NOVA3D 3D Printer Bene5 with 6.08 inch 2K Mono Screen LCD Resin 3D Printer Free-leveling SLA Printer with 35db Silent Drivers Motor,Air Extraction Design,and Build Volume 5.12inx3.15inx5.90i

NOVA3D Bene5 monochorme 3d resin printer
NOVA3D Bene5 mono SLA resin 3d printer
- Speed up your creativity
NOVA3D Bene5 is an improved version of Bene4 mono.
1. Compared with Bene4 mono, the body design is more compact and cute, and the print volume remains unchanged;
2. Equipped with a 2560*1620 6.08 inch monochrome screen like the Bene4 mono, while using a third-generation crystal light source, the UV transmittance is increased by 3.9% compared to the RGB screen.
3. Brand new color matching, bright and moving.
4. In order to respond to low carbon and environmental protection and reduce energy consumption, the power consumption of this NOVA3D Bene5 is 20W.
5. An exhaust hole is designed on the back of the machine to exhaust the unpleasant and poisonous resin odor to the outdoors, eliminating customers’ worries about indoor printing.
- Note:Please note that when printing, do not remove the USB flash drive from the printer, otherwise printing will stop.

2K Monochrome screen 6.08 inches
Fast Printing
- The printing speed is increased by 3times compared to all the RGB screen resin printer, and the printing time is 17% decreased. Which greatly saved your time
Longer Lifespan
- 6.08 inches monochrome screen, 2560*1620px, transmittance increased by 3.9%, Service life is 3 times than normal RGB LCD and can reach 2000 hours.
- The temperature of mono LCD is 42℃, dropped by 22% compare with RGB LCD.
- So in this case, the monochrome screen has the illumination transmittance increased by 3.9%, the service life is approx. 2000 pcs. ** on normal use.
Package List
- 1*Bene5 resin printer
- 1*Tool kit
- 1*Spatula
- 1*Plier
- 1*Filter
- 1*Spray Bottle
- 1*4GB USB Stick
- 2*Gloves
| | |
Truely Free Leveling
| Updated UV light source
| Ultra-quiet driving device
| | |
Multi-Software support
| Power-Saving
| User-friendly Design

About NOVA3D:
- · Founded in 2016,NOVA3D is a high-tech enterprise integrating 3D printer R&D, sales and service, and has established its own brand Nova3D.
- · At present, Nova3D is mainly engaged in developing LCD 3D printer and 3D printing resins, devoting to bringing the users with better 3D printing experience.
- · Nova3D has always been adhering to the principle of high-quality and simple-to-operate, and will move on to make consistent efforts for every creator to “print what you want”
- NOVA3D has been focusing on desktop-level printing, striving to bring the best products to customers. Not only can it meet the needs of ordinary players, but it can also meet the needs of industries such as dentistry, hand-made and jewelry.
Dimensions: | 54.5 x 29.8 x 29.3 cm; 9 Kilograms |
Model: | BENE5 |
Manufacture: | NOVA3D |
After looking at other printers in a similar price range for a while, I am glad I jumped on this one.
The printer comes with a set of tools (Alan keys, spare screws, flush cutters), an aluminium or steel resin vat with permanent screws in the handles and standoffs on the bottom to align the vat correctly to the printer.fep sheet is installed already and you are supposed to get a spare one in the box but I never did.
Amazon would only help if I sent the whole printer back and a refund would take 2 weeks so I can order it again.
Anyway, the printer itself is solid, it’s a plastic body and lid with metal sides. The large touch screen is really easy to navigate.
It doesn’t come with a usb stick but does have on board storage so grab a spare stick for transferring files to the printer. It will copy the file to it’s internal memory. You can also do this via WiFi if needed.
It’s very quiet, the only noise you get is the z axis motor hum when it moves, a small fan occasionally comes on if it gets warm and the twang from the fep film peeling off the print (happy printer noises).
I have tried a range of resins and so far my favourite is the Amazon range abs like as its strong and gives a little bit without snapping, details really come out nice.
And elgoo clear resin which is nice for clear parts, lower the curing time by a quarter though as it doesn’t need as long to cure and will make it turn yellow too quick.
