Acquistata per una regalo “on the road” mi ha lasciato piacevolmente sorpreso per la qualit e la facilit di utilizzo.
Il rapporto qualit/prezzo magnifico e il marchio certamente una sicurezza in merito alla qualit della carta e l’inchiostro. Fa una sola cosa: stampa. E lo fa molto bene.
Al momento non ho alcuna riserva e o considero un gran bel prodotto.
Keine Ahnung was die schlechten Bewertungen sollen. Was erwartet man von einem so kleinen Sofortbilddrucker fr eine Bildqualitt? Diese hngt auch stark von euren Handykamera Einstellungen ab. Wir haben ber 60 Bilder gedruckt (3 Filmpackungen) alle Bilder waren Top. Bilder sind im Vergleich zur Instax wesentlich billiger und man hat den groen Vorteil da man nicht noch erst Lichtverhltnisse etc. anpassen muss.
Fue para un regalo, la prob cuando se la regal y le encant. Buena calidad de imagen, la idea (creo) de este tipo de impresoras es imprimir fotos para un album tipo scrapbooking, tampoco se necesita una calidad superior. Bajo mi punto de vista relacion calidad-precio genial (ya que venia con 2 packs de recambio)
Don’t expect high quality printed pictures but does the job. Also, the app lags a lot. I have to shut it off after I’ve printed a few pictures because it looks like the Bluetooth comes off and doesn’t reconnect without turning off the app. For the price I’ve paid I’m happy with the product anyway.
Stampante pratica e super veloce. Mi ha stupito la qualit delle foto, nitide e con i colori perfetti. Facile da usare, l’app permette ampie possibilit di editing e personalizzazione. Dimensioni poco pi che tascabili, ideale per viaggiare.
Un p care le cartucce.
Habe es als Geschenk fr meine Freundin besorgt und damit einen Volltreffer gelandet. Sie liebt diesen Foto Drucker. Ideale Foto Gre fr kleine Erinnerungen. Die App ist intuitiv und die Qualitt der Bilder ist echt Top.
Beh l’ho rimandata indietro Tre volte, perch per tre volte nella stampa usciva una linea, ma siccome ho comprato stupidamente due scatole d ricariche e non si pu fare il reso su quelle per non rimanermi le ricariche inutilizzate l’ho acquistata una quarta volta..
Der Drucker macht Qualittsmig die gleiche Arbeit wie mein HP Drucker/kopierer. Fr kleine Fotos fr Erinnerungen ist das super. Wer viel Wert auf hochauflsend, gedruckte Fotos legt, wird enttuscht werden. Fr meine Zwecke aber ausreichend
Bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Drucker.
Die Bilder kommen in passabler Qualitt und sind schnell gedruckt.
Ich habe ein iPhone und da kam es manchmal zu Bluetooth Unterbrechungen und man musste nochmal eine Verbindung herstellen.
Danach funktioniert es jedoch ohne Probleme und man kann auch mehrere Bilder nacheinander drucke
Simpatica e funzionale, finora 30 stampe senza problemi, qualit discreta meglio delle vecchie Polaroid ma non quella del fotografo.
L’applicazione per utilizzarla da cellulare robusta ma basica
Worked great for printing some photos from my phone for a hiking scrap book.
It’s easy to load and prints well. I printed a little over 20 photos on the first go and had no problems. I like that the app allows for collage photos that I wanted a bit smaller.
I am in love this. It’s small, portable, and prints so easily. It was a little confusing setting up the app in the beginning because it wasn’t clear which app to use. But once you find and download the new app you’ll be printing with no issues!
la stampa e la qualit costruttiva ottima per un prodotto di questa fascia. i dettagli e la naturalezza dei colori sorprendono. il problema ( risolto ) dovuto al fatto, che come altri, la cartuccia da 10 , dopo 5-7 stampe non veniva pi riconosciuta o data per terminata. ho tentato tutte le procedure di aggiornato, ma niente. alla fine ho chiesto la sostituzione. il servizio assistenza kodak stato molto cortese ed efficiente : mi arrivato un nuovo prodotto che – per ora – non riscontra nessun problema.
Acquistata come idea regalo, buona, per il prezzo, un po’ difficile l’app, nel senso che per chi smanetta facile da usare, per chi invece non al massimo con la tecnologia un po’ ostica.
Bisogna stare attenti con il ritaglio delle immagini perch i bordi vengono tagliati male…
Tuttavia per il prezzo mi sento di dire che ha una buona quali
Estoy un poco decepcionada con este producto. Despus de comparar y ver varias reviews de esta impresora, me decid a comprarla, ya que todo el mundo deca que la calidad era excelente, mejor que otras de mayor precio, y que las imgenes salan igual que se vean en la pantalla del mvil, pero en mi caso no es as. el sistema de impresin CMYK es muy chulo y la calidad del papel fotogrfico es muy bueno, as como la aplicacin es muy fcil de usar. Sin embargo, no veo que las fotos salgan con la calidad que esperaba, no las veo del todo definidas, como si estuviesen ligeramente movidas no ntidas. No s si sucede as en todas las impresoras o es nicamente la ma. Es verdad que soy bastante exigente en este tipo de cosas, ya que adems es un desembolso importante de dinero, pero realmente esperaba una mejor calidad de impresin y no s si devolver la mquina, ya que como digo, la calidad no me termina de parecer la mejor. Si no se es tan exigente como yo, est impresora por calidad precio es perfecta.
Super Produkt einfach toll sehr zu empfehlen die Fotos sind toll und im Gegensatz zu sofortbildkameras Sind die Filme” im preisleistungsverhltnis besse
Not sure what adhesion means!? Nothing needs to stick — I guess apart from the ink to the paper! It works really well- very easy to use with the app android quality photos printed quite quickly. Great for dairy/ journaling
Fr spontanes Festhalten von Erinnerungen ist die Kamera super. Wir knnen nicht die negative Bewertung besttigen. Und unser Kind ist auch total begeistert davon und druckt begeistert ihre Bilder fr ihre FotoCollage spontan aus.
Natrlich kann die Bildqualitt nicht mit einem professionellen Ausdruck mithalten. Aber darum geht es bei so einem Gert auch nicht.
