Ryobi R18I-0 ONE+ Inflator, 18 V (Body Only) – Hyper Green

ONE+ Explained.
With an 18V ONE+ battery you can power 100+ tools for the home and garden, giving you the ultimate in versatility and selection to get the job done.
Start your ONE+ collection with a great value Starter Kit (includes battery, charger and tool), and save money by only buying the additional ‘body only’ tools that you need.
Ryobi R18I-0 18V ONE+ Cordless Inflator (Body Only)
The R18I-0 dual function inflator/deflator provides high pressure inflation for tyres and high volume for inflatables. The R18I-0 is ideal for inflating car tyres, air beds, or sports equipment.
- Dual function inflator/deflator provides high pressure inflation for tires and high volume for inflatables
- Easy to use controls allow automatic shut off at any pressure you choose and there is a digital pressure readout for accurate inflation
- Connect the hose to a separate port for deflation mode – ideal for packing down air beds or other inflatables
- Convenient switch for high and low pressure selection
- All of the hoses, nozzles and adaptors needed are stored on-board for your convenience
Features and Benefits
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Dual FunctionProvides high pressure inflation for tires and high volume for inflatables. | Easy to UseEasy to use controls allow automatic shut off at any pressure you choose and there is a digital pressure readout for accurate inflation. | High and Low Pressure SelectionConvenient switch for high and low pressure selection. | On-Board StorageAll of the hoses, nozzles and adaptors needed are stored on-board for your convenience. |
Part of the ONE+ System
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Bare UnitThis tool is sold as a bare unit (without a battery and charger) to save you money. | Part of the ONE+ SystemPower all Ryobi ONE+ tools for the home and garden with the same Lithium+ battery. | ONE+ InnovationWe’ve been developing the ONE+ System for over 20 years. |
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Battery RecommendationWe recommend using a 2.5Ah battery or higher with this tool. | Charger RecommendationWe recommend using the 18V ONE+ Compact Charger with a 2.5Ah battery. | UTB02Ryobi Small Tool Bag. | UTB04Ryobi Medium Tool Bag. |
Weight: | 1.8 kg |
Dimensions: | 26.7 x 169 x 200 cm; 1.8 Kilograms |
Model: | R18I-0 |
Manufacture: | Ryobi |
Rapport qualit prix excellent pour du RYOBI
Il suffit d’afficher la pression de gonflage dsire et le gonflage s’arrte au bon moment en tenant compte de la perte de pression lorsque l’on dconnecte le gonfleur
Bonne autonomie avec une batterie de 4Ah
Fr das was der Kompressor verspricht ist er in Ordnung. Das Kaufentscheidene war, das ich bereits mehrere Gerte von Ryobi habe.Der Luftschlauch fr den Niederdruckbereich ist sehr billig und wird wahrscheinlich nicht lange halten. Ansonsten ist der Kompressor sehr gut.
Der Preis bei Amazon war leider zu teuer, 15 gnstiger htte ich den Kompressor im Toom kaufen knnen.
Der kleine “Pusteknecht” hat bei uns schon richtig arbeiten mssen: 4,5bar Transporterreifen (alle vier nacheinander), Rollbrettreifen mit 4 Bar, Auspusten, Luftmatratze aufblasen … macht er alles einwandfrei.
Die Druckabschaltung (programmierbarer Enddruck) funktioniert nicht GANZ so, wie ich das gerne htte: Es wird zunchst etwas berdruck aufgebaut, dann “wartet” das System auf Absinken des Drucks, bleibt der Druck stehen, wird abgeschaltet. Allerdings pumpt das System beim Warten noch weiter. Man sollte daher eher 0,5bar weniger einstellen, als man haben will, und den Rest bei Bedarf manuell betreuen (das ist aber nur relevant, wenn man – wie wir – groe Transporterreifen “ohne Aufsicht” aufpumpt. Die Anfhrungszeichen sind mit Bedacht gesetzt.)
LAUT ist das Ding, klar, der Minidruckbehlter will ja quasi nonstop befllt werden.
Aber dafr, dass ein einziger 4A-Akku “ewig” hlt, ist das System SUPER BEQUEM, weil sehr leicht, sehr transportabel und sehr flexibel.
