RIOROO Swimming Goggles, Swim Goggles for Adult Men Women Youth No Leaking Anti-fog UV Protection, Anti-glare Swim Goggles,for Triathlon Swim Goggles Other Summer Sports
RIOROO Swimming Goggles No Leaking Anti Fog UV Protection Swim Goggles Soft Silicone Nose Bridge for Men, Women
Eine richtig gute Brille. Ich kann zwar nicht sagen, dass ich schon viele Brillen ausprobiert habe aber DIESE gefllt mir richtig gut. Sie sieht stylisch aus, ist bequem und dieser Verschluss am Hinterkopf ist einfach genial. Besonders gut fr Leute mit lngeren Haaren.
Ich finde diese Schwimmbrille hervorragend: sitzt bequem, die Sicht ist perfekt und bis jetzt gab es kein Beschlagen. Wenn das so bleibt, bin ich sehr zufrieden. Toll im Doppelpack.
Meine Frau ist Zufrieden. Sie halten sehr gut und es kommt bei ihr so gut wie kein Wasser durch. Die Glser sind auch UV geschtzt. Und zwei fr den Preis ist wirklich in Ordnung. Wei nicht, was wir noch schreiben knnen. Sie ist halt sehr Zufrieden und beide passen gut, auch bei lngeren Haaren. Bislang alles Okay.
These come in a pack of 2 swimming goggles. They are anti fog and do not leak. I got them for my boys to use during the summer break because they attend swimming regularly. They are comfortable and can be easily adjusted. Each comes with a case to store and great quality and value.
An manchen Stellen sind sie dennoch nicht so akkurat verarbeitet, ansonsten machen Sie was sie sollen.
Nun aber muss man bei der Beschichtung etwas aufpassen. Chlor -oder Swasser ist kein Problem, Salzwasser ist allerdings ein Killer fr die Beschichtung. Ich spreche aus Erfahrung und muss sagen, dass Salzkristalle austrocknen und die Beschichtung zerkratzen und anschlieend Stck fr Stck auflsen.
Das ist ein langsamer Prozess dennoch wenn man nicht aufpasst, kann der Prozess beschleunigt werden.
Ich finde die Brille sehr gut und kann die echt empfehlen. So fr unterwegs wenn man nicht viel mitnehmen mchte, nehmen die nicht viel Platz im Koffer weg wie die groen Vollgesichtsmasken, somit perfekt fr unterwegs.
C’est la premire fois que j’achte des lunettes de piscine, sans pouvoir comparer avec d’autres modles je trouve que le confort et l’tanchit sont trs bons !
Die Brille sieht Hammer aus und sitzt Bombenfest. Im Freibad wird man nicht von der Sonne geblendet und die Saugfhigkeit ist einwandfrei. Bekomme berhaupt kein Wasser in die Augen. Es zwickt auch nirgends und man kann alles einstellen. Bin sehr zufrieden.
Bellissimi occhialini da nuoto,regalati a mio figlio e provati subito al mare!! Oltre che belli sono super funzionali,custodia bellissima. Consiglio l’acquisto
Die Schwimmbrillen passen sehr gut, ich finde den Verschluss sehr gut gelst da dann die Brille beim abnehmen im Wasser nicht weh tut. Die Brillen sind gespiegelt und haben einen UV Schutz. Sie gefallen mir echt gut und ich kann sie nur jedem Empfehlen. Sie gibt es in verschiedenen Farben. die Gummis halten dicht und es kommt kein Wasser in die Augen, auerdem drckt sie nicht wirklich auf die Augen man kann sie angenehm fr den Sport nehmen.
Picked these up to replace an old pair that had broke & actually found these to be a lot more comfortable than the other set i used to wear.
I personally used them at a indoor pool but these would be perfect if you were thinking about wearing goggles either at the beach, at an outside pool or other outside water sports as they also offer UV protection.
