HEYSTOP Case Compatible with Nintendo Switch Dockable Clear Protective Case Cover Compatible with Nintendo Switch and Controller with a Switch Tempered Glass Screen Protector and Thumb Stick Caps

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Fit In The DockAllowing docking in the dock station,Hard Shell Case can be put into the dock and no need to frequently to put on and take off the case. | Fit Most Carry CaseThe Clear Hard Case fit in 99% Console Carry Case.Carry Case is not included! | Easy AccessThe perfectly aligned cutouts ensure full access to all buttons & ports. |

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Full ProtectionThis hard case gives full protection for the main console, perfectly protect your device from everyday drops, shocks, bumps, scratches. | Multi-layer protectionA dedicated protective cover that uses PC material with excellent transparency, impact resistance, heat resistance, flame resistance and dimensional stability. | Ergonomic DesignFriendly palms back curve as well as the modest hardness can provide you a great holding feeling and improve your game experience. |

Dimensions: | 18 x 11 x 3 cm; 109 Grams |
Model: | Case-clear |
Manufacture: | HEYSTOP |
Origin: | China |
I would definitely recommend this to protect your child’s Nintendo!
Nachdem ich die Nintendo Switch 2x in die Docking-Station rein & raus gesteckt hatte, war mir schnell klar, ein Kratz-Schutz muss her! Nach durchforsten unzhliger Produkte sowie Rezessionen entschied ich mich fr dieses Produkt.
Die Passform des Schutzcases fr Konsole, sowie die der Joycons ist absolut Top. Kein wackeln, kein Quetschen.
Die Thumbstick-Gummis passen ebenfalls eins A!
Nun zum beiliegenden Displayschutz.(Dazu muss ich sagen, dass ich mir zustzlich ein anderes Displayglas bestellt habe & mir primr, lediglich der Schutz der Konsole sowie der Joycons wichtig war.)
Display Schutzfolie/Glas hatte leider 2 Macken, sowie eine Ecke, die leider nicht komplett hlt.(siehe Fotos)
Ich bin gebt, im Anbringen von Displayglas/Folien & muss sagen, dass das leider der einzige Negativpunkt ist, den ich hier einbringen muss.
Die Konsole, lsst sich mit Backcover auch gut in die Station einfhren.(siehe Video) Abschlieend, bin ich fr das Geld, dennoch zufrieden. 🙂
Easy to fit, looks great and comfy to hold. My son loves it and his friend wants one!
This is brilliant value for money and makes your switch look like new and well protected. I like that it still fits the holder when when the case is on. Would definitely recommend and to top it off it came super quick.
Presto per conclusioni, aggiunger tra qualche tempo.
Really good case good fit and good protection very good value
La funda encaja bien. La funda de los mandos es ideal. Lo nico es que ya no encajan los mandos en ciertos accesorios ( en la switch sin problema alguno).
Los grips son muy difciles de encajar en el joystick y son demasiado altos. Al menos para mis manos, que son pequeas, no me parecen nada cmodos.
Al menos funciona lo que quera del kit. Que son las fundas y el protector de pantalla. As que yo lo recomiendo. Sobre todo en relacin calidad/precio
Very easy to fit protection for your Nintendo Switch. Crystal clear case has a nice geometric pattern on the back piece. The case comes I six pieces and snaps together around the Switch. It is in three pieces when fitted which aids easy removal of the joy con controllers. There is a cut out in the case at the back to enable use of the rear kick stand. Please be aware that if you plan to use the joy cons fitted to the controller you will have to remove the casing otherwise they won’t fit. The kit also comes with a tempered glass screen guard. Three sets of joy stick covers are provided. One set of clear, neon blue, neon coral.
Very easy to fit kit. Excellent value for money.
Cant fault it, happy with my purchase and saves having to replace the switch if accidentally dropped. Worth getting.
The joy pad front covers pop of regular but otherwise the rest is great, worth the money. Just what is expected
Would defo recommend, so easy to put on , soft but firm to hold and it looks great too!
This is a great product , easy to install and offers great protection all round for my Nintendo Switch
Good quality, easy to put and take off. Provides good protection all around and looks good
Allow full functionality of joy cons
There are great! Although I have never seen the switch being dropped, I’m sure it has. It’s still in working order.
Good sturdy case. Great for gaming on the go and for when the kids want to play.
