Sensate Relaxation Device – Immediate Calm and Long Term Stress Resilience – Patented Infrasonic Resonance Technology

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Sensate Helps You Relax

Anxiety Relief in 10 Minutes

Improve Your Wellbeing

Sensate is designed to calm your fight-flight-freeze response, to relax you in the moment and improve your stress resilience over time.

How are we able to do this?

  • Sensate uses near infrasound relayed via bone conduction on the chest bone as a means of stimulating and conditioning the relaxation response of the vagus nerve.
  • We have 15 years of experience helping thousands of patients achieve results.
  • We combine science-based methods with the wisdom of Eastern methods.
  • We tested over thousands of sessions and with feedback from people just like yourself.
  • Last but not least, your own body can help you achieve results quickly (with a little help from Sensate).

Sensate 2 Meditation Device
Sensate device stress relief

Supported Devices and Systems

iOS from iOS 10.3 and higher
iPhone from iPhone 5 onwards
iPad Air 2 & 4th generation; Mini 2nd, 3rd & 4th generation; Pro 9.7″ & 12.9″
iPod iPod Touch 6th generation
Android from OS 4.3 and higher, running Bluetooth 4 or higher
Samsung Samsung Galaxy A3, S3, S7, S8, S9, S10
Other known devices Including (but not limited to): Xiaomi Mi; Nexus 5x; Google Pixel 1 & 2; Moto E5 Play; Nokia 1 & 2.2; OnePlus 3T & 5T

Brand: Sensate
Origin: United Kingdom

46 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I understand it’s a pricy purchase, especially on something you will question can it do what it says and will it help. Quite simply, it does. The more your connect with the device, the more it helps to peel away your layers of muscle tension, easing that flight or flight response that so many of us are stuck in. Science and technology are a beautiful couple in this device. I have shared with my friends to try this device and you should to. One of the first product reviews I have ever been compelled to write.

  2. JacintoLouis says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGot my Sensate about 3 weeks ago and it does seem to help. For over 30 years 3 or 4 times a year I’ve had episodes of gastrointestinal upset that result in me passing out and coming to with a bad headache and drenched in sweat. Recently had one bad enough I wound up in ER. Follow up appt with gastro doc diagnosis was colitis that triggered Vagul Event. Did some research and realized I have a couple other symptoms – mild nausea and elevated heart rate for no apparent reason, etc. mentioned to my primary care doc at last physical but basically told if my issues are vagus nerve related that there’s not a lot that can be done.

    In my research I ran across a couple articles about vagus nerve stimulation which seems to still be more in exploratory stage than a medically accepted treatment option, but read one about Sensate and thought it worth trying out.

    After about 3 weeks use, I feel like I’m getting some benefit from it. If nothing else along with some meditative focus and breathing it does help me calm down better than just meditation alone.

    But has very limited number of soundtracks almost all of which have time limits you cannot change and I don’t like most of them. The two for sleep use piano music that tends to be somewhat jarring to me. Why not flute or harp or ocean waves or binaural beats headache relief tracks. The h2o one is pretty good but only lasts 10 minutes.

    Lately I’ve been turning volume down on 30 minutes length ones and concurrently listening to mediation or ocean waves/white noise tracks from other apps, but I feel like I’m not getting full benefit of a sound track and vibration synced combo.

    It’s not the whole answer for my issues, but it helps enough that with the addition of more meditative and or white noise tracks with selectable time limits it would get my rating up to 5 stars.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI was recently introduced (ironically around the same time…) to Sensate, vagal nerve training and the parasympathetic nervous system. If you know anything at all about these three subjects, you’ll agree that it was more than chance…

    I have been in ‘fight or flight’ mode most of my life and once I learned that I was, I’ve been working diligently at leaving it behind. The Sensate is an easy, relaxing, natural way to do this in short blocks of time, like 10 minutes short!

    This technology, paired with soothing sounds (you choose your style and length of time) allows my body to heal and tap into my vagal nerve, further assuring my body that it can relax in safety.

