NinjaBatt Battery A1494 for Apple MacBook Pro Retina 15″ [Mid & Late 2013 2014 Years] A1398 ME293 ME294 – High Capacity [11.26V/95Wh]

Laptop Battery Experts
NinjaBatt is a battery and battery-powered charging solutions brand.
Our Apple batteries are built using the highest quality materials and battery cells.
Apple MacBook Pro 15″ – A1494 A1398 [Late 2013 mid 2014 only]
Enjoy a high quality laptop battery that perfectly fits into your Macbook Pro 15″ [Late 2013 mid 2014 only].
Our battery is designed to be a real powerhouse and includes plenty of safety features.
Bring your Mac back to life!
- Perfect Fit
- Upgraded Capacity – 95Wh/11.26V
- Premium-Quality Battery Cells
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Bring your laptop back to lifeOur Power-house battery is designed to run your laptop for hours without constantly looking for the AC adapter. | Easy InstallationBattery comes with included screwdrivers for easy & quick installation | Your Mac Deserves The BestDesigned to perfectly fit into your MacBook Pro 15″. Don’t settle for cheaply made batteries that can damage your laptop |

Dimensions: | 36.2 x 15.7 x 3.4 cm; 462.1 Grams |
Model: | QBEK00596_US |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Dongguan XinSineng Electronics Co. ,Ltd |
Rapidez en el envo, fcil instalacin con un completo kit de herramientas, y una muy buena atencin al cliente.
Tout fonctionnait bien aprs installation. Un truc: utiliser une spatule mince pour peintre de un pouce (2.5 cm) afin de dcoller la batterie de sa base.
Batteria un po pi stretta rispetto a quella originale.connettore un po rigido fate molta attenzione,per il resto va tutto bene al momento
Le batterie Ninja sono tendenzialmente superiori alla media rispetto ad altre marche che si propongono di alta qualit ma in realt non lo sono. Nei Modelli per Mac Book pro A1398, A1502 ci sono piccole discordanze di assetto per le sedi delle viti che comunque si risolvono, per il resto direi che sono ottimi prodotti.
Ottima batteria, biadesivo molto stabile e di buona fattura. Per vedere se realmente buona la batteria dovr aspettare un po’ di tempo, magari aggiorner la recensione.
Danno un anno di garanzia sulla batteria
Ottimo il fatto che escano anche i cacciavite in confezione. Se non uscisse, chi si approccia la prima volta all’apertura di un MB dovrebbe mettere in conto anche la spesa per il cacciavite.
(Non scontato avere gi il pentalobe per aprire i MacBook)
My computer is now working and battery is holding the charge. It’s definitely worth the price.
I followed instructions On how to replace the battery on YouTube. I used glue remover spray and sprayed under the original batteries to loosen up the glue. Then, using a thread I worked my way under each battery segment starting from the right side to the left. The whole task took me about 30 mins. I followed the manufacturer’s instructions I discharged and recharged the battery three full cycles, from 100% down to 20%, to obtain maximum capacity. My laptop has now enough charge to play a 5h video in full high resolution and still has some juice left. I find it fair for the price of this battery. It’s like a new laptop again.
Good packaging and very well presented. Actually easier to install than I expected. In fact took me about 10 mins from opening the macbook to the replacement.
This was probably because the original battery expanded and pushed itself away from the adhesive.
I just used a flat metal spudger to lever the original battery out – easy…..
Adhesive on the bottom seems ok.
Came with 68% charge and zero cycle count. Everything good at the moment.
No rating for the battery life as I have no idea at this time.
I’ve been running this battery for over a month and it’s perfect. I had to condition the battery for the first 2 charges after resetting the SMC but the result is battery life as good as, if not better than the factory Apple Battery, very impressed! I’d buy this battery again in a heartbeat.
The battery looks good quality, I have been using it for several days, and everything seems to be going well. So far, I am still happy with the quality of the product.
On the other hand, they should include more tools in the installation kit, at least a couple of spatulas and more detailed instructions. I have replaced batteries before, so it wasn’t a problem, but it might be a problem for a beginner.
Other than pain-in-the-back with the removal of the old battery, the installation was a breeze. I *highly* recommend getting an Icing Spatula, preferably angled. That will help a lot!
Installation is easy, just unscrew the back, unscrew two more screws, unplug the battery, use some “goo be gone” adhesive remover and a very strong thread with some isopropyl alcohol and shimmy away as you separate the battery from the front case, then just slap the new battery in.
I had purchased a battery from VUOHOEG on Amazon and it failed in 1.5 years so I decided to give Ninja a try. I’m super happy with it, and it came with detailed instructions on how to prime the battery to get the max charge out of it.
You need to discharge the battery until it get’s to 10%, then let it charge to 100%, then repeat this step for 5 cycles. I’m getting 7.5 hours of max battery life with my current settings on my Macbook Pro Mid 2014 Retina 15″. I bought this laptop new in 2014, so I’m very pleased that I’ve been able to keep it alive. Thank you Ninja!
I have a late 2013 MacBook Pro. My original batter was not holding a charge at all, and the last straw was a system error regarding the battery. I opted to order the NinjaBatt A1494. It was not easy to install, but that was because of the fact the old battery is “glued” into place. With patience, persistence and carefully applied solvent, I followed the instructions (and watched a few videos) and was able to remove the old battery. It was downhill after that. The new battery has made my laptop function like new again. The charge lasts much longer. I found the price very reasonable considering the age of my laptop. If you are “handy” and have the patience to do the replacement yourself, I highly recommend this product.
Bin zufrieden mit dem Akku, empfehlenswert. Ist ordentlich verarbeitet und wirkt hochwertig. Batterieleistung ist wie gewnscht!
Cette batterie de remplacement est parfaitement compatible en terme de dimension physique avec une capacit lgrement suprieure l’originale.
L’ancienne batterie avait bien gonfl dangereusement sans aucune alerte de MacOS et elle tenait toujours de la charge significative.
*** Le seul symptme visible tait que le trackpad devenait difficile cliquer (oui oui) car la pression exerce par la batterie gonfle forait le trackpad du dessous.
Le plus dur est de dcoller la batterie sans le faire prendre feu.
1) Le truc est d’abord de laisser dcharger compltement la batterie (proche de zero %) et ensuite dconnecter le connecteur hors secteur bien sur.
