Mr. Beams MB592 Outdoor Wireless Motion Sensing 80-Lumen LED Path Lights with Ground Stakes, 2-pack, Dark Brow

Weight: | 600 g |
Dimensions: | 37 x 14.4 x 8.6 cm; 600 Grams |
Brand: | Mr Beams |
Model: | MB592 |
Part: | MB592 |
Colour: | Brown |
Pack Quantity: | 2 |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Mr Beams |
Colour: | Brown |
Quantity: | 2 |
Bought these to light our garden path. Chose to avoid solar as, living in Scotland, we don’t seem to get enough daylight to keep lights going during the darker days. We pushed one of these stake lights into the flowerbed every couple of meters along the side of our path. We couldn’t really be more impressed (nor could the delivery drivers who regularly compliment the lights). Provide plenty of light, motion sensor picks up movement at a good distance and the duration of light is, I feel, a good balance between conserving battery and providing long enough lighting. We have had the lights a few months now and they are still going strong on their first set of batteries. We previously had a couple of the smaller Mr Beam lights which we liked but these are a real improvement. They look really tidy up the side of the path as well. Pricier than other lights but for us it has been worth the money.
Very good motion detector lights . I have 4 in my different garden beds .would highly recommend.and the people who make them are very accommodating
I’m really happy with these lights. They were super easy to put together and stale in the garden. Have stood up to all the winter wind and rain. And are still giving out really great light at night. Use with some good quality batteries and you will have a great light.
I have purchased Mr Beams lights for many years now for an elderly friend to light the path to her front door. I had bought the older type which looked like a small box on top of the unit but have now switched to this newer design.
I am very pleased as they have a wider spread of light – they are reliable and very economic on battery usage because they only come on at night when they detect movement – batteries have lasted well over a year. With the older design the batteries were housed in the top unit and a couple failed because they got wet inside but with this new design that doesn’t happen. The batteries are housed in a line in the support post. Highly recommended – a very good product.
Very nice light. It illuminates our outside steps perfectly. The motion detector is sensitive. We first put the light near some ground shrubs. When the wind blew, the branches would trigger the lights. We repositioned the light and now it isn’t an issue.
These are highly effective lights. We have them either side of our door step and they light up the steps brilliantly. We’ve had a few different type of lights from the Mr Beams range and they always work well.
Mal wieder ein Lob an Amazone.. 1A Produkt zu einem sehr guten Preis mit . Der Top Lieferzeit von Amazone einfach nur einmalig
Positionierung nicht exakt mglich. Obwohl ein Pfeil fr Lichtrichtung im Bodenbefestigung angebracht ist bei Befestigung der Leuchte ist schon ca 5 unterschied mglich. Sensoren sprechen nicht immer an, aber Umtasch unproblematisch.
Wir haben die Wegeleuchten fr unsere sehr lange Einfahrt bestellt. Die Strecke bis zum ersten Hauseingang, an dem ein Bewegungsmelder ber die Eingangslampe geschaltet ist, ist lang, und sie war bisher sowohl fr Fremde, die das Grundstck betraten, als auch fr uns beim Zurcksetzen mit dem Auto dunkel. Bevor wir diese Wegeleuchten entdeckten, hatten wir uns fr eine Leuchte entschieden, die eine grere Flche ausleuchtete. Sie hatte den Nachteil, dass sie extrem hell war. Den Leuchtenkopf konnte man zwar stufenlos neigen, jedoch war der Bewegungsmelder im oberen Bereich verbaut, so dass dieser dann nicht mehr reagieren konnte. Wir wussten, wie die ideale Leuchte aussehen sollte, fanden sie aber erst nach einigem Suchen. Die durch die Mr Beams-Wegeleuchten ausgeleuchtete Flche ist nicht so sehr gro, fr unseren Einsatz aber ausreichend. Vor allem wird man beim Betreten des Grundstckes nicht geblendet. Der Bewegungsmelder ist sehr zuverlssig. Wir haben inzwischen noch ein Set bestellt, um noch einen Bereich auszuleuchten.
These are great and so stylish. Recently had my garden redone and these are perfect. Only time will tell how long batteries will last but I don’t care as they look so good. Wee bit expensive but then you get what you pay fo
Diese Leuchten sind wirklich super, man muss sich nur im Klaren sein, da die Batterien nicht so selten gewechselt werden mssen, was den Betrieb teuer macht. Ein bis zwei Wochen halten sie bei normalem Gebrauch an einem Weg.
Does what it says on the package. Lights up my path nicely.
