RIDGID 57043 Power Spin with AUTOFEED, Maxcore Drain Cleaner Cable, and Bulb Drain Auger to Remove Drain Clogs

Power Spin+ K-45 Sink Machine
Power Source Manual – Drill Adaptable (not included) 3.2 Amp, 120V Universal Motor
Drain Line Capacity 1/2-Inch to 1-1/2-Inch 1-1/4-Inch to 2-Inch
Cable Type 25-Foot MAXCORE 25-Foot Inner Core
2-Piece Twist Lock Canister
Interchangeable Drum

Dimensions: 25.4 x 15.24 x 20.32 cm; 2.48 Kilograms
Model: 57043
Manufacture: RIDGID
Origin: Mexico

149 Responses

  1. Sreya D says:


    Per sbloccare le tubaziomo con delle curve si deve usare prodotti e cavi di ferro a mano ,ci sono anche pistole a pressione ma quelle fanno tornare dietro l’acqua se il tappo molto duro,rovinando la cucina.

    Dopo aver comprato il solo cavo ho deciso di fare questa spesa a livello professionale per non spendere molti pi soldi nei prodotti chimici.

    Per sbloccare una tubazione consiglio :
    Acqua e bicarbonato e dopo 30 secondi aceto.
    E aiutarsi con questo cavo per disostruzione velocemente .

    Unico problema l’inserto per l”avvitatore , in plastica e tondo ,si puo spezzare facilmente e potrebbe scivolare durante la rotazione .

  2. Anonymous says:


    Comodo e pratico sturatubi da utilizzare anche montando il trapano, buon materiale. Consiglio.

  3. CharisAultman says:


    L’attrezzo funziona, mi ha risolto un problema di intasamento annoso che non sembrava risolversi con tutti gli altri attrezzi (non professionali) e metodi utilizzati. La critica maggiore rivolta al prezzo: l’utilizzo senza avvitatore , francamente, improponibile e considerando che l’oggetto non altro che un filo d’acciaio avvolto dentro un guscio con mipugnatura, credo che 80 euro sia un prezzo totalmente esagerato (non discuto la qualit dei materiali ma oltre al ferro non c’ davvero null’altro!). Considerando che un avvitatore da prezzo costa sui 20 euro, credo che avrebbero potuto tranquillamente aggiungere all’oggetto un motore a batteria che lo facesse funzionare giustificando cos il prezzo!

  4. WhitneyDFER says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBought this as an outdoor roof drain had become plugged. Attached easily to my drill, set on low speed and had probably come close to reaching the length limit when all the standing water started to drain. Retracted with ease and the drain has been clog free ever since, probably close to 6 months now. This is a great product!

  5. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersTired of paying for a plumber a couple times a year to plunge/snake my sink. Thought I’d try it myself. I’m a female and 78 years old, and even I could handle this product. Most difficult task was removing the sink pop-up mechanism under the sink as the cabinet doors are quite narrow. If this isn’t removed, the snake tip won’t fit into the drain. I took it very slowly and jiggled it around to make it through the p-trap angles and into the wall. Cleared the blockage the first time with about 6′ of line. Then, I poured several buckets of very warm water down the drain. Maybe I was lucky, but it worked for me!

  6. Anonymous says:


    Mon bouchon tait trop bas. Le furet est trop petit (c’est comme un tire bouchon) pour dboucher un conduit de 100 mm. Conviendra pour du 40 mm pas plus… J’ai dbouch au karcher avec l’emboue qui serpente.

  7. Anonymous says:


    My downstairs toilet started to back up last September. The plumber (for $500) used a snake and identified that there were fresh Willow tree roots in the pipe. The toilet would work but I would have to use a plunger every few days. So last October, I cut the main willow tree root that was running along the house foundation, and cut down the tree. I also applied “RootX” root killer in November, and now this month (April), I used this snake tool to remove those roots. Such an amazing tool! Easy to use and all of those roots that were dead easily broke away and came up with the snake! I used a cordless drill which made it even easier. I would give this tool a 10 out of five if only I could. Excellent!

    My downstairs toilet started to back up last September. The plumber (for $500) used a snake and identified that there were fresh Willow tree roots in the pipe. The toilet would work but I would have to use a plunger every few days. So last October, I cut the main willow tree root that was running along the house foundation, and cut down the tree. I also applied "RootX" root killer in November, and now this month (April), I used this snake tool to remove those roots. Such an amazing tool! Easy to use and all of those roots that were dead easily broke away and came up with the snake! I used a cordless drill which made it even easier. I would give this tool a 10 out of five if only I could. Excellent!