2) Coller de la glue (j’ai utilis un double adhsif trs pais et flexible et le percer soigneusement en s’assurrant que vous bien l’extrieur de votre logement (une pour le gaz, et 2 en cas d’incendie).
3) Une fois bien dgonfle, reboucher bien les trous afin de limiter l’oxidation des cellules pour viter les risques de feu.
4) Ensuite j’ai chauff la batterie avec un sche-cheveux, par le dessus et aussi ct clavier (juste au dessus de la batterie et pas ailleurs. a aide ramollir les bandes adhsives. Ensuite j’ai utilis une la technique en essayant de passer un fil fin et trs solide en dessous de chaque batterie afin de les dcoller j’y suis arriv. voir tutos sur rseau sociaux.
5) le remplacement est bcp plus simple et bien le tester avec de le recoller car sinon vous allez l’abimer si vous essayer de le dcoller de nouveau.
Il ne faut jamais essayer de le tordre ou le percer sinon danger !
En tout cas, mon macbook pro retrouver sa jeunesse.
Ah oui un autre truc, sur batterie et sans chargeur, faites un stress test en utilisant le site web(dot)basemark(dot)com et lancer le test. Si votre macbook s’teint brusquement lors d’un des tests, a veut dire que la batterie ne peut pas fournir la puissance et si c’est le cas, demander un remboursement.
Dj eu le cas sur un autre ancien mac.
En esprant que ma revue sera utile.
Easy to install, it took me half an hour, I used a small angled pallet knife to prise up the old battery taking care not to puncture the old battery and staying well away from any contacts on the board.
Quality built of the product is quite exceptional. Picture is the NinjaBatt (Top ) and the original battery that look like it’s going to explode ( Too Bloated ).
This is actually the 2nd battery I have replaced in my old laptop. It was super easy this time around as all the adhesive was gone from the 1st time i replaced it. If it is your first time doing this i recommend using plastic prying tools ONLY. Also isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol is your friend! Pour it on the battery to help release the adhesive. Alcohol won’t harm the PC board and evaporates. Also a hair dryer to warm the adhesive. And lastly it will take patience. Pry slowly with even force – don’t get impatient. Takes time but the glue/tape will release.
Seems to be working perfectly so far. Battery came with a 0 cycle count and is in “normal condition” according to my 2013 macbook pro. For the price I paid, I am very happy thus far.
The install process is not easy, but if you are patient and follow an online video it is not overly hard either. I would recommend using an adhesive remover solution to get rid of all the old battery adhesive before putting the new ninjabatt battery on, but be mindful of using that around you electrical components.
So I was quoted 200 from my IT guy to install a new battery in my ageing Mac Pro, as I was hoping for a new Mac in the near future, I opted for the cheap fix.
Firstly take a look on YouTube there are a few videos covering this install. The main issue is getting the old glued in battery out. I found acetone( nail varnish remover) plus a nylon bricklayers line to cut though the glue, worked for me.
Popping the new one in was easy, seems to work well, not sure how long it will last, seems to take a charge well.
Generally pleased with the overall result.
Comes in a nice box, with some advice on how to charge to get the longest life out of the battery, nice
Initially battery lasted for several hours, but after 9 month’s we’re going to have to replace the battery again.
This battery works great – all the supplies to do it come with the unit. The macbook model before this year – the battery pops out so easily. If you need this style of battery get ready to work hard to swap this one out… So much glue you have to rip through! Watch videos on yt on how to not mess it up because it seems like you are breaking stuff while you rip the old battery off the glue.
I left the seal on this battery (didn’t expose the glue) and just screwed it in place. This is in case I need to replace it in the future – I’m not going to deal with glue again. Good luck! Stop buying mac products.
Seems to be fine, these are not the easiest to swap out, but not too hard if you watch some videos with some tips and tricks. It has been great so far and if you have some of the stuff lying around the house to make removal of the old battery you should be good to go. Overall good product early in.
Passgenau (Abmessungen sind identisch der originalen Batterie). Die mitgelieferten Mini-Story-Schraubenzieher sind notwendig zum ffnen des Deckels und lsen der Platinenbefestigung innen. Zum Lsen der Verklebung der alten Batterie empfiehlt sich Isopropanol (geringe Menge).
To some this up it was great bank for the buck. I needed a battery and purchased this one. I had forgotten to get the correct tools. Low and behold this came with everything needed. Just plug and play assemble and off I went. I would use this again and again. Perfect for my aging MacBook Pro.
Quick and easy to install. All back up and running in 30mins.
Franchement super, fourni avec les deux tournevis ncessaires, facile d’installation, marche trs bien tout de suite. a faisait des semaines que mon mac book me suppliait de changer la batterie, les derniers jours il tenait a peine la charge, tout en affichant 0% de batterie, et tait un peu lent. La tout est revenu normal comme s’il tait neuf, a fait plaisir ! Et en plus c’est colo, a vite d’acheter un nouveau pc, et surtout moins cher.
Une fois installe la nouvelle batterie affichait 90% de charge, a a pris juste quelques instant pour monter a 100%, a fait du bien de revoir la petite led verte rassurante du chargeur batterie.
Merci NinjaBatt.
Ya han sido varias las bateras que he cambiado a mis equipos de Mac. La anterior de este equipo lo hizo en Apple por aquello de la calidad y nada ms lejos de la realidad. La original duro casi 5 aos y la segunda poco ms de 2 aos, se hincho y empez a afectar al trackpad. As que me lance a esta batera y la verdad que de. momento ya aqu mes y medio y la duracin es aceptable, alrededor de las 4 horas dandole caa porque cada vez son ms app las que corres en paralelo, al equipo cada vez ms le cuesta moverlas, y bueno de momento contento.
Importante y creo que es de los datos ms a tener en cuenta es la fabricacin de la batera, porque en otras ocasiones de cambiarlas a otros equipos, en cuanto la bateria tiene cierta “edad” desde que se fabrico es cuando empiezan los problemas. Esta solo tiene meses y creo que es un punto positivo.
Battery seems to work great but time will tell. Be prepared for removing the old battery, nothing in this kit helps with the adhesive so look up some youtube videos and decide if you want to get some adhesive dissolver, or a putty knife or whatever else. I slightly damaged the old battery resorting to a flathead screwdriver, would have been better if I had a better pry tool. Other then the adhesive removal this is an easy repair job.
