SodaStream Crystal Sparkling Water Maker Machine with 600 ml Reusable Glass Carafe for Carbonating and 60 L CO2 Gas Cylinder – Crystal Machine Only Compatible with Glass Carafe Bottle – Black

How To Use SodaStream Crystal

Enjoy Fresh Sparkling Water At Home
Say goodbye to using up precious storage space, or lugging bulky bottles of sparkling water home. Keep hydrated all year round with your new at home sparkling water maker. Simply fill with tap water, watch it sparkle and enjoy!

Help Save The Planet From Single-Use Plastic
Be the change: One reusable SodaStream carbonating bottle can save up to 1282 single use plastic bottles from our planet over 4 years.
Sparkling Recipes

Raspberry Bellini
- Sparkling Water
- Ice cubes
- 1 tsp honey
- Frozen raspberries
- A few drops of lemon juice
- Raspberries to finish

Mocktail Mojito
- Sparkling water
- Ice cubes
- 4 tsp fresh lime juice
- Fresh mint
- 1 tsp honey
- Slice of lime to finish

Tequila Lime
- Sparkling water
- Ice cubes
- 1 shot of tequila
- Juice of half a lime
- Chopped fresh mint
- Orange slice to finish

Strawberry Sparkler
- Sparkling Water
- Ice cubes
- Strawberries
- Squeeze of half a lime
- Slice of lime to garnish
SodaStream Sparkling Water Makers
![]() Crystal | ![]() Spirit One Touch | ![]() Spirit | ![]() Power | ![]() Genesis | |
Manual Carbonation | ✔ | ✘ | ✔ | ✘ | ✔ |
Automatic Carbonation | ✘ | ✔ | ✘ | ✔ | ✘ |
Bottle Type | Glass | Plastic | Plastic | Plastic | Plastic |
Dishwasher Safe Bottle | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ |
Bottle Capacity | 0.6L | 1L | 1L | 1L | 1L |
Weight: | 4.9 kg |
Dimensions: | 28 x 19 x 44 cm; 4.9 Kilograms |
Brand: | Sodastream |
Model: | 1016511440 |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
my wife likes to drink sparkling water. With this unit it is quick and easy to have sparkling water on tap all the time. The edition of the glass carafe makes it even better.
Whenever my son used to ask for a Sodastream I would say, “I have never heard anyone say they have a soda stream and that the use it all the time”. I was skeptical but I wanted to cut back on my plastic so I got it. Needless to say, we use it almost every day. Easy to use, brilliant purchase.
I LOVE this, just use it for sparking water
Couldn’t bring myself to buy plastic bottles of water at supermarket so bought one of these as a couple of friends have them for sparking water & what a game changer
Water is fantastic, I love that I can choose how fizzy I want it
Love the glass bottles this one comes with (bought a couple of spare ones too)
Can not recommend enough
Always was a fan of fizzy drink. Now I can make my own.
I recycle my partners empty water bottles and create a pack of drinks that I leave in the fridge. That way I am only using the Sodastream maybe twice a week rather than every day.
Non amo la marca e il monopolio che ha, ma grazie a questo prodotto ho ridotto drasticamente la quantit di plastica e posso utilizzare la mia acqua che buona. Sono soddisfatto a 3 mesi di distanza. Ho provato anche i succhi e consiglio la soda e aranciata, meno la cola. Tutti prodotti che mi permetto di non comprare altra plastica
The gas bottled was already fitted which I wasn’t expecting but I guess it saves room in the box. The button is a bit stiff and wobbly but it does work. The fit and finish is a bit meh, like it had already been opened and used. But it fizzes
Incredibilmente questo prodotto riesce a tramutare della semplice acqua naturale in acqua ricca di frizzanti bollicine. Inutile domandarsi come faccia, ci riesce e basta. Lo fa bene e ogni sorso ti riempie di gas. L’espulsione di quest’ultimo dal vostro corpo raccomandata.
Errato acquisto, ma facciamo andare bene. Bottiglia da 600 troppo piccola. Ero convinto di avere acquistato con bottiglia da litro. Sarebbe molto meglio
A distanza di un anno dall’acquisto posso dire che questo dispositivo spettacolare, ne ho comprato anche un’altro da tenere a casa dei miei, si integra bene fra gli elettrodomestici della cucina, affidabile e facile da utilizzare, bottiglie in vetro comode ma poco capienti. Comunque disponibili per acquisto separato.
Sistema ottimo e, con la chiusura del contenitore, sicuramente migliore rispetto a quello pi economico. Io lo uso con le bottiglie di vetro e sono soddisfattissimo. La confezione mi era arrivata senza bottiglia ma con il tappo. L’operatore di Amazon mi ha immediatamente fatto un rimborso, come al solito il servizio Amazon impeccabile!
Molto pi funzionale del vecchio dosatore standard, oltre all’estetica che non neanche paragonabile.