  8. Anonymous says:


    Unfortunately it didn’t clear my drain problem, and was very messy.
    Most likely due to fittings it could not navigate around.
    Actually, Drano Max fixed the problem.
    It has broken up years of build up.
    Don’t flush fats down your drain, and if you do, run hot water for at least 3 minutes afterwards.
    Learned my lesson.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersOur Master Bath toilet clogs from time to time. Not sure why.

    I used a 25′ manual snake, and it never worked by hand unless I painstaking feed it inch by inch. Then connect a battery operated drill, and issue resolved.

    Enter the Rigid drain cleaner.
    * The trigger feeds the snake only when you pull the trigger.
    * If you want to pause, you can release the handle (not fully), and just run the drill as fast as you dare (instructions say not more than 500 RPM).
    * Need to reverse for short bit because it didn’t feed right? Reverse the drill to pick up the slack.
    – Put back to normal drill (forward) mode, and continue feeding.
    * I’ve used this 2 times now, and both times it was a LOT quicker than the manual method. It was a lot cleaner. And I didn’t manage to splash a bunch of water on the floor.
    When done? Reverse drill, pull back to casing. Put it into the sturdy cardboard box until it’s needed again.

    I did need to get a pumice stone, as it does leave metal marks on the white toilet. In my opinion? Small price to pay. As this is recurring on an irregular basis, it’s a good overall solution. And much cheaper than calling a plumber.

    I do wish that the drill receptacle/rod was 3 sided (or 6 sided), as the drill chuck sometimes comes loose.

    Overall great prices for value!

  10. Erin Lawrence says:


    Es una gran herramienta para solucionar atascos que se resisten. Los materiales se ven de calidad y la herramienta funciona bastante bien. La gua que lleva es lo suficientemente gruesa para poder avanzar por las tuberas sin engancharse demasiado en los codos y el gancho del extremo tiene un dimetro entre bueno y suficiente.
    Por contra esos tan tiles metros de gua la convierten en una herramienta pesada y quizs no la mas cmoda para usar con una mano (recomiendo usarla junto a una atornilladora elctrica). Y como otro punto negativo a comentar estara la unin de la gua con el tambor, vale la pena como han reseado otros usuarios extender al completo la gua y marcar con cinta adhesiva cuando llegamos al extremo d esta. Ya que debido a que la unin es mediante presin y no con algn tipo de sinfin, si intentamos extenderla con ella ya extrada al mximo, romperemos la unin entre esta y el tambor.

    Teniendo esos detalles en cuenta la herramienta funciona muy bie

  11. CodyYahvvd says:


    Ayant essay presque tous les moyens pour dboucher mon vier.
    Finalement je me suis rabatu sur un accessoire que j’avais autrefois essay sans succs, la faute une utilisation errone (ou tait-ce un appareil mal conu)
    Sur cet appareil il y a une gchette pour avance/ retrait automatique. Je ne me souviens pas avoir eu a sur mon autre appareil. Avec cette fonction, c’est super efficace et au final, a a dbouch un problme qui nous pourrissais la vie depuis plus d’un an. Les autres moyens: pompes, filain, poudres et liquides pour dboucher. Cristaux de soude, bicarbonate de soude, eau chaude, vinaigre, bref tout Youtube y est pass 😀
    Cet accesoire a solutionn le problme mme sans avoir eu y adjoindre une foreuse lectrique

  12. RoseannC64 says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBought for a clogged shower drain. Easy to operate without a drill. Pay attention to how you are winding it up after use. If you kink or bend the snake, the tool will be unusable.

  13. DesmondWhittake says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI had a partially clogged drain that would fill up after 30 seconds. The stoppage was way past the p-trap, so there was no use in even trying Drano (which is a pretty caustic thing to use). I hooked this thing up to my drill and went to work. I never really did feel any real obstruction, so the clog must have been pretty soft. After a couple of minutes, I’d run out of cable. I turned the water on (to help clean any gunk off the cable), and reversed my drill to rewind. The whole thing took maybe five minutes. Drain is working fine now, and if I didn’t get all the clog this time, I know it will be easy enough to go back in.

    I took the snake outside, pulled out the cable, wipes it with shop towels, and then rubbed WD-40 all over it to help prevent rust.

