Kuesuny 16GB Kit (2X8GB) DDR3L / DDR3 1600MHz Udimm Ram PC3L / PC3-12800 PC3L / PC3-12800U 1.35V / 1.5V CL11 240 Pin 2RX8 Dual Rank Non-ECC Unbuffered Desktop Computer Memory Ram Module Upgrade

For Selected Systems – Intel & AMD
For Selected Models – Lenovo, Dell, Acer, Samsung, ASUS/ASmobile, Gigabyte, HP/Compaq, Sony, LG Electronics, Alienware, AOpen, ASRock, BCM, Biostar, Clevo, DFI, EliteGroup (ECS), Foxconn, Fujitsu, Gateway, Getac, MEDION, MSI, NEC, Packard Bell, Panasonic, Portwell, QNAP, Shuttle, Supermicro, Synology, Toshiba, Twinhead, ZOTAC and so on.

Widely used on: Office / Study / Design / Fun game & Entertainment/ Smooth video call
Weight: | 50 g |
Dimensions: | 13.21 x 3.05 x 0.25 cm; 50 Grams |
Brand: | Kuesuny |
Colour: | Green |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Kuesuny |
Colour: | Green |
Reference: | KS-8GB rams |
Ho comprato la RAM 8gb DDR3L 12800s 1600hz per il mio natebook ASUS-UX303UA; i3-6100; 500GB SSD; Mesa Intel HD Graphics 520, come upgrade per il secondo slot presente nel mio pc oltre la 4gb non removibile. Per il momento sono soddisfatto. Molto facile da montare anche per non esperti (un minimo di attenzione al montaggio: inizialmente non inseritela parallelamente alla scheda madre ma un po’ inclinata in modo che si incastri bene. La conferma del buon inserimento sono le due guide laterali: se la RAM non entra in modo naturale con il classico click delle guide e dovete sforzarle allora non inserita correttamente oppure non state usando il giusto modello). Ho come sistema operativo Ubuntu 20.04 e non sono stati necessari neanche aggiornamenti, viene letta all’accensione (controllate upgrade della memoria nelle impostazioni).
Per ora sembra tutto ok e il pc ha subito un vertiginoso aumento di performance, sia in rapidit, che in sostenibilit di prigrammi aperti. Consiglio!
Da meine Erfahrung ist, dass 16GB RAM bei Windows 10 schon bentigt werden, fiel nach kurzer Onlinesuche meine Wahl auf dieses
Kuesuny 16 GB Kit (2 x 8 GB) DDR3 1333 MHz Sodimm Ram PC3-10600 PC3-10600S 1,5 V CL9 204 Pin 2RX8 Dual-Rank Nicht-ECC ungepufferter Speicher RAM Ideal fr Notebook-Laptop-Upgrade
Vorteil war, dass sie direkt von AMAZON verschickt wurden und nicht erst aus dem Ausland (China)
Lieferzeit betrug 2 Tage, was bestens war.
Die Speicherplatinen waren gut verpackt in einer extra Speicherschachtel fr diese Gre und noch mit einer Luftpolstertasche umgeben. Sehr gut so.
Sie sahen neu und unbenutzt aus und wurden von meinem Laptop sofort richtig erkannt und funktionieren einwandfrei.
ber die Langzeitqualitt kann ich nichts sagen
Preis / Leistung ist OK, wenngleich ich es nicht als gnstig bezeichnen wrde. Halbleiterkrise halt 🙂
Gesamtwertung sind bisher 5 Sterne, da alles super geklappt hat und die Speicherbausteine sofort ohne Probleme funktionieren.
I have a older Medion AMD computer which came with only 4GB of Ram, it was having trouble loading and kept rebooting so by increasing the ram to 8GB with a simple exchange of the two 4GB ram modules,
Fixed the rebooting problem and also made the computer load and operate much faster. I didn’t even have to change the bios.
Very happy with the produc
I did rate the seller with 1 star. My mistake to rush.
I just need the product at an exact time and the amazon delivery mess it up.
