JOYUSING 14MP HD Book & Document Scanner, Capture Size A3, Smart Multi-Language OCR, Pdf, for Office and Education Just Compatible with Window System

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The Innovative Curve Flattening TechnologyJOYUSING book scanner has excellent page flattening algorithm performance, finger removal, and background purifying to output a page of auto-flattening & smart paging. All books and any paper documents can be scanned directly without cutting or unbinding. Notï¼ before scanning the books, please remember to put the black pad in place first. | Scan up to A3 in sizeL140 scans any paper documents within A3 size you need to digitalize, including documents, drawings, contracts, and notes to newspapers, books, and photos. | One-Touch Scanning & Easy SetupSimply connect the USB to a computer, insert the external hand button, and install the relevant software to make the scanner work in one click. Hand or software buttons are optional. |
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14 Megapixels Camera for High-Performance Image QualityApproved of Three-level LED lights, this book scanner can work even in dimly lit environments. | Built-in Intelligent Image ProcessingOur software is equipped with many intelligent features: auto trimming, distortion correction, auto flattening, finger removal, four-color modes, background purifying, and built-In editing functions. | Excellent Design and Easy to UseIt is foldable and portable. We deliberately increase the base weight to make it more stable in use. As a well-designed scanner, the scanner is very easy for the users to install and operate. |
Weight: | 1.68 kg |
Dimensions: | 41.4 x 15.3 x 10.7 cm; 1.68 Kilograms |
Brand: | JOYUSING |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Joyusing Tech |
Reference: | L140UK |
I bought this after reading the mixed reviews.
I have LOADS of reference material for work and wanted to make them into searchable PDF’s. This scanner has done it to a very high standard.
I downloaded the software from the website, scanned the file with Kapersky, then installed it.
The scanner worked straight out of the box with no issues.
Crackong bit of kit!!
El software para converr a PDF las imgenes que capta no se encuentra en los mens de la aplicacin que se debe descargar de la casa suministradora.
Tienes que tener el programa de Adobe para unir y combinar las pginas (en jpg) del libro que vas escaneando para convertirlas a PDF
Muito agradado com a compra.
Muito til e com resultados de muito boa qualidade
O software e o hardware so indissociveis para o bom desempenho.
Lo voy a usar para escanear varios documentos que tengo de trabajo,hice una prueba con la imagen y sali estupendo, es fcil de guiarse para instalarlo, hay que buscar la pgina web y descrgalo, me gusta que no ocupe sitio, se baja y lo puedes proteger con un pao hasta el prximo uso, con solo dar un clik se usa fcilmente, para su precio est muy bien, me gustado 🙂
uno scanner A3 in poco spazio, a differenza dei classici scanner che occupano molto spazio questo compatto e una volta chiuso si conserva in un cassetto, oltre questo la possibilit di scansionare volumi spessi e pesanti senza problemi a patto di tenere le pagine ben aperte
in dotazione il cavo usb di collegamento, un cavo con il pulsante di scatto e un tappeto nero molto pesante non riflettente con la centratura del punto dello scanner , da utilizzare come base per le scansioni
La base dello scanner pesante lo rende stabile, sul braccio superiore vicino alla telecamera una lampada a led che migliora la luce direttamente sulle pagine o sul oggetto da scansionare
si installa facilmente ed intuitivo da usare
j’ai eu du mal installer l’article car il manquait des lments .dll sur mon ordinateur pour l’installer mais c’est fait et a fonctionne vraiment bien. dpart du scan par bouton comme une photo ou par ordi …
No alcanza la calidad de un escaner convencional, pero para libros es muy gil. Lo recomiendo
– Utilis pour des travaux de gnalogie, scan de documents trs anciens, de photographies anciennes galement.
– Parfaitement bien emball et l’abri de tout choc ventuel (coque paisse et rigide dans le carton d’emballage). Une trs grande simplicit d’utilisation aprs tlchargement de l’application adquate.
– Assez prcis pour me permettre de scanner sans manipuler au risque de les abimer, des registres ayant parfois jusqu’ 3 sicles.
– Le scan se dclenche l’aide d’une petite commande filaire, aprs avoir positionn l’appareil une bonne fois pour toutes env 40 cm au dessus de la surface qui recevra les documents traiter
– Transfert des images scannes vers Windows 10 sans aucun problme.
– Petite notice fournie en anglais, mais aprs avoir signal que je la voulais en franais, Amazon et le vendeur ont t extrmement ractifs, le vendeur me la fait parvenir en peine 48 heures.
– Prend trs peu de place, idal en dplacement, accept dans les services d’archives des administrations, car on peut dsactiver l’clairage (2 puissances lumineuses et pas d’clairage du tout) s’ils l’exigent.
