OREGON Yukon Chainsaw Protective Trousers, Protection Type A Class 1, Size Large (EU 50-52) (295435/L)

Weight: | 1.22 kg |
Size: | L |
Dimensions: | 38 x 30.2 x 7.4 cm; 1.22 Kilograms |
Model: | 295435/L |
Part: | 295435/L |
Colour: | Black and Orange |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Oregon Tool |
Colour: | Black and Orange |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | L |
Au vu des autres commentaires, j’ai hsit sur la taille commander.
Je mesure 1,90 m et pse 86 kg. J’ai pris la taille xl qui me va parfaitement. Il faut prvoir un pantalon dessous car la toile l’arrire du pantalon est fine. Le pantalon est assez lourd et tient bien en place car c’est une salopette.
Satisfait de mon achat !
Die Hose passt mir sehr gut, ich bin 1,95m und mein Bauchumfang betrgt 109cm. Die Hose habe ich in 2XL gekauft und entgegen der Angaben auf dem Etikett ,die Hose passt bei einem Bauchumfang von 98-102cm, sitzt mir die Hose perfekt ber der Hfte. Der elastische Bund tut sein briges um ein bequemes Arbeiten zu ermglichen. Grtelschlaufen sind auch noch vorhanden. Die Gre entspricht den Angaben auf dem Etikett. Ich benutze die Hose fr kleinere Arbeiten mit der Kettensge dem Grundstck.
Per il momento la calzabilita e ottima per la movimentazione e sicurezza devo ancora testarli
Es pesado. Tiene una alta proteccin. Probado con ramas, piedras…despefidas por desbroce. Necesarios los tirantes. Mejor el modelo que los trae.
Needed a pair of protective trousers for work on a farm. Good fit, comfortable and plenty of pockets. Also bought Oregon braces.
It does the job, is a bit heavy would be worth adding zipper vents to the back, and maybe reinforce the cuffs on the leg they don’t hold up to good in heavy brash, otherwise they are fine
Su calidad, lo uso para proteccin en uso de motosierra
Ottimo pantalone per quanto concerne sia la taglia e sia i morbidi tessuti che lo fanno sentire comodo e al contempo consente una certa facilit di movimento, specialmente se indossato con le necessarie bretelle.
Bei 178cm und 75 kg ist gre M fast noch zu weit. Die Hose ist gut verarbeitet, nur der Klettverschluss an den vorderen Taschen ist beim in die Tasche greifen unangenehm. Aber da haben die Hnde beim Sgen nichts verloren.
Il pantalone veste un po’ largo nelle gambe, ma nel resto giusto. Consiglio di abbinarlo alle bretelle, in quanto senza tende a scendere. Il materiale sembra buono, e il tessuto piuttosto leggero.
Sono rimasto veramente sbalordito dalla qualit del tessuto non estremamente pesante ma neanche leggerissimo. Molto comodo nell indossarlo e soprattutto le taglie rispecchiano esattamente ci che riportato nella relativa tabella
Sehr angenehme Tragekomfort. Da ich aber wenig Bauch habe, brauche ich einen Grtel. Aber der Hersteller kann dem natrlich keine Rechnung tragen. Also alles perfekt.
Buon prodotto vestono la taglia giusta Ovvero quella che si indossa tutti i giorni piccolo particolarit il cavallo del pantalone un po’ basso
eine leichte und gut zu tragende Hose und da die Schnittschutzeinlage nur vorn ist ist die Hose auch nicht zu warm
Bester Tragekomfort, hlt die Muskulatur warm, sehr leicht und genau die richtigen Mae fr 1,83 und 95 kg.
Adatti all’uso della motosega per i quali sono nati.
Non possibile,ovviamente, stabilire se sono efficaci in caso di contatto con la catena.
Purtroppo ci lo si pu sapere solo in caso di incidente se eviteranno l’infortunio.
Die Hose passt super in meiner Gre. Sie ist ein wenig grer als gedacht. Aber mit Hosentrgern oder Grtel passt sie super.