Overall, very happy with the printer, the details on models is amazing for it’s price and the availability of parts is a bonus. Screens are 40 and fep film is 11 so worse case scenario and you really mess up, it’s 50 to put you back on track.
Have fu
The bene 5 was able to print out of the box with great detail. Very happy with how detailed it is and how easy it is to use.
I really love this printer, it is very quiet, quite fast, easy to use and a lot of fun, I have been using it for a couple of months and I have been able to customize several of my action figures. it also comes with several little extras that ultimately make a difference. I really like being able to send my files via WI FI and being able to push the lid easily without staining it with resi
Good print quality for a cheap printer but has alot of light bleed to the bed causing failed prints.
Papieranleitung ist nicht wirklich gut, aber Drucker funktioniert super und ohne Probleme
I thought I’d have a bit of a gamble on this after reading some reviews and having to return a faulty Mars 2 Pro. So glad I got this instead now. The print quality is on par with the best, but the level of design and build quality of this printer make it far above any of the other brands, which all use the same designs as each other. From the tilting lid to the feet under the vat to avoid contact with the FEP sheet, little features that don’t sound like much, but they make all the difference. Throw in Wi-Fi printing and you can set up your printer, connect to your home PC/Server remotely and kick off a print from anywhere. For this price the Nova 3d Bene4 Mono deserves a lot more recognition and hopefully the community will continue to build around it.
Ist mein zweier Resin Drucker und ich muss sagen – Ein wirklich guter Drucker. Sehr gute Qualitt des Druckers und der Drucke. Ich arbeite mit dem Lychee Slicer , auch ein sehr gutes Programm. Die zwei harmonieren sehr gut zusammen.
Was mir nicht so gut gefllt sind Kleinigkeiten. Der Deckel lsst sich nicht mehr ganz nach hinten klappen, war beim Vorgnger besser.
Belle stampe molto precise. Resta sempre il fatto di posizionare inpezzi in maniera appropiata. Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo. Esteticamente apprezzo il coperchio che non si deve asportare, il pulsante frontale, la presa di rete, la robustezza dell’asse Z e della macchina in generale. Imballo pi che protettivo.
La stampante solida, ha una buona resa, funzionaanche con altri tipi di resine, io la utilizzo per la gioielleria e devo dire che sono abbastanza soddisfatto anche se secondo me ci sono margini di miglioramento in ambito di definizione delle resine.
Bis jetzt der Beste 3D Druck also ich habe viele Videos angeschaut und aufgrund der Bewertungen habe ich mich fr diesen hier entschieden.
Dachte am Anfang nicht das Die FORM so perfekt wird ohne kanten und risse wie beim PLA Druck.
Die Installation ist wirklich Kinderleicht und sogar ber App Steuerbar wer sich nicht auskennt kann mich gerne Fragen
Flssigkeit ist dabei in Grau zum Drucken.
Bin nicht gerade neu in der Materie und durfte schon einige SLA/FDM-Drucker mein Eigen nennen,
war ber die Qualitt jedoch recht erstaunt.
Die Konstruktion erscheint solide. Es wackelt nichts. Alles mach einen weitestgehend wertigen Eindruck.
Die Haube ffnet ber ein Scharnier, was ein deutliches Plus im Vergleich zu Konkurrenz in hnlicher Preislage ist.
VAT (Resin Tank) lsst sich gut positionieren, reinigen und befllen.
Die Plattform ist gut und stabil kalibrierbar.
Habe bis jetzt das originale Resin (Nova Stan) benutzt und damit ist die Haftung OK. Die Druckergebnisse sind fr die Preisklasse erstaunlich gut. Abweichung von der Sollgre auch in einigen cm Entfernung liegt weit unter 0,1mm. (Gemessen)
Die Druckgeschwindigkeit ist ebenfalls prima.
Die Folie im VAT hlt ca. 10 Prints. Ich finde es hierbei nicht zwingend nachteilig, dass man Sie bereits in einem Rahmen vorgespannt nachkaufen kann, da dabei zumindest die Spannung durch den Hersteller vorgegeben ist.
Als einen der wenigen Nachteile wre die mitgelieferte Software zu benennen die zwar irgendwie funktioniert, jedoch kaum Optionen bietet und auch das Support-Design eher suboptimal berechnet.
