Honeywell QuietSet Tower (8 Speed Settings, Oscillating 80°, Timer Function, Remote Control, Dimming Options) HYF29

Weight: | 4 kg |
Dimensions: | 20.9 x 27.3 x 83.4 cm; 4 Kilograms |
Model: | HYF290E |
Part: | HYF290E |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | Alkaline |
Manufacture: | Honeywell |
Colour: | Black |
Quantity: | 1 |
Nice and quiet, easy to assemble, worked well from the box. Only negative point, instructions mention on web site batteries included. No they are not.luckily had some i could use. Other good point, it nice looking, and quieter than my old Dyson. Also a lot cheaper than Dyson. Though not quite as powerful as the Dyson.
So one star off for the lack of batteries.
Ideal fan for overnight. Keeps cool and is very quiet. Noise from fans really frustrates me but I can leave this on level 2 of the settings and I can still sleep through it. Can’t recommend enough and great value.
sleep timer is superb. various speed settings and the side to side rotation helps cool the room. iv used it every night since i opened it.
This is great nice and quiet – gets louder as you turn it up, one flaw though is the sleep mode light, you set this on the fan not the remote control so if you are in bed with the fan lights off as soon as you change the speed the lights come on again and you can’t dim it through the control so have to get up out of bed again to dim the lights, have to do this each time you change the speed. Otherwise great fan lots of speeds and fairly quiet for sleeping
I have been trying to survive the intermittent city heatwaves with a large floor fan, which does the job but sounds like a tornado is raging through my house. It’s not compatible with things like watching movies or using Discord due to the noise, so in desperation I went looking for something else. A pedestal fan would take up too much space out of season, another normal fan would probably have a similar problem and an air conditioner would be too much effort. I ended up browsing the range of Honeywell tower fans and picked this one (more because it had the fastest delivery time than anything else).
It’s not completely silent – it sounds a bit like a fridge – but it’s more than quiet enough to leave running in the background when it’s blowing at the highest setting. My gaming buddies have no idea that I have the fan on while I’m on voice chat and I’m lovely and cool the whole time! I have no idea what the other reviews are talking about because mine doesn’t rattle or click. Setting it up took a couple of minutes. It’s very tall but skinny enough that it can be stowed in a cupboard once the weather cools down.
I’d like it more if it integrated with HomeKit but I guess that’s a way off in some future model, and the included remote control does the job well enough. It makes my room feel less hot without making too much noise. Fully satisfied.
Got this fan as a second option and wish I’d got this to start. Great product and quiet enough to leave on all night in the bedroom.
It’s not an AC so if you want cool (ish) air we put ours with the back to the window so we had some cool air blowing around the room. We have indoor cats so can’t fully open the windows so it’s great for us.
So i saw many reviews about many fans but this one caught my eye!! I dont know why some people gave this a bad review when honestly its quite the opposite, the 8 mode are really the best part of this fan, im from a really hot country in the middle east and it important to have air conditioning everywhere!! so it really important to me to find a good fan that is quiet and has good air circulation, this fan is compared to air conditioner to be honest , You should buy this!! Believe me it is worth it, for the hot waves in the UK.
Updated review. Seller has sent the adaptor needed to use the fan. Not got to grips with all the functions yet but at least it is working now 🙂
As described by seller. It is quite quiet between 1 to 6 settings which is normal as obviously full power will generate a louder noise. The remote is very basic and looks cheap. Overall, no issue and it does the job.
This is quiet if u need the breeze & no noise
Bought this during heatwave earlier this year. Excellent product although can be noisy on highest setting but I would still recommend
In the kitchen during the hot weather was a dream.
The fan was very quiet but at same time cooling. Overall it is very effective
Great fan, very quiet, small footprint, does the job very well.
Easy to assemble and looks so much better than the old round standard fans.
It sits in the corner taking up little room and with the remote you can swivel and set the fan speed sat comfortably in your office chair. Very quiet which is great when conference calling so I highly recommend it.
Very quiet.. far quieter than our 350 Dyson for a 5th of price…. love night 4 stage dimmer feature… but v quiet is main thing for speed it’s at…
The fan is exactly what I required. Something quiet and actually provided cooling. The many levels of power are great. I dont even need to have it half way. Great item I will probably be buying a second one
Bought during the heat wave in London and its amazing. Its quite tall and sturdy. Only problem how I wish the product had a wheel at the bottom. We only bought one but had to shift it from one room to another. A wheel with a lock would hv made it a lot easier.
For the money you would have thought they could have thrown in 2 aaa batteries for the remote! But an excellent quiet fan which is what I wanted for use during the night without paying the silly price of a dyson. The remote a benefit but a shame the ability to turn off the background light display is not on it as using the fan during the night means you either have to get up to turn lighting off or put up with i
On s’est fait livr 3 fois le mme produit car il y avait la canicule et nous avions fort besoin. C’est le service aprs-vente efficace et ractif d’Amazon qui a facilit le remplacement rapide et les retours de ce produit. Le problme avec ce modle est le support qui arrive en deux morceaux clipser ensemble pour faire un support rond, sauf la partie qui se clipse est beaucoup trop petite, faible et de moyenne qualit donc ne restait pas ensemble pour supporter le poids de la colonne tournante (la partie lourde donc il est important que le support soit solide). Le 2e retour tait d la livraison probablement car le produit est livr dans sa boite d’origine de vente, aucune protection supplmentaire donc le produit est la merci de toute personne qui le touche ds son expdition d’entrept d’Amazon. L’emballage de Honeywell est bien et suffisant, mais rien ne protge le ventilateur s’il tombe dans les mains d’un livreur qui ne prend pas soin en le manipulant. Il faut comprendre que ce modle fait “bouger” l’air existante; s’il fait trs chaud, l’air est forcment trs chaude, donc il ne faut pas attendre que le ventilateur soit rafrachissante. Il est plus silencieux qu’un ventilateur traditional qui est trs bruyant mais fait circuler moins bien l’air par consquent. On cherchait un ventilateur qui pouvait tourner toute la journe, surtout la nuit quand la chaleur tait particulirement touffante dans la chambre sans que le bruit du ventilateur nous empche trop de dormir. Il a remplit nos attentes sauf on tait tonn par la qualit moyenne du support pour y poser la colonne centrale dessus. Nous avions le souci que la colonne allait tombe par terre, surtout en mode tournante. Nous esprons que ce 3e ventilateur serait le dernier. On verra….
Happy with this fan, cools the room well. Quiet. I would actually say it cools better than my Dyson fan.
Brilliant fan nice and quiet on sleep mode and very powerfull when set to full power, nice and cool for this hot weather. Easy to assemble the base and then just plug in and play.
Honestly was in two minds about buying after reading all the reviews but this is an excellent tower fan. I’ve got 2 and can report it’s very efficient and super quiet. The build quality is good but won’t win any luxury design awards. It also really doesn’t matter that it is a licensed product rather than built by Honeywell themselves – so are iPhones!
Nice quite tower fan when its on sleep mode I’m a light sleeper so this works good for me as I can leave it running all night without it disturbing me if i decide its a bit chilly in the early hours the remote control saves me getting up on the higher settings it gets the airflow easily across a room of 4m – 6m
Quite,good build quality, lots of fan levels and good circulatio
Very stylish and sleek fan. Fits perfectly in my bedroom and the night mode creates minimal noise while still providing adequate air circulation and cooling.
Au niveau de sa capacit de ventilation, je n’ai rien redire. L’espace dans lequel je souhaite faire circuler l’air fait peu prs 15m, et il est globalement suffisant. Je doute par contre que dans un espace plus grand, il soit possible de profiter des modes de ventilation silencieux puisque ces derniers, pour tre silencieux, ventilent forcment moins fortement. Des amis de passage ont dormi avec en le mettant en mode nuit et l’ont galement trouv efficace.