    And, I love that it’s a one-time purchase price, no monthly fees or subscriptions. 🙂

  4. ULGRosario says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This item is super simple BUT works at toning the vagus nerve it requires an app which although free has very limited soundscapes but you can turn the volume down & play your own meditation/music which unlocks so much more than the rather limited dozen soundscapes the app offers
    It really helps with stress relief, easing depression & anxiety & I am hoping with continued use it will help insomnia

  5. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI really like this device with how the vibration keeps me from drifting to other thoughts and makes the music much more effective.

    Most relaxing music doesn’t work for me, but about half of the ones with this we’re good for me.

    I find I can go into a REM like state in about 20 mins. Legs and arms asleep with brain relaxing but not a sleep. After finishing a session transitioning to sleep is good and quality is improved.

    If you get up after seasion before transition to sleep you can loose a bit of the benefit. So I recommend being ready for bed if that’s the plan.

    Reasonable price and works well.

    Awesome relaxation/medication tool

  6. Alexandria Haslam says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEasy to use and set up! Packaging is beautiful. This is me after my Sensate session! I am so glad I purchased my Sensate relaxation device. I have been using it during my lunch breaks and before bed and find the more I use it the more I notice it helping me with clearing my mind and truly relaxing. Just knowing I have it forces me to take the time for a few minutes to myself each day. I notice the relaxation and clearing of my mind of the constant thinking before bed as work is sometimes hard to turn off my “brain clutter”. I am so glad I found this device and highly recommend it!

    Easy to use and set up! Packaging is beautiful. This is me after my Sensate session! I am so glad I purchased my Sensate relaxation device. I have been using it during my lunch breaks and before bed and find the more I use it the more I notice it helping me with clearing my mind and truly relaxing. Just knowing I have it forces me to take the time for a few minutes to myself each day. I notice the relaxation and clearing of my mind of the constant thinking before bed as work is sometimes hard to turn off my "brain clutter". I am so glad I found this device and highly recommend it!

  7. Debra Waters says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersI am not a meditator. In fact I am a type “A” shallow breather. After a handful of sessions I am already noting my diaphragm dropping lower towards the end of every session. This thing is not cheap! But seems like am effective tool in reducing my stress.

  8. Jason Cipriano says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersI am very happy with the purchase of my Sensate. The quality of the product is very good and I was impressed as soon as I opened the box, and the product was even fully charged. For being a gadget, this was extremely easy to use with simple instructions to follow. It took less than 2 minutes to download the app and start using the device, which I was very happy about. The device connected automatically to Bluetooth without any problem, and the app is very easy to use. While using the product, I did experience an immediate sense of calm and felt relaxed after just a few minutes of use. I am very excited to see long term benefits from the use of this device overtime.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 31 From Our UsersOver my adult life I have experienced severe anxiety and panic attacks, particularly during my working years. Often I woke up at 2-3 a.m. , unable to go back to sleep, worrying about work the next day and whether I could go back to sleep- my work was fast-paced, with strict deadlines, and required interacting with difficult people. During those years I had a prescription for Xanax and took half a pill each night before bed.
    Upon retirement, although I no longer took Xanax because even if I continued to wake at that time it didn’t matter if I couldn’t go back to sleep since I didn’t have to work the next day, I did, however, continue to experience anxiety from time to time; I am a “worrier” even when there is no evidence I need to worry. My brain never shuts off as my life is complicated and relaxation is impossible most of the time.
    I learned about the Sensate Relaxation Device and decided to try it. I received it yesterday and although I’ve only had it 24 hours, I can’t say enough about this extraordinary product. And, it came a day early and since I had been awake since 3:00 a.m. and had a very busy day ahead of me, it was perfect timing. Before I opened it, I completed the most important of my tasks, my brain swirling all the while as I was worrying about the next task while finishing the one before.
    Once done, I opened the package. First, although not most important, unlike most products, the packaging was simple, attractive, and easy to open.
    While I had been a bit concerned about whether I could easily connect it to my I-phone, the directions were clear and it took me only a few minutes to do so.
    I chose my musical soundscape (forest) and followed the easy-to-understand directions for a 10-minute trial. When I turned it on, the first thing I noticed was the pleasant vibration that seemed to ebb and flow with the music. I then began to wonder how on earth someone came up with this idea. After a few moments of that, and a bit of worry about everything I had to do that day, it seemed that my brain turned off. Completely off.
    I had finished most of my tasks earlier, and as I continued through the day I was easily able to complete the rest of my work, make dinner, and watch a bit of TV before I went to bed.
    The miracle, and I don’t use that word lightly, is that I slept from 9:15 p.m. until 4:45 a.m., waking only once to use the restroom and going immediately back to sleep. I can’t remember the last time I was ever able to sleep for 8 hours but it had been double digit years.