On the whole they did work out a couple pounds more expensive than my last pair but that being said just to have a set of goggles that’s more comfortable to wear that didn’t leave me with massive goggle marks after my swim was a massive bonus, after a 1hour swim i did have a very slight mark around my eyes but nothing compared to my old set, it just feels like an all round better more comfortable fit.
They also come in a protective case which was nice as it saves them from getting scratched up when not in used however they are a polycarbonate lens, which is meant to have strong impact resistance, strong scratch resistance & also prevent chipping so they should last a long time & withstand a decent amount of wear & tear.
After using these a coupe of times we have since picked up some of the child size goggles for my little niece as well as she’s currently going to a swim club & she absolutely loves them as they are so much easier to put on with the clip on the back vs the standard straps.
Plus come in lot of cool colours & styles over other brands so she got to pick out the ones she liked the most.
Absolut zufrieden! Das mit dem ffnen hinten ist zu Beginn ungewohnt aber praktisch. Guter Sitz und angenehm zu tragen. Engt nicht ein und ist dicht. Der Nasensteg passt sich gut an. Irgendwann beschlgt jede Brille…. Aber sie hlt gut her…
These 2 pairs of goggles comes in a hadd plastic storage case. I’ve got the set blue&aqua.
Are very easy to adjust, confortable to wear and has antifog lenses for a clear vision.
The strap is not pulling the hair and is made anti-slip.
The goggles are well made, looks high quality and worth the money.
Came very well packaged and fast delivery.
I would highly recommend.
These swimming goggles are really good under the sun and there’s no glare. It is comfortable and easy to fit. However I did find that it fog up in the water really quickly. Perhaps it doesn’t do well with Sun cream on my face?! Otherwise good goggles
These swimming goggles are perfect for both men and women. These particular ones are pink for so perfect for girls.
They come in a case to protect them from damaging. They’re really easy to clip on and clip off using just one button. You can see very clearly through them and they are very comfortable on the nose and on the eyes.
The strap of the goggles can be adjusted to fit your head size. They come in lots of different colours and at 13.99 they are they are quite strong and will last a long time.
Box of 2 adult swimming goggles
Comes in carry case
Lenses have UV shield and anti fog
One pair of goggles is blue with a blue tinted clear lens, the other pair is black with a two tone mirrored lense
The strap has a fast pursure buckle and quick adjustment making it easy to put on/remove
Comes with instruction manual with picture diagrams
Ideal for club swimmers or to use at public swimming sessions
Excellent quality
Good value for money
Would highly recommend
They each come in a box. Cool design. They have an excellent fit, relying primarily on silicone rings for water resistance, and come with a soft silicone headband and lens gasket that fits snugly in the eye sockets.
The lens is not pure transparent color, there is a faint color, but it does not affect the vision.
There is enough space between the glasses and the nose that I don’t feel the nose squeeze.
These are one of the better swimming goggles that I’ve tried recently as most goggles fog up after a while, or, they are just uncomfortable to wear. These goggles are different, they fit around your head nicely and somehow manage a watertight seal around your eyes without your eyeballs feeling like they are being sucked out.
Overall, a decent pair of goggles that does its job very well.
Die Schwimmbrille ist relativ breit und meine Sorge war, dass sie an den Rndern Wasser rein lt; nicht so denn die Dichtung, die Gummilippen um die Glser sind schn breit und sehr weich; schlieen sauber ab. Man merkt sofort den Unterdruck der erzeugt wird.
Praktisch auch der Verschlu Klick-Verschlu am Hinterkopf. Die Brille kommt mit einer tollen Aufbewahrungsbox.
This is a great value 2 pack of googles. They are stylish and each design differs. They both come with secure boxes for storage to stop scratching and damage.
The straps are sioft but effective and very comfy to wear. They fit snuggly around the eyes and create a nice seal without being over tight.
Everyone who has tried these say they are great especially for the price!
Recemond them to any fan of swimming!
Two pairs of swimming goggles in their own cases for 21.99!? Good value for money?….absolutely.
