LEGO 76193 Marvel The Guardians’ Ship Large Building Set, Avengers Spaceship Model with Thor & Star-Lord Minifigures


Transport kids into Marvel movie action

This authentically detailed Marvel spaceship launches young imaginations into a universe of super-hero adventures.


Ideal gift for fans of the Marvel Avengers

This play-and-display set lets fans indulge their passion for the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Marvel Avengers movies.


A great building experience

This rewarding construction project helps to develop the creative and cognitive skills of Marvel fans aged 14 and up.


Integrates easily with other LEGO sets

There is an extensive range of LEGO Marvel Avengers building toys for kids to collect and combine. Each set sold separately.

Dimensions: 8.7 x 58.2 x 37.8 cm; 2 Kilograms
Model: 76193
Material: Plastic
Colour: Multicolor
Pack Quantity: 1901
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Age: 14 – 99 years
Assembly: Yes
Colour: Multicolor
Material: Plastic
Quantity: 1901

94 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Such an exciting to gift to open up.

    It’s striking colours and satisfyingly complex build will please most Lego Marvel/Ship fans. Out of all my Star Wars/Marvel lego builds this is now my favourite.

    I just wish there were more amazing Marvel ships like this with fantastic use of colour.

  2. MelvinHeymann says:


    Mit Rabatten mit 100 Euro ein echt cooles Set.
    Besser wie teilweise Lego Star Wars. Siehe die Justifier fr 170 Euro, was total berneuert ist. Tolle Bautechnik, macht Spass zu bauen.
    In der aktuellen Lego Welt mit unntigen Preissteigerungen ein echtes Highlight.

  3. ShantaeFES says:


    Ich habe nach einem gutaussehenden Lego-Raumschiff gesucht, was gut aussieht und nicht die Welt kostet. Ein langgehegter Kindheitstraum. Fr die Menge an Teilen und das Aussehen bin ich mehr als zufrieden. Auch der Bauprozess hat viel Spa gemacht, da das Modell und seine Bestandteile stabil entworfen sind.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Ich hatte einfach sehr viel Spa beim Aufbau und es sieht einfach super toll aus.
    Die figuren dazu sind auch sehr cool =)
    Sehr zu empfehlen.

    Das Modell macht einfach Spaß =)

  5. Anonymous says:


    Hin und wieder packt mich die Lego Lust und dieses Mal entschied ich mich fr das Schiff der Guardians, die Milano, fr die Fachkundigen unter euch.
    Wie immer habe ich den Bauprozess auf mehrere Tage aufgeteilt und es war jedes mal ein Fest. Wie man es von Lego kennt, sind die Tten alle nummeriert und die Bauschritte verstndlich erklrt. Leider waren wie immer einige Sticker mit dabei, allerdings sind diese so klein, dass man es dem dnischen Klemmbausteinhersteller dieses Mal verzeihen kann. Das Schiffchen hat eine beachtliche Gre und steht stabil auf seinem Stnder.
    Ich kann dieses Set wirklich jedem empfehlen, ganz egal ob ihr mit den Guardians etwas anfangen knnt oder nicht. Fr mich als Marvel Fan ist dieses Set natrlich umso schner und es ziert nun die linke Seite meiner Wohnwand.

  6. LaurieMein says:


    Tout est dans le titre ( essayez de le dire rapidement plusieurs fois de suite ) !
    LEGO nous rgale encore avec ce set GOTG relativement bien fini.
    Encore un belle pice de collection.

  7. Jason Cipriani says:

     United Kingdom

    Great looking set, would have liked to have seen drax with it but otherwise a really pleasing build.

  8. Leon Hurley says:


    It’s much larger then I thaught it’s a great build for anyone who likes either spaceships or marvel

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I purchased this for my lego loving hubby and it actually took him four evenings to complete. The longest one yet. On to my next find to give me five evenings peace

  10. Anonymous says:


    une de mes meilleur produit lego.
    Fan de lego, c’est un de mes meilleur! beau look, un peu de technicit au montage mais rien de difficile.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Bellissimo, non complicato, per gli amanti della saga per adulti e piccini in 3 ore si monta

  12. Anonymous says:


    Hat Spa gemacht zu brauen und sieht toll aus. Besonders der drehbare Stnder ist klasse. Nur der Preis ist zu hoch aber das ist ja bei lego immer so

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Wonderfully film accurate without compromising the set stability. Can pick up the Benatar from the ship’s underbelly and “fvwoosh” it around as though I’m 8 again. The stand turns a complete 360 and provides ample support for the model in any rotation. The build is complex but in a way that makes you “wow” rather than scream with anger. 9.8/10 overall. 🙂

  14. Anonymous says:


    Das Modell wurde fr meinen Sohn (9 Jahre) gekauft. Ihm hat es gefallen es aufzubauen. Er hat es auch alleine geschafft. Macht einen super Eindruck. Kann es uneingeschrnkt empfehlen.

