Silverline 748850 DIY 12V Electric Winch 900 kg (2000 lb)

Silverline 748850 DIY Electric Vehicle Winch 12V – 2000lb Load Capacity
Manufacturer’s Description
A great device for making light work of lifting and pulling heavy loads, the Silverline DIY Electric Winch is both economical and reliable. This vehicle-mounted electric winch is powered by a 12V DC power supply, as found on modern vehicles. It has a 900kg (2000lb) capacity which is more than enough to shift heavy, bulky and awkwardly shaped objects – easily. The fairlead roller mechanism allows 45° bilateral movement on the horizontal axis and 15° bilateral movement on the vertical axis for cable guidance on and off the drum. This keeps the load steady and secure, giving you peace of mind and effortless handling.
The 7.6 m cable length with clutch-free spool mechanism provides a good length for shifting heavy weights and keeping required distance form the object. Includes vehicle mounting bracket.
– Powered by 12V DC power supply
– Fairlead roller mechanism
– 7.6m max cable length
– External clutch lever for free spooling
Technical Specifications
- Max pulling capacity: 900 kg (2000 lb)
- No load speed: 230 rpm
- Hook opening: 18 mm
- Cable length: 7.6 m
- Cable diameter: 4.8 mm
- Cable breaking strength: >1870N/mm2
- Product dimensions (H x L x W): 1.75 m x 300 mm x 110 mm
- Weight: 6.8 kg
Dimensions: | 36 x 26 x 16 cm; 7.27 Kilograms |
Model: | 748850 |
Manufacture: | Silverline |
Origin: | China |
Yes it’s on my mobility scooter, separate 12v battery used to power the motor, I’ve added a removable connection for the control box so it can be unplugged for storage.
Where I live in the country & going along county roads with ditches & have seen videos of mobility scooters going down ditches getting stuck needing several people to pull it out got me thinking, I’ve seen quad bikes with them so why not my mobility scooter, those air horns also work too!
I’ve not had to use it for pulling me out out of a ditch yet but I’ve tried it out on flat ground & it works great.
Vi dico che ho comprato questo verricello per installarlo su un carro e caricare tocchi di legno di grandi dimensioni. Sorvolando sul meccanismo da me realizzato, vi dico che con questo verricello riesco a sollevare e caricare tronchi davvero grandi !!!! Non fa una piega, solleva da terra senza fatica 200 o 300 kg. Effettivamente i tasti di comando sono un po’ duretti, ma tutto sommato ci pu stare. Consigliato
Es muy facil de instalar pero al no llevar instalado un rel selenoide no puedes instalar un mando a distancia y el cable se queda un poco corto. Lo he usado para montar una gra y subir mi scooter de movilidad en la furgo, con una gra que he realizado, hace un poco de ruido pero es lo menos importante. He adquirido un rel selenoide para ponerselo y asi instalarle mando a distancia
This is used to pull my electric powerchair up the ramp into the boot of my car. Have to push the hand controller buttons quite hard to get it to work but does work well. I do feel that the hand controller leads need to be at least 3 foot longer. This would allow the hand controller to come out of the boot of the car and I could stand clear of the chair being pulled up the ramp.
Works as it should. Buttons need a good press tho
Wenn, der Umbau auf Fernbedienung, kein Problem aber den Magnetschalter nicht vergessen mit zu bestellen (andere Anbieter) -Fernbedienung
It has plenty of power, but when I tightened the wires to the machine I heard something crack and the wires are loose now. So the house around the electrics is weak. They need to upgrade the strength. It should have no way of breaking when tightening up a 10mm nut. But don’t let this put you off, just be careful with the tightening of the positive and negative cables. For 80 it does the job
It has plenty of power, but when I tightened the wires to the machine I heard something crack and the wires are loose now. So the house around the electrics is weak. They need to upgrade the strength. It should have no way of breaking when tightening up a 10mm nut. But don’t let this put you off, just be careful with the tightening of the positive and negative cables. For 80 it does the job
Les vis fournies pour la platine sont trop courtes. Les fils de la commande ne sont pas tres long. Pour un bon montage sur un quad prevoir :
cable silicone 2x4mm2 long 4m
Cosses oeillet 4mm
Porte fusible 40A
6 vis M8x40 tete H classe 8.8
Gaine thermoretractable
Sinon ca fait le boulot. Pour un usage intensif il faudra changer le cable qui n’est pas un cable de traction par une tresse en synthtique. Attention le poid mentionne est celui du vehicule a tirer. Ce produit n’est en aucun cas en engin de levage (Pas les mmes normes)
Havnt used it yet but it looks like it will do the job needed something i could opperate on my own fingers crossed it will be ok
Havnt used it yet but it looks like it will do the job needed something i could opperate on my own fingers crossed it will be ok
for a small cheap little winch i was very surprised at the power its got, i use it to lift a tow dolly into roof of garage out of the way, would recommend for small jobs
for a small cheap little winch i was very surprised at the power its got, i use it to lift a tow dolly into roof of garage out of the way, would recommend for small jobs
We replaced the wire rope with polyprop, and use it to lift electric bikes (approx 30kg) onto wall hooks for storage.