After the parcel arrive. I give 5 stars!! :))) I do apologize to seller again.
Ram validissime di facile istallazione su hp litebook 8440p, nuova vita al pc che con la sostituzione dell’hd con un ssd e le ram diventato un fulmine, rapporto qualit prezzo ottimo, venditore top , dopo la vendita si occupa della buona riuscita del prodotto fornendo soluzioni e consigli..
Werde mir wieder von hier RAM zulegen, wenn ich nochmal Bedarf habe!
Dank der guten Erfahrungen habe ich mir die Riegel ein zweitesmal besorgt!
Girlfriend’s mom had a nice Sony Vaio laptop which was still pretty decent I installed Windows 10 on it on a new SSD Kinston and upgraded her Ram because her computer only came with 2 GB of RAM and now it has 8 GB of RAM which is way above standard works really well her computer is super fast now great compatibility did Ram Brennan test no issues whatsoever ran that program with Linux to test the ram loving this product for her laptop
The price was good, the delivery was good however these memory sticks were not compatible with my PC.
Comprate per espandere a 16GB un Dell Optiplex 7010SFF, nonostante gli anni ancora un gran bel PC, subito funzionanti. Con Windows 10 la differenza evidente, con Linux Arch la macchina vola 😉
Rapporto qualit/prezzo buono. Infine, arrivate un giorno prima del previsto. 5 stelle senza dubbio.
Used it to upgrade an old Dell Vostro 3700, worked great without issues
Acquistate per migliorare la ram su un vecchio portatile sony vaio al quale ho sostituito anche l’hard disk con SD. Direi di aver ottenuto un buon risultato, anche se penso che avendone gi due da 3GB (1+2) avrei fatto forse meglio ad acquistarne una sola da 4. 6 GB di ram (sfrutando quela da 2 vecchia e sostituendo solo quella da 1) bastavano e avanzavano. 8GB il massimo per la versione del mio pc, ma con 6 non ci si accorge della differenza. Comunque molto buone.
I experienced the blue screen of death on my Aspire 5750-6683 almost daily with a memory management warning. Also, when typing an email, my cursor would skip to different parts of the screen randomly. A memory checker in windows 10 confirmed a hardware issue. After isolating which of the 2 RAM cards was defective, I purchased this Kuesuny 4gb RAM card. If fit perfectly, resolved my issue and will help prolong the life of my already 10 year old laptop.
I recently installed two sets of 4gb ram in my 10 year old Toshiba Satellite laptop. I have not used any system intensive software as of yet, but so far everything seems to be working well. I now have 8GB of ram (two of these sticks) vs the 4GB that came with the laptop. I had also installed an SSD a few years back which also gave me tremendous gain in terms of performance.
Due moduli di memoria ram (8 gb totali) perfetti per ridare brio a pc datati (io le ho installate su un pc desktop del 2010). L’installazione dipende da come sono messi gli alloggiamenti sul vostro pc e quindi non ha senso dire quanto sia facille. Di base, gli slot hanno un fermo per parte, basta sganciarli e sostituire il modulo, premendo fino a sentire un click. Il pc l’ha riconosciuta senza problemi al primo avvio.
Mi capitato tra le mani un “vecchio” HP ProBook 6540b che nonostante il tempo e i suoi 4Gb di Ram continua a lavorare sopportando il peso di Windows 10 .
Ho pensato di migliorarlo un pochino raddoppiando la ram ed acquistando cos il Kit (2X4Gb) di Kuesuny e verificando prima le specifiche sulle ram compatibili DDR3 1333MH.
Il kit l’ho trovato in offerta su Amazon ad un prezzo di circa 26 per 8Gbps (2x4Gb) complessivi. Tempo 1 giorno ed il pacchetto stato consegnato e la ram installata senza problemi di sorta.
Dai test effettuati il miglioramento della reattivit del PC lieve (anche perch monta ancora HD originale a rotazione) ma i programmi una volta caricati si aprono pi velocemente di prima senza notare il fastidioso e costante swap da ram ad hard disk e viceversa che era ben presente utilizzando i soli 4Gbps di memoria. Tutto ok, ram riconosciuta dal notebook e funzionante.