Sono leggeri quindi c’ bisogno di indossare una calzamaglia in inverno. Presentano una buona copertura delle gambe con materiali antitaglio che spero non verificare mai.
Sono leggeri quindi c’ bisogno di indossare una calzamaglia in inverno. Presentano una buona copertura delle gambe con materiali antitaglio che spero non verificare mai.
Presi in offerta, un po’ pesanti ma per proteggere lo devono essere. Consiglio di utilizzare delle bretelle.
Die Hose hat eine gute Passform und man kann sich bewegen.Ich hoffe,das ich die Schnittschutzfunktion nie testen muss.
Davvero un ottimo prodotto per lavorare in sicurezza. Unico neo la necessit di acquistare separatamente le bretelle…forse sarebbe utile proporle in unico acquisto con i pantaloni.
Davvero un ottimo prodotto per lavorare in sicurezza. Unico neo la necessit di acquistare separatamente le bretelle…forse sarebbe utile proporle in unico acquisto con i pantaloni.
Nickel confortable moi a me convient la taille est un peut trop grande j’ai pris du XL, j’avais peur en prenent du L que a soit trop petit ! Mais avec une paire de Bretelles c’est nickel a tient bien le pantalon ! L’important pour moi c’est d’avoir tout les EPI pour travailler en scurit !
Ottimo prodotto qualit prezzo, bello sentirsi al sicuro quando si abbattono e sezionano gli albefi
To be honest haven’t actually used them yet but they seem good quality and fit well. I am sure they will be fine.
Ich finde die Hose bequem. Laut Matabelle habe ich die Hose bestellt, aber die war zu gro. Hatte die dann eine Nummer kleiner bestellt dann hat sie gepasst. Fllt halt grer aus. Zur reifestigkeit kann ich nichts sagen und mchte ich auch nicht ausprobieren. Ansonsten fhlt sie sich gut a
Prodotto arrivato nel tempo indicato, buon tessuto;per prendere il prodotto adatto alla propria corporatura, bene prendere le proprie misure come da elenco del produttore e poi acquistare, non basarsi solo solo sulla taglia.
Poi a questo prezzo non si trova di meglio.. consiglio!
Sono comodi anche caldi, forse un po’ lunga la gamba e trascina a terra
I pantaloni hanno una ottima vestibilit e risultano comodi nei movimenti. Il maggior peso rispetto a normali pantaloni fornisce una sensazione di sicurezza durante l’uso.
Passt wie erwartet, sehr bequem sehr lachtes Material zum Trage
Super agrable porter pour de longue journe de trononneuse, lger, confortable et chaud pour l’hiver, petit bmol : la matire extrieure fond au contact de la chaleur (chaine de trononneuse) .. pas trs bien tudi tout a, et potentiellement dangereux ..
What can I say…I’ve never owned protective trousers before but figured I need some since doing more (at home) chainsaw work. Right out of the box I was impressed. Did not expect the material but it was light and very comfortable. I’m 6ft and a 34-36 waist…these are snug but very comfy and I don’t won’t them baggy so I’d say true to size…I didn’t have trousers on underneath tho so if your the kinda person that wants to wear trousers underneath then perhaps get a few sizes bigger. Clearly I’ve not had to test the safety features as yet and hope I’ll never have to but these are comfy and just what I wanted.
My hubby works outside using various heavy machinery these trousers were warm Comfortable and saved his legs from getting scratched and cut when cutting hedges and suchlike. Usually thorns and sharp branches penetrate his trousers but these were great and protected him
Die Hose schaut gut aus. Die Qualitt msste in Ordnung sein, aber leider ist die Passform nicht optimal – die Beinlnge ist um ein vielfaches zu lang.
Got these for heavy gardening work xxxl size fits me great being a little overweight ,comfy and warm, really good with the braces to match
Es cmodo, con el puedes trabajar como si fueses en vaqueros una vez te acostumbres a ellos (a mi me lleg con la primera hora)
I bought these for occasional climbing jobs. They’re perfect for my purpose.