  10. KaseyZHOsx says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI have got to say that I really like this thing! I was concerned that it would be one of those products you don’t feel at all but need to trust that it’s helping. In that case, I question, is the product even working? That is not the case here. I found the variable tactical feedback along with the sounds very soothing. I use mindfulness apps a lot but find it challenging to stay focused. With this device, I found it much easier to stay relaxed and focused.

    Setup is effortless. I paired it with my iPhone with no problems. After using it a couple of times, I called in to get their thoughts on different ways to use it, and the people I talked to there were super helpful and gave me great insight. I am still new to this product, but the company seems excellent, and so far, I can already feel a difference, and more importantly, I am motivated to use it!

  11. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersIs this thing overpriced? Yes. Does it work? Surprisingly, yes. The audio programs and the vibrations really do have a wonderful synergistic calming effect. I wish the app synced mindfulness minutes with Apple Health, but overall I’m impressed.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis device turned me into a believer in the power of vagus nerve stimulation. It won’t work miracles, but it is a solid addition to my anti-stress sleep toolkit.

    Suggestion for improvement: I wish users had the power to control the vibrations instead of pre-defined tracks.

  13. Dan Ginn says:

     United Kingdom

    Was skeptical at first but I’m in to my 2nd night and it’s absolutely amazing I use it to help me fall asleep what would usually take me 1 hour sometimes 1 hour 30 minutes took me 10 minutes to fall asleep I didn’t want it to not work because of the price but it’s really worth it and does work!

  14. [email protected] Pete Larson says:

     United Kingdom

    I don’t usually write many reviews, and I was a bit reluctant to buy this because of the price. However, I do love a gadget and have tried most things to improve my sleep, which is often quite poor. I struggle to meditate due to my, what my yoga teacher calls ‘monkey brain’ which is all over the place. I’ve tried most sleep aids, but this really works. From the first time I used it I noticed a difference – I sleep much more deeply and wake more refreshed. It relaxes me for sleep and I drift off more easily and wake in the night less frequently. I would recommend this despite the price.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United States

    We love it! Everyone in the family uses it for relaxed meditation time before bed. Much better sleep for the whole family. It helps decreases duration until falling asleep and deepens the sleep with more dreams, which means more REM sleep.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe first time I used it it was definitely relaxing, but after a week or so of using it regularly (every day after work) I think I’m starting to feel more calm in general. It’s early days for me but so far I really like it!

  17. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersMeditation was never for me, but I knew I needed the benefits. I discovered the Sensate & looked like the perfect tool to help me meditate without all of the practice. The first time I used it, I felt super sleepy & relaxed, but the more & more I used it, I noticed so many changes like overall calmness, less irritability, less pent-up stress, and better sleep. Especially when paired with the music from the app, I instantly feel relaxed.
    Love it & highly recommend.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have used Sensate a few times now and I cannot recommend it enough. If having a 10-20 min rest wasn’t a sufficiently rare and precious luxury, having the Sensate to soothe and relax you is just incredible. I work long hours in a stressful and mentally-draining job so I think I may be the target audience for Sensate. You do need to test a few of the sound options to work out what works for you. I tried the chanting but my favourite is the forest sounds which transport you so peacefully to another world whilst your chest is being gently massaged (is that the right word?!) by the Sensate unit. Time passes just too quickly.

