Ratkil Rat Poison Bait Blocks 300g Rat Poisoning And Mouse Poison Killer – High Strength Professional Strength Difenacoum Rat Poisoning for Bait Station Refill & Rodent Control

Dimensions: | 23 x 20.2 x 4.5 cm; 320 Grams |
Manufacture: | Ratkil |
Dimensions: | 23 x 20.2 x 4.5 cm; 320 Grams |
Does what it says ……is helping in the never ending fight against rats from next doo
Nothing to dislike
Needed to prevent a possible rodent outbreak, the product stopped this very quickly
I’ve used this method before where you put a box down for rats etc to eat what’s inside.
They have to enter and eat the little brick that’s inside and this poisons them.
I didn’t fancy a trap where you have to empty the contents. The rat just goes into a corner
or nest and dies. The box is made so that birds etc cannot get in.
Worked with in a very short number of days.
The box is supplied with a locking method so that children cannot get in easily.
o more rats does as it said on the box
It took a little while but it worked.
I got frustrated at first as the blocks kept disappearing every day, and thought I was just feeding the rat.
But eventually the blocks stayed and the rat is gone!!!
Had rats in the attic and running within the walls. This got rid of them pretty swiftly.
They seem to be keeping rodents at bay, they do come back eventually though. My neighbour’s hen coop is the other side of our party fence and I believe rodents are always found near hen coops.
Convenient, easy to use.
Did the job got rid of the unwanted guest in our garden within 24 hours.
Do not buy these if you want to get rid of rats!
I’ve had 2 packs of these blocks, the rats seem to like them, in fact they come back for more.. They didn’t even wait for me to leave today when I put the last of them down.
They are definitely not dying, I believe they are inviting friends around for a party!!
I hate using such products but we tried various things to trap mice humanly but didn’t get anywhere, we didn’t realise we were dealing with an adult rat between the walls which was chewing through everything. It did extensive damage to our property and nothing was stopping it. We finally tried this stuff and after a few days the noise stopped and we ripped out the false wall to find the damage the rat had done to the property. As everything else had failed, this was the only thing that actually helped but wear gloves and make sure it is in date before use.
Not sure why I’m meant to give a rating for “flavour”? To be clear I’ve not tasted it, but the rats in the garden seem to devour it. Cant say if it’s working as I still get one or two in the traps, but I’ve not seen any wandering around during the day like they own the place for a while. The joys of a rural existence.
Easy to use and haven’t seen any mice since I used it.
Impressive, a very cheeky rat who liked to eat the bird food. then tried eating the poison. A couple of days later gnawed poison and no rat.
Put this down a few weeks ago and it has still not been touched rats seem to ignore it not impressed really.
During lockdown , restaurants’ closed , saw large rat underneath bird feeder, then hole dug underneath my fence
by my back door. Left bait by hole two days in a row with bites taken out by visiting rats.
Thankfully they did not return !!!
Think it’s a good a deterrent. Since I put the product down not seen one rat. And the blocks are still intact.
Didn’t stay in place very long as they were eaten by passing rats
. I had to open the poison up before they would eat it, but it did the job
After just a few days I didn’t see any signs of rodents. Easy to use, really works. Will buy again.
About a month ago we had a problem with rats in the garden! We back on to a nature reserve so it is probably not surprising. These were particularly large ones and even our dog did not fancy chasing them! We bought these rat blocks and put a few round the garden, away from where the dog could get to them, and we have not seen a rat since. Thank you for helping us to get rid of the rats. I have plenty of blocks left so if the rats dare to come back their days are numbered. Thank you.
Does what it says on the pack….. 1 to the human I will win this battle ratties
I cant believe the difference ,we can sleep now without fear of mice . I went ocd with it occasional movement and gone next day . Only down side is that the stink if one dies and u dont find it . But at least u can look where the smell comes from. Thank you it works
Nothing more to say – couple of days of planting them an voila 🙂 they be dead!
After using for 3 days we have not experienced any more rats in our garden, Very easy to use and fantastic results
I’ve had rats under the garden shed for a while – they’re enormous, sometimes spotted going across the garden towards my neighbour’s compost bin. Finally tried this product. Well the rats certainly love them – I’ve used two packs already, putting three out in the shed every day, and they all disappear. I’ll buy one more packet to see if the rats disappear – I’m hopeful! If this doesn’t work I’ll be asking you all for alternative recommendations.