    Remember to set your drill setting to 1 (0-400 rpms), and set the torque to a high number. I started out at a low number and the drill chuck kept slipping on the snake shaft. With the right settings, the only tricky thing is threading the snake spiral end into the little opening at the bottom of the drain basket assembly.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Nel mio caso ho evitato di chiamare l’auto spurgo con risparmio notevole di tempo e denaro.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Took a couple of goes but did the job! Hard to know how far down it’s gone. Would be amazing if it had some kind of measure on the side to indicate how much cable has been sent out. I entered the pipe from under the sink so I could send it in at a good angle. Pipes under the sink are easy to do/undoe by hand. Worked great with a drill on 1st gear on the drill, as 2nd gear is a bit too wild and was worried about breaking the auger. I really wouldn’t want to be winding this in/out by hand….I would say a drill is essential unless you have very strong arms, strong core, and high levels of endurance and patience. With a drill you can keep the augur in a really strong position like holding a gun can handle recoil when firing, with this you can put all your strength forwards to push through any blockages, bends etc. Got this one used for 20 less and works great. Keeping in case of future blockages 🙂


  16. Anonymous says:


    Molto comodo da usare essendo lungo 7 metri

  17. Anonymous says:


    Klappt wunderbar. Besser als ich dachte. Da macht man nichts Falsches. Kannste in Ruhe kaufen.

  18. babalisme says:


    Ich reinige damit d(etwas problematischen) Abflu von Sple und Geschirrsplmaschine – funktioniert sehr gut!

  19. EmiliaGtudgq says:


    Robustezza e versatilit la fanno da padroni il massimo dell’ efficacia utilizzarlo con l’avvitatore. Secondo me da migliorare la leva che fa avanzare la molla di pulitura, essendo delle stesse dimensioni dell’impugnatura si tende ad avanzare invece di rimanere in quella posizione per raschiare. In realt questo articolo eccezionale in pochi minuti fai un gran lavoro, impareggiabile da realizzare per qualsiasi liquido stura scarichi.

  20. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo prodotto. Ti permette di usarlo da solo, cosa non scontata per questo tipo di utensile.
    La RIDGID sempre una garanzia anche se costa il doppio degli altri.
    Per uso hobbystico potete tranquillamente puntare su prodotti che costano 50 euro in meno

  21. Julie Hasson says:


    Don’t be to aggressive or it will bind and kink. best with rechargeable drill. keep RPMs down.

  22. Dover Express says:


    J’ai utilis ce furet et son avance autofeed est trs utile. Lors de prcdent essai avec des furets basiques la multitude de coude de ma canalisation bloquait ceux-ci. J’ai donc russi dboucher ma canalisation avec quand mme l’aide d’une perceuse qui rend la tche beaucoup plus simple pour la rotation du tambour. Pour la solidit il a tenu le choc le cble n’est pas tordu, a voir dans le temps lors de futurs essai. Je recommande cet article.

  23. Anonymous says:


    Sempre avuto difficolt nello sturare i tubi di scarico di casa per via di un impianto fatto malissimo con curve a 90 gradi manco fosse un circuito di formula uno! Ho provato ogni soluzione: cavi in acciaio, sonde ,molle manuali, ma essendo queste curve molto distanti dall’imbocco del tubo non facevano nessuna forza per sturare l’ingorgo. Ho voluto provare questo articolo invogliato dalle altre recensioni e devo dire che stata la svolta! Niente pi mani nell’acqua o tagli sanguinanti per spingere il cavo in profondit. Il cavo cammina in scioltezza, curve a 90 gradi come fosse niente e il fatto che abbia la punta a spirale rotante aiuta a rompere anche quei fastidiosi ammassi di calcare detersivo e varie schifezze che si formano. Tutto ci ovviamente a patto che venga usato col trapano avvitatore. Manualmente non vi azzardate nemmeno. La manovella poco pi che una appendice ornamentale. Diventa scomodo ed estremamente difficoltoso.
    Qualit costruttiva: mi sembra decente. Sempre plastica ma sembra di buona qualit. Si pu anche aprire l’alloggio del cavo per pulire e/ o sistemare il cavo stesso.
    Ingegnoso il sistema per fare avanzare e ritrarre il cavo ( con tre rotelle di metallo che si stringono attorno alla spirale del cavo a mo di apriscatole). Spero vivamente che quello duri, perch la comodit vera sta tutta li.
    Non giudico il prezzo perche non ho termini di paragone, ma in alcuni casi come il mio il fine giustifica i mezzi e il prezzo.
    Giudizio complessivo: Approvato e consigliato!

  24. Daniel Cooper says:


    Het fijne van dit apparaat is dat je in n keer door kan, inknijpen, boormachine forward. Terug halen, inknijpen, reverse.
    En voila, water afvoer heeft weer doorgang.
    In mijn geval is het 1x per jaar preventief nodig met de veer aan de gang te gaan.
    Dus je haalt de loodgieters kosten dik en dun eruit!

  25. FernandoDacomb says:


    Wie immer kann man als Hobbyhandwerker damit ein Problem selbst versuchen
    Zu lsen.