  19. CarmaNmotkp says:

     United States

    What a wonderful surprise it was to test out the new sensate device. Its always difficult for me to go to sleep, as I have so much on at work but as soon as i turned it on I was transported to another world. This is a big recommend from me for anyone who has stress or sleep issues or just wants to enter a place of calm. Thanks Sensate. You have pride of place on my bedside table.

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWe’ve owned our pebble for almost a year, and its great. I purchased it because in these Covid times, I was experiencing anxiety first thing in the morning, and the discipline of taking 10 mins out and engaging with Sensate has really helped. The physical presence of the pebble really helped me make time to engage with it, and gift myself a calmer start to my day. As a busy mum, juggling family, work & volunteering, it’s nice to do have something that helps me on a daily basis be kind to myself.
    The real surprise for us was, my husband, who has always been a light sleeper, and through stress of work, was now also struggling to go to sleep – so he decided to try it before bed time. It quickly helped him get off to sleep, however more impressively after a few sessions, the quality of his sleep dramatically improved. And we all know how important sleep is for everything. So its good to know that he’s sleeping so much better.

  21. David Lintott says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought it for a friend who I used to go to clubs to. We missed the bass from the clubs, and he is very much into wellness, so I thought it’ll be perfect. I wasn’t wrong, they are a perfect match and he’s been ‘raving’ about how the Sensate experience relaxes him so much, he dozes off half of the sessions. Happy customer.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 118 From Our UsersSooo… this review is probably going to have *way* too much information, but I know the Sensate is expensive, so am really hoping that this is helpful to someone.

    When I stumbled across the Sensate, I sort of wondered if it might be a bit of an answer to prayer. I’ve had insomnia since I was a teenager; I don’t actually like going to sleep very much; the pandemic nonsense has made some fairly profound anxiety flare up after 15 years of calm and my job can be stressful… all of which amounts to a fair bit of misery, and it’s funny what you can get used to when you live with it every day, but I saw this and wondered if it might help, even a little.

    The price put me off for a while, I can’t lie. 227 for something that may or may not work is eye-wateringly, fist-bitingly expensive but when you’re desperate, you’re willing to try anything – so after humming and ahhing for a couple of weeks, and moving it into and out of my Amazon basket most days, I finally took the plunge.

    The Sensate itself is a large, black pebble-shaped thing; it’s covered in a slightly brushed-texture silicone plastic (I discovered this is useful in keeping it in place on your chest.) The shape and feel is tactile and lovely – I expect it’s meant to feel a little like a worry-stone, or a talisman.

    I should say quickly: the included instructions say it will come fully charged but ours wasn’t so we needed to charge it. Getting a full charge took about an hour so it’s no bother. Just don’t worry if yours needs charging, too – it doesn’t mean it’s faulty. I haven’t let the battery run down so I can’t say how many sessions the battery will last on one charge, but the instructions also say you can leave it charging all the time so you always have it available to use. I’m worried that leaving electronics permanently charging can damage the battery eventually so I’ll just charge it when it’s needed. You’ll know it needs charging when the light surrounding the On button goes from greeny teal to amber.

    Pairing it up to your phone’s bluetooth is a doddle, and this is coming from someone who knows less than zero about bluetooth. You just download the app and follow the simple instructions. By the way, you don’t need to own a Sensate to download the app, and the app will give you access to the music but, honestly, it’s the pebble that makes all the magic.

    The music choices are fairly limited: there are 4 categories: Nature; Space and Time; Sacred Spaces, and Breathe. Within each category there are either 2, 3 or 4 different options and, at the moment, there are 13 tracks to choose from.