A celles et ceux qui se poseraient la question, il ne faut pas attendre d’un ventilateur colonne qu’il soit aussi performant qu’un ventilateur pales. Celui-ci ne fait pas exception puisqu’ pleine puissance il atteint une force de ventilation similaire une puissance moyenne sur un ventilateur pales. Son grand atout rside donc dans le fait qu’il propose des modes silencieux pour en profiter galement de nuit ou devant un film.
Je ne met que 4 toiles et non 5 car j’ai relev deux gros dfauts.
Le premier est le plastique employ pour le fabriquer. Il est extrmement cheap, et il sent le plastique bas de gamme (mme aprs une anne passe en dehors de sa boite d’emballage !). Au prix o il est vendu, un petit effort sur ce point n’aurait pas t malvenu.
Le second point qui me pose problme, c’est la tlcommande. Elle fonctionne, mais il s’agit d’une tlcommande infrarouge. il vous faut donc tre en face du rcepteur pour que le ventilateur fasse ce qui lui est demand, un peu comme les vieilles tls cathodiques d’il y a 25 ans ! Ce point contribue malheureusement l’impression de cheap qui ressort de ce ventilateur.
Pour rsumer, je dirais que si vous cherchez un ventilateur pour mieux supporter la chaleur la nuit, celui-ci est fait pou vous puisqu’il est conu pour a et si vous cherchez un ventilateur pour faire circuler l’air dans une pice, il faut que la pice ne soit pas trop grande. Dans les autres cas d’usage, prfrez un ventilateur pales ou un plafonnier pour tre pleinement satisfaits.
Pour information, il existe une version moins puissante de ce ventilateur, le HYF260E4, qui est aussi moins chre et qui devrait suffire pour une chambre. Je rflchis acheter un second ventilateur, et je pense prendre cette version.
Very good fan can’t go wrong, good for an office or small bedroom circulates air well.
The fan is quiet and efficient . However the instructions are not abundantly clear and the motor / fan section seems top heavy
Finally a relief to sleepless nights in my stuffy unbearable flat bedroom. Was apprehensive this would keep me awake but it is super quiet, the remote is incredibly useful and the timer works great to avoid excess power wastage.
The fan does build up quite a bit of dust over time which limits its effectiveness at pushing the air around but It’s very easy to remove the front and get the vacuum cleaner in. The white glossy plastics look high quality and the lead is a good length (though this will depend on plug placement).
The height adjustment works great and locks in reassuringly, this really comes into its own when you’re using it in bed as the air can be concentrated down towards you instead of being wasted above you.
Well worth the price tag and have faith this will keep me cool for many sticky summers to come in the future.
Top quality which can’t be compared to the supermarket own brand products!
This is the real thing! Top quality.
Lovely quiet fan. Lowest setting is very quiet and perfect for sleeping
This is a great product it works well and it’s very quie
very quiet easy to assemble great to use with remote
For use in bedroom, on low setting very nice and quie
We have used this fan at the bottom of or kingsize bed every night since we bought it on the lowest setting and it is great – would not be without it now. I also like the handy remote control but I wish the start button was raised slightly so it would be easier to find in the dark, but no big deal.
Bought for use in bedroom. Fan is super quiet on low setting with plenty of flow. All our other fans now sound terrible.
Used this for the first time last night in the bedroom. It was easy to assemble and certainly helped with sleep. It is not silent (no fan is), but on the lowest fan speed it wasn’t too bad. It made a typical ‘swishing’ sound but no annoying rattles and we got used to it. I solved the problem raised by other reviewers that the display lights on the top are bright, by balancing a 5 to 6 ” diameter round biscuit tin lid on the top. As the top is slanting, provided the tin lid has a lip on it, it will stay in place. Operation of the remote wasnt affected
Celui-ci tient toutes ses promesses.
A son arrive, il suffit de 2 minutes pour monter le pied et fixer le tout ensemble. Ensuite, il n’y a plus qu’ profiter.
Ses 8 niveaux de puissance permettent vraiment de choisir l’intensit ncessaire.
Au dmarrage, il se lance toujours au maximum (juste une seconde), histoire de se dbarrasser des ventuelles poussires, avant de revenir au niveau de puissance utilis lors de la dernire utilisation.
Notez qu’il se remettra en mode par dfaut ( savoir le niveau minimum) si vous le changez de prise.
Quelque soit le niveau de puissance, je le trouve trs silencieux par rapport d’autres ventilateurs.
Il ne drange absolument pas la nuit, ni ct bruit, ni ct luminosit.
S’il est dot d’un cran clair, la possibilit d’en rgler la luminosit, voire de l’teindre compltement, est trs pratique.
Seul bmol : la luminosit se remet au max si vous changer la vitesse ou l’oscillation. Il faut alors de nouveau appuyer sur le bouton de luminosit, qui est le seul ne pas tre prsent sur la tlcommande. Dommage.
Ct oscillation, il couvre une large zone avec ses 80 de rotation.
a aurait t vraiment parfait si on pouvait rgler cet angle, mais je ne sais pas si c’est faisable.
Je n’ai personnellement pas d’utilit de la fonction minuterie, mais je trouve bien qu’elle soit prsente et qu’elle laisse le choix entre 1, 2, 4 ou 8 heures.
Avec ses 4kg, il est un peu plus lourd que certains concurrents mais se dplace nanmoins facilement en le prenant par l’encoche prvue l’arrire.
Attention cependant ne pas faire tomber la tlcommande au passage (oui, a m’est arrive), car celle-ci se range dans le mme renfoncement.
Ladite tlcommande fonctionne trs bien et permet aisment d’allumer/teindre l’appareil, de contrler le niveau de puissance et d’activer/dsactiver l’oscillation.
La luminosit et la minuterie ne sont rglables que sur l’appareil directement.
Mon seul regret sur ce produit concerne le rglage du niveau de puissance : avec 8 niveaux diffrents, j’aurai apprci avoir 2 boutons + ou – pour rgler l’intensit (au lieu de pouvoir seulement l’augmenter). C’est inutilement fastidieux de devoir appuyer 7 fois pour descendre d’un cran.
Gekauftes Modell: Honeywell Black HYF290E4 Quiet-Set Turmventilator (mit Fernbedienung)
Also sorry, was haben hier Manche fr Probleme mit der Lautstrke???
Es ist ein Lfter, klar hrt man den, aber sorry, selbst auf Stufe 8/8 ist’s gerade mal so laut” wie das Bltterrascheln in lauen Sommerbrisen. Die Gerusche drauen selbst sind lauter als dieser Ventilator. Auf Stufen 1-4 hrt man ihn fast garnicht.
Wer mir wei machen will, dabei knnte man nicht einschlafen (auch bei Stufe 8), wird wohl auch alle Fenster geschlossen haben. 😉
Und tagsber strt das ja noch weniger, auch, wenn nebenbei ein Film oder TV luft nicht.
Zur Fernbedienung:
Sternabzug, dass man keine Batterien beilegt und der Knopf fr die Beleuchtung fehlt. Sonst tut sie was sie soll, auch wenn sie zu sehr zielgerichtet werden muss.
Zur Belftung selbst:
Man merkt alle Stufen bis etwa 2-2,5 Meter, weiter weg auch, aber wesentlich schwcher. Aber das soll dieser Ventilator auch: nur die Raumluft leicht zirkulieren lassen und Subjekte in unmittelbarer Nhe Luftste bringen. Man kann den Ventilator im Winkel rotieren lassen oder in eine fixe Position/Stellung bringen. Die Winde sind keineswegs stark, aber im Prinzip wie diese sachten lauen erfrischenden Windben im Sommer. Das reicht mMn aus. Wer strkere Luftstrme mchte, sollte sonst zu Standventilatoren mit den groen Rotorblttern greifen als zu einem Silence Turmventilator.