Looks lovely on the switch. good quality and doesn’t take away from the aesthetic of the console
Very pleased with item dues what it supposed to do
This is a really good product especially when my son likes to drop everything.
The only problem I have is that when you put on the case on the controllers you cant charge it and it is quite tiring having to take it off and then put it back on, but overall I love it.
So happy with my purchase, so glad I bought it.
Very happy with this product. My son loves it and finds holding the switch easier.
Would definitely recommend getting this to anyone with a switch comes with 3 seta of toggle covers also, you have to take the joycons out of protector to put them In wheels but wouldn’t class this as a downside as they are so easy to get off and put back o
Fantastic product, fits well, looks cool, sturdy and does a great job at protection. Recommended.
Sturdy protection…good material…easy to install on the switch…no issues!!!
Super easy to add to the switch and it’s controllers, and it hasn’t slipped or anything, I’m sure that it’ll protect it nicely. No complaints to make. Also, the clear one is practically invisible, you can barley tell that it’s there.
This product is perfect for the switch. It’s what I was looking for especially with 2 young children!!
Definitely recommend it to other people.
he case is very sturdy and protective, looks pretty and isn’t too thick. docks easily and makes me feel like my switch is safe at all times.
Good product, it has it all like good sturdiness, proper thickness and it’s easy to hold.
Perfect bundle. Comes with everything you need to protect your switch. Back case, joycon front&back, screen protector & 3 sets of thumb grips. Joycons can be taken off without having to take out the cases. Fits in the charging Dock with the case on which is great.
El primer punto a objetar es que, si bien los Joy-Con quedan protegidos, cuando quiero jugar con ellos tipo mando (con el adaptador bsico que trae la Switch) entonces hay que quitar las fundas, ya que si no no caben. Como suelo usarlo bastante he preferido quitar las fundas de los Joy-Con. Del paquete inicial slo uso la funda de la Switch y el protector de pantalla.
El 2 “pero” es que, es cierto que la Switch cabe en el dock, aunque un peln a presin. No s si eso a la larga es lo mejor para la consola.
Great quality product. Fits perfectly. And much safer for use by childre
Seems great I’ve had no complaints from my little one or my husband!!
Die Hlle ist aus Kunststoff und wird vermutlich einen Sturz nicht berleben, aber letztendlich soll ja auch die Konsole unbeschadet bleiben und fr 10 Euro finde ich das Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis vllig okay. Ich wrde sie wieder kaufen.
Highly recommend for any parents wanting to keep their kids switch in tip top condition!!! This thing is sturdy but not bulky, I wouldnt let them play it without i
Found it to be exactly what I was looking for and also came early and well wraped
Fits easily and tightly, provides great protection from drops, spills and any other accidents. Easy to hold, easy to clean and great value for money. Would definitely recommend.
Having a 3 year old playing with the switch this is a great case for protection.i don’t now how many time he has drop the console and is perfec
Great product and now we have peace of mind our rascals cant break this!
Despite being largely good and almost certainly one of the best products of its type – ie a full body hard shell – it has two unbelievably frustrating flaws.
The first it that the plastic shell is so tight around the joycon release buttons that they are almost impossible to press with adult fingers. I have very normal sized hands and have to get my kid to take the joycons off if we want to play some Mario Kart etc.
Secondly, the plastic is so thick on the shell that it renders the height of the buttons to almost zero when installed. This makes precision games – like a super expert run on Mario Maker 2 – near impossible because it becomes incredibly difficult to feather the buttons. This applies to both the face buttons and the trigger buttons. The L and R buttons are almost impossible to press in a hurry.
I now take the front plastic joycon plates off when I’m playing now, but obviously that’s a compromise as I’m wearing away the joycon plastic.
This could be easily remedied by having a scalloped area around the buttons. So maybe something for the designers to think about when they produce V2 of this.
Good investment accidents happen with kids dropping things it does the job
3 kleine Mankos htte ich allerdings:
– Das Zubehr der Folie, zum reinigen des Displays; Das feuchte” Reinigungstuch kam leider komplett trocken aus der geschlossenen Verpackung (vielleicht war hier zufllig ein Loch in der Verpackung oder so), hatte noch ein anderes Reinigungstuch rumliegen, war also nicht so das Problem.
