Oregon Yukon Chainsaw Protective Trousers, Protection Type A Class 1, Size 2 XL (XXL , EU 58-60) (295435/2XL)
Weight: | 1.62 kg |
Size: | XXL |
Dimensions: | 37.9 x 30.7 x 7.3 cm; 1.62 Kilograms |
Model: | 295435 |
Part: | 295435/2XL |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Oregon Tool |
Colour: | Black |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | XXL |
Ist leicht nicht zu schwer erfllt den zweck zu dem sid gebraucht wird
Excellent ideal for home chain saw work good git great price
Very comfortable, lightweight protective trousers. For UK size 36-38″ waist recommend buying XL.
These are great, so much lighter than some other brands, they are also more flexible allowing a much greater range of movement, so far holding up well but only had for 2 weeks so will see how they last.
Ne avevo gi un paio in passato,confronto a questi erano pi resistenti, comunque validi anche questi,solo che probabilmente durano meno
Top Hose, Preis Leistung stimmt fr mich.
Achtung fllt gro aus, bei 178cm und 70kg habe ich gre S bentigt.
Ottimi pantaloni da taglialegna.
L’unica cosa che sono molto pi confortevoli con bretelle che ho acquistato successivamente
Taille mit Maband gemessen und trotzdem viel zu weit. Ich tausche einfach um, in meine gewhnliche Gre. Lsst sich aber sehr gut tragen.
L’articolo, conforme a quanto descritto, arrivato – come sempre – in anticipo rispetto al previsto.
Per un uso hobbistico ritengo che siano un ottimo compromesso. Un plauso alla precisione delle taglie: seguendo le misure come indicato nelle slides di presentazione non ci si pu sbagliare.
Prodotto ottimo, consegna non corretta, il pacco stato trovato dietro il cancello da tre giorni incostudito in mia assenza e non consegnato con bolla firmata come riportato da comunicato. Non sono stato informato della consegna ne tanto meno ho firmato la bolla di consegna.
Per giunta il pacco era privo di involucro di copertura esterna.
Fortuna del corriere che il pacco stato trovato.
Ringrazio, saluti.
Very comfortable, very well made. If I ever have cause to test them by accident I’ll decide then if they deserve 5 stars
Leider hat mir die Hose nur bedingt gepasst, was aber nicht am Hersteller liegt, sondern an
meiner Gre in Verbindung mit dem Umfang. Die Hose hat vorn sehr guten Schutz und
ist im Bereich des Geses eher dnn gehalten, so dass man vor allem im Sommer gut damit
arbeiten sollte. Ich wrde die Hose kaufen, sofern sie in 29 angeboten wrde, in 62 war sie
fr mich leider nicht passend, weshalb ich sie zurckgeben musste. Fr normal gebaute Menschen mit
Standardgren eine super Sache. Leider werden keine untersetzen Gren angeboten.
These saved my leg.
I’d never use a chainsaw without them.
Ottimo prodotto ma acquistateli assieme alle loro bretelle che non sono incluse.
Zur neuen Sge musste nun auch die richtige Hose her. Meine Auswahl war perfekt, die Hose in Mnnergre M passt dem weiblichen Trger (sonst Gre 38) perfekt, da noch eine dnne Ski-Unterhose drunter muss. Die meiste Zeit ist es ja kalt da draussen.
Sehr angenehm weiches MAterial, gute Passform. trgt sich auch ber lngere Zeit bequem.
Wenig Reflektion, fr mich ok, auf unserem Hof brauch ich das nicht.
Ob sie vor Schnitten schtzt, kann ich Gottseidank noch nicht sagen.
Buenos pantalones de proteccion,por suerte lo toque una vez con la motosierra,digo por suerte que lo tenia porque paro la maquina y ni un roce en la pierna.
he chain saw trousers are a good fit although had to do a lot of work to work out the correct size, brasses flap on back is good covers up your lower back when betiding, good length and comfortable to work i
Good trouser for occasional use, because of the material though, wouldn’t recommend for continuous hard graft but ideal for the odd day hear and there. For the money there okay
Pantaloni antitaglio davvero molto carini… consiglio a chi vuole spendere poco ( rispetto a sthil ecc) e vuole un prodotto buono
Molto comodi e abbastanza pesanti
Habe die Hose gekauft da ich immer ein unsicheres Gefhl beim Sgen hatte. Einen kurzen Moment der Unaufmerksamkeit und die Sge fllt in Richtung Bein. Die Hose passt gut und ist sehr bequem. Hosentrger oder Gurt sind erforderlich wegen dem elastischen Material.
