Petzmotion Premium Orthopaedic Memory Foam Dog Bed Mattress, Waterproof Liner, Washable Cover, Great for Pet Arthritis, Hip Dysplasia Etc. (Large, Grey Plush)

Your pet needs all the love and care from you just like you would offer to any other member of your family. Pets are an integral part of your family and should be treated in a loving and respected manner. Petzmotion understands this and which is why they bring to you Orthopaedic Memory Foam Dog Bed Mattress that is made to offer your pet a comfortable and relaxed resting place. This bed is made by using a memory foam which is ideal if your pet is suffering from joint issues or has had an injury in the past. The bed is covered by a washable and easily removable fabric cover. The inner membrane is waterproof in nature which protects the bed from accidents and incontinence. This bed comes in a variety of sizes so that you can choose it as per the size of your pet. The Petzmotion Orthopaedic Memory Foam Dog Bed mattress is an ideal way to ensure that your pet remains comfortable and gets a sound sleep as well.

A Bed That Keeps Your Pet Happy & Comfy
The Petzmotion Orthopaedic Memory Foam Dog Bed mattress is ideal for short and big dogs alike. The bed comes in a variety of sizes so that you need not worry about whether you have a Poodle or a Rottweiler as this bed can accommodate any of them. Petzmotion understands that dogs are very hasty and love to play on their bed which makes it dirty eventually. This is the reason this bed is equipped with a fabric cover which can be easily removed with the help of a zip. You can wash this cover when it gets dirty so that your pet will once again have a clean fabric to comfort him.
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Luxury For Your DogThis memory foam bed is a luxury to your dog because he finds it very comforting and loves to spend most of his time on it resting. The base of this bed utilizes a plasticized dimpled material that is resistant to slipping and sliding. Thus, even if your dogs jumps and plays on this bed, it wonât move easily. | Waterproof NatureDogs have a very energetic nature and they tend to mess up their beds a lot of times. They either spill water, saliva or something else on the bed which spoils it. To avoid this, Petzmotion has equipped this bed with a removable and washable inner membrane that protects the bed from accidents and incontinence. | Good Quality Memory FoamThis bed is made using a memory foam that provides a comfortable and stable bed along with many health benefits. Dogs love the âfloatingâ feeling provided by the even spread of weight and which is why they tend to spend hours of their day just casually resting on this comfortable bed. | Ideal For Injured & Old PetsThis bed offers excellent support for older and younger dogs alike. It provides relaxing comfort for joint pain, muscle stiffness, hip dysplasia etc. The bed contours perfectly to your dog for a great nightâs sleep. |

Weight: | 4.76 kg |
Size: | Large 101x64x15cm |
Dimensions: | 69 x 26 x 25.5 cm; 4.76 Kilograms |
Colour: | Grey Plush |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Colour: | Grey Plush |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | Large 101x64x15cm |
Extremely good for dogs with arthritis.
Extremely happy with this item.
Dog likes it but not as much as my bed.
Good depth and spring to this mattress, so happy it is supporting our old springer with his arthritic joints. Can be wiped clean.
My dog loves this bed. Cover is easy to come off and clean. Mattress has waterproof cover so can be wiped down, its fantastic
My dogs seem to be enjoying the bed, this is now their 4th bed in the house and they are happily sleeping on it without encouragement. This is the small size that fits my 2 pugs easily (they are small pugs). In hindsight I probably should have ordered the medium to give them a bit more space.
Perfetto per il mio pastore tedesco ci sta comoda, si alza, senza fatica avendo problemi di atrosi data, l et ottimo, un valido aiuto
Impresionante cama para perro grande de 40 kilos.
Un nico pero, es que pierde pelusilla de la parte superio
Muy buena calidad, suave, cmodo y aguanta perfectamente el peso de mi perro sin deformarse. Lo recomiendo
Prodotto di ottima qualit che vale interamente il suo prezzo. Ideale non solo per cani anziani. Interamente sfoderabile, lo strato impermeabile interno tiene molto bene. Ottimo spessore, regge perfettamente i miei cani di taglia grande. Dopo tanti materassini che duravano 1 mese, finalmente un prodotto resistente.
Complessivamente buon prodotto. Il mio cane siberian husky ha molto gradito. Date il tempo al materasso di gonfiarsi conpletamente. Arriva sotto vuoto e la parte pi arrotolata fatica a riprendere forma. Dopo due giorni ero quasi rassegnata al reso….e invece aiutato con qualche massaggio si gonfiato completamente.