Der kleine Kompressor von Ryobi ist sehr vielseitig einsetzbar. Was mir besonders gefallen hat, ist die Druckvoreinstellung, z.B. kann man das Objekt, welches auf einen Sollwert aufgepumpt werden soll, diesen Sollwert vorgeben und nach erreichen schaltes das Gert automatisch ab. Das Gert ist auch sehr leicht und handlich zu transportieren. ich habe das Gert phne Akku und Ladegert gekauft, da ich bereits ber dieses zubehr verfge.
Que ce soit pour gonfler les pneus, les ballons ou les matelas pneumatiques, il fait le job.
La fonction dgonflage des matelas est pratique galement.
Seul bmol, le tuyau de gonflage des matelas est trs fragile, manipuler avec grande prcaution !
Due to illness I wanted an inflator that was easy to use and accurate, this fitted the bill on both counts.
The unit is well made and will last.
Adapters are supplied for inflating other items ie Inflatables, footballs etc.
The inbuilt gauge is accurate as I have checked it myself with a quality tyre gauge.
Due to illness I wanted an inflator that was easy to use and accurate, this fitted the bill on both counts.
The unit is well made and will last.
Adapters are supplied for inflating other items ie Inflatables, footballs etc.
The inbuilt gauge is accurate as I have checked it myself with a quality tyre gauge.
Aillant une crevaison, je voulais pouvoir rparer provisoirement ma roue mais malheureusement on m’a apparement mis deux coups de couteaux sur le flan, je suis bon pour changer la paire.
L’engin fait quand mme le boulot sans problme et j’en suis trs content.
Super handy for inflating tyres to a decent PSI, as well as SUPs and anything else you can inflate. Ideal to store locally, and the versatility to inflate tyres with a mobile unit is massive.
This thing is bloody amazing, I topped up the tyres on my motorhome after it had been sat for months, all four in less than 15 mins.
Really easy to use just set the pressure and sit back, it stops when it reaches the desired pressure.
Used it on my car and on my mountain bike. Not tried it with an airbed. All good so far.
Bin Bissl Entuscht, dauert alles irre lange und sehr laut..
Just what I wanted, easy to use and seems to be very accurate.
Trs bien fait, pratique et performant.
Sauf le tuyaux du souffleur ne semble pas du tout rsistant.
Generally the quality is good, but the sticker with the directions and serial number has already peeler off. The foam feet also are not very robust, I expect them to peel off shortly.
Also if a tyre is overinflated it won’t let air out to the desired pressure like some competitors.
Generally the quality is good, but the sticker with the directions and serial number has already peeler off. The foam feet also are not very robust, I expect them to peel off shortly.
Also if a tyre is overinflated it won’t let air out to the desired pressure like some competitors.
alors une trs bonne exprience super produit. de taille trs raisonnable pratique pour le cote batterie tant dj utilisateur ryobi. pour lespenux de la voiture et les vlos aucun problme par contre pour les jouets de plage ts efficace car il possde de cotes. cote matelas donc pression moi forte mais gros volume et autre grosse pression.
je le trouve pratique mais pour une grosse jou les personnes le trouvent bruyant. pour mon cas deux minutes d’utilisation, donc le bruit contenu mais les gens la plage mme a 20 m sont mcontentes mais nous devons supporte leurs musique bref vous avez compris. un trs bon produit je recommande
All my tools are yellow, dewalt, I occasionally need a pump dewalt is very expensive for how much it would be used. I bought this one and a battery adapter for the dewalt battery and voila. (Adapter ASIN B07QKG8LT5)
I used it for blowing up airbed, bike tyres, car tyres, versatile. It has a suction part as well, not that powerful though as it only works with the fan motor not the piston, the piston for high pressure i.e. car tyre.
I am very happy with it.
All my tools are yellow, dewalt, I occasionally need a pump dewalt is very expensive for how much it would be used. I bought this one and a battery adapter for the dewalt battery and voila. (Adapter ASIN B07QKG8LT5)
I used it for blowing up airbed, bike tyres, car tyres, versatile. It has a suction part as well, not that powerful though as it only works with the fan motor not the piston, the piston for high pressure i.e. car tyre.
I am very happy with it.