Seit dem Lychee-Slicer diesen Drucker untersttzt habe ich sofort gewechselt und das Kapitel abgeschlossen.
Die Optionsvielfalt am Drucker selbst ist ebenfalls etwas drftig und die Firmware eher rudimentr jedoch im Druckvorgang stabil.
Teilweise reagiert der Drucker auf den Ausschalt-Button nicht, was jedoch auch durch ein Hard-Power-Off erledigt ist. Eine Online-berwachung des Druck-Prozesses sollte man sich ebenfalls sparen.
Der mitgelieferte Kunststoff verhlt sich bei der Belichtung relativ dimensionsstabil, hrtet scheinbar recht schnell
was zum Warping fhren kann. Hier muss man etwas mit der Belichtungszeit oder mit der Anordnung der Elemente im Bauraum, respektive mit dem Design oder Durchmesser der Supports etwas ben.
Alles in Allem eine sehr gute Druckqualitt mit einigen Schwchen in der Programmierung und der Firmware, die jedoch fr mich nicht zwingend entscheidend sind, da sie umgangen werden knnen, oder durch den Einsatz alternativer Software kaum ins Gewicht fallen.
Etwas Schade das die Verbreitung des Druckers auf dem hiesigen Markt eher drftig ausfllt.
There are a few big differences on this one compared to both my other printer and of course others that are on the market, these include:
The Hinged top cover, this is such a simple but obvious improvement meaning you don’t have to get resin covered gloves everywhere and find a space for the lid when working in the printer. It’s a nice chunky solid hinge that is nice and reassuring. It also comes with a 2k mono screen, the 2k gives a fantastic level of detail above most other printers and the mono screen means that it will print that much faster than others too.
Setting it up though took a few moments, it comes with a factory levelled build plate which hangs upside down for the print to adhere to, although it is factory levelled, if you do have an issue with it in the future it does have adjustment screws on this, although i didn’t find these necessary myself. The touchscreen gives you everything you need for this original setup, although once done i found myself switching to wi-fi and running everything from my PC instead and not touching the screen any more. You can’t really get confused with the setup either as there is a full colour manual that comes with it too that talks you through it (although you’ll need to video on YouTube if you want to adjust the levelling which as i say shouldn’t be needed.
Other than that it has a panel on the side for access to all the internals if needed, a larger build area than usual and includes a few accessories to get you starter, oh and remember, be careful with resin until it’s cured
Der drucker ist leise fast keine fehldrucke der druck bleibt oft zu stark haften das beim runter machen er bricht . Die Platte zum einrichten ist etwas nervig
J’ai test beaucoup d imprimante. Sais de loin la meilleure qualit. Le temps (mono) la finition entirement mtal. Le couvercle bascule etc hsit pas..
Stampante 3d eccezionale, con una precisione incredibile. Ricordo che i pezzi finiti devono essere sottoposti a lamada UVA per indurire l’esterno. Occorre stare attenti a pulirla bene a fine stampa, ma ne vale la pena
I love this printer! Delivers as promised. The print quality is fantastic and consistent.. I found that it prints perfect at 0.02 layer setting with a really beautiful resolution! Will definitely recommend. Plus the wifi printing is just great!
Stampante 3d con una marea di features: WIFI, LCD monocromatico (quindi stampe pi veloci e display pi duraturo), piatto di stampa livellabile in 6 punti, copertura con cerniera (non come nelle elegoo che va tolto e non una cosa da poco, non serve spazio extra per appoggiare il coperchio).
Semplicissima da avviare, richiede qualche aggiustamento sui settaggi di esposizione, ma va benissimo.
Super promossa
Qualit prezzo decisamente buona
Costruita in metallo
Gi montata fortunatamente
Per chi nn lo sa la resina migliore, perch non si vedono i filamenti sulle stampe
Abbastanza grande il piano di stampa
Facile da usare per i meno esperti dal sito ho scaricato il programma proprietario
Un Buon acquisto natalizio
Great product and the quality is excellent, very detailed. I have printed a few Christmas Santa’s and painted them. Easy to use.
ho una stampante a fusione e prima di riuscire a stampare qualcosa di buono ho dovuto fare diversi esperimenti … con questa stampante stata buona subito la prima. Qualit di stampa eccellente, direi un ottimo acquisto!
