Kinetic Sand Super Sandbox Set with 10lbs of Kinetic Sand, Portable Sandbox w/ 10 Moulds and Tools, Play Sand Sensory Toys for Kids Aged 3 and Up

1lb (453g) of green Kinetic Sand, 1lb (453g) of blue Kinetic Sand, 8lb (3.6kg) of brown Kinetic Sand, 1 tower mould, 1 wall mould, 1 stairs mould, 1 straight brick mould, 1 curved brick mould, 1 turret mould, 1 scoop and knife tool, 1 shifter & rake tool, 1 dragon character, 1 catapult, 1 folding Super Sand Box, 1 instruction sheet
Super Sandbox Set with 10lbs of Kinetic Sand, Portable Sandbox w/ 10 Moulds and Tools, Play Sand Sensory Toys for Kids Aged 3 and Up
Mould and build endless creations with the Super Sandbox Set! The one and only Kinetic sand is the original, squeezable sensory sand where you can feel the fun. Pack it, pull it, shape it, and love it. Kinetic Sand is kinetic – meaning it sticks to itself, but not your fingers – allowing you to shape and mould create impressive pieces of sand art with great detail! Better than arts and crafts modelling clay, its unique formula makes it soft and stretchy, great for touch and sensory play.
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10LBS Of Kinetic SandKinetic Sand is the original, squeezable play sand kids love! Fluff the sand, feel it flows through fingers like slow-moving liquid! Satisfying oozes, moves and melts! | Giant SandboxCreate epic sandcastles and sand art again and again in this Super Sandbox Set that’s 3 feet long! Use your portable Sand Box as a play space and fold it up when you’re done for easy clean-up! | 10 Castle-Themed Molds and ToolsThe Super Sandbox Set has everything you need to create epic sandcastles! Use the moulds to create walls, bridges, and towers. Use the tools to cut, dig, and shovel! | 3 Colors To Mix and PlayIncludes 1lbs of green, 1lbs of blue, and 8lbs of brown kinetic sand! Mix two or more coloured sand together to discover new colours or layer the colours for mesmerising creations! |
Dimensions: | 18.54 x 47.24 x 48.26 cm; 6.74 Kilograms |
Model: | 6060437 |
The only thing I don’t like about it is the sand all mixes today so I wish they would of only been one colour sand rather then the 3 different ones
Granddaughter spends hours playing with this which is great means less time spent watching TV and playing on devices
I bought this for my son for Christmas. It is expensive but well worth it. I did buy some extra sand but it comes with plenty. It keeps all the sand in the box rather than on your floors, but if your child is younger just buy a cheap plastic table cloth to place on the floor. My son has had lots of fun with it and everything goes back in the container when finished keeping it all together in one place. Definitely recommend to other buyers.
Muchas gracias, el artculo llego en excelentes condiciones y a tiempo!
Lo compre y a mis hijos les encant, es enorme y muy bueno para ellos, se entretienen mucho tiempo
Arrivato in anticipo. Buon prodotto. I bambini hanno trascorso una settimana indimenticabile facendo castelli e varie forme divertenti.
I like the fold up case, it’s a nice thick plastic that gives you a place to store all your sand accessories like the rake and molds, but also the sand itself. It also gives lots of space to play where you don’t have to worry about mess. Ten pounds of sand is a lot and it’s going to last just about forever, so the cost is absolutely worth it IMO. The included molds also fit the castle theme and are pretty sturdy. All in all, a good product.
This sandbox is very convenient because you open it and the kids play inside the box with little to no mess on the floor or table. Then, when they are done you close the box and put ot away. It comes with different color sand and small accessories. The sand does not stain the hands like other brands.
The best part is that my kids can quietly play with it for 2 hours. Great entertainment!
I don’t have any kids, so I always have trouble trying to get presents for children of younger ages. Someone I asked suggested kinetic sand, so (with his mom’s approval of course) I got this as a gift for my 4 year old godson. He loved it! It was the first gift he wanted to play with after his birthday. If the parents are cool with it I definitely recommend this as a gift idea for younger folks.
When our toddler is not in daycare I need something to keep her busy during work conference calls, and this Kinectic Sandbox is perfect! I place it on the floor next to me, and it keeps her busy and quiet forming all kinds of interesting shapes and structures.
The sand is really unique because it holds together without feeling sticky, it has a magic quality to it. However one minor thing I don’t like it that it makes the floor very slippery when the kids play with it on the bare floor. A few times I almost slipped, it’s as if it coats the floor with something similar to super slippery silicone once you let the sand touch the floor.