– Der Dust Sticker zum entfernen von kleinen Staubkrnern von Display klebt viel zu stark und hinterlsst blo beim leichten benutzen Klebereste auf dem Display die man dann erstmal wieder mit dem Reinigungstuch mit Kraftaufwand wegrubbeln muss… Da wrde auch ein kleinerer Sticker, der nicht so stark klebt, ausreichen
– Es lassen sich alle Knpfe gut drcken bis auf den Minus Knopf, mit langen Ngeln oder kleinen Fingern ist das kein Problem aber bei greren Hnden kann ich mir das schwierig vorstellen, man knnte die Aussparung vielleicht einen Tick grer gestalten 🙂
Ansonsten bin ich bisher voll zufrieden, vorallem das Design der Rckseite gefllt mir besonders gut.
Die Switch passt jetzt auch gut ins Dock rein und wackelt” nicht mehr da drin herum ^^
Snaps to the Switch easily. It does make it easier to hold and the screen protector is very easy to install. Would buy this agai
Everyone loves to whinge, there’s nothing wrong with this case. I upgraded from the switch lite and found that shock proof cases are hard to find. I bought this despite some people writing bad reviews and I’m glad I did. For the price it’s absolutely excellent. It hugs the switch perfect doesn’t move around. Still able to use the joy con’s and it is still dock able and don’t have to force it into the docking station. It also comes with 6 thumb caps and a tempered glass it’s a bargai
Looks nice adds a layer of protection
Makes it slightly harder to Dock the switch
But is do able
Really impressed with this case, it looks great on, feels durable and sturdy when playing. Fab quality. Ordered a second one for the other switch in the household. Highly recommend.
Really good case does what it says and not had a problem with it.
Das Panzerglas ist stabil und einfach anzubringen, genau wie der Rest auch.
Beim Spielen fhlt es sich gut in der Hand an.
Allerdings was Abzug der Sterne bringt ist:
Ja es passt so in die Dock aber nur mit Nachdruck. Und genau das Strt. Denn wenn man da dann falsch nach drckt kann natrlich auch fix mal der USB Anschlu der Dock oder der Switch kaputt gehen, was ein teurer Spa wre.
Auch einfach raus nehmen aus der Dock ist nicht mehr, da es nun alles sehr eng ist.
Hatte die Hlle geholt wegen meinen Kids. Aber so bringt es leider nichts. Denn die Kids knnen nun nicht mehr die Switch bedenkenlos mal aus der Dock holen oder aber rein tun.
Man msste sie somit stndig anbringen + entfernen..
Die Schutzfolie fr den Display ist GENIAL. Lsst sich einfach anbringen, und keine Ahnung wie, aber Luftblasen verschwinden, wenn man den mitgelieferten Aufkleber kurzzeitig auf die Lustblasen klebt. Toll.
Suite a l’achat d’une Nintendo switch pour mes enfants il me fallait absolument trouver une protection pour viter la casse.
mon attention c’est porter sur ce produit et je n’en suis pas du tout du.
la boite comprend une protection cran en verre tremp ainsi que une coque pour l arrire et cot de la console et des protections pour les deux Joycons.
la mise en place est d’une facilit dconcertante et le produit respire la qualit.
j’ai mme pu voir une chute en live et la console est rester en parfait tat de marche.
Je recommande ce produit a tout ceux qui cherche une protection durable et surtout a ne pas de voir racheter une console trop vite.
Facilit de mise en place
Pack trs complet vitre + protection
Prix abordable
Pas de dfaut pour ma part
N’hsitez pas a me dire si ce commentaire est utile
La nica pega que le pongo es que los bordes de la funda que quedan por la parte delantera de la nintendo son un poco afilados, y a lo mejor al meter la funda me han rascado un poco la carcasa. Pero ya digo que quiz los microscpicos araazos que tiene no hayan sido por la funda, aunque como est un poco afilado y yo al principio no lo saba, es algo probable.
Muy recomendada.
Purchased this for my sons switch. No issues at all works very well and protecting his screen at the same time.
Really good does what it says easy to fit and can stay on while charging.
No longer afraid of DS dropping his expensive Xmas gift. Easy to fit and very sturdy. Also fits neatly in the case I purchased. No issues with use of controllers.
It’s nice to see that this case has been revised to allow the Switch to be docked without the necessity to remove the console case.
Good quality case but you have to take the joy con covers off to put into the pad. Handy for when travelling thought to keep it safe
Great product, easy to fit and slots in to the dock without having to remove the case!