Die Leuchten sind prima, um einen Weg bedarfsweise auszuleuchten. Helligkeit und Sensor sind angemessen, dazu ein recht stabiler Erdspie. Tun, was die sollen, ich bin zufrieden.
Not sure about warmth but they light up my pond area great , been having problems with rats chewing the netting on my pond , the lights have discouraged the rats from coming back , will purchase more for the path, very bright lights
Used to light up stairs on the footpath to the house. They are really good! I was sceptical when I purchased them but they’ve been brilliant. I’d highly recommend them.
Das Produkt “arbeitet” wie es soll. Einfach zu installieren. Hat mein Problem – kein verfgbarer Stromanschluss an einer Auentreppe – bestens gelst. Funktioniert nun schon seit Wochen trotz Klte und Regen …
Wrde ich wieder kaufen, wenngleich ich mir ein stylischeres Design wnschen wrde > aber “Schnheit” liegt bekanntlich im Auge des Betrachters.
These are perfect for a shady spot with steps beside the house. We tried solar ones but they didn’t get enough sun to charge up, so still needed a flashlight every night when going out with the dogs. These were the perfect answer. Yes they need actual batteries, but they are bright, they look nice, and little dog seems to think they switch on if she sneezes at them!
Got these for some lighting along my driveway, which is quite long and no lights nearby. They work well, spaced apart on either side of the drive, but I really need to get a few more to cover the rest of the driveway! However they are fairly expensive especially when the large batteries required have to be bought separately. The light is projected down towards the ground but I think a slightly higher angle would be better.
Scared my cat when I first put them in and he walked past and the light came on! He’s used to them now.
hese are great, have bought another set, lights up my garde
Excellent lighting, a lot brighter than I thought they’d would be
Reliable illumination. I have purchased Mr Beams Products before, and have found them to be very efficient and reliable. It’s a great asset for dark doorsteps at nighttime.Definitely a safety must for visitors as well, I gave my daughter one and she is truly delighted. I would definitely recommend this product or any other products of the same manufacture.
Used these to light up a steep bank walkway to family house next door. They are really good and light up the path way so its safe in the dark. I got 2 sets and have them out a few weeks now and weather has been cold and wet. I did notice one stopped working so brought it into the shed and took batteries out and left overnight in shed, next day was working again and been working since. Might have just been a slight glitch.
Zunchst war ich etwas skeptisch was die Qualitt und auch die Haltbarkeit betrifft, aber nach einigen Wochen kann ich sagen, das ich nach wie vor sehr angetan bin von diesen Lampen. Der Sensor reagiert zuverlssig und recht empfindlich auf Bewegung, das Licht ist sehr angenehm und mehr als ausreichend hell. Mit den passenden Batterien knnen die Leuchten auch lange im Einsatz bleiben bevor ein Batteriewechsel ansteht. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Produkt und kann den Kauf bedenkenlos empfehlen – lege allerdings auch Markenbatterien ans Herz um mit dem Produkt lange Freude zu haben. Klare Kaufempfehlung meinerseits!
schnes Design und gute Ausleuchtung. Der Sensor reagiert einwandfrei und empfindlich. Eindeutige Kaufempfehlung!
This is to light steps for a senior citizen and is just the job.
Ich habe sie an einem Zaun befestigt und es klappt wunderbar. Ein schnes warmweies Licht geht direkt an, wenn sich jemand Meter vorher nhert. Super!
Very very good. Will see how long the C-Type batteries last though. Great design. Easy to assemble and install.
Wir sind begeistert.
Zunchst war ich skeptisch, da ich Rezensionen fr diese Lampe identisch bei anderen Lampen gefunden habe. Also habe ich mir probehalber erst nur zwei bestellt. Diese haben mich komplett berzeugt, so dass ich mit den restlichen bestellten 4 Lampen den Weg zum Kompost und nun auch noch zum Mlleimer und zum Schuppen erhellen kann. Sie sind jetzt seit etwa 6 Wochen in Betrieb, leuchten hell wie am ersten Tag und ich freue mich, dass ich mein jahrewhrendes Dauerproblem der dunklen Wege nun so schnell und unproblematisch lsen konnte. Einziger Wermutstropfen ist der hohe Preis, aber Kabellampen mit Elektriker wren deutlich teurer geworden!
Very good product, well made and good looking. The sensor is good, picking up movement from a wide area
I love them and they’re really bright but the batteries are expensive hopefully as they only come on when something moves around them the batteries will last a long time!!
I must admit I did not realise these required three large batteries each. . Have previously bought solar powered outside lights. They work well on motion sensor. Definitely illuminate my pathway as required.
I have had them a couple of months now and they are great. I have not rated battery life as I expect them to go longer than this, but they are going strong now.
