Master Lock LFW082FTC Fireproof Safe 22.8L [Fire & Water Resistant] [Large] [Digital Combination] -for ID Papers, A4 Documents, Laptop Computers, Jewels
Master Lock Safe Range
The Master Lock Large Digital Combination Safe is designed to protect the most precious valuables (jewels, money, electronic devices, paper (fits A4 format), digital media and other family memories) from fire, water, and theft. 60% bigger bolts than traditional safes and pry-resistant hinge bar provides additional security against unauthorized access.
Safe Design
| Fireproof SafeThe Safe is UL/ETL verified 60 minutes fire protection for documents, official papers, as well as digital items (CD, USB sticks) up to 927°C. They are also ETL verified to withstand a 4.5-meter drop during a fire and stay closed. | Waterproof SafeThe Safe is ETL verified water protection up to 12cm (LFW082FTC), 20cm (LFW123FTC and LFW205FYC) for 24 hours to protect documents and other valuable items from flood damage. |
| | |
Weight: | 33.2 kg |
Size: | 22 L |
Dimensions: | 49.1 x 41.5 x 34.8 cm; 33.2 Kilograms |
Model: | LFW082FTC |
Part: | LFW082FTC |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Master Lock |
Colour: | Black |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 22 L |
I bought this safe primarily for the fire protection element, on arrival the locking mechanism was very stiff, handle keeps engaging clutch, the temp was 5c outside. I was very concerned I would break this and simply left the safe open beside radiator 24 hours. Thankfully this has sorted the problem and it now works normally – big relief. Happy with product again purchased more from fire protection element than anti theft but plenty of locking bolts and reasonable hinge to stop someone quickly getting it open.
Happy with safe, does what I needed, spoke to company whom provided it and they had a very good customer service attitude, more then will to help.
I particularly like the firmness of the safe.
The safe is very user friendly, very easy to set up.
It is money well spe
Very strong and sturdy, very well made, and value for money.
If you like keeping your valuables safe then this is the safe for you.
The code is easy to find to get into it on arrival, and all manufacturing is brilliant no problems whatsoever.
My dislikes thought are as this maybe for valuables like documents, jewelry and whatever you wish to place in it, I don’t keep a lot of documents in this safe more small jewelry etc, and trying to buy an additional shelf seems impossible to do, when you have the space for it!
Gebrauchsanweisung war leicht zu verstehen . Qualitt ist super . Einfach praktisch
Der Sentry Safe ist ein gutes Produkt, nur hatte ich zuerst Probleme beim ffnen, denn es stand in der Bedienungsanleitung geschrieben, dass man den Schlssel in senkrechte (vertikale) Position bringen soll, um dann den Code (5 stellig) einzugeben.
Das ist falsch, denn der Schlssel muss in die waagerechte Position gebracht werden, damit das Schloss entpsperrt wird und man nun mittels Code den Tresor ffnen kann.
Habe eine Stunde gebraucht, um den Fehler zu lokalisieren.
Bin positiv berrascht. Schn schwerer Tresor, der nicht schnell weggetragen werden kann. Scheint sicher zu sein. Bin zufrieden und wrde den Tresor weiterempfehlen. Die Lieferung erfolgte auch sehr schnell.
Really nice item but holes are not pre-drilled. I read some of the answers on here and they are factually incorrect. Holes will have to be drilled into this so that it can be fixed in place. If it’s true though the item is not waterproof. My advice would be not to store this at floor level as in the photos.
Really nice item but holes are not pre-drilled. I read some of the answers on here and they are factually incorrect. Holes will have to be drilled into this so that it can be fixed in place. If it’s true though the item is not waterproof. My advice would be not to store this at floor level as in the photos.
Has a great weight to it, good locking mechanism too.