Dieser Kompressor besteht aus einer Niederdruckpumpe, mit welcher ein hoher Luftdurchsatz pro Zeit erzielt wird (fr Luftmatratzen und Co) und einer Hochdruckpumpe. Alle Adapter sind am Gert befestigt, so dass man nicht lange suchen muss. Er hat eine gute Pumpleistung – selbst die Niederdruckpumpe schafft es ein Schlauchboot oder die Luftmatratze straff aufzupumpen. Bei der Hochdruckpumpe (bis 10 bar), muss man nur den bentigten Druck einstellen und danach arbeitet das Gert automatisch bis es diesen Druck erreicht hat. Der Kompressor ist insgesamt leichter als gedacht und auch die Geruschentwicklung ist akzeptabel. Durch die Akkulsung ist man unabhngig vom Stromnetz. Wer eine flexible Lsung fr verschiedene Anwendungen mit nur einem Gert sucht, kann hier bedenkenklos zugreifen.
I’ve got lots of the Ryobi tools and this has been the Best Buy ever! Works well and especially with a 5 amp battery. Brilliant.
Two years ago I’d bought a Ryobi combi drill and I recently noticed that it came with two 4AH One batteries, which had gone flying over my head previously.
So the Ryobi was the obvious choice as a ‘bare’ tool and I haven’t been disappointed. I’ve three cars and this unit has topped up all the tyres in no time at all. It’s light, connects easily and the controls are simple. Whilst it doesn’t have preset pressures, I don’t see this as a disadvantage as I need to set the required target pressure dynamically and it would be an unnecessary refinement. A lager LCD screen would be good, but not vital.
My need will only be to maintain tyre pressures and for that this unit is ideal. And I don’t think buyers should expect to use this compressor on a regular basis to inflate tyres from flat – it’s only for light duty.
Great little item. Pumps up the air beds in no time, and pumps up the sports balls to the required psi and cut out.
It’s so much easier setting this up to the required pressure and leaving it for a minute to pump up the tyre, rather than faffing with 12v socket wires, or sitting watching a vibrating needle to land in roughly the right place.
I’m using it weekly on our slow punctured tyre.
It’s so much easier setting this up to the required pressure and leaving it for a minute to pump up the tyre, rather than faffing with 12v socket wires, or sitting watching a vibrating needle to land in roughly the right place.
I’m using it weekly on our slow punctured tyre.
Hatte nach einer alternative zu den gngigen SUP Pumpen gesucht und hiermit eine adquate Lsung gefunden, die auch noch fr andere Alltagssituationen nutzbar ist.
Schafft ein SUP bis 15 PSI in ca. 24 Minuten. Der 4.0 Ah Akku zeigte danach noch 2/4 Balken.
Wichtig, dafr bentigt man einen Schrade Ventil Adapter.
Beim Blle aufpumpen war ich zuletzt nicht so zufrieden. Durch die Ballnadel wird dem Gert scheinbar ein zu hoher Druck suggeriert und er stellte ab, bevor der Ball aufgepumpt war.
Bisher zufrieden. Entspricht weitesgehend meiner Erwartung.
fr luftmadratzen top. fr Reifen spinnt es etwas Rum. man hat angeblich die Bar zahlen erreicht obwohl noch kaum drck drauf ist, auf dem Reifen. fr Luftmatratze ist auch dauerluft fr zb Autoreifen leider nein. muss man mit den Knpfen hin und her spielen. fr mal geeignet fr fters / Dauereinsatz nicht geeignet. dennoch wrde ich es wieder kaufen.
pour les roues de voiture excellent lger mobile rien a redire 10/10,sur camionnette a va aussi mais… faut pas tre presser et avoir la batterie bien charger. Aucun regret sur cette achat vraiment super pratique plus de compresseur a allumer plusieurs minutes et de tuyau qui trouve toujours un endroit pour ce coincer .
Ce gonfleur Ryobi est intressant si on possde dj une batterie One +, sinon il est vraiment trop cher. La prcision est bonne, le bruit contenu mais il manque une soupape de dgonflage pour ajuster la pression lorsqu’elle est suprieure celle demande. Il faut alors dbrancher la valve, dgonfler la main, rebrancher et gonfler. L’affichage aurait pus tre plus grand et plus lisible.