Esattamente quello che cercavo. Hanno il rivestimento antitaglio nella parte anteriore di tutta la gamba. Sono comodi e seguono bene i movimenti. Hanno anche la parte posteriore, in corrispondenza della zona lombare della schiena, leggermente rialzata, per proteggere meglio la schiena stessa dalla polvere. Da tenere presente che, a causa dell’imbottitura antitaglio, sono caldi. Io li uso anche in estate (luglio/agosto), ma nelle ore pi calde della giornata devo interrompere il lavoro di taglio per eccessivo caldo. Organizzandosi un po’ con gli orari, quando possibile, credo comunque che il grado di sicurezza che permettono di avere valga di gran lunga la sopportazione del caldo che richiedono in qualche momento. Consigliatissimi
Esattamente quello che cercavo. Hanno il rivestimento antitaglio nella parte anteriore di tutta la gamba. Sono comodi e seguono bene i movimenti. Hanno anche la parte posteriore, in corrispondenza della zona lombare della schiena, leggermente rialzata, per proteggere meglio la schiena stessa dalla polvere. Da tenere presente che, a causa dell’imbottitura antitaglio, sono caldi. Io li uso anche in estate (luglio/agosto), ma nelle ore pi calde della giornata devo interrompere il lavoro di taglio per eccessivo caldo. Organizzandosi un po’ con gli orari, quando possibile, credo comunque che il grado di sicurezza che permettono di avere valga di gran lunga la sopportazione del caldo che richiedono in qualche momento. Consigliatissimi
article de bonne manufacture mais taille assez grand.
dommage que les bretelles ne soient pas inclues
Da ich eher klein bin, ist die Hose mir zu lang gewesen. Habe ich aber krzen lassen. TollevHose, sehr gute Qualitt.
Top Produkt, selbst mit Handschuhen kann man in doe Hosentasche greifen. Leicht umd Bequem zu tragen. Nachteil bei Brombeerhecken zieht der Stoff Fden. Ansonsten kann man nichts Negatives finden.
Buena calidad, di un corte con la motosierra en una pierna y por suerte lo tenia se rompio y la fibra paro la cadena y ni un roce en la pierna,lo recomiendo 100%
Very comfortable wash well and best trousers for all trades
Very comfy to wear plenty of stretch got med and perfect fit — normally wear 34″waist—- hopefully will never test them
Delivered fas
Beim ersten Anziehen ist mir sofort das Gewicht aufgefallen. Hat sich angefhlt als wre noch Werkzeug in den Taschen. Ansonsten war die Gre die gleiche wie bei meinen Jeans (Gr.56). Nummer kleiner wre vielleicht machbar gewesen aber das wre nur frs Ego gewesen.
Angezogen passt ohne Grtel und fhlt sich leicht an und ich glaube die zieh ich nicht nur zum Holz machen an. Hab ich schon erwhnt das die Hose super bequem ist?
Le pantalon avec les bretelles sont pas mal, mais deux rabats sur les poches avant ne seraient vraiment pas un luxe.
Le soir il faut vider les poches pleines de sciures et malheureusement on ne peut pas les retourner… la galre…
Pour la longueur j’ai demand mon pouse de le raccourcir sans couper mais en les pliant
vers l’intrieur.
Vestibilit pi che buona, le taglie corrispondono al reale. Il problema sar il loro utilizzo d’estate perch la parte rinforzata produrr eccesso di sudorazione, ma d’altronde non potrebbe essere diversamente per la sicurezza durante il taglio.
Ich bin wirklich berzeugt, die Hose hat eine sehr angenehme Innenseite und ist fr eine Schnittschutzhsoe erstaunlich leicht. Man darf nicht vergessen, dass die Fasern im inneren eigentlich etwas an Gewicht mitbringen, hier aber unmerklich, im Vergleich zu einer anderen Hose. Auch am oberen ende mit verlngertem Rcken Einfach nur praktisch, Hosentrger knnen ebenfalls an den dafr vorgesehenen Knpfen befestigt werden. Fr mich ist die Hose ein absoluter muss, meiner Meinung nach komfortabler als Varianten von z.B. Stihl und dabei auch noch gnstiger.
Auf den ersten Blick sieht die Hose sehr dnn aus und wirkt nicht wie eine Schnittschutzhose.
Laut meinem Mann ist sie jedoch sehr bequem und man kann sich darin gut bewegen. Er hatte sie nun noch an und ist damit gut zufrieden.
Pantaloni ottimi,soprattutto per la sicurezza quando lavora mio marito,ottimo materiale!!!!
Bon pantalon anti-coupes d’entre de gamme, lger et confortable, on verra dans le temps les coutures.