We replaced the wire rope with polyprop, and use it to lift electric bikes (approx 30kg) onto wall hooks for storage.
It was easy to install easy to use plenty of power .value for money well pleased
It was easy to install easy to use plenty of power .value for money well pleased
Es ruidoso pero parece que tiene bastante fuerza
Solo lo he probado para ver su funcionamiento
No est mal por el precio que tiene
Funktioniert und macht was sie soll ist zwar etwas langsam aber es gibt schlimmeres .
yo lo utilizo para cargar una trituradora en el remolque y me funciona perfectamente.
tiene el cable del mando un poco corto, para lo que lo utilizo yo, pero por todo lo dems, genial!
I used this in an unconventional way, it was strong and well built to withstand what I needed.
I used this in an unconventional way, it was strong and well built to withstand what I needed.
An inexpensive low power winch which does the job I want it for – so I bought two! If you need a cheap low power winch, this one is OK, especially if you have some DIY skills..
An inexpensive low power winch which does the job I want it for – so I bought two! If you need a cheap low power winch, this one is OK, especially if you have some DIY skills..
fonctionne parfaitement
Montage facile
Bonne longueur de cble
Juste rallonge pour tlcommande est trop court (installe dans camion pour charger petit vhicule)
Bellissimo ottimo direi di una forza incredibile facile da attaccare senza creare un Nuovo collegamento .. 2 morsette +- e funziona perfettamente.
Ho ancora da installarlo ma molto robusto non mi aspettavo un paranco cos massiccio, appena lo installo vi faccio sapere
Cela donne une force de traction thorique maxi de 310 kgf (3 kN) sur la premire couche de cble enroule. Lorsque le cble est enroul sur plus d’une couche l’effort maxi diminue en proportion inverse du diamtre d’enroulement.
A noter qu’ puissance maxi (1.1hp = 820W) le rendement est de l’ordre de 60% et donc 350W sont dissip en chaleur dans ce petit moteur. Attention donc ne l’utiliser que sur de trs courtes dures et loin de sa capacit maxi.
Pour gagner de la force le plus simple est de moufler le cable (attacher le crochet au treuil ) et mettre un crochet sur poulie mobile pour accrocher la charge.
Le colis est arriv trs vite et en bon tat. Il tient peine dans une boite lettre standard et est un peu fragile (carton pas forcement bien coll) mais le calage en Polystyrne Expans offre un maintient et une protection optimale du contenu.
Au premier essai, sur une petite batterie de moto, la vitesse est de 1.5m/min. sur le premier tour. La force de 300kg est donc trs plausible (a une vitesse de 0.75 m/min.) C’est assez lent, assez bruyant, mais a devrait coller pour mon application. Un enroulage de la longueur totale (environ 4m) vide, et le moteur est juste tide.
articolo arrivato puntuale e imballato in maniera eccellente, sembra molto robusto, nonostante la semplicit dell’articolo, un po rumoroso ma compie un efficientissimo lavoro di trazione/rilascio controllati, lo consiglio.
got it to lift a welder in and out of my van dose the job perfectly
Ottimo prezzo
Credo sia opportuno comprarne uno con telecomando senza fili per una maggiore praticit.
