable. Not the cheapest model out there but for me it does everything I want it to. All in all, highly recommended.
I purchased one set of these to use with a 4K projector and was so impressed, I purchased another to use with a 4K TV.
Both sets work over cat5e Ethernet. One total cable length is about 12m, the other is much longer at about 24m. In both instances the Ethernet cables go back to a patch panel from my AV rack and I then used Cat 5e patch leads to link them together. In other words, these are not just single lengths of cable. It also means you can use them with RJ45 sockets.
Initially when I connected up one set (transmitter and receiver) it would not work which led to the discovery that there was a loose twisted pair at one of the RJ45 sockets. The problem disappeared once I fixed this. Incidentally, I found the LEDs particularly helpful to confirm whether signals were actually being sent / received between the units but they can be a bit distracting in a darkened room (they cannot be turned off).
Although the units look identical, one is marked ‘transmitter’ and the other ‘receiver’ in very small writing, so don’t make my mistake of connecting them up the wrong way round.
As other reviewers have stated, both units run surprisingly hot.
The IR emitter and receivers also work well, albeit they are not marked up so you have to guess which one transmits (it’s the bigger one) and which one receives (the smaller teardrop-shaped one).
It’s a pity there is no audio return channel (ARC). It seems that Ezcoo does make a more expensive unit that includes this function but it only appears to be on sale in the USA. Also, if you mount the unit using the supplied self-adhesive Velcro pads or the supplied brackets and screws, it’s impossible to disconnect the Ethernet cables without dismounting the units because the spring clips used to secure the cables aren’t accessible. Ezcoo could easily fix this if they manufactured the units so the Ethernet ports were flipped 180 degrees. Also the self adhesive pads used to secure the IR transmitters are not strong enough and mine soon fell off.
Another thing I would like to have seen is the ability to connect a 12v trigger in order to turn on the units remotely rather than being left ‘on’ all the time. I suppose I could fix this with a smart plug but that’s yet another command I’d need to explain to the family in what is already a complex setup!
Receiver is powered over Ethernet, so make sure you have both ends setup before applying power.
One slight downside is that you briefly see some TV static noise on a resolution change, when launching Netflix etc. Maybe this is a feature but would prefer a black screen.
Great product, very simple set up. Have only set up this afternoon to replace a 15m hdmi cable buried in the ceiling. Works perfectly so far, no issues. get 4k60hz and HDR via the cat5e ethernet cable from PS4 pro to projector via an Amp.
This is such a powerful kit. I run my PS5, Sky Q, Xbox and Apple TV through a switch and over CAT5e. This passes through full 4K and HDR with zero fuss and, unlike others I have used, is powered by the CAT5 itself. Highly recommended for anyone trying to achieve the same.
I had an old extender which had HDMI 1.4 but after upgrading to SkyQ, the audio and visual kept on dropping out. After buying this it worked straight out of the box. Handy too that only one power supply is needed.
I usually wall mount everything behind the TV to keep things tidy, electrics and network tracked into the wall and everything out of sight except for HDMIs!
Turns out for a PS4 pro wall mounting wasn’t a good idea when under load it’s a jet engine taking off.
Wasn’t taking this chance for the PS5 so as I had no HDMI ports available this seemed like the obvious choice.
These little devices are gold, I have zero input lag on PS5 running 4K HDR at 60fps. 10m CAT5 cable.
Totally plug and play no set up or additional configuration required.
Worked instantly and had no issues on a 7m run of CAT6 cable, most units can’t cope with short runs normally has to be over 20m to work. Very pleased and tried lots of other makes before. Will order again for next job.
We purchased this extender as we recently had multiple cables chased into the plaster around the whole room and reskimmed the plasterer damaged the coax for the Virgin between point A & B. Luckily we ran multiple cat 5 cables as well as speaker cables, etc. After determining that the coax was in fact damaged we purchased this product, 2 weeks on and it’s working well, using the 4:4:4 extender with a Virgin TiVo V6 box along a 50-60ft run of cat 5e.