  15. oursayonbluray says:


    Ich habe dieses Schiff bei Amazon fr 107 Euro gekauft. Und zu dem Preis kriegt man ein Hammer Produkt.
    Es ist mit ber 40 cm Spannweite echt gro und im Innern sind fast keine unntigen Farben verbaut, wie bei Lego heute leider blich. Das High Light des Sets ist allerdings der Stnder. Da dieser sich an der oberen Plattform drehen lsst, kann man , in Verbindung mit den sich bewegenden Flgelelementen, das Schiff in einer Vielzahl von Positionen darstellen.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    awesome build looks great comes with a stand which is cool took a few hours to build now going to get the light set for it which looks very cool can recommend this lego se

  17. MickeyTedbury says:

     United Kingdom

    Spent all day building this. I discovered 3/4 way through that there’s a part missing to attach the disks for under the wing. Finished building it in the hopes that it’d turn up in the other bags, it didn’t!
    I’ve had to purchase the missing part from a toy shop in the Netherlands, I doubt anyone will offer to cover that expense?!
    It is however massive and sturdy, the stand is an extra bonus….shame there’s no Drax or Nebula though

    Full days build, missing parts

  18. Justine8510 says:


    Habe es stark reduziert bekommen. Aufbau hat Spa gemacht und die Minifigs sehen super aus.

  19. Anonymous says:


    Die Figuren sind zwar mangelhaft fr ein offensichtliches Austellungsstck, jedoch wird es von Lego als Spielset vermarktet weshalb das – noch asozialer ist. Besonders der Preis hier auf Amazon macht es kaufenswert. 1800 Teile fr 110 sind ein unglaubliches Schnppchen! Falls man dann auch Guardians of the Galaxy Fan ist ist es noch besser und man hat 3-4 Stunden entspannendes Bauen, je nach Erfahrenheit. Aufgrund des Stnders kann man auch drunter was hinstellen. Der stnder ist hoch also ist das kein Problem.. Einfach zu empfehlen, absolut nicht enttuscht. 110 Euro sind trotzdem sehr viel. Zu viel fr Plastik, aber muss man halt selber wissen. Fr das Geld kriegen Sie auch sehr viel Essen, knnen sich 2-3 Spiele fr eine Konsole kaufen oder tolle Kopfhrer besorgen. Wer den Platz im Regal und genug Platz im Portemonnaie hat sollte sich aber diesen wundervollen Kunststoffklumpen besorgen 🙂

  20. Nishka Dhawan says:


    Super schner Artikel, groes Model, Altersbegrenzung mglichst einhalten, da sehr viele kleine Teile, Anleitung sehr lang mit 251 Seiten und der Stnder frs Flugzeug, kompliziert zum aufbauen, aber wenn fertig dann super sch

  21. BizPac Review says:


    Solide und detailverliebte Konstruktion. Taugt zum Spielen und als Displaymodell – letzteres insbesondere dank des groartigen, drehbaren Stnders. Tip: roten Technic Liftarm des Stnders und rote Bricks modified, die im Rumpf zur Aufnahme der Stnderpins dienen durch passende Farben ersetzen. auch schwarze Technic Pins sehen im Displaystnder einfach besser aus. Manko: Dekors durch Aufkleber gelst und statt Drax gibt es einen nutzlosen Chetauri. Aber das ist Meckern auf hohem Niveau 🙂

  22. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo modello, ben fatto e robusto, mio figlio ha molto apprezzato.

  23. Lynwood42V says:


    Uno dei migliori prodotti lego per quantit pezzi/prezzo.. se non ricordo male sono pi di 18 buste..
    Cura nei dettagli interni niente male.. un bel po’ di mini figures.. e nulla.. lego ed arancione.. che altro serve sapere?

  24. Anonymous says:


    Hallo zusammen,

    Aufgrund der teils absurden Preispolitik Seitens Lego, habe ich mich bisweilen mit Mitbewerbern Vergngt.
    Nur so als Vergleich, eine Goldmine mit 2898 Teilen fr 129.- im Gegensatz hier 1901 fr UVP 149.-

    Aber dafr gibt es Lego ab und an zu massiven Rabatten und fr um die 100 und juckenden Fingern konnte ich nicht widerstehen.