I was impressed with the service I received from the company. It was delivered within two days. The battery was very easy to install once I knew what I was doing. If I have to do it again It’ll be much quicker.
seems to work well. much cheaper than taking to apple. not too difficult to fit if you watch a video on youtube first and are patient.
This is a great product and fitted perfectly. The issue is the old apple battery was stuck fast onto the trackpad and underside of the keyboard which meant some brutal levering to get it off which was scary! The new battery slotted in fine and is working perfectly.
The 2 screws that hold the battery pack in place need a T5 Torx driver for best fit. My pack had 2 identical screwdrivers in the pack. I think that was an error. Otherwise, its a cost effective way to replace a blown battery.
Price wasn’t important to me, but NinjaBatt’s price is excellent. Also, there’s a nice touch I think is not included with similar products from other manufacturers: There’s a sheet of heavy gauge clear PVC on the top and bottom of the battery. One covers the adhesive, the other acts as a spine to keep the battery segments together while sliding the battery into place during the most critical step of the install process. Once you’re sure the battery is located perfectly, you can peel off this spine – the second piece of plastic on the top. I had to reposition the battery a bit, and this support piece made that much easier. The adhesive doesn’t fully adhere until pressure is applied, so that helps as well.
I followed the ifixit guide, which can be found by searching google “battery replacement macbook pro mid 2014 A1494”, and it worked fine. I added an extra step because it made sense to me:
After going through the install process, I turned on the laptop, connected the charger and made sure the battery had reached 100% capacity. No, I don’t mean checking for “100%” next to the battery icon at the top of the screen. I went to about this mac > system report > hardware > power. Then I compared “Charge Remaining (mAh)” to “Full Charge Capacity (mAh)”. The first time I checked, these numbers were not equal, even though the percentage at the top of the screen read “100%”. About 10 minutes later, I reopened the system report and the latest snapshot showed them to be equal. (truly full charge)
With battery capacity at true 100% full charge, I immediately closed all apps and shut down the Macbook. Then I disconnected the charging cable. About a minute later, when I was sure it was completely shut down, I reset the SMC: first hold down shift-control-option keys on the left side of the keyboard, all at the same time. Continue holding those keys and add the power key. Now hold all four of those keys down for 10-12 seconds. (Run a stopwatch on your phone or keep an eye on a clock with a second hand to be sure.) After that, I booted up the Macbook, and left it unconnected.
Use the laptop until battery is around 5% before charging again. Then charge until full. Repeat this 2-3x and by then the system should be calibrated to the battery and fully utilizing available charge. In some cases, this means the battery will seem to discharge more rapidly than expected until the third or fourth cycle. Then it should last about as long as a new stock battery.
From then on, charge and discharge in the 30-90% range when not leaving the laptop connected to power. If you typically leave your MBP connected all the time, set a reminder to do a monthly discharge down to around 30% before reconnecting.
In short, this battery works, but I never paid attention to the discharge rate of this laptop. If it gets me through an hour of work before I board a flight, I’m fine. I’ll be charging again before I’m in the air, and everywhere else I go there’s always AC receptacles.
Exact fit replacement. My son installed it’s working great.
Install is a little tough not because of this battery it’s removing the old battery. Please take your time removing it especially over the trackpad from what I seen on YouTube.
Great battery life, perfect fit and an easy install. To release the old batter I used rubbing alcohol, 91%.
This is not the easiest battery to replace. Apple chose to glue this one in and it requires some effot to repair. I followed several Youtube instruction movies and I was completelt successful. The ifixit method is way too complicated.
I am a big fan of Ninja Batteries and highly recommend them.
Had to watch a how to youtube video but installed it nicely. Works just fine.
Un producto que desprende calidad y buen hacer. Falta probarla e instalarla.
It was a little hard to get get the old battery out but the new on is fine.
I used the instructions on iFixit dot com, and once I finally got the old battery pack out, this was an easy drop-in installation and a couple wire connectors.
It worked perfectly with approximately the same battery life as the original battery, and breathed new life into my 2013 MacBook Pro.
I highly recommend getting a computer repair toolkit that you’ll be able to use for years, as this kit doesn’t really come with much.
Works perfectly! A game I run on my laptop use to kill the old battery in ~15 min, but the new battery only dropped from 100% to 97% running the exact same game and settings. It was relatively easy to install (if your into this kind of stuff), just take your time removing the old battery and be careful not to bend it too much as things can get hot and possibly catch fire if you mess up a cell the battery. To help reduce the chance of fire I ran my old battery till the laptop completely shut off. The replacement battery came fully charged which seemed odd to me. Lipo batteries are usually suggested to be stored between 70% – 80% charge, however, mine is running great in my 2014.5 15″ MacBook Pro. Very satisfied with price and performance!
This was not my first time removing and replacing my MBP battery and I did not use the adhesive the last time. There is not much space for any shifting once you’ve sealed your bottom cover This time i noticed how powerful the adhesive really is…….Very Very strong so I would keep this in mind. Moving it around for a better fit etc. is next impossible without risking damage to your new battery or other exposed parts This is a better than average product and worth the extra cos
Been in macbook for a couple of months now and still working as it should.
Battery is high quality. It is very easy to install.
Worked great first try. Do watch videos on removing the old batteries.
Mac makes it virtually impossible to remove the old battery without SERIOUS risk of permanent damage to the laptop. Get a blow-dryer or heat-gun and ENSURE that the glue backing is soft as your remove. I predict a lot of lithium fires when the unprepared attempt this manoeuvre.
Batteries seem of very high quality. Once installed, it was like I had a brand new macbook. The bloating was NOT terminal after all. I tried these NinjaBatt batteries as a last resort and I am so glad that I did.
HIGHLY recommending this brand for MacBook. Do NOT attempt this if you are not good with hand tools and computer hardware – far better to let a pro do it for you or you may destroy everything.
Good replacement product. Plan on spending 2+ hours to disasmemble the computer to remove the old battery. Difficulty: Expert.
Good replacement. Been putting it off for a while, but finally decided to just get it over with. Worst part was removing the old battery. Installation otherwise was nice and easy, battery holding well.