Sizing is an issue with all chainsaw trousers, often needing a size or two bigger. I always wear 36W 34L jeans which are just slightly loose on me. I got these Oregons in XL and they’re OK, maybe a bit too loose. A belt will hold them but the waist bunches up on me so I’ve bought braces.
I prefer them a bit loose for climbing but I could easily wear these XL over jeans or trackies. They are also longer fitting than the measurements suggest. I could have easily taken the L.
Quality wise they’re alright. Very good for the price but not heavy duty by any means. Very nice material to wear, could be worn all day by any worker. I definitely wouldn’t trust them to stop my 4hp saw but ideal for the top handle I think.
What they are not is heavy duty protection but they aren’t advertised as such. I’m sure the reports of being damaged by brambles etc could be right. I wouldn’t use them for that kind of work.
Velcro pockets are a bit annoying too.
All in all, I’d definitely buy again for what I want them for.
Bought for a present – husband informs they fit perfectly and are good quality. I can’t comment on them being value for money and there are cheaper products on the market, but I guess it’s like everything else ‘you get what you pay for’.
Ich hatte vorher eine ganz billige Hose. Die ging natrlich an den Nhten langsam kaputt, da man sich im Gelnde nunmal teilweise akrobatisch bewegt. Diese schnittschutzhose macht es auf jeden Fall mit. Leicht zu reinigen und angenehmer Tragekomfort.
Pantalon de bcheron de trs bonne qualit.
Je fais 38 et j’ai pris taille L, c’est un peu grand, mais avec un Jean en dessous, c’est bon.
Bonne qualit et finition. Le L est trop grand pour moi alors que normalement c’est ma taille. Je vais essayer aussi le M. Pour travailler j’ai mis une ceinture mais les bretelles assorties semblent plus utiles.
Bought these because of the braces. It will allow me to wear a larger size without them falling down al the time. Getting the right size is always a gamble but these worked out ok.
I’m 6ft2, 95kg. And somewhere between 34/36 waist. The XL size fits ok. They are loose but comfortable. They are long thought. Could do with being an inch shorter but not a big problem.
Ich habe mir die Hose als Sommeralternative zu meiner bestehenden Hose gekauft. Die Hose ist super leicht fr eine Schnittschutzhose und man kann es darin auch bei ein paar Grad mehr aushalten . Zum Vergleich meiner bisherigen Hosen fllt diese grer aus . Rundum zufrieden !
Got them for my husband for his chainsaw course and they worked great and seem such amazing quality
Confortable et lger. J’espre ne jamais tester ses capacits de protection.
Bon en intersaison. L’arrire du pantalon etant moins epais, il n’offre pas une protection thermique importante. C’est un atout en intersaison. En hiver, pour les frileux comme moi, prevoir un caleon long.
Excellent ideal for home chain saw work good git great price
Excellent ideal for home chain saw work good git great price
Very comfortable, lightweight protective trousers. For UK size 36-38″ waist recommend buying XL.
These are great, so much lighter than some other brands, they are also more flexible allowing a much greater range of movement, so far holding up well but only had for 2 weeks so will see how they last.
Good product, good fit. A decent price I thought also. Like every other reviewer I never want to find out just how good thy are!
Ne avevo gi un paio in passato,confronto a questi erano pi resistenti, comunque validi anche questi,solo che probabilmente durano meno
Good quality overtrousers unfortunately they don’t do different leg lengths, had to shorten before use
L’articolo, conforme a quanto descritto, arrivato – come sempre – in anticipo rispetto al previsto.
Per un uso hobbistico ritengo che siano un ottimo compromesso. Un plauso alla precisione delle taglie: seguendo le misure come indicato nelle slides di presentazione non ci si pu sbagliare.
Taille mit Maband gemessen und trotzdem viel zu weit. Ich tausche einfach um, in meine gewhnliche Gre. Lsst sich aber sehr gut tragen.
