Mega Motion 6.5'' Self Balanced Electric Scooter Led Light built in Bluetooth Speakers For Kids Super Gifts

Excellent design, safety performance, and comfortable driving experience.
Our self balancing scooter, built-in lithium battery, completely and pollution-free, zero emissions.
Adopt high-strength lightweight aluminum material, safety brake control system, man-machine balance system.
The shape is more fashionable and simple, the quality is more perfect and superior, and the use is lighter and safer.
With this hoverkart, you can easily control the movement of your scooters; forwards, backwards and left or right. It will offer you more fun in your life.
The Hoverkart turn the self balancing scooter into a fantastic go-kart

Hoverboard seat attachment makes self balance scooter instantly become a fashionable hoverkart, Hoverboard go kart have a variety of colors.
Operation Instructions:
Sit on the cart, keep the handles level, then turn on the power switch
1.Pushing forward both left and right handle makes the Kart Kit go forward.
2.Pulling back both left and right handle makes the Kart Kit go backward.
3.Pull back left handle, the kart kit will turn left.
4.Pull back right handle, the kart kit will turn right.
(Note: Before switching it on, adjust the handles to make sure scooter at horizontal level, to avoidfast moving forward once it turns on.Before switching it off,lift the kart to make scooter in state ofno burden, then turn it off).
Hoverboards specification description
Size | 6.5 inches |
Battery | Li Ion battery |
Battery capacity | 36 V 4.4Ah |
Max. Rider weight | 100 KG |
Net Weight | 10 KG |
Max Climbing Limit | 15 ° |
Specification of kart seat | |
Maximum adjustable length | 850mm |
Minimum adjustable length | 720mm |
Maximum amplitude | 570mm |
Maximum height | 450mm |
Seat | 345 * 275 * 250mm |
| | | |
Certified Lithium BatteryA super durable battery that gives you the opportunity to reach a range of 20 KM with one full charge. The Max Speed can reach 15km/h which could give you extreme feeling when ridding. | Product testing safetyBefore each Mega Motion Scooter is launched, it will undergo a 100-person test and will be changed several times in terms of appearance, endurance and function, and finalize a update-new product. The ability of each Scooter to crash and fall must meet the industry’s top level. | Multiple colourMega Motion Scooter has a variety of colors, and each color is a fashion trend. | Powerful motivationEquipped with two extremely powerful engine the Mega Motion E1 is able to propel you to a speed above 15KM / H under normal driving conditions with a load of 75kg. |