Like the fact that the battery was accompanied with the 2 required screwdrivers. Removal of the MB bottom was easy, and thanks to help of YouTube instructions, I was prepared for the challenge in removing the bloated,defective old battery. Having a pliable putty knife really came in handy to get under the old battery after spraying some WD40 underneath to loosen the glue. With patience, the old battery came off fairly easily, and the new battery went in seamlessly. So far, so good. My trackpad is clickable again and after a month, the battery holds its charge like new. Very happy that I ordered this. It’s almost like using a new computer again.
I was sceptical at first as a battery I bought from Caprictech failed however the Ninjabatt worked instantly and came 93% charged. Thanks
The new battery was a good fit and had no issues installing.
Removing the old battery was a long and arduous process.
So far no issues and it is good having a 100% charge.
The new battery is fine once the old one is removed, plus the sticky stuff.
Installing with a rubbing alcohol and dental floss would help a lot. Spray the old battery in the gaps between pockets, wait and then use dental floss to cut the double side tape.
This is the 4th NinjaBatt I have had the opportunity to review and have found the previous one and this to be off good quality. This one is for the Apple Mac Pro Retina 15″.
It arrived very well packaged in a NinjaBatt box and inside you get the high performance 77.5wH/10.95V true-charge battery and screwdrivers. A negative is that you do not get any instructions or paperwork in the box.
These are quite tricky to fit, as the battery is held in by glue, so best checkout some “how to” videos YouTube to see how it in done and the steps you need to follow. Particularly as there are complicated and easier way to do this. There are 10 Philips head screws to undo on the back of the outer case. The back cover should then simply lift off. There is a tab to carefully pull the sticker off and then carefully pry off a couple of connectors. There are then 2 screws to remove along the top.
You do need to use (extremely carefully), a glue adhesive remover, leave for 5-10mins and then carefully pry out the battery — tricky to do. It is worth giving it a go using something like dental floss to get underneath it. Once out, you need to remove any stickers and remaining glue.
Peel off the backing on the new battery and, ensuring it is centrerd, place it where the old battery use to sit. Carefully push the battery down into place, to make sure it is firmly in place. Reconnect everything and then screw the back cover back on. I would always recommend wearing an anti-static wristband when doing this. You can get these on Amazon for around 4-6.
It takes a good 20-30mins to pry out the old battery and about 5-10mins to put in the new one.
It is suggested that you let the battery drain down to zero, leave the computer off for 4-hours and then charge to 100% before using. Prior to this, turn off any energy saving settings on the Mac.
I tested this battery through my balance/discharger and the battery performance was surprisingly good, but it does not perform as well as an original Apple battery.
When I consider the cost of this battery vs. Apple one, I think it is rather good value for money and I know that this is a brand-new battery.
I hope you found this review & photos interesting, informative, and useful. Thanks for reading.
Le regalamos a nuestra sobrina para los estudios nuestro antiguo MBP, en deshuso desde haca un par de aos y que gracias a esta batera, ha adquirido una segunda vida til.
No es demasiado difcil ponerla y como el sistema operativo es antiguo, no la detecta como incompatible, por lo que el ordenador rinde perfectamente.
No recuerdo exactamente la duracin de su batera original porque hace ya muchos aos que daba su rendimiento mximo, pero dira que est por encima de lo esperado para el coste que tiene.
Ahora, un ordenador que posiblemente seguira cogiendo polvo en un cajn, tiene una segunda vida gracias a esta batera compatible.
Hay que esperar para ver su durabilidad en el tiempo, pero supongo que cuidndola un poco, no dejando que se agote por completo y los consejos simples de mantenimiento, dar para varios aos de uso con una inversin bastante moderada.
Esto, en un servicio tcnico, no lo bajas del doble o triple de su precio, si es que consigues que alguien te la ponga, porque es un modelo descatalogado para soporte.
Buena compra.
Was a bit worried that I couldn’t install it properly. Found some great youtube videos on how to install and what to do. Saved my old MacBook Pro from battery swell. Pro Tip… I used a plastic paint scraper about 1″ wide. This helped pry the old battery off the chassis of the computer.
I had a more competent person replace the battery in my ageing MacBook rather than attempt this myself, but it was a success and I’m more than happy with the results.
The battery power cycle duration is refreshed and my MacBook feels almost as if new!
Der NinjaBatt Laptop-Akku A1494 wurde Amazon-typisch schnell geliefert und war gut verpackt. Ober- und Unterseite sind mit Schutzfolien beklebt. Mitgeliefert werden 2 Schraubendreher die einen brauchbaren Eindruck machen und keineswegs als Einweg-Schraubendreher anzusehen sind.
Bis auf den Herstellernamen und einige Schriftzge auf dem Aufkleber ist der Akku optisch kaum vom originalen Akku zu unterscheiden. Ich wrde daher fast schon soweit gehen zu behaupten, dass es sich um Erstausrster-Qualitt handeln knnte.
Der Wechsel des Akkus ist relativ unkompliziert und durchaus von jemandem der ein wenig Fingerspitzengefhl mitbringt zu bewerkstelligen. Man braucht dazu lediglich einen Haushaltsblichen Haartrockner bzw. ein 3D Drucker mit beheizbaren Druckplatte tut es genauso um die Klebeflchen des alten Akkus zu lsen. Wer sich das ganze jedoch nicht zutraut sollte den Wechsel lieber von einem Fachmann durchfhren lassen.
Das Macbook luft mit dem neuen Akku wieder zuverlssig und vor allem lange. Ein normalen Arbeitstag durchzuhalten ist nun wieder berhaupt kein Problem mehr, ganz so wie frher als das Macbook noch jungfrulich war.
WICHTIG: der Akku sollte nach dem Einbau als erstes komplett aufgeladen werden bevor das Macbook das erste Mal eingeschaltet wird. Diese erste Komplett-Aufladung verlngert das Leben des Akkus und sollte nicht unterschtzt werden.
Preis- Leistungsverhltniss dieses Akkus, ist dem originalen Apple Akku haushoch berlegen und bekommt von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung.
TopProdukt zu einem unschlagbaren Top Preis
I had to return a couple of other batteries as they had poor performance, but installed this one and its working well
I’ve used the battery for a few days now. It works well but the battery life that I get with this is not the same as when I had first bought my Mac from Apple. Based on the specifications, this battery should have the same performance as the OEM. I reset my SMC as well and still only lasts about 4h. It’s quite time-consuming to do this repair if you have never done it before. Make sure you buy a good adhesive remover (goof off worked well for me) and some prying tools.