As its fire rated I keep my watches in a sealed box within the safe so avoid any moisturizing ingress
Der Safe ist fr wichtige Dokumente und kleinere Wertsachen optimal. Speziell als Brandschutz und Schutz vor neugierigen oder diebischen Besuchern gedacht. Das Gewicht von knapp 40 Kg macht es auch schwieriger den Safe mal eben so mitzunehmen. Im Falle eines professionellen Wohnungseinbruchs mit schwerem Gert setzt der MasterLock wohl nicht allzuviel Widerstand entgegen. Das Aussenscharnier drfte schnell weg geflext sein. Aber welcher Gelegenheitseinbrecher macht schon so einen Hllenlrm fr eine unbekannte Ausbeute. Das Risiko ist berschaubar.
Was mich ein bisschen strt ist da der Werkscode nicht individuell gendert werden kann. ich hoffe da das kein Einheitscode ist (wie bei manchen Hotelsafes) der irgendwo im Internet zu kaufen ist.
Der Hartplastikgriff am Schlo ist auch nicht wirklich berzeugend. Knnte vieleicht irgendwann morsch werden und abbrechen. Was dann?
Das Einstellen einer eigenen Zahlenkombination ist einfach und problemlos. Die Trffnung war anfangs etwas Hakelig, aber bung macht den Meister.
Alles in Allem habe ich ein gutes Gefhl bei diesem Mbel. Guter Kauf!
Having the battery compartment on the outside makes sense, its a lot heavier then you think – probably due to its sturdy design. The fact that its fire/water-resistant is reassuring should the worst ever happen, it spacious and the fact that you can set more then one code is handy. Would recommend!
Having the battery compartment on the outside makes sense, its a lot heavier then you think – probably due to its sturdy design. The fact that its fire/water-resistant is reassuring should the worst ever happen, it spacious and the fact that you can set more then one code is handy. Would recommend!
It’s worth every penny. If you want a large safe then this is the best one. I did have a shock when it arrived!
Suite un cambriolage un coffre est parti,avec du matos pour licenci ! donc je passe a du plus lourd. A premire vu c’est du costaud La CONTENANCE est bonne et l’quipement intrieur n’est pas mal.Reste une rflexion pour le vendeur l’emballage, pas discret ,les livreurs savent se qui livre et ou ! Aujourd’hui il ne faut pas faire confiance,la preuve cela n’arrive pas qu’aux autres.
J’ai par erreur commander 2 coffres,j’ai ete rembourser directement pour le deuxime que j’ai refuser a la livraison .
Coffre fort , belle finition , facile installe
This is by far the Best Safe! I have ever bought, it’s easy to unpack, straight forward instructions, and has the battery compartment on the outside so if they run out, it’s not a massive headache to replace them. But at the same time does not compromise the security of the safe!
I bought the keyless one of this safe. And it’s the best option, no more losing keys for it. Just input the number at the right height, no need to crawl on the floor to view the keypad any more. This is the best thing I have every bought. The drawers inside can be changed in order preferences which I loved, to maximise capacity. And feels solid built. Plus if its destroyed in a house fire. The company will give me a free replacement, once they have opened the old one! Which I thought was really nice of them, at a horrible time in your life a house fire!
Yup very happy customer.
This is by far the Best Safe! I have ever bought, it’s easy to unpack, straight forward instructions, and has the battery compartment on the outside so if they run out, it’s not a massive headache to replace them. But at the same time does not compromise the security of the safe!
I bought the keyless one of this safe. And it’s the best option, no more losing keys for it. Just input the number at the right height, no need to crawl on the floor to view the keypad any more. This is the best thing I have every bought. The drawers inside can be changed in order preferences which I loved, to maximise capacity. And feels solid built. Plus if its destroyed in a house fire. The company will give me a free replacement, once they have opened the old one! Which I thought was really nice of them, at a horrible time in your life a house fire!
Yup very happy customer.
Der Tresor ist stabieler als Mann dachte .
Der Tresor besteht aus massiven Stahl .