Dovendo portare il segnale da un ampli AV ad un videoproiettore per una distanza di circa 10 metri questo prodotto e` stata la soluzione perfetta
Premetto che ho provato diversi cavi hdmi, descritti come di altissima qualit, con il risultato di non avere segnale o di perderlo in continuazione
Ovviamente sto parlando di segnale 4K HDR 4:4:4, perch per il 1080p gi avevo il cavo predisposto (ma non compatibile 4k)
Funziona perfettamente stendendo sia un cat5.e o un cat 6, necessita di alimentare il solo trasmettitore ed il gioco e` fatto
Qualita perfetta, aggancia il segnale all`istante nessuna impostazione. All`atto pratico e` veramente come avere un cavo 4K
Due sole note dolenti :
Il prezzo, non che costi uno sproposito ma non e` nemmeno economico
Il calore, non tanto del trasmettitore quanto del ricevitore
Io ho risolto accoppiando il ricevitore con un dissipatore in alluminio, pasta termica e un paio di fascette
Ora e` solo tiepido ma per sicurezza ho messo questo impianto sotto interruttore e lo accendo secondo necessita
Lo consiglio a chiunque necessiti di risolvere il problema della distanza sui cavi HDMI o abbia necessita di passare il cavo di segnale nelle canaline (cosa molto difficile con HDMI)
I was looking for a product to replace a previous solution from StarTech which did perform well for video, but required 2x Cat5E to deliver ‘acceptable’ video to my office from a PC in the garage. This unit does better and with only one Cat5e cable.
When comparing the similar devices before buying this, I was a little worried that this would not be a high quality unit, given the price, and if it failed then I could always buy another one, or go for something else.
Boy was I ever wrong. This thing is amazing!
I specifically wanted a product that would deliver 4:4:4 chroma-subsampling, basically so that there are no video compression artifacts ( fuzziness, or colour bleeding ) in the video at my desk. I also wanted support for 4k60. What I get is perfectly crystal clear HDR content and gaming.
I was really impressed with this pair of units, they actually quite happily run are 4k75 on my current hardware over approximately 40m of Cat5E, though your mileage may vary. I’m using a screen resolution of 2560×1080, so not quite 4k, which probably means the resolution headroom is allowing the slightly higher refresh rate.
The computer I use as a video source is a dual-boot linux and windows machine and I have never had any issues with switching between environments. It just keeps working.
I’ve never used the IR or RS232 features, but I will say that the receiver unit is small and light enough that I have it fixed to the wall under my desk with 2 command strips and it has not fallen off yet.
The power delivery over Cat5 is a bonus as it means I don’t have an extra power supply or cable to cable-manage under my desk. There is a socket on the receiver device, i guess this is in case its ever needed, but I’ve never needed to give it any extra power. On the topic of power, the power supply that comes in the box has a little nut on the plug so it can be fixed into the transmitter so that it does not fall out, which has been really handy in the initial few days while getting it all fixed to the wall in the garage.
The one thing I did notice when I first plugged all this in is that the transmitter gets very warm, almost warmer than I would want it to get, but it’s not been a problem and performance has been rock solid for almost a year now.
I use this in a setup with a ezcoo kvm switch so that I can flip the monitor and keyboard on my desk between the PC in the garage and a laptop on the side of my desk, it’s a good setup and works very well. I’m very happy with it and would recommend ezcoo products. They are excellent value for money and perform at least as well as one would expect, probably better.
Upgraded to 4k projector and previous extenders were only 1080p. Seem to do the job fine, but don’t plug in and expect instant results (as I did). It does take a few minutes for the devices to start working each time you power on the media sources/projector.
This is being used to feed PS5/Blu-Ray/Freesat via a Yamaha AV Receiver. For anyone with a Yamaha receiver, if HDR is not working, you have to go into the Advanced Settings on your receiver and change HDMI Mode from 2 to 1 (check the manual on how to do this). I also had to set the switch on the extender to 4k rather than the default Copy for everything to work properly.
I use this extender to connect my PC from another room, with 4k+HDR being a must-have for me. The cable has to be rather long (~30m), so I decided to go overkill with its category: it’s a CAT8 all the way through, including connectors and keystones in the walls.
In the end, it works perfectly (with 4k60 4:2:0 and HDR), but the way there was quite frustrating, because even the slightest movement of the ethernet cables causes the screen to go black or white dots the other reviewer mentioned to appear. But with the included mounts, the extender sits securely in its place.
Both ends of the device do get very hot, so you can add a simple extender-switch to keep it off when not in use (the connector size is 5.5mm x 2.1mm).