Its a great product and fit perfectly in my mac. Comes with screw driver set. A link to an instruction video would be good but thanks to YouTube this wasn’t a huge issue.
NinjaBatt really know how to make compatible batteries well, and this model for the Apple MacBook Pro 15″ Retina is no exception.
It arrives in really well designed packaging, which protects the contents perfectly. Inside the box you get:
The battery, model number A1494
2 x Screwdrivers to aid with the disassembly of the MacBook Pro
Paperwork and customer service leaflets
In use, it performs about 95% of that which the original Apple OEM battery gave, so at the asking price it’s a no-brainer. The installation is fiddly, but that’s no fault of NinjaBatt, it’s the design of the laptop.
Over all a very enthusiastic recommendation.
Other kits have more tools and it is worth getting them.
Se decidete di acquistare questa batteria non aspettatevi chiss quale durata, una batteria compatibile che fa il suo lavoro ma non dura quanto quella originale. Con solo della semplice navigazione dura al massimo 2 ore mettendola in risparmio energetico. Se dovete fare lavori pesanti acquistate quella originale.
Very impressed with this replacement battery, which does as good a job as the original and has the added benefit of being a lot less expensive than an authentic Mac battery, some of which are hard or impossible to find nowadays. I would recommend using your own tools for this as the provided ones aren’t of the best quality however the battery itself is.
I’ve had it in place for a few weeks now and it is like a breath of fresh air for my laptop, and it holds its charge again finally for the first time in a long time. It fits well and is easy to install for someone who knows what they’re doing, if not there are plentiful YouTube videos and it only takes about 20 minutes to half an hour.Very impressed and would recommend.
Se trata de una batera de repuesto para Macbook Pro Retina de 15 pulgadas.
La duracin es casi igual a la original y el precio muy econmico.
La instalacin es sencilla y con los destornilladores no se necesita mas.
Considero que el precio es bueno y la calidad tambin.
Once the back cover is off, if your laptop is as old as mine, it’s probably kinda dusty and gross inside. I used our house vacuum cleaner’s hose with a small soft brush attachment to gently move over the internal components and remove most of the dust. NOTE: I DON’T KNOW IF THIS COULD CAUSE A STATIC SPARK, MAYBE, but it did not do so in my case, so no harm done. Perhaps using canned air is a better option…? Anyway, the next step is to unclip the multi pin connector that hooks the battery to the computer board. Only the top flat portion of this connector comes loose, not the entire thing hooked to the board. Mine was pretty tight and took some gentle prying with a non-metallic thingy. Don’t try to pry up the whole little rectangular connector box because the bottom 2/3 is soldered in. SO far pretty easy. The hard part comes now. The battery is made of 6 linked sections. They are adhered on the underside to the aluminum case with some very strong sticky tape strips. WHY they need to be SO hard to remove is a mystery; there’s not really anywhere for them to slide away into. I suspect it’s just another Mac thing they do to discourage user interaction under the hood. According to my Youtube reference, isopropyl alcohol, applied around and between the battery sections will soften the adhesive. Well it did, but not quickly and you still need to pry up on the edges with a stick plastic thingy (some kits come with those) or old credit card, small plastic kitchen utensil. You do this prying slowly, letting the alcohol work in. I cut the outer battery sections loose (wire snips) after I got them up first BUT again, maybe not a great reco since the snips are metal and if your batteries still have some charge, you might make a nasty spark here. Be forewarned. AFter the batteries were finally out, I then use more alcohol to get rid of the left over tape strip residue; using a flat razor to lift the edges a bit then just pulling slowly with fingernails.
OK, hardest part done. Try to soak up as much leftover alcohol as you can with little paper towel bits or Qtips. The rest will evaporate soon enough. With you new battery, set it in place WITHOUT removing the plastic adhesive covers. Don’t fasten the screws yet, just check for a proper fir and make sure the two screw holes will line up nicely. The take it back out, remove the clear adhesive cover on the bottom and gently put it back in place, trying not to push down on it (and engage the adhesive) until you know the screw holes line up. Press the multi connector back in place, and install the 2 screws. press down on batteries gently to make sure they stick. NOTE the wires going from the battery to the connector have a little U-shaped curve to them. You may need to flex these a bit to make them sit as the old ones did. On my new battery, these wires, seen in the photo underneath the serial number sticker, stuck up a little higher than the originals, but I didn’t want to force them down too much and risk damaging them, it did not affect closure of the case. Then remove the top side plastic cover on the batteries; I think this just is used to hold them steady together until installed. I checked that the laptop would them boot up OK, which it did, before shutting down again and closing it all up.
The new battery charged up great and has been working flawlessly for about a week now. I do not use it on just battery power that often, so I cannot say just what kind of battery life it provides. The problem of a constant fan running has completely disappeared though and the case is no longer distorted.
Dispose of the old batteries in accordance with local regs (public service announcement). As you can see, my old ones were bloated and in eminent danger of doing some serious damage to the laptop and surroundings, I should have done this repair even sooner.
Batteria provvista di tutto l’occorrente per la sostituzione. stata consegnata in brevissimo tempo. Ora il mio Mac ha ripreso a funzionare perfettamente.
This is a great way to save some money on the similar official/branded batteries which are very similar in performance but cost a bit more, just be sure to check your Macbook is the correct model for this battery, which is done easily by entering your serial number in on Apple’s warranty check page on the website which will show which year and part of the year your release was so you can make sure it’s suitable for this) then it’s definitely worth the saving.
Swapping the batteries isn’t difficult to be honest, even if you’ve not done it before, and the instructions for replacing it are pretty straight forward if you read through them carefully before hand and then follow them, carefully. Also comes with the appropriate screwdrivers needed for both parts so you have everything you need straight from the box. This is good value and hassle-free so would recommend.
Una batera de reemplazo de buena calidad. Estamos acostumbramos a utilizar bateras de esta marca para reacondicionar equipos porttiles y siempre nos han dado buen resultado.
Dira que son bateras de calidad y nunca hemos tenido ningn problema con ellas. Los equipos consiguen quedar como nuevos. En cuestin de batera y autonoma igual que cuando se estrenaron, o incluso mejor. Concretamente, con bateras de reemplazo de Mac estamos bastante contentos. Se adaptan perfectamente.