The 3D printer comes with great packaging (even better than my newly bought monitor) and is in the “ready to go” stage. The pre-level was perfect in my case (leveling the machine could take quite a lot of efforts and needs to be very precise), so all I have to do is put everything together and it is ready to serve. This machine helps you avoid almost all the mechanical mistakes which is super convenient. And the tutorials is very useful in Nova3D YouTube channel.
The first few tests are perfect with great details. It is hard to see through picture because it is unbelievable that such details can exist in such a small figure. (please see my attachment) And it also amazed me that such details can go to even a higher level by changing the resin I use.
Furthermore, due to the WIFI connection, I can put this machine in another room and print remotely overnight. Which is also better for health concerning.
However, the software operations still needs some experience and the printing file is not fully supported by many other software. Considering the good quality Bene4 Mono have, I think it won’t take much time for such resource to come up.
Overall, this 3D printer is one of the easiest to use 3D printer you can get with high quality result.
As an CNC engineer with experience in working with very small tolerances I am very pleased with this printer as it has very tight tolerances and can print .035 per layer and my test print came out within 0.04 which is pretty amazing. The machine itself is made from good quality machined parts, the plate comes free from leveling which i noticed was a unique feature with this printer and it works perfectly. Software is compatible with Chitubox so u can still hollow your models and add supports this way. I would recommend this printer for beginners and experts
The hardware is as good as you will find anywhere, and better than most I imagine. Solid and heavy, but simple to assemble. Two big plus points for me were the top hinged cover (which allows you to open it with an arm instead of a sticky resin covered hand!) and the standoffs on the resin vat. You put it down and there’s no fear of the FEP being damaged or sticking to your work surface.
The downside for me (which is probably no issue to miniature and figure printing people) was the lack of dimensional accuracy in X and Y. I make prototypes and functional products and dimensions are critical to me.
This is definitely a software thing though, which can be worked around but It’s a pain to do with the proprietary slicing software tied to the machine. The Bene4 models are not yet catered for by the main third party software developers, and until they are I will have to make do. That’s just because the hardware is so good. If it had been junk I’d have sent it straight back. In truth I almost did because of the accuracy until I found the workaround through the Nova3D FB community, which is brilliant btw.
This printer was a breeze to set up. After attaching the lid (2 Screws), checking the calibration (perfect out of the box) – plugging in the power, adding the supplied sample resin (250g) and printing the sample files on the printer took all of 10 mins. I am very happy with the results. The quality of the print is amazing when compared to my existing FDM printer. The software supplied on the USB stick was easy to install and easy to operate. The printer also has wi-fi which is a bonus and you can simply send your files to the printer from your PC. Overall a very well manufactured quality printer that is simple to use – I love it.
Den BENE4 fand ich sehr interessant, da er eine vergleichsweise groe Druckflche bietet. Ich habe mir auch im Vergleich gnstigere DLP-Drucker angeschaut, diese haben aber eigentlich immer kleinere Druckvolumen. In vielen 3D-Druck-Foren werden die DLP-Drucker von NOVA3d auch empfohlen und zum PrimeDay gab es anscheinend einen Amazon Coupon! 🙂
Der Drucker kam sicher verpackt an, alles gut mit Schaumstoff ausgepolstert und der UV-Deckel mit Folie versehen. Zum Aufbau muss man sagen, dass dieser eigentlich nur aus dem Anschrauben des Deckels an die Basis besteht. Leider hier ein kleiner Kritikpunkt: Die beigelegten Schrauben waren zu kurz und es fehlte eine Kontermutter. 🙁
Nun mssen nur noch die diversen Schutzfolien abgezogen werden.
Der Drucker ist gut verarbeitet, die Basis besteht aus Metall. Das Touchdisplay reagiert gut, nur wre die Ablesbarkeit besser, wenn es etwas angewinkelt eingebaut wre. Auch ansonsten liegt zum Start alles bei, sei es ein Spatel, Handschuhe oder Filter.