    You have to download each track you’ll want to use, but you can listen to a sample beforehand. Of the 13, I downloaded 12 of them, and it hasn’t slowed down my phone at all. I don’t think they’re downloaded to your phone so much as they’re just downloaded into the app as you need to open the app to select your track each time you use the Sensate.

    The various tracks are either 10 minutes, 20 minutes or 30 minutes.

    So, does it work?

    You’ll see I’ve given it 5 stars so, in a word, yes – but it’s not as simple as that.

    If you’re having a panic attack or your anxiety is really bad, this isn’t a quick fix. It’s not that you can just put this on and something otherwordly happens. You need to be in the right frame of mind, and you have to (forgive the superwanky language I’m about to use) lean into it. You have to engage with it and invest some time/energy… essentially, you choose how effective it is.

    You place the Sensate on your chest (I’ve tried it over clothing and it slid off, whereas the brushed silicone texture sort of lightly holds to your skin, enough to stop it sliding off); you choose your track, and away you go.

    The pebble will vibrate in sync with the music – which you can either listen to through headphones or straight from the phone. For what it’s worth, I don’t find wearing headphones particularly comfortable, so I prefer listening via the phone, but headphones can create more of a “flotation tank” feel, which is what you’re going for. You want the room to be quiet, dark (you also receive an eye mask that you drape over your eyes if needed) and you also want to be still so you can really focus on the Sensate.

    The pebble’s vibrations are interesting… each track will cause different vibrations, and they range from a hum, to a buzzing to almost a deep growl. At first it feels weird, but focusing on it is incredibly helpful if your mind is prone to wandering. Which mine is. Even if I’m exhausted, my mind tends to go 100 miles an hour – today’s worries, and tomorrow’s worries, and future imaginary worries all barrel through one after the other, and it’s debilitating. But choosing to focus on the vibrations of the pebble stilled my mind. It didn’t make the thoughts stop, really, it just made them less urgent; less pressing. I was able to let the thoughts go, so they passed through my mind instead of bouncing off the walls and pinballing about… if that makes any sense.

    The feeling of the buzz on the vagus nerve isn’t addictive or anything, but last night I turned on the Sensate, and I was making mental notes for the sake of this review and any time the pebble wasn’t vibrating, I found myself almost yearning for it to start again. It doesn’t vibrate constantly, or even in a set pattern – it hums, buzzes and growls in sync to the music and sounds (eg, water flowing, or birdsong) so sometimes there’s no vibrations for 10, 15 or even 20 seconds. And during those times, I really did yearn for the pebble to start buzzing again.

    I don’t do yoga or meditation and didn’t need this to get into a meditative state, but I did need it to help settle my mind and, maybepossiblyhopefully, help me to sleep. And, miracle of miracles, it helps me sleep. The first time I used it, it put me to sleep after about 15 minutes; last night (I’ve owned it now for about 2 weeks) it took about half an hour.

    So for me, the Sensate will be worth the cost. But it’s really not a magic bullet… I’m worried that some of the marketing/reviews make it seem like a miracle-worker, and it’s definitely not that. But if you’re willing to work with it and you *choose* to allow it to settle you down, it absolutely can. Because of that, I think it’s worth every penny.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersOrdered Friday and received next day – super efficient service. Cannot believe how wonderful this device is – even after a few sessions I feel the ability to ‘switch off’ and relax. Using it just before bed has meant I have had the best sleep ever! If anyone is feeling at all anxious please pass the message on – this works, I really do recommend the Sensate. 5 stars from me

    If you were to buy just one thing! It would have to be this !!

  24. Rob says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI bought this device a few weeks ago as I suffer from anxiety and PTSD. I was fairly sceptical as there are few things that really work but I decided to give it a try having read extensively about the Vagus nerve. I have used it daily – sometimes twice daily and it has absolutely helped me to relax and sleep better and generally feel less jittery and more calm. I never write reviews on here but felt that I wanted to let people know how good it is. It’s not cheap and possibly out of the reach of many people but for me the investment seems to have been worth it. I hope that Sensate will add more tracks to the app soon as they are fairly limited, however the sounds are wonderful combined with the effects of the Sensate.