We have had problems with mice entering our home for a few years now. We have mouse mesh on the vents a plug in detergent and never leave food out! After using traps inside after one visitation when we caught 4 over 4 nights we decided to address the situation on the outside of the house. We positioned 2 bait boxes one near the house and one at the bottom of the garden. It took a few weeks before the one nearest the house was visited then we literally couldn’t keep up with the bait. Now, this has taken since last year so perseverance is the key. Activity has slowed over the last few weeks and we have only had 1 little visitor during the winter. Good luck because it is annoying and unsettling because they don’t mind where they go in your home. We can only do this because we don’t have small children or pets and it was a last resort. Good luck.
My rats couldn’t get enough of this for 4 or 5 days after which they disappeared! I guess it works!
Rat nest discovered under garden shed 6 weeks ago. Rat food and bait box purchased immediately and put out the next day. Rat food stopped being eaten 7 days ago. Looking like this treatments works. Remaining vigilant.
We’ve suffered rodents in the house for many years and this has to be the fastest acting stuff I’ve ever stumbled over. Spending on traps and other humane ways was a waste as the critters who enter our abode are just too clever for that. So sadly, we had to take this approach. We’ve done it before with pellets, but this latest infestation didn’t even sniff at those so I purchased these. Five days later after having a few of these around were they nibbled and one has almost completely gone. House is a lot quieter now and no humans are jumping as a result of a fast moving creature, food going missing or cables being destroyed. Hands down, best thing money spent all year as we now have our house back.
This product is brilliant will buy again, had a few rats running around the garden watch them for a while to see were they run and when I received this item I put down were they had been and not seen them for a few days after they ate all of them will buy again if I see them
Having a smallholding with horses goats chickens and ducks, we do have a lot of rats. I have bought quite a lot of this product, and I think we are beginning to get on top of the problem. It is clean and easy to administer.
Took a couple of days for them to be taken put 4 out at first then ive been putting 2 out at a time and still being taken so bought some more today until they dont get taken anymore
Spotted some mice in the garden, especially around bird feeders, but failed to fine/destroy nest so after week resorted to ratkil.
The mice were visible at intervals throughout the day, so put the blocks around these locations.
Next morning the bait had been disturbed and to confirm saw on mouse dragging a larger piece into more cover.
After 24hrs only two glimpses, one of a rather slow mouse with young. After 48hrs no sign, well pleased.
Also see much more bird activity again.
I placed blocks in the ‘nibble packaging’ and cut open and broken up into smaller pieces.
This produce worked a treat, well for me if not the mice.
Bought all the rest of the items, massive traps which ratty understood. Put this down for 3 nights – 4th night – no more rat.
Used in bait boxes as per instructions alongside the granules. Appeared to be welcome fodder for the rats who have disappeared within about 10 days. Thank goodness.
Did the job and saw the buggers off.
Annoying as they come from a neighbours house.
Whom are not very clean .
This has been our worst year ever for mice. This is the only thing that seems to work. I’m not a big fan of poisons but this works
Takes a long time to be rid of these little vermi
Exactly as described and pictured, thank you. We did have to take the cubes out of the individual packets for the bait to be taken but then they were gone within 24 hours!
So I researched lots of products before going for this one we had a mice/rat issue in our loft and a storage area above our kitchen so I bought a pouch with ten blocks in and placed 3 in the loft and one near the storage area I just left them wrapped and didn’t use a station my idea being let them take the whole thing to their nest that night all 4 went I added one more to the storage area that went as well 3 days later the house was quiet again its now been 5 days and still its silent so this product in my opinion is spot on and does the job really quickly
We’ve had a few rats in the garden during lockdown and they were getting bolder. Put it out for a few days and it all went very quickly. We left it for a week then put some more down – which is still there – and no signs of rats anymore. Seems to have worked very well.
Got these for my mum who had a rat in her house. She has pets so this was good because it fit into small holes and places the animals can’t get to. Killed the rat in a few days and no further issues. Would buy agai
Being individually packaged within the main pack is a little fiddly and not a great use of single use plastic. On the plus side the rats really like it far over and above the other product I have put dow
Very easy to use , the rats take it away I presume to their nest.
Someone has told me it takes about 1 week to kill the rats. Just put one or two blocks out they will then take it to their nest but you will still see the rats out for a further few days as it is a slow procedure .
We put 2 blocks out both were taken sometime during the night we then saw the rats for a few more days after that but now they have’nt been seen for two days running so I presume they have died
I bought these ultrasonic pest repellents because there was this mouse that just wouldn’t go away, however I would still hear it from time to time. I bought these and the problem disappeared in 3 days, honestly brilliant!
This stuff was amazing. I tried loads of things from rat boxes to the glue pads.. I had three large rats running around in broad day light without a care in the world.. I saw them running off with this stuff in their mouth. They were chomping it down.. a week later.. nothing! It’s now been three weeks and we’ve had no airings!