Schwer ist der Turmventilator wahrlich nicht, sieht gut aus und nimmt kaum mehr als ein etwas grerer mittlerer Blumentopf in der Flche ein.
Von Vorteil finde ich den Sockel (der leider nur aus Plastik ist), der den Ventilator auf eine angenehme Sitzhhe hievt.
Tipp hier: nicht auf Gut Glck zusammenbauen, schaut kurz in die beigefgte Anleitung. Hab mich durch den roten Fixierungsring echt bld angestellt xD
Der Sockel ist insofern von Vorteil, dass er selbst gengend Fixierungsmglichkeiten fr das Kabel hergibt und verstaut. Vielleicht stell ich sogar meinen einen Echo Plus da rein, das spart zustzlich Platz, wertet den Ventilator auf und mit meinem separaten anlernbaren IR-Sender/-Empfnger (IR to ZigBee), werde ich den Ventilator wohl sogar in mein Smarthome-Netz integrieren knnen. Auch Liese sich darin eine LED-Kette unterbringen und der Ventilator knnte noch zustzlich als Lampe dienen.
Wer Vibrierungen hrt, sollte die beiden Schrauben fester anziehen oder gummierte Unterlegscheiben darunter machen. Ebenso den roten/orangenen Fixierungsring des Ventilators fest anziehen. Und fr Laminat-/Parkett-/Flie-Bden, macht ne runde Scheibe dnnen Kork oder Vlies/Filz/Teppich drunter. Dann sind keine Vibrationen mehr wahrnehmbar, zudem lie sich der Ventilator dann auch ber den Boden schieben.
Zum Geruch: ganz klassischer Plastik-Chemie-Geruch eines Neugertes beim Auspacken und Erstbetrieb/First Light. Der legt sich aber recht schnell mit der Nutzung.
Getestet an 25-38C-Tagen. Kann mir vorstellen, zwei davon frs Wohnzimmer und einen frs Schlafzimmer zu holen.
Langzeit-Erfahrungen fehlen natrlich noch.
Also ehrlich, kA, warum so viele — mMn zu viele — wegen jedem Furz herumjammern, das Teil macht was es soll und das gut. Bedenkt auch, dass es ein Ventilator ist, der auf Silence-Betrieb getrimmt ist. Das macht er ganz gut, kann daher aber natrlich selbstredend nicht mit lauteren Ventilatoren mithalten, die folglich wesentlich strker bzw. punktuell groflchiger lften. Ich bin jedenfalls bis jetzt zufrieden.
Einzig die Plastikteile knnten mit der nchsten Revision verbessert werden, ggf. wie gebrstetes Aluminium (von der Oberflchenstruktur). Vlt. foliere oder besprhe / coate ich die Oberflche noch matt. Ich bin nicht so der Fan von Plastikoptik bei einigen Bauteilen.
Love this fan. Bought 2 years ago- which reviews voted it better than the dyson cool in terms of noise, coolness and user practicality. Also way cheaper. Happy with it. Will likely buy another this summe
Best fan I’ve had and super quiet, not like the cheap white standing fans I’ve had in the past. Easy to store. So good, that I have two!
The only downside (and I am only nit picking) is that you cannot set the timer from the remote control.
Perfect in every way!
– Easy to assemble
– As quiet as a mouse breathing
– Looking forward to putting this fan into use, hot days here we come!
This fan is built very solidly. It’s a plastic and metal construction.
Intuitive and the controls are very simple.
It works. Doesn’t look pretty but it’s OK.
It is. It’s quiet for a month or two and then you can hear it a little more. It’s still much quieter than most though.
Noise level is very quiet even on high. I can have this in my bedroom on high and sleep no problem
Lovely quiet fan with a remote control 🙂 Gave it to my 16 old to put together and came back 15 minutes later to find everything up and running. Definitely quiet, could do with more power in this heat but overall, very good fan for the money.
Il y a un minuteur trs pratique !
Finition trs jolie!
Great and easy to assemble. Good cooling in the hot summer weather. Delivered on time.
So I recorded the Honeywell in operation vs a cheaper but equivalent fan; the Prem-I-air 16 inch fan (B000RPITKQ).
You can hear them both by playing the included video.
The Honeywell is definitely quieter. It appears to muffle the sound of the motor, (which makes it quieter at low speed levels), and the fan blades create less turbulence noise (which makes a large difference at higher speed levels).
Few things to note;
We used the Honeywell over the hot summer 2018, and used it in our bedroom at night for a good two months before writing this review. The Honeywell was definitely quieter but neither fan was silent. The Honeywell is quieter because it is a lot deeper, whereas the Prem-I-Air (and cheaper fans in general) has a more higher pitched whine.
Both fans put out the same airflow at the highest setting.
Both the Honeywell and Prem-I-Air have a similar IR remote control, although the Prem-Iair only has 3 fan speeds (low/med/high) compared to the Honeywell’s 5.
There is a bit of an issue with the Honeywell in that the wire mesh enclosing the fan can vibrate. We needed to put a bit of insulating tape on the inner surfaces of the catches to prevent this. That might have just been bad luck on our part though.
If you are considering the Dyson fans, don’t. I have experienced the Dyson fans at work. They are overpriced and just don’t put out enough air, and they were replaced for far more powerful traditional fans that cost about 20% of the price but worked far better. The Honeywell may be pricy but there is at least some justification, whereas the Dyson’s are all style over substance!
Overall recommended if you want something a bit more refined and quieter that the cheaper fans out there, but note that the fan is never silent!
We’ve been using this for around a month now; it’s great and I’ll get another one next year for the top room which gets too hot in the summer.
I found assembly reasonably straight-forward, although I did need to look at the pictures on the box a couple of times for clarification. The main attraction of the fan is the claimed low noise and I have to say I’m very impressed; on its lowest setting it shifts a reasonable amount of air in ‘almost silence’, certainly good enough for a bedroom.
On its higher settings noise does increase but not significantly and the oscillating feature is very welcome. The remote works well and is very useful wherever the fan is sited. It stores in the back of the fan in a circular recess; I popped it in there and couldn’t get it out without the use of a small screwdriver … not sure if it was my fault but I won’t be putting it back there until I put the fan away for storage.
Anything else? Well the fan blade cover is held together by four clips making it easy to get access to the blade and give it a clean) … but hold on! … there’s a small nut and bolt to fit through the cover at 12 o’clock! Couldn’t find a mention of this in the instructions (maybe my eyesight?), but I found it quite fiddly to get it in the hole; I imagine it’s a security feature to stop inquisitive children from accessing a fast-rotating fan blade?
Anyway, it meets it key functions of moving air quietly and it certainly does that.
I like this very much. It is quieter than my Dyson fan and about a third of the price, and the only negative is the bladed type of fan does require more cleaning, over time, and the base is quite large so you might be slightly limited in terms of where the fan can be placed. The Dyson has a small circular base and can be put on a table – that would very dangerous with something heavy and more easily unbalanced like this fan. Not fair to expect perfection at this price, but realistically, the power of the fan combined with how much quieter this is when compared to old-bladed types, make this a very good purchase.
The Honeywell HSF600WE Advanced Quietset Oscillating Stand Fan is very easy to assemble and needs no special tools. I was able to do it quickly and without a fuss. The height is adjustable and the base is reassuringly solid. The controls are simple and self-explanatory. There is a remote control module that clips into the back of the fand stand. The unit is well-made and looks smart. The cable says it’s 1.8m but in use it feels less because of where the cable joins into the fan stand. The oscillation is a good width.
The buttons on the front of the stand control the functions. They have a solid feel about them. The on/off/speed lights dim once the fan is working so if you have it in the bedroom it doesn’t blind you when you wake up during the night. There is a timer so that you can set the fan to work for between one hour and eight hours; there is an automatic shut-off.