Per poterlo montare sto spendendo 40
Assure le levage ou le dplacement de pices lourdes sans efforts importants avec une nergie basse tension et portable. Bien utile lorsque l’on a pas d’nergie lectrique proximit.
eturned not suitable for what i needed. But i looks good.
eturned not suitable for what i needed. But i looks good.
Colis reu avant dlai.
A l’air de fonctionner correctement.
Dommage que la commande a distance ne soit pas incluse car de ce fait ce serai un excellent article car la commande filaire est trop courte pour une utilisation dporte,il faut rester a ct du treuil.
Trs bon rapport qualit-prix.
Great pulling power, just the rollers and the controller buttons could be a bit improved in terms of quality.
Great pulling power, just the rollers and the controller buttons could be a bit improved in terms of quality.
Excellent piece of kit. Bought for pulling in my 4 berth touring caravan nose first into my driveway ( unmade and up a slope).
Motor movers needed a little bit of help. I’ve mounted the winch on a steel post ( removable). Works a treat.
Excellent piece of kit. Bought for pulling in my 4 berth touring caravan nose first into my driveway ( unmade and up a slope).
Motor movers needed a little bit of help. I’ve mounted the winch on a steel post ( removable). Works a treat.
Je l’utilise pour tirer une roue de secours dans son emplacement sous un camping-car, la pas de problme car il est lger, mais je pense qu’il aurait du mal tirer 2 tonnes ! il n’est pas d’une qualit remarquable mais c’est pas cher.
Trs bon treuil dommage que la commande soit un peut trop courte
Et les connections la batterie un peut trop courte aussi ,son montage pratique et simple et trs bon rapport qualit prix
Je le recommande
Molto valido. Un po’ rumoroso ma il suo lavoro lo svolge egregiamente. Peccato che non impermeabile.
lo uso come gru da rimorchio per il trattore buon rapporto qualit prezzo lo consiglio
Producto Perfecto ya lo he usado muchsimo y va genial, con ruido pero muy bie
Quite noisy in operation, remote buttons require a firm press, but ok at the price.
Terminals not crimped to cables very well, though easily remedied.
Quite noisy in operation, remote buttons require a firm press, but ok at the price.
Terminals not crimped to cables very well, though easily remedied.
ecupero molto lento, per il resto tutto ok, lo uso per recupero legna dal bosco
Aunque a mi no me ha servido, es una buena herramienta, bien acabada, y buena presencia
Rumoroso…. ma come gli altri di questo prezzo… comunque funziona benissimo
Great value winch.
I bought this for my trailer for loading equipment easier ….. does the job well
Great value winch.
I bought this for my trailer for loading equipment easier ….. does the job well
Forse un po’ rumoroso ma accettabile, fa 1 giro al secondo, io lo ho utilizzato x motorizzare un carrello ottimo
Very small and compact, maybe a little noisy but the pulling power is what it says, well made unit, easy to install and to use, another excellent purchase
Very small and compact, maybe a little noisy but the pulling power is what it says, well made unit, easy to install and to use, another excellent purchase
Excellent item for the price, clear written instructions but would suggest they be in a larger font and better diagrams for the novice.
Excellent item for the price, clear written instructions but would suggest they be in a larger font and better diagrams for the novice.
Ottimo prodotto rispecchia la descrizione. Io l’ho montato su un carro per renderlo ribaltabile con aggiunta di carrucole per il peso.
Il prodotto funziona perfettamente ma un po’ rumoroso soprattutto a vuoto, comunque va molto bene per un uso non professionale.
Buen motor, con la fuerza que esperabamos no s muy rapido a la hora de coger la carga pero cumple su funcio
Devo dire che il telecomando ha dei pulsanti che devono essere premuti per bene e il cavo d’acciao (forse) se esposto per troppo tempo alla salsedine si arruginisce leggermente
The winch works perfectly for what I want of it, the only reason I didn’t give it 5 stars is because the hand control is a little hit and miss, the winch will stop intermittently, annoying but not a problem.
The winch works perfectly for what I want of it, the only reason I didn’t give it 5 stars is because the hand control is a little hit and miss, the winch will stop intermittently, annoying but not a problem.
Much more powerful than I anticipated so did my job easily. being able to put it into slip mode saves a lot of time. Regards Ro
Much more powerful than I anticipated so did my job easily. being able to put it into slip mode saves a lot of time. Regards Ro