Easy product where you just place poison in the areas where rats appear.
We had one critter who decided to move in to a cupboard, with his suitcase and reading glasses. Absolutely not, said i, but he ignored me and proceeded to dance the night away.
So having had success with similar ‘snacks’ years ago we decided to try again, and shoved a couple down and around a small hole we suspected was the visitor’s front door.
Little by little over the next 2 days they disappeared, and then it all went quiet.
Nothing has been seen or heard since, and I took the opportunity to fill in the hole after throwing down a few extra bits.
Obviously I can’t guarantee that it was the bait, or if the critter left of his own free will. Whatever it was, any further sign and I will use this bait immediately.
Definitely worth trying.
I hope you find this review helpful, thanks for reading.
I took the blocks out of their covering without touching then put under sink in the floor . I had heard scratching in roof for about a week and found Rat droppings on top of closed cooker freaked out
I’ve used 2 blocks a night for 2 nights and they have been taken every night . Tonight nothing has been taken so I’m hoping for the bes
Easy and clean to use but remains uneaten as yet.
Update after 24 hours: poison now taken so apparent success! We will wait and see.
A mouse has escaped in our kitchen from one of the rubbish bags while I was moving the bag to the front of our house.. I’ve tried mouse traps, peanut butter, fat to catch him, but nothing has worked. We’ve ordered this product to give it a try. I stepped on the little bags to break the poison into stripes and that is how I placed it in different areas out of reach in the kitchen. First morning the bait was completely gone.. I think he ate at least 3 bags of bait.. in the evening the mouse has gone inside the walls and started scratching. It sort of gave him power. Next morning the bait was gone again but it untill evening there was no sign of him any more, no scratching, and the bait was still in its place..after a week I found the mouse dead.. the product is really good but it needs some time 1-2days to kill the mouse. It does not kill him straight away.
Well haven’t seen the rat anymore at the bird feeder in my garden. Felt really guilty using this but not risking them getting into my home as this one was far from shy . Just placed this near where the rat was seen and the rat and bate had gone .
All that remains to be seen is if they actually start disappearing.
Anyone know how much is required to kill a rat?
Update 1
48 hours in – 6 of the cubes have been fully demolished – so I clearly still have rats. Putting them out 2 at a time. Seemingly, this either kills very slowly or a LOT is required to get the job done or I have many more rats than I thought?
We have a bad mice problem, we have used one pack of these blocks already and I have just ordered another bag. I was sceptical at first but they have eaten every block we have put down! Hoping we have gotten rid of them now but ordering more just incase!
Would recommend.
Perfect product for my needs.
Had a bit of an issue with a family that came in from the neighbours side wanting food put down for wild birds.
Within a week no sign of them apart from one body.
And no sign since.
Seems cruel but as they say where there’s one there’s more
I used a bait box and placed in the hole they burrowed in through so no birds harmed.
Not cheap but clearly worked and cheaper than getting in professional vermin company
After putting product down, in 2 days all eating and no more signs of mice
Due to close by building work had witnessed few rats in garden. Ordered this hid behind pot plants where my dog couldn’t reach and actually watched the rats come and carry stuff away. Have not seen any since. Dead or alive. The left over blocks are being knawed away so assuming it’s now mice
I popped a bait box in the pantry and one up in the loft. The loft one hasn’t been touched as the picture shows but the one in the pantry has clearly been a hot spot. I know the mice are in the loft but clearly they’re not seeking out the bait, just happening across it so I would suggest you need to know exactly where the rodents are for this to work. I’m still aware the problem exists as I can still hear them but hopefully it won’t be too much longer before our problem is solved. Sad to have to use this method and would have much preferred a humane solution but clearly this is getting more hits than the humane methods. I suppose time will tell if the bait does the job completely.
Good product.
Easy to use product and does the job it says…
Had something walking inside the walls, was 100% sure it’s a mouse when noticed ripped flour. Ordered the killer, placed it in few spots, had to wait for a few days. Not sure if it was the killer that done it, but found 2 mice dead yesterday, so something has worked
We had a rat that kept visiting the garage. I just placed these blocks as they are on the floor in easy site so I could monitor them. At first I was starting to think I was just feeding the the rat a new tasty treat as every morning it was gone and being replaced by another… the 4th block has been untouched for 2 days now so I’m guessing it’s worked!