It would seem that Ryobi has changed either the sourcing or the design of this accessory. It’s about 10 inches too long and so doesn’t fit neatly onto the inflator body as shown in Amazon’s images – see my picture of what you actually get and compare. Consequently it’s a storage nuisance and has been consigned to the naughty cupboard.
The hose is also made of what I’d describe as “cheap & nasty” looking plastic that was slightly damaged when received.
As I’ll not be pumping up any inflatables it’s no big loss but just disappointing that Ryobi saves a few pennies to detriment of quality and appearance.
It would seem that Ryobi has changed either the sourcing or the design of this accessory. It’s about 10 inches too long and so doesn’t fit neatly onto the inflator body as shown in Amazon’s images – see my picture of what you actually get and compare. Consequently it’s a storage nuisance and has been consigned to the naughty cupboard.
The hose is also made of what I’d describe as “cheap & nasty” looking plastic that was slightly damaged when received.
As I’ll not be pumping up any inflatables it’s no big loss but just disappointing that Ryobi saves a few pennies to detriment of quality and appearance.
Conforme aux attentes. Le “gros” tuyau permettant de gonfler des matelas gonflables est long (c’est bien), mais rien d’adapter pour le ranger correctement sur le gonfleur.
Parfait quand on est dj quip comme moi de plusieurs matriels Ryobi avec batterie 18v.
Das Ding tut alles was es soll, macht Spa damit zu arbeiten. Einen kompletten Satz SUV-Rder hat er ohne Mucken aufgeblasen, die Einstellung des Zieldrucks funktioniert prima und der Akku hlt ewig. Ich bin mir nicht ber die Langlebigkeit sicher und habe noch kein Schlauchboot damit aufgepumpt.
En general bien, estoy contento con la compra, muy til para la bici, moto y coche.
Pero el display un poco pequeo para los que tenemos ms de 50 aos.
A good product with probably twicr the air flow in comparison to most other battery operated (portable drill size) or wired pumps connected to the cigarette lighter socket I’ve used. If you have the ryobi battery already, it’s worth a purchase.
Compressor works quickly to inflate car/motorcycle tyres with ease. Gauge isn’t accurate so always check with a verified gauge once the tyre is inflated. I’ve learnt to set the gauge 5ib over what I actually want which equates to a real 1-1.5ib over and then I adjust it down with my hand gauge.
Still far quicker and easier than a manual pump.
Compressor works quickly to inflate car/motorcycle tyres with ease. Gauge isn’t accurate so always check with a verified gauge once the tyre is inflated. I’ve learnt to set the gauge 5ib over what I actually want which equates to a real 1-1.5ib over and then I adjust it down with my hand gauge.
Still far quicker and easier than a manual pump.
I love this thing! It’s easy to use and seems well built. It inflates our chimney pillow in less than five seconds and has no problem with car tyres. On the latter it seems to be very accurate with readings corresponding with my handheld VDO guage. The fact that is cordless means and end to faffing with lighter sockets and blown fuses. It’s not cheap, but it is worth every penny.
I love this thing! It’s easy to use and seems well built. It inflates our chimney pillow in less than five seconds and has no problem with car tyres. On the latter it seems to be very accurate with readings corresponding with my handheld VDO guage. The fact that is cordless means and end to faffing with lighter sockets and blown fuses. It’s not cheap, but it is worth every penny.
However, once it was gone I almost immediately realised how useful this device had become.
My car is often reporting low pressure and having this in the boot means that is rarely an issue (or significant delay).
My wife teaches pilates and has loads of inflatable accessories… this does the job.
Air beds, my motorhome awning (although it is a bit noisy for use outside of daytime), party balloons, pool toys, motorbike and even wheel barrow tyres have all been inflated by this one since I bought it as a replacement.
I hope who ever found my other one is getting similar benefits…
However, once it was gone I almost immediately realised how useful this device had become.
My car is often reporting low pressure and having this in the boot means that is rarely an issue (or significant delay).
My wife teaches pilates and has loads of inflatable accessories… this does the job.
Air beds, my motorhome awning (although it is a bit noisy for use outside of daytime), party balloons, pool toys, motorbike and even wheel barrow tyres have all been inflated by this one since I bought it as a replacement.