I haven’t tested the IR/RS232 capabilities.
To sum it up, it’s a capable little device that works reliably when installed properly, but it can be tricky if you push it to its limits.
Running HDMI to a ceiling mount projector wasn’t really an option for us.
These work perfectly with 4K using the existing Ethernet cable within the house.
The fact that the receiver is powered over Ethernet from the transmitter is a fantastic bonus, removing the need for a power adapter at that end and keeping it nice and tidy.
Difficult to know whether it is worth the money as there are much cheaper ones out there. But there were enough horror stories of getting 4k to work over Ethernet that this one seemed to have a better chance of success. I bought this to replace an existing HDMI over Ethernet setup from the days before 4k. Now with a 4k source and a 4k TV at the other end it seemed a shame to have to go back to 1080p to view it. I was just debating whether it was worth 100+ to get 4k through to my 2nd TV, my previous pair of units packed in. So I had to replace them with something and then it was a no brainer to get something 4k compatible. Nice touch that only 1 unit needs to be powered from the wall. The other gets powered over Ethernet. Basically I unplugged the old ones, plugged in the new ones, plugged in a power supply to the wall and it all worked. No settings. There is an EDID switch for 4k/2k/Copy on the sender that I switched to Copy. Both units have a serial port but I have not read up on why I would need to use it.
No obvious flaws in picture quality. Passes Dolby Atmos audio. Seems to do the job just a bit on the pricey side.
I would recommend buying an additional switch for the power outlet, as they get very hot even when the HDMI port isn’t used.
hello, I bought a long time ago an ezcoo hdmi extender with only one power supply. I wanted to buy a second power supply to not use the POE. I believe that with the cat 5 cable and the length they are the cause of some anomaly every now and then. Is it possible to buy it from you and, above all, can it be done? let me know. thank you. Joh
Erster Test mit folgendem “Versuchsaufbau”:
Wiedergabe einer UHD-BD 4K mit HDR10 (R.E.D. 2) von einem Panasonic DP-UB424 BluRay-Player per hochwertigem 4K-HDMI-Kabel (3m) zum HDMI-Transmitter. Dann ber ein 40m langes LAN-Kabel (“Ethernet-Kabel — High Speed Fastest Cat7 Flaches Ethernet-Kabel 750 MHz 10 GB” – hier bei AMAZON gekauft), zum HDMI-Receiver. Dessen Ausgang wieder ber ein hochwertiges HDMI-Kabel (3m) auf meinen Panasonic-OLED TV.
Wie im angehngten Bild zu erkennen ist, sind ber das ganze Bild verteilt, kleine weie Flecken (wie funkelnde Sterne) zu sehen, die immer kurz aufblitzen, verschwinden und an anderer Stelle wieder auftauchen. Alles immer im Abstand weniger Millisekunden.
Das liegt ganz klar an der Kabellnge bzw. Qualitt des LAN-Kabels (bei mir 40m – so wie es der Hersteller ja verspricht!). Ich habe unter diesen Bedingungen mal ein, nur 5m langes LAN-Kabel verwendet und damit HDMI-Transmitter und HDMI-Receiver zusammen geschaltet: Keine Lichtblitze mehr bei HDR10. Es liegt also eindeutig am Kabel. Gut, das o.g. Kabel kann auch “nur” 10GB/s. Fr HDR10 sollten es eben doch mind. 18GB sein.
bertrgt man man allerdings ein Standard 4K-Bild (also HDR10 “Aus”) ber die Transmitter/Receiver-Kombination ist es auch mit dem 40m langen 10G-Kabel fehlerfrei. Es geht eben nur mit HDR10 nicht. Bei Full-HD gibt es natrlich berhaupt keine Probleme. Der Hersteller verspricht da sogar bis 70m berbrckbare Entfernung.
Unbedingt erwhnen mchte ich noch, dass sowohl Transmitter, aber insbesondere der Receiver sehr warm/hei werden (~45 C) bei einer Raumtemperatur von derzeit 23 C !.
Wenn hier im Sommer dann mehr als 30 C Raumtemperatur sind, sollte die HDMI-Strecke wohl besser abgeschaltet bleiben. Beide Gehuse sind sehr flach konstruiert (15 mm !) was zwar sehr elegant aussieht, aber eben der Wrementwicklung im Inneren abtrglich ist. Sie haben zwar links und rechts Lftungsschlitze, aber das reicht offensichtlich nicht aus, die entstehende Wrme der Chips nach aussen zu bringen. Es wird KEIN Lfter verwendet !