Ich als Handwerker bruchte professionelles Werzeug um diesen Tresor zu knacken . Fr ein Einbrecher mit einen Bescheiden wrde sich daran die Zhne ausgebissen. Einfach Supper dieser Tresor !
Trs bon produit mais comme on ne peut pas le fixer au sol ou au mur pour garder la protection anti feu/inondation, on peut le dplacer trs facilement. Malgr son poids il glisse parfaitement sur le parquet.
An dem Artikel ist nichts auszusetzen. Entspricht genau den Vorstellungen bei Bestellung.
Leider wurde bei der Anlieferung der Bodenbelag mit der Sackkarre beschdigt, wohl beim Herausziehen der Karre unter dem mind. 33kg schweren Paket. Ich habe es leider erst gesehen als der Fahrer weg war.
Mchte daher den Schaden als Haftpflichtschaden anzeigen. Boden lsst sich nicht mehr an defekter Stelle reparieren.
Lo que buscaba para proteger mis papeles sensibles (escrituras, testamentos, contratos, etc.).
…glaublich sicherer Tresor, schne Ausfhrung. Sehr schwer und kann ohne einer Sackrodel nicht bewegt werden.
Die Lieferung wurde angekndigt, dass Paket wurde vom Fahrer bis zum Aufstellort getragen. Der Tresor selbst steht fest und macht einen sicheren Eindruck
Wie schon einige bemngelt hatten,da der Tresor an der Hlle Wlbungen aufweist,kann ich besttigen. Da das aussenliegende Schanier je an den Enden sehr frei liegt,knnte dieser mit einer Flex in wenigen Minuten geffnet werden vom schwarzen Mann. Also deffinitiv fr Gewerbe und Hauseigentmer fr Wertsachen ungeignet. Fr Bewohner einer Wohnung jedoch geeignet,da ohne Krach zumachen dieser nicht zuffnen ist. An sich fr diesen gnstigen Preis,eine dennoch gute Verarbeitung. Allein die Garantie vom Hersteller,im Falle eines Brandes,ein kostenloses neues Gert zubekommen,spricht sehr positiv fr sich. Ich bin fr meine Verhltnisse mit dem Tresor sehr zufrieden. Wenn der Hersteller eine nderung am Schnier vornimmt,von aussenliegend nach inneniegend,dann gbe es glatt 5 Sterne. So leider aber 1 Stern abzug.
Den Tresor habe ich in eine stabile Schrankwand fest eingebaut, also mit Metalleisten gegen ein Herausbrechen gesichert. Auf Grund des Eigengewichts und der stabilen Front gehe ich davon aus, dass Diebe groe Probleme beim Beutefang haben. Fr Profi-Einbrecher ist der Tresor allerdings nicht unberwindlich, mit einer groen Flex lsst er sich bestimmt knacken. Da der “normale” Dieb aber kein schweres Werkzeug mit sich herumschleppt, denke ich, dass der Inhalt relativ sicher aufgehoben ist.
Negativ ist der Kunststoffgriff an der Tr, der nicht sehr vertrauenswerweckend aussieht. Bei zu starkem Drcken dreht er durch, was vom Hersteller so gewollt ist. Der Schliemechanismus wirkt zuverlssig, die Innenbeleuchtung ist klasse. Eventuell vorhandene Goldbarren wrde ich in der Bank lagern, fr die sonstigen Wertgegenstnde halte ich den Tresor fr sicher genug. Feuer- und Wassersicherheit habe ich selbstverstndlich nicht getestet.
The security safe is very strong and heavy, there is plenty of space for documents and electronic devices such as iPad and MacBook.
I recommend this product.
I gave 4 stars instead of 5 because the battery compartment is not well designed, the batteries don’t stay firmly in place. Of course if batteries lose the connection to the keypad the only way to open the safe is by key.
If you have familiarity with DIY the issue can be easily fixed.
The security safe is very strong and heavy, there is plenty of space for documents and electronic devices such as iPad and MacBook.