  25. Erica Katherina says:

     United Kingdom

    My 87 year old mother suffers from anxiety and poor sleep. Since we gave her a Sensate and she has been using it for some weeks, we see a marked improvement on both counts … she is calmer, happier and more rested. I do recommend this device – and be patient as it needs a little while fully to ‘work’.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI wouldn’t have survived lockdown without my Sensate pebble. It brings on a profound relaxation every time. My teenager has started using it too.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersA fantastic tool to help reset the fight/flight system. Helps to deepen meditation practise. Totally recommend it.

  28. Peggy the Primal Parent says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersI tried probably every gimmick product for relaxation – stress energy ect /I’m actually shocked this works so well – I use write before bed – it took 1-2 weeks to get use to it but now I usually fall asleep deeply right at the end

  29. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersLove this product it really does help me out when I’m actually upset or sometimes I have issues were I’m very energetic it seems to relax me quite a bit great product recommend highly

  30. SherrillRodrigu says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersThis device has helped me so much. It works like nothing else. I get heart palpitations and anxiety and this has been great for that. I’m also getting myself off anti anxiety and sleep medications and it has been a fantastic help.
    I’ll normally do anything to avoid meditating and find it very hard to be still and this is helping me to get into a state of deep relaxation. It seems to be helping with sleep too.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersFrom the moment I first tried Sensate, I’ve been amazed at how quickly it can get you into a meditative, relaxed state. It really does reduce anxiety and tension in the body. My partner who’s very impressed with it uses it on a regular basis too. Two birds with one pebble:)

  32. ChantalDXXN says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI’ve had the pleasure to work with the first and second versions of the Sensate. I can’t overstate how useful this device is for stimulating my vagal nerve in order to reduce stress and anxiety and support getting into a meditative state. It’s easy to use with the app, and the tunes on the app are nice and calming. In this modern world when we are all rushing about, this is a forward thinking invention that supports your overall well-being and has brought down my anxiety levels generally more than anything else. I definitely recommend it.

  33. Lindsey Carnett says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersSpeaking as someone who has always been rather envious of people who can effortlessly meditate their stress away, I can safely say this is an excellent, gamechanging device. It’s well made and a nice shape, like a well worn pebble you might bring home from a trip to the beach, links up easily with the app and so far seems to last a long time on one charge. It’s remarkable that this seemingly innocuous throbbing plastic stone can get you completely relaxed so easily but literally every night this week I’ve felt my day’s stresses melt away in a few minutes with it resting on my chest, my hand placed on top. If I was more scientifically minded I’d perhaps try to dazzle with stats but can only speak as a layman in this area – it really does get you where you want to go and I’m grateful to a friend who let me have a go on theirs and turned me on to the Sensate experience.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAs soon as I started to use the Sensate i could feel the benefits.
    To be able to feel this relaxed is something I thought I could never achieve.
    Thanks Sensate

  35. JesseMundy says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 22 From Our UsersThis isn’t the sort of thing I would normally buy but a friend has one and really loved it. She gets stressed and doesn’t sleep very well and she thought it was great. I’ve been really overworked and I’ve been feeling really panicky and can’t seem to calm down. Anyway, I had a go with my friend’s one and it seemed really good – so I bought it. Basically it’s a vibrating thing (looks cool) that you rest on your ‘vagus nerve’ (I’d never heard of it but it said that in the leaflet) and it’s supposed to really relax and calm you like meditation but without the hassle. It’s easy to use – you load an app on your phone – which is quick – and you can choose different settings (it’s kind of like a spa soundtrack) and you just plug it into your ears and lie down (well, I did – I guess you could do it in a chair too) and you put the lanyard round your neck and rest the vibrating thing on your breast bone (where the vagus nerve is) then you just close your eyes for 10 minutes or so until the session finishes (it’s like wave or elemental sounds). By the time it finished I was totally zoned out like I’d just had a massage and I slept really well and felt really much more relaxed. I think it’s a really interesting product. I’m a bit of a sucker for things like this but I’m usually disappointed so I was pleasantly surprised when it really worked. I’ve used it most days since I got it and it makes me feel noticeably more relaxed. It’s brilliant.