Non si pu dire molto in merito dato che parliamo di hardware che devi togliere e mettere da un Pc e una volta verificata la compatibilit prima dell’acquisto il resto “semplice” (dipende dal Pc che stai facendo l’upgrade)
Comunque posso dire: Consegna rapida con prime, qualit e prezzo del prodotto soddisfacente; se dovessi avere l’esigenza di altra ram con la stessa tipologia, rifarei l’acquisto.
As purchased my old Dell Inspiron 580 had 3x2GB=6GB of RAM memory installed. After being forced to update to Windows 10 two years ago and switching to Google Chrome as my main browser (it is memory intensive) the computer has been sluggish to say the least. I therefore bought 4 modules (2 pairs) of 4GB each of this product. The modules were easy to install and my computer now works much faster. As a word of caution, make sure you research well the type of memory (type, speed, capacity) your computer needs before making a purchase. The Dell documentation (manual and web site) on this old computer was not particularly clear. I was about to purchase higher capacity modules when I found out while researching the web and that each of the 4 memory slots on my computer cannot take more than 4GB each, for a max RAM of 16GB. So do your homework first !
Il test della memoria dura mezz’ora ed estremamente severo, direi quindi che il prodotto pi che buono.
La CPU una Intel Core i7 Q720 a 1.60 GHz
This ram has had no issues and was completely compatible with my PC based laptop.
Vendor followed-up within a few days of shipping to confirm satisfaction.
Fast delivery, cheap and easy to install.
Massively improved my computer’s speed
Just the business.
n questo mi son state molto d’aiuto le indicazioni trovate su Youtube su come procedere nello smontaggio…..
Unico punto un po’ dolente il tempo di consegna: non il solito giorno o due di Amazon… ben di pi…
ma se non si ha fretta…..
Needed RAM, ordered RAM, got the RAM, RAM works what elese could you ask for?
Good quality, easy to install. Has made a whole lot of difference to running of my computer. Would recommend.
Heute Zeit gehabt, den Arbeitsspeicher in meinen PC zu stecken.
Ich hatte berhaupt kein Problem. Hatte mir extra das Doppelpack geholt damit ich zwei die gleichen Arbeitsspeicher habe. Also alten 8 gb Arbeitsspeicher raus, die neuen 2 x 8 gb rein und den PC gestartet.
Alles lief ganz normal. Die 16 gb wurden ohne Probleme erkannt und laufen nun im PC.
Works great. No issues. That’s the best product you can buy
Es compatible con Notebook Hp 250 g5 con procesador core i3. Lo instal yo misma, la primera vez que lo encend tard un poco al encender pero se encendi con las pantallas de siempre desde entonces se enciende y se apaga ms rpido que antes, los juegos y las pginas web cargan ms rpido.
Yo cambi un mdulo de memoria SDRR3L de 4GB de canal simple por 2 mdulos de memoria SDRR3L de 8GB de canal doble, y ahora funciona mucho mejor.
Me preocupaba que no fuera compatible por ser una tarjeta de color azul y ser de canal doble pero me equivocaba como dije antes funciona y es fcil de instalar, bueno en los hp cuesta de abrirlos pero si sabes hacerlo slo es sacar el anterior y poner los nuevos, cerrar y encender, esperar 3 minutos ms o menos al cargar y listo.