Je suis ravie de mon choix pour un rapport qualit prix trs honnte
En general funciona bien, pero le faltan controles, encuadra la pgina con defecto y es complicado elegir el formato de salida, .png .jpg .pdf, etc.
Con Windows 10 il software funziona. Il tasto di scansione non serve molto: se ne pu fare a meno, riducendo l’ingombro dei cavi da trasportare. L’OCR va bene anche se ha bisogno di qualche verifica del testo. Il manuale solo in inglese ma comprensibile anche grazie alle immagini che lo accompagnano. Per aumentare l’illuminazione si possono aggiungere dei led laterali (costo: 10 euro). Risulta migliore la scansione di due pagine per volta (formato A3). Adatto al lavoro in biblioteca quando si devono acquisire testi lunghi o immagini. La curva delle pagine di libro viene modificata adeguatamente.
It does what it says in the tin. Takes a pic and then can convert to text in various formats. Folds away unobtrusively when not required.
Escanea muy rpido y muy bien. Lo edita en pdf. Perfecto
Intanto direi che prodotto fa ci che dicono le informazioni di vendita con una qualit discreta. Facile da configurare e utilizzare, qualit dell’immagine buona con pochissimo rumore; ha gamma focale piuttosto ampia e permette foto di oggetti 3D e non solo documenti piatti. OCR nella media
Bel tappeto di fondo peccato che nell’imballaggio venga piegato e si formi una piega fastidiosa difficile da recuperare: bastava pensare un imballo diverso. Il tutto funziona solo con Windows xp, 7ed 8, non testato con il 10 ma non dispero di poterlo usare con linux eventualmente con il supporto di wine. Il software minimale ma funzionale, il recupero della curvatura della pagina funziona discretamente ma solo con la scansione di libri doppia pagina e pagine con un un buon numero di linee di testo; non pu appiattire un disegno A3. Qualche problema con il pulsante di scatto ma direi che si tratta di un problema meccanico.
Un po problematica l’illuminazione e i led a bordo non risolvono.
Considerando la realizzazione piuttosto robusta, la discreta qualit dell’immagine, i ben 14MP della camera, il prezzo e la semplicit di utilizzo direi nel complesso un buon prodotto e il proprio lavoro lo fa anche benino.
Non ho dato 5 stelle solo per il software che, nonostante funzioni, sarebbe da rivedere e magari fornire supporto anche per linux e per l’imballo del tappetino sul quale sto cercando disperatamente di eliminare le pieghe.
— Easy to set up and use.
— The picture quality is very good, when you zoom in to a scanned image there is very little noise.
— Scans slightly larger than A3.
— Integrated LED light has 3 brightness settings.
— Although it’s a fixed focus lens it has a rather wide focal range which makes it great for taking pictures of 3D objects and not just flat documents. Which is something a flatbed cannot do.
— The software is easy to use and works well. OCR works well enough.
— It takes good quality scans quickly and easily. Certainly a lot, lot faster than a flatbed.
— The supplied scanning mat is quite heavy duty.
— It says the scanner works with Windows only, but the device is seen as a webcam so the hardware does actually work on other system such as Linux. I think it is only the included software which needs Windows.
— Had to play around with the advanced settings to get good colour accuracy, but when you get it right it’s good.
— The OCR which is not quite as good as other products I have used, but works OK with plain fonts. Most of my scanning won’t be OCR though, so it’s not a problem for me.
— The integrated LED light only works well with mat white documents. Anything else produces a white reflection down the center of the image. This is easily remedied though by scanning in a bright room or using 2 LED desk lamps, 1 either side.
— The file formats the software can export is limited, PDF, JPG or TIFF. I use this mainly for creating web content and prefer to use PNG’s which means an extra step converting the images.
— The scanning mat could do with some more alignment marks on it for different sizes.
— The software is Windows only. I would love a Linux version. I will be trying to install it in Wine though and will update this review if it works.
Overall this is a good product and works well. When you consider an entry level A3 flatbed costs 4x as much this is definitely good value for money.
I think the 14MP camera helps with the good image quality. Many similar products at this price range are only 8-10MP.
I have seen other reviews complaining about the software being difficult to use and not very good. Either they have improved the software enormously or those reviewers were chimpanzee’s. The software is very easy to use and better than many scanning software packages I have used in the past, particularly the one built into Windows. Microsoft…..this is how it should be done!
It loses 1 star only because of the integrated light and lack of PNG file support.
scanner trs bien, rapide, efficace
un peu de difficult pour comprendre l’enregistrement du document
la notice tant trs succinte