Das Einbinden ins WLAN hat auf Anhieb ohne Handbuch geklappt. Zum Ausrichten der Druckplatte habe ich aber dann doch das Handbuch benutzt. Ist im Prinzip aber recht einfach: Ein gefaltetes DIN A4-Blatt ohne Tank auf den Screen legen, die Druckplatte absenken mit der Home-Funktion und dann mit den vier Inbus-Schrauben die Platte so einstellen, dass das DIN A4-Papier sich noch bewegen lsst, man aber einen Widerstand sprt. Apropos Handbuch: Das ist China-typisch in migem Englisch geschrieben aber gut bebildert und verstndlich.
Dann ging es an die Software: Beigelegt ist ein Stick mit der Software, ich habe mir aber lieber die aktuelle Version von der Webseite geladen. Die Software an sich ist einsteigerfreundlich. Man zieht seine Modell-Date ins Programm, dreht und skaliert sie wie man will, bringt noch Support an und schickt sie dann per WLAN an den Drucker. Mehr aber nicht, da sie ansonsten sehr rudimentr ist. Ich habe mir im Vergleich z.B. mal die Slicer-Software von anderen Druckern angeschaut, da hat man z.B. beim Erstellen von Supports mehr Mglichkeiten. Auch die Slice-Geschwindigkeit ist z.B. im Gegensatz zu Cura etwas lahm, aber selbst ein groes Modell war nach 2 Minuten auf meinem Xeon Desktop fertig berechnet.
Man kann die Datei auch per USB bertragen, aber wieso wenn man WLAN hat? 🙂 Auerdem ist der UBS-Anschluss wieso auch immer auf der Rckseite. Bitte, liebe Hersteller, macht sowas auf die Vorderseite!! 😉
Ist die Datei am Drucker angekommen, muss man nur noch das Resin einfllen (es lag eine 250Gramm Flasche bei), Deckel zu und drucken lassen. Zwischendurch kann man brigens auf Pause drcken, dann fhrt der Druck aus dem Tank und man kann prfen ob es klappt, keine Ahnung ob das jeder DLP-Drucker kann?
Ich habe als erstes einen kleinen Homer Jay Simpsons gedruckt, der ist mir auf Anhieb gelungen — bis auf seine Hand, aber da habe ich einfach den Support vergessen. 😀
Die Details sind wirklich gut geworden fr ein so kleines Modell, man beachte z.B. seine sprlichen zwei Haare oder der Haarkranz auf dem Hinterkopf – siehe Foto. Auch eine Micky Maus, etwas grer ist fr den zweiten Versuch sehr gut geraten (ebenfalls als Foto angehngt).
Der Rest, sprich dass man den Tank und die Druckplatte danach subern muss, was wegen des eher giftigen Resins und des nicht viel besser aber notwendigem Isopropanol-Reinigungsmittel eine kleine Schweinerei ist, ist halt bei DLP-Drucken so. Ich habe mir noch ein “Wasser-waschbares” Resin bestellt, wenn ich damit Erfahrungen gesammelt habe, werde ich dazu auch eine Bewertung abgeben.
Fazit: Der Drucker hat mich berzeugt da er schnell einsatzbereit ist und gute Druckergebnisse erzielt. Er ist gut verarbeitet und man kommt auch als Anfnger klar. WLAN sei Dank kann man ohne Sticks oder Speicherkarten durcken. Aber zwei kleine Kritikpunkte bleiben: Die fehlenden Muttern bzw. falschen Schrauben und dass die Software noch weiter verbessert werden kann.
+ Schnell einsatzbereit
+ Gut verarbeitet
+ Tolle Druckergebnisse (zumindest mit dem beigelegten Resin)
+ WLAN, LAN und USB als Schnittstelle
+ Groes Druckvolumen
o Preis im Mittelfeld
– Software
– Fehlende/Falsche Schrauben fr den Deckel
Well, we all know the price of a laser SLA printer and the print quality of them. So, is there a DLP printer which can print to this quality level, and the answer is yes, the Nova3D Bene4 does just this.
– The printer is solid and well built, ensuring consistent prints.
– Excellent and simple to configure Wi-Fi.
– A Resin vat designed with the user in mind, made of aluminium and having seating pins
– Easy FEP film placement with a full pre-assembled FEP liner for direct fitting to the resin vat.