Can’t fault after filling holes with expanding foam and putting this product down after 2 days of poison going missing to check this moring prison is till there and no sign of mice or droppings very happy will keep checking up on the poison to make sure
Very good product! Very eficient! I do want to mention that after you setup the bait, it will take up to 5-7 day for the rat or rats to die. And another thing that i did was to take the bait out of their own sacks and coat them with a bit of cheese or peanut butter and then putting the bait near the rats walking path
The mice where taking them and loving life! this is the longest they have stayed indoors with us! 🙁
Bought Ratkil, broke up 1 of the blocks into 5 pieces, placed around the usual runways. The next evening. Said mouse is dead, no more scratching, no more mice! Best one by far! (I do believe in mixing it up as they become immune!) This stuff must be like rocket fuel… Recommend!
Worked within a week of me throwing these blocks into the attic space however the smell was unbearable for a few weeks but saved me a lot of money by having to call out pest control. Not had any issues since.
Had mice in my house so decided to by this item from amazon, I set it out as bait as soon as I got it delivered, the mice did not touch it for the first day but on day 2 they couldn’t get enough of it. by day 4 the bait wasn’t touched and I have not heard any mice so I’m guessing it has worked.
I’ve been asked for a review, but I dint think I actually did have any nice. Nothing seemed to be caught, there were no droppings st all. But I was hearing noises which have gone. So if there was a creature, it’s gone. But no body!
Oh yes the little pests certainly got a good breakfast . Not sure how long it takes them to die but haven’t read the packe
Did the job. I put down two lots of this over a 2 week period and rats all gone.
I’ll defo be using again when they return.
New breed of rats now don’t eat this….back to the drawing board. It did work first time I used it though so 4 stars.
Good luck!
Ideal when you don’t want to spread rat poison around ,only problem is rodents can pick it up and take it away unless nailed to wood .
They don’t clean there garden and unfortunately they now have Rat’s and Mice.
Our houses are joined and we found and heard rat’s and mice in the attic.
We bought this and my cousin came round and put in the attic as unfortunately I am unable to get in to the attic, but he has found holes in the wall between our houses in the attic and he is going to fix them soon.
He placed all the bag down in the attic in different spots and after 2 days we didn’t hear anything anymore, my cousin came back and found that all the blocks, apart from 2 have gone, no sign of them.
Very happy that these appear to have worked and if needed again in the future we will happily purchase these again.
Had 2 bags .Placed them down the 3 holes so that I could just see them
In a couple of days the empty plastic was outside on the patio
Continued replacing plastic package and after about 8 days no sign of any large rats on camera
o kill rats I am on my 2nd pack does appear to have worked
On the 4th night, I then saw on the camera I had 2 visitors ! I’ve laid down electric traps, humane capture traps, snap traps, sticky pads, the whole lot. By the next morning, I killed 1 in a snap trap and there was no sign of the other. He seems to have disappeared down the pipe, with no return. I can only guess the poison causing him to die somewhere in the pipe or outside. taking apart our cupboards and looking for evidence elsewhere I can see red droppings everywhere ( the poison blocks are red) so he’s been having a right old feast for a few days.
All in all, they did the job but took some time. They are also of an odd shape, quite large and hard rather then the pasta type ones we have previously had success with. I think they are better suited as a preventative, in a bait box outside, before the problem has gotten into the home.
It took a while to work, hence the 4 stars. Once the mice started nibbling the block it worked
Finally I decided to buy this poison plus. Peppermint. I mixed the peppermint with water and sprayed it throughout the entire house. Then, I put a piece of poison in each room and went to bed.
The next morning I woke up to a dirty stench. Nothing like I had smelt before. I checked the poison in my room and large piece had been eaten. I assume it was the mice had died.
Well… it’s been 3 days. No sign of em! I haven’t seen any droppings. No mice. Nothing.
I really wish I had saved my money on all those stupid traps and just bought this poison in the first place. Killed them off in just ONE single night.
From now on, I’m just using poison. It’s quick and easy. All over the internet it says the stench stays for week. This isn’t what I found. The smell went away in just one day, and was bareable as I sprayed the place with peppermint oil.
As seen by the reviews this is a great product and does the trick so easy. No set up. No having to lay bait. Just check one piece in each room and wake up to a mice free home the next day.
I’ve got pieces to spare. So the next time mice enter my home they’ll be dead in a night .
This is a multi feed bait, you put it down and check it after a week or so, replacing any consumed blocks – eventually lots of rats have taken enough bait to kill them all. No multi feed bait will give instant overnight results, give this a chance and it will eliminate the entire infestation rather than just a single critte
I have also install some cameras within the out shed and caught 2 or three walking around before i tried out this product , but as of the last couple of days can not see any and they have eaten the poison.
First class product at a good price .
Thanks from a Happy Custome