I hope who ever found my other one is getting similar benefits…
Ach ist das toll, wenn man mehrere Ryobi-Akkugerte hat und diese mobil berall einsetzen kann!
Ich berprfe und flle in unregelmigen Abstand, sptestens beim Rderwechsel mehrere Fahrzeuge im Frhjahr und Herbst den Reifendruck.
Der korrekte Reifendruck ist zB. beim Wohnwagen (Anhnger mit 2 to) extremst wichtig. Daher ist der Kompressor auch im Urlaub immer an Bord.
Trs facile d’utilisation il ma servi plusieurs fois depuis l’achat et franchement il fait trs bien son travail.
Pour un compresseur mobile et sans fils il est top…
Le moins c’est qu’il fait un peut de bruit.
Il gongle un pneu crev sans problme… mais il prends son temps (comprhensible pour le fait sans huile ni cables)
Works for car tyres as well as inflatable mattress with equal facility. Other sensors validate digital display readings.
Encore une russite pour cette marque, facile transporter, prend peu de place dans un coffre. Facile d’utilisation ! Quelques chose qui sera vite rentabilis car dans mon coins tout les gonfleur de supermarch et autre deviennent payant… Pour le prix de ce gonfleur cel vaut vraiment le coup !
Pleased I bought it – I have other One+ Ryobi products
Fantastic product. Really happy with it.
1 slight drawback is no deflate option.
Other than that really easy to use, works pretty well. Very happy.
I use it to check my tyres on my vehicles.
I go glamping a good 4 times a year. I have inflatable mattresses, chairs and a sofa. All inflated very quickly.
Fantastic product. Really happy with it.
1 slight drawback is no deflate option.
Other than that really easy to use, works pretty well. Very happy.
I use it to check my tyres on my vehicles.
I go glamping a good 4 times a year. I have inflatable mattresses, chairs and a sofa. All inflated very quickly.
Ob zum Ausblasen der Tastatur, Aufpumpen der Rder, Anheizen des Grills 😉 , der Kompressor arbeit fleiig. Auch mit kleineren Akkus bekommt man einige Rder aufgepumpt, daher ist nicht unbedingt ein 5.0 AH Akku erfoderrlich, wenn man bereits mit 2.0AH seiner Ryobi Werkzeuge versorgt ist.
Dank der kompatiblen Akkus der Ryobi One+ Serie optimal. Als Einzelgert mit Zukauf von Akku und Ladegert steigt der Preis deutlich, aber dafr ist es ja auch nicht gedacht.
A great little compressor which I bought for when I do a drain-down on our static caravan. This enables me to do the job from within the van. Previously I used a 12v tyre inflator plugged into the car lighter socket. The lead was never long enough.
Gonfleur pour voiture sans roue de secours RYOBI ONE+ 18 volts,
Trs efficace pour quilibr de faon prcise toutes les roues du vhicule, je pense que le manomtre aurait pu tre un peu plus gros, la pression est possible en bars, en psi, suivant le got de chacun.
Pour gonfler un ballon ,un matelas, ct utile occasionnellement en plus.
J’ai achet cet article avec une cl choc, pour les vhicules avec une batterie de 5 ampres, pour chaque produit, je suis sr d’avoir suffisamment de puissance pour l’utiliser longuement.
Ravi de cet achat, je recommande ces achats et AMAZON pour la rapidit de livraison.
Great pump that takes the hassle out of checking tyre pressure, simply set and forget (make sure to add an additional 1 psi as the pump ‘settles’ afterwards).
The compressor is quick…much faster that my older one. I can do 4 tyres in a few minutes. No need to check the pressure before using the inflater.
Setting is slightly fiddly so 4 stars
Great accuracy
I have only tried inflating my mountain bike tires so far, to 40psi, roughly same pressure as a car tire, and it did the job fast and accurately. It seems to be draining the battery quite fast though, so I’d recommend a fully charged high capacity battery, 4 or 5 ah, if you’re planning to use it regularly for 4 car tires.
I have only tried inflating my mountain bike tires so far, to 40psi, roughly same pressure as a car tire, and it did the job fast and accurately. It seems to be draining the battery quite fast though, so I’d recommend a fully charged high capacity battery, 4 or 5 ah, if you’re planning to use it regularly for 4 car tires.