It’s easy to clean up because it clumps together instead of spreading all over the place.
The colors also make it more interesting. This is so much better than a traditional sandbox!
I had just as much fun playing with this as my kids did. Keeps the sand (ish) in its rightful place (or at least they know where in the general vicinity they should use the sand). It’s great.
There is what truly feels like a literal ton of kinetic sand that comes with this set. The great thing is that it’s not one huge bag, it’s several smaller bags. The bad side is that once you open any of them they cannot easily be revealed. Aside from that, this is a great set for sensory play (and in our case additional necessary distraction on snow days).
Mes enfants l’adorent! Ils jouent ensembke chacun leur ct. J’aime le thme dragon et lance-feu en boule. Le seul hic , c est nettoyer et les sparer en couleur. Je fais sur le plancher propre comme a je peux passer le balai et vice versa . Plus rapide pour tout nettoyer. part a tout est parfait . Je me suis amus jouer avec mes enfants . Hihi
I bought this for my almost 3 year old grandson and he loved it as did I, I can see us having hours of fun with him playing with this.
The box is sturdy and although the box looks like it is packed with Sand and play items, its actually not, however there is enough space in it to add more sand and tools if you want to.
The sand itself is just weird it should feel damp or sticky but it doesn’t its amazing stuff.
Excellent purchase for kids ages 2 and up, box says 3 and up but my 2 year old does excellent with kinetic sand and enjoys it just as much as my 4 year old. This set is huge, its perfect for a birthday gift or a Christmas gift. Three colors are included (natural sand, green and blue) plus a variety of tools and the large carrying case. The case has separate doors inside so you can choose to keep your tools stored out of the sand or keep your colors separated during storage. I personally hate natural sand and have never allowed it at our house but I love Kinetic Sand, very fun to play with and easy to clean up.
Sand is great and son loves it. However, the hinge arrived broken when he opened it today ( Christmas Gift). We purchased this item because of the fun feature of the case. I tried writing the seller to see what my options are. Could someone please contact me?
This set is such a fun gift idea for kids. To start, it works well for just about everyone. It’s not limited to an age range and both girls and boys like it. And it’s the type of “toy/activity” that a group of kids of all ages can play with and have fun. The 10 lb set is huge and there’s a lot of sand for several kids to play. It’s all contained into one big case, which is neat for storing it all in. This would be a great set to keep at like a family members house who might otherwise not have many activities for kids to do. Something for them to play with then everyone comes over, that’s also totally different than the other stuff they have at home. Gives kids something to do for a while!
My son really likes it. We got this kinetic sand playset for a couple month now. We stored a lot of playsand molding and tools in there. I like the fact that I can carry it around easily. I stored kinetic sand in there and have no problem no dry out. Except I need to be careful when open and close it, because it can make a mess. Summertime I brought it to the community park so my son & his friends can play together. Now it’s Winter, I put it inside the house so my son can play it as a sandbox like the big one at the backyard. He likes to play pretend with construction vehicles and dinosaurs. I would recommend it but I think it’s a little pricey on my opinion.
IL PRODOTTO >> si tratta di un mega set, che oltre a 4.5 kg di sabbia cinetica, include anche ben 10 accessori, ottimi sia per creare forme o modellare, che pi semplicemente per spostare la sabbia. La sabbia viene fornita in tre diversi colori (blu, marrone e verde), contenuta ognuna nel proprio sacchetto. Ovviamente tenete presente che la sabbia una volta miscelata non potr pi essere separata, anche se sinceramente la cosa non dispiace, dato che il colore derivato simpatico ed esteticamente gradevole. Per quanto riguarda la composizione invece, si trattata in realt di “semplice” sabbia con l’aggiunta di siliconi, quindi piuttosto sicura, e come correttamente riportato dal produttore, NON TOSSICA, IPOALLERGENICA E PRIVA DI GRANO,GLUTINE E CASEINA.
UTILIZZO > partiamo con il dire che la valigetta, che poi in realt costituisce l’area di gioco, sufficientemente per ospitare due bambini contemporaneamente. Le creazioni che si possono ottenere sono davvero tante, e di conseguenza le sessioni di gioco abbastanza lunghe, volendo anche 45-50 minuti. Ovviamente essendo lo scenario gi preparato all’interno della valigia da gioco, tutta l’attenzione del bambino stata concentrata proprio su come modulare il tutto, e questo tradotto in termini pratici significa salvare il pavimento dallo sporco. Consiglio vivamente l’acquisto del kit da 4,5 kg dato che 900 g sono un insufficienti per tutte costruzioni pi complesse e quindi si rischia solo di frazionare l’acquisto, perdendo la convenienza del maxi formato.