Dimensions: | 58.4 x 57.42 x 23.2 cm; 10 Kilograms |
Brand: | Mega Motion |
Model: | Z29 |
Colour: | Blue-Blue |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium ion batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Mega Motion |
Age: | Adult |
Colour: | Blue-Blue |
Quantity: | 1 |
Qualit et fabrication impeccables, mes enfants l’adorent et y passent beaucoup de temps chaque jour. Une longue dure de vie de la batterie, un bon quilibre et un clairage brillant le rendent encore plus frais. Pas besoin d’acheter d’autres accessoires, cet hoverboard est aussi pratique pour moi en centre-ville.
Esta muy bien, lo nico que la batera no dura tanto como quisiramos
Meine Tochter hat sehr viel Spa mit dem Kart! Es lsst sich problemlos aufbauen und sieht sehr schick aus.
ho presso per mia sorella perch da diversi mesi lei non faceva altro che chiedermi l’hoverboard perch in campeggio diversi bambini lo usavano e lei ne rimasto subito attratto. Approfittando del suo compleanno abbiamo deciso di regalarglielo affidandosi ovviamente ad amazon e trovando questo ottimo prodotto completo anche della versione hoverkart. Il funzionamento per lei semplice, per me infernale.Allucinante come i bimbi prendano subito dimestichezza con questi oggetti. Tutto dipende dal peso del corpo veicolato all’hoverboard tramite i piedi. Peso in avanti si avanza, peso indietro si indietreggia e pesando su un piede alla volta si effettuano le curve. Il tutto grazie a un giroscopio integrato che comanda il motore brushless a doppia ruota. Un buon allenamento per l’equilibrio. Inoltre per mia sorella.che ha la passione per le musiche ,la funzione bluetooth ottima: collega il suo cellulare (la musica attraverso le casse integrate mentre gira sulla ciclabile (molto pi sicuro di quando con il waveboard indossa le cuffie). La chicca ulteriore di questo prodotto la possibilit di farlo diventare un hoverkart con l’aggiunta di una struttura compresa in confezione .Cos facendo si ha una sorta di kart sfruttando l’hoverboard come motore; molto molto carino e sicuro per prendere inizialmente confidenza. io che faccio cos perch no sono bravo che lei devo ancora imparare,con piacere.dai che siamo molto soddisfatto .
Quest’anno in campeggio non si vedevano altro che hoverboard e bambini che lo usavano con disinvoltura e quindi quale occasione migliore del compleanno per prendere anche a mio figlio questo regalo? Sono subito stato attratto da questo modello dotato anche di kart e confermo che stata la miglior scelta che potessi fare. E’ la soluzione ideale per prendere subito confidenza con il funzionamento dell’accelerometro, si sta comodamente seduti sul seggiolino e si governa il tutto tramite le due manopole. Il divertimento assicurato anche perch in questa posizione si pu sfruttare a pieno la velocit massima dell’hoverboard in tutta sicurezza. Il seggiolino si rimuove velocemente tramite due pratici velcri presenti in confezione (presenti anche dei ricambi). Dopo si passa all’utilizzo senza kart e, fidatevi, bastano pochi minuti e i bambini diventano i massimi esperti. Avanti, indietro, acrobazieil tutto corredato da led che lo rendono bellissimo anche di sera. Inoltre la presenza del bluetooth permette di far riprodurre musica mentre ci si diverte. Davvero un bel prodotto. Il tempo di ricarica di di circa 3 ore e il funzionamento circa 1 ora, ovviamente dipende molto dalla velocit (col kart dura sicuramente meno).
Le ruote grandi lo rendono poi adatto a qualsiasi terreno e asperit. E’ per decisamente pesante quindi se si scarica in giro meglio essere dotati di uno zainetto in cui riporlo
Excellent quality product. I got the hoverboard and go kart bundle as a gift for upcoming Christmas. I opened it and decided to try, so I’m sure everything is alright.
Love this and it’s definitely worth a five stars. I can see it will be a great present.
Lights are brilliant and bright and the speaker is great too.
It does go fast so if you are new to it I would suggest start slowly.
Absolutely great fun.
The Mega Motion Hoverboard with go kart is a great kit for any young kid. The hoverboard blue is a wonderful gloss metallic, the board is simple to use with a one push power button to switch it on, the rest is controlled by sensors on the device that detect when someone is standing on it and fire up the device to assist with balance and turn on the motor. It also has LED lights on the undersides which look great too and trims that make it look like it has stunning allow wheels.
The device looks the part and amazingly works the part too. As soon as you get both feet on it helps balance you and you simple use the left and right forward and back tilt mechanism to move forward or back in the direction you wish to travel, of course if you want to turn, you just use one side or if you want to turn quickly, apply pressure to the left and right in opposing directions. The device is fast and fun, it works perfectly and it looks great.
The go kart is similar and really does look the part, it’s not as shiny as the card but it still looks great and the blue camouflage looks excellent. Operating is a bit different from the kart on it’s own, your required to sit down and operate the tilt mechanism on the board by the levers either side of the kart. They work just as effectively and the small kart frame nips around at a fair speed.
Overall very happy with the device and think it’s a great bundle for the money.
Got this as present to my kid, love the fact it comes with go kart, which quite helpful and actually more fun.
Hoverboard is ideal for new starters as well as experienced ones, it has self balance which helps with stability.
It has build in led lights together with Bluetooth speakers.
Need to download the application to mobile and can be linked to hoverboard, once linked can send music and play it directly on hoverboard.
It has limit upto 120kg which quite a lot considering even most adults well below that limit.
Kids so far loving it, quite powerful motor and suitable even for adults to have some fun.
Ich habe dieses Hoverboard fr mein Sohn zu seinem Geburtstag gekauft, die Farbe gefiel mir auf Anhieb. Es gibt einen lustigen Ton von sich, wenn man es anschaltet und durch die Lichter kann man die Kids auch in der absoluten Dunkelheit sehen. Die Qualitt des Borts ist wirklich hervorragend. Hochwertig verarbeitet, wertig gebaut und macht einen sehr stabilen Eindruck.
Ausgepackt, aufgeladen und schon knnte es losgehen. Unser kleiner fhrt aktuell lieber mit einem entsprechenden Sitz. Die Verbindung mit der App klappte super.
Das Hoverboard war im nu betriebsbereit, spielend leicht zu bedienen und die Akkukapazitt ist phnomenal. Der Akku hat bislang bei keinem unserer auch stundenlangen Ausflge schlapp gemacht. Ich empfehle jedem, der Schwierigkeiten beim Aufsteigen hat, die Boards noch einmal zu Kalibrieren. Damit werden die Sensoren auf die Waagerechte Position eingerichtet. Hierfr muss nur der Einschaltknopf gedrckt und gehalten werden, bis das Board dauerhaft blinkt und einen Ton von sich gibt. Nun mssen beide Ebenen gerade parallel zum Boden ausgerichtet werden. Anschlieend diese Position halten und den Einschaltknopf erneut drcken. Damit speichert das Bord die Ausgangslage.
Wer ein gnstiges Board fr seine Kinder sucht, um es mal auszuprobieren, ist hiermit gut beraten.
The set comes with instructions in multiple languages and was pretty straightforward to put together. If you want simply to use as a hoverboard, you’re good to go straight out the box.
We went with the kart option to start with, as the board on its own is tricky to manage and involves a high level of skill. But this was always the plan anyway.
The kart is easy to attach to the board and the distance of the foot rest from the seat can be easily adapted to suit different heights/leg lengths. When driving, the speed and direction are controlled via the two handles. The kart drives really well on our big lawn, which was great for gaining confidence.
Adding to the fun factor is the Bluetooth connectivity which allows music to enhance the experience. The flashing lights are an additional bonus.
Charging the batteries is a simple matter of plugging into a mains outlet using the cable provided and waiting for the light to turn from red to green. Battery life seems very good — I estimate several days’ use is realistic if used for short periods at a time.
The component parts are sturdy and well made, and it is obviously a quality item which will last years if looked after.
Really quiet when running and the self balancing function makes it easier to use. It definitely takes a bit of getting used to but with minimal practise my granddaughter is now flying on it and creating obstacle courses to play on.
An excellent purchase well worth the expense.
Thanks for reading my review. I hope you found it helpful.
Brought this for my grandson he is very pleased with i
Amazing value for the money my daughter loves it best thing eve
It seems to be pretty good hoverkart for hoverboard. A great & fun addition to a Hoverboard. Good value
Its super quality so far, but it could look better. Some details are missing
Aber das war auch der einzige Minuspunkt fr uns, und darum von mir eine glatte Kaufempfehlung.
Ich habe es fr meine Tochter gekauft. Sie ist begeistert. Tolle Qualitt, Akku hlt was es verspricht. Hat schon so einiges mitgemacht und immer noch alles in Ordnung.