I recommend this product.
I gave 4 stars instead of 5 because the battery compartment is not well designed, the batteries don’t stay firmly in place. Of course if batteries lose the connection to the keypad the only way to open the safe is by key.
If you have familiarity with DIY the issue can be easily fixed.
Die Auswahl fiel dank der guten Beschreibung nicht schwer, Besttigung kam umgehend sowie auch die Belieferung mit dem Tresor.
Immer Wieder, empfehlenswert!
Trs bon matriel.
Quelques minutes m’ont t ncessaire pour la prise en main car je n’avais pas compris comment mettre la poigne lors de l’ouverture.
Je suis trs content de mon achat.
A little bigger than I thought, but its perfect really, excellent, sturdy . and perfect for what I want.
Excellent safe for the money. Be aware though, a laptop PC will go in but only on a diagonal unless it’s a very small laptop.
I bought this item from seller named “Safehaouse”
Item arrived at my residence lighting fast and in perfect condition.
Customer service exceptional excellent , polite and very sufficient.
Quality of the item top . This safe is state of the art . It’s also extremely spacious. Sure can accommodate all families precious items cash and even important documents. I’m completely satisfied with this item in general. One of my best purchase from amazon if not the best . I strongly recommend this item . Seller Safehouse also fully recommended . This sellers deals are really unbeatable deals .
5 plus stars for both item and selle
Good safe with enough space for docs etc. I though it would be a little heavier, but it’s fine for my purposes. Would certainly be difficult to steal unless someone was really determined. I personally think it’s worth it. Only issue was the boxing. Why on earth you’d advertise on the boxing that you’ve bought a safe is just plain stupid.
Wir haben den Safe jetzt seit einiger Zeit. Der Safe erfllt all unsere Erwartungen und ist sehr solide. Kann ihn mit gutem Gewissen weiterempfehlen.
Genau wie beschrieben, man beachte auch die Zusatztexte. Der Tresor eignet sich berwiegend fr den Schutz vor Brand und Wasser der darin gelagerten Dokumente und auch wenig Bargeld. Fr einen dann noch sicheren Einbruchschutz muss man andere und auch weit teurere Produkte kaufen, welche dann auch Bargeldsummen bekannt geben. Fr den normalen Langfinger, z. B. Handwerker oder meist unterschtzter Besuch passt es allemal.
Die versprochenen Eigenschaften hoffe ich werden erfllt, prfen kann ich es ja nicht.
This is very heavy safe that is great for extra security. It only has two holes in the base for securing to the floor and none in the rear panel should you wish to secure it to a wall. When you open the safe the four bolts, two in the side, one on top and one at the base of the door retract. However the one at the base of the door does not fully retract and I am nervous that it might eventually prevent the door from opening. Around each of the four bolts there is a plastic retaining piece of plastic, each on of these was found to be cracked on delivery and in fact one of these fell out in bits when I opened the door. It is delivered in a cardboard box with no protection inside the box, therefore being so heavy it has caused problems in handling, and this has resulted in damage to the paintwork on an corner and quite a large bit of paint scraped off the front side. As I have placed the safe in a cupboard this was not a problem as I touched it up with black mat paint that I had. Having said all that it is a strong substantial safe that gives you good security.
This is very heavy safe that is great for extra security. It only has two holes in the base for securing to the floor and none in the rear panel should you wish to secure it to a wall. When you open the safe the four bolts, two in the side, one on top and one at the base of the door retract. However the one at the base of the door does not fully retract and I am nervous that it might eventually prevent the door from opening. Around each of the four bolts there is a plastic retaining piece of plastic, each on of these was found to be cracked on delivery and in fact one of these fell out in bits when I opened the door. It is delivered in a cardboard box with no protection inside the box, therefore being so heavy it has caused problems in handling, and this has resulted in damage to the paintwork on an corner and quite a large bit of paint scraped off the front side. As I have placed the safe in a cupboard this was not a problem as I touched it up with black mat paint that I had. Having said all that it is a strong substantial safe that gives you good security.