– Though the NovaMaker software may need some enrichment to accommodate high resolution monitors and zoom feature capable monitors for Windows 10. But this software has all the features, and the prints are excellent. I have compared the prints from CHITUBOX for this purpose as well. So yes, you can configure CHITUBOX for this printer if you so desire.
So, if you are looking at printing for SLA quality at an affordable price go no further.
When my nova3d bene4 mono arrived it was every well packaged.
Everything was there nothing missing broken or damaged.
Build quality is 10/10 very strong and very well finished and has a great look.
Straight out of the box it printed the nova test print with no problems at all (image attached). Incredible quality print the detail is crisp and very clean.
I then printed out some game pieces these where 32mm figures (images attached).
Well to say it blew my mind is a total understatement, the smallest parts are super detailed and sharp I’m about to print a larger bust but I’m sure it will perform it socks off.
I was using the redwax resin which did make a very big difference to the print quality visually but I like the solid look of the resin so I will only be using novastan RC Redwax from now on it’s a few pound more expensive but for the quality difference it’s worth it as I print mainly customers projects so it has to be perfect.
If there was any down side to the bene4 mono, I’m sorry to say it has to be the novamaker software but it’s early days and I’m sure it will grow and improve.
Using this machine is easy and unlike some if not most of the other printers if this size it is silent and a pleasure to work near, I can wait ti see what they bring out next maybe a bigger bed machine I know if they do I will be purchasing one, but until then I will be acquiring another bene4 mono to replace my other machines in fact they have a been sold off to make room for another one if these amazing machines.
A big thumbs up Nova great job.
I have had this printer for a little while now and though I have not had many opportunities to use it on a project yet I have found it to be an amazing resin printer. Using Chitubox as my slicer which seems to be the industry default, this printer produces good clean prints with bearly visible layer lines.
If you were to use this printer to print model miniatures to paint then I think the layer lines would be hidden by the paint and you wouldn’t be able to tell what was printed or store-bought.
It has some great features such as the flip back lid on a hinge which means you don’t have to take a lid off and struggle to find a place to put it down when starting or removing prints. It has one of the largest build volumes out of most of the budget resin printers I have looked at and as i said before the quality is stunning.
The only minor annoyance is that the USB port is on the back which may not be a problem to some who will be using the Wifi features of this printer.
If I was doing more resin printing or I had to recommend a printer to a friend then I would recommend a Nova3d 😉
I looked into 3d printers a while back. I paint miniatures and initially thought to print my own models to paint, the models I saw were full of lines and blocky, the detail was sadly lacking. That was until I discovered Nova3D.
As you can see from the picture, this printer can print in very high detail and I am very impressed. I have looked at others on the market but this one does it for me. I’m looking forward to printing many more awesome models.
I have so far only printed at 0.035mm but this machine has the capacity to print even thinner layers. I look forward to learning more, getting to grips with the software more and exploring 3D printing in general.
Arrivata imballata perfettamente, le stampe vengono portate a termine velocemente e sono davvero straordinarie e ricche di dettagli.
La consiglio vivamente, brava NOVA3D! TOP!!!
I just bought this one and made my first print. It was just to follow the instructions and the first print was a success. Just waiting for number 2 (They provided 2 with the printer).
Fast mailrespons from the seller so I think that if I have any supportquestions it will be solved real fast.
This is my first resinprinter. It feels sturdy, no plastic feeling. And the first print looks amazing. Looking forward to dig into this one even more.
I Brought this Printer in June 2020 to mainly do Miniature Models, for Customers, in Order to be Cheaper than using my Form 2.
I have to say I am very Impressed, with this Bene4 Printer, as it Prints in very High Detail & would say better than the Form 2 on Miniatures.
The Printer has a High Quality build as all all Metal Construction, very Quiet, when is use.
I love it that you also have Wi-Fi & you can also tell the Printer to Switch Off, after the Print has Finished, which is ideal for overnight Printing. Also I love that you can Lift the Top Cover up to Access the Model, without Removing the Top, like on other LCD Resin Printers, that cost more.