    Das Modell kam in einem Karton, in einem Karton im bedruckten Karton, htte ein Umkarton nicht gereicht?

    Der Modellkarton ist seitlich zu ffnen, was nicht, aber ok ist, dafr haben die Seitenteile eindrckbare Laschen um ihn wieder zu verschlieen.

    Ab und an schimpfen die sog. Lego Fanboys bei Besprechungen alternativer Hersteller ber die Ttenmllflut
    Also den Punkt kann ich nun gar nicht mehr nachvollziehen, denn im Karton erwarten euch 14 Plastiktten zum aufreien in denen fast immer noch zwei kleine Plastiktten drin sind auch zum aufreien.
    Also, der Mllberg war schon immens.

    Dafr empfinde ich die Teilequalitt als hervorragend und anders als bei Mitbewerbern hatte ich auch immer zu viele Teile in den Tten, anstatt fehlender Teile.

    Ein Thema vor dem ich etwas Angst hatte sind die Aufkleber.
    Wenn man die aus vergangenen Tagen kennt, brrr.
    Ich war allerdings berrascht, da man Folienaufkleber bekommt und bei diesem Modell sich die Anzahl in Grenzen hlt.
    Dennoch sollten Prints in diesem Preissegment Standard sein.

    Der Bau selbst hat Spa gemacht!
    Die Anleitung ist natrlich etwas einfach gehalten und die Sortierten Tten vereinfachen es noch weiter, aber die Mischung aus Technik und Bricks mit einem recht guten Level an Details fand ich echt gut!

    Unntig farbige Steine sind leider auch verbaut, zum Glck nur sehr wenige und an Stellen die nicht durch scheinen, aber es bleibt, unntig.

    Grter Kritikpunkt ist fr die meisten denke ich eine der Figuren. Was macht der Feindliche was auch immer da drinnen? Drax oder Nebula wren definitiv die bessere Wahl!

    Dafr ist das Schiff selbst Ende, gerade auch mit dem drehbaren Aufsteller, ein echt schickes Modell.

  25. Shelby Brown says:


    Beautiful packaging, really fun and long build, great detail and an awesome figure-collectio

  26. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe das Set fr knapp 100 im Angebot bekommen und das ist fr lego Preise wirklich gut. Im Vergleich zu Konkurrenz natrlich viel zu teuer… 100 Liste und 75 im Angebot htten mir besser gefallen….. Aber anyway… Das war schon das schlimmste am Set, sonst ist es rundherum ein wirklich toll gestaltetes model der Benetor. Es ist eine Freude es zu bauen. Hier haben die Marvel Fans wirklich Glck gehabt im Vergleich zu den oft sehr lieblos gestalteten Sets aus der Star wars Ecke. Besonderes Highlight der drehbare mitgelieferte Stand. Nicht selbstverstndlich bei den Herren aus DK. Kaufempfehlung fr Fans… Als Spielset … Wei nicht, es ist sehr unhandlich, gro und schwer, daher eher etwas fr die Vitrine.

  27. JasonLaroche says:

     United Kingdom

    Great fun to build, all peace’s were accounted for, kids enjoyed playing with it afterwards.

  28. Anonymous says:


    Schon etwas fr wirklich grere Kinder und geduldige Mtter! Aber ein sehr cooles Teil von Lego!

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the second time Lego have released ‘The Benatar’ also known as the Guardians of the Galaxy ship. This time it’s a much better build, with improved details to match the one seen on screen.

    The model is large and comes complete with a Lego stand so you can really show off the completed model. At 14 bags this is a rather large build, so it will take some time to build making it an enjoyable build and great value for money.

    The 6 minifigs you get with the set are all new updated versions so another great plus for the set.

    Overall this is a fantastic set, a great time consuming build and when completed makes an awesome display piece. Well worth it.

    Amazing Guardians ship model

  30. RubinjJoseph says:


    Ich habe dieses LegoSet fr meinen Sohn bestellt. Er liebt die Milano, er liebt alles von Marvel…

  31. Patrick Austin says:


    Wir waren sehr berrascht das es doch so gro ist. Jede Menge Spa fr Gro und klei

  32. ElinorTalbot says:


    Mon fils est ravi.
    Lego trs bien pens. Nombreux dtails. Personnages varis. C’est devenu son prfr.