Petit dfaut; dommage qu’il n’y est pas un revers sur les poches ( remplies de copeaux tout les jours )
A ce prix la pour un EPI aussi important je recommande !!
Seem good for the cost, have not had to test them thankfully.
These trousers are brilliant. If you are a little tubby round the waist XXL is the size to get for comfort. Recommend the braces aswell to hold them up.
Ottimi, morbidi comodi, non ho ancora provato l’antitaglio…ma spero di non provarlo mai….
Ancora pi comodi con le bretelle apposite
Comfortable and lightweight pair of trousers with plenty of flexibility
Ottimo pantalone non professionale, preso M per me che sono 1,86 e 78kg perfetta. I pantaloni tengono abbastanza caldo. Sulla funzione protettiva non mi esprimo. Non impermeabile.
Bought this for our gardener who is very happy with them, it does its job.
Una marca de primera categora,es un producto que toda persona que usa una motosierra en el campo debera de estar obligados a llevarla lo recomiendo al 200%
Good fitting chainsaw trousers. Plenty of useful pockets. Fast delivery from Germany
No son muy pesados. Son cmodos y tienen un tacto agradable que da sensacin de calidad. Espero no probar su eficacia/ineficacia nunca.
Spedizione veloce, pantaloni, nonostante siano da lavoro, sono belli e robusti.
Belli leggeri comodi da indossare, in questa stagione meglio avere sotto le calzamaglia perch la parte sprovvista di antitaglio risulta un po fredda. Consiglio l acquisto unito alle bretelle oregon cosi la parte posteriore del pantalone resta ben aderente alla schiena e la protegge dal freddo. Taglia L veste leggermente grande, Usati in bosco risultano di buon materiale rapporto qualita’prezzo ottimo.
Extrem flexibel, fast wie eine Jogging Hose.
Was ich negativ finde: die Taschen sind ungemtlich zu handhaben.
Der Stoff, der Sitz und auch hoffentlich die sicherheit machen fr mich die Hose jedoch zu einem guten Produk
hey are ok need braces if your short like me and the pockets might need sowing up after afew months of work
Great chainsaw trousers good quality and value good fitting and comfortable to work in.
ice products hope i never have to see if it stops a blade though
Artikel wie beschrieben.
Lieferung war super schnell.
Die Hose passt super, ist sehr leicht, habe genug Bewegungsfreiheit und knnte im Winter noch eine Lange Unterhose drunter anziehen.
Mal schauen, wie sie sich bei der Arbeit schlgt.
ho acquistato questo articolo perch cercavo qualcosa di comodo, sicuro, resistente, non leggero (ottima imbottitura) e adatto a tali lavori.
pienamente soddisfatto
preso taglia L: sono alto 179cm e tg 50 pantaloni
Prodotto conforme. Ottimo prezzo. Rapida consegna. Che dire di pi? Il dover scrivere obbligatoriamente altre 14 parole 14 mi blocca il recensire ulteriori acquisti che pur lo meritano. Credo dovrebbe essere facoltativo il numero di parole con cui descrivere il rapporto di consegna. Ritengo infatti che una lunga descrizione sia, in genere, un sintomo di segnalazione di difetti o problemi. Avendo scelto questo prodotto poich interessato ad acquistare questo prodotto e non altro, sono soddisfatto.
Prodotto conforme. Ottimo prezzo. Rapida consegna. Che dire di pi? Il dover scrivere obbligatoriamente altre 14 parole 14 mi blocca il recensire ulteriori acquisti che pur lo meritano. Credo dovrebbe essere facoltativo il numero di parole con cui descrivere il rapporto di consegna. Ritengo infatti che una lunga descrizione sia, in genere, un sintomo di segnalazione di difetti o problemi. Ovviamente avendo scelto proprio il prodotto che volevo ed avendolo ordinato e ricevuto non posso che essere soddisfatto.
Comunico que no envan el “PETO; aunque…., si viene con faldn posterior y con sus botones traseros y delanteros de enganche.
Al declarar esta omisin, me hicieron un envo instantneo de sustitucin..; pero igual…!!, con lo que me queda la duda si es un producto engaoso.
Otros servidores de este producto, si lo contemplan.
Auch als Frau muss man Holz fr den Winter bereitstellen, und am besten mit entsprechender Schutzkleidung. Gre M passt prima, auch von der Beinlnge – entspricht etwa Gre 42 – 44 in Damenbekleidung. Angenehm zu tragen, bin sehr zufrieden.
Die Hose hat wie erwartet eine hohe Qualitt. Das Gewicht des Schutzgewebes ist schon sprbar, aber ertrglich. Bei 2,03 m Krpergre passt Gre XL sehr gut, XXL wre zu weit. Die Hosenbeine sind etwas zu kurz, aber da ich hohe Schutzschuhe trage, macht das nichts.