Toll funktioniert die Stromversorgung per PoE (Power over Ethernet) ber das LAN-Kabel. Vorsichtshalber haben aber Transmitter und Receiver einen gleichwertigen Schraub-Stromanschluss (es wird EIN Netzteil: 24V/0,7A) mitgeliefert. Man kann also auswhlen, wo man das (Schaltnetzteil) anschraubt.
Das Produkt ist durchaus empfehlenswert, man kann 4K HDMI ber groe Strecken (OHNE ber Glasfaser zu gehen) relativ problemlos bertragen. Einzig das verwendete LAN-Kabel muss dabei (bei 40m maximaler Lnge fr 4K) von EXZELLENTER Qualitt sein und bei HDR10 mindestens 18GB/s durchleiten knnen.
Works well with low latency. I can play Ori in 4k using this so the latency can’t be too long, because that game is hard as nails.
Tried many cheaper options for HDMI Cat 5 extenders which failed to work reliably. This product worked flawlessly first time with a significant increase in HD quality and sound. Worth the extra money.
I am using a 16.5 meter cat 7 cable to connect the units, transmitting output from Tivo cable box. The signal transmission appears to have no delay and provides a good picture on the receiver screen. There has been occasional signal loss for a couple of seconds. The provided manual is very poor and unfortunately support does not answer emails. I just hope the system continues to operate without problem.
Easy to install and no sound delay from our wall 65 inch tv and the projector 25mtrs at the other end of the hall
Replaced my wyrestorm unit that was struggling with 4k – since the replacement my sky Q box has not shifted from 4k so does the job perfectly. Super easy to set up also! Gets a little warm though… But so does the wyrestorm!
– Leicht zu installieren
– Untersttzt CAT5/CAT6/CAT7 Netzwerk-Kabel
– bertragung von 4K/60Hz ber eine Distanz von bis zu 40 Metern
– Bidirektionaler PoE HDMI Extender
– 600MHz Bandbreite (maximal)
– 6Gbit/s Baudrate
– Gerte werden bei lngerer Verwendung sehr warm
– IR-Steuerung funktioniert hin und wieder nicht einwandfrei
Fazit: Fr einen Preis von 109,99 EUR (Stand: Juli 2021) bekommt ihr hier einen sehr gut verarbeiteten und qualitativ hochwertigen HDMI-Extender, welcher eine hervorragende bertragungsqualitt liefert. Ich finde hier keinerlei Punkte zur Beanstandung. Das Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis stimmt, die Bild- und Tonqualitt welche am Receiver ankommt, hngt natrlich auch von der am Transmitter angeschlossenen Quelle ab. Aber bei einer hochwertigen Bild- und Tonquelle wird auch ber eine groe Distanz eine Top-Qualitt bertragen. Ich bin absolut begeistert von diesem HDMI-Extender und kann ihn daher auch wirklich jedem empfehlen. Ein wirklich tolles Produkt, welches zwar nicht ganz gnstig ist, aber dafr eine echt gute Qualitt liefert.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie meine Rezension gelesen haben.
Wenn Ihnen meine Rezension gefallen hat und diese hilfreich oder ntzlich fr Sie war, wrde ich mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie dies zeigen und auf den Button “Ntzlich” klicken.
Es ermglicht einem ein HDMI Signal ber ein Cat5/6 Kabel zu schicken, dabei wird die Reichweite erhht.
In diesem Fall wird mehr als nur ein HDMI Signal bertragen, dieser Extender baut eine Bidirektionale (Zwei Wege) Verbindung auf und erlaubt es IR Signale und RS232 Signale zu bertragen.
Auerdem bentigt nur ein Gert eine Spannungsversorgung, da das andere ber PoE (Power over Ethernet) versorgt wird.
Videosignale werden bis zu 4K60Hz untersttzt (Die kompletten untersttzen Signale bitte aus der Artikelbeschreibung entnehmen.)
Das EDID kann auf 4K 2K oder auf Copy gestellt werden, dann wird das EDID aus dem angeschlossenen Gert ausgelesen und bernommen.
Die Beiden Gert sind Ultra Flach und sehr klein.