These are great swimming goggles that do the simple things well
– They don’t leak
– They are comfortable
– They don’t fog up
– They give you good clear panoramic vision
We’ve all had those goggles that you have to ratchet to your head to stop them leaking – they’re not comfortable to wear and they end up in the bin. This is the first set of goggles that actually do what I expected of them so they get 5 stars from me.
They even come in their own plastic cases to prevent scratches and have a quick release strap – nice!
Die Schwimmbrille sitzt sehr gut und ist absolut dicht. Zeitweise beschlgt die Brille immer mal wieder, hier habe ich noch nicht genau die Ursache gefunden. Denn zeitweise kann man sehr lange Zeit schwimmen, ohne dass die Brille beschlgt.
Bequem, Dicht und schaut auch noch gut aus … was will man mehr!? Dazu noch zwei Stck in einem Set … das sollte nicht nur einen Saison reichen.
The swimming goggles arrived in a hard plastic storage case, to open the case fully rotate the end and lift the top clear cover, the storage case has holes in the bottom for water and drying out after use.
The googles are well made and fit comfortable around my eyes and nose, they form a fantastic seal even at a low pressure around the band, the band has a quick release button that is great for putting them on and taking them off, no more hair pulling with these, the band is anti slip and is easily adjustable.
The lenses are made from polycarbonate and offer UV protection, anti fog and excellent vision.
Overall, Excellent pair of swimming goggles that are suitable for most conditions, I really like the black colour combination, thank you.
Both very good quality and comes with protective case.
These are good fit and click to open, no more hurting the hair while putting on.
Both are comfy when on and easy to adjust fittings.
The usual anti fog and UV protection, seems to working well.
Price would be more competitive at 10 each.
One for indoor pool, the other for lido or outdoor pool
A good wide angle of visibility and no fogging makes these gogs well worth considering. And for me, the all black ‘look’ is a real plus! The rear adjusting strap is good too – less fiddly than the side adjusters, and although it looks like it might be uncomfortable on the back of the head, I didn’t notice.
These two pairs of goggles are well-made and solid. The oversized rubber seals are comfortable and leakproof, so they are fine to wear all day. It is easy to adjust for size with the soft, chunky rubber headband — once adjusted, it stays in place by means of the rubber grooves in the adjuster. There was plenty of room for my head, which is larger than average. I was pleased with the quick release clips on the rear.
There is a good field of vision, with very little distortion.
The pairs I received for review were blue and aqua; the lenses have different finishes, giving you a good choice.
Great value to get two pairs for a little over 20.
Die Schwimmbrillen sind wirklich gut. Die Passform ist hervorragend, zumindest fr einen Erwachsenen (oder Jugendlichen). Fr Kinder ist sie nicht geeignet. Meinem 11-jhriger Sohn waren die Brillen leider zu gro, besonders der Abstand zwischen den Augen. Aber dafr sind sie laut Beschreibung auch nicht vorgesehen, ich wollte damit nur deutlich machen, dass diese Angabe auch stimmt.
Am besten gefllt mir der Verschluss am Hinterkopf. Das Auf- und Absetzen der Brille ist damit sehr einfach, und man muss sie sich nicht ber den Kopf ziehen. Einmal passend eingestellt, hlt sich diese Einstellung auch hervorragend. Die Antibeschlag-Funktion ist soweit auch absolut in Ordnung. Zwar kam irgendwann dann doch noch etwas Beschlag in die Brille, aber es hat deutlich lnger gedauert, bis die Brille komplett beschlagen war, als ich es von meinen frheren Brillen kannte.
Die Optik gefllt mir auch sehr gut, vor allem der Spiegeleffekt bei der dunkleren Brille ist wirklich schn.
Die Verarbeitung insgesamt ist echt Top, und bewahrt man die Brille zwischen der Benutzung immer schn in der Brillenbox auf, dann hat man auch lange Freude daran. So sollten Kratzer auch kein Problem werden.
Ein tolles Set aus zwei schnen und hochwertigen Schwimmbrillen, deshalb ist der Preis auch absolut gerechtfertigt. Kaufempfehlung 🙂
I finally got round to testing these in the pool last night.