This is a cosy bed and my dogs and cats appreciate the softness and comfort of this bed. It is shared by all.
Nunca escribo reseas pero si le puede ayudar a alguien a decidirse ah va: compr la ms grande y ya veis lo cmodas que estn, dos golden retriever.
No se hunde, lleva una funda impermeable debajo. Se enganchan muchsimos pelos, pero vale la pena. (El mo era sin borreguito).
Excellente qualit. La housse en plus se lave. Top.
I bought the XL for my 57kg bull mastiff and have put it in his bed.
He is very comfortable and the thickness is great.
It was delivered in 24 hours and was very well packaged.
Can highly recommend.
ho preso questo materassino per la mia labrador che ha ernie discali. mi sembra un’ottimo prodotto
Trovato finalmente il materasso giusto per il mio fido, buoni i materiali e soprattutto molto apprezzato dal mio fedele compagno a quattro zampe.
Tengo un mestizo mediano, de unos 14 Kg. Al estirarse ocupa el largo de la cama y le queda perfecta para su tamao. Es sper suave y alta. Lleva meses usndola y sigue igual mullidita. Le encanta. En verano puede ser calurosa pero con la manta de gel queda perfecta
Es tal cual lo describen. Yo he tenido que comprar sbanas bajeras de cuna, xq la funda es felpada. Muy buena calidad
buon prodotto, molto imbottito, unico neo che la parte sorpa poco traspirante (basta mettere sopra una coperta o lenzuolo ed il problema subito risolto).
il nostro amico peloso lo ha apprezzato e ci dorme su tutte le notti.
Bello, comodo per il mio cane, peccato il prezzo, troppo alto
Both our dogs love their small beds, they much prefer these to a different make we bought. Both dogs getting older, one with joint problems, so wanted to get them beds that are more comfortable for their joints.
Tengo una perra de diez aos cruce galgo y podenco, 25 kg y he comprado la talla Mediana, le va genial. La cama tiene un grosor suficiente para aislar bastante del suelo y no se hunde cuando mi perra se tumba y se ve que descansa las articulaciones. La dej 24h cuando la abr para que le diese tiempo a coger forma porque viene en modo cilindro. Es nueva, an no la he lavado pero tiene cremallera y aparece fcil. El material est bien y yo le pongo una sbana para cubrir la cama. Muy contenta con la compra.
excellent quality , as described well worth the money … fact i,d pay more for this bed ( i didn’t say that lol )
Viene envasado al vaco y tarda unas horas en recuperar la forma.
Bought this for 10 year old Labrador who needs more support for his joints when lying down. It took him a few days to get used to the added height of the bed but he’s sleeping well. If I had to buy again I’d probably get the softer plush version purely because my dog moves a lot and it’s a little noisy.
Excelente producto. Despus de muuucho buscar, es el mejor colchn que hemos encontrado (calidad/precio) para nuestros dos abuelitos peludos (Recomendado para todos, no solo los perros mayores). Como nuestra podenca estaba acostumbrada a rascar la cama antes de dormir, y sala un poco de pelusilla (porque tiene como una lana en la parte superior para dar calidez), pusimos una cubre de tela y se ha solucionado la nica posible “pega” que nos hemos encontrado.
La nostra Q ha apprezzato.comodo e ben fatto!lo consiglio!venditore serio e puntuale
Caratteristiche come da descrizione . Ottimo rivestimento sfoderabile e lavabile con cerniera.
Materasso di spugna consistente
Da quando ha questo materasso la mia cagnolina va a letto da sola prima del solito e non l’ho mai vista dormire cos rilassata. Se volete fare un bel regalo al vostro cane (specialmente se anziano) questo molto probabilmente lo gradir.
Cmoda y muy firme, para m perro con artrosis genial. Totalmente impermeable. Los pelos se quitan genial. An no la hemos lavado, pero segn el fabricante se lava bien en lavadora la funda
Ciao, ho acquistato il materassino Petzmotion per il mio Cooper, labrador di dieci anni, con diversi problemi di ernie e artrosi. Prima avevo per casa spessi tappeti ovunque, perch notavo che Cooper cercava di non stare sul pavimento, ha anche un divano tutto per conto suo, ma da un anno non lo usa pi, probabilmente in difficolt quando scende. Ho cercato il materassino Petzmotion su Amazon, dopo varie proposte, mi ha convinto questo articolo, arrivato dopo 7 giorni dall’ordine, perfettamente imballato. All’inizio Cooper era titubante, ma oggi a distanza di circa 3 settimane, LO ADORA! E’ facile da pulire, aspiro i peli con il Folletto, per non l’ho ancora lavato. Spero non si rovini in lavatrice.