Der Preis mag vllt abschrecken aber die beiden Kstchen sind ihr Geld wert.
+ 4K over Ethernet
+ Bidirektional
+ PoE
+ Positiv
o Neutral
– Negativ
Neben dem wohl offensichtlich hufigsten Einsatzzweck eines solchen HDMI over Ethernet-Extender, nmlich das Bild von berwachungskameras ber groe Distanz zu bertragen, eignet sich der Extender ebenso hervorragend fr meine Heimkino-Belange.
Mit einem normal ausgestatteten Wohnzimmer, und einem Selfmade-Heimkino im Keller, war die Bildbertragung vom Kabel-Receiver, sollte im Keller doch einmal das normale TV-Programm laufen, immer eine richtige Zumutung.
Ein 15m-HDMI-Kabel quer durchs Wohnzimmer, den Treppenabgang hinunter und dann freischwingend an den Beamer zu stecken, hatte schon etwas Abenteuerliches und sah, gelinde gesagt, bescheiden aus.
Jetzt, zur Fuball-EM, kam der Extender gerade richtig, war zumindest mal ein Cat.5e-Kabel unter Putz nach unten gelegt. Die Bildbertragung funktioniert einwandfrei, wenn auch ich nur vom FullHD-Signal sprechen kann, da 4K bei uns noch keinen Einzug gehalten hat.
Das Dolby-Digital-Signal wird ebenfalls problemlos bertrage und die beiden Extender machen schlicht “was sie sollen”
Hier darf bedenkenlos zugegriffen werden.
Wofr braucht man dieses Gert ? Ich kenne bereits berwachungskameras, die ber PoE (Power over Ethernet) diese Technik nutzen, mit der sich die Kameras ber das LAN-Kabel mit Strom versorgen lassen. Um auch in der Wohnung im Idealfall bereits vorhanden Ressourcen zu nutzen, das (doppelte) Verlegen von weiteren HDMI-Kabeln o. Leitungen zu vermeiden und somit vor allem letztlich Zeit und Geld zu sparen, kommt der HDMI Extender ins Spiel. Denn je nach Art und Umfang des Equipments entlastet dieses Gerte-Doppel entsprechend das Budget und kostet selber nicht die Welt. Trotz Apple Airplay & Co. ist nmlich eine physische Verbindung letztlich immer noch die beste Sache, vor allem raumbergreifend
Anwendungsbeispiel: Falls man typischerweise sein Heimkino nicht im Wohnzimmer, sondern im Keller oder einem andern Raum betreibt, reicht es aus, die HDMI-Signale (Bild u. Ton) ber den HDMI-Extender einzuspeisen. Von diesem wird das Ganze dann lediglich ber ein geeignetes Cat-Kabel an den Receiver weitergeleitet, um ber ein dort angeschlossenes HDMI-Kabel die HDMI-Signale verlustfrei an das TV-Gert/ den Beamer zu fhren. Soweit die Theorie.
Auch in der Praxis entpuppt sich das System fr meine Zwecke bislang als zuverlssig. Hochauflsende 1.080p-Signale und selbst knackiges 4K nebst HDR bereiten bislang keine Probleme, wobei auch die mehrkanaligen Tonsignale (lippensynchron) ankommen. Kein Ruckeln, keine Aussetzer, soll soll es sein !
Ob nun vom Blu-Ray-Player, der Konsole, dem PC etc die Signale sauber weitergeleitet bzw. empfangen werden, hngt aber auch von den gewissen Faktoren ab. Bei etwaigen Problemen, sollte man die HDMI-Kabel ggf. austauschen, hierbei haben sich gnstige Strippen nicht als schlecht erwiesen. Wie leistungsstark ist die DSl-Leitung (hier: 50 Mbit/s), sind zeitgleich mehrere Personen im Haushalt im Netz ? Sofern das System ber Powerline-Adapter betrieben wird, also dem Internet ber die Steckdose”, knnte auch hier eine Strquelle ausgemacht werden Aber derartige Probleme mssen nicht auftreten, auf einen Versuch darf man es ruhig ankommen lassen.
Aktuelles Fazit: Sinnvolle Alternative, um mehrere gerate in einem anderen Raum mit HDMI-Signalen versorgen zu knnen. Nicht nur die Leistung desSystems ist berzeugend, auch optisch knnen die kleine Gerte, die einwandfrei verarbeitet sind, sich sehen lassen. Mangels Langzeiterfahrungen gibt es hier aktuelle vier Sterne.