Top line summary: The goggles fitted really well and are VERY comfortable to wear – both around the head and on the eyes. There was no leakage or fogging – this was with 30 minutes in the pool.
They fit around the eyes very well and I didn’t get any suction issues, such as feeling like my eye balls being sucked out that I have come across with some other goggles.
Looking through the googles, the view above/out of water is clear and not too dark; the view when under the water, then my view was very blurred (out of focus). Yes I wear reading glasses, however my existing goggles are flatter and I do get clear vision under water.
HOWEVER, I will now be using these goggles as they are so comfortable (and I don’t really need to see clearly underwater in the pool )
The case is actually a really nice, well designed case and the goggles fit well and are easy to put them in the case.
At the 13.99 (at the time of review), I would say that is good value – they fitted well and were VERY comfortable, both around the head and one the eyes. They did blur my vision underwater, but that may be just my eyes and I will still be using these are my pool goggles
Pack of two swimming goggles one blue and one black with mirror lenses anti fog and anti glare. These are comfortable the strap holds well at the back of your head and the lenses are away from your eyes which feels better and not full on in your eye line. They come in really nice hard plastic cases that twist at one end to release the goggles and gives good protection.
Wow, sitzt diese Schwimmbrille gut! Die Gummierung merkt man kaum und fhlt sich auf der Haut butterweich an.
Sie ist absolut dicht sowohl beim schwimmen als auch beim toben im Wasser.
Die Augen sind beim Design “helle rose” nur gerade eben erkennbar.
Der Verschluss funktioniert zwar einwandfrei, nutze ich aber dennoch nicht. Falls die Haare sich mal hoffnungslos verfangen haben, dann knnte der Verschluss sehr hilfreich sein.
Auch das Einstellen der Bnder ist problemlos und hlt durch eine doppelte Sicherung – einmal am Verschluss und einmal mittels zustzlicher se am Band.
hese are great, comfy on, once you get the elastic set it’s a simple case of clicking the button on the back of your head to release. The rubber seals around the eyes is wider than others I’ve used in the past making these very comfy and they seal really well. and the wide angle of view other good unrestricted viewing. can’t fault these, best googles I’ve ever used plus they come in a fantastic protective case. As long as the rubber lasts well with sea water, I see the lasting years of use
I swim fairly regularly and always use goggles.
These look nice. I’ve the aqua blue and the metallic colour is nice. Thr goggles themselves are good. Most goggles are close to the face from the screen front. These have a secondary seal that sit on the face. I actually like it as it it is more comfortable. I’m sure if you were in the olympics you may lose half a second with a touch more water resistance but for normal people it’s just better!
The case is also good once you get used to the twist mechanism but that is
Top line, these look nice and work well.
These are good qyality, better than the ones I bought at the local pool a few weeks ago. The anti fog works well on the lenses. The rubber band for around your head is thick, strong but quite soft so they’re comfortable to wear. No leakages when swimming underwate
Gerade bei langen Haaren ist es oft schwierig die Brille (wenn sie eng eingestellt ist) ber den Kopf zu ziehen. Das geht mit diesem Klick Verschluss natrlich deutlich einfacher! Auch das Design und die Funktion berzeugen. Da meine Kinder oft die Schwimmbrillen irgendwo liegen lassen, habe ich mich gleich fr das gnstigere 2er Set entschieden.
RIOROO Swimming Goggles.
Now i’m no expert when it comes to swimming goggles but in the past i’ve had some really bad ones and some quite expensive ones much more expensive than these ones and ive got to say that these are the best i’ve ever used they are super lightweight nice wide lenses fit really snug you can also pull them over your head or fasten them at the back with the little snap clasp which I think is awesome. Goggles are super comfortable I’ve never had anything so good before and the fact you get two pairs is absolutely awesome and a bargin to boot wish i had, had these years ago.
Both googles vome with their own quality protective case.