After watching tons of comparison videos on mini printers I decided on this and I’m glad I did. The printer does not overheat even after printing 20 pictures simultaneously. Connectivity through bluetooth is also fast. The only problem I encountered is on the app. When I try to use a different layout, the app crashes so I used a different app for a different layout. When I first printed a picture, 2 Films came out, I tried to return it to the cartridge but it cannot be recognized anymore. Battery life is not long but recharging is fast. The printer automatically turns off after 5mins when not in use. I bought the set (brown case/bag, sticker, tin case, 60 films and photo album) and it is so worth it!
After watching tons of comparison videos on mini printers I decided on this and I‘m glad I did. The printer does not overheat even after printing 20 pictures simultaneously. Connectivity through bluetooth is also fast. The only problem I encountered is on the app. When I try to use a different layout, the app crashes so I used a different app for a different layout. When I first printed a picture, 2 Films came out, I tried to return it to the cartridge but it cannot be recognized anymore. Battery life is not long but recharging is fast. The printer automatically turns off after 5mins when not in use. I bought the set (brown case/bag, sticker, tin case, 60 films and photo album) and it is so worth it!
Fr eine pinnwand oder reisebuch echt super. Das gute Stck kommt gut verpackt und schneller als erwartet nach Hause. Nach kurzer Wartezeit geht’s auch schon los. Einfach mit dem Handy verbinden Bild aussuchen und los geht’s. Fr ein Polaroid hnliches Konstrukt hat es eine Klasse Bild Qualitt. Es macht Spa dem Papier beim Drucken zu zusehen und das Wechseln der Kartusche ist auch super einfach. Ach ja die abkhlen ist brigens so extrem kurz das ich schon fast erschrocken bin. Also Fazit ich bin fr meinen Gebrauch begeistert von dem kleinen Teil.
Bon produit, qualit de photo correct, le prix du papier cartouche est raisonnable comparer a d’autre produit.
Le seul petit bmol, pour en trouver un, et encore que… je dirais que, il faut compter un quinzaine de seconde pour imprimer.
To me, this printer is a better alternative to the Instax cameras. I can never get a good picture with the camera. However, the printer gives you great photos. You can crop, edit and print more than one photo per sheet. This is excellent for journaling. I can still order 4×6’s of my photos, but I love the convenience of being able to print a decent picture in a smaller size.
This little printer is great. I love it. The photo quality is really good. I love that this is ink jet printed and not Zink paper. The colour is vibrant and clear. I gave the easy to use a 4/5 only because the apps are a little confusing and there are 3 different ones to use.
adoro la mia stampante portatile: molto comoda e facile da usare. La qualit di stampa molto buona. Ogni tanto litigo con il bluetooth, ma risolvo sempre.
Was thinking of getting my son’s an instant camera but they are quite bulky and they always carry their mobiles. So this was a great option and we’ll received. They had them up and running very quickly on Christmas day and I have some colour pics for my purse (I need my glasses to see them because they are credit card size!)
My boyfriend and I have the Adventure book for couples and these pictures turned out GREAT! We had to trim a little off the top or bottom to fit in the space for it, but the picture quality is awesome! Super easy to connect to your phone, we love it!
Die zweite Lieferung war vollstndig.
Der Drucker ist super, die Fotos sind scharf und die Farben – frhlich.
Das Geschenk ist super angekommen, auch wenn es keine berraschung mehr war.
Ich hab nur ein Stern vergeben, weil sas Paket, was ich bekommen habe, unvollstndig war. Der Photodrucker war nicht dabei und es fehlte auch ein zweites Packchen mit Druckpatronen. Es gab nur 1 Packchen mit 3 Druckpatronen (i.e. 30 photos)
Vielen Dank an Amazon, der den Vollpreis des Artikels erstattet hat. Ich drfte auch die Patronen behalten.
Die Enttuchung ist trotzdem so gro, da den Drucker als Geschenk vorgesehen war.
Ich bestelle ein zweites mal mit der Hoffnung, das erstes Mal nur ein Fehler aus Versehen war. Den Drucker ist leider im Moment nicht im Mediamarkt oder Saturn lieferbar, sonst htte ich dort nachgekauft.
Falls die zweite Lieferung reibungslos lief ndere ich die Bewertung.
Der Mini Drucker war ein Weihnachtsgeschenk fr meinen Sohn. Einfaches Einrichten durch eine App und schon geht es los. Ein super Spa mit tollen Bilder. Klare Kaufempfehlung.
Rapida e qualit delle foto eccellente! Il principale problema rappresentato dalle app: ce ne sono molteplici disponibili su Play Store e quella suggerita nel libretto di istruzioni non funziona. Si risolve facilmente installandone un’altra sempre firmata KODAK.
I love it! Some of the pictures don’t print in the best quality and resolution but I think it makes them look vintage and I like it. It’s so cute and entertaining to watch it print all the little pictures too. Very happy with it.
Habe den Kodak Mini 2 Retro Drucker bestellt, weil ich meinem Freund ein Fotoalbum schenke. Immer wenn wir etwas gemeinsam erleben, dann knnen wir sofort ein Bild von dem Erlebnis ausdrucken und in das Album einkleben, da das Fotopapier auch kleben kann, wenn man die hinterste Schicht abzieht. Fr so einen kleinen Drucker ist die Qualitt echt gut! Ich bin begeistert!
Decent quality print, expect polaroid quality rather than lab printed.
Can be a bit fiddly to pair with the phone sometimes, and the app is mediorcre at best. Better to edit phots in something else and then just use the app for priniting.
Really nice to have some physical photos rather then just ones stuck on a phone
Funziona benissimo ed facilissimo da usare, il formato un po’ piccolo ma le foto (colori e nitidezza) vengono stampante benissimo.
Con questo prezzo conviene particolarmente contando che vi sono due ricariche incluse.
Facile da usare, stampa veloce, app molto semplice e intuitiva. Qualit di stampa oltre le aspettative, colori nitidi e nessuna sgranatura! Anche esteticamente molto carina e compatta! La consiglio!
Macht richtig Spa damit zu drucken. Gerade auf einem Geburtstag o.. Eine richtige Attraktion. Preislich auch viel besser als eine Sofortbild-Kamera mit teurem Papier. Hier hat man alle Bilder zustzlich auch in digital.