  33. Keagen Grace says:


    Ottimo prodotto peccato che la scatola fosse ammaccata, lego sempre il top!
    Prezzo identico ai maggiori rivenditori di giochi per bambini ma la comodit di riceverlo a casa il massimo!
    Spedizione velocissima

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A slight challenge to build but we’ll accomplished by my 10 year old. Very sturdy for Lego and great value for money.

  35. BernardWiegand says:


    Perfect packages, set in perfet condition, super price!!!thanks


  36. Anonymous says:


    Lo ped para mi hijo, me lleg antes de tiempo incluso y toto en perfecto estado. Mi hijo est muy contento

  37. RichellNXZ says:


    Wie immer von Lego natrlich zu teuer aber das Modell ist wunderschn.

  38. Anonymous says:


    Schon lange habe ich nicht mehr so viel Spa beim Lego bauen gehabt, wie mit diesem groartigen Set der Benatar, dem zweiten Schiff von Marvel Studios Guardians of the Galaxy!
    Viele betiteln dieses Modell als Milano, aber das ist ein anderes Schiff.

    Kurze Kritik: Was zur Hlle soll die Chitauri Figur in dem Set? Wo sind Gamorra oder Drax?
    Ganz klar wird hier das Ziel verfolgt, dass Sammler mglichst noch andere Sets holen, um die ganze Guardians Truppe zu vereinen! Aber naja…fr solche Strategien ist die Marke ja leider bekannt.

    Zurck zum Set: Das Schiff ist unglaublich durchdacht, der Bau macht mega Spa und man bekommt mit jedem Teilstck groe Augen wenn das Set wchst und wchst

    Eine absolute Empfehlung fr jeden Lego und Marvel Fa

  39. Anonymous says:


    Dettagli e stile lego insuperabili. Per gli appassionati dei brick e del mondo Marvel consigliata..

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This Lego set builds the most recent craft that the Guardians of the Galaxy flew on, “The Benatar”.

    This set is a fantastic set in the Lego Infinity Saga range. The set is over 1900 pieces (great value at the current price) and is a really enjoyable build.

    The final model, with excellent display stand looks quite stunning. This is one of the best looking lego sets I’ve built and it’s up there with UCS sets in how displayable it is.

    The only tiny negative is that there isn’t a huge amount of space inside, though you can lift away two lids from the top in order to fit your figures inside the interior space, inc cabin and storage.

    The set comes with 5 minifigs: Groot, Mantis, Rocket, Thor (so this must be Asgardians of the Galaxy) and a Chitauri warrior. I would say that is the only tiny negative for this set.. I’d love to have seen one of Drax or Gamora instead of the warrior. Otherwise though it is all but perfect. A wonderful set.

    A brilliant looking display piece, UCS like in it's quality

  41. Anonymous says:


    Non sto a valutare il prodotto, in quanto Lego sinonimo di qualit, ma recensisco l’impeccabilit di amazon e dei corrieri sempre molto gentili e cordiali.

  42. Nathan Carvell says:


    Trs beau vaisseau et de trs bonne qualit.
    Juste une construction qui peut paratre difficile pour les novices la construction lego.

  43. Anonymous says:


    Have got several big lego set, but this one’s is the widest. Looks super cool!

    Pretty complicated to build. When finished it, I am so happy! It shows so much detail of that spaceship.

  44. FabianJarman says:


    Mein Sohn hat es sich zu Weihnachten gewnscht. Er war gar nicht zu bndigen, bis das Raumschiff endlich fertig war. Ich muss sagen. Der Aufbau klappte gut und es sah einfach wunderbar aus, als es dann das erste Mal in den Hnden meines achtjhrigen Sohnes um die Ecke gesaust kam. Es wird nun eifrig bespielt und ist einigermaen robust. Die Flgel gehen im zu starken Weltraumgefechten mal ab…aber es lsst sich ja alles reparieren. Ich muss sagen…es gefllt seh

  45. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Super riesiges Lego Se

  46. DamarisBasser says:


    Das ganze ist schn gebaut, stabil und die Minifiguren sind schn. Nur das Starlords Helm fehlt gibt Punktabzug.

  47. TPQDaciagchdko says:


    Ma fille et moi, nous sommes fan de gardien de la galaxie

  48. JamalSherry says:


    Lego typisch gute Qualitt. Das Modell ist Klasse, der Aufbau hat echt Spa gemacht. Fr mich ein kleines Highlight dieses Jahr. An genau solchen Modellen merkt man, das lego es doch noch kann wenn man will.

    Macht Spaß

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    An amazing LEGO set. The model is a great size and it is great value compared to many sets. It’s up there with the best sets including UCS editions.
    But why no Drax!!!!