Zum ausleuchten einer Treppe verwendet. Gute Leuchtkraft, Bewegungssensoren schalten zum richtigen Zeitpunkt ein. Gerne wiede
Mr Beams Gartenleuchten sind ihr Geld wert ! Absolut einfache Montage und : ein sehr schnes , helles Licht!! Der Bewegungssensor reagiert sofort , es reicht schon eine kleine Handbewegung. Ich bin sehr zufrieden!
Super um den Weg zur Haustr auszuleuchten.Grade fr die lteren .Geht zuverlssig an ,wenn der Weg betreten wird.
Die Leuchte lassen sich sehr leicht montieren und weisen eine sehr gute Qualitt auf. Die Bereich werden sehr gut ausgeleuchtet und die Bewegungsmelder arbeiten sehr zuverlssig.
Einziger nderungswunsch wre die Gehusefarbe
Nun hat der Zeitungsbote Nachts gutes Licht an den Treppenstufen. Batterien halten auch sehr lange durch. Gute Qualitt.
Alle Bewohner und Besucher hatten einen Heidenspa mit diesen zwei kleinen Lampen! Sie sind mehrfach den Weg rauf und runter gelaufen und waren erstaunt ber die gute Ausleuchtung und die prompte Reaktion des Bewegungssensor.
Die Lampen stecken unscheinbar unter den Bschen und htten mit Solarbetrieb nicht funktioniert. So ist es die perfekte Lsung!
Hell im Lichtkegel u schick am Weg!
Mal sehen wir lang die Batterien halten…. hier kann ich noch nix sagen.
Perfetti per illuminare il vialetto del giardino senza corrente e scavi .la luce si accende circa due metri prima del passaggio
…kann ich allen haus-und gartenbesitzern empfehlen….
wenn man sie noch durch einen stab/rohr o.. verlngert,ergibt sich ein grerer lichtradius!
werde wohl noch einige kaufen….
Tolles Set, das sehr schnell zusammengebaut ist und tut was es soll. Batterien sind keine dabei, fr den Preis aber in Ordnung. Nun schon mehrere Monate im Einsatz und keine Fehler oder Undichtigkeiten feststellbar. Der Lichtkegel ist ausreichend und die Bewegungsmeldern schlagen immer sofort an.
Ich werde sogar noch ein Set bestellen.
Die Leuchten stehen bei uns versteckt in der Hecke und beleuchten den Weg zur Haustr. Der Lichtkegel ist ausreichend gro und hlt relativ lange. Deshalb haben wir noch Leuchten nachbestellt.
Wow!!!mega Klasse!! Bin sowas von begeistert . Haben einen schnen groen Erfassungswinkel und machen so ein tolles Licht. Wrde ich immer wieder kaufen.1000 Dank
I’ve got them lighting some tricky steps in the garden and I’m more than happy. They sense motion from about 3-4m away, so the steps are already clearly lit by the time I get there. The angle of the light means there’s no dazzling glare in your eyes, just a crisp, white light revealing any potential hazards at your feet. The light covers a radius of about 1 – 1.5m from the base of the post, wlthough it fades quickly towards the edge.
It stays on long enough for me to get up /down the steps but not so long that I’m cursing about wasted battery.
Highly recommended as a solution for making tricky garden paths safer at night.
Sehr praktische Leuchten, durch Batteriebetrieb keine Verkabelung erforderlich, dadurch sehr schnell betriebsbereit, Leuchtkraft voll ausreichend, sehr guter Bewegungsmelder, besser als alle Solarleuchte
pacco arrivato entro i termini previsti, in perfette condizioni. Sono faretti molto luminosi che si accendono automaticamente con il sensore, il quale intercetta il movimento da molto lontano (diversi metri). Proprio quello che cercavo per un ingresso poco illuminatao e che non raggiunto dalla corrente elettrica.
I positioned each lamp at different points on my driveway as street lighting does not cover this area. My driveway is now so well lit that it makes reversing really easy. Thank you Mr Beams problem solved.
good so far – I have had other stuff from Mr Beams which has bee easy to install but the seals go on the outdoor lights
Lets see if this is any different….
My drive now lights up when I drive in at night – very useful
Fazit: genau das, was ich gesucht habe.
Warum ein Punkt Abzug?
Wie immer wird bei einem elementaren Bauteil gespart – dem Erdspie. Einfachster Kunststoff wie bei preiswerten Solarleuchten. Erdspiee aus Material, was im Erdreich bei kalten Temperaturen nicht sprde wird und kaputt geht, das wrs. Ist erst einmal eine Vermutung. Mal sehen wie kulant es bei einer Garantie- bzw. Gewhrleistungsanfrage sein wird oder ob es diese Spiee auch nachzukaufen gibt…
J’ai mis du temps le trouver, suis ravie !