  36. ZitaR90bevfn says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our UsersI was slightly skeptical but being a bit of a gadget freak I really wanted to try this. Although it’s eye wateringly expensive I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it. My sleep has improved and it’s just such a wonderful calming and uplifting feeling you get afterwards. I do it once or twice a day as you would meditation.
    Only wish it was more accessible price wise as so many people could benefit. And also look forward to having some more tracks.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI have been blown away by how effective this device is. Soothing and calming.

  38. NelleB49un says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersA friend I trust had recommended this to me for my kids who regularly experience bouts of anxiety. Even though I have 3 children, I just ordered 1 of the devices at first to confirm it really worked. Each of them have taken turns using it and they believe it’s made a difference for them. I plan on ordering two more so they don’t have to share the device any more. Very thankful to have this in our lives.

  39. FerdinaVandiver says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe device was effective for inducing relaxation and calm, but it had to be returned after two weeks for a refund because it developed a very loud buzzing noise that could be heard above the audio tracks, and was so distracting that it rendered the device of no benefit. However, I ordered another one and – so far – it hasn’t developed the loud buzzing noise that the previous one did.

  40. ThedaRyanhid says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersI’ve been a very happy owner of the Sensate 1 and eagerly awaiting the new Sensate 2. I just received mine and it is so wonderful and deeply calming. Noticably more powerful and even better than the 1. Thank you for making this product!

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersAt least now I know for sure my vagal tone was damaged. Nothing worked, exercise made it worse. Relaxation, supplements and diet eased it slightly. Neorhythm helped but never dealt with the fight or flight freeze response. This gadget is what I personally needed….

  42. SherrillRodrigu says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersI love this because the meditation is brilliant. I love the vibration timed with the music. However the caveats are; it is disappointing quality for the price, the hook makes a rattling noise that distracts, the cord is dire and gets tangled in my hair and I would like more music options including hour long meditations. Having said all that my resting heart feat has reduced. I feel calmer and I am sleeping better. I would just like it to be better designed and better quality. A great idea.

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersThe thing about this is it simply works. What the long term benefits are, I don’t know (yet), but unlike so many other things that promise to help with stress, you don’t have to wait or work at it for there to be an effect. I’m a long term meditator and so am usually a little skeptical about devices that claim to make meditation easy, but the very first time I tried the Sensate, within a couple of minutes I was in a state of pretty serious deep relaxation, without really doing anything or even realising. The feeling felt a little like being in a flotation tank, a little weightless, a little timeless, relaxed but alert. I think ‘calming’ is a good way to describe it, works equally well for me in the evening before sleep and in the morning to get myself in the right frame of mind for the day. Ten minutes is great, but it’s so pleasurable, it’s hard not to want to go for twenty.

  44. Demetrius9860 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersDelivered promptly, well packaged, attractive gadget, nice to handle. Anything that saves 7 years of meditation practice in order to get relaxation has to be a good thing! Here I go …

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 25 From Our UsersRight out of the box I was impressed with the quality finish of this little pebble of wonder .

    Very easy to use and connect . The app is intuitive and well
    Designed . My first session (10 mins) brought on a glorious deep sleep . Since then I have used Sensate to destress daily . Battery life seems good too. I think this device is perfect for the modern professional needing quick and deliverable stress relief . It has really helped me and I’m looking forward to new tracks being released within the app . Brilliant product .

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersIncredibly interesting device – within about 10 mins of use I found myself floating into a state of deep relaxation.

    The Sensate device mixed with the soundscapes from the app create a sense of calm – I’m excited to use this over the coming weeks to see what the long term effects are. For now, it’s a wonderful way to relax, unwind and feel refreshed. Recommend