Archie my spoiled dog just loves this bed and it fits his crate perfectly.
Ottimo prodotto ricevuto nei tempi concordati anzi un giorno prima .
Un 10 para este colchn, se nota la calidad, no se mueve nada en el suelo cuando la perrita se levanta, se adapta al cuerpo del animal. Para una viejita de 18 aos y 6 kilos compr la talla S y le va perfecta.
Muy buen producto, pero demasiado caro para los materiales y las prestaciones que ofrece. No est diseado para usarse por las dos caras.
Il mio cane ( Rhodesian ridgeback ) se ne innamorato a prima vista! Comodo anche per me quando mi sdraio con il mio cane per fargli le coccole …confort all ennesima potenza
Bellissimo materasso,subito gradito dalla mia cucciola,ottima qualit di materiali. Spedizione e imballaggio impeccabile come sempre.
Il materasso comodo e garantisce completo comfort per il nostro amico a quattro zampe… lo consiglio!
Ottimo prodotto anche se un po’ caro. Il mio Bracchetto di 13 anni a gradito molto! Ora bisogna vedere con il tempo e i vari lavaggi che cosa succeder……
We bought to top up comfort for our dogs soft crate and it’s wonderful. They love to lie on this and snuggle up. It’s kept it’s shape and softness and is easy to wash removable cover.
Lo bueno es que puedes desenfundarla para lavar, a su vez, lleva una funda impermeable (plasticorro), advierto que cruje cada vez que el perro se mueve, trae una capita de borreguito por encima.
El colchon es gomaespuma, y es de unos 10cm de grosor, no los 15 que indica, y la parte viscoelastica es una finiiiiiiiiisima capa que tiene en la parte superior el colchon. As que muy ortopdica tampoco es, al menos parecen contentos y estar cmodos.
El color correcto, ped tamao XL y entran los 2 perretes.
Actualizo: tras 24h abierta, ha “terminado de coger tamao” (vena como envasada al vaco), si son los 15cm que indica de grosor, tiene mucha mejor pinta, dadla unas horas, ajusta todo mejor y cruje algo menos, aguanta 45-50kgs sin hundirse apenas. Buena cama.
Buona la rigidit del materasso sembra ben fatto il mio cane riposa che un piacere
Tenemos una perra con artrosis y displasia, solo hace cuatro das que lo utiliza. El primer da no le hizo gracia, los cambios no le gustan jejeje. Lo compramos para que estuviese lo ms confortable posible, es un colchn firme y diseo elegante, nos gusta tambin que tenga una funda interior impermeable,por lo que pueda pasar. Creo que se encuentra cmoda ya. Por poner una pega, el grosor es de casi 14 cm no de 15cm. Lo tuvimos dos das enteros fuera del embalaje antes de utilizarlo.
Un saludo.
Comodo pratico da lavare e apprezzato anche dal cane
Davvero un ottimo acquisto: comodo pratico e confortevole per i nostri amici a 4 zampe! Consigliatissimo
Molto grande e molto comodo x il nostro Rottweiler
Tela completamente sfoderabile e abbastanza resistente
Ideal para m mastn de 64 kilos. No hay quien la saque de la cama.
Ho preso per i miei due shit-su, stanno a perfezione sul questo letto , veramente a una grande qualit, e proprio materasso memory solo per i Cagniolini, lo veramente consiglio tutti persone che hanno Cagniolini, soprattutto anziani, perch non c’ sta anche vicino con i cuccia che vendono in negozio di animali, lo consiglio veramente per i vostri amici pelosi
Spedizione puntuale. Preso misura M. Il mio cane pesa 13kg. Le prime notti le ho lasciato anche il vecchio cuscino per verificare se effettivamente trovasse pi comodo quello nuovo ed stato cos. Avrei preferito il rivestimento pi morbido ma in quel momento non era disponibile. Risolto con una coperta in pile. Facile da sfoderare. Al momento soddisfatta
Me ha gustado la funda protectora para humedades y lo cmodo que le parece a mi mascota, ya un poco envejecida.