  50. Anonymous says:


    Bellissima astronave, grande e molto scenografica. Quando issata sul suo piedistallo diventa una meraviglia. Acquistata per mio figlio appassionato di lego per il suo dodicesimo compleanno.

  51. DominikOverton says:


    Bel set lego divertente purtroppo veloce……mah e normale!mi spiace che come mini figures non ci siano Drax e Gamora in compenso c’ Thor con la consiglio vivamente per chi amante di questo tipo di set poi con il suo piedistallo fa la sua porca figura

    Che è più grande di quanto sembri

  52. Kelley14Yrugj says:


    Acquistato per un regalo a mio nipote che lo ha apprezzato tantissimo

  53. AlvaroM61ulgyou says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    olles Legoset, mein Kind hatte viel Spass, ist toll zu bauen, nicht langweilig

  54. InezCrossland says:


    Cadeau idal pour les fans Marvel ,
    Le cadeau fut un succs trs bon rapport qualit prix

  55. EmilioRoughley says:


    Wirklich ein schnes Set. Habe es fr 116 gekauft, da macht man nichts falsch.
    Endlich hat es Amazon geschafft, dass es super verpackt war. In einer passgenauen Box sodass die Lego Box nicht beschdigt wurde.

    Schönes Ding

  56. Anonymous says:


    Set molto bello e dettagliato, imponente nelle dimensioni, belle minifigure.
    Decisamente un set che non pu mancare nella collezione di un appassionato di super eroi!

  57. Carrie says:


    Set Lego bellissimo per gli amanti della “Infinity Saga”; articolo “usato”, acquistato ad un prezzo molto conveniente tramite Amazon Werehouse, arrivato purtroppo senza minifigure.

  58. PAGOP says:


    Arrivato nei tempi previsti, da avere assolutamente se si fun della saga.
    Ho dato al montaggio 5 stelle anche se non costruita ma mi fido cecamente della qualit Lego.
    Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo. Consigliato.
    Come sempre Amazon n.1

  59. Anonymous says:


    Ich hatte das Set mit etwas Rabatt geschossen. Es war dennoch etwas teuer, aber es aufzubauen hat Spa gemacht und es ist ein Riesenteil wenn’s ersteinmal vor einem steht. Edie Funktionen sind zwar berschaubar, aber zum spielen oder einfach nur hinstellen sehr gut geeignet.
    Was mir sehr gut gefllt, ist der mit im Set enthaltene schwenkbare Standfu. So kann man sich das Set wunderbar hinstellen und sieht aus jedem Winkel gut aus.
    Weniger gut sind natrlich wieder die Aufkleber, die lego blicherweise mitliefert.
    Jedoch im groen und ganzen ein gelungenes Set.

  60. Anonymous says:


    Wirklich tolles Teil fr Lego Liebhaber. Mein Sohn (12 Jahre) liebt Lego und hat es mit viel Freude aufgebaut und spielt auch sehr viel damit.
    Der Preis fr Lego, wie immer, sehr hoch.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was a great project for the whole family and it took us two days to complete, but it was so worth it.

  62. AngelesMorey says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWas a bit apprehensive buying Lego from Amazon but it turned out to be spot on. really happy, great build and six mini figures.


  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Awesome looking set, great figure selection and awesome building experience

  64. CalebG55eazke says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOK. If you like Lego/Marvel. This is a good value for money kit. Such a good build meaning the only problem you have is where to display it.

  65. Anonymous says:


    Lego and Marvel collaboration, what can go wrong? A lot of lego characters are included with this set so it’s a bonus as well.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This set is aimed at 14+ and the instructions reflect that. They show the Lego model in each step, using yellow outlines to indicate where you should have put the bricks for this set. This does mean that sometimes you don’t get as clear a view of how to do it, relying on the fact that you are likely older or a more experienced builder. Our 10 yr old is an avid fan and found the instructions easy to follow and completed the ship itself in about 5 hours, and the stand in 20 minutes.
    We really liked the way the snot bricks (bricks with side studs — Studs Not On Top) were used to create the rounded sides of the ship creating a more streamlined shape. We loved the internal details of the ship — seating area, coffee machine and doughnut. Although the ship is fairly big the internal spaces are quite small. There are 2 roof pieces which clip on and off to allow you access to this area. The main section roof is quite hard to remove and we needed to remove the other section so we could push it up from underneath. When the ship is complete it’s quite a big size. It looks amazing but it does have some weight to it. Whilst our 10yr old could hold it in one hand he felt it was quite hard to hold it securely and preferred to use 2 hands. The cockpit glass cover opens to allow you to put the minifigs in and out as well as the whole front lifting on a hinge which we liked. This gives you a different way to access the main section however the opening is fairly small from this direction and doesn’t let much light in making it hard to see from this direction, much better to remove the roof.
    This set comes with Rocket (a raccoon), Star lord, Groot, Mantis, Thor and Chitauri. We really liked the way Mantis’s antennae were connected to her hair piece and were very flexible. We also really liked the Star Lord’s hair piece with a quiff — a new hairstyle for us.
    My favourite pieces in the whole set are the blue discs which are the power sections under the wings, these are an amazing iridescent blue colour which I loved.
    The stand allows you to mount the ship and to rotate it a full 360 degrees. The ship fits onto the stand with 4 technic poles and whilst you can pull it on and off it does take a little effort to remove it and does need a little care.
    Whilst this is a fairly pricey set at around 130 pounds, our 10 yr old really enjoyed himself and loves the final ship. He’d definitely recommend this build for Marvel or space fans.