Druckt etwas langsam und zeigt leider nicht an, wie viele Bilder noch in der Kartusche sind.
Der Kodak P210 Mini 2 Retro, Mobiler Fotodrucker hat mich berrascht. Nach Lieferung aufgeladen, Blutooth eingerichtet und APP runtergeladen. Die mitgelieferte Bedienungsanweisung ist sehr einfach geschriben, so dass man fast darauf verzichten kann. Die ausgedruckten Bilder sind zwar nicht besonders gro. Dafr ist die Bildqualitt aber um so besser. Es ist schon erstaunlich, was so ein kleines Ding leistet. Ich bin begeistert. Fr knapp ber EUR 110,00 eine tolle Sache. Kaufempfehlung!
Perfekt fr alle Gelegenheiten, fr die man schnell ein Foto braucht. Die Qualitt ist erstaunlich gut, man braucht keinen extra Fotoapparat und kann die Fotos auch noch bearbeiten. Der Akku knnte ein wenig lnger halten und die Fotokassetten sind sehr preisintensiv, dennoch bereuen wir den Kauf auf gar keinen Fall!
La stampante proprio stupenda
Dopo un primo momento di delusione perch la stampa non lucida, devo dire che mi sono ricreduta.
Potere avere una foto da regalare, conservare, lasciare in giro, in qualunque momento meraviglioso e questa stampante consente di farlo con comodit, qualit ed un buon rapporto qualit prezzo.
Ci ho stampato anche un biglietto da visita una volta
Super Sache. Ich fotografiere nicht viel und wenn mchte ich das Bild gleich und klein haben. Mit dem Kodat mini ist es genau so.
Ich benutze die Fotos mir meinen Business Planer. Die Bilder sind sofort trocken und auch sehr dnn.
Regalata a mia figlia che ci stampa le foto scattate col cellulare con le amiche. La qualit della stampa non eccelsa (dimenticate la stampa di un fotografo), ma l’idea davvero divertente: poter regalare piccole foto ricordo di momenti passati insieme agli amici. Comprata in offerta ad un prezzo concorrenziale. L’app e facile ed intuitiva. Contento
So I was hesitant to purchase this printer but I’m pleasantly surprised. The prints itself are great. The picture paper is great. Colour is great. And I like that cartridges are easy to find. Pictures are quite small tho so me sure you read the description. I bought this specifically so that I could easily create my scrapbook/baby book for my new baby. So for this purpose the printer is great!
Only concerns are.. I can’t seem to find any ink remedy for when the ink runs out. I am yet to find any ink replacements so if the printer is done when the ink is gone it will not be worth the money.. so I have to keep trying to figure that out.
Also: just a note the battery dies after about 15 prints. And to charge takes about an hour. So if your using this for a large project keep in mind it will take you a while. I made the mistake of trying to print while charging and spit out empty photo paper. So don’t even attempt to print while the printer is charging.
But as far as quality and function goes, it’s grea
I bought this to use on a girls’ weekend getaway to Nashville. On the last morning of the trip, I had the kitchen island covered with mini photos of the places we went and the memories we made. Everyone picked their favorites to take home. The picture clarity is great, the ease of use scores a 10/10. Since the trip, it’s been fun to randomly share pictures with family and friends. Very happy I bought this.
I had this is my Amazon “Wish List” for awhile; I ordered it and was not disappointed; I use most of the photos for my journaling – however also for framing. The print quality is great, the color is lovely. It is easy to print via Bluetooth; I really enjoy using it.
Absolutely brilliant little printer. Pay attention to the instructions as it can make a difference to the print quality. Photo’s straight from your phone camera will look great. If they have been compressed (sending images via WhatsApp for instance etc) then they will be a little blurry. It’s simple to set up and use via the app. You may have to crop a photo down in another app first as the Kodak app doesn’t allow this but all in all a great piece of kit.
This was a fantastic find. I am an avid journal writer and it is so nice to be able to print out a high quality photo to add to my journal.
The image quality is amazing, the speed is sufficient, and the battery lasts plenty long to meet my needs.
Kodak mini 2 rtro ,assez petite pour tre transporte dans une poche,parait assez solide,rechargement facile,sortie photo correcte utiliser occasionellement entre amis ou en famille pour avoir des photos offrir (repas,sorties,vacances),trs bonne petite imprimante,une vingtaine de photos tire 100% de russite,dans l’ensemble satisfait de mon achat voir la fiabilit dans le temps.
Love this! Perfect photos! Easy to use! So perfect for my little travel journal! I am using this to document my daughter’s college tours this summer as well as just journaling. This is a fantastic little device. I use it every day and have loved the results.
I got two of these because my girlfriend moved to Colorado for school for 6 months so we decided to write letters and I thought it would be cute to take pictures of our separate adventures to send each other, they’re usually dumb, but in the long run I think it’ll make a cute section in a future scrap book.
Print quality is great! Just pay attention and remember in goes in and out 4 time before it’s done so don’t rip it out wondering why it’s all yellow and jam it up lol. Saw a lot of dumb 1 star reviews before purchasing.
Not a huge fan of the filters the app has, the natural photos turn out a little more clearly!
Super easy to use, and great quality prints! Only things to note, it will over heat if you try to print too many photos at a time, and sometimes you have to restart the app to get it to print.
Sehr nette Spielerei. Macht Fotos wie frher die Polaroid Kameras nur im Kleinformat.
Druck geht relativ schnell. Fotos knnen per App bearbeitet werden (Rahmen, etc.).
Sehr schner kleiner Drucker, jedoch in der Fotopapieranschaffung auf dauer etwas teuer.
I didn’t quite know what to expect when I got this mini printer, but it is amazing. It’s perfect for creating pocket sized photo books. The print quality is amazing for how small the printer is. Print time takes about 30 seconds. Sometimes the prints you choose don’t go through, but all you have to do is cancel the print and try again.
I have had no issues with this little printer, pictures are a far better quality than I expected, it connected quickly with both my iPad and iPhone. I made a collage of pictures for my grandson’s graduation and have little photos all over my fridge of special people and moments.