The bad part of all this is the 3D Printing Software, which is NovaMaker. This is very basic to use, its not a Proper Digital Signed Softwere, so Windows 10 Advises not to Install the Novamaker, which you have to override to Install. I have been told that NovaMaker will be Updated soon, so you have to take their word for it.
You can how ever download a Profile to use in Chitubox, so you can use all of the Advanced Features, but you can not use the Wi-Fi to send Files to the Bene4 Printer. Also you will see you can not open your Yellow Folders on your PC, when NovaMaker & ChituBox are both Installed, as seems to be a Conflicting so I have 1 Software each on 2 PCs so I can use both when needed.
When I First had Delivery of my Bene4, the Top Cover was badly Scratched, Inside but the Staff at Nova sent me a Free LED Panel to Compensate me, which saves me spending out if & when the LED Screen goes, so I Accepted that.
The Staff at Nova are very helpful, as I am New to LCD Exposure Times, so when sending Files to Nova that I had Problems with & had Permission to send to Nova, they came back to me with the Settings, to make sure I got a good Print.
As I am under the Data Protection Act, I could only send a few Photos, what I have done so far, so I hope you can see how Smooth these Models are & with the Text. The Demo Models that comes with the Bene4 Printer like the Ocptyupos, you will see how Accurate, this Ben4 can Print.
Overall I would Recommend, this Printer, as all Metal Construction, Good Price & Quality of the Build & with the Wi-Fi & to able to tell the Bene4 on the Screen to Switch Off, when Models are Printed. The VAT is also Lifted a Little so the FEP will not touch the Surface, like Tables so saves Damaging the FEP.
I hope this Review is helpful, to anyone who wants a good Quality Printer, with the Extra Features & Price. For now a bad let down with the NovaMaker.
I’ve had the bene4 for a couple of months now and have been printing nonstop with various props and projects. You can see my full review on youtube by searching bene4 – Anyway I really rate this printer, community online, and the support from the producers. The prints come out flawlessly and with the recent integration of chitubox you can export into novamaker software and send it to your printer. Remember this comes with wifi so you can make and sent it from wherever you like.
The Nova Print Software was a bit trouble some at first but once updated it it work ok on My Apple Mac
As you can see from the Pictures and Video Quality and Detail is it best feather
Good price How ever the resin Can be a bit expensive so shop around
Good for a beginner and The Professional
Over all works Great Wireless or Wired
Then let’s talk about its print quality. Just have a look at the pics I uploaded. The quality is far enough for me to paint directly without sanding. Honestly, Sparkmaker FHD is not good enough, Photon S is good, but Photon S will not maintain its quality of prints after around three prints and also not stable. Photon S’s double z-track attracted me, but in fact, its double z-track is useless and maybe a reason for its instability. Bene 4 solved these problems and even did better.
About nova3d software. Its own software Novamaker is not that good, so I continue to use Chitubox with a nova3d plugin to slice models. But, you can still use its software to connect the wifi and upload your files onto the printer and remote bene 4.
Last but not least, about nova3d’s customer services. This company is doing an impressive customer service beyond my mind. I had a problem with the resin exposure time on the first night, so I sent an email to nova3d and then only 1 hour later, I got their reply! The staff is amicable and taught me lots of tips about their products.
Now, Nova3d Bene 4 is a productive tool of mine, and I recommend this product. I love it!
The printer arrived very quickly and was very well packaged. I was nervous that the setting up was going to be very complicated for a novice but, instead, it couldn’t have been easier. My 15-year old son and I were up and running with half an hour of unpacking the printer. The instructions are very clear and everything on the printer is self-intuitive. We had a little technical glitch with the LCD screen failing to set the first couple of prints but an email to customer services was answered very quickly and resolved the issue entirely. We have had some amazing results since, just using models downloaded from online sources. The level of accuracy and detail on the prints has surpassed all my expectations. The printer comes with its own proprietary software, which is also easy to use and self intuitive. The screen layout makes some of the messages overlap on my laptop but I am sure that this will be resolved in future software updates. I have not tried other non-proprietary software but what is provided seems to be more than adequate for home printing.
Nova3D have emailed me more material to read and have been in touch a couple of times to make sure I was happy with everything. Their customer care is a breath of fresh air: long may it continue.