Eine richtig gute Brille. Ich kann zwar nicht sagen, dass ich schon viele Brillen ausprobiert habe aber DIESE gefllt mir richtig gut. Sie sieht stylisch aus, ist bequem und dieser Verschluss am Hinterkopf ist einfach genial. Besonders gut fr Leute mit lngeren Haaren.
Ich finde diese Schwimmbrille hervorragend: sitzt bequem, die Sicht ist perfekt und bis jetzt gab es kein Beschlagen. Wenn das so bleibt, bin ich sehr zufrieden. Toll im Doppelpack.
Meine Frau ist Zufrieden. Sie halten sehr gut und es kommt bei ihr so gut wie kein Wasser durch. Die Glser sind auch UV geschtzt. Und zwei fr den Preis ist wirklich in Ordnung. Wei nicht, was wir noch schreiben knnen. Sie ist halt sehr Zufrieden und beide passen gut, auch bei lngeren Haaren. Bislang alles Okay.
Tragen sich sehr gut. Der Verschluss ist top. Ein Stern Abzug, weil sie nach ein paar Lngen anlaufen.
These come in a pack of 2 swimming goggles. They are anti fog and do not leak. I got them for my boys to use during the summer break because they attend swimming regularly. They are comfortable and can be easily adjusted. Each comes with a case to store and great quality and value.
Very nice box and high quality swimming goggles. Very comfortable and sleek design.
Gute Brille zum fairen Preis!
An manchen Stellen sind sie dennoch nicht so akkurat verarbeitet, ansonsten machen Sie was sie sollen.
Nun aber muss man bei der Beschichtung etwas aufpassen. Chlor -oder Swasser ist kein Problem, Salzwasser ist allerdings ein Killer fr die Beschichtung. Ich spreche aus Erfahrung und muss sagen, dass Salzkristalle austrocknen und die Beschichtung zerkratzen und anschlieend Stck fr Stck auflsen.
Das ist ein langsamer Prozess dennoch wenn man nicht aufpasst, kann der Prozess beschleunigt werden.
Ich finde die Brille sehr gut und kann die echt empfehlen. So fr unterwegs wenn man nicht viel mitnehmen mchte, nehmen die nicht viel Platz im Koffer weg wie die groen Vollgesichtsmasken, somit perfekt fr unterwegs.
C’est la premire fois que j’achte des lunettes de piscine, sans pouvoir comparer avec d’autres modles je trouve que le confort et l’tanchit sont trs bons !
Die Brille sieht Hammer aus und sitzt Bombenfest. Im Freibad wird man nicht von der Sonne geblendet und die Saugfhigkeit ist einwandfrei. Bekomme berhaupt kein Wasser in die Augen. Es zwickt auch nirgends und man kann alles einstellen. Bin sehr zufrieden.
Bellissimi occhialini da nuoto,regalati a mio figlio e provati subito al mare!! Oltre che belli sono super funzionali,custodia bellissima. Consiglio l’acquisto
Die Schwimmbrillen passen sehr gut, ich finde den Verschluss sehr gut gelst da dann die Brille beim abnehmen im Wasser nicht weh tut. Die Brillen sind gespiegelt und haben einen UV Schutz. Sie gefallen mir echt gut und ich kann sie nur jedem Empfehlen. Sie gibt es in verschiedenen Farben. die Gummis halten dicht und es kommt kein Wasser in die Augen, auerdem drckt sie nicht wirklich auf die Augen man kann sie angenehm fr den Sport nehmen.
Picked these up to replace an old pair that had broke & actually found these to be a lot more comfortable than the other set i used to wear.
I personally used them at a indoor pool but these would be perfect if you were thinking about wearing goggles either at the beach, at an outside pool or other outside water sports as they also offer UV protection.
On the whole they did work out a couple pounds more expensive than my last pair but that being said just to have a set of goggles that’s more comfortable to wear that didn’t leave me with massive goggle marks after my swim was a massive bonus, after a 1hour swim i did have a very slight mark around my eyes but nothing compared to my old set, it just feels like an all round better more comfortable fit.