Habe eine Weile gebraucht um den Drucker mit meinem Smartphone zu verbinden. Aber nachdem es verbunden war habe ich richtig schne kleine Erinnerungsfotos ausdrucken knnen. Klar Kaufempfehlung von mir.
This is good quality but if your expecting high quality photos this this not for you. But it’s easy to use and the photos are good quality I would recommend using maybe a bigger photo printer for bigger photos since far away pics don’t come out good on this little photo printer I’m going to try the Kodak 4×6 photo printer but overall this a 10/10 for price and value and
Fcil de usar. Imprime fotos tamao tarjeta de visita. No soy profesional de imagen, pero mi opinin es que es perfecta para hacer fotos de recuerdo. Muy cmoda para llevar en la mochila o el bolso. Eso s, recomiendo llevar este dispositivo en una funda, necesita el mismo cuidado que un telfono mvil.
Echo de menos que la aplicacin tenga ms variedad de edicin, marcos, dibujos etc. Pero lo importante, q es la impresin, me parece perfecta para un album de fotos. Me ha sorprendido la calidad de la imagen para un dispositivo porttil.
Qualit di stampa: OTTIMA
Facilit di utilizzo ed installazione cartuccia : OTTIME, molto intuitiva l’app e l’associazione, molto semplice e veloce la sostituzione della cartuccia.
Compattezza : OTTIMA, si porter tranquillamente ovunque senza alcun problema.
Reperibilit carta fotografica e cartucce: OTTIME e spesso ad un buon prezzo.
Differenze tra lei e la Mini 3 che lei fa le foto rettangolari e la Mini 3 le fa quadrate.
After much comparison of like for like products, reading reviews etc I settled on this. And I’m glad of it. Quick to recharge, easy to use, photo quality not bad at all and the colour quality is very good. Bought for scrapbooking and journalling. The app and printer is also very easy to set up. Very happy with my purchase.
Wanted to get a mini printer for scrap book use but was worried about print quality from reviews. I decided on this Kodak printer as it was mid-price point and am really impressed with the quality of the print and ease of use. Highly recommend!
Ottima stampante la qualit delle foto eccezionale e il formato un buon compromesso per essere portatile.
Il rapporto qualit prezzo molto buono e anche le ricariche hanno il giusto costo
Se proprio devo trovare un pecca si blocca se si cerca di stampare 3 copie insieme ma non crea pi di tanto problemi visto che basta farne un’altra subito dopo
Al di fuori delle mie aspettative
I like the printer. It’s a similar experience to the Canon Selphy dye-sub printers. The problem is the app. As it stands today, you can only select pics to print from the thumbnail viewer in the app. Those thumbnails are too small.
Kodak should have the developer modify the app to give it an extension to Photos in iOS. You’d be able to select your images from the much larger previews in Photos and send them to the app for printing. It seems like a fairly obvious feature, and it’s absence feels like a significant oversight. Otherwise, it’s a nice little printer for parties or other small events. Or just making small prints!
Ich bin total begeistert von dem Kodak Drucker. Das Bild ist in 50sek gedruckt und die Bildqualitt ist total klasse fr so ein kleines Gert, auch der Umgang ist super easy. Ab heute habe ich fr die schnen Momente im Leben einen neuen Begleiter.
Sometimes I just want to print a small photo of a poignant moment and this was just what I needed. The prints are perfect for putting one on my husband’s desk of the puppy with mud all over her nose, or putting a rare snapshot of my mom being silly with my daughter on my monitor or in my bag.
Love love love! I’ve been able to print out a bunch of memories and I haven’t even ran out of the cartridges that came with this buy! The print always comes out very bright and amazing. 10/10 would recommend to anyone searching for a good portable printer ! the picture sizes fit great in the back of my phone, in a wallet, etc! they’re about the same size as if you had a normal poloroid camera !
Der Drucker tut was er druckt kleine Bildchen aus..und das mit recht guter Qualitt…fr Party oder kurzen Urlaub gut geeignet…fr dauerhafte Fotodrucker..eher nicht…aber fr zwischendurch klasse…Verbindung mit Handy super einfach..und drucken dauert auch nicht lange…muss jeder selber wissen ob er die doch recht teuren Fotos per Kartusche dann investieren will…also fr Kleine Sofortdrucke absolut geeignet…ein Fotoalbum wrde ich damit nicht fllen wollen…aber so..Toll
Was unsure when reading some of the reviews about picture quality but can’t fault it. Ideal for a scrap book or putting in cards. Really pleased with it.
The App could be better giving more editable options. Still waiting for app to allow Facebook instagram and google photos access. Battery does not last as long as I would like between charges
It is a remarkable photo printer. It prints in a slightly larger size than others on the same price range (2.1 x 3.4in) in full bleed (without white borders).
The app leaves something to be desired and some features do not work as expected (I have experienced some cropped areas and imprecise size edits)
Also one of the cartridges jammed on the 3rd photo and had to be discarded.
Overall very happy with speed and image quality. It makes a lot more sense to use it to print photos from a phone camera than to have a low quality camera with an embedded printer.
L’ho comprata per mia figlia, onestamente, senza grandi aspettative, ma mi sono dovuto ricredere.
Dal mio punto di vista le qualit sono:
1) Immediatamente rilevata dal cellulare/Pc via Blutooth
2) Velocit di stampa
3) qualit di stampa pi che buona (non a livello professionale, ovviamente, ma pi che soddisfacente per un utilizzo amatoriale)
4) l’App per gestirla facile da usare. E’ dotata di filtri per “giocare” un po’ con la foto prima i stamparla e consente la stampa con/senza bordo.
5) facilit nel cambiare le cartucce.
Ovviamente il formato delle foto piccolo (vedi dettagli dell’oggetto) rispetto ad una stampa “standard”. Ma questa una caratteristica, non un difetto.
Parfaite imprimante, le seul problme, c’est que chaque cartouches n’imprime que 8 photos, il en reste 2 dans la cartouche et ca me dit de la changer… je vient d’en mettre une nouvelle et ca ne marche mme plus
Although many other reviews bashed on the quality of the printing, it was actually pretty great. Compared to these other mini photo printers, this was definitely superior. I would 100% recommend. I’ll show y’all some pictures i printed below, I think the higher the quality of the photo, the better the picture. If your photo is dark and blurry, the print won’t turn out that great, but if the lighting is good and photo is clear, the picture prints out perfectly. Awesome.