CONCLUSIONI >> se avete bambini dell’et giusta (dai 3 anni a salire), si tratta indubbiamente di un regalo interessante, e che peraltro aiuta a migliorare le doti manuali, oltre a sviluppare la creativit. Il vero limite resta ovviamente il prezzo, ma sinceramente ho gi provato in passato prodotti di marchi pi economici, e devo dire che qui siamo su di un altro livello, e quindi il kit vale assolutamente la spesa.
La sabbia cinetica una delle poche cose con cui mio figlio, di 6 anni, gioca per intere mezze ore.
S perch lui un bimbo gioca e fuggi con il 90% dei giocattoli.
Prende, gioca, molla, cambia, gioca, molla, cambia, riprende, gioca, molla
Alle volte prende e molla senza nemmeno giocare…
Ma non con la sabbia cinetica.
Con la sabbia cinetica le sessioni di gioco sono mooooolto lunghe, arrivano anche a superare la mezz’ora (lo so, non tanto, ma vi assicuro che per noi lo !!)
E’ un materiale davvero straordinario
E’ sabbia, ma resta compatta insieme, per poi sfaldarsi e separarsi, e poi riunirsi a costituire forme, costruzioni, e poi risfaldarsi.
Questa valigiona contiene ben 4 chili e mezzo di sabbia, vi assicuro che sono davvero tanti, ed obiettivamente davvero un bel playset
La valigetta, una volta aperta, costituisce l’area di gioco (questa una caratteristica gi sperimentata con i playset Kinetic Sand ma mai in queste dimesini!)
All’interno troviamo 3 sacchettini di sabbia, in 3 colori: marrone, blu, verde
Troviamo poi 10 accessori con i quali costruire mura, torri, scale, punte.
Vista l’enorme area di gioco e la grande quantit di sabbia disponibile si possono ottenere delle creazioni davvero notevoli!!
Unico particolare che dopo un po’ le sabbie dei 3 colori, inevitabilmente, si mischiano senza poter poi essere pi separate.
Avremo quindi una unica massa di sabbia con una miscela di colori derivante dai vari mix fatti.
Si pu continuare a giocare ovviamente senza alcun problema!
Poco importa per, perch esattamente come al mare appena si tocca la sabbia ci si mette a giocare, cos con la Kinetic Sand basta aprire la valigetta per cominciare a giocare
Il prezzo al momento del mio test (settembre – ottobre 2021) di ben 90 euro, cifra importante ma che se rapportata alle altre confezioni con meno sabbia risulta addirittura vantaggiosa!!
Un bel regalo da fare, economicamente impegnativo, ma che certamente lascer a bocca aperta chi lo riceve!
L’articolo mi stato fornito gratuitamente all’interno del programma Amazon Vine.
In cambio mi si chiede di effettuare una recensione onesta, imparziale e basata sull’esperienza d’uso effettiva.
E cos cerco sempre di fare.
N il produttore dell’articolo n tanto meno Amazon contattano o influenzano le voci Vine nelle recensioni.
Kinetic sand is slightly different from actual sand. It comes in bright fun colors and is fun to play with. I use this with my pre-schooler. We play with it in a bucket. If you don’t contain it, it will absolutely make a mess. Kinetic sand has a cool feel to it. This 10 pound box of sand came with ten molds, which added to the fun. Overall, this is a great sensory activity and gets the kids off of the tablet for a bit of time. It is great for encouraging creativity.
This kinetic sand is so fun! My kids love playing with this and I love that it doesn’t make a huge mess. My kids have had smaller containers of this in the past, but this big container is even more fun and the kids can’t stop playing with it. The box that it comes in as well-made and it comes with extra toys to help make things out of the sand which is convenient. My kids love the texture of the sand and it lasts for a long time without drying out. The only thing that is difficult is keeping the sand colors from mixing.
Questo set enorme ed ha tutto il necessario per un grande divertimento creativo, indipendentemente dall’et.
Dai 3 ai 65 anni, abbiamo tutti giocato con questo kit e l’abbiamo adorato.
Quello che ha ottenuto il massimo piacere da questo gioco stato mio figlio di 2 anni che ha adorato la sensazione della sabbia e come poteva modellarla!
Il set di sabbia cinetica davvero soddisfacente, si pu sentire e guardare come la materia si sfalda e si ricompone tra le mani.