Ciertamente, se pueden encontrar bateras ms econmicas, pero nosotros preferimos escoger este producto por su seguridad y por el buen resultado en general, basado en nuestra experiencia.
La batera est acompaada del destornillador necesario para su sustitucin. En este caso se incluyen dos.
Ojo, en caso de los Macbook Retina de 15″ hay que tener en cuenta la fecha del dispositivo. Es aconsejable comprobar el cdigo, ya que la del 2015 es visualmente muy similar, pero no compatible.
This battery is a good replacement for the genuine battery at MacBook Pro 15″, older versions. As we know, the Pro version is using, most of the times, a lot of energy and the temperature of the body is quite high most of the times. Be aware and try to isolate the connector that links the battery with the motherboard. I’ve read this on the internet and so far, tend to believe that this advice helped and I’m good with the battery.
La batera de un porttil es quizs la primera cosa que se rompe (junto con el disco duro) en un porttil y es de agradecer que encontremos modelos compatibles como este para no tener que pagar el precio de una original que a veces es desorbitado. En este caso la batera externamente no se le puede poner ningn pero: encaja perfectamente en el Apple MacBook Pro Retina 15″ (mediados y finales de 2013, 2014) y funciona igual de bien que una original.
La batera es de polmero de litio con una gran capacidad y con un voltaje de 11,26V / 95 W y 6 celdas. En teora ha de durar hasta 1000 ciclos de recarga durante la vida til de la batera, y esta posee la certificacin CE/FCC/RoHS de seguridad. La batera tiene un circuito de proteccin que garantiza la seguridad.
La instalacin es sencilla una vez te has librado de los 700 adhesivos que sujetan todo a la carcasa: flexs, cables, ventiladores, la propia batera. Aconsejo mirar tutoriales de desmontaje si es la primera vez que vas a hacer esto, aunque en general es proceso es sencillo. Una vez colocada todo funciona como una batera original, como mucho tendrs que resetear el SMC y listo.
Mentira si digo que la duracin no es correcta, es muy parecida a la de la batera original, pero no es superior. Se incluyen 2 destornilladores en el paquete pero adems vas a necesitar como mnimo una esptula para sacar el adhesivo
La recomiendo, solo la diferencia de precio ya es un gran punto a favor pero es que va muy bien en general.
La compatibilit de la batterie Ninja avec mon MBpro 15” retiina est absolument parfaite, au mm prs dans le logement (voir photo). Le rapport qualit/ prix est intressant puisque quasiment moiti prix par rapport une originale Apple. Pour dmonter les anciennes batteries, colles, j’ai utilis le truc de la ficelle qu’on passe dessous, avec un peu de dissolvant colle dessus, a prend du temps (2h) mais a marche trs bien. Au redmarrage de l’ordinateur aprs le changement, aucun problme. Autonomie constate sur deux charges compltes : environ 4h- 4h30. Test fait en tlchargement vido permanent et cran la luminosit maximale, donc pour le prix j’estime que c’est plutt correct. Mieux en tout cas que ce que faisaient mes anciennes batteries gonfles. A noter que le centre agr Apple me demandait 330 pour changer la batterie (qui avait gonfl donc dfaut d’origine), avec en plus la facturation du topcase car le pad ne cliquait plus et d’une carte lectronique pour m’annoncer ensuite que Apple ne fournissait plus ces pices, soit 5 ans 11 mois aprs l’achat de l’ordinateur. Et l, pour 67 avec la Ninja batterie, mon MBPro refonctionne mieux qu’avant et le pad re-clique. Et j’ai conomis 170 avec deux heures de travail Donc je suis trs satisfait !
Opinin de mi pareja:
Respecto a la marca, he de decir que cumple como si de una batera original se tratara, sin embargo, el precio es exageradamente inferior a la que puedes comprar en la tiendas Apple.
S, la he puesto yo y no, no es fcil. No es la primera que instalo en un Macbook y ya jugaba con esa experiencia. He de decir que te va a llevar bastante tiempo y es imprescindible tener un espacio amplio, limpio y contar con tiempo y las herramientas necesarias. Incluye 2 destornilladores que te harn fcil la instalacin, ahora bien, el ordenador ya se haba abierto alguna vez para cambiar la ssd de tamao y los tornillos estaban pasados y necesitars tener imprevistos en cuenta. Adems, necesitars esptulas o hilo dental o cosas para arrancar el pegamento de la batera a reemplazar. Hay tutoriales en internet que te ayudarn con el proceso.
Hay quien recomienda quitar un poco de pegamento de la nueva batera para que, si lo tienes que cambiar en unos aos, no te cueste tanto, sin embargo, este consejo no interesa, puesto que puede que la batera quede con holgura y tengas que volver a abrir la tapa y ponerle algn cartn o algo para que mantenga la batera en su sitio sin que se mueva.
Funciona muy bien, sin cambios de porcentajes y marca que tiene 0 ciclos, osea, una maravilla.
Recomendado sin dudas!!
Ich habe mit diesem Ersatzakku einen lteren Mac wieder fit gemacht, dessen Akku kaum noch geladen hat. Jetzt hat das Gert wieder eine Akkulaufzeit eines Neugerts. Die Ladezeiten wie auch etwa wie vorher. Also technisch ist der Akku einwandfrei.
Der Einbau gelingt auch mhelos, allerdings ist keine Anleitung dabei. Wer sowas noch nie gemacht hat, sollte sich im Netz vorher eine Anleitung anschauen. Dann ist es recht einfach. Gehuse mit den beiliegenden Schraubenzieher ffnen, alten Akku rausnehmen, der ist vielleicht geklebt, dann muss man etwas hebeln, und dann den neuen einlegen und anschlieen und Gehuse wieder verschrauben. Der Akku hat etwas mehr Spiel im Gehuse als der Original, sitzt aber sicher und macht keine Probleme.
Mit einer Anleitung dabei wrde ich fnf Sterne geben, so nur vier.
Batera de repuesto de calidad totalmente compatible para Apple MacBook Pro Retina 15″. Funciona genial. Es algo caro su precio pero la calidad se paga
Die Akkus von Laptops lassen irgendwann nach und mssen somit frher oder spter gewechselt werden.