Der Kompressor ist ganz gut auer die Anschlsse sind von der Qualitt sehr bescheiden. Das kenne ich besser von der Firma.
Great that it works from my Ryobi battery. Great that you don’t have to faff around with plugging it in. It saves a lot of effort but unsure if it’s any quicker than using a foot pump. It cuts out when set pressure has been reached which is a good feature as you don’t have to watch over it. The storage of the hose for air beds is poorly designed, I can’t replicate the neat method of storing the hose as shown on the photograph!
I like the one+ concept and this fitted into the system very well. The pump is easy to use and accurate, the screen could be bigger but it is perfectly adequate.
Immer mobil fr Lufmatratzen Fahrrder, Mopeds, Autos, Anhnger und sonst was.
Super auch fr Fahrzeuge die den Winter ber in der Garage stehen (Cabrio, Motorroller, Oldtimer).
Schaltet 0,05 bar ber eingestellten Druck ab, passt.
Geruschkulisse ist ertrglich fr so ein kleines und leistungsstarkes Gert (Anhngerreifen auf 3,1 bar ohne Probleme angeglichen)
Wrde ich wieder kaufen!
Great pump .works well now check tyre pressure regular .no battery with inflator but have a few ryobi tools so not a problem.
Bis zu 8 bar Druck produziert dieser Akkukompressor. Vom PKW ber das Schwimmbecken bis zum Fahrrad ist hier alles mglich. Und das Beste: Man muss sich nicht mehr anstrengen. Selbstverstndlich zieht der Kompressor entsprechend Strom, so dass ich ihn immer mit einem 4.0 Ah 18V-Akku verwende. Super, so wie auch der Rest von Ryobi.
Really happy with this and good price. Great for inflating and had more attachments than expected!
Macht was er soll man muss nur ein bissel Zeit mit bringen aber im ganzen ein schnes Teil. Wrde ich wieder kaufen…
bon produit fonctionnement relativement simple une fois que l’on a compris le mode de rglage (juste prendre le temps de lire!) produit pratique pneu matelas boue impeccable!
I’ve lost track of the number of automatic inflators I’ve bought over the years – every single one has been rubbish. Even the ones the car manufacturers have supplied have taken an age to inflate a tyre whilst imitating the sound of an unbaffled motorbike. All of them guaranteed to wake up most of the neighbourhood on a cold Monday morning whilst you are trying to correct a slow puncture before setting off to work.
Thus I was sceptical when I bought this Ryobi inflator. Therefore you can image my surprise when it put an extra 10PSI into my my slow puncture car tyre and did it quietly enough to allow me to have a mobile phone call next to it.
Simply put this unit works – its reasonably quiet and pretty quick, it will work with car, bike and motorbike tyres and inflatable airbeds. Its easy to handle and the hoses store away very neatly.
I’ve lost track of the number of automatic inflators I’ve bought over the years – every single one has been rubbish. Even the ones the car manufacturers have supplied have taken an age to inflate a tyre whilst imitating the sound of an unbaffled motorbike. All of them guaranteed to wake up most of the neighbourhood on a cold Monday morning whilst you are trying to correct a slow puncture before setting off to work.
Thus I was sceptical when I bought this Ryobi inflator. Therefore you can image my surprise when it put an extra 10PSI into my my slow puncture car tyre and did it quietly enough to allow me to have a mobile phone call next to it.
Simply put this unit works – its reasonably quiet and pretty quick, it will work with car, bike and motorbike tyres and inflatable airbeds. Its easy to handle and the hoses store away very neatly.
The item it self is good and does what it’s designed to do well.
It is however very noisy compared to other pumps.
The digital pressure gauge increases when turned on and doesn’t give a true reading until you turn it off. This kind of spoils the auto cut off feature because say, if you set it to max pressure of 50psi it’ll turn off when at 40. So to combat this you have to set it to a few psi higher than required. A small niggle but one worth mentioning.
All that being said I’d recommend it.
The item it self is good and does what it’s designed to do well.
It is however very noisy compared to other pumps.
