Safetots Deluxe Putaway Folding Wooden Child High Chair (Grey)

Available in four colours to suit all home interiors Soft sleek edges complete design.
Folds neatly away when not in use. Fold over tray is very useful too !!
wide seat area, 5 point safety harness, fold over tray, and super safe design.
Bring up to the family table for shared mealtimes, or fold over tray when required.
Weight: | 8.5 kg |
Dimensions: | 64 x 45 x 90 cm; 8.5 Kilograms |
Model: | ST-FWHCG |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Composition: | Wood |
Dimensions: | 64 x 45 x 90 cm; 8.5 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
Lovely high chair bought for my grandson’s visit for Xmas. All good but strap clips very hard to open. He seems quite happy with it though.
It is well built and folds to make storage quick and easy
Missed the discount on this for this chair as it was two thirds of the price. However, for that peace of mind & having the baby sit level at the table with everything has provided better meal times for us.
Even though it’s more expensive then other products that do exactly the same, it gives our son a better feeding time experience & comes with different support options too which is a welcomed bonus.
Better than the plastic chair. Very easy to clean, steady and strong. Comfortable. Perfect size
This is for my third child. I always went for the plastic standard high chair with extra padded seat and reclining back, removable tray etc etc… And over time the seat, tray and bars would discolour. There was also so many components to it, food would get in places you couldn’t reach.
I knew this time round I just wanted a solid wood highchair that folds down small. And this is just that. Perfect for what I wanted this time round and I love it. It also matched out kitchen very nicely.
Things to know!… The strap is not great. Very safe! But the buckle is stiff. The first time I put my daughter in I started panicking I couldn’t get her out. But I’m use to it now. It is definitely worth knowing before you purchase though. As you’d need to replace them for universal ones if you struggle with this kind of thing. E.g. Arthritis.
Secondly.. The tray needs to be up before child gets in! Not a problem for me. And you can also choose to not use it and push the chair up to the table.
Thirdly.. You need two hands to operate the high chair! To fold it away and put the tray table up and down. I believe this is all to maintain a safe place for baby to sit and eat and for me it is not an issue.
Lastly, it doesn’t come with a sit cushion/insert. And I would recommend you purchase a universal one if you are using this highchair for a child age 6-12 months! It reduces their movement, makes it far more comfortable and looks nice too
Overall this is a sturdy, aesthetically pleasing high chair. It is all I wanted and I’m very happy with the purchase.
It’s very sturdy and well made. It’s a shame it doesn’t come with the cushion insert but I still very happy with my purchase.
Overall great, only criticism is that cannot lift tray over babies head to remove from chair as not enough room but that’s a minor issue overall
This is a nice compact and stylish highchair.
It is not as easy to clean as pkastic and the table is quite narrow and doesn’t allow many suction type baby bowls to be stuck to it although we did find one.
+ Nice looking
+ Good size in height, width and tray
+ Baby enjoys the footrest
+ Most of it is easy to clean
– Hard to set-up quickly as a catch underneath, a strap to fasten underneath and then the pullover tray
– Can’t wash the straps
– Wobbly as the bottom rubber doesn’t stick very well
– REALLY stiff clasp which hurts both our hands to undo
Nice wooden chair – easy to fold up and nice and sturdy. Plastic bits screwed to the feet mean that it won’t slip on the floor. Perfect for grandparents to have on standby.
This is my first buy at Amazon. I am fully satisfied with service and product quality.
Great chair! Lots of staring space! Lovely colour too.
Only thing I might want is the tabletop to have a move more of a plastic topping so that my little one’s suction bowl would stick.
Es kam schon fast fertig zusammen gebaut, was super. Nach 5 min stand der Stuhl. Es ist schnell zu zuklappen und kann in einer Ecke verschwinden was ich liebe. Der Gurt lsst sich leider schwer schlieen, sonst ist alles gut.
Fabulous high chair EXCEPT the buckles on the straps are incredibly difficult to undo. Usually end up undoing only one side and almost dragging grandson out of seat!! Apart from that it’s a great chair. Fits up close to our dining table a trea
Ich bin Tagesmutter und hab Hochsthle gesucht, die stabil, aber platzsparend und schnell zum wegrumen sind.