  26. MckinleLorenzin says:


    Dieses Gert hat die Verstopfung unserer Rohrleitung nach wenigen Minuten gelst. Die Bedienung ist einfach und auch die Verschmutzung bei Gebrauch hlt sich in Grenzen. Es ist robust und von daher empfehlenswert.

  27. leahdizonhavi says:


    Robusto, ben fatto. In pochissimo tempo ho stappato il tubo intasato.

  28. NoeMallory says:


    Lichtgewicht, kwalitatief goed en doet wat het beloofd. Zeer handig in combinatie met een deugdelijke accuboormachine voor afvoeren t/m 40mm. De rioolveer draait zichzelf zo door de verstopte afvoer met autofeed. Daarna alles eenvoudig opbergen in de koker. Dit was de eerste keer dat ik ook helemaal schoon ben gebleven. Ik heb er heel wat gehad en gehuurd, maar deze is de handigste die ik heb gebruikt. Het kost wat maar dan heb je wel wat.

  29. LenardEdgar says:


    Funktioniert gut Die Kurbel ist etwas instabil ( war auch beim ersten Gert defekt).
    Die Aufnahme fr den Akku Schrauber knnte Kanten haben ist aber Rund.
    Trotz alledem zu empfehlen!!

  30. Anonymous says:


    Der Abfluss in der kche war verstopft hab mir das teil bestellt, und ich muss sagen das hat echt gut funktioniert. Hab es zuerst mint reiner Muskelkraft probiert das war ein reinfall, aber dan mit dem Akkuschrauber hats geklappt…

  31. MaggieGibson says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Briliant tool, working like a charm, pipes are clean, good job

  32. Carolyn says:

     United Kingdom

    Briliant tool, working like a charm, pipes are clean, good job

  33. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersJe vous passe les dtails, ce truc dbouch ma baignoire en 10 minutes alors qu’elle trempait dans des dbouchants depuis 2 jours et malgr avoir jou de la ventouse pendant 4 heures sur ces deux jours, ce bouchon de ses morts ne voulait rien savoir. Il m’a suffit de pousser avec a et le cauchemar tait termin.

    Dieu bnisse Amazon prime, je n’aurai pas tenu un jour de plus sans hygine (en plus a puait la javel dans tout l’appart)


    PS : l’ensemble est relativement lourd, faites vous aider, un qui pousse le furet, l’autre qui tourne.

  34. [email protected] Charlotta Gronberg says:


    Bedienung mit Handkurbel etwas mhsam, mit Bohrmaschine luft es perfekt.

    Hab damit mein 5,6 cm Rohr gereinigt.

  35. Sharyn04Psknti says:


    Efficace sopratutto per tubazioni lunghe. Un p scomoda l’impugnatura per consentire il rientro della molla, ma collegato ad un trapano con velocit regolabile molto efficace, ho risolto un bel problema di intasamento. Consigliato.

  36. MauriceIJA says:


    ist etwas unhandlich und schwer und beim aufwickeln sehr schwergnig

  37. Anonymous says:


    Muy prctico, resolv el problema de tapones de inmediato, de fcil manejo.

  38. Anonymous says:


    Htte nie gedacht, dass diese 6mm Spirale durch meine Abflussrohre von der Sple bis ca. 4 m auch durch winklige Abknickungen geht. (Mit Drehbewegung per Bohrmaschine). Mit dnnere Spiralen per Handdrehung war kein Durchkommen.

  39. CarlotaD56 says:


    Avevo problemi di scarico del lavandino della cucina probabilmente legati ai depositi del detersivo utilizzato con la lavastoviglie e al tubo di scarico con pendenza inadeguata. Ogni 5 anni mi trovavo a chiamare una ditta di spurghi con una spesa di 250 euro. Chiamati 3 mesi fa hanno utilizzato una stasatrice a secco con una spesa di 150 euro e oggi avevo di nuovo lo scarico occluso. Non immaginavo che utilizzando questo attrezzo facile da usare in una mezzoretta avrei risolto il problema. Come gia’ detto da altri l’uso di un trapano/avvitatore e’ direi indispensabile in quanto l’uso manuale e’ oltremodo faticoso e difficoltoso. Comunque visti i risultati sono felice di averlo acquistato.