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit den Fotodrucker.
Das Bild in meinen Handy sieht genau so aus,wie es es aus dem Kodak Drucker kommt.
Ich finde es wie Magie ,so eine flle an Farben, wo ich doch nur 3 Grundfarben sehe. !!
Also danke an Kodak
Ottima stampante si collega in Bluetooth veloce e semplice da usare foto abbastanza nitide colori buono utile per chi vuole stampare piccole foto dal cellulare. Simpatico il fatto che le foto sono adesive.
Ansolutely amazing mini printer. Brought for my teenage daughter for Christmas who absolutely loves it. It produces great high quality photos & the whole family & her friends love it. A big hit. Highly recommend.
Premetto che prima di acquistarla ho preso molte informazioni sui prodotti analoghi a questo confrontandoli sia a livello di prestazioni sia a livello di costo cartucce e devo dire che non posso che esserne soddisfatta… leggera,il collegamento al mio i phone stato semplice,l’applicazione fa il suo dovere e ti da modo di personalizzare le foto con filtri,scritte,cornici e adesivi…si ricarica in maniera abbastanza veloce, per quanto riguarda la durata ancora non posso essere precisa perch con la prima carica ho fatto 6 stampe e ancora non l’ho scaricata… l’imballaggio inoltre era ottimo
Sono molto contenta dell’acquisto: con pochi click mando in stampa foto che altrimenti rimarrebbero solo digitali e il prezzo pi contenuto rispetto alla concorrenza. Il formato non molto grande ma rende benissimo, ottimi colori e finitura. Lo storico marchio Kodak merita una valutazione 5 stelle anche oggi
Stampante compatta, molto carina, pratica da usare (l’app non delle migliori ma fa il suo dovere).
La resa dei colori e la qualit di stampa sono molto buone. Le dimensioni delle foto sono appena pi grandi di quelle delle altre stampanti di questo tipo, motivo per cui l’ho scelta.
Sono decisamente soddisfatta dell’acquisto.
Ho acquistato questa stampante Kodak per mia figlia e si rivelata un’ottima scelta. Foto di ottima qualit e facilit d’uso. Inoltre, da non sottovalutare, le cartucce di ricarica sono pi economiche rispetto alla concorrenza e facilissime da inserire nonch da reperire. Articolo molto consigliato.
ottimo prodotto ,ma poco soddisfacenti le informazioni sulle cartucce da adottare che si confondono con altri tipi .SONO uguali a quelle della mini 3? Perch costano tanto ? Perch difficile reperirle.Questo uno dei motivi per il quale si restii a comprare queste stampanti!
Acquistata per una regalo “on the road” mi ha lasciato piacevolmente sorpreso per la qualit e la facilit di utilizzo.
Il rapporto qualit/prezzo magnifico e il marchio certamente una sicurezza in merito alla qualit della carta e l’inchiostro. Fa una sola cosa: stampa. E lo fa molto bene.
Al momento non ho alcuna riserva e o considero un gran bel prodotto.
Super Drucker, erfllt alle Erwartungen. Die Bildqualitt knnte besser sein, passt so aber auch.
Keine Ahnung was die schlechten Bewertungen sollen. Was erwartet man von einem so kleinen Sofortbilddrucker fr eine Bildqualitt? Diese hngt auch stark von euren Handykamera Einstellungen ab. Wir haben ber 60 Bilder gedruckt (3 Filmpackungen) alle Bilder waren Top. Bilder sind im Vergleich zur Instax wesentlich billiger und man hat den groen Vorteil da man nicht noch erst Lichtverhltnisse etc. anpassen muss.
Fue para un regalo, la prob cuando se la regal y le encant. Buena calidad de imagen, la idea (creo) de este tipo de impresoras es imprimir fotos para un album tipo scrapbooking, tampoco se necesita una calidad superior. Bajo mi punto de vista relacion calidad-precio genial (ya que venia con 2 packs de recambio)
Der kleine Drucker ist wirklich spitze. Macht super schne Fotos die nicht verpixelt sind. Ist einfach zu bedienen. Klare Kaufempfehlung.
Don’t expect high quality printed pictures but does the job. Also, the app lags a lot. I have to shut it off after I’ve printed a few pictures because it looks like the Bluetooth comes off and doesn’t reconnect without turning off the app. For the price I’ve paid I’m happy with the product anyway.
Stampante pratica e super veloce. Mi ha stupito la qualit delle foto, nitide e con i colori perfetti. Facile da usare, l’app permette ampie possibilit di editing e personalizzazione. Dimensioni poco pi che tascabili, ideale per viaggiare.
Un p care le cartucce.
Everything is apt.
Thanks kodak!!!
Seeing Printed photos bring nostalgia.
All I can say is just go for it.
P210 rocks!!!
Habe es als Geschenk fr meine Freundin besorgt und damit einen Volltreffer gelandet. Sie liebt diesen Foto Drucker. Ideale Foto Gre fr kleine Erinnerungen. Die App ist intuitiv und die Qualitt der Bilder ist echt Top.
Beh l’ho rimandata indietro Tre volte, perch per tre volte nella stampa usciva una linea, ma siccome ho comprato stupidamente due scatole d ricariche e non si pu fare il reso su quelle per non rimanermi le ricariche inutilizzate l’ho acquistata una quarta volta..
Der Drucker macht Qualittsmig die gleiche Arbeit wie mein HP Drucker/kopierer. Fr kleine Fotos fr Erinnerungen ist das super. Wer viel Wert auf hochauflsend, gedruckte Fotos legt, wird enttuscht werden. Fr meine Zwecke aber ausreichend
Bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Drucker.
Die Bilder kommen in passabler Qualitt und sind schnell gedruckt.
Ich habe ein iPhone und da kam es manchmal zu Bluetooth Unterbrechungen und man musste nochmal eine Verbindung herstellen.
Danach funktioniert es jedoch ohne Probleme und man kann auch mehrere Bilder nacheinander drucke
Simpatica e funzionale, finora 30 stampe senza problemi, qualit discreta meglio delle vecchie Polaroid ma non quella del fotografo.