They also come in a protective case which was nice as it saves them from getting scratched up when not in used however they are a polycarbonate lens, which is meant to have strong impact resistance, strong scratch resistance & also prevent chipping so they should last a long time & withstand a decent amount of wear & tear.
After using these a coupe of times we have since picked up some of the child size goggles for my little niece as well as she’s currently going to a swim club & she absolutely loves them as they are so much easier to put on with the clip on the back vs the standard straps.
Plus come in lot of cool colours & styles over other brands so she got to pick out the ones she liked the most.
Absolut zufrieden! Das mit dem ffnen hinten ist zu Beginn ungewohnt aber praktisch. Guter Sitz und angenehm zu tragen. Engt nicht ein und ist dicht. Der Nasensteg passt sich gut an. Irgendwann beschlgt jede Brille…. Aber sie hlt gut her…
These 2 pairs of goggles comes in a hadd plastic storage case. I’ve got the set blue&aqua.
Are very easy to adjust, confortable to wear and has antifog lenses for a clear vision.
The strap is not pulling the hair and is made anti-slip.
The goggles are well made, looks high quality and worth the money.
Came very well packaged and fast delivery.
I would highly recommend.
These swimming goggles are really good under the sun and there’s no glare. It is comfortable and easy to fit. However I did find that it fog up in the water really quickly. Perhaps it doesn’t do well with Sun cream on my face?! Otherwise good goggles
These swimming goggles are perfect for both men and women. These particular ones are pink for so perfect for girls.
They come in a case to protect them from damaging. They’re really easy to clip on and clip off using just one button. You can see very clearly through them and they are very comfortable on the nose and on the eyes.
The strap of the goggles can be adjusted to fit your head size. They come in lots of different colours and at 13.99 they are they are quite strong and will last a long time.
Super Brille. Perfekt fr den Schwimmbadbesuch, wenn man mal paar Bahnen drehen will!
Box of 2 adult swimming goggles
Comes in carry case
Lenses have UV shield and anti fog
One pair of goggles is blue with a blue tinted clear lens, the other pair is black with a two tone mirrored lense
The strap has a fast pursure buckle and quick adjustment making it easy to put on/remove
Comes with instruction manual with picture diagrams
Ideal for club swimmers or to use at public swimming sessions
Excellent quality
Good value for money
Would highly recommend
They each come in a box. Cool design. They have an excellent fit, relying primarily on silicone rings for water resistance, and come with a soft silicone headband and lens gasket that fits snugly in the eye sockets.
The lens is not pure transparent color, there is a faint color, but it does not affect the vision.
There is enough space between the glasses and the nose that I don’t feel the nose squeeze.
These are one of the better swimming goggles that I’ve tried recently as most goggles fog up after a while, or, they are just uncomfortable to wear. These goggles are different, they fit around your head nicely and somehow manage a watertight seal around your eyes without your eyeballs feeling like they are being sucked out.
Overall, a decent pair of goggles that does its job very well.
Die Schwimmbrille ist relativ breit und meine Sorge war, dass sie an den Rndern Wasser rein lt; nicht so denn die Dichtung, die Gummilippen um die Glser sind schn breit und sehr weich; schlieen sauber ab. Man merkt sofort den Unterdruck der erzeugt wird.
Praktisch auch der Verschlu Klick-Verschlu am Hinterkopf. Die Brille kommt mit einer tollen Aufbewahrungsbox.
This is a great value 2 pack of googles. They are stylish and each design differs. They both come with secure boxes for storage to stop scratching and damage.
The straps are sioft but effective and very comfy to wear. They fit snuggly around the eyes and create a nice seal without being over tight.
Everyone who has tried these say they are great especially for the price!
Recemond them to any fan of swimming!
Two pairs of swimming goggles in their own cases for 21.99!? Good value for money?….absolutely.