The digital pressure gauge increases when turned on and doesn’t give a true reading until you turn it off. This kind of spoils the auto cut off feature because say, if you set it to max pressure of 50psi it’ll turn off when at 40. So to combat this you have to set it to a few psi higher than required. A small niggle but one worth mentioning.
All that being said I’d recommend it.
I’ve had both battery powered and accessory socket inflators before – eventually the non-removable batteries have died rendering the old devices useless, or the cables on the other type are too short and get tangled in everything from the handbrake to my ankles. I was reduced to a foot pump. As I’ve bought into the Ryobi ONE+ system this looked interesting – batteries are so easily interchangeable, and I always have a spare one ready charged anyway. Couldn’t decide whether to get the one-trick tyre version, or this one which is suitable for both high pressure or high volume use, only disadvantage might be that it’s a bit bigger. Decided on this, remembering the effort involved in having to inflate four large red dragons with a bicycle pump last time there was a Rugby World Cup. Good choice I think – and SO quick and easy to use. Correct tyre pressures are so important for safety, but it’s such a chore – or at least it was before I got this, it’s almost a pleasure to regularly check and add a bit of air if required, no messing with fiddly gauges either because it’s all built in. Love it.
Afin de le tester j’ai dgonfl entirement les deux pneus de ma voiture. J’ai programm l’appareil 2,80 bars et je l’ai laiss tourner. Mis a part le bruit qui n’est pas vraiment un dfaut l’extrieur il a gonfl sans problme les deux roues dans un temps que je dirais normal pour ce genre d’appareil. J’ai vid la batterie (non fournie avec l’appareil) mais c’tait aussi le but du jeu.
Fr meine Zwecke optimal, pumpe Fahrradreifen damit auf kontrolliere den Druck von den Motorradreifen. Bedienung ist relativ einfach, knnte aber besser sein.
Purchased this product as I already have ryobi power tools and batteries. Easy to use , works well in all locations. Light to carry and so far accurate in use. Much easier than trailing a 12v lead around the car.
Praktischer Kompressor, da er 2 Stufen hat.
Stufe 1: Wenig Druck aber viel Luftmenge
Stufe 2: Viel Druck aber geringe Luftmenge
Prima, um SUP oder hnliches aufzuladen. So lange wie mglich mit Atufe 1, dann geht es relativ schnell. Stufe 2 dann fr die Feineinstellung.
Der Kompressor ist schon recht laut, ist bei so einem Bautyp aber denke ich nicht anders zu lsen. Zumindest sind hnliche Kompressoren zumindest genauso laut. Also ertrglich!
Wenn man schon die entsprechenden Akkus hat, dann ist es ein guter Kauf!
de la serie one+ il est trs pratique pour regonfler les pneus de voiture ainsi que les matelas les ballons les boues je suis trs content de mon acha
Fantastic addition to any house, especially if u have an older . Garage air pumps always broken or no change to pay for it, only kept at home but have pumped all families tyres up, this would be great to keep in car works perfectly
A great piece of kit that is easy to use; sturdy build quality; portability/flexibility allows car, caravan, bikes all to have tyres set accurately. Ideal function where required pressure is preset and pump knows when to stop. Ryobi’s decision to use one battery for their kit is supreme, I carry a Ryoib drill to wind the legs of my caravan and for any emergency uses and the pump to deal with caravan tyre pressures and the pressure for the jockey wheel tyre
A great piece of kit that is easy to use; sturdy build quality; portability/flexibility allows car, caravan, bikes all to have tyres set accurately. Ideal function where required pressure is preset and pump knows when to stop. Ryobi’s decision to use one battery for their kit is supreme, I carry a Ryoib drill to wind the legs of my caravan and for any emergency uses and the pump to deal with caravan tyre pressures and the pressure for the jockey wheel tyre
fait trs bien son boulot.est trs prcis.je m en sert pour gonfler mes pneus et aprs comparaison avec un appareil pro il s avre que les mesures sont trs prcises.2,3 bars sur le gonfleur ryobi et 2,3 bar sur le gonfleur pro.donc rien a redire.vous pouvez acheter et en plus vous aurez plein d embouts de fourni que vous ne trouverez pas a la station service,genre pour ballon ,pneus de vlo etc
Works a treat on tyres both bike and car as well as inflatable mattress with ease
Works great, automatically cuts out at 1psi above what you set it to so by the time you’ve removed the fitting and tested the pressure it’s spot on. Can be used to suck the air out of inflatable toys, beds etc
Bought this to replace a much older equivalent one that had given up this new one is more compact easy to store works quite quickly coming from amazon no problems at all whatsoever very happy with my purchase
Takes a bit to work out what to do but good bit of ki
Il est garanti 3 ans … le mien vient de me lcher aprs 3 ans et 2 mois ! Monsieur Ryobi, est-ce une malencontreuse concidence ?