Nella valigia gigantesca ci sono tre diversi colori di sabbia: blu, marrone e verde, ideali per creare paesaggi naturali, pi 10 accessori per creare forme diverse o semplicemente spostare la sabbia.
Lo scenario che viene a svelarsi quello di una radura sulla quale sorge un castello o un fortino che bisogna costruire pian piano; ovviamente pu essere reinterpretato in vari modi pi o meno convenzionali.
La sabbia viene custodita in questo enorme container di plastica viola abbastanza pesante che si blocca e sblocca tramite un paio di fermi laterali arancioni, il che significa che quando viene riposta tutto contenuto al sicuro all’interno e pu essere facilmente trasportato.
Penso che questo sia un prodotto geniale, pulito, sicuro e sorprendentemente non lascia un disastro: una volta terminato il gioco, tutto si ripone ordinatamente nella scatola che abbastanza grande da far concentrare i bambini su di essa senza andare sul pavimento!
Le informazioni sul prodotto affermano che la sabbia “senza frumento, glutine e caseina”, il che un conforto se c’ un bambino che abituato a mettere in bocca qualsiasi cosa!
L’unico aspetto negativo che posso evidenziare che una volta che i colori sono miscelati per creare altre tonalit, tutto si uniforma in una tinta omogenea.
Comunque si pu sempre acquistare della sabbia sostitutiva nuova, noi ne abbiamo di tutti i colori e la conservo in dei sacchetti appositi cercando di tenerla ben separata!
Lo ritengo un prodotto stupendo, economico ed adorabile; affasciner per molto tempo grandi e piccini, sviluppa la creativit e consolida le doti manuali dei piccini… consigliatissima anche come idea regalo!
Il prezzo (95) pu spaventare ma la qualit si riconosce perch altri set pi economici offrono sabbia scadente che non si sfalda e non si modella oppure si secca in poco tempo invece Kinetic Sand resta tal quale anche nel corso dei mesi.
I don’t know who had more fun playing with this between myself and my son. It comes with lots of sand and tools and is such a great big set. Good price and sturdy!
My grandkids absolutely love kinetic sand. I have tried to buy offbrand kinetic sand before only to be completely disappointed. So, I told myself that I could only buy the true kinetic sand brand from now on.
I actually got this set specifically for rainy and cold days. It’s a huge set so when my two younger grandkids are visiting they can both very comfortably play with it.
Despite being very large especially once it’s opened it does fold to be more compact. It’s a sturdy material and safe to play inside. I can have it inside or on a table without worrying about the surface getting too messy. The sand stays together in its usual magic way and is mesmerizing. It also feels great in the hand and would provide a nice tactile activity for any child.
The package is organized quite well and has a lovely presentation. It would make a very nice gift for someone. Also it is gender neutral. Really the colors are just fun kinetic sand colors. The green, tan, and blue are perfect for a boy or a girl. The kids are able to make a little Sandcastle indoors and when the time comes even in the winter this will be really fun. For now though we have a nice rainy day activity.
My 2.5 year old could spend hours playing with this stuff. When I saw this giant sand box version I scooped it up for him immediately and I’m so happy I did. This comes with a giant “sand box” to store the kinetic sand in and tons of molds and toys to sculpt with. The sandbox hooks back together and can easily be stored for use later. My son builds castles and is easily able to use the molds. What I love about kinetic sand is that the messy factor is virtually zero. Sure we get some sand outside of the box, but it’s very easy to scoop up and toss. This is a mess free way to keep older toddlers and young kids occupied for hours and get their brains working. Myself and our nanny love to play with this as well so it’s fun for everyone!
100% recommend!!
And I’m really happy I did! The kids have been loving this! What I love about it is that this is also a storage container for the Kinetic sand and various included sand toys! Everything can stay in one place! Plus we can purchase refills for it for an affordable price when it starts to get low. Or honestly even before it does since there is still plenty of room for another 8-10 pounds of it in there!
Now some people who review things don’t like to factor in price, but in my opinion that’s a huge deciding factor for me when I am buying something. And for that reason alone is why I only give this 4 stars. This is crazy expensive! Especially when you take into consideration that you can purchase 11 pounds of name brand kinetic sand for $45 on Amazon, or 3 pound bags of it at other various retailers for $9. So we will go in between that price at about $35. Then you add in the included sand toys, which lets be honest, I can pick up for a couple of dollars. So $40 for a case to store it in? That seams excessive to me. Personally I think $60 would be about the max I would be willing to pay for this.