Super einfache Installation.
Server, gaming Rechner und Konsole mit einem kvm switch 8 port HDMI der Firma ezcoo und diesem Produkt einfach im Serverschrank verbaut.
Volle 4K bertragung aller Komponenten.
ber die rs232 Schnitstelle wird der extender und KVM Switch gesteuert.
Super fr selbst gebaute KVM Installationen.
Einfach super Qualitt.
This extender is the only one that works! I’ve tried at least 4 types, including a HDBase-T that cost twice as much, to try extend the 4K UHD out of my Sky Q over a single CAT5e which is about 30m and goes through 2 face plates. It works faultlessly and even extends the Sky Q IR. Having power only at one end is a bonus, receiver does get a bit warm, but I hope these units last a long time, if they do then they can’t be bettered.
This product is a little more expensive than the competition but the key is it works. I tried a couple of the cheaper products and I could not get any decent sing along. I am linking a virgin media box via 20m of CAT5 cabling to a HD TV. Sound and picture quality are first rate.
This is unreal.
I was expecting it to lag behind a bit. However, I barely noticed any latency issue and the picture quality is great.
Excellent product, works great with the new virgin 360 mini box. Haven’t had any issues so far. Only down side it take a little longer to load the picture on the tv but worth while. Quality and sound not effect like a previous model I used.
Only just set telly on wall, is run off same HDMI on Cat 6, with main TV via a HDMI slitter also supplied by Amazon. Really good picture, and no lag between both TV’s sound….
Bit of background. Bought a new build property and installed cat6 throughout the house going to my garage and single sat feeds at multiple points. I’ve got freesat on them sat feeds and decided to go get SkyQ. Knowing the new system requires a different setup than Sky+HD I just thought I’d get a HDMI over IP. I’ve had a couple and they didn’t seem to work that well. I searched around to find 1 that had 4k and had proven to work with SkyQ. I so a review on this and they stated it did so i purchased it. On testing this device before I had sky installed I had it connected to my pc to my cabinet then from cabinet to my main tv which is double the length it was purchased for. Which also did 4K. So I new if I was to upgrade to 4K sky in the future it would work. It connected straight away. Poe between both devices. I’m presuming you can power either the transmitter or receiver with the wall plug and will pass to the other device (not tested. Just have it powered on transmitter) I installed it with the SkyQ as the installer was there and it works flawlessly. SkyQ remote is of the Bluetooth variant as it works through my walls (only a halfway between). Speaking to the installer and they don’t supply the IR version anymore but the installer said if it doesn’t work he would drop 1 off from his house which he has 4. Otherwise you’ll have to look at purchasing 1. Based on my setup working with Bluetooth I haven’t tested the IR capability. But can confirm the SkyQ box detects it fine (settings on the HDMI Over IP set to copy). The pictures are how I’ve got it set up. And works as expected. Please note I’ve tested the receiver (not connected to power) on my POE Switch and it doesn’t power it. I’ve not tested it with an external power as I don’t want to risk frying my POE switch. But I would presume you won’t be able to have it run on a switch.
Does the job. Used to extend sony 4k blue Ray over cat6a 10M with no problems at UHD.
Advised to try a 4K UHD over Ethernet cable system and positive reviews put me to this unit. I’m using an inexpensive 15 meter CAT5E cable (circa 9.99). It’s expensive at 120 (when I purchased anyway) but running cable’s through trunking is a pain to be attempted only once for sanity purposes and I wanted something with good reviews. With this, you get what you pay for. The transmitter is powered, the receiver unit takes it power from the cable. When connected both unit’s display an array of blue LEDs.
Nice touch, it comes with Velcro adhesive pads, which sounds odd but actually is extremely useful when mounting unit securely on say an overhead projector mount – I guess a very common set up for use with this – and how I’m using it.
As you can see from the images, after an agonizing 3 second wait for the input to initialise (my projector has a slight delay whilst it detects the input signal) – it’s delivering 4K into the projector and all the 4K resolution settings are showing up and selectable. I’ve had this projector for over 6 months and this is the first time I’ve managed to get it to display it’s full resolution!!!!