Apple verlangt dabei fr einen neuen Akku und dessen Einbau horrende Preise. Ein weiteres Problem: Ersatzakkus gibt es bei Apple meist nur fr aktuelle Gerte (die aber noch keinen neuen Akku brauchen). Fr ltere Gerte werden meist keine Ersatzteile mehr bereitgestellt …
Hier liefert nun NinjaBatt deinen Ersatz Laptopakku fr das MacBook Pro Retina 15″ (Modell A1398 aus Mitte & Ende 2013, sowie 2014).
Alles passt problemlos und der einfache Einbau ist mit dem beiliegenden Werkzeug auch schnell erledigt. Videoanleitungen zum Akkuwechsel findet man auf dem groen Videoportal, was mit YOU… anfngt brigens zu Hauf …
Die Ersatzbatterie von NinjaBattery, welche nur mit dem Mac Pro 15″ Retina aus dem Jahr 2013/14 kompatibel ist, wurde ordentlich verpackt und recht zgig geliefert. Um die Unterseite des Laptops, sowie auch andere Teile, aufschrauben zu knnen, wurden zwei passende Schraubendreher mitgeliefert. Mit diesen sollte man allerdings vorsichtig umgehen, das heit man sollte nicht zu viel Druck auf die Schrauben geben. Da die Spitzen der Schraubenzieher nicht die hochwertigsten sind, kann es schnell dazu kommen, das man mal einen Schraubenkopf rund dreht. Das wre fatal, da man somit die Schraube nicht mehr aus dem Gert gelst bekommt. Es ist natrlich hilfreich, neben den Schraubendrehern, noch weiteres Feinmechaniker Werkzeug an Mann zu haben, wie z.B. kleine Plastik Spatel, um irgendwelche kleinen Flachbandkabel zu lsen..
Die Ersatz Batterie macht vom ueren her einen guten Eindruck. Sie ist berhaupt nicht aufgeblht-was auch bei einer neuen Batterie nicht sein drfte. Der Einbau der neuen Batterie ging gut von der Hand. Hierzu findet man auch gengend Tutorials auf YouTube. Die neue Batterie passt perfekt in die Aussparung. Nachdem alles wieder zusammengeschraubt wurde, konnte es auch schon an das erste Aufladen der neuen Batterie gehen. Das hat auch super geklappt. Sie wurde bis auf 100% aufgeladen, und das meiner Meinung nach genauso schnell wie bei der alten Batterie. Die Batterielaufzeit meines Macs ist nun zum Glck wieder deutlich lnger und kommt nach meinem Gefhl der, der ursprnglichen Akkulaufzeit ziemlich nahe. Auch jetzt nach 2 Wochen luft alles super und ich habe keine Beeintrchtigungen oder sonstiges wahrgenommen-im Gegenteil. Ich komme nun endlich wieder auf einen Tag, was die Akkulaufzeit betrifft. Diese nicht originale Batterie ist also eine absolute Alternative, als die teurere von Apple.
Got this for renewing one of my older Macbooks and it worked perfectly first time.
Creo que lo primero es aclarar que se trata de una reparacin difcil, mi recomendacin es que si no tienes experiencia ni lo intentes, no es quitar dos tornillos y fuera, hay que desmontar la placa del equipo y un montn de partes, as que las opciones de daar algo durante el proceso son altas si no se tiene un cuidado extremo, pero si que es cierto que es mas sencillo de reparar que el modelo de 2015, que se complica todava mas.
Aunque te puedes encontrar guas en internet, recomiendo de forma encarecida las de iFixit, para m son las mas completas.
Aunque viene con dos destornilladores, igualmente eso se queda corto, es necesario un juego completo, incluyendo las puntas de plstico para levantar terminales (son baratas) y por supuesto, un removedor de pegamento, ya que las bateras de apple suelen estar pegadas que parece que lleven locktite. Como ventaja las bateras llevan ya su propio pegamento para colocarlas, y encajan perfectamente.
Sobre montar bateras originales o de otras marcas, como es este caso, yo me baso en mi experiencia, he cambiado ya unas cuantas, y de momento siempre me han funcionado bien, son mucho mas baratas y no me han dado problemas. Importantsimo la calibracin de la batera. Lo suyo es montar la batera, cargarla a tope, dejarlo dos horas mas cargando y empezar a usar el ordenador sin alimentacin. Cuando salte la seal de que se queda sin batera, dejarlo encendido hasta que entre en suspensin el solo por falta de energa. Dejarlo as al menos 5 horas, luego volver a cargarlo hasta el 100% y lo puedes usar normalmente (hay otros modos pero este funciona muy bien)
Tambin comentar que ya que tienes que desmontar medio porttil, lo suyo es hacer cuentas y actualizar el disco SSD, es una ocasin magnifica.
Fundamental comprobar que esta batera es la de ese modelo de porttil, tienen voltajes diferentes segn los aos aunque parezca la misma.
En conjunto, si eres un manitas y te gusta reparar las cosas, ya sea por hobbie o por ahorrarte un dinero (o ambas) esta batera te permite volver a poner al da un equipo que te va a durar unos cuantos aos, ya que apple es caro pero dura mucho tiempo (yo tengo bastantes equipos de apple y aguantan aos y aos como unos campeones)
I have an interest in laptop and PC building and repair and I bought a spares or repairs Macbook Pro from a computer fair that the seller said only needed a replacement battery – this is the battery I will be installing.
This replacement battery is priced fairly in comparison to others on the market and I believe (from what I have read online) uses high quality cells which should allow for many charge and discharge cycles.
Within the box are a pair of magnetic screwdrivers to use, which has saved me having to buy a set as the screws used on the MacBook are not the conventional types. The built in protection againt overheat and overload is very reassuring.
5 star produc
Bei eigentlich allen tragbaren Apple Gerten ist es so, dass ein Groteil der Hardware und auch der Software Support vom Hersteller IMMER lnger halten als der Akku.
Leider hat irgendwann bei Apple ein findiger Marketing Mitarbeiter entschieden die Instandsetzung bei den Gerten unntig kompliziert zu machen und die Akkus bei den MacBooks zu verkleben. Das macht den Ersatz des Akkus etwas umstndlicher – aber noch lngst nicht unmglich.
Mit ein wenig handwerklichem Geschick kann man den Akkuwechsel locker selbst durchfhren.