Smaller than I expected but built like a tank does fit everything in it I want if you don’t lock it all the way the next time you try to unlock it it doesn’t unlock you have to push the handle up to unlock i
Good solid safe just what I eanted fr a few important documents and valuables. As another reviewer has said it’s not waterproof if you drill holes to bolt it down. My only problem with it is the stated dimensions. They are NOT accurate. The manufacturing process bulges the sides back and bottom. The net effect is its almost a centimetre wider than described. This caused a problem as I bought it thinking it would just fit between vertical supports in the base of a wardrobe.
Good solid safe just what I eanted fr a few important documents and valuables. As another reviewer has said it’s not waterproof if you drill holes to bolt it down. My only problem with it is the stated dimensions. They are NOT accurate. The manufacturing process bulges the sides back and bottom. The net effect is its almost a centimetre wider than described. This caused a problem as I bought it thinking it would just fit between vertical supports in the base of a wardrobe.
Great safe, explored multiples on Amazon and the web as a whole and did a lot of research before settling on this one.
Fixing it was hard work but I chose to locate it in a secure place where it will be hard to remove it so fixing it in was equally difficult but am extremely happy.
Easy to use and handy little light inside but most importantly extremely secure.
Don’t care to test it’s claims on fire proof capabilities but would like to hope if needed it’d stand up to a little heat, it seems it would.
Extremely good value for money and have already recommended it to several friends and family members.
Great safe, explored multiples on Amazon and the web as a whole and did a lot of research before settling on this one.
Fixing it was hard work but I chose to locate it in a secure place where it will be hard to remove it so fixing it in was equally difficult but am extremely happy.
Easy to use and handy little light inside but most importantly extremely secure.
Don’t care to test it’s claims on fire proof capabilities but would like to hope if needed it’d stand up to a little heat, it seems it would.
Extremely good value for money and have already recommended it to several friends and family members.
Good solid product. Heavy, but not too heavy to move. Clear fixing instructions. Note that battery life needs to be 6-8 years to have enough power to open the bolts. Ours ran low, but not so low that the low battery warning light came on. Door would not unlock with either our own or the master combination. Customer service (UK: 01279 810350) advised new batteries and it worked. If calling them ask to speak to someone rather than emailing them.
Was very happy with this product, just the right size, great quality too!! Oh and very heavy!!
This is without question an amazing safe for what it costs. It’s heavy duty and really is made from quality materials. More robust than I expected and I find no fault with it and can honestly say it’s under priced in my opinion as I’ve had more expensive ones nowhere near this quality which is why I’ve taken the trouble to review it.
A very well made safe, the batteries can be slid out to save them, then pushed back in when you need to open the safe as mine will stay locked for long periods of time. Very small gap on the door and the handle seems very solid. I am happy I paid for the quality so hopefully it will last me a long time.
Brilliant, large safe bought to keep my marquee time pieces in.
Waterproof and fireproof.
Only thing is to read is the warranty, it will be void if you drill holes to bolt to the floor.
I am really pleased with the quality of this safe, and it being fire proof means all important documents are in a good place. Good size
Super einfach zum bedienen. Die Eigenschaft als Wertsachen-Safe ist jedoch zweifelhaft, da meiner Ansicht nach die Tre innerhalb von Minuten aufgeflext werden kann – Auenliegendes Scharnier!
Zum Feuerfesten lagern von Dokumenten Klasse! Sieht gut!
Excellent safe! Proper heavy duty and built to last. I’m glad I purchased this.
Trs satisfait, simple installer malgr le poids, bref, scurisant et peu encombrant. C’est un modle excellent qui permet de conserver des sauvegardes informatiques, mme dpourvues d’intrt (films, photos, documents), l’abri des indiscrets…