  67. DustinHailey says:

     United Kingdom

    Great set, looks amazing and such good fun assembling i

  68. JanA88ovvg says:


    Eins der Highlights von LEGO fr 2021. Super Raumschiff der Guardians of the Galaxy aus dem Marvel Universum mit vielen Funktionen, guten Figuren und einen tollen Drehstnder zur Prsentation. An der Qualitt der Steine gibt es nichts zu bemngeln, die Bauschritte sind gut verstndlich, die Bautechniken interessant, so dass das Aufbauen richtig Spa gemacht hat.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This set is really big and heavy. This is partly the reason why we have not completed it yet, and partly because we overdid it with Lego. So my suggestion is, if you are getting this, don’t get any other sets for the occasion (this might also be the reason the price is so high) – you won’t need any other construction toys for a while.
    It is a large, well designed thing. The aircraft is not unbreakable, you still quite easily will knock it over and something will fall off it. But if handled with care, it can be used as a toy for a careful younger child and it definitely makes a grand display item.
    As any other Lego set, this one comes with a number of surprises that add to its charm. There are parts that move, all the right bits have certain level of transparency, the detailing is quite beautiful. It is a large item so you do need plenty of space to display it (away from tiny siblings). And it is heavy. So don’t put it up too high.
    This one is a long prohect that will leave your child with a sense of accomplishment.

  70. TomHHOTtkkx says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great quality Lego set suitable for Lego fans and Guardians of the Galaxy fans.

    The attention to detail is great and the figures are detailed. The instructions are clear and easy to follow and the set is broken down into bags to make building easier.

    My husband built this set and it took him around a week doing an hour or so at a time. He really enjoyed building it and it makes a great display model. It would all make a great toy to play with.

    The price for the amount of bricks and the quality is reasonable.

    Great model

  71. Mardi eat. live. travel. write. says:

     United Kingdom

    Wow, this is Marvellous. Such an amazing build that is beyond satisfying every step of the way, especially with it being rather complex it gave a good challenge.
    It is massive once complete and full of interesting quirks and details. Which makes having the display stand included really useful.
    But it is build that doesn’t just have to be displayed. There is strength in it which allows some play. But it is rather heavy.
    The minifigures are wonderfully detailed and really cool.
    I’m so glad I got this.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    First things first, let us address the pachiderm lurking in the closet. This set is called The Guardian’s Ship, in the MCU the ship has a name it is called The Benatar. Not entirely sure what choices were made by The Lego Group that led to a renaming but here we are.

    I am BEYOND thrilled with how this set turned out. Although I am not a huge MCU fan, more a sort of peripheral onlooker, this rendition of the ship is executed so well and really evokes the spirit of The Benatar I just had to have it. I was not disappointed at all by the model, in fact I am seriously impressed by both the build techniques used and the overall look of the finished piece. This thing is huge and the relief at a stand being included was immense. Means I only need to find shelf space for the footprint of the stand and then the ship itself can hover above other display items (currently dwarfing 2 Star Wars Lego ships).

    There are a nice range of minifigures included in the set:

    Groot (strangely with adult legs, I really thought he would have the mid-height legs)

    Unfortunately it doesn’t have a display stand for the figures or a name plaque for the ship. The grey plate the figures are displayed on in the pictures is from my stash and not part of the set. This is a real shame as I have ended up placing the figures inside The Benatar for safekeeping and I would much rather have had them on display but hey ho, I can always modify that situation when it finds a permanent home.