L’applicazione per utilizzarla da cellulare robusta ma basica
For a little printer, it gives great photo quality! The app of Super easy to use and I love how portable it is
I love this printer. Its very easy to set up, easy to use and the picture quality is great. 100% worth the money
Worked great for printing some photos from my phone for a hiking scrap book.
It’s easy to load and prints well. I printed a little over 20 photos on the first go and had no problems. I like that the app allows for collage photos that I wanted a bit smaller.
I am in love this. It’s small, portable, and prints so easily. It was a little confusing setting up the app in the beginning because it wasn’t clear which app to use. But once you find and download the new app you’ll be printing with no issues!
la stampa e la qualit costruttiva ottima per un prodotto di questa fascia. i dettagli e la naturalezza dei colori sorprendono. il problema ( risolto ) dovuto al fatto, che come altri, la cartuccia da 10 , dopo 5-7 stampe non veniva pi riconosciuta o data per terminata. ho tentato tutte le procedure di aggiornato, ma niente. alla fine ho chiesto la sostituzione. il servizio assistenza kodak stato molto cortese ed efficiente : mi arrivato un nuovo prodotto che – per ora – non riscontra nessun problema.
I brought this as a memory album of trips out with my grandsons, quick and easy to use
Davvero unica,qualit delle foto perfetta e facilissima da utilizzare
Acquistata come idea regalo, buona, per il prezzo, un po’ difficile l’app, nel senso che per chi smanetta facile da usare, per chi invece non al massimo con la tecnologia un po’ ostica.
Bisogna stare attenti con il ritaglio delle immagini perch i bordi vengono tagliati male…
Tuttavia per il prezzo mi sento di dire che ha una buona quali
Estoy un poco decepcionada con este producto. Despus de comparar y ver varias reviews de esta impresora, me decid a comprarla, ya que todo el mundo deca que la calidad era excelente, mejor que otras de mayor precio, y que las imgenes salan igual que se vean en la pantalla del mvil, pero en mi caso no es as. el sistema de impresin CMYK es muy chulo y la calidad del papel fotogrfico es muy bueno, as como la aplicacin es muy fcil de usar. Sin embargo, no veo que las fotos salgan con la calidad que esperaba, no las veo del todo definidas, como si estuviesen ligeramente movidas no ntidas. No s si sucede as en todas las impresoras o es nicamente la ma. Es verdad que soy bastante exigente en este tipo de cosas, ya que adems es un desembolso importante de dinero, pero realmente esperaba una mejor calidad de impresin y no s si devolver la mquina, ya que como digo, la calidad no me termina de parecer la mejor. Si no se es tan exigente como yo, est impresora por calidad precio es perfecta.
Super Produkt einfach toll sehr zu empfehlen die Fotos sind toll und im Gegensatz zu sofortbildkameras Sind die Filme” im preisleistungsverhltnis besse
Schnes Geschenk. Ist gut angekommen. Einfach und schnell zu bedienen, leider recht groe Mllproduktion. Die Qualitt der Bilder ist super.
Not sure what adhesion means!? Nothing needs to stick — I guess apart from the ink to the paper! It works really well- very easy to use with the app android quality photos printed quite quickly. Great for dairy/ journaling
Kodak e garanzia pura
Prodotto fantastico comodissimo rapido il linguaggio con la app tutto molto bello e funzionale
Fr spontanes Festhalten von Erinnerungen ist die Kamera super. Wir knnen nicht die negative Bewertung besttigen. Und unser Kind ist auch total begeistert davon und druckt begeistert ihre Bilder fr ihre FotoCollage spontan aus.
Natrlich kann die Bildqualitt nicht mit einem professionellen Ausdruck mithalten. Aber darum geht es bei so einem Gert auch nicht.
After watching tons of comparison videos on mini printers I decided on this and I’m glad I did. The printer does not overheat even after printing 20 pictures simultaneously. Connectivity through bluetooth is also fast. The only problem I encountered is on the app. When I try to use a different layout, the app crashes so I used a different app for a different layout. When I first printed a picture, 2 Films came out, I tried to return it to the cartridge but it cannot be recognized anymore. Battery life is not long but recharging is fast. The printer automatically turns off after 5mins when not in use. I bought the set (brown case/bag, sticker, tin case, 60 films and photo album) and it is so worth it!
Fr eine pinnwand oder reisebuch echt super. Das gute Stck kommt gut verpackt und schneller als erwartet nach Hause. Nach kurzer Wartezeit geht’s auch schon los. Einfach mit dem Handy verbinden Bild aussuchen und los geht’s. Fr ein Polaroid hnliches Konstrukt hat es eine Klasse Bild Qualitt. Es macht Spa dem Papier beim Drucken zu zusehen und das Wechseln der Kartusche ist auch super einfach. Ach ja die abkhlen ist brigens so extrem kurz das ich schon fast erschrocken bin. Also Fazit ich bin fr meinen Gebrauch begeistert von dem kleinen Teil.
Le seul petit bmol, pour en trouver un, et encore que… je dirais que, il faut compter un quinzaine de seconde pour imprimer.
A fun gadget to use but rather pricey. Photos are very small but clear and a decent quality. Ideal for older children.
Easy to use, the quality of the print is great and our daughter is so happy she can print her photos from her phone
This little printer is great. I love it. The photo quality is really good. I love that this is ink jet printed and not Zink paper. The colour is vibrant and clear. I gave the easy to use a 4/5 only because the apps are a little confusing and there are 3 different ones to use.
adoro la mia stampante portatile: molto comoda e facile da usare. La qualit di stampa molto buona. Ogni tanto litigo con il bluetooth, ma risolvo sempre.
Daughter was so chuffed with this surprise item for Christmas! Perfect in every way!
Was thinking of getting my son’s an instant camera but they are quite bulky and they always carry their mobiles. So this was a great option and we’ll received. They had them up and running very quickly on Christmas day and I have some colour pics for my purse (I need my glasses to see them because they are credit card size!)
Die zweite Lieferung war vollstndig.
Der Drucker ist super, die Fotos sind scharf und die Farben – frhlich.
Das Geschenk ist super angekommen, auch wenn es keine berraschung mehr war.