These are great swimming goggles that do the simple things well
– They don’t leak
– They are comfortable
– They don’t fog up
– They give you good clear panoramic vision
We’ve all had those goggles that you have to ratchet to your head to stop them leaking – they’re not comfortable to wear and they end up in the bin. This is the first set of goggles that actually do what I expected of them so they get 5 stars from me.
They even come in their own plastic cases to prevent scratches and have a quick release strap – nice!
Will be coming to Florida with me in October.
Die Schwimmbrille sitzt sehr gut und ist absolut dicht. Zeitweise beschlgt die Brille immer mal wieder, hier habe ich noch nicht genau die Ursache gefunden. Denn zeitweise kann man sehr lange Zeit schwimmen, ohne dass die Brille beschlgt.
Bequem, Dicht und schaut auch noch gut aus … was will man mehr!? Dazu noch zwei Stck in einem Set … das sollte nicht nur einen Saison reichen.
The swimming goggles arrived in a hard plastic storage case, to open the case fully rotate the end and lift the top clear cover, the storage case has holes in the bottom for water and drying out after use.
The googles are well made and fit comfortable around my eyes and nose, they form a fantastic seal even at a low pressure around the band, the band has a quick release button that is great for putting them on and taking them off, no more hair pulling with these, the band is anti slip and is easily adjustable.
The lenses are made from polycarbonate and offer UV protection, anti fog and excellent vision.
Overall, Excellent pair of swimming goggles that are suitable for most conditions, I really like the black colour combination, thank you.
Both very good quality and comes with protective case.
These are good fit and click to open, no more hurting the hair while putting on.
Both are comfy when on and easy to adjust fittings.
The usual anti fog and UV protection, seems to working well.
Price would be more competitive at 10 each.
A good wide angle of visibility and no fogging makes these gogs well worth considering. And for me, the all black ‘look’ is a real plus! The rear adjusting strap is good too – less fiddly than the side adjusters, and although it looks like it might be uncomfortable on the back of the head, I didn’t notice.
These two pairs of goggles are well-made and solid. The oversized rubber seals are comfortable and leakproof, so they are fine to wear all day. It is easy to adjust for size with the soft, chunky rubber headband — once adjusted, it stays in place by means of the rubber grooves in the adjuster. There was plenty of room for my head, which is larger than average. I was pleased with the quick release clips on the rear.
There is a good field of vision, with very little distortion.
The pairs I received for review were blue and aqua; the lenses have different finishes, giving you a good choice.
Great value to get two pairs for a little over 20.
Die Schwimmbrillen sind wirklich gut. Die Passform ist hervorragend, zumindest fr einen Erwachsenen (oder Jugendlichen). Fr Kinder ist sie nicht geeignet. Meinem 11-jhriger Sohn waren die Brillen leider zu gro, besonders der Abstand zwischen den Augen. Aber dafr sind sie laut Beschreibung auch nicht vorgesehen, ich wollte damit nur deutlich machen, dass diese Angabe auch stimmt.
Am besten gefllt mir der Verschluss am Hinterkopf. Das Auf- und Absetzen der Brille ist damit sehr einfach, und man muss sie sich nicht ber den Kopf ziehen. Einmal passend eingestellt, hlt sich diese Einstellung auch hervorragend. Die Antibeschlag-Funktion ist soweit auch absolut in Ordnung. Zwar kam irgendwann dann doch noch etwas Beschlag in die Brille, aber es hat deutlich lnger gedauert, bis die Brille komplett beschlagen war, als ich es von meinen frheren Brillen kannte.
Die Optik gefllt mir auch sehr gut, vor allem der Spiegeleffekt bei der dunkleren Brille ist wirklich schn.
Die Verarbeitung insgesamt ist echt Top, und bewahrt man die Brille zwischen der Benutzung immer schn in der Brillenbox auf, dann hat man auch lange Freude daran. So sollten Kratzer auch kein Problem werden.
Ein tolles Set aus zwei schnen und hochwertigen Schwimmbrillen, deshalb ist der Preis auch absolut gerechtfertigt. Kaufempfehlung 🙂
I finally got round to testing these in the pool last night.