I’ve used the fan all night long in this hot weather and I’ve found it an immense help. The noise level really is very low. It isn’t silent – how could it be, it’s a working machine – but I find the low, almost imperceptible hum is quite soothing. On the low speed, the air is a gentle waft of freshness. I’m very pleased indeed with the fan and recommend it wholeheartedly.
What a treasure this is! Simple to assemble even without instructions, it must be noted that this is quite heavy, so if you’re purchasing for someone who is older or frail, I’d recommend giving assistance all the way until it’s installed where it needs to be.
The fan has a varying height stand which locks in place by twisting the mechanism. My other half is not keen on this, but I prefer anything that reduces screws or further mechanisms on a device. There are 5 speed settings on this, and a timer which is perfect if you don’t want the fan running through the night. The speed settings vary by small degrees, but they’re more than enough, especially in the heat of Summer 2018!
The remote works well and is great when you wake up in the middle of the night wanting to change settings, but not wanting to sacrifice your most comfortable of sleeping positions!
The noise levels compared to our old fan is amazing – it’s almost as if it’s not there.
A must-have. Buy it. Now.
During the recent hot spell this stand fan proved to be a great choice. There was some assembly necessary from the box, but nothing too demanding and it didn’t take long before it was in use. It is height adjustable with the simple twist of the stand which makes it suitable for setting just how you want it, especially since the fan itself can be tilted too. There are 5 speed settings with the lowest being a great choice for night-time (when I prefer less airflow) especially since it is quiet in operation; I’ve been leaving it to run all night on this setting with the oscillation turned off so that it is even quieter. The highest speed is surprisingly powerful and can certainly be felt at quite a distance from the fan itself. There is a timer which can prove useful, but more importantly there is a remote control which mounts conveniently on the back of the fan when not in use. It is the perfect way to change the settings on the fan (or even turn it off) without getting out of bed. I’ve been very impressed with this fan, and haven’t noticed any negative points with it.
Conseil : Prfrez ce genre de tour aux “air multiplier” de Dyson, fausse nouvelle technologie hors de prix, tout aussi bruyant sinon plus et moins performant…
This fan was easy for me to assemble without a single glance at the instructions. Even if you find yourself needing to check them, it’s a simple process.
Once built, it’s a fine looking, sturdy model. With the weather being as hot as it’s ever been in most our lifetimes, this will be getting a lot of use, including during the night. If for some reason, you wish to use the timer so it turns itself off in the middle of the night, this is a simple button press.
The most important task for any fan is to produce a cooling flow with as little noise as possible. The HSF600WE is duly quiet on the lowest two settings, and the noise it does make is a calming whir. On higher settings, the noise still isn’t annoying, but even during these horribly humid summer nights, the lower two settings ought to suffice in the bedroom anyway.
The footprint isn’t quite as small as a tower fan but the base is smaller than my previous one. Beyond the five speeds, 70 oscillation and timer, there are no other functions which you might find in other models such as variable flow.
This has helped me survive the torturous summer of 2018. I give that five stars.
As we swelter in what seems like a long hot summer, this fan has really impressed. Ideal as a bedroom fan, on the lowest setting it is whisper quiet whilst still putting out a reasonable stream of air. The remote which controls the 5 settings plus timer control nicely complete the package.
About the only improvement I could suggest would be to make the oscilation remote as well – that is just a normal push / pull switch on the fan itself.
Easy to put together, this feels very substantial (which might be a down side if you want to frequently move it around.
Overall: I am very impressed.
I got this sent to my eldest’s daughters flat in London where I was visiting during the current heatwave. Her modern flat with large windows, no shutters or roof shading and with only tiny upper openable windows was like an oven with no breeze through. For someone like me who really struggles in the heat it was a veritable hell and her stainless steel Igenix desk fan was rattling and just not cutting it in making a change in the room temperature.
This fan helped change that. It was very easy to assemble from the printed icon leaflet and the fact that it has a stand is useful in not having to find a chair or drawer top space to put it on and cuts down on rattle and movement. It is light so easily movable from lounge to bedroom. The blades are plastic and seem quite small but never fear they do pack a punch. There are 5 levels of spin speed rather than the usual 3 on fans. I really liked the sleep mode level – although still noisy the sleep mode is much quieter than any other oscillating fan I have used in the past. However, the middle levels of spin had less definition than the upper and lower levels. As expected the noise rises as does the level. Don’t expect silence but it is quieter than other fans I have used at similar spin speeds.
The unit also comes with a remote control so that you can turn the fan off or on from the comfort of the sofa or more usefully from bed. However, I managed to get the remote stuck in the holder at the back of the fan where you can store it and am having trouble dislodging it.
It is not an air conditioning unit so don’t expect to produce frigid air but the airflow and breeze the fan created in the flat was such a relief. I also used it in conjunction with the desk fan with one fan at opposite sides of the room to create a cross breeze which really cooled the room down after 15 minutes. I think the flat was partly so hot because there was no natural opportunity to create this cross breeze as it’s main door opened into a communal corridor and it had small openable windows. The fan is also easy to dissassemble for cleaning the blades when they inevitably become dusty.
An absolute godsend in this current heat but extremely useful as even in the worst summer we get some stifling days each year. Essential kit especially if you are renting a modern trendy flat not really fit for purpose or the future (global warming).
Very easy to assemble and quite well designed. Some aspects like the height are a bit tricky initially – you need to get it in the right place before twisting to lock it else it unlocks easily. The remote is very useful for not having to get up. Pity you can’t remotely control the height and oscillation – maybe future ones will allow these. The three speed fan is adequate for an average room and with the 16″ fan diameter shifts a fair amount of air. It has a timer which might be useful.
To sum up, not a bad fan atall. But for the money, I think it is overpriced. I can buy a good 16″ fan from various well known outlets for 15 to 20 and they last a good few years.
This Honeywell HSF Advanced Quietset Oscillating Stand Fan is ideal for medium to larger domestic rooms – it’s an impressive size and you can adjust the height from 100 to 120cm. The unit features a 36cm fan (that’s the diameter of the fan rather than the housing). You can control the fan via the supplied remote (which comes with 2 AAA cells) or the illuminated control panel on the stem. The fan has 5 speeds plus an oscillation function, plus you can manually adjust the vertical head angle and there’s a timer. The UK main lead/plug is a decent length.
This is no low profile fan weighing in at over 6Kg and standing over 120-cm high. Out of the box, despite the smallish visual only instructions, it was easy enough to assemble but I’m used to doing that sort of thing. If the unit was delivered to my 85 year old relative they might need some help. Once assembled the unit is stable and the blades are protected by a decent grille which you can open for cleaning.
The controls are easy to operate although, given the attention paid to making the controls on the stem visible, the remote is a bit basic with control over on/off, speed and the timer (in incremnents of 1,2, 4 and 8 hours) but you can’t control the oscillation function which is a bit irritating. You can control all of the functions via the onboard control panel which also features a dimming function – it dims by 50% after 15 secs of the last command.
In use the fan is large and capable, it can shift a significant volume of air and feels more efficient than most others I’ve used. The 5 speeds are well chosen ranging from “Sleep” at the lowest end to “Power Cool” at the top. Overall, the fan is quiet but, of course, the movement of the air on higher settings also contributes to the noise, I could easily use this on a higher setting in the living room and on a medium setting overnight.
In summary, this an effective fan but the out of the box assembly process and basic remote are a pity, overall though, if you are looking for a reasonably heavy duty fan for your home this is one I’d consider.
The Honeywell HSF600WE Advanced Quietset Oscillating Stand Fan with Noise Reduction Technology is rather good.