Easy to install and works like a dream – illuminates the garden beautifully whenever wildlife wanders past the sensors!
These LED motion sensor lights work well. They are secured with a spike that pushes easily into the ground.
They are quite bright and the motion sensor is effective.
The only downside is that they are battery powered – they take 3x C batteries each. I don’t know how long they will last but I fear it might be expensive after a while.
These battery-powered LED lights are very good and rather than the dimmer solar-powered garden lights, the LEDs are very bright. They only come on when they detect motion and they switch off soon after (30 seconds), so it saves battery life. There are some steep steps in our garden and it’s handy to have these to reduce the danger of tripping over the steps when I go out to get the washing in the evening. They are very straightforward to use; my only quibble is that they each require 4 x C batteries, which aren’t included in the pack. For the price that this set of lights is being sold (currently 38.21), it would be nice if they included the batteries, considering that the lights are only made of plastic.
Does everything as described. Really useful in our garden at night, without the huge expense of installing electricity outdoors. I shall buy more for my front garden.
These are excellent, very bright and very easy to set up (Takes literally minutes) Quite big as well and come on as you walk past them. Really great quality product highly recommended.
These lights are super bright and feel very durable. Coming to just below knee height when in the ground, they are a nice dark brown colour so mix in well with the background foliage in most gardens. They feel very well made and sturdy and produce a good spread of very bright light — many times brighter than solar powered lights – and the motion detector works well.
The fact that these take 4 C cell batteries may well be a concern for some people, but they do have a place when it is either too expensive or impractical to lay a cable and the brightness of a solar light just is not up to the task. I already have a few different Mr Beams lights illuminating the inaccessible areas of my garden so I can testify that they do represent value for money in the medium term.
They are taller than most lights and because of the batteries they are quite top heavy, so in looser soil they could become unstable.
Although the cost of the batteries is an issue, these items do a really good job of filling a niche and I therefore recommend them.
Mr Beams Outdoor Wireless Motion Sensor lights on spikes are the perfect thing for lighting our path.
Whilst the front of our house is pretty well lit for visitors, the back is a bit of a black hole, and always a pain come bin days. These 2 lights on spikes provide the perfect amount of light, and do come on 10 or 15 feet away for our bin runs … no more juggling bins and torches.
Internal sensors mean they only become active at night, and they shut off quite smartly when no motion is detected. We have noticed that they do come on occasionally at night, and have probably surprised a few neighbourhood cats.
They each take 4 x C batteries which the maker claims will last about 50 hours. That may be a bit less in cold weather, but you could spend as much again and buy rechargeable batteries. expensive I know, but both batteries and light should last years.
It`s hard not to be really happy with these lights! They are a little smaller than I had expected, but this is easily balanced up against how impressively bright they are; for their size. They are perfect for illuminating a dark area, which in my case is the sideway, so I can easily and safely get to the wheelie bins and gate without walking into a rake, or even worse, a cobweb! The stake hammers into the ground, and then the top part clicks into the stake. And with only four batteries, any nearby movement will result in the white light shining. Until you go out of range. They are not super bright, but they are good for battery-powered movement-sensor lights.
The big plus point with these LED path lights is just how much brighter they are than the majority of solar powered path lights that I’ve seen. They really do detect movement from up to 15 feet away and once they do it’s surprising just how illuminating they are.
That said, I have two quibbles.
The first is that their looks are an acquired taste, a bit weird rather than elegant – they look more something Captain Kirk and Dr. Spock would have stumbled across on a cheap alien planet in the 1960’s.
More seriously, the second is that each light requires four big, chunky and relatively expensive ‘C’ batteries. Given that cold damp air drains power from batteries this could prove a pretty costly option over a cold winter.
So while these things are undeniably great at what they do, the trade off is that you could be spending a fair amount of money on batteries. In other words, recommended, but with reservations.
They are powered by 4 ‘C’ sized batteries each and are very easy to assemble. The top twists to open (as shown in the instructions) to allow insertion of the batteries. Next, you hammer the spike into the ground, then connect it to the light – by fitting it into the bottom of the light and twisting to click into place. Easy and intuitive.
The movement sensor works very well in my garden and the light is surprisingly bright – and they light up a sizeable area, too, for such small lights. I guess I had expected it to be more like the solar garden lights, which are much dimmer. But these LED lights are superb and they will light your front or back garden path very well, whether it is for making use of the garden at night – or for safety’s sake when negotiating your way around. I am very pleased with them.