L’utilizzo semplice ed ergonomico, non bisogna avvitare nulla o spruzzare molte volte come accadeva prima. Basta infilare la bottiglia e premere tre vostre per un’effervescenza robusta e duratura e poi, con le bottiglie di vetro, sparito il problema della pulizia e soprattutto del sapore che quelle di plastica si portavano dietro.
This sodastream is pretty cool. I like the kind space age way it delivers you bottle to you when it done. The first one I received leaked out of the top after every drink was made. I knew this wasn’t right but amazon were great at sending a replacement immediately. I think I got it within about 12 hours. Works perfectly now. It’s quite pricey for what it is (fizzy water) but it is a nice machine.
Different numbers and duration of presses on the carbonating button delivers fizzy water to your taste. I used to consume lots of plastic bottled water (my preference over still water), this not only saves money, but with glass bottles is better for the planet and sustainability. Recommended if this is your thing.
Ottimo prodotto ma state attenti ad usarlo correttamente perch io ho rotto il precedente perch tenevo premuto continuamente invece di fare piccole pressioni ripetute
Sono passato a questo modello perch le bottiglie di plastica del modello Jet portano irrimediabilmente un sapore di plastica (e muffa) molto spiacevole.
La gasatura dosabile a piacere e la resa in termini di qualit dell’acqua ottima.
Trovo comodo, ma non del tutto, l’uso del gasatore perch, per rendere efficiente il sistema di apertura e chiusura, lo hanno dotato di leve che risultano un po’ dure da manovrare. Niente di che, ma penso che si sarebbe potuto progettare e realizzare in modo da ovviare a questo piccolo inconveniente.
Received mine today and the booklet explained clearly how to set it up. However, for a while I thought that either the canister was too big for it or that the back cover was broken as I couldn’t fit it back on. However, with some fiddling with the bottom part first and then fitting the top into the slot it did fit. Some experimentation will be needed to get the right level of carbonation to my water I think but overall it is a much better solution for me and the environment than the regular large cases of bottled water I was buying . I agree with other reviewers though about cost in that the difference (gain or loss) financially is negligible. Overall, this is just what I needed although I feel it is a bit pricy for the quality of build.
Aggiunge alla praticit del gasatore tradizionale la qualit del contenitore in vetro, che permette di conservare e servire l’acqua nella condizione ideale, lasciandone inalterate le caratteristiche
Corrisponde esattamente alle mie aspettative, sono molto soddisfatta. Forse pensavo fossero pi grandi le bottiglie, ma era solo un’impressione visiva
Its brilliant. It makes perfect sparkling water in seconds and there are no glass bottles to recycle if you can manage to find them in the supermarket and no heavy ones to lug home.
Its brilliant. It makes perfect sparkling water in seconds and there are no glass bottles to recycle if you can manage to find them in the supermarket and no heavy ones to lug home.
This machine has met all my expectations in quality and performance! Highly recommend.
Item arrived as described. It makes great soda water and the bottles are glass, which is why I bought this instead of the other soda streams. Trying to use less plastic, so this helps a little bit. I bought one extra bottle so there is always an extra in the fridge ready to get “bubbles” when we finish one.
My life is better for having bought this.
Item arrived as described. It makes great soda water and the bottles are glass, which is why I bought this instead of the other soda streams. Trying to use less plastic, so this helps a little bit. I bought one extra bottle so there is always an extra in the fridge ready to get “bubbles” when we finish one.
My life is better for having bought this.
Bought this so I no longer bought so many single use plastic bottles of sparkling water. Makes slightly sparkling water which is perfect and very easy to use. So perfect answer to do one small thing to help the environme
Ho acquistato anche un depuratore acque che ho inserito sotto il lavandino della cucina e,con sodastream do il giusto frizzante..,..Soddisfattissima,non ho pi plastica da smaltire e pesi da portare… Consigliato
Bought this so I no longer bought so many single use plastic bottles of sparkling water. Makes slightly sparkling water which is perfect and very easy to use. So perfect answer to do one small thing to help the environme