War mir erst nicht sicher ob die Riegel mit meinem lteren ASUS Desktop BM-6835 mit Core i7 und 64Bit BS funktionieren, weil die verfgbaren Daten dazu drftig sind und ein spezialisierter Anbieter warnte dass fr ASUS zertifizierte Speichererforderlich sind. Mit HWiNFO64 vorher noch die Daten vom verbauten Speicher ausgelesen, und nachdem die techn. Daten der angebotenen Speicherriegel dem verbauten 8 GB Modul entsprachen habe ich es bei dem Preis einfach mal gewagt. Ergebnis: luft! Auch in Kombination mit dem Original-Speicherriegel von ADATA luft der Rechner stabil und deutlich flotter, wobei der Windows Leistungsindex bei lediglich zwei Riegeln auf Bank0 bei 7,8 und mit dem dritten Riegel zustzlich auf Bank1 bei nur 7,7 liegt. Bin kein IT-Spezialist, gehe aber davon aus dass die zustzlichen 8 GB insgesamt doch noch etwas mehr ntzen. Wie zuverlssig und haltbar die Teile langfristig sind wird sich zeigen.
Fazit: wrde ich jederzeit wieder kaufe
Possiedo un HP Elitebook 8470p con Intel Core i5 3210M.
Consigliate, e grazie ad Amazon per l’ottimo servizio.
Je suis ravis de mon achat. Les barrettes ont immdiatement t reconnues par mon pc portable. Une bonne marque essayer et adopter.
Ignore reviews where it’s obvious buddy bought the wrong RAM….that’s not a manufacturer defect, that’s on you….just cause it fits does not mean it goes there. Double check your specs before buying
Old Lenova machine but this memory worked fine in it. Packaged well, arrived a day early and good value
Took little time to install and works as it should.
El vendedor mando un email para saber si funcionan bien, buena atencin.
No issues with the product, really good condition, no problems with installing, working perfectly! Received as promised, next day delivery with prime.
Die zwei Speicher wurden problemlos erkannt und verrichten tadellos ihre Dienste.
Mein Bekannter, dem der Rechner gehrt, ist hellauf begeistert, da sein Laptop wirklich wahnsinnig schnell geworden ist.
Ich persnlich kann den Arbeitsspeicher wrmstens empfehlen.
Der Hndler hat pnktlich liefern knnen, Verpackung war optimal gewhlt, perfekter Einkauf.
Ci era dovuto al fatto che la RAM era sempre satura al 100% e quindi il sistema operativo effettuava continuamente lo swap della memoria su Hard Disk, con conseguenti rallentamenti enormi.
Da quando ho raddoppiato la RAM con questo banco di memoria della Kingston, il PC ha ripreso a funzionare con velocit pi che accettabili, come se ad un cavallo da corsa avessero finalmente staccato il carretto che prima aveva a rimorchio…
Da allora non ho avuto nessun blocco del PC o BSOD che alcuni banchi di memoria non perfettamente compatibili di solito possono provocare.
it fits and it works, i now have 8gb instead of 6gb ram installed
Spedizione veloce. Arrivate dopo un giorno dall’ordine effettuato.
Consiglio per l’ottimo rapporto qualit/prezzo.
* Updated * Oct/3/2021
This is my second one that I have now purchased for this same laptop. The laptop now has 8GB of memory and is absolutely amazing. I can now run Power BI Desktop locally and connect to Azure cloud storage. RAM is awesome!
mais non fonctionne comme un charme et as mme pass le teste complte de mmoire 5 jours 100%.
Bravo, je recommande cette mmoire, elle est conu avec des puces Hynix, le mme qui est utilis sur plusieurs grande marque. alors y’a pas trop de surprise.
This was an unknown brand to me but I took the risk and don’t regret it the sticks are performing exactly as they should will use agai
Nothing to complain about.
Shipped fast.
Complete description made comparison and choice easy.
Great prices for excellent quality products. Thanks Amazon !
It was easy to install the new RAM. I just popped the cover off of my PC, pulled out the two old RAM memory cards, and pushed the two new RAM cards into the same slots that the old ones came out of, and then put the cover back on the PC. (I dusted out the inside of the machine really good while I was in there also.)
I then plugged my PC in and turned it on, and it booted up faster than ever before, at an incredibly blazing-fast speed (my system’s main drive is a 500GB Crucial SSD, which also helps with this speed.) My old PC (running Windows 10) now works better than it ever did. It operates faster than ever before, and I can open LOTS of tabs in my browser quickly, with no problems, and I can also have multiple programs/apps open at the same time (including those that require a lot of memory.)