  40. Thomas Garvey says:


    In unserem Waschbeckenabflussrohr konnte ich nach 3 Versuchen die Verstopfung beseitigen.
    Ich habe dazu den Siphon abgeschraubt und die 25 Fu bzw 7.5m die Spirale aus- und eingefahren, dann den Siphon angeschraubt und immer wieder heies Wasser mit Sthli laufen lassen um zu prfen ob die Verstopfung weg war.
    Der Bohrmaschinen-Antrieb war dazu Gold wert – sonst htte ich mich zu Tode gekurbelt.
    Das Spiralgehuse nimmt die verschmutzte Spirale auch wieder auf – sonst wre alles schmutzig geworden. Hebel am Griff gezogen halten, dann kann man die Spirale im Uhrzeigersinn ausfahren und gegen den Uhrzeigersinn wieder einfahren.
    Hebel nicht drcken – dann kann man manuell die Spirale aus dem Spiralgehuse ziehen oder wieder hereinschieben oder einfach nur die Spirale drehen lassen.

  41. Anonymous says:


    Das Gert ist robust aufgebaut und seinen Preis sicher wert. Die Produktbilder zeigen auch, dass bei einem Waschbecken etwa der Syphon vorher abgebaut werden muss. Der Text jedoch erwhnt auch Duschablufe”, aber zumindest an unserer flachen Duschkabine kommt gleich nach dem Abfluss ein enger 90Grad Winkel im Rohr, dass da in die Waagerechte geht. Der Draht des Gerts kommt um so eine Ecke nicht ohne Gewalt.
    Einen Stern Abzug wegen des Textes, der Rest geht natrlich auf meine Kappe, weil falscher Anwendungsbereich.

  42. MarianaFrb says:


    Lo usamos para desatascar el fregadero y fue genial, recomendamos con taladro, manual es muy pesado.

  43. Anonymous says:


    2 Abflussrohre verstopft (Badewannenabfluss, Waschbecken- Abflussrohr)
    Beide Male nach kurzer Zeit die Verstopfung beseitigt
    Die Ursache (Haare und Waschrckstnde) konnte im Reinigungskopf nachgewiesen werden
    In der Vergangenheit schon verschiedene Methoden angewandt
    Diese Reinigungsspirale (mit eigener Bohrmaschine) ist bisher die mit Abstand effektivste und effizienteste Reinigungsmethode und im Vergleich zu einem beauftragten Reinigungsdienst preiswe

  44. DannieWanliss says:


    Da anni lottavo con lo scarico del lavandino, circa 5,5 metri di tubo sottodimensionato e dotato di poca pendenza. Una volta ogni due anni mi rivolgevo a una ditta specializzata in spurghi, con il risultato di avere lo scarico perfettamente funzionante al costo “modico” di 250,00 euro iva esclusa (trovandomi per di pi il piano inferiore dell’appartamento, dov’ la cucina, in stato simil-palude). Con la spesa di 82,00 euro (e il trapano-avvitatore gi in mio possesso) ho risulto ogni problema. Attenzione: la sonda flessibile supera agevolmente anche curve a gomito con estrema facilit. Consiglio tuttavia di togliere la manovella e utilizzare un trapano-avvitatore a batteria (18 volt). Meno faticoso e decisamente pi rapido. Contentissimo!

  45. Anonymous says:


    Molto robusto e facile da usare.
    Un po pesante, dovuto al materiale.
    Ho liberato subito scarico ostruito

  46. Annette says:


    Wer billig kauft, kauft 2 mal. Habe davor gnstigere Spiralen und Reiniger gekauft ohne Effekt. Diese Spirale ist das non plus Ultra. Ihr spart euch euer Leben lang den Kanalreiniger !!

    Lieber einmal bisschen mehr Geld in die Hand genommen als alle paar Monate irgend einen Mist mit Druckluft oder Granulat.

    Unbedingte Empfehlung!

    1A nie wieder was anderes

  47. Anonymous says:


    Tut was es soll. Hatten vor 2 und 4 Jahren schon mal eine Verstopfung im Kchenabfluss da die Rohre wohl sehr verwinkelt sind sagte der Angestellte der Firma damals. Da kam noch die Firma. Da uns das aber zu teuer ist alle 2 Jahre jemanden zu holen haben wir einfach mal das ausprobiert. Und das Rohr ist wieder frei. Das tolle ist ja das man Bohrmaschine anschlieen kann. Mit der Hand kurbelt man sich nut tot.

  48. Anonymous says:


    Desatascador de muy buena eficacia. Muy pesado y muy caro. Por lo dems est muy bien hecho y con buen material. Su gran eficacia y comodidad es usarlo con taladro.

  49. Anonymous says:


    stabiles Gert, hat bei mir auch prima mit einem 50er Rohr funktioniert.
    Saubere Lsung, es wird durch die linksdrehende Spirale kaum Dreck zurckgeholt. Wenn man einen Abzweig davor baut, kann man durch vorsichtige Splung direkt das Ergebnis sehen 😉