It took about 10 minuites to assemble – the hardest bit making the tiny screw fit into the tiny hole at the 12 O’ Clock position on the outer fan grille which took the wind out of me a bit. The instructions that this comes with are reasonable and did help when I got stuck- but generally putting this together is pretty intuitive.
But when it was all complete I was blown away by just how quiet this is (we could actually hear the tv ) whilst enjoying the full power of the 70 degree oscellation span. There is a remote control so you can change the power level up and down without moving from your chair. The remote control comes with two AAA batteries. The blue light which indicates which of the four power settings you are on dims after a few seconds – in case you want to use this in a darkened room and go to sleep. And if you do, the remote control allows you to set a simple timer for it to swich off – with absolutely no fuss whatsoerver.
I am writing this in the midst of what historians and Star Trek Captains will come to call the ‘Great Heatwave of 2018’ . It is 33 degrees outside, so this is a very welcome addition to our home.
We think this is reasonably priced too and it comes from Honeywell, a brand leader in air purification and air cooling, with a 3 year warranty, the kind that brand leaders have the confidence to offer.
So all in all it is a big fan and I am a massive one !
This arrives boxed and when you take it out you will need to assemble , the instructions to do so are in the manual but are quite small and not totally clear but after 5 minutes of thought it went together quite easily once I realised the bent metal part on the bottom of the upright needed to be undone first no tools were needed to assemble.
Once assembled onto the nicely weighted base which makes the unit very stable we turned it on with the remote control (batteries included x2 aaa) the fan started up it has 5 settings and the fasted makes quite the breeze, it’s very cooling and not noisy although not quiet but you can easily watch tv with it on without turning it up, on the lowest setting it is very quiet and you could sleep with this on, even me who is very noise sensitive. The unit adjusts easily with a twist to move it up and down and the top oscillates very well, the only slight consern was with the fan head which tips up and down, the head is heavy and it sometimes slips downward in use but this wasn’t something that bothered me personally.
Overall this is a good quality fan, the remote is a bit tight when you put it into the back of the unit but I hope this will loosen a little with time, it certainly shifts some air about and it’s good to be able to see the settings lit up onthe front panel.
Just what we needed for this heatwave
What a lovely fan! This has an adjustable height which we found easy to use and set and it goes pretty high. The remote control is easy to use as its just a 1 button pressing. Its easy enough to set up the timer also, 3 settings, 2 hours 6 hours or 8 hours. Very, very quiet when in use which ever speed setting you choose….its really quiet. What we loved the most in this heatwave time in the UK at the moment is the area that the fan seems to cover….we found that on oscillation mode this fan covered a 2 sofa area really well especially when up against other fans that we have. This is a brilliant fan and I thoroughly recommend it.
This has to be the quietest fan I have experienced. I would have no trouble running it all night on any of its fivr speeds. The lowest is whisper quiet.
You will have to assemble it on arrival, but that involves no tools unless you widh to make the tiny bolt at the top extra secure. Everything else is hand tight.
As wel as five speeds, the fan head can tilt, plus you can get it to pan left to right. There is also a timer, say to run it overnight. You also get a circular remote which fits neatly into the rear of the motor when not in use. The height is adjustable, yhe only feature I have my doubts about, because you twist to lovk and unlock, and my experience is that twist locks invariably eventually fail. I would prefer something more positive.
So, a minor reservation about a fan that is otherwise superb!
This fan is the quietest one we’ve tried. We’ve had a few, as my step-son uses them in his gym and they tend to get battered in there, but this one is going to stay in the house.
Of the ones we’ve had, it’s closest to this one (we’ve had a few of these for the gym):
Prem-I-Air 18″(49 cm) Black/Silver Oscillating Pedestal HV Fan with 3 Speed Settings and Extra Weighted Base for Stability
The Honeywell is less powerful on full blast, but it’s also much quieter and I’d say is generally better quality. You also get five speed settings with the Honeywell and only three on the Prem-I-Air.
It has a nice heavy base so it won’t topple over, took about five minutes to assemble (no tools are needed) and worked perfectly. The remote is a bit of a gimmick as far as I’m concerned, but that worked fine too and you get the two necessary AAA batteries included with it.
It oscillates through 70 degrees (about normal) if you want it to, is height adjustable by about 8″ and the head can be tilted up and down if you wish. There is also a three year guarantee, which is reassuring.
The only reason I’ve docked it a star (I’d have like to give it 4 3/4) is it seems a bit expensive to me. Having said that, as a plumber, I use Honeywell motorised valves quite often and they’re the industry standard, so if this fan is built along those lines, I’m sure it will be good for many years service.
Don’t waste time buying a cheap fan, they are noisy and innefficient, however this fan is brilliant, quiet and powerful and very useful with remote control and timer to use in the bedroom. Excellent product and service!
There is one tiny thing you could not like about this fan and that’s the weight.
It has a nice heavy circular base that stops it from tilting or wobbling about.
It’s easy to put together. Ot has some nice easy to use timing features like off after 1,2,4 and 8 hours. It has a sleep mode which is very quiet but in all honesty, even in max cool and this blowong a gale it’s still really quiet. Compared to the other fanes in my house this is just great. The only other thing is thw height adjuster … not the normal screw tightening but a single twist. So height variation is not great. However all said and done, i’d buy one of these over any other fan i have.
First off, I’d strongly recommend buying a fan before the heatwave starts in earnest. Leave it too late, and they are as rare as hen’s teeth. I work in retail and over the past few weeks of the current heatwave I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had to say: “Sorry, we sold out weeks ago”.
Anyway, even though it’s rare in this country that we need a fan, the heatwave of ’18 (as it will be surely known), proves that every home should have one. We live in a stone-built house and the upstairs really holds the heat. So a fan at night is essential.
This Honeywell has a number of features, but key amongst these for me is the claim that it’s very quiet. As I already have a Honeywell to compare it to, I can report that it is an improvement, but perhaps not as much as I had hoped. I’m afraid it’s nowhere close to Dyson-levels of quiet, though I appreciate the price difference is massive.
The remote works well, though it’s a shame it doesn’t include the control for the oscillating function. The timer is a great idea as it can be programmed to turn off in the night, once you’re asleep and less troubled by the temperature. I was a little surprised at how heavy it was, but at least there’s no risk of it being knocked-over.
Overall, this is very good of its type. My main gripe is that I really hoped it would be quieter, and perhaps I was expecting too much.
Couldn’t be happier with this fan.
First of all I think this may be the first fan I’ve ever had to put together that literally didn’t require any tools whatsoever. The base has a sort of Allen key tool built o to it so didn’t need a screw for that, the rest of the parts all pretty much just screw on to each other by twisting by hand. The trickiest part of building the unit has to be the tiny little screw that goes at the top of the cage for the fan blades – it’s so tiny I literally couldn’t grip it with my long nails so had to get someone else with no nails to do it for me.
The fan has four speeds, the highest being decently quiet. So far haven’t run into the noise issues other customers have.
Remote works well, but I did note that unlike the previous Honeywell fans I’ve owned (two) this one does NOT allow you to choose the oscillate function from the fan – this has to be turned on manually. It’s not a huge deal, and to be honest, my previous two Honeywell fans actually were iffy with the oscillating function anyway as once it’d been turned on by the remote, the only way to turn it off was to do it manually by getting up. A small thing but might be important to mention in case this is for someone disabled or a person that doesn’t want to get up in the night to turn oscillating on (or off) that the remote doesn’t do either. The only buttons on the remote seem to be on/off, speed control and timer.
It’s worth noting the timer is a massive expansion on previous Honeywell fans I’ve owned as well, as the previous ones only allowed a four hour max timer. This one allows you an entire EIGHT hours of cooling so if you need a fan to sleep it’ll be able to be on all night.