– er wird fast fertig zusammengebaut, gut verpackt und schnell geliefert
– er steht sehr stabil, durch die Gumminoppen rutscht er berhaupt nicht. (Achtung bei greren Kindern: wenn diese sich mit den Beinen beim Tisch wegdrcken kippt der Stuhl eher um, als dass er wegrutscht)
– die Sitzflche wird verriegelt, daher besteht keine Gefahr, dass er versehentlich zusammenklappt
– verwendet man das Brettchen, so verriegelt es, so dass das Kind es nicht anheben kann. Auerdem verhindert ein Gurt zwischen den Beinen ein Durchrutschen
– der Stuhl kann ohne Brettchen direkt an den Tisch gestellt werden, dann klappt man das Brettchen einfach nach hinten
– es ist ein Gurt fix angebracht, mit dem man das Kind im Sitz fixieren kann (ich verwende nur den Unterteil, da ich finde, dass sonst die Bewegungsfreiheit zu stark eingeschrnkt ist)
– er ist optisch schn und gut zu reinigen
– Die Gurtschnallen lassen sich sehr schwer ffnen und scheinen nicht sehr hochwertig zu sein
Fr meine Zwecke ist er ideal. Wer einen mitwachsenden sucht, der auch fr grere Kinder geeignet ist sollte beachten, dass die Sitzflche nur 32cm breit ist.
Magnifique chaise en bois de trs bonne qualit. Trs solide et pratique,se replie bien pour gagner de la place.
Trs adapt pour mon petit qui l’a eu 19 mois. J’ai retir les ceintures sauf celle qui maintient la table. Nettoyage facile et pliable express tout moment.
perfekter und wirklich toller Hochstuhl wenn die Enkelin zu Besuch kommt, braucht nicht viel Platz zum Verstauen, total schnes Holz mit guter Qualitt und der groe Tisch ist absolut ideal, fr die Sicherheit sind die verstellbaren Gurten ideal – alles in Allem wirklich zu Empfehle
Elle correspond exactement la description du produit !
Pratique et simple d’utilisation, elle se p’ie Et se dplie trs facilement !
Je recommande !
Robuste, et jolie. la chaise est arriv mont. Correspond parfaitement ce que j’imaginai.
High chair is not very high compared to others fortunately we have bought for when our grandchildren visit so it’s not used very often otherwise I may have sent it back purely based on the height .. highchair quality is grea
Reigns which works better.
liked it, but had to return due to a crack in the arm. No problems returning chair. All done in days. Replaced with same model. No problems with it and great niece loves it. Great for lobbing food.
Geliefert wurde der Hochstuhl innerhalb von 4 Tagen direkt aus dem Vereinigten Knigreich. Erfreulicherweise ist er bereits vormontiert und somit sofort einsatzbereit. Was allerdings fehlt (und leider auch nicht als passendes Zubehr angeboten wird), ist ein Sitzkissen, da der Stuhl sonst recht hart und vor allem rutschig ist. Ich habe mir in einem Geschft vor Ort das Roba Sitzkissen 1803 gekauft. Es passt zwar nicht perfekt (die obere Querstrebe der Lehne ist nicht bedeckt), aber erfllt weitestgehend seinen Zweck.
Der Hochstuhl ist stabil, trotzdem sollten die Schrauben ab und an nachgezogen werden. Was ich sehr praktisch finde, ist, dass der Tisch nicht abmontiert werden muss, wenn er nicht genutzt wird, sondern einfach nur nach hinten geklappt werden kann. So kann der Stuhl flexibler genutzt werden, ohne gleich die Werkzeugkiste zu bemhen.
Alles in allem bin ich sehr zufrieden (bis auf die genannten Kleinigkeiten) und kann den Hochstuhl weiterempfehlen.
Sehr stabil dennoch die Schrauben sind nach einige Zeit immer wieder locker. Sonst sieht gut aus. Ich empfehle weiter. So.
I bought this highchair for my 8month old grandson when he visits. The quality is 5 star, with smooth and very well finished wood construction. It folds easily for putting away when he is not here. The 2 special points are; the tray can be easily changed to 2 positions, either for sitting at table, or a tray in front 0f the child for him to feed himself, and the footrest can be altered to 3 different heights for comfort, according to size of child. The harness can be adjusted and removed for washing. The chair weighs 7kg, so stable even for the most active child. I would certainly advise any parent to buy it
It is very good value and will last for more siblings.
es beau et fonctionnel covient pour tous et de plus cet article est evolutif .belle finition ,facile a ranger dans un coi
Not used much as for my granddaughter but seems fine
Our Family much appreciated this high chair which we got for our Granddaughter to use for our Christmas lunch. It was such a success that they asked to take it home! It is safe and stable and with a cushion fitted a 7 month really well. But there is lots of room and I am sure she will use it for years.
Sturdy and well made. A very nice piece of furniture as well as being a comfortable and safe high chair for my granddaughter.