Davvero un ottimo prodotto. Acqua gasata al punto giusto (che decidi tu) senza dover portare pesantissime bottiglie in casa. Uno dei miei migliori acquisti. Consigliato. Spedizione Amazon veloce come sempre.
Facilissima da usare, buon sapore, ovviamente si pu dosare il grado di gasatura. Una volta raffreddata uguale all’acqua minerale frizzante di marca.
Pur avvitando bene il tappo non mantiene per a lungo la gasatura, necessario “ravvivarla”.
E’ il terzo che compro nel giro di 4 anni (uno normale e 2 Crystal) . I primi due non gasavano piu’ (cambiate piu’bombole). E’ un prodotto unico ma non esiste assistenza se si rompe non rimane altro che comprarne un altro.
Molto delicato e’bene saperlo. Amazon poi non spedisce con il prodotto un certificato di garanzia. Purtroppo Sodastream ti fa innamorare e’ utilissimo e non rimane che patire le rotture.
bon produit, je l’ai pris pour viter d’acheter des bouteilles en plastisque, et j’ai pris le modle avec le bouteille en verre ; l’achat il y a la bouteille de gaz avec qui fait 60 litres, cependant comme je ne bois que a, la bouteille de gaz vaut 2 mois, et maintenant j’ai un doute sur cet achat, qui certes au dpart est un acte cologique et conomique, mais je ne retrouve pas le got de mes bouteilles d’eau ptillante au citron, donc je compte le revendre…
We got this as we like sparkling water and didn’t want to keep buying bottles, and plastic bottles… this comes with a glass bottle for fizzing which is far better than the plastic non dish washable version and hopefully better for the plane
We got this as we like sparkling water and didn’t want to keep buying bottles, and plastic bottles… this comes with a glass bottle for fizzing which is far better than the plastic non dish washable version and hopefully better for the plane
Very happy. Fizzes up cold water and the cola flavour is great. My kids are definitely using fewer plastic bottles. The water doesn’t look very fizzy in the bottle but don’t be fooled….pour it into a glass and it is very fizzy. We use about 3 pushes on the gas button and it’s perfect.
Very useful addition to the drinks cabinet. No plastic bottled water needed. It does a great job, albeit a bit on the expensive side.
Like the ease of use and the results obtained.
Dislike nothing!
Love it and as I drink a lot of sparkling water, now helping the environment as not buying sparkling water so using a lot less plastic
Consigliato per tutte le persone che sono stufe di portare su per le scale le pesanti casse d’acqua.
La possibilit di gasare l’acqua fa in modo di avere l’acqua come pi si preferisce
Ci guadagna anche per l’ambiente..
I haven’t used a soda stream for a few years after I mistakenly put the old bottles in the dishwasher, weakening them. The bottles exploded when I used it, which was my own fault. This new machine feels safer because the bottle is encased in metal, and also the bottles are now toughened glass which are dishwasher safe!
Great product except the lid of the bottle is missing
It’s super and green to operate (given its powerless) and when you work out just how much plastic is being mitigated by buying endless bottles, as well as how much you save it’s an absolute no brainer. Spend a bit more and go for this “Crystal” glass bottle model as again it circumvents needless plastic. This ones a keeper!
Todo a ido muy bien, lleg a tiempo y nada, nos encanta sodastream ya que no hay que comprar mas botellas de plastico para el agua con gas! los cartuchos co2 se pueden llevar para cambiar en un corte ingles y sale mas barato.
Easy to use. Glass bottle a decent weight so won’t break easily if knocked over. I really like not having to recycle loads of plastic bottles. I just use it for sparkling water, I don’t use flavours.
One point which didn’t bother me but might others is when it opens to allow access to the bottle, it is taller than the space under kitchen cabinets, so you need an open area to use it.
Pays for itself, easy to use, arrived quickly – all good!
Alter SodaStream ging nach ca. 15 Jahren kaputt. Der Kauf des neusten Modells 2.0 war ein Flopp, da bei diesem Modell deutlich zu wenig Kohlensure beigemischt wird (entspricht max. Medium), obwohl oder trotzdem ich 8-10 mal den Knopf drcken musste, bevor das berhmte Knattern zu hren war. Darum wurde das Gert zurck geschickt und ich habe das “alte” Modell 1.0 von 2016 gekauft. Jetzt drcke ich wieder nur 2-3 mal den Knopf und erhalten ein Wasser mit ausreichend Kohlensure. So soll es sein!
Bought this to replace my old sodastream and love the idea of the bottles being glass. Love this new machine, easy to use and the drinks seem more fizzier, the bottles are of a good heavy weight, they’re not flimsy so should last a long while. Highly recommend, just wish they still made the dandelion and burdock syrup! Lol