One issue I did run into is that the base which is supposed to have adjustable height will NOT stay up – I saw other people remarking on this too. On the back of the fan there’s a picture showing that it’s meant to lock but no matter what I do, it will not lock when the height is raised. Not too important, it’s not a huge height difference I’m losing, but again, some might be annoyed with that, especially if they want the fan blades much higher than their bed (especially if they have hospital beds or higher beds).
Otherwise am quite happy with the fan, it does the job, I was cool all night and it’s a night heavy unit that isn’t flimsy so it doesn’t shake and rattle or get knocked over easy by the cats running about.
Price is a bit high, I will admit, but seems to be roughly comparable with what I’ve actually paid for my previous two, which were 70, my only true gripe is that it looks rather cheap in comparison to the previous models which had nice dense metal blades (not flimsy plastic ones) and black/silver design stand and cage. This is white and it does really look quite cheap like something you bought for 30 out of a supermarket rather than an expensive remote control fan.
Happy none the less, it arrived at the right time, last night was Furnice Friday!
This fan really kicks out a good kick of cold, refreshing air and the fact is has a remote is great.
A couple of negative points (not enough to drop a star), you cannot change the ‘rotate or stay’ with the remote, and for this price you could buy a small A/C unit.
Perhaps I’m old fashioned, but I like a fan to look like a fan, not a futuristic model tower block. With this quality product from Honeywell, I feel I have got the best of all worlds. It not only looks like a fan, it really is whisper quiet and offers versatility of operation and adjustment to meet differing personal needs. And it is so easy to use! It does need some assembling from the box, but the build is quite intuitive and it can be ready to go in 10 minutes. A small star screwdriver is all you need, and this is only for a small securing nut and bolt at the top of the fan covers. You can choose to operate it manually or by means of a small, very light and efficient remote control for which batteries are supplied. It is height adjustable (raise and twist to secure) and can be set to oscillate (swivel about) or not. It has 5 speeds to choose from and a reliable timer offering operations lasting 1, 2, 4 or 8 hours before switching off automatically. Weighing approximately 1 stone, it is quite portable and easy to move about. It is unlikely to topple over as it stands very secure on its solid 15 inch base, is beautifully designed and finished to a very high standard. It also ships with a 3 year guarantee. I would expect it to last much longer and think it good value for money. The current warm spell has provided great tests for the fan’s capabilities, and it has passed them all with flying colours.
Nach dem Auspacken braucht nur noch den Standfu anstecken und mit einem groen Ring anschrauben.
Allerdings sollte dieser nicht “fest geknallt” werden, da das Gert sonst knarzt (so viel zu den negativen Bewertungen).
In den ersten beiden Stufen wird locker bis zu 5 m der Luftstrom verteilt. Und bis zu dieser Stellung ist es wirklich leise.
Die Einstellungen sind ausreichend fein und der Winkel zur Luftverteilung ok.
Die Fernbedienung funktioniert – simpel aber ok.
Nett ist eine Zeitschaltuhr von 1, 2, 4 oder 8 Stunden. Danach geht das Gert aus.
Im Gegensatz zu den klassischen Lfter macht dieser Turmlfter eine wirklich gute Figur durch seine Optik.
Wrde ich wieder kaufen.
Nicht zu direkt zur Produktrezension gehrend eine Bemerkung zum Preis:
Wir haben das Gert im Juli 2017 gekauft fr 75 und ein Jahr spter soll der ca. 105 kosten.
Sorry, liebe Lieferanten und auch Amazon: das ist nur absurd.
Excellent and so quiet compared to my old fan. Cool nights sleep now being greatly enjoyed. Remote is an added bonus!
Great for the hot evenings. Very quiet for a fan in my opinion. Love the settings and not too offensive in the room.
Le ventilateur classique pales sur pied Rowenta VU5640F0 Turbo Silence et le ventilateur tour Honeywell HYF290E4 QuietSet.
En premier lieu, il faut signaler que les deux appareils sont arrivs dans leur carton fabricant sans aucun suremballage. Tout juste une fine protection plastic supplmentaire pour le Rowenta. Du coup le renvoi s’avre plus dlicat pour le dcollement des tiquettes d’expdition.
D’emble on notera la taille imposante du Rowenta par rapport au Honeywell. Il est vraiment encombrant et prend une place notable dans une pice de taille moyenne (15-30 m). A l’inverse la discrtion du Honeywell (noir) fait merveille.
Autant le montage du Honeywell (en trois pices) se fait de manire vidente en deux-trois minutes aprs dballage simple, autant celui du Rowenta en 6 pices demande du temps malgr un manuel clair sauf pour le sens des pales.
Venons-en maintenant l’intrt d’un tel ventilateur : le souffle d’air produit et surtout le silence !
Le Rowenta n’a que 4 positions et il faut passer par la plus forte puissance pour arriver la position dite silencieuse (SILENT NIGHT) ceci l’aide d’un norme commutateur rotatif mcanique.
Le Honeywell a 8 positions en commenant pas la plus silencieuse. La commutation se fait par un bouton poussoir (push-button) lectronique.
Le souffle minimal du Rowenta est plus puissant que celui du Honeywell qui reste cependant suffisant pour rafrachir jusqu’ 3 mtres.
Tout dans le Rowenta est mcanique : en plus du commutateur principal, le blocage/dblocage de l’oscillation de la tte se fait avec une tirette de plastic quand tout sur le Honeywell se rgle par des boutons poussoirs et, chose qui manque gravement au Rowenta, par une tlcommande dont les 2 piles AAA ne sont pas fournis comme indiqu dans le manuel et malgr ce qu’indique le site du fabricant et Amazon.
Certes il y a du mtal dans le Rowenta qui pourrait faire croire une solidit notable mais cela s’en ressent sur le poids (8.85 kg contre 4,3 kg pour le Honeywell).
Les concepteurs de l’un comme de l’autre doivent avoir une notion toute relative du silence. Le Rowenta annonce au minimum 45 dB(A) et le Honeywell 55.70 dB(A) niveau max. Difficile de comparer avec la seule documentation ! Une mesure relle s’impose. (mesures venir).
Mais d’emble on note que le Rowenta, en plus du bruit de souffle, met un lger grsillement de moteur tournant (buzz, un peu comme une perceuse trs au ralenti) une frquence autour de 900 Hz dans la zone de sensibilit maximale de l’oreille. Par consquent, ce son devient trs gnant. Ecouter ici :
Au contraire le Honeywell ne produit qu’un son de vent, plus intense avec pourtant moins de dbit, du fait de pales plus petites et de la grille de sortie multiples lames de plastic. Ecouter ici :
Ni l’un ni l’autre ne permettent de dormir ainsi pour qui est habitu au silence d’une chambre trs calme (pas de circulation) autour de 25 dB(A).
Par contre, avec des bouchons d’oreilles en mousse expansive Quies 35 dB, le son du Honeywell disparait compltement tandis que le buzz du moteur Rowenta reste perceptible. Par consquent, en ce qui concerne ce critre de silence, le Rowenta est de ce fait nettement infrieur au Honeywell et disqualifi pour une utilisation en chambre coucher. Noter que cela ne gnera pas ceux qui sont habitus ce type de son de moteur tournant (climatisation, mini frigo et autres).
Enfin remarquons que les indications lumineuses du Honeywell peuvent s’teindre de manire graduelle, ce qui n’est pas le cas de l’indication lumineuse du Rowenta qui ncessite d’tre masque par un papier noir si l’on veut l’obscurit.
Au final, la taille, la discrtion et le poids du Honeywell, la tlcommande trs utile, comme son silence relatif malgr un souffle infrieur celui du Rowenta, en font un meilleur choix pour une utilisation de nuit en chambre coucher. Cela est d’autant plus pertinent qu’on peut programmer son extinction aprs 1, 2, 4 et 8 heures.