But all of that being said, the kids really do love this stuff. And honestly I do too! It just feels so cool and I have found myself playing with it a few times!
I was shocked at how big this kit actually is! It is actually perfect because there is plenty of room for kids to play with the sand without getting it all over. I can’t promise that it’ll be completely contained, but it does a much better job than the small tray we were using with our older, smaller, kinetic sand kit. Kinetic sand is also genius in that it never dries out, so sweeping/vacuuming it is easy (no getting stuck to my rug) and clean stray pieces can be easily added back to the box.
With just the ten pounds of sand included in this kit, the box is already pretty heavy, my 4 year old can’t lift it due to its size (upright the box is almost as tall as he is), but he can shove it along the floor to get to where it needs to be. The plastic case is thick and sturdy, it doesn’t leak sand and its withheld some knock overs on our tile floors thanks to the aforementioned 4 year old attempting to carry it.
I do wish it had better molds to go with it. The included pieces are just ok, I know that they already make some pretty neat sandcastle molds so it would have been nice to have a few of those included. I do like the storage compartments, but the smaller one is really hard for me to open, so my 4 year old gets pretty frustrated when he tries.
Super Sandbox Set with 10lbs of Kinetic Sand is an awesome set since it has this huge portable case. The case lays down flat and is used to play in to make one giant sandbox, it then folds up for easy storage.
There’s a pound of green sand, blue and then 8 pounds of the standard color. It includes molds, bridges, shovels and tools for play. The sand is safe and non toxic.
We’ve had such a good time with this, yes our colors have mixed a bit together but that hasn’t mattered. We’re coming up to the fall months here in Chicago and this will keep my daughter busy as it gets colder inside. Anything sensory is sure to be a hit in our home.
This has been a really fun and almost must free toy. This comes with two large bags of brown sand small bags of blue and green sand. It also comes with some fun tools and molds that you can build sandcastles out with. We’ve had nonstop fun since we have received this. Using some of these tools has been so relaxing and it’s great that the sand can be contained into a larger area. Yes, there has been sand that has left the box but for the most part the children know that they need to keep the sand in the box. I live in a cold weather climate and this is going to come in so useful for those winter days that they want to go play out in the sandbox but can’t. I like that it came with so much sand. Although, it took a matter of maybe 10 minutes before my young child combined all the colors so now it’s not those individual colors. There are two compartments inside the box that latch well. It folds up for easy storage when not in use.
Love this set! Has everything you need: easy storage, stuff to build and tons of multi-color packs of sand! Bought to bring to a b-day party as a cool outdoor activity and was a highlight. Kids loved it: mixing the different colors of sand, building, smashing and holding the sand in their hands was so cool to them. Very clean & organized set and the pack up was great. Kids were between 2.5 – 8 yrs and entertained for at least +70 mins. Highly recommend and will buy other sand packs and sets!
I didn’t allow any type of sand in my house until the pandemic. Then a mom told me that if it gets on the floor you just vacuum it up and move on. It was a super huge help for kids with boredom. You pull it out and then bam they are entertained for hours. Yes, it got all over the place and yes some of their toys have permanent sand in them. But it does vacuum up easily and really doesn’t leave that big of a mess.
This is a gigantic amount of sand. But it all fits in the carrying case so you can put it on a shelf when not in use.
Great gift or sensory bin!
Wow this is very large (in fact the largest I’ve ever seen!) and it’s nice that every stores inside, even the sand. It’s just what I was looking for as I don’t like keeping everything separate, so this makes clean up easy. It’s the name brand sand so it works much better than the knocks offs I’ve tried and we have tried a ton. The shapes hold up nicely see my photos it doesn’t fall apart easy unless you knock it over. The tools store inside in the compartments as seen in my photo even though one side my little one could open but the other side was hard to open. The catapult was fun. You put in a ball of sand and watch it fly!
The only thing is we started with the brown sand because I know my little one will end up mixing it all together. There’s really no way to keep those colors separate in this container. Soon we won’t care if it’s all mixed together.
So, I don’t know why I do this to myself. This thing is like a parent’s worse nightmare. SAND.
But, I made it an outside only toy, so it’s not so bad.
This thing is gigantic and impressive. My kids LOVE it. Comes with a good bit to do, but will need to buy more soon.
I love that the container is basically a self containing base. So they play with the sand in it, then it closes up with the sand in it.
Takes up a lot of room, but we’re keeping it in the outside deck box, so it’s not too bad.
Kids love it.