So, I am extremely pleased with this purchase so far. And, the price was good also–a great value! If the new Kuesuny RAM prove to be reliable and hold up well over time, I’ll likely buy more of their products like this in the future. (I have another older machine that I am also thinking of making a similar upgrade to, since I am so please with this one.)
The original RAM that was in my PC was made by a major manufacturer that has a reputation of being one of the best brands (and its prices are usually higher than most other brands.) BUT, I really like the new Kuesuny RAM even better, assuming that it proves to be durable and reliable and has relatively long life. I recommend it.
It was as expected. the delivery was also as expected. I install it on my Sony Vaio VPCSA laptop and it’s working great.
I bought 2 X 2 (Kuesuny 4GB Kit) to upgrade an old vintage Thinkpad X61s I had lying around. I installed duel boot Windows 10 Pro and Linux Zorin Core on a old hard drive 2.5hdd NOT an SSD (Which i will upgrade to soon). Before installing the Kuesuny kit the system was on 2 Gb of original RAM it ran quite slow and was frustrating. After I added the 4gb 2×2 Gb Kit of Kuesuny RAM the system runs fine. I notice some delay and especially with Windows 10 as it gabs all the resources but the system now runs fine for normal everyday tasks like surfing the Web office documents, whating YouTube upto 720p. When the system is running on Zorin Core OS (LINUX). it runs alot better as Linux is not resource hungry. In my opinion this upgrade was well worth doing as it was not too expensive to do was easy to fit and has made quite a big difference to the system alround. I will be updating the hardrive soon to a SSD which will help even more and give me another usable system for a couple more years.
I recommend the Kuesuny 4GB Kit.
I hope this was helpful to you.
Thank you for reading my review.
works fine get recognize by the motherboard
happy with their performance
Very happy with this ram sticks has made my pc extra fast like a different pc.Was a bit sceptical about brand but couldn’t find this specs anywhere in branded so took gamble that was a good one after reading reviews.Good price replacing my 2X4GB to 2X8GB.Recommend strongly 🙂
Went from 4gb ram to 16 gb Laptop is very fast now.
Bought these pair of memory DIMM’s to upgrade an old laptop (Running Windows 7) to bring it up to date and breathe a new lease of life into it. Quadrupling the RAM makes it now compatible with Windows 10 and its still snappy and responsive.
After doing a lot of research….I was very pleased with this product. Really easy to install (with the help of a screw driver) and has made an immediate impact. I’ve been struggling with 4Gb of RAM since 2012! Why?!!!
Confezione minimal come spesso accade per prodotti informatici ma comunque ben protetti e sigillati.
Acquisto consigliato.
Amazon ok
Quality service easily installed nice upgrade from my standard ram.
Ordered, delivered on time, installed easily, and worked right off the bat
That’s exactly what I wanted.
Pour Dell studio xps 1640
Une RAM n’a pas passer le test de diagnostique Dell.
La deuxime RAM, le teste de diagnostique a t OK.
Rsum : une RAM Dfectueuse sur deux.
Everything it says it it. I have installed 20 plus of these in various systems and configs.. Not a single issue
My pc is one old which works 6 years with 8G memory. I removed old 2*2G and insert the 8G*2 to the slots.
Now my computer has 2G*2 + 8G*2 = 20G memory. Wow, too powerful for my old computer.
The 8G*2 ram could help me to use the old computer for more than 5 years again.
Lleg antes de la fecha y funcionaron sin problemas, excelente
Doubled my RAM in a fairly old machine. Straight forward as always and no issues on board.
Super fast delivery. I just installed it in a Toshiba c50-b-14d. Externally easy and quick. The system immediately recognised 8GB ram. I recommend!
Great quality product, did what I needed on a Dell Dimension e520 dual core. 32 bit.
Funzionano perfettamente, richiede aggiornamento bios e SO a 64 bit, anche se purtroppo vanno a 1067mhz, non sono riuscito a mandarle a 1333.