This is a great product which we use all the time. It will easily pay for itself as we have stopped buying about 10 litres of top branded sparkling water a week.
This is a great product which we use all the time. It will easily pay for itself as we have stopped buying about 10 litres of top branded sparkling water a week.
For a family who loves fizzy water and want to be kind to the environment it’s a must. Have been sol pleased to see the number of plastic bottles in the bin going down. Discovering the best options for flavours is fun.
For a family who loves fizzy water and want to be kind to the environment it’s a must. Have been sol pleased to see the number of plastic bottles in the bin going down. Discovering the best options for flavours is fun.
We use this for a sparkle in our drinks – fruit juice, cordial and an alternative to tonic in a G&T. It works well and we’re enjoying cold sparkling water in the hot weather. Love the glass bottle – prefer it to plastic.
We use this for a sparkle in our drinks – fruit juice, cordial and an alternative to tonic in a G&T. It works well and we’re enjoying cold sparkling water in the hot weather. Love the glass bottle – prefer it to plastic.
J’ai aim le got et remplace l’eau de source je me suis mis l’eau de la ville et a me convient bien sr avec un got de morito
After 5 months of intermittent use the release mechanism has jammed and will not open, the frame is plastic so any conciderable force will just break it.
Managed to fix it, slight damage to the body of the unit though
After 5 months of intermittent use the release mechanism has jammed and will not open, the frame is plastic so any conciderable force will just break it.
Managed to fix it, slight damage to the body of the unit though
Since I wanted to stop the usage of plastic bottles so I ordered this model since it is the only one from this company with glass bottle.
Negative first: I wished the bottle would be a bit bigger. I bought a second one as well to have more sparkling water at once. Unfortunately UK tap water has quite a high chlorine amount which I can’t stand so I have to leave the bottles open over night (chlorine evaporates) and then I can fizz it the next morning. I think that will become a bit more tricky in the summer…
The most positive thing about the soda streamer (apart from saving on loads of plastic bottles) is that you can decide yourself how fizzy you like your water. We prefer it less fizzy than you can buy in the shops.
I had the feeling that the first CO2 cylinder didn’t last as long as I would have wished, but we use it quite a lot to be honest. I still will keep an eye on it…
Over all definitely a recommendation to buy!
Sparkling water to help us cut down on single use plastic bottles. Perfect.
I bought this to reduce the number of fizzy water plastic bottles I was buying. It hasn’t disappointed me at all. It’s easy to assemble and the gas canister has lasted me well over several months of usage. I’m especially a fan of the glass bottle it came with. My only gripe is that it is rather expensive and I think just supplying one bottle, regardless of how pretty it is, is somewhat stingey. That being said, over all, I’m happy with the product.
My daughter bought me one of these for our house in Spain, I like fizzy water but plastic bottles drive me mad, so I now have one here in the Uk, this is so easy to use it seems expensive but the gas lasts a long time, and you can have fizzy water anytime, great for the kids soft drinks, I love it, no more plastic bottles filling the recycling bin. Good value for money and instant fizz on tap.
My daughter bought me one of these for our house in Spain, I like fizzy water but plastic bottles drive me mad, so I now have one here in the Uk, this is so easy to use it seems expensive but the gas lasts a long time, and you can have fizzy water anytime, great for the kids soft drinks, I love it, no more plastic bottles filling the recycling bin. Good value for money and instant fizz on tap.
Lastly the unit can be a little tricky to get back closed before the carbonating begins, you need to wiggle the handle a bit. This was rather disconserting as i thought it might break, but it is fine it just doesn’t shut smoothly.
Lastly the unit can be a little tricky to get back closed before the carbonating begins, you need to wiggle the handle a bit. This was rather disconserting as i thought it might break, but it is fine it just doesn’t shut smoothly.