    There is a reasonable amount of play functionality on this model as well and so many flaps and adjustable pieces you can definitely have fun creating your own battles. It is also a very sturdy piece of kit and will stand up to a lot of play – just don’t drop it, no Lego system brick based build stands up too well to that. That is a big plus point for this one as well it is predominantly System Brick with the only real Technic bit of the build being the stand.

    I am super thrilled with this set and I can wholeheartedly recommend it. Yes, it is a BIG chunk of change but well worth every penny!

    Many thanks to the Amazon Vine Program for a review copy of this product. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and do not reflect the opinions of Lego or Amazon. This is also an honest and unbiased opinion based on my experience with the product and is not influenced by it being a review copy.

    Number Of Pieces: 1901

    Approximate Price Per Piece: 0.07

    Build Time: 4.75 Hours

    Ready for the Battlefield

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is basically a sculpture to be admired. It’s not a toy to be played with. I got this for my 8 year old nephew, and we have spent the best part of two days over the rainy weekend assembling this monster. He is a diehard Marvel fan, so this is just magical for him. It’s challenging, but it keeps all of us off our screens and devices and working together. At the end of all the blood, sweat and tears, there’s an iconic sculpture dominating the kid’s bedroom. The detail is wonderful and I like the rotating stand. He is thrilled, particularly as this is for 14+ age group (he got a lot of help). I’m shocked by the price, but Lego and Marvel are huge global players, so the price tag is always going to be high.

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    So this Lego Marvel set is amazing, it took two evenings for me and my 14 yr old to build (he wasn’t going to get all the fun of building this on his own).. We used both the paper instructions and the PDF from the Lego website so that we could easily both see instructions while going through the 250 or so pages of building instructions to get to the completed Guardian Ship. The mini figures included are great, the finished ‘Ship’ looks amazing when on the stand. This item is one of those items that for some people, once built will stay intact on the stand, and for others, will be played with. But this isn’t really one of those sets that you keep taking apart and building again.. (But they are only my views)

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant model, lot bigger than i expected.

  76. Bangshowbiz says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant model, lot bigger than i expected.

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant model, lot bigger than i expected.

  78. EverettButterfi says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant model, lot bigger than i expected.

  79. KerstinCharbonn says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant model, lot bigger than i expected.

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant model, lot bigger than i expected.

  81. Garland26M says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant model, lot bigger than i expected.

  82. KeeshaBraund says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersHi World.

    Well, I managed to get one of these new guardians ship sets and wow, it is huge, and twice the size of the other version. It was such a fun build, really straightforward and easy to build, and with the almost 2000 pieces wasgood value for money. When complete and set on its stand (which you can rotate and pose in different ways) it dawns on you just how big, wide, and heavy it is lol. Thankfully it’s also a sturdy build and isn’t one of those with bits dropping off.

    If you liked this build I must recommend the space shuttle, and the saturn V rocket. Both amazing fun and rewarding builds like this.
    My only down side was minifigs, no Drax the destroyer, but we get a chitari instead???? No, I want my Drax guy lol.

    I hope this helps someone, take care world, and be nice!

    Wow, what a build, amazing, gorgeous and fu

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A rally nice lego model and display piece with solid stand. The build process was fun and the colours are so bold and vibrant. Minifigures are great and super detailed. My big complaint is that really needs a display plaque like a lot of the other models they do like this.

  84. AndreSpain says:

     United Kingdom

    It was missing a couple of pieces but I sent off for them using Lego’s replacement service and they sent me new ones a couple days later. Other than that, it looks amazing!

  85. Andrew Stevens says:

     United Kingdom

    it took me just over 5 hours to build which is both GOTG films plus another from the marvel universe! It was great fun to build and the attention to detail is huge as you would expect with lego! I loved the characters and the over all model is just stunning! It’s a great display and show peice and great value for money! So impressed with i

    Totally amazing!

  86. Anonymous says:


    Le premier vaisseau type UCS de Marvel avec prt de 2000p, il est immense compar aux autres vaisseaux de la gamme super heroes. Prt de 60cm d’envergure !
    Finition pointue dans les moindres dtails.
    Donnez du style votre pice thme lego avec ce Benatar des gardiens de la galaxie.
    Les figurines sont mise jour et on reconnat bien les personnages vu l’cran.
    Lego russi l’exploit de nous proposer ce vaisseau mythique sans utiliser des dizaines de stickers et le rsultat est bluffant de ralisme.
    Le + : le support d’exposition, qui pivote 360 degrs pour des poses dynamiques en vol. Bravo lego.
    Merci Amazon pour le rapport qualit prix propos, imbattable.
    Si je devais reprocher une chose ce set 76193 c’est l’absence de Drax, pourquoi ? Gamora je comprends, puisque c’est raccord la fin de Endgame mais o est Drax ?!