Top line summary: The goggles fitted really well and are VERY comfortable to wear – both around the head and on the eyes. There was no leakage or fogging – this was with 30 minutes in the pool.
They fit around the eyes very well and I didn’t get any suction issues, such as feeling like my eye balls being sucked out that I have come across with some other goggles.
Looking through the googles, the view above/out of water is clear and not too dark; the view when under the water, then my view was very blurred (out of focus). Yes I wear reading glasses, however my existing goggles are flatter and I do get clear vision under water.
HOWEVER, I will now be using these goggles as they are so comfortable (and I don’t really need to see clearly underwater in the pool )
The case is actually a really nice, well designed case and the goggles fit well and are easy to put them in the case.
At the 13.99 (at the time of review), I would say that is good value – they fitted well and were VERY comfortable, both around the head and one the eyes. They did blur my vision underwater, but that may be just my eyes and I will still be using these are my pool goggles
An easy 5 imho.
Pack of two swimming goggles one blue and one black with mirror lenses anti fog and anti glare. These are comfortable the strap holds well at the back of your head and the lenses are away from your eyes which feels better and not full on in your eye line. They come in really nice hard plastic cases that twist at one end to release the goggles and gives good protection.
Wow, sitzt diese Schwimmbrille gut! Die Gummierung merkt man kaum und fhlt sich auf der Haut butterweich an.
Sie ist absolut dicht sowohl beim schwimmen als auch beim toben im Wasser.
Die Augen sind beim Design “helle rose” nur gerade eben erkennbar.
Der Verschluss funktioniert zwar einwandfrei, nutze ich aber dennoch nicht. Falls die Haare sich mal hoffnungslos verfangen haben, dann knnte der Verschluss sehr hilfreich sein.
Auch das Einstellen der Bnder ist problemlos und hlt durch eine doppelte Sicherung – einmal am Verschluss und einmal mittels zustzlicher se am Band.
hese are great, comfy on, once you get the elastic set it’s a simple case of clicking the button on the back of your head to release. The rubber seals around the eyes is wider than others I’ve used in the past making these very comfy and they seal really well. and the wide angle of view other good unrestricted viewing. can’t fault these, best googles I’ve ever used plus they come in a fantastic protective case. As long as the rubber lasts well with sea water, I see the lasting years of use
hope my review helped
I swim fairly regularly and always use goggles.
These look nice. I’ve the aqua blue and the metallic colour is nice. Thr goggles themselves are good. Most goggles are close to the face from the screen front. These have a secondary seal that sit on the face. I actually like it as it it is more comfortable. I’m sure if you were in the olympics you may lose half a second with a touch more water resistance but for normal people it’s just better!
The case is also good once you get used to the twist mechanism but that is
Top line, these look nice and work well.
These are good qyality, better than the ones I bought at the local pool a few weeks ago. The anti fog works well on the lenses. The rubber band for around your head is thick, strong but quite soft so they’re comfortable to wear. No leakages when swimming underwate
Gerade bei langen Haaren ist es oft schwierig die Brille (wenn sie eng eingestellt ist) ber den Kopf zu ziehen. Das geht mit diesem Klick Verschluss natrlich deutlich einfacher! Auch das Design und die Funktion berzeugen. Da meine Kinder oft die Schwimmbrillen irgendwo liegen lassen, habe ich mich gleich fr das gnstigere 2er Set entschieden.
My daughter is a very competitive swimmer and so she can never have too many pairs of goggles. These are good quality and a good fit.
RIOROO Swimming Goggles.
Now i’m no expert when it comes to swimming goggles but in the past i’ve had some really bad ones and some quite expensive ones much more expensive than these ones and ive got to say that these are the best i’ve ever used they are super lightweight nice wide lenses fit really snug you can also pull them over your head or fasten them at the back with the little snap clasp which I think is awesome. Goggles are super comfortable I’ve never had anything so good before and the fact you get two pairs is absolutely awesome and a bargin to boot wish i had, had these years ago.
Both googles vome with their own quality protective case.