+sitzt sehr angenehm, fast wie eine Jogginghose –> hoher Tragekomfort
+genug Taschen
+ob sie funktioniert kann ich nicht beurteilen aber ich geh bei diesem Anbieter einfach mal
davon aus!
+sehr angenehmer Stoff und passt von der Gre her sehr gut
-Taschen haben leider Klettverschluss und keinen Reiverschluss
Bought these for my hubby who is a little on the larger side, but he loves these and finds them extremely comfortable and lightweight. Fantastic buy
Die Hose fllt etwas gro aus. Bei 100kg ist XXL ein wenig zu gro. Fr den Winter aber super, da noch locker eine Hose drunter passt. Im Sommer muss halt der Grtel alles oben halten. Der Schnittschutz ist nur an der Vorderseite, aber somit ist die Hose auch schn leicht und man “steht” bei 20 Grad Celsius nicht gleich in seinem eigenen Schwei.
Hallo zusammen!
Ich denke die meisten Eigenschaften der Hose wurden hier schon dargestellt.
Persnlich gefiel mir nicht, dass die Hosentaschen keine Reisverschlsse, sondern nur Klettverschlsse besitzen. ber lngere Zeit wird sich hier Dreck ansammeln.
Zur Gre:
Mir war die Hose in Gre “L” leider zu gro (sowohl Bundweite als auch Lnge). Krpergre 1,82 m, 82 kg – sportliche Statur.
Ich hoffe ich konnte Euch weiterhelfe
pantaloni indispensabili per chi usa motosega. questo modello funziona egregiamente, purtroppo l’ho gi sperimentato e quando la motosega mi scappata sul ginocchio ha danneggiato il pantalone ( da sostituire ormai) ma non mi ha fatto neanche un graffio poich ha bloccato la lama. meglio spendere qualche decina di euro per dei pantaloni sempre efficienti piuttosto che andare al pronto soccorso
I really like the quality and feel of the material. The sizes run way small though. I would suggest ordering two sizes up from normal if you plan on wearing these with regular pants underneath
Exceptional value, very light, I think they will be best with the braces though
Obviously this review might be different if I had need of the protection elements and suffered injury, so all I can say about that is that I am reassured by the pedigree and the certification.
As a pair of working trousers they fit well (2XL easily fits my 38 inch waist and long leg frame, such that I need a belt).
They look good and are comfortable to move in, no tight seams. Mind you they are hot, I don’t know how you professionals cope with the higher grade protection. These have front protection only, but I don’t climb trees for a living so this seems enough. If you want full leg protection you should upgrade, but you probably already knew that.
Must have for safety aspect . Fit well and made well . Orderd and came in few days .
very hard wearing but also comfortable to wear in the woods will buy again if need to
Great fro the price on the lightning deal but even though they are fine I would not pay full price. They are slightly large if anything but very lightweight which I think is good as a occasional user they wouldn’t stand up to very regular use.
Superb as they are lightweight. Not the best protection but a good balance when using the chainsaw is such hot work.
La scelta di acquistare questi pantaloni e’ stata lunga ma alla fine posso essere soddisfatto . Essendo un boscaiolo della domenica ho cercato un prodotto non troppo ingombrante ( no salopette ) , ad un prezzo discreto ( come sempre amazon batte tutti ) e di una marca che sia affidabile .
Il pantalone e’ di taglia L , come uso sempre . Indossano leggermente larghi , e quindi preferisco aggiungere una cintura per stare piu’ tranquillo . Alla vita hanno una fascia elastica come le tute sportive e forse se avessi preso una M sarebbero stati piu’ aderenti . Non li rendo perche ‘ ho provato ad uscire ed usarli sul ” campo” e ho notato che la liberta ‘ di movimento e’ piu ‘ gradevole dell’ aderenza alla gamba .
Ordinati venerdi mattina , pagati 76,70 . Arrivati lunedi mattina !
Cracking set of pants for working in comfortable and durable
I’m a 32 waist, and about a 34 leg, these fit fine, can wear joggers underneath for added warmth. Bought the braces too to keep them up, seem decent, pockets are a bit small but I’m not likely to put anything in them
Perfect fit. I trust their Finnish safety cert. Hope I never have to test if they work.
Perhaps that could be clarkson, Hammond and Mays new job ??
Lightweight for long hours of wear, but doesn’t compromise on good quality.
Bought these rather than trousers because thought bib provided additional protection to chest area. It doesn’t – it is just thin material. Not sure whether worth paying the extra for over normal trousers.