Prodotto ottimo, consegna non corretta, il pacco stato trovato dietro il cancello da tre giorni incostudito in mia assenza e non consegnato con bolla firmata come riportato da comunicato. Non sono stato informato della consegna ne tanto meno ho firmato la bolla di consegna.
Per giunta il pacco era privo di involucro di copertura esterna.
Fortuna del corriere che il pacco stato trovato.
Ringrazio, saluti.
Had them before, nice light and comfortable stretchy, only fault burn easily, then the insides start to pull out.
Very comfortable, very well made. If I ever have cause to test them by accident I’ll decide then if they deserve 5 stars
Very comfortable, very well made. If I ever have cause to test them by accident I’ll decide then if they deserve 5 stars
As a 1st time user of a new chainsaw I wanted to make sure I was protected but couldn’t justify 150+ for a pair of chainsaw trousers. For occasional weekend use these fit the purpose perfectly.
Very good quality and prompt delivery. You’ll most likely need to add braces to keep them up though.
Obviously someone in dispatch missed the detail of my order ie SIZE ! XXL means I am not a stick insect .apart from that these look great and I can’t wait to lose some weight to get into them !.
A good fit and quite warm for the British weather, not sure how they would stand up to colder climates. Also not sure if they would work when needed, which hopefully they will. Like all safety gear it is bought in the hope that it is never put to the tst.
Bought these for my husband who works in the building trade , they are true to size . They are the most comfortable and durable trousers he has for work
Would highly recommend.
Leider hat mir die Hose nur bedingt gepasst, was aber nicht am Hersteller liegt, sondern an
meiner Gre in Verbindung mit dem Umfang. Die Hose hat vorn sehr guten Schutz und
ist im Bereich des Geses eher dnn gehalten, so dass man vor allem im Sommer gut damit
arbeiten sollte. Ich wrde die Hose kaufen, sofern sie in 29 angeboten wrde, in 62 war sie
fr mich leider nicht passend, weshalb ich sie zurckgeben musste. Fr normal gebaute Menschen mit
Standardgren eine super Sache. Leider werden keine untersetzen Gren angeboten.
I’d never use a chainsaw without them.
Ottimo prodotto ma acquistateli assieme alle loro bretelle che non sono incluse.
Gre m 46-48 is von der Lnge her eher 48 aber ansonsten alles ok
Zur neuen Sge musste nun auch die richtige Hose her. Meine Auswahl war perfekt, die Hose in Mnnergre M passt dem weiblichen Trger (sonst Gre 38) perfekt, da noch eine dnne Ski-Unterhose drunter muss. Die meiste Zeit ist es ja kalt da draussen.
Sehr angenehm weiches MAterial, gute Passform. trgt sich auch ber lngere Zeit bequem.
Wenig Reflektion, fr mich ok, auf unserem Hof brauch ich das nicht.
Ob sie vor Schnitten schtzt, kann ich Gottseidank noch nicht sagen.
Buenos pantalones de proteccion,por suerte lo toque una vez con la motosierra,digo por suerte que lo tenia porque paro la maquina y ni un roce en la pierna.
he chain saw trousers are a good fit although had to do a lot of work to work out the correct size, brasses flap on back is good covers up your lower back when betiding, good length and comfortable to work i
he chain saw trousers are a good fit although had to do a lot of work to work out the correct size, brasses flap on back is good covers up your lower back when betiding, good length and comfortable to work i
Good trouser for occasional use, because of the material though, wouldn’t recommend for continuous hard graft but ideal for the odd day hear and there. For the money there okay
Good fit, accurate. V comfortable and warm, great for autumn, winter and early spring, but I suspect will be too warm once the weather gets better. Although there are belt loops, these are high waited and are definitely more comfortable worn with braces rather than belts. (Ask your partner to get you a set of Stihl or Husky braces to match your ‘saw for Xmas!)
Showed excellent fitness and durability during heavy forest and wood cutting jobs. Lightweight.