Cumunque le memorie funzionano bene e sembrano anche di ottima fattura.
Quanto alla memoria RAM in s, ero un po’ titubante in quanto non sapevo se fosse compatibile con mio PC desktop HP Pavilion h8-1010it HPE (un po’ datato che aveva gi 8 GB di RAM divisi su due slot e mi restavano altri due slot liberi). Il PC monta di serie due banchi di memoria RAM da 4 GB marca Samsung modello M378B5273DH0-CH9.
Quando mi arrivata la RAM ho accoppiato le memorie nei due slot che inizialmente erano alloggiati in maniera alternata (uno occupato e uno libero).
Quindi ho messo le due Samsung originali vicine e lo stesso ho fatto per le i due banchi Kuesuny.
Il PC partito e le ha riconosciute sia nel BIOS che nel sistema operativo (Windows 10 Home).
All’accensione nell’avvio in verit mi sembra appena un po’ pi lento ma una volta avviato pi reattivo. Niente di eccezionale per va bene.
Che dire: sono soddisfatto quanto meno per la compatibilit, perch mettermi a sbattere per fare il reso mi avrebbe scocciato molto.
Speriamo che durino. Se dovessi avere problemi torner a cambiare la mia recensione.
All specs were same and its working well.
Happy to purchased it.
Just received this product, so far working in my old Compaq laptop
Lleg antes de lo anunciado, el producto lleg bien y funcionando.
Upgraded RAM to 8gb (2x4gb) on my old macbook pro early 2011 (8.1 model). SSD and this RAM is just what it needed to work perfectly for everyday stuff…
Added RAM to my PC and that was it, detected and added within minutes. So simple. Did exactly what I wanted.
Consiglio combinazione con un SSD (per esempio WD Green).
Update July 26, 2020:
Great company. One of the RAM sticks failed and I emailed them the same day. Due to time zone differences, the company’s email volume and possibly language translation/interpretation times, it took a couple of days for Kuesuny to respond to my email. They sent one email a day; so, it took about 4-5 more days of emailing back and forth about trouble shooting and how I came about finding the problem. They are in the process of sending me two replacements.
A day or two after my initial email to the company, I had posted this question here, “One of my ram sticks stopped working 1 day after the return period. how can i go about getting this one replaced? (the other 3 work fine for now)”. Amazon used to have where the original poster could respond to their own question, but I did not have that option to respond to Evan W. to let them know that I had sent an email already. Don’t know if it is my browser or if Amazon changed their software, but I only posted the question since I hadn’t heard back. Rest assured, if you have to contact the company, they will respond to your email. It just may take a day or two (depending on circumstances of company).
Once I get the replacements, if there are problems, I’ll update. Other than that, great product with a customer service that cares.
Original post:
I have a G33M03 motherboard that still had original RAM sticks (2 x 1GB DDR2 800 MHz and 2 x 512MB DDR2 800 MHz) that performed just fine for most things I did; however, when using just 3 nodes in a docker swarm cluster, the performance went way, way down. After installing the 4 2GB sticks, I’m able to run the same 3-node cluster with ease.
I was fortunate to find a post on installing this RAM to this motherboard that described the issues I had with a beeping and no BIOS when initially just installed all 8GBs at once. I followed their instructions by leaving one stick in the DIMM2 slot and turned on, the system made it to booting but no further; so, I powered down, unplugged, held power button for ~5 seconds. I then added one more stick to the DIMM4 slot and turned on with the system fully booting. Fully turned off again (unplugging and everything else), added third stick to DIMM1 slot and it fully booted again and I fully turned off again. Added last stick to DIMM3 slot and powered on and checked with “free” command to see all 8GB there. The post I saw just stated they left one 2GB stick but did not specify which DIMM slot to use, I had read another post somewhere that stated to use DIMM2 and DIMM4 before the other 2, but I do not know if it mattered.
I use arch linux but I have no doubts that I could install windows 10 if I wanted. It has only been less than one day and I’ll update if any issues come along.