En contrepartie, le Rowenta avec une puissance de souffle plus importante conviendra a de grandes pices o la place ne manque pas et o le bruit de fond est dj important (typiquement un bord de rue).
Il tient ces promesses.
Peu encombrant, il est facile et rapide monter (moins de 5 minutes).
Ct bruit, en vitesse 1, il fait un petit ronron comme un lave vaisselle que l’on pourrait entendre toutes portes fermes l’tage infrieur.
Bref, il ne m’empche pas de dormir avec une petite brise bien apprciable en plus 🙂
La minuterie et la tlcommande sont bien pratiques.
Le poids trs raisonnable, ce qui permet de le dplacer d’une pice une autre simplement.
Pas de regret quant cet achat.
This fan has great air flow keeping us cool on hot nights and is really quiet even when on a higher setting when we go to bed. The timer and remote control make it a really convenient and relaxing experience. It has surpassed expectations.
bought from this supplier, but not through Amazon.
Certainly seems to help cool a room down, i presume if it has cooler air to draw in. I sit 3 meters from in with it set on high, and can feel a very satisfying cool breeze. Quieter than most i would say, it doesn’t bother me on the highest setting, and well, the low, you’d have to be ultra sensitive for the noise to annoy you.
Comes from Germany but they say they always provide with uk supply and plug for UK customers – and mine did.
This model uses 35 Watts, presumably on max speed. It will probably pay for itself in not needing to run the mobile air conditioner as much, which is why i bought it.
A matter of taste, but personally I think it looks stylish
The best ever! Very quiet and very cool. Looks good. Just a shame I got it when the weather turned!
Very happy with this product. It is elegant, produces great air flow and it is silent enough
Slim, discreet, delivers on promise of quiet operation. And it genuinely cools down the whole room after a few minutes of operation, rather than just giving a cold blast. Worked fabulously well during heatwave.
I was looking for an alternative to the dyson fan but cheaper and this is it..,quiet, powerful, and great remote function.
It’s a very good product, I just wish it was more powerful.
For the cost of this fan I expected it to be a lot more powerful then it is
-manuale d’uso
-base di plastica montabile
-corpo del ventilatore
Per montare questo ventilatore a torre non serve nemmeno guardare il manuale d’uso allegato tanto risulta semplice l’operazione.
Il montaggio richiede il solo utilizzo di un cacciavite (croce o piatto indifferente).
Il ventilatore si compone di tre pezzi; il corpo principale che termina con un’enorme fermo di plastica rossa a vite e due altre parti che compongono la base.
Per prima cosa si svita il perno rosso,si fanno aderire le due met della base intorno al corpo e si riavvita il perno (fate attenzione a far passare la spina elettrica all’interno del perno). Ora il momento di chiudere le due viti in ferro poste sotto la base ed il gioco fatto, si tratta veramente di pochi minuti di lavoro.
Il ventilatore a torre Honeywell modello HYF290E costruito interamente in plastica,ma questa non ne una grossa sorpresa ne una novit direi invece che ormai una consuetudine che contraddistingue tutta questa tipologia di prodotti. Plastica non sempre sinonimo di oggetto scadente o poco robusto, infatti questo ventilatore rispetto a altri modelli della Honeywell secondo me ben realizzato e assicura anche una buona stabilit.
Il design molto moderno,lontano dai classici ventilatori a pala che siamo abituati a vedere, lo rende anche un aggetto che non distrurba l’occhio pi di tanto rendendolo esteticamente piacevole. Alto poco piu’ di 1m, colore nero, ha una base stabile (diametro 25 cm) che prosegue con un corpo contenente il motore, l’elica ed in alto un bel display.
Nel display sono presenti 4 pulsanti ed un indicatore led a scala che sengnale, con delle luci blu ed azzurre, l’intensit dell’aria erogata.
I pulsanti di color argento, descrivono con delle icone le funzioni principali:
-accensione e spegnimento
-intensit di erogazione dell’aria (aumenta l’intensit fino a 8 volte per poi ripartire da zero)
-rotazione della base (fa partire la rotazione della base a 180 gradi e la ferma una volta ripigiato)
-dimmer led (gestisce la luminosit del display fino a spegnerla completamente)
-timer da 1 a 8 ore (setta la durata dell’utilizzo 1ora/2ore/4ore/8ore)
Tutto molto intuitivo e semplice da utilizzare, ogni tasto risponde bene al click e, a differenza di altri ventilatori di questo genere, anche premendo forte tutto rimane molto stabile.
Questo modello a mio avviso nasce per l’utilizzo in camera da letto. Per prima cosa, la ventilazione ha una regolazione di intensit molto sensibile. Ci permette l’utilizzo del ventilatore durante il sonno senza dar fastidio. In altri modelli,anche al minimo di ventilazione,l’aria troppo forte per riuscire a dormire bene senza problemi. Altra aspetto la funzionalit dimmer led. Infatti possibile spegnere qualsiasi luce del display rendendo l’utilizzo notturno il pi confortevole possibile. Ultima cosa da sottolineare, per dormire bene, la rumorosit. E’ un ventilatore molto silenzioso, tra quelli che ho provato il pi silenzioso.
Molto utile il telecomando a raggi infrarossi. Funziona con due pile AAA non in dotazione e gestisce intensit, accensione e spegnimento e rotazione della base.
L’unica cosa scomoda e negativa di questo prodotto la mancanza del controllo led con il telecomando ed il fatto che non tiene in memoria le ultime impostazioni prima dello spegnimento. Ci significa che tutte le sere deve essere acceso ed impostata intensit e luminosit del display (alzandosi dal letto ed agendo sul ventilatore).
A parte questo fastidio, che pu essere sicuramente trascurato, devo dare una valutazione alta se utilizzato in camera da letto, mentre se usato in altri locali putruoppo viene un p penalizzato per la potenza massima che non sicuramente tra le migliori.
Sicuramente un ottimo prodotto!!
IL PAGELLONE: il mio voto 7/8
Davvero ottimo e ben concepito questo ventilatore a torre, che si distingue per un design moderno e bello da vedere e per un’ottima funzionalit, grazie alle 8 velocit selezionabili e alla possibilit di comandarlo con telecomando incluso.
Il ventilatore abbastanza SILENZIOSO (poi in realt la rumorosit varia a seconda della velocit selezionata), occupa poco spazio orizzontale (sviluppandosi in altezza), TIMER integrato, controllo luminosit su 5 livelli, potenza buona e consumi ridotti.
Questo ventilatore offre quindi molte caratteristiche interessanti, anche se il prezzo di 100 euro (mentre sto scrivendo, a maggio 2017) leggermente elevato e, personalmente, credo non sia del tutto giustificato visto anche che la struttura del ventilatore interamente di plastica. In compenso la struttura, contrariamente ad un altro modello della stessa marca, molto stabile e, anche in modalit rotante a velocit massima, non oscilla pi di tanto.
Sicuramente per maggiore sicurezza sarebbe stato meglio inserire una base unitaria di materiale pi resistente e pesante in modo da mantenere una maggiore stabilit.
In ogni caso, nel complesso si tratta di un ottimo ventilatore a torre, molto funzionale, poco ingombrante, efficace (rinfresca molto bene) e bello da vedere, con il suo design moderno che si adatta a qualsiasi ambiente.
Peccato per il prezzo, un p alto, ma se lo trovate in sconto di 15-20 euro, sicuramente un buon prodotto.
– bel design, dimensioni compatte (occupa poco spazio);
– ben 8 velocit selezionabili;
– telecomando per il controllo a distanza (utilissimo);
– timer integrato;
– controllo di luminosit in 5 livelli;
– ventilatore senza pale = maggiore sicurezza.
– rapporto qualit-prezzo leggermente elevato;
– struttura interamente di plastica.