This is the first pair of chainsaw pants I have got but will be buying them again when I need another pair. Paid for them at 12 and got them 10 o.clock the next morning
Great item, as described and fits really well. Much lighter than my last pair.
Excellent fit perfectly hope I wont need them to survive an accident.
Gesucht wurde eine Schnittschutzhose die preiswert war und auch passen sollte. Habe mir dann mal die Rezensionen angeschaut, die ja noch nicht so viel waren. Habe dann hin und her berlegt und bin dann zum Entschluss gekommen, so eine Hose mir zukommen zulassen. Nachdem ich sie ausgepackt hatte, war ich skeptisch. sie fhlte sich dick an. Aber ich muss sagen war echt berrascht. Auf der Vorderseite ist der Schnittschutz, deshalb auch etwas dicker. Auf der hinteren Seite wie eine ganz normale Hose.
Trgt sich sehr angenehm und ist fr diesen Preis auf alle zu empfehlen.
These trousers are great. They’re much lighter than others and you are less likely to catch yourself on things and trip. I use them with braces and they are very comfortable to wear, and have good sized pockets at the front. Definitely purchase these again!
A little warm but well fitting with a bit of give choose your size and go up one. just the job
Excellent and delivered on time. I am wearing them regularly for logging and feel alot safer as a result. What more can I say?
Very comfy fit due to stretchy material. Not too bulky so able to wear all day without problem. Very happy so far.
These are essential for anyone who uses a chainsaw. You can’t put a price on safety, but these are comfy and a good fit. I know my husband is safe and that has got to come first. The fabric is flexible and feels of a good quality.
Hubby pleased. Uses them ontop of trousers so double protection. They are heavy and feel safety protection, so glad he uses trousers under neath with no problem or restriction. We did order the next size up.
These trousers are very comfortable to wear, look pretty good and don’t get too hot despite all the padding. Recommended
There great. have used them a lot and they have saved my shins several times.Good quality and wash realy well.
arrived as stated they fit well and are very comfortable
and the price is right too, so i’ll be coming back when these wear out;
please don’t sell them all – save me one!
Very comfortable and stylish design. These were a very welcomed gift and although not used yet, appear to fit the bill.
Arrived in time – all in good order. Ordered large – they are “neat fitting” but should do the job as intended.
Better in terms of comfort than I expected – once I had found a pair of braces. Heven’t had to test its protective capability, though. Only odd thing is that in winter weather there’s a big temperature difference between the front and the back of my legs!
Bought for husband who loves them and has practically lived in them when doing outdoor jobs this winter – particularly for chainsawing!
Good value and well worth getting even though only used in light garden work. Good sizing and fitted well. Would recommend
It’a a bit confusing trying to find the correctly rated trousers for your particular chainsaw and I’m sure these are probably not correct for my saw. They fit well, are comfortable and give a feeling of safeness ! Tend to snag a bit on brambles but I like them.
Bought these for my husband, they are v.good quality, comfortable and practical. Not been needed in an emergency but better safe than sorry when using a chainsaw.
The Chainsaw trousers fitted perfect and are comfortable to wear all day.
They give the protection necessary and make you feel safe.
These are a replacement for an old pair so I know they work well. Arrived very quickly and in correct size.
Oregon Yukon Type A Chainsaw Trousers Large My son has bought a large piece of land and is pruning/felling a number of trees. He has used a chainsaw before, but I was concerned that he was working late and becoming tired. Hence I bought these trousers. He didn’t initially wear them, but I nagged and he put them on.
That evening he came home very grateful. He had let the chain saw swing against his leg when the blade had not stopped rotating. The trousers did their work – not even a bruise.
Oregon Yukon Type A Chainsaw Trousers Large My son has bought a large piece of land and is pruning/felling a number of trees. He has used a chainsaw before, but I was concerned that he was working late and becoming tired. Hence I bought these trousers. He didn’t initially wear them, but I nagged and he put them on.
That evening he came home very grateful. He had let the chain saw swing against his leg when the blade had not stopped rotating. The trousers did their work – not even a bruise.
I am a new chainsaw operator and needed some personal protection gear.I was aware of Oregon in the chainsaw field and decided to purchase their trousers because of the price and good reviews on other sites.I was very pleased with the product when I opened the packet,they are very well made,fit comfortably with a nice stretchy material,belt loops,braces buttons and three pockets,they seem a little lighter than my mates trousers which are thick and less flexible.They are front protection only and I am not about to try and attempt to saw my leg off to see if the protection works.I would have thought that Oregon would have done that on the research and development phase.Overall I am very pleased with them ,will report back when they have had a bit of work as to durability.