I’ve knocked off one star because it’s 120 so feels pricey really. But I spent the same on a fibre optic HDMI cable that failed to deliver a 4K signal.
This works. If you have my problem described above – buy this. It will fix the problem.
Very easy to install. It works without any setup. The picture quality is fine. Expensive but worth it.
Please bear in mind that this product comes with only one DC adapter and there are two which need power.
Marche beaucoup mieux que les avaccess et la qualit d’image en 4:4:4 est bonne. On identifie vite un voile comme tous les extendeur au niveau du pique
I recently upgraded my HD projector with a 4K model which forced me to replace my old HDMI extender as well as this handled only 1080p. I did a lot of investigation before settling on this model. So far, I have been really impressed. Everything just works out of the box and the picture quality of the 4K images coming through into the projector are excellent. Also, I have not experienced any dropouts to date which the old extender was sometimes prone to. Another thing I like over the old extender is that only one end requires power to the mains. The other can be powered using “poe” via the ethernet cable. Not the cheapest model out there but for me it does everything I want it to. All in all, highly recommended.
I purchased one set of these to use with a 4K projector and was so impressed, I purchased another to use with a 4K TV.
Both sets work over cat5e Ethernet. One total cable length is about 12m, the other is much longer at about 24m. In both instances the Ethernet cables go back to a patch panel from my AV rack and I then used Cat 5e patch leads to link them together. In other words, these are not just single lengths of cable. It also means you can use them with RJ45 sockets.
Initially when I connected up one set (transmitter and receiver) it would not work which led to the discovery that there was a loose twisted pair at one of the RJ45 sockets. The problem disappeared once I fixed this. Incidentally, I found the LEDs particularly helpful to confirm whether signals were actually being sent / received between the units but they can be a bit distracting in a darkened room (they cannot be turned off).
Although the units look identical, one is marked ‘transmitter’ and the other ‘receiver’ in very small writing, so don’t make my mistake of connecting them up the wrong way round.
As other reviewers have stated, both units run surprisingly hot.
The IR emitter and receivers also work well, albeit they are not marked up so you have to guess which one transmits (it’s the bigger one) and which one receives (the smaller teardrop-shaped one).
It’s a pity there is no audio return channel (ARC). It seems that Ezcoo does make a more expensive unit that includes this function but it only appears to be on sale in the USA. Also, if you mount the unit using the supplied self-adhesive Velcro pads or the supplied brackets and screws, it’s impossible to disconnect the Ethernet cables without dismounting the units because the spring clips used to secure the cables aren’t accessible. Ezcoo could easily fix this if they manufactured the units so the Ethernet ports were flipped 180 degrees. Also the self adhesive pads used to secure the IR transmitters are not strong enough and mine soon fell off.
Another thing I would like to have seen is the ability to connect a 12v trigger in order to turn on the units remotely rather than being left ‘on’ all the time. I suppose I could fix this with a smart plug but that’s yet another command I’d need to explain to the family in what is already a complex setup!
Excellent product. Easily upgraded existing 1080p extender for Sky Q UHD. Supports 2160p 10-bit.
Receiver is powered over Ethernet, so make sure you have both ends setup before applying power.
One slight downside is that you briefly see some TV static noise on a resolution change, when launching Netflix etc. Maybe this is a feature but would prefer a black screen.
Brilliant product, be careful to get a good quality Ethernet cables (4K appeared to only work on premium cables).
We are using this in our edit suites to push the content around our display network.
Great product, very simple set up. Have only set up this afternoon to replace a 15m hdmi cable buried in the ceiling. Works perfectly so far, no issues. get 4k60hz and HDR via the cat5e ethernet cable from PS4 pro to projector via an Amp.
Well made product, worked first time, only 1 power unit required and can be fixed behind TV. would recommend this produc
Turns out for a PS4 pro wall mounting wasn’t a good idea when under load it’s a jet engine taking off.
Wasn’t taking this chance for the PS5 so as I had no HDMI ports available this seemed like the obvious choice.
These little devices are gold, I have zero input lag on PS5 running 4K HDR at 60fps. 10m CAT5 cable.
Totally plug and play no set up or additional configuration required.
Worked instantly and had no issues on a 7m run of CAT6 cable, most units can’t cope with short runs normally has to be over 20m to work. Very pleased and tried lots of other makes before. Will order again for next job.