NELLA SCATOLA: all’interno della scatola troviamo le varie componenti che, montate, vi porteranno ad avere il vostro ventilatore a torre. Troverete poi il telecomando (pile NON incluse) e le istruzioni + garanzia.
IL PRODOTTO: onestamente non capisco chi dice che il montaggio complicato… probabilmente non hanno mai montato un mobiletto dell’Ikea!
A mio avviso l’assemblaggio piuttosto semplice, semplificato ancora di pi dalle istruzioni molto chiare, stampate sulla scatola.
Basta quindi seguire le istruzioni: praticamente (e in sintesi) baster montare il corpo verticale sul piedistallo (una base di plastica composta da 2 pezzi e tenuta insieme da 2 viti), utilizzando il pezzo rosso come fermo.
N.B.: le viti sono preinserite nelle fessure della base, dunque dovete toglierle, sistemare i componenti, e rimettere le viti. Inoltre abbiate cura di far passare il cavo elettrico prima di fissare il piedistallo e poi di ancorarlo ai braccetti posizionati all’interno della base.
infatti possibile farlo correre all’interno della base in un apposito vano dedicato.
Sul retro del ventilatore troverete un apposito alloggiamento per poter sistemare il telecomando.
Sulla parte anteriore troverete i tasti di comando, con led luminosi: ON/OFF, TIMER (che non si pu programmare a distanza col telecomando, ma si pu impostare soltanto dal quadro comandi del ventilatore), velocit e oscillazione.
DESCRIZIONE: questo ventilatore Honeywell HYF290E4 abbina una bella estetica e un’ottima funzionalit, ma pecca un p sulla qualit della struttura.
Cercher di esaminare sinteticamente i vari aspetti, fermo restando che il mio giudizio complessivo comunque positivo perch l’ho trovato un dispositivo molto pratico, funzionale e utile per chi d’estate lo usa quotidianamente.
La POTENZA di 31W pi che sufficiente per abbinare una buona potenza a dei costi di gestione piuttosto contenuti.
La potenza massima (velocit 8) ottima per dare un buon refrigerio, anche se come spesso accade, questi ventilatori a torre sono sempre meno efficaci (ma pi sicuri) rispetto ai tradizionali ventilatori a pale.
FUNZIONI: il punto di forza di questo ventilatore sono le varie funzionalit offerte, decisamente apprezzabili e molto utili nell’utilizzo quotidiano.
Anzitutto c’ il TELECOMANDO, molto pratico per comandare a distanza il ventilatore: si potr spegnere/accendere, regolare la potenza e attivare/disattivare l’oscillazione (ma non possibile attivare il timer).
Tutte le funzioni sono attivabili e regolabili anche dal quadro comandi posizionato sulla parte superiore del ventilatore.
C’ poi la funzione TIMER, che consente di impostare lo spegnimento automatico a 1-2-4-8 ore (si tratta di valori preimpostati).
Infine possibile attivare l’OSCILLAZIONE che consente al ventilatore si muoversi verso destra-sinistra per circa 90. In questo modo distribuir l’aria in maniera pi omogenea.
Infine, per i pi esigenti, c’ pure la funzione di REGOLAZIONE della luminosit dei LED: possibile infatti scegliere tra 5 impostazioni – da luminosit al 100% ad assenza di luminosit – per ci che riguarda i led del quadro comandi. Cos chi ama dormire col buio pu impostare il ventilatore perch non abbia nemmeno una minima luce e, viceversa, chi ama dormire con un punto luce, pu impostare la luminosit come meglio crede. OTTIMO!
SILENZIOSO? Il ventilatore regolabile su 8 INTENSIT, che permettono di scegliere la combinazione di potenza/rumore preferita.
E’ EVIDENTE E ABBASTANZA OVVIO che maggiore la potenza, maggiore il rumore!
In questo senso, le velocit 1-4 fanno prevalere la silenziosit, mentre le velocit 5-8 garantiscono una maggiore azione rinfrescante, a scapito della rumorosit (difficilmente sopportabile durante la notte).
Con l’opzione “sleep” (praticamente la velocit minima) sicuramente tutti (anche chi ha il sonno leggero) riusciranno ad addormentarsi. Sappiate che UN MINIMO DI RUMORE LO FA, non che sia proprio silenzioso al 100%, ma evidente che dovendo fare aria faccia anche un leggero rumore.
MATERIALI e STRUTTURA : arriviamo dunque al punto dolente…
Le plastiche di cui composto questo ventilatore non sono eccellenti e la cosa che pi mi ha deluso che la base del ventilatore della stessa plastica del resto del ventilatore, mentre invece sarebbe stata opportuna una base solida e pi pesante, in modo da dare stabilit al ventilatore anche durante l’oscillazione o nell’eventualit che lo si urti accidentalmente.
In ogni caso devo ammettere che la forma della base, pi ampia a contatto col pavimento e poi a salire restringendosi, assicura una buona stabilit anche se si imposta la velocit massima e l’oscillazione.
Come tutti i ventilatori a torre, anche questo funziona sfruttando un cilindro rotante interno.
Sulla parte superiore c’ il quadro comandi, di plastica nera lucida, e una maniglia sul retro per facilitare il trasporto.
I comandi sono intuitivi e il funzionamento semplicissimo e adatto anche ad un’anziano che non ha molta dimestichezza con la tecnologia.
– altezza: circa 1 metro;
– base: 32 cm;
– lunghezza cavo: 180 cm con spina europea.
Voltaggio/frequenza: 220-240/50 v/~Hz.
Potenza d’ingresso: 31 W.
Portata d’aria: 285 m/h.
ANALISI COSTO: Il costo discreto (circa 100 euro, mentre sto scrivendo), e il rapporto qualit-prezzo , a mio avviso, equo ma non particolarmente conveniente.
In ogni caso, il prezzo in linea con gli standard e in certi casi anche molto pi basso rispetto a ventilatori pi blasonati e meno efficaci dal punto di vista dell’azione rinfrescante.
N.B.: Ho ricevuto il prodotto nell’ambito del programma VINE. Mi riservo di aggiornare la recensione laddove dovessi riscontrare dei problemi.
Preciso che una valutazione 5 stelle indica un prodotto con un eccellente rapporto qualit-prezzo; 4 stelle per me significano che il prodotto buono, ma ha qualche particolare che stato valutato come contro; 3 stelle un prodotto mediocre; 2 e 1 stella sono voti per prodotti di pessima qualit o con un rapporto qualit prezzo non equo.
CONCLUDENDO: un ventilatore a torre efficace e funzionale, bello da vedere e discretamente solido strutturalmente.
La possibilit di selezionare fino a 8 livelli di potenza, impostare un timer, utilizzare un telecomando per il controllo a distanza, regolare la luminosit, scegliere la modalit oscillante e il tutto con una rumorosit contenuta, sono sicuramente dei PUNTI DI FORZA di questo dispositivo.
L’unica pecca secondo me il prezzo leggermente elevato, ma se lo paragoniamo ad un ventilatore Dyson, in questo ventilatore Honeywell l’azione rinfrescante maggiore e il prezzo minore, dunque c’ sicuramente una qualche convenienza.
Peccato solo per la struttura plasticosa e per la stabilit non proprio perfetta.
Ottimo anche come IDEA REGALO. Perfetto anche per persone anziane che hanno poca familiarit coi congegni elettronici perch nonostante le tante funzioni molto facile da usare.
Sono soddisfatto
Che altro dire… spero che la mia esperienza con questo prodotto e la mia recensione vi siano state utili (ho allegato anche qualche foto); se avete ancora qualche dubbio condividete la vostra domanda nell’apposito spazio (sezione domande, NON commento) e cercher di rispondervi il prima possibile.
Buona giornata a tutti.