Ich hab nur ein Stern vergeben, weil sas Paket, was ich bekommen habe, unvollstndig war. Der Photodrucker war nicht dabei und es fehlte auch ein zweites Packchen mit Druckpatronen. Es gab nur 1 Packchen mit 3 Druckpatronen (i.e. 30 photos)
Vielen Dank an Amazon, der den Vollpreis des Artikels erstattet hat. Ich drfte auch die Patronen behalten.
Die Enttuchung ist trotzdem so gro, da den Drucker als Geschenk vorgesehen war.
Ich bestelle ein zweites mal mit der Hoffnung, das erstes Mal nur ein Fehler aus Versehen war. Den Drucker ist leider im Moment nicht im Mediamarkt oder Saturn lieferbar, sonst htte ich dort nachgekauft.
Falls die zweite Lieferung reibungslos lief ndere ich die Bewertung.
Der Mini Drucker war ein Weihnachtsgeschenk fr meinen Sohn. Einfaches Einrichten durch eine App und schon geht es los. Ein super Spa mit tollen Bilder. Klare Kaufempfehlung.
Bought for Christmas, my teen love it. Pictures quality is slightly better than a Polaroid old school camera.
Rapida e qualit delle foto eccellente! Il principale problema rappresentato dalle app: ce ne sono molteplici disponibili su Play Store e quella suggerita nel libretto di istruzioni non funziona. Si risolve facilmente installandone un’altra sempre firmata KODAK.
I love it! Some of the pictures don’t print in the best quality and resolution but I think it makes them look vintage and I like it. It’s so cute and entertaining to watch it print all the little pictures too. Very happy with it.
Habe den Kodak Mini 2 Retro Drucker bestellt, weil ich meinem Freund ein Fotoalbum schenke. Immer wenn wir etwas gemeinsam erleben, dann knnen wir sofort ein Bild von dem Erlebnis ausdrucken und in das Album einkleben, da das Fotopapier auch kleben kann, wenn man die hinterste Schicht abzieht. Fr so einen kleinen Drucker ist die Qualitt echt gut! Ich bin begeistert!
Like – overall good. Easily connects to your smartphone.
Decent quality print, expect polaroid quality rather than lab printed.
Can be a bit fiddly to pair with the phone sometimes, and the app is mediorcre at best. Better to edit phots in something else and then just use the app for priniting.
Really nice to have some physical photos rather then just ones stuck on a phone
Funziona benissimo ed facilissimo da usare, il formato un po’ piccolo ma le foto (colori e nitidezza) vengono stampante benissimo.
Con questo prezzo conviene particolarmente contando che vi sono due ricariche incluse.
Facile da usare, stampa veloce, app molto semplice e intuitiva. Qualit di stampa oltre le aspettative, colori nitidi e nessuna sgranatura! Anche esteticamente molto carina e compatta! La consiglio!
Macht richtig Spa damit zu drucken. Gerade auf einem Geburtstag o.. Eine richtige Attraktion. Preislich auch viel besser als eine Sofortbild-Kamera mit teurem Papier. Hier hat man alle Bilder zustzlich auch in digital.
Druckt etwas langsam und zeigt leider nicht an, wie viele Bilder noch in der Kartusche sind.
Der Kodak P210 Mini 2 Retro, Mobiler Fotodrucker hat mich berrascht. Nach Lieferung aufgeladen, Blutooth eingerichtet und APP runtergeladen. Die mitgelieferte Bedienungsanweisung ist sehr einfach geschriben, so dass man fast darauf verzichten kann. Die ausgedruckten Bilder sind zwar nicht besonders gro. Dafr ist die Bildqualitt aber um so besser. Es ist schon erstaunlich, was so ein kleines Ding leistet. Ich bin begeistert. Fr knapp ber EUR 110,00 eine tolle Sache. Kaufempfehlung!
Dopo un primo momento di delusione perch la stampa non lucida, devo dire che mi sono ricreduta.
Potere avere una foto da regalare, conservare, lasciare in giro, in qualunque momento meraviglioso e questa stampante consente di farlo con comodit, qualit ed un buon rapporto qualit prezzo.
Ci ho stampato anche un biglietto da visita una volta
The printer was easy to set up and I am very pleased with the quality of the photo’s.
Super Sache. Ich fotografiere nicht viel und wenn mchte ich das Bild gleich und klein haben. Mit dem Kodat mini ist es genau so.
Ich benutze die Fotos mir meinen Business Planer. Die Bilder sind sofort trocken und auch sehr dnn.
Bought as a present for my husband he likes it very much very good quality pictures and easy to use
Regalata a mia figlia che ci stampa le foto scattate col cellulare con le amiche. La qualit della stampa non eccelsa (dimenticate la stampa di un fotografo), ma l’idea davvero divertente: poter regalare piccole foto ricordo di momenti passati insieme agli amici. Comprata in offerta ad un prezzo concorrenziale. L’app e facile ed intuitiva. Contento
Druckleistung und Bilder sind teilweise schner als aus einer Drogerie. Leider hlt der Akku keine 10 Bilder aus zu drucken, trotz davor geladenen Akku.
Only concerns are.. I can’t seem to find any ink remedy for when the ink runs out. I am yet to find any ink replacements so if the printer is done when the ink is gone it will not be worth the money.. so I have to keep trying to figure that out.
Also: just a note the battery dies after about 15 prints. And to charge takes about an hour. So if your using this for a large project keep in mind it will take you a while. I made the mistake of trying to print while charging and spit out empty photo paper. So don’t even attempt to print while the printer is charging.
But as far as quality and function goes, it’s grea
I had this is my Amazon “Wish List” for awhile; I ordered it and was not disappointed; I use most of the photos for my journaling – however also for framing. The print quality is great, the color is lovely. It is easy to print via Bluetooth; I really enjoy using it.
This was a fantastic find. I am an avid journal writer and it is so nice to be able to print out a high quality photo to add to my journal.
The image quality is amazing, the speed is sufficient, and the battery lasts plenty long to meet my needs.
Love this! Perfect photos! Easy to use! So perfect for my little travel journal! I am using this to document my daughter’s college tours this summer as well as just journaling. This is a fantastic little device. I use it every day and have loved the results.