It’s one of the best tools I have purchased in a long time. I have used it frequently as my camper was too tall for the lock up garage I keep him in so every time I wanted to put him in or get him out of the garage I had to let all 4 tyres down, drive him in/out then pump them back up again (I have since lowered him to solve this issue!) so this machine was being used regularly on fully flat tyres and never faultered once. It’s nice and light too so it’s not a pain to put in the car or the camper and it doesn’t take up too much room. I use a 4ah battery (from a different manufacturer but works fine… just a little more reasonably priced!) on it when I have to pump all 4 up from flat twice in a day and there is still loads of charge left. I also have the angle grinder, drill and impact gun – all are great!
It’s one of the best tools I have purchased in a long time. I have used it frequently as my camper was too tall for the lock up garage I keep him in so every time I wanted to put him in or get him out of the garage I had to let all 4 tyres down, drive him in/out then pump them back up again (I have since lowered him to solve this issue!) so this machine was being used regularly on fully flat tyres and never faultered once. It’s nice and light too so it’s not a pain to put in the car or the camper and it doesn’t take up too much room. I use a 4ah battery (from a different manufacturer but works fine… just a little more reasonably priced!) on it when I have to pump all 4 up from flat twice in a day and there is still loads of charge left. I also have the angle grinder, drill and impact gun – all are great!
Reu hier
Essay aussitt avec une batterie 4a sur une vingtaine de roues de diffrentes tailles et rien redire.
Il manque 1 toile pour le parfais car il faut voir dans le temps.
Works well, very handy not having to plug into car power supply. Seems like solid construction.
Just used the compressor on 2 cars and a trailer with no problems at all. Don’t know how long the rubber on the tyre connection will hold out as it does seem to be a tight fit but so far, I’m well impressed with this.
Unlike with my ex-wife I can turn the air on and off when I want. Seriously though, this inflator is brilliant, a tad expensive if you take the battery into consideration, but I’ve got 4 of them so no worries for me.
Very good product very easy to use no wires would recommend
Permet de regonfler rapidement et efficacement ses pneus.
Trs facile d’utilisation (pas besoin de notice) convient pour la voiture et le vlo (pas encore essay autre chose)
Comme prcis dans l’annonce, l’article n’est pas livr avec la batterie, je le conseille donc a ceux qui sont dj quip en sans fil chez Ryobi, pour les autre l’investissement sera un peu trop onreux 😉
Great Job used it successfully with no problems, Easy to use and set up, airbed tube keep separate as arkward to wrap around inflator, but not require for me so not a problem, no wires to plug in to cig socket and wrap up again after use, inflate tyres, switch off, put away, simples
Dear Sirs, Can you please provide me with a VAT invoice for my records. Our Email address is: [email protected], Kind regards, Garry
Un clou m’a fait une mauvaise surprise. Ce compresseur m’a vit un dpannage ou de changer ma roue.
Mais les nouvelles voitures font l’conomie d’un roue de secours, donc galre !
Ce petit, mais costaud compresseur m’a sauv la mise. Il ne quitte plus le coffre de ma voiture et sa batterie s’adapte sur tous les produits Ryobi One Un grand plus !
Remplace avantageusement le vieux “cric” le temps de rejoindre un garage ! Indispensable !……
With 3 motorbikes in the household it makes weekly tyre pressure checks a lot easier, no excuses for not doing it.
Great little things. Have been using my first one for a few years now, so decided to buy another so I can do two tyres at a time and speed things up. I use it for topping up the tyres on our family cars and have helped out neighbours with it occasionally as well.
They’re pretty noisy little things though, as most compressors are!