Ce matelas, bien que sans doute pas le meilleur, semble rpondre mes (ses) attentes, pour un prix correct.
Il est conforme aux photos (nanmoins le gris est plus clair en vrai que sur la photo). Il est bien pais et ferme, la housse extrieure est trs douce (modle “grey plush”).
Pour l’instant, pas de miracle sur les douleurs de ma chienne, mais elle semble beaucoup l’apprcier malgr tout.
Je l’ai choisi entre autre pour la doublure “impermable” car ma chienne rentre souvent mouille de balade. J’avoue ne pas avoir une confiance aveugle dans cette impermabilit… Comme le matelas n’est pas trop serr dans la housse, je pense ajouter une alse (pour lit d’enfant par ex.) afin d’tre certaine de protger la mousse. ( noter : la housse impermable est un peu bruyante.)
En outre, j’ai construit un “sommier” en lattes de bois, afin que le matelas respire et ne soit pas victime de la condensation contre le carrelage. J’espre ainsi optimiser la dure de vie du matelas !
Producto de excelente calidad. Tengo un perro de talla muy grande son mas de 90 Kg de peso. El colchon de talla grande es perfecto. La unica cosa a observar es que tiene 15 cm de altura. Para los perros acostumbrados con colchon mas delgados como mi perro hay que educarlos a subir. El material es muy resistente asi no me da la impresion que se deformara mucho.
Al principio cuando lo desempaquetas te llevas una decepcin ya que vienen enrollados y estn sper aplastados.
Pero en cuanto los estiras empiezan a coger su forma.
Son una pasada,son robustos y muy cmodos,despus de un par de semanas siguen como el primer da y mi perro se levanta sin quejarse de su dolor de cadera.
Valen lo que cuestan.
Una gran compra,los recomiendo cien por cien.
I bought this as my old girl of 16 years needed comfort as her back legs are going
She has to compete with the other 2 dogs as it has been a big hit
Definitely worth the money, very well made and easy to keep clean also it does not slide around the wooden floo
First time i took the cover to wash the zip broke and the stitching went on the whole thing. I contacted them and they were very helpful in solving the issue
Muy buen colchn y sobre todo la altura ya que la mayora son muy bajos y tambin destacar que es bastante firme y no se hunde
Le produit est trs ferme sur le dbut puis avec les semaines venir il se dtend. Il est vraiment confortable, ma chienne ne le quitte plus, juste elle a trop chaud dessus mais a c’est d la mousse mmoire de forme. Si d’ailleurs vous avez un produit conseiller pour l’t que je peux rajouter dessus pour qu’elle puisse profiter du matelas sans avoir trop chaud, je suis preneuse
Sinon top, impermable, confortable, je recommande.
he one i received did not expand but after a call to the manufacturer a pre-expanded one was shipped to me quickly
Good quality but I think I will end up using it as my fluffy baby did not touch it once since I bought i
Lana loves this bed. Comfy and easy to keep clean. Good depth. She climbs on and can curl up or stretch out.
Delighted with purchase . Our cocker spaniel took to it straight away loves to sprawl out on it. Pricey but so far a worthwhile buy as our dog wrecks his beds .
alors que dire, le produit correspond la description et photos pas de surprise. aussitt dball, aussi vite adopt par le chien qui ne le quitte plus. pour les effets sur l’arthrose, il est vrai qu’elle se lve plus facilement et se met en route plus vite. pour elle je dirai bon investissement.
She prefers it to her normal basket. It’s great but I put a towel on top to keep it clean and save washing the cover.
He has had his bed after an old seventeen year old dog now he has his new one he got on the bed and took to it right away neighbour asked me to order one for her but had to cancel it until she had the correct measurements. which I will order tomorrow. I could not believe how quickly the bed took shape after being rolled up. amazing
Es grande y compacto, el color gris,perfecto para mi decoracin. De momento todo perfecto, quiza demasiado plastico de envoltorio
El colchon es bueno, habr que acostumbrar al perro que se sigue echando en la camita que compr en el chino :-/
The only thing wrong is that it arrived with a split on the base of mattress
I hope this doesn’t get worse as my dog loves i
More then I have previously paid for a dog bed but looks like it should las