The product is great I can relax now about my son bring so clumsy…. fast delivery no problems at all!
Excellent product does the job and really good value for money.
Really good.. plus it comes with a warranty for 3 months & it’s on amazon prime!!!
My only complaint is docking the Switch with the case and screen protector on is VERY snug. You have to push it down onto the USB-C connector and hold onto the dock when removing the Switch or else you will lift it up along with it. But the fact that it is dockable at all is great so still a solid 5 stars.
It is perfect full 360 protection a must buy highly recommended thank you amazing case
Ho preso questo kit perch aveva un design e un prezzo che mi attirava molto.
Il kit davvero completo:
Ci sono i gusci in plexiglass per il corpo centrale che ha il retro lavorato a mo’ di diamante, davanti in vece va il vetro temperato che ha il suo kit per l’installazione nonch gli accessori per la pulizia del vetro prima dell’applicazione.
Anche i controller hanno il loro guscio di plastica trasparente sia per la parte frontale che per quella posteriore, in pi ci sono dei piccoli gusci in silicone con i colori dei joystick per le due levette possibile scegliere anche in base al tipo di grip desiderato.
Davvero un set completo d’obbligo per proteggere al meglio la propria nintendo switch.
Product enables to hold the Nintendo switch at lot more ease
My son able to hold it with confide
This fit on the switch well it does make docking a little more difficult but once you get the knack it’s alright just a little tighter fi
Received this morning…. I like the look of the 3D style plastic back protector. However the right joycon plastic surround is not tight to the controller and It give the feeling that the controller is lose, which ruins play. The left joycon is fine.. Poor quality control
Console bien protge et joycon prservs grce aux encoches prvus cet effet. De quoi abriter “quelques” cartouches tout en protgeant l’cran. J’aime particulirement le compartiment avec filet. Il accueille le Play stand Hori, les dragonnes, mes couteurs de une chiffonnette micro-fibres. On pourrait y loger le chargeur mais il est tout de mme un peu volumineux et pourrait exercer une pression sur la console. Je prvois cependant d’acqurir une batterie externe qui, elle logera sans le moindre problme.
En rsum :
+ L’espace et la capacit en cartouches
+ La solidit
+ Les finitions
+ Le maintien de la console
+ Le rapport qualit/prix
– L’odeur au dballage qui ne plaira pas tout le monde (s’amenuise avec le temps).
– Difficile de retirer la console naturellement (prvoyez un petit ruban poser au fond pour tirer et le tour est jou).
The clear case is good quality and protect my phone well. Glad to buy.
Les plus :
– joy-cons : les coques de protection s’adaptent parfaitement aux manettes et le plastique semble rsistant ( voir aprs chute),
– switch : le dos de la console est bien protg des rayures et le rend moins classique ! La coque s’adapte bien (emplacement ventilateurs, jack, cartouche, usb,) et ne gne pas l’insertion dans le dock d’accueil contrairement certains commentaires (voir photo),
– les grip-pouce sont sympas mais je n’utilise que les transparents (les plus fins) pour des raisons pratiques,
– le verre de protection s’adapte parfaitement et vite le capteur de luminosit.
Les moins :
– On doit enlever les protections des Joy-con pour pouvoir les insrer dans le Comfort-Gripdommage car cela rend leur utilisation bien moins pratique,
– la prsence des deux tampons en caoutchouc dans le dock laisse des traces sur le verre tremp d l’paisseur supplmentaire appliqu par ce dernierrien de grave,
– le plastique laisse des traces de doigts (uniquement visible sur les joy-cons),
– le pouce-grip transparent est en plastique dur contrairement ceux de couleurs, cela le rend plus rsistant mais moins agrable au touch (c’est une affaire de got).
Je recommande ce produit qui est un bon rapport qualit prix !
Assez souple, tout en tant cobuste pour encaisser mes chocs (meme si faut pas pousser, vaux mieux viter de la faire tomber la console..)
Cette coque prend malheureusement trop les traces de doigts…
Bon point, possibilit d’enlever les deux Joycons tout en aillant la totalit de la console sous protection
Points ngatifs:
-Alourdie pas mal la console
-Trace de doigts trs visible
-Impossibilit de mettre la console dans le socle TV avec cette coque (mais ca parrait normal hein)