I got two of these because my girlfriend moved to Colorado for school for 6 months so we decided to write letters and I thought it would be cute to take pictures of our separate adventures to send each other, they’re usually dumb, but in the long run I think it’ll make a cute section in a future scrap book.
Print quality is great! Just pay attention and remember in goes in and out 4 time before it’s done so don’t rip it out wondering why it’s all yellow and jam it up lol. Saw a lot of dumb 1 star reviews before purchasing.
Not a huge fan of the filters the app has, the natural photos turn out a little more clearly!
Thanks again!
Druck geht relativ schnell. Fotos knnen per App bearbeitet werden (Rahmen, etc.).
Sehr schner kleiner Drucker, jedoch in der Fotopapieranschaffung auf dauer etwas teuer.
I didn’t quite know what to expect when I got this mini printer, but it is amazing. It’s perfect for creating pocket sized photo books. The print quality is amazing for how small the printer is. Print time takes about 30 seconds. Sometimes the prints you choose don’t go through, but all you have to do is cancel the print and try again.
This is good quality but if your expecting high quality photos this this not for you. But it’s easy to use and the photos are good quality I would recommend using maybe a bigger photo printer for bigger photos since far away pics don’t come out good on this little photo printer I’m going to try the Kodak 4×6 photo printer but overall this a 10/10 for price and value and
Echo de menos que la aplicacin tenga ms variedad de edicin, marcos, dibujos etc. Pero lo importante, q es la impresin, me parece perfecta para un album de fotos. Me ha sorprendido la calidad de la imagen para un dispositivo porttil.
Facilit di utilizzo ed installazione cartuccia : OTTIME, molto intuitiva l’app e l’associazione, molto semplice e veloce la sostituzione della cartuccia.
Compattezza : OTTIMA, si porter tranquillamente ovunque senza alcun problema.
Reperibilit carta fotografica e cartucce: OTTIME e spesso ad un buon prezzo.
Differenze tra lei e la Mini 3 che lei fa le foto rettangolari e la Mini 3 le fa quadrate.
Wanted to get a mini printer for scrap book use but was worried about print quality from reviews. I decided on this Kodak printer as it was mid-price point and am really impressed with the quality of the print and ease of use. Highly recommend!
Ottima stampante la qualit delle foto eccezionale e il formato un buon compromesso per essere portatile.
Il rapporto qualit prezzo molto buono e anche le ricariche hanno il giusto costo
Se proprio devo trovare un pecca si blocca se si cerca di stampare 3 copie insieme ma non crea pi di tanto problemi visto che basta farne un’altra subito dopo
Al di fuori delle mie aspettative
Kodak should have the developer modify the app to give it an extension to Photos in iOS. You’d be able to select your images from the much larger previews in Photos and send them to the app for printing. It seems like a fairly obvious feature, and it’s absence feels like a significant oversight. Otherwise, it’s a nice little printer for parties or other small events. Or just making small prints!
Sometimes I just want to print a small photo of a poignant moment and this was just what I needed. The prints are perfect for putting one on my husband’s desk of the puppy with mud all over her nose, or putting a rare snapshot of my mom being silly with my daughter on my monitor or in my bag.
Love love love! I’ve been able to print out a bunch of memories and I haven’t even ran out of the cartridges that came with this buy! The print always comes out very bright and amazing. 10/10 would recommend to anyone searching for a good portable printer ! the picture sizes fit great in the back of my phone, in a wallet, etc! they’re about the same size as if you had a normal poloroid camera !
The App could be better giving more editable options. Still waiting for app to allow Facebook instagram and google photos access. Battery does not last as long as I would like between charges
The app leaves something to be desired and some features do not work as expected (I have experienced some cropped areas and imprecise size edits)
Also one of the cartridges jammed on the 3rd photo and had to be discarded.
Overall very happy with speed and image quality. It makes a lot more sense to use it to print photos from a phone camera than to have a low quality camera with an embedded printer.
Dal mio punto di vista le qualit sono:
1) Immediatamente rilevata dal cellulare/Pc via Blutooth
2) Velocit di stampa
3) qualit di stampa pi che buona (non a livello professionale, ovviamente, ma pi che soddisfacente per un utilizzo amatoriale)
4) l’App per gestirla facile da usare. E’ dotata di filtri per “giocare” un po’ con la foto prima i stamparla e consente la stampa con/senza bordo.
5) facilit nel cambiare le cartucce.
Ovviamente il formato delle foto piccolo (vedi dettagli dell’oggetto) rispetto ad una stampa “standard”. Ma questa una caratteristica, non un difetto.
Completamente soddisfatto
Das Bild in meinen Handy sieht genau so aus,wie es es aus dem Kodak Drucker kommt.
Ich finde es wie Magie ,so eine flle an Farben, wo ich doch nur 3 Grundfarben sehe. !!
Also danke an Kodak
Ottima stampante si collega in Bluetooth veloce e semplice da usare foto abbastanza nitide colori buono utile per chi vuole stampare piccole foto dal cellulare. Simpatico il fatto che le foto sono adesive.
Sono molto contenta dell’acquisto: con pochi click mando in stampa foto che altrimenti rimarrebbero solo digitali e il prezzo pi contenuto rispetto alla concorrenza. Il formato non molto grande ma rende benissimo, ottimi colori e finitura. Lo storico marchio Kodak merita una valutazione 5 stelle anche oggi
La resa dei colori e la qualit di stampa sono molto buone. Le dimensioni delle foto sono appena pi grandi di quelle delle altre stampanti di questo tipo, motivo per cui l’ho scelta.
Sono decisamente soddisfatta dell’acquisto.
Ho acquistato questa stampante Kodak per mia figlia e si rivelata un’ottima scelta. Foto di ottima qualit e facilit d’uso. Inoltre, da non sottovalutare, le cartucce di ricarica sono pi economiche rispetto alla concorrenza e facilissime da inserire nonch da reperire. Articolo molto consigliato.
ottimo prodotto ,ma poco soddisfacenti le informazioni sulle cartucce da adottare che si confondono con altri tipi .SONO uguali a quelle della mini 3? Perch costano tanto ? Perch difficile reperirle.Questo uno dei motivi per il quale si restii a comprare queste stampanti!