In diesem Fall legt der Hersteller leider keine Anleitung zum Wechsel dabei, aber wie immer hilft dabei iFixit.
Man findet in der Packung noch Werkzeuge um den DIY Wechsel so professionell wie mglich zu gestalten.
Der Akkuwechsel ist somit schnell erledigt und das MacBook danach wie neu.
WICHTIG: Lade ein MacBook IMMER, AUSSCHLIESSLICH und AUSNAHMSLOS mit dem originalen Apple Ladegert!
Du kennst sicherlich die Bilder von aufgeblhten Akkus und geplatzten Gehusen oder die Kommentare Ldt nicht richtig”, Wird zu hei”, Zeigt den falschen Ladestand an” etc. Das passiert genau dann, wenn man ein Ladegert nutzt das Apples Ladeelektronik nicht vollstndig versteht und untersttzt. Wegen sowas kommt es regelmig zu Unfllen. Sei schlau.
Soweit ich das bis jetzt bewerten kann hat der Akku ein top Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis. Es macht nun wieder richtig Spa mit dem MacBook ohne Steckdose in der Nhe zu arbeiten und manchmal vergesse ich schon ab und zu mal auf den Akku Ladestand zu achten.
Klare Kaufempfehlung!
Nos traen los destornilladores necesarios para desmontar el porttil, lo bueno de esta batera es que tiene los mismos acabados que la original que tiene instalado el MacBook antiguo; ya con la antigua batera tena que usarlo mientras estaba enchufado a la corriente, a la que lo desenchufaba se apagaba el ordenador.
De momento va bien y mantiene su carga real muy bien. Ya veremos con el paso del tiempo si llega a esos 1000 ciclos de carga que clama el vendedor.
Batera de remplazo para los MacBook pro retina de 15″, modelos 201/2014.
Con la batera se suministran dos destornilladores los cuales usaremos para substituirla.
El proceso ha sido simple y rpido, de momento la batera est respondiendo bien, esperemos que se mantenga el nivel de carga durante mucho tiempo.
My old MBP late 2013 laptop is 6years old and has a battery cycle count of over 600. This battery replacement kit will breathe new life to it.
Prior to the installation, I did watch a few y0utube videos to gain some understanding on the various approaches to perform this task. I decided to go with a string soaked in Wd-40 to saw off the glue.
I really like the kit as it includes all the tools to complete the task. After removing the back case, I used the string method to peel away on the old adhesive tape. The process carefully removing the entire old batteries took around 20-30minutes. The fitting of the new batteries took another 5minutes and putting the back cover was another 5minutes. The whole job was about 35mins but I used this opportunity to clean out all the dust trapped in the dual fans etc.
The result are amazing. It’s like have the laptop like it was on day one. Already I can see the difference in (longer) battery life.
Bien ensamblada y con materiales de calidad. Aparentemente parece frgil, pero al ir pegada, sin problemas. Encaja perfectamente en el hueco, viene con juego de destornilladores que al ser para un uso van bien.
He probado otras supuestamente como las originales resultando ser de peor calidad y ms caras.
Con el tiempo veremos lo ms importante, su durabilidad…
Apple batteries are very expensive and this is a great affordable option for anyone looking to do it themselves. I would say it is best to ensure that you know what you’re doing, if not bring in a professional. The quality of this battery is fantastic and you probably won’t be able to tell the difference between the official one. They have really ensured you are getting what you pay for and your MacBooks safety is kept in mind.
The basic tools are provided so don’t expect it to be an easy job. The screw drivers are slightly cheaply made and may snap with a persistent screw. However for a freebie and for the price overall you can’t complain. Once installed it easy to see why people opt for the ‘do-it-yourself’ option. Yes it is tricky but the amount you save from not getting apple to do it, its a no brainer.
– Great build quality
– Improves your Mac’s battery life drastically
– Affordable
– Not the easiest to install
– No clear instructions on how to install in the box. However there are plenty of YouTube videos showing you how.
Der Akku von Ninjabatt kommt sehr gut verpackt an, und sieht wirklich gut aus.
Er ist gut verpackt und in Folie nochmal geschtzt, das ist echt gut.
Der Akku lsst sich wunderbar im Laptop einfhren und sitzt auch gut.
Ja der Original Akku sitzt besser, ist aber auch schon fter raus genommen.
Der Akku lsst sich wie das Original aufladen und sollte auch beim ersten Mal vollgeladen.
Die Kapazitt des Akku kann sich sehen lassen vom Original und Preis passt auch dazu.
Got this for a MacBook Pro that we haven’t used for a while as the battery died and we couldn’t keep it plugged in. I had never done anything like this before so I was a little nervous. However, the combination of pretty good instructions and a few YouTube videos ensured I installed this fine in the end. Although, I found some of the procedures a little fiddly.
So far the battery is fine and holds it charge well. Most importantly it has given renewed life to a laptop that was just gathering dust.
Pero cuando ha expirado el periodo de garanta, lo cual suele ser lo normal, pues la batera empieza a desgastarse a los aos, tenemos que sustituirla y esta marca de bateras (NinjaBatt) fabrica rplicas para todo tipo de MacBook, que son sencillas de colocar y dan muy buen resultado.
En concreto este modelo nos sirve para aquellos MacBook Pro 15″ Retina modelos A1494/A1398 (A1494 A1398 [Finales 2013 Mediatos 2014]). La instalacin es muy sencilla ya nos trae un kit con un juego de 2 destornilladores y te aconsejo de hacerlo t mismo porque adems de ahorrarte el coste de la instalacin siguiendo alguno de los videotutoriales de youtube que existen en internet no debera de tener problemas porque precisamente esta batera es de las ms sencillas de colocar.
La batera es de polmero de litio con una gran capacidad y con un voltaje de 11,26V/95Wy 6 celdas. Con hasta 1000 ciclos de recarga durante la vida til de la batera. Posee la certificacin CE/FCC/RoHS de seguridad. La batera est dotada de circuito de proteccin que garantiza la seguridad y la estabilidad de la misma
En definitiva, una opcin de batera muy econmica para tu Mac que te asegura unos cuantos aos extra de disfrute de tu equipo. Con una relacin calidad/precio respecto a las bateras originales muy grande con el consiguiente ahorro, te la aconsejo 100%.