  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a big set, but due to Lego passing on the Marvel licensing costs to the customer you can get bigger non-Marvel Lego sets for 135. However for many kids this will be perhaps the “ultimate” Lego set and for that reason may be worth paying a premium for. Regular Lego builders will know what to expect with this. It’s quite a challenging build, even for older children and will need some patience – to do this justice you would want to build it over a couple of sessions. As with most modern-day Lego sets, this only builds one model (or at least only has instructions for the one model) which is a shame. Once it’s made it basically becomes a toy (when I was a lad I used to like taking Lego apart and building it back up but I’m not sure anyone does that anymore). Nevertheless, it’s a pretty well built toy with plenty of detail (there’s even a coffee machine inside the ship). Plus you get a generous 6 minifigures of Marvel characters, including Thor.

    The Marvel fan I gave this to for Christmas was thrilled.

  88. CarlotaFlinchum says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI loved the overall structure of the model and how it was built. It is far better than the Infinity War variant which lacked both detail and accuracy in the model and the set’s minifigures. However, the minifigures included in this new set are questionable. The Star-Lord, Thor, Mantis, Rocket and Groot are perfect however the inclusion of a Chitauri figure is odd because it makes much more sense to include Drax and a new Nebula figure with her Endgame outfit in its place which would offer the full range of the Guardians of the Galaxy at the end of Endgame.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic toy but i am annoyed with amazon for reducing the price after i ordered i

  90. KaylaDoolette says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersDie Benatar (Schiff der Guardians of the Galaxy)
    aus Lego, sehr detailverliebt!
    Fr 115 bei Amazon, 1901 Teile, und was fr geniale Teile, hier wurde von Lego mchtig geklotzt.
    Das Raumschiff ist massiv, und Aufkleber sind dezent verwendet. Zum Ausstellen und auch zum Spielen toll. Fr Kinder ab 10 ist der Aufbau kein Problem.

    Bestes Lego Raumschiff!

  91. CatalinMennell says:

     United Kingdom

    What a monster! This is the biggest bit of lego that I think we have ever had… And for what you get priced well at 125 at time of review (6.6p per block if your interested) I will get to the Avengers space ship in a moment but the mini figures in this set are brilliant! My favourite is Groot but the detail on all of them is great. Right onto the ship, its an absolute unit and a really challenging build. The 14+ age guide feels right and some good lighting, lots of space and at least two sessions are going to be needed to chew your way through this build. I love a challenging build and this is right up there concentration wise with some of the more challenging Technics sets I’ve done. Im not sure the final model is going to be played with by our nearly four year old, more because I don’t think he will be able to lift it easily than being worried about him breaking it, no, I’m worried about him breaking it… maybe after a week or so he will get to have a play, but I’ve just put a weekend into the build and would be too sad to have it dropped just yet…
    Highlight of this seasons lego release, go on spoil yourself, you won’t be disappointed!

    Your not doing this in one sitting, but WOW!

  92. RochellOUQK says:

     United Kingdom

    I am flagging. This requires a lot to time to assemble and, even with the excellent diagrams, a lot of concentration. It’s starting to look fantastic but I suspect I will worry about letting the youngsters play with it and having to reassemble as bits come of in rough play. It’s going to be big and need space for a shelf model.
    Lego quality and a real engineering project. I recommend treating it like a super jigsaw – set out some clear space and work with care, allow time. Be happy for a few days when finished then carefully put back in the box (better still, get one of those clear craft boxes with snap down lid) for another day. Be wise and download e-manual from Lego website (click on Support) in case misplacing the paper manual anytime. This could be a family project to build one wet winter’s day.

  93. Anonymous says:


    Une trs belle reprsentation du benatar vu dans le film les gardiens de la galaxie. Il est clairement plus destin tre expos qu’ servir de jouet. L’intrieur est dtaill mais exigu et difficile d’accs. Les articulations des ailes sont un peu fragiles. Le support d’exposition est trs sobre mais trs stable et permet d’incliner le vaisseau sous divers angles ce qui donne des possibilits intressantes. Au niveau de la construction c’est trs plaisant et sans difficult particulire. Les autocollants sont peu nombreux et les tons de couleurs ne dnotent pas avec ceux des briques qui les accueillent. Un trs beau set pour les